HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-01-06, Page 8I Show Starts at 8 p.m ANCE-TIMES Thur»day, January 6th, 1938 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January Sth, 7th, 8th ... To AN expectant public, we announce the presen* tation of Jean Harlow's last picture—a product tioa you wifi never forget! BIBLE HARLOWSMuntm with Lionel BARRYMORE* Frank MORGAN Waltar PiDGEON • Una MERKEL • Directed by Jack Conway » Produced by Bernard H. Hyman Also ‘‘Cartoon” and “News” a ' . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 10, 11, 12 JOE E. BROWN — HELEN MACK "Fit For a King” The drums beat and the trumpets blare as His Ma' jesty, Joe E. Brown, rescues the beautiful princess. Also “Workshops of Old Mexico” “Locks and Bonds” (Edgar Kennedy) WHITECHURCH Born — In Wingham General Hos­ pital, Dec. 16th, 1037,’' to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross (nee Nettie Casemore) a son, Mr. and Mrs, Amos Cornelius were in Goderich on Monday attending the funeral of the late Phillip Steele, a brother of Steele was his family sons were' , He also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Gray of Goderich, Mrs. Westbrook, of London, and Mrs. Cornelius and four brothers, Peter and John, Tor­ onto, Walter, of Montreal, and Dan, of Komoka. This community extends sympathy to Mrs, Cornelius. John Laidlaw has been under the doctors care during the past week suffering from pneumonia, Mrs, - Henry IJatterson underwent an operation for the removal of a goitre in Hamilton Hospital last week and is improving nicely. Her daugh­ ter, Miss Catharine Patterson, R.N., is attending her. Miss Jean McPherson of Wingham Visited at the home of Mr, Jas. ■ St. Marie last week-end. There was a good attendance at the dance held in the Institute Hall last Tuesday, and also at the one held by the Fireside Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood on Wednes­ day evening. Bill and Shorty, of CKNX fame, are playing in the Hall this Wednesday evening. Mrs. Dan Martin returned home from Toronto ’ General Hospital last Tuesday. Little Kenneth Purdon, youngest of Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon, has^een under the doctor’s care, suf­ fering “ from pneumonia, during the past week, and has made a splendid recovery with Nurse Henderson1 of Luckrtow, iri attendance. Mr. F. McK. Patterson and his son, Scott,, have been motoring through the United States during the past two weeks, and are now at Los Angeles,! Calif, Word came to the village Monday morning of the death of Mrs. Me- Brien, for 12 years a resident in t.— village and a valued member of the United Church, being a life member of the W.M.S. and an interested Worker in the Y.P.U. and all lines of church, work. She was formerly Mary Jane Laidlaw. She had been ill dur­ ing the past few months, and after spending a few weeks in Wingham Hospital, she went to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Percy Vincent, of Westfield, where she passed away af­ ter weeks of intense suffering. Her husband predeceased her about twen- two East two Mrs. two s . Mrs, Jas, Cornelius, Mr, in his 84th year and of of twelve children, three killed in the Great War. with Jack Pollock m the chair. After the opening exercises, Mrs, Robert Mowbray led in prayer. The Scrip­ ture readings were given by the chair­ man and Mrs, Mowbray. A group of four boys, Norman Welwood," ReUL son Falconer, Kenneth and Elroy Lasdlaw sang “Higher Ground.” Rev. J, Pollock gave the talk on “Friends” for the Leadership Training class, and James Wilson gave the topic on The Man Who Forgot Death The meditation period was taken by Jack McLean and after the last hymn Nor­ man Welwood closed the meeting with prayer, Mrs, A, Emerson has been under the doctor’s care, Suffering from an attack of fluu. