HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-01-20, Page 3WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMBS
Illustrated—Chevrolet 5-Pas~
senger Master De Luxe Sedan.
Thursday, January 20, 1938
U.S. Again Protested to Japan
Washington — The United States
has protested to Japan once more ag-
.ainst- violation of American property
conceik that Comba is entitled to a
new trial, at least.
rr-ft. Strife,so'comlbdable/'
bigger-|o.pkmgj befterL; ; positive ..'the safest' . sb "different. "World's
looking,rtlp.W priced ’ brakes for mpdern finest riile"; On Master
Chevrolet? ' •!.' motoring conditions. De luxe Models.
May Revamp Relief Policy
Complete recasting of Ontario’s re
lief policy was clearly indicated by
Premier Hepburn as he expressed his
unqualified approval of a return to
the original closed vouched system,
and of a fixed uniform food allow
ance in certain “zoned” areas, and
placed 'before Mayor Day and a Tor
onto Board Of Control deputation . a
’ definite new proposition for the hand
ling of the increasingly difficult sit
uation into which Toronto, along with
other major municipalities, appears to
be heading at present. 1
rights in China. The State Depart
ment announced Consul John M, Al
lison at Nanking had notified the Jap
anese Embassy in Nanking that Jap
anese soldiers continued to enter Am-'
crican property there and remove
goods from American institutions, Re
spite a previous American protest.
Power Denis Formally Signed
Toronto—-Ontario’s new Gatineau,
Beauharnois and Maclaren-Quebec
power contracts were signed by all
parties concerned in the offices of the
Ontario Hydro Commission. At the
same time the commission announced
it had applied to Ottawa for author
ity to export 120,000 horsepower.
May Be Federal Election This Fall
Ottawa — A general election for
the fall of this year based upon an
appeal for national unity and for en-
dorsation of policies which would
tend to strengthen ties between Can
ada, the Empire and the United Stat
es, Js being seriously considered
Prime Minister Mackenzie‘’King.
Four Drowned as Car Plunges
Into Lake
Sutton — Four persons lost their
lives .in Lake Simcoe, north of Island
Grove, when an automobile skidded
off planks on the ice and toppled in
to sixty feet of water. The driver
managed to break the car window and
clamber out, but the others were
trapped inside as the machine sank
below the surface. • •
Customs Revenue Up *
Ottawa — The National Revenue
Department reported a vigorous up
turn in the yearly comparison of Cus
toms and Excise revenue received
during the first nine months of the
fiscal year 1937-38. The Department
reported collection for the first .nine
months of the current fiscal year at
$251,938,436, an increase of $45,868,-
762 over the first three-quarters of
last fiscal year. December collections
in 1937 were $28,487,959, an increase
in the yearly comparison of $3,209,-
Receive Contract for
150 Aviation Trainers
Ganaoque — Word was received
from, the British War Ministry to the
effect that the Link Manufacturing
Company, Gananoque, had been giv
en a contract to build 150 aviation
trainers for the British Government.
The trainers, which are the invention
of E. A. Link, cost about $8,000, and
are equipped like an aeroplane, and
a pilot is able to get all the thrills
that he would in the air while train
ing in “blind flying” or instrument
flying in a regular army plane.
Roosevelt to War on Holding
* Washington — President Roosevelt
called for a “death sentence” on all
business holding companies and im
mediately afterward won agreement
from industrial, financial and labor
leaders at a White House conference
on the need of closer co-operation to
curb trade slumps.
Chautemp’s Government Falls
Paris — Defence Minister Edouard
Daladier Friday announced the resig
nation of Premier Camille Chautemps
Popular Front Cabinet. The Govern
ment fell when the Popular Front co
alition broke up in'1 an all-night ses
sion of the Chamber of Deputies. Im
mediate cause of the resignation was
the decision of the nine Socialist Cab
inet ministers, headed by Former Pre
mier Leon Blum, to resign their port
folios and withdraw support of the
Socialist party from the Government.
menne EOllinGC III G H |.| 3 3 Bl V IIIU 3
Largef JqteriqrsT-UnisfepI
construction; Sqfety glass
all afourtd. .More head-
leg-and elbow-room.
