HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-01-06, Page 4BIIW Fws'h a Daisy [ora.o?or By Harry J, Boyle ARJSTQ- “she it TESTED RECIPES that, i sugarmake my apologies to Trk: John Morgan, and ELMER WILKIN^High School quart Serve1(3 year■ibrary course get" that reason 6 2 1 6 2 1 1 1 able flay cookies. halved strawberries (or white grapes) powdered sugar quart grated pineapple gallons iced water cup strawberry slices cups fancy orange slices ,.l pint tea infusion 1 2 2. I water until Add nuts Add sugar Three passengers, including a wo­ man, died when this mail aeroplane crashed through dense^ fog into the ice of Lake Erie off Port Clinton, Ohio. The pilot escaped with bruises ¥ 6 FOR SALE—Two Cutters, one set Single Harness, two Fur Rabes,. 1 Cutter Pole Apply to W. W. Cur- He or T. A. Currie. Apple Mincemeat Apple or green mincemeat is made as follows:— ’ ‘ 2 HOUSE FOR RENT—Five room frame house with light, water and semi-modern conveniences. Apply to J. W. Bushfield, Solicitor, Wing­ ham, Ontario. and a. shake-ups The machine carries mail, between the mainland, and' US; islands'at the ppper end of the lake during the winter. It . struck the ice Only half , a mile from shore. Pilot “METHUSELAH THE . . CRAT.” here no mo'.” mad. . . THAROD . . methu'selah, the’ aristo FOR SALE—Electric Washing Ma­ chine, Apply to Elmer Wilkinson. Galbraith/ Clerk and Treas, Alien, Chief Cox^toble and iLlector. / / ■Jlatt, Nightwatchman. TED—A Second-Hand Piano, jist be in good condition. Apply ance-Times. '■ Dennison and ihwers. J Armstrong Jryear term), sens, Public DELICIOUS ORANGE RECIPES . By Betty Barclay Teacher: “Spell straight.” . . Johnny: “S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T.” Teacher: "Correct. What does mean?”. Johnny; "Without ginger, ale.” frpR SALE—McLaughlin Cutter, in first .class condition. Apply Alvin ► . Orvis, ,— — --------------------------- ■ 'GIRL desires to do light housework; w-“ik^hwages acceptable. Apply Ad­ vance-Times. MAN WANTED to supply Raw- leigh’s Rousehold Products to con- Gumers, Sales way up this year, We train and help you. Good pro­ fits for hustlers, No experience, ne. essary, Pleasant, profitable, digni ed work. Write today. Raw- igh’s. Dept. ML-453-53-A, Mont­ ai, Canada. HURON UNTY COUNCIL ?xt meeting of 'H.u^on ‘Coun­ cil will be lrelji in th,e Council aThbers, Court -House, Goderich, mencing Tuesday, January 18th, p.m, All^ccounts, notices of de­ Ans, applications, tenders and usindss- requiring attention of should be jn the hands, of the . Clerk by January 15th, M. Roberts, County Clerk, , Goderich,, Ont. - ; v ’ caRd of thanks . The family of the late David A. J Dunbar wish, to thank, their neighbors land friends for the kindness and ex­ pression’s of sympathy extended to \them during their recent sad bereave­ ment. . ¥S TIRED cents a word pep insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. the Clerk interview the hank' regard" ing securing a lower rate of interest on loahs. i A number of accounts were ordered paid ori motion of Conns, Crawford and Lloyd. The Clerk reported that at present fifteen families are on relief. Vital Statistics The Clerk reported during 1937 there were. 67 births, 19 marriages and 41 deaths, Bandmaster G. A. Schatte inter­ viewed the Council asking that Coun­ cil give greater assistance to the band also that they try and. gergreater co­ operation between the .public and the band. Mr. Schatte also said he was desirous of having young boys take; up band work and that he was pre­ pared to give them instruction, It was decided that the Welfare Committee meet with the band next Monday ev­ ening and report back to Council. Nw Awadtos^is A mothci/M^ifiv© has a lot to. d;o. Especially ‘ a country mother. Apd this one. was “always tired”. But Krp^chen. ended: all that — now she gets up, feeling fresh, at five o’clock in the morningl She writes: “1 find Kruschen Salts the best thing money can buy for , my health. I am the mother of five children, and before taking Kruschen, I was always feeling tired and run down. Now, I am glad to say that I get up feeling fresh—and I get up at five o’clock in the morning. I do