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mr$ Russel Ritchie, Holy­ rood, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Fennel, of Teeswater, spent Saturday at the home of her brother, Mr. John Rich­ ardson. Mrs Hardie Simpson and daugh­ ters, of Culross, spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Will G°nn. Mrs, Roy Patten, Lucan, is spend­ ing a few days at the home of her mother, Mrs. A, Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnston, of Cedar Valley, spent -a day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. .Mr, Garnet Farrier was in charge of the Y.P U. at the United Church on Monday evening. After the open­ ing exercises, the worship talk “Oh, that I may grow in grace” was taken by Mrs. Jas. Falconer, and Mrs. Moore, and Miss Lettie Fox led in prayer. The topic, Jesus’ Gift of Peace, was taken by Mrs. Walter Lott, and Mr. Garnet Farrier led in prayer. Miss Genevieve Watt gave a reading, Mr. Creed, and Mr. James Falconer gave a violin solo, accom­ panied by Mrs. Falconer. This is the first meeting of the contest which runs for six weeks, points being giv­ en for attendance, new members and program. They decided to hold a Scotch concert and social on Friday,. Jan 28. After the close of the meet­ ing several relay games were played. ENA ACTIVITIES Skating On Wednesday Evenings Saturday Evenings Saturday Afternoons Hockey Intermediate W«O.H.A Mjtchell at Wingham Thursday, January 13th 4 , Mr, Sask., is visiting with Barbara Thynne and here. The short courses Thynne Wray, Woodrow, his aunt, Miss other relatives in Agriculture and Home Economics opened on Tuesday in the Town Hall, Wingham. Those’ attending from this district are Misses Margaret Turvey, Mossie Mil­ ligan and Dorothy Greenway and Messrs Ross Smith, Carl Johnston, Stewart McLennon, George Hether­ ington and Wilmer Robertson, BELGRAVE Annual School Meeting The annual ratepayers’ meeting was held in the school on Wednes­ day morning last week with a fail’ at­ tendance present. Wm. Brydges was appointed chairman and Mrs. C, R. coultes, secretary, of the meeting. It was decided to engage a music teach­ er. Ab. Nethery was appointed aud­ itor. Robt. Higgins was re-elected the Trustee Board.' to of ev- BLUEVALE Rev, H. Wilson, Church, extends Mrs. son, their I Baphst Church I Rev. E. M. Loney, B.Th., Pastor I Phone 206. ■s 16 a.m.-^Smiday School, J li a.m.—-Transformed by Grace i Divine. ; 7 p.m,—-Can We Have Another i Revival?' | "WELCOME”' i ty years ago. She leaves to mourn her, three sisters, Mrs, Jackson, of Toronto, Mrs. Martin and Miss C. Laidlaw of E. Wawanosh, and brothers, Joseph and John, of Wawanosh, and .her family of daughters, Mrs. Vincent, and Lovatt of St. Catharines, and sons, Jasper and Oliver, of Goderich, and eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She was in her 77th year and was. buried in Ball’s Cemet­ ery, Hullett, with her pastor, M. Wright, and Rev. H. C. pastor of Westfield United assisting. This community sympathy to her bereaved family and mourns the passing of one who was always giving a helping hand. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Gillespie, Don­ ald and Betty, and Mr. Jack Gillespie returned to their home at New Sarum, after spending the past week with re­ latives here.' Mr, and Mrs. Basil Thompson, of Caledone, spent the past week at the home of hgr parents, Mr. and Arthur Moore. Mr. Donald Finlayson and Alan, of Lbchalsh, visited with aunt, Mrs. MacGregor, on Thursday last. , Miss Frances-Wilson of Wingham, Mr. Arthur Simpson and Mr. Jack Norman, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Mr. Roy MacGregor of Englehart is spending three weeks at his home here. Miss Dorothy Pollock, R.N., of Guelph/ spent the week-end at the manse with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Pollock. Mr. Thos. Henderson and Andrew returned front Detroit last Saturday. Mrs, A. Fox returned on Tuesday from Lucan aftei' spending the holi­ day week at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Roy Patten. Mrs. Henderson and her granddau­ ghter, from Powasson, arrived on Monday to spend a few weeks at the home of her aunt, Miss C. Laidlaw. ( The young people of Reid’s Corn- j ers United Church at Pine River will * present’ their play "The Road to v City” in the Institute Hall here the 1 ^’day evening, January 7, under the auspices- of the young people of the Presbyterian Church. All are invited to attend. Another of the older residents of W. Wawanosh passed away on New Year’s morning in the person of Mrs, Jas. Barbour, of the 10th concession. Formerly she was Bella Mount of Guelph. Her husband predeceased her about seven years ago. After Bethel Church was closed, she be­ came a member of Whitechurch United Church, and was always in­ terested in all church and W. M. S. work She leaves to mourn her a family of two sons, James in God­ erich, and Elwood at home, and two daughters, Mrs. Fred Culbert (Ethel) at Listowcl, and Mary, Mrs. Ben Me- Clenaghan of K.in1oss, and seventeen grandchildren. Her funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Greenlrill Cemetery, with