'Giving )he most efficient '
'combination pf. power,"
pcopomy and dependabil-?
ity. Gives you thrilling
85-H.P. performance.
v ' \ :■
Eliminates draffs, smoke
windshield clouding., In- I
dividually controlled. An i
exclusive comfort antf i
safety feature. <
Easier, tiptoe-pressure
operation. Wear is
reduced. No lubrication
ever required.
«( wUr.IVnrepMt, if neceaaar*
according to direction* in eacli
aaekM*. Mdicf come* rapidly.
IWAaniiin” method of relievinf
•old* io the W many doctor* move. Yon t*k* "Aspirin” f<*
oU-then tfyoutanotjmpove*
• “Anfcif tablet* are made te
trade-mark << the Bnjnr Canpmxy, Limited, of WintaTOeUrioTlxx*
for the name Bayer in the form <
a oroa* on every tablet.
aid let
Loan Floated in England
Ottawa — Finance Minister Dunn
ing announced a new £10,000,000
Dominion loan had been underwritten
in London by a banking group head-,,
ed by R, Mivison and Company. Pur
pose >of the loan, the Minister said,
was to refund a £7,000,658 maturity
of1 Dominion of Canada 3 per cent
stock and bonds due next July 1 and
£3,000,000 in Dominion of Canada
Canadian Pacific Railway land-grant
3J£ per cent stock? also due July 1,
Blame Trade Pacts for Slump
Washington—Representative Tread.
awy (R., Mass.) told the House of
Representatives reciprocal trade ag
reements were among the principal
causes of the depression in the Unit
ed States.
New Trial on Murder Count
The Ontario Court of Appeal
served judgment on the appeal
John A. Comba, 26-year-old Renfrew
cripple, for exoneration on the .charge
of murdering Ethel Hedderwick, 13,
daughter of a mill worker. The
Crown and the court already have
Not all freight destined; for Can
ada’s northern mining country goes
i* by air. Much of it travels in trains
drawn by 50-ton tractors. An aver
age trip is made at a speed of two
dr three miles per hour for from 18
to 28 days in temperature? which Of-
ten drop to 40 below. Occasionally
the goihg is bad as this picture indi
cates, When the frozen surfaces of
lakes and rivets give way, tractors
sometimes sink to the bottom, At
times, 20-foot logs and tackle are us
ed to pull them’ out
Demonstration at Opening
Of Singapore Base
London — Singapore, Britain’s for
midable naval base in the war-troub
led Far East, will' be the focal point
early in February of combined naval,
military and air manoeuvres preced
ing the opening Of the huge new dry
dock there Feb. 14.
Ulster Calls Early Election
London — The action of Prime
Minister Viscount Craigavon in ad
vancing the date of the Northern Ire
land general election to Feb. 9 instead
of early May, was interpreted by ob
servers as a shrewd move to capital
ize on the fact that partition may be
an issue in the Anglo-Irish talks.
Kai-Shek Takes Over Army Control
Shanghai — Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-shek took personal command of
his armies on the Suchow front for
a “do or die’’ defense. His first move
was to clamp the Military Governor
of Shantung Province into jail be
cause of Chinese retreats, Chinese
sources' reported.
To Investigate Cost
of Farm Implements
Ottawa — Canada’s $50,000,000-a-
year farm implement outlay will be
given Carly consideration in the
House of Commons, with the report
of a Parliamentary committee form
ing the basis for a discussion left ov
er from, last year. After some forty
meetings, at which an exhaustive in
quiry was made into prices, manu
facturing, marketing costs and other
reelevant aspects of the industry, the
committee presented a report which
was moved for adoption the day Par
liament prorogued. The motion was
left standing.