my housework, look after my* children, and leave the house at 613Q to start my daily work.” (Mrs;) B. . Tiredness and that run-down feel­ ing can be traced to one root cause, That cause Is internal sluggishness; failure to keep the inside free from poisoning, waste matter. Krpschen Salts is an excellent re­ cipe for maintaining a condition of internal, cleanliness. The numerous salts in Kruschen stimulate your in­ ternal organs to smooth, regular ac­ tion. Your inside is thus kept clear of those impurities which, when al­ lowed to accumulate, lower the whole tone of the system, [ good colour W IMilk Utilization ice, Dom,^mon Department of AfriouR tore suggests the following butter-1 made cotkies, .Pojnsetti?. -Cookies. % cun butter H cFi sugar (fine granulated or " . ^I'ruit) 2 egg yolk's, or .l egg 2 pups pastry or cake fi'ou-r 1 teaspoon baking powder - pinch of salt , Cream butter and sugar well to­ gether. Add beateii egg. Then blend, in, flour, baking powder and salt. Roll to about U.-Lich thickness on floured board with 2-inch cookie cutter, Make four cuts almost into centre of 'cookie at equal distance. Fold the four points to the centre, as a pinwheel. Place a piece of candied cherry in centre. Bake in a moderate oven 325 to 350 degrees F. until cookies^,are delicately browned about 15 min­ utes. »l 3 BULK REAMCUT MACARONI TO WIND YOU « , , that y<H»r pc.ijry will nrod mor? of these pomirlon Qacllty. Foods. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS Bayside PE&CTSS 33”' Bayside Qoiirihinstioti pack OX.TVBS Bayside Choice Quality i PEARS Bayside - , > , . COR® Choice Quality * Dominion Choice Quality PUAS ' No. 3'Sicve Coffee ■ RICHMELLO Bulk ROLLED OATS Picnic : ,. PICKLES >eet Mixed 2.,ox. Jar .25 Nd. 2 5^ IO Tin '. .•■k.-v fi-px, jar J J 2 ,No„ZS«. 9BTins ■ ■ »Xi5B Head Lettuce 2 for 13cPeanut Butter Cookies 1 cup butter 1 cup peanut butter 1 cup brown sugar , 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs’ 2% cups pastry flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda % teaspoon salt Cream butter and peanut .butter. Add sugar and', cream well together. Add well-beaten eggs. Beat well. Add sifted dry ingredients. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered baking sheet. Press erate about Celery Hearts 2 for 25c No. 2 19 Tin* . «J>w dust, I took a pinch at him and he bit me and then jumped over into Mrs. Clancy’s, lap. She yelled like a brewery horse going to a fire and then the mouse jumped into old man Thompson’s three feet of whiskers and the old man got excited and he started jumping around. Somehow or other Methuselah got out of that mix-up’and. then he got tangled up in the Widow;. McGrogan’s skirts. She started ^elevating.her skirts and I managed to get Methuselah corraled with my hat, and then back into my pocket without anyone see­ ing me, I did have to manage and get. through my speech,. somehow without, the written copy. J . So I hope when Methuselah comes to chew this column he will find that he has been introduced tp Yo-u all. Here’s sa story that J.‘M<' of Kin­ cardine wanted me-to repeat, It will sort o.f break the monotony of that rambling of mine arid the “correct” spelling of Methuselah. “Is the Doctor in?”; asked,the an­ xious patient. ' “No, and he’ll be gone a long time. He’s been called to a eternity, case.’’ Oranges Small 16c doz. Medium 23c doz. Cabbage Cauliflower flat with fork. Bake in a mod- oven 350 to 375 degrees F. for 15 minutes. Roiled Oat Cookies cup butter cup brown sugar teaspoon baking soda teaspoon hot water teaspoon vanilla' . cup flour cups rolled oats teaspoon .salt • Cream butter. Add sugar cream together. Add soda dissolved in hot water and vanilla. Add flour, salt and rolled oats. Drop by spoon­ fuls on buttered baking sheet. Bake in a moderate oyen 350, to *37'5 de­ grees F. about 15 minutes or cookies are slightly browned. Date, Pinwheels ' 1¥ cups lcho,pped. dates % . % ¥2 ¥3 1J4 2 3 cups pastry, flour % teaspoon salt % teaspoon soda Cook dattS, sugar and thick—about 10 minutes, and. cool. Cream butter, and cream well together. Add’ beaten eggs and beat well. Add sifted dry ingredients. Chill thoroughly. Divide