her Pastor, Rev. H. M. Wright, in charge of the services. This community extends sympathy to the bereaved family. The regular weekly meeting of the Young People of the Presbyterian Church was held on Monday evening s the on the Held Euchre y - The directors of the Skating Rink held a Euchre and Dance in the'For­ esters’ Hall on Friday night and al­ though the attendance was smaller on account of the weather and road con­ ditions, those who were present spent a very enjoyable evening. The witt­ ers at' Euchre were Mrs. Jas. Taylor and Kenneth Leitch, and the consol­ ation prizes were wop by Mrs. D. Armstrong and Ab. Nethery. Lunch was served arfd dancing followed, Mae Young, of London, spent New Year’s with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Young. W. T. Wray, Woodrow, Sask, is spending part of the winter with his aunt, tMrs. J. A- Brandon. Meeting Postponed The meeting of the Farmers’ Club was postponed on. Tuesday night, til next Tuesday, Jan. 11th, at home of Mf, Bert Vincent. BLYTH w«' the of' Ladies’ Society Had Successful The annual meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the Sunday School room on Thursday afternoon, Miss Olive Scott presided. After singing “Joy to the world, the Lord is come" Miss Hazel Mun­ dell led in prayer. Reports were pre­ sented from each group showing the year's activities. A play presented by the Turnberry group, making and quilting quilts were the chief sources of revenue. The following amounts were turned in to the general treasur­ er for the year; Morris $48.94, Boun­ dary East $37.78, Bluevale $66.20 and Turnberry $126.67, This group also gave the Y.P.S. the sum of $15.0(1 as the society is planning to purchase a piano. During the year the Aid less­ ened the mortgage on the church by $100.00, paid the interest on the mort­ gage, gave the board of Managers ov­ er $200.00 and financed some repairs on the manse. The society intend carrying on for 1938 under the group system. The election of officers resulted as fol­ lows: President, Mrs. Bruns Moffatt; 1st Vice Pres* Mrs. Eldred Nichol; Secretary, Mrs. Archie Messer; Treas­ urer, Mrs. Harvey Robertson; Organ­ ist, Mrs. J. C. Higgins; Auditors, Mrs. J. R. Greig, Miss Hazel Mundell. At the close of the meeting a social hour was enjoyed when members of, the Boundary group served lunch. Year Roy Mooney has returned to Tor­ onto after spending the week with Mr, and Mrs. A. Smith. Mr. Thomas Stewart is ing his usual good health and is with his brother, Stewart, at Wingham. Owing tp the severe storm, the Y. P, U of the United Church were un­ able to hold their annual banquet on Friday night, f not enjoy- at present Dr. R. L. Y.P.S. Held Social Evening The Young People’s Society Knox United Church held a social ening in the basement of the church on Wednesday night with a good at­ tendance present. 1 Several group games were enjoyed. Lunch was serv­ ed. Several of the young people who were home for the holiday season spoke a few words. The gathering closed with the singing of a hymn and the Benediction. Miss Jean Martin, of Georgetown, is a holiday visitor with relatives here. Glenn Wheeler of Brussels, was a holiday visitor with Ross Anderson and Kenneth Wheeler. The annual installation of the ficers of Blyth Lodge No. 303 and Hullett Lodge No. 568 A.F. & A.M. was held in Londesboro recently with Rt. Wor. Bro. J. B. Tiernay and Rt, Wor. Bro. A. W. Beacom as install­ ing masters. The oficers for the 12 months are as follows: Blyth Lodge. — I.P.M,, Wor. Bro. C. E. Toll; W. M., Wor Bro. Harold Phillips; S.W., Bro. W. A. Elliott; J.W., Bro. Ken­ neth Taylor; Chap., Wor. Bro. R/D. Philp; Secretary, Wor. Bro. Robert Newcombe; Treasurer., Rt.’Wor. Bro. J. B, Tiernay; D. of C., Bro. P. W. Scott; S.D., Bro. Frank Elliott; J.D., Bro. Russel Wilson; I.G., Bro. Gor- ndo Elliott; S.S., Bro, Lloyd Wett- laufer; J.S.,, Bro. Norman Garrett; Tyler, Bro. W. G. McNall; Auditors, Wor. Bro. J. H. R. Elliott and Bro, Lloyd Wettiaufer., Hullett Lodge —• ‘I.P.M., Wor, Bro. Oliver Anderson; W(M„ Wor. Bro, J. jM. Leiper; S.W., Wor. Bro. John Harvey; J.W., Bro. Wm. Leiper; Chap., Wor. Bro. Wm. (Lyon; Secretary, Wor. Bro. R. M. Townsend; Treasurer, Bro. T. Miller; D. of C„ Wor. Bro. Jas. Heilans; S.D., Bro. Peter Brown; J.D., Bro. Wm. Wells; I.G., Wor. Bro. W. Mountain; S.S., Bro. Bert Brunsden; J.S., Bro. Harold Adams; Tyler, Bro. Jas. Rud- dell; Auditors, Bros. Wm. Leiper and John Fingland. ST. HELENS Listen™™' .. rHEFS