Fined, for Operating Keno
Sarnia — Magistrate C.
row in a written judgment
games.of k'enO, such as played at so-
called bazaars for charity, were illeg
al. He fined Rev. Thomas J. McCar
thy, rector of St. Joseph’s Roman
Catholic Church, $10 and costs of
$30.35 on conviction of a charge of
conducting a. lottery in the parish
hall Jan. 3, in connection with the
judgment. The Magistrate found the
bazaar advertised and held in the par
ish hall was not genuine, and was held
mainly for the purpose of operating
keno games during the night. He rul
ed the keno game was illegal and the
advertising of the event as a. bazaar
was a “shift to evade the law.”
Report Premier Will Not Approve
Power Export
Ottawa — The Hepbttrn-DuplessiS
request for permission t6 export to
the United States will go to Parlia
ment without the blessings of the
Mackenzie King Govermenf. A source
close to the Prime Minister said Mr.
Master Business Coupe)
Delivered at factory. Osbawa,
Ontario, Government tax,
freight and license extra.
(Prices subject to change with
out notice J Monthly payments
to suit your purse on the Gen
eral Motors Instalment Plan.
King would not recommend approval
of the proposal when it is presented
to the House of Commons,
Blame Hooded Men for Deaths
Paris — The Surette Nationale an
nounced that the murders of Carlo
Add up the savings you enjoy9all along tlie line,when you decide
on a Chevrolet! Price ?—right down with the lowest, and what a
big, smart car you get for the money! Running costs?—listen to
owners and they’ll tell you that gas mileage runs as high as 25 and
more to the gallon, with never a drop of oil added between changes. Upkeep?—
costs you less, because Chevrolet is famous for dependability.
up Chevrolet’s exclusive features: Perfected Hydraulic Brakes! Unisteel
Bodies by Fisher! Safety Glass! 85-horsepower Valve-in-Head Engine! Knee-
Action (on Master De Luxe Models) ! Fisher No-Draft Ventilation!
It all adds up to this • • • That Chevrolet is the year’s big value . .. the car to see,
drive and buy right now!
Crawford’s Garage
and Nello Roselli, anti-Fascist Italian
exiles, have been traced to the Fascist
cagoulards (hooded men) by arrest of
six of the alleged killers. The slaying
of the Rosellis, whose slashed and
bullet-pocked bodies were found in a
woods near the Bagnoles de l’Orne
health resort of Frank Jay Gould last
June 11, was France’s most sensation
al political crime in years.
Wolves in Ashfield and Colbome
Children are being warned to be
the lookout while walking alone
thC country in Ashfield and Colborne
Townships and indeed, grown men
and women have become decidedly
wary since reports of wolves in
district have been circulated by
eral residents who claim to have seen,
it. For a brief second the automobile
S. Wood-
ruled that
Robert Charles (LEFT) remained
on the sleigh when the fishing expe
dition started over the ice for shore,
He was able to jump to safety with
John Wilkinson (LEFT and his 14-
year-old son Jack got a tow on their
sleigh from Jack Nelson's car, when
they were returning 4rom a fishing
the Nelson car wont into Lake Sim
coe. Mrs. Wilkinson was sitting in
the back seat and was unable to get
out in the split seconds between the
first warning and the break-through,
expedition on Lake Simcoe. Because
they were able to jump up as the car
broke through .the ice, they escaped.
Mrs. Wilkinson, who had a seat
the car, was drowned.
go ■lip
Jack Wilkinson (LEFT) and his
father had to tell 12-year-old Harold
Wilkinson (RIGHT) that his mother
drowned with three others when
the Wilkinsons, Jack Nelson (Right)
driver of the car, sticeeded in open
ing the door at his left to climb out,
almost at the moment the automo
bile plunged into the icy water.
Ih this artist’s sketch of the acci
dent, the car appears as the front end hung to the ice, then went straight
broke Into the lake’s frozen surface, down, carrying three men and1 a wo*
causing the fish sleigh to collide with man to their death,