OGILVIE ROYAL CHEFS Y, and their SMART SWING TYPE " HILLBILLY MUSIC : •ESTFUHIH | CKNX WINGHAM" I 12.45 P-M. Mon, and Wed. CASH PRIZES EVERY TWO WEEKS BY COURTESY OF RDyAJusihOL0 TRIPLE-TESTED FLOUR Under the capable direction of Mrs. Dennis Phillips and Mrs. Geo. Stuart,, the young people .presented their play “Safety First” in the Community Hall. The play centres around Jack Montgomery (Stanley Todd) ■ and Jerry Arnold (Dick Weatherhead) "who when trying to persuade Zuleika, a Turkish fortune teller (Vera Tay­ lor) not to marry their friend Elmer Flannel (Goldwin Purvis), gets into a skirmish with the police and with Zuleika are sentenced to thirty days in jail. In order to keep the disgrace from ’Jack’s wife, Mabel' (Laurine Miller), and Jerry’s fiancee, Virginia (Isobcl Miller), and their mother, Mrs. Barrington Bridges (Mrs. E. W, Rice), they tell them they are going to a Shriners’ convention. (This leads to a tangle which is finally happily unravelled. Ahou Ben Mocha, played by Bob Purvis, causes much excite­ ment as he seeks revenge for the dis­ appearance of his daughter, Zuleika. .The part of Mr. McNutt, a detective, was played by E. W. Rice and that of his fiancee, Mary Amr O^F'i’tineir- ty the Irish cook, supplied much humor as play by Dorothy Miller, The Taylor orchestra supplied music­ al numbers between the acts. Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 SHOP AT Smith's Economy Food Store DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .. 33c Lb. GROUND FRESH WHILE Y OU WAIT WHITE COOKING BEANS .................. 6 Lb. 25c CHOICE DRIED PEACHES____ _____ 21c Lb. Choice Meaty PRUNES Large Size........ 2 Lbs. 25c BUTTERNUT PEANUT BUTTER............. 2 Lbs, 25c BAKING POWDER ... 15c Tin Maple Leaf or Rose Brand White Embossed ‘ SERVIETTES .......2 Pkgs. 25c SHREDDED WHEAT .............. 2 Pkgs. 25c O.K. JELLY POWDERS .................5 for 25c SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK TEA.......... 55c Lb. THIS‘'IS A BROKEN ORANGE PEKOE ‘RTTV A QACR* BREAD Flour ...98 Lbs. $3.75 MADE RITE PASTRY FLOUR ............... 24 Lbs. 75c LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS 2 Large Tins ..♦........ 25c Clover Leaf Red Cohoe SALMON .............Tall Tin 27c Alymer PEAS OR CORN, 17 oz., Choice quality 2 tins 21c TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE 26 Oz................;........2 Tins 25c Australian SEEDLESS RAISINS ...... 2 Lbs. 25c BLUE ROSE HEAD RICE............3 Lbs. 25c GRANULATED SUGAR......................10 Lbs. 55c WITH DOLLAR ORDER (Sugar Not Included) HEAD LETTUCE ... 10c Head CHOICE LEMONS ... 29c Doz. - Choice Seedless GRAPEFRUIT..........5c Each FRESH NEW CARROTS .........2 Bunches:19c Nice Juicy NAVEL ORANGES 25c, 35c, 45c and 55c Dozen FRESH OYSTERS .......... 35c Jar Miss Feme Jeffray and friend of Listowel were recent guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs." Robt. effray. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Reid and son Vernon, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid at Belmore on Sunday. Mr. Robert Anderson of Listowel visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paisley. BELMORE spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. Abraham. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haines and family spent New Year’s day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burke. Miss Rhea Johnston spent the holi- •days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Souch. ASHFIELD * The New Year is here again, the children and teachers have returned Institute to Meet January 13th The regular meeting of the Wom­ an’s Institute will be held on Thurs­ day a»tcrrtoon, anuary 13th at the home of Mrs, Alex, Mowbray. The subject for the day “Canadian Indus­ tries”. Roll-Call Something manu­ factured in Huron County and where the factory is located, New Year Topic “The Best Way to be Good is to do Good.” Mrs, M, Smith, Mrs, Alice Aitken will con- i tinue the lessons on “Buymanship.” Exhibit—Some hand made article from wool. Visitors are welcome, The lessons in Buy Manship are. interesting and instructive, L. G. Weatherhead left for J’ort Hope, Michigan, where his brother, Malcolm, is. seriously ill. GLENANNAN spent I Miss. Jessie Strachan, Brussels, ac­ companied by het nephew Archie H, Casliy, Canadian West, ’visited this week with Mr, and Mrs, P, S. Mc» Ewen, Glasses Consult Ra pc in• am* JrSLJljiMLJ R.. Eyesight Specialist for 20 years. ..............,.x Wingham Office 1 Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning Phone 5W for Appoimujent. Mr. Norman- iMttrr who has the holidays here,- returned to Tor­ onto on Friday last. Mrs. Mttir ac­ companied Normap to Toronto where she will spend the winter with her son’s. Miss Dorothy Stewart of Wingham spent last week with Her aunt, Mrs. Richard Jeffrey. s Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Wallace visit­ ed one day recently with Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Stokes, Mrs. Arthur Lincoln returned home on Wednesday after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs, Harry Brown in wingham. jMr. and Mrs. John Moffatt and son Cydril, also Mr, and Mrs. Har­ old Moffatt and little daughter of Wingham, spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs, G, N. Underwood, Mr, and MfS, John Gathers and children of Gotrie also Mr. and Mrs, Harry Brown of Wingham spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Lincoln, The many friends of Miss Lome Gilkinson will be sorry to learn she is not enjoying the Best of health at present, but hope she may son be 'about as usual again, We' were indeed sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. Elmer Zinn, who- is a patient in Wingham Hospital. ’ Although many here feel the cold we do not covet Mr. and Mrs. Heid a well-earned holiday in Florida. Mas­ ter Bill Abraham is looking alter their Jum stock. 'I he January meeting of the Wom­ en $ Institute will be held at Mrs. Schurters a week from Wednesday of this week, The Missionary^ meeting with 12 present was held at the Manse Wed­ nesday afternoon. Meeting opened with singing and prayer. Roll Call— A Christmas verse. Minutes By Sec.,- Treas. Chapter in the Study Kook— Mrs. Alex Corrigan. Piano Duet— Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Corrigan. Mr. Raynor closed the meeting with pray­ er. All old officers Were re-elected. Mr. Weir of Salem/ running for Deputy Reeve was the means of many turning out to vote on Monday some that didn’t get to church. Those taking New Year’s dinner with friends: Mrs. George Ruther­ ford and children at Roy Rutherford, Rob ejffray and family with Minnie and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Marshall of Gorrie at Wm. Curie’s, MisS Eunice Hak'ney of Toronto with her mother, (Mrs. NewanS with Mrs. Casemore. Constable McClevis is not the only floe that don’t know a dog when he sees it. Some of our hunters last week Were after a wolf that turned out to be a police dog. The rink Saturday night Was quite ah attraction. to their respective schools. The Misses Melda and Hilda Lane returned to Orillia and. .Miss Winnie to Belgrave, Miss Bernice Blake to Salem, Miss Olive Kilpatrick to At­ wood, Mr. Alden Hastie to Saltford, Miss Lenorc MacDonald to Belfast. Miss Ellen Andrew, Zion, spent a few days with her friend, Miss Jean Nelson, near Courey’s Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alton were in London all last Week being called there as her sister, Mrs. Fred Mann­ ing was taken to Toronto Hospital and underwent a serious operation for tumor on the brain. Mrs. Alton went to Toronto with her sister. We are very sorry to hear that Mrs. Sarah Johnstone is very sick, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ab. Campbell, near Amberley. Sunday School Teacher: “And what happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back?” Small Girl://The man in the motor 'car gave her a lift.” ENJOY YOUR SMOKES Get Them Fresh OMAR HASELGROVE’S MORRIS and Mrs. Richard Johnstoti,Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnston', spent New ■'-Year’s day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethery, Belgrave. Miss Florence Goll is visiting with friends at Listowel. Mrs. Will Abraham spent a few days last week with her brother, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Aitchison, Ripley, Mr. and Mrs, James Campbell spent New Year’s day at the home of Mrs. T. Irw'm. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Campbel! and family spent New Year’s day with Mrs. D. McNaughton, of Turnberry, Mrs. D. H, Campbell spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs, Jesse Wheeler, of Belgrave. Clarence, Jim and Glemt Golley On Guaranteed Trail Certificates A legtl investment for Trust Funds Unconditionally Guaranteed THK STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION rnnuife towrn toiionto MMBiiiiiiiTir mill...wail........