mixture into two 'parts. Roll separ­ ately into two rectangles about % inch thick. Spread each with date filling and roll, as for jelly rolls,, in­ to two long rolls. Chill. Cut into ¥- inch slices. Bake in a moderate oven 350 to 375 degrees F. about 15 min­ utes. , STORES LIMITED My old fingers are of ting a little stiff and for I've had a new improvement cpme down here to Lazy- Meadows. It’s' a brdnd new typewriter and I’ve been feeling very proud of it and reflect­ ing that if I keep on’ paying for it at the rate of that which I am now, I’ll have it paid for in .another year or so, f- 4 Already I’ve learned' that this new. improvement has its very erhbarass- ing moments, You see .one of my pets that-1 have never introduced in this' column is that of my pet mouse “Methuselah”. Somehow or other I’ve •just gotten used to having him around ’here and for that reason I guess I have neglected to introduce him to the people. This morning when I came down there was a note in my typewriter. I had started to write this column last night but one of the neighbours dropped in for a smoke and some ap­ plejack and I went off to bed with; the blank sheet of paper in the type­ writer. Here is the letter that was in the typewriter this morning. . “date pHil oSifer% ■ i Haf a protest to mak to ti. i .haf chewed efery colum of yurs and'they' are terrible . . even the ink is sour when it has to write ytir stuff, i bet there isn’t nobody what reads it af­ ter the first time, they .ain’t not in­ terested to rade of about all mean those.animuls of yurs. this tipriter is turrible. i can' to mftke big letters because time . . , arfgtrgr . . i mea ^►COUNCIL HELD ITS INAUGURAL SESSION (■Continued from Page One) ., j^liealth,' sanitation,-, - entertainment, Band and welfare .of the poor. Davidson reported that he ard* rumors that the London ssurance Co. are contemplating . opening ap office in this district and ..suggested that a letter be written the rik* company pointing oiit the -advantages MI'of this/office locating at Wingham. j/The; Clerk was instructed to commun- icate with the London Life Co. at ■" '"-pnee. ‘ 1 On morion of Couns. Crawford and Wilkinsop $1000 was-transferred from the Good Roads account to the Cem- B’ etery account. V • Coun. Crawford reported that the Sale pf a $1000 bond of the Town of Leaside at 98.5 had been made. Coun- , ; ■ ml-had decided on the sale of this bond to balance the sinking- fund at an early date. Officers iw appe ir 1938 Dav/dson and Conn. Appointed luting the follpwhig wan passed on fflo- av/d.1 hf Cl ' jef .Geo Weed v T- w- 1 Geo. Apen, Pound-Keeper, John Tl Fence Vi W. W. Wilkinson, (Health. Bushfield, T ibert Deyell, m. Stokes, . H. Haney,, motion qf Member of the wn Solicitor. Cemetery Caretaker, cavenget. Assessor. Conn, Hetherington (Ton? a By-Law was riz/ng borrowing of neeA .Current expenditures ;rk sfggested that the in- fewed /oh prepayment of tax- »o hirfh.It was decided that dlowjsd for prepayment-of ead bf 6%. ifeo ,decided that the chair- . Finance Committee and niiijil ............................................ bwill Fe paid by th« wftofc eLLLOYD’S COW SALVEaw Ri’THHY CAhnot re* fyPhtteiHul new scien- W CORNS OR It and firat application. McRibboti'a Drug / V’ 1 ¥2 1 1 1 1 2 ¥4 until MAIL AEROPLANE CRASH BRINGS DEATH TO THREE A salesman taking his bride-.South on. their honeymoon, visited a - hotel Where they Boasted of their' fine honey. “Sambo,” he asked the. colored waiter, “where’s my-honey?” “Ah don’ know, boss,” replied Sam­ bo, eyeing the.lady cautiously, doji’ work cup water cup sugar cup. chopped nuts cup butter cups brown, sugar eggs William Somogey was hble' to cling1’’, to the wreckage until rescuers arrive , ed. Here a salvage crew works to re­ move the crumpled ship, froth the iceJ Methuselah stayed here AL have cups chopped tart Canadian- grown apples ' . • ?;' ’ ’ quarts sliced green tomatoes chopped orange cups medium brown sugar tbsp, mixed ground spice pound raisins ' 1 3 2 ' 1 Sprinkle tomatoes with salt and let stand overnight; then drain and chop fine. Add apples and orange; simmer 2 hours, then add remaining ingred­ ients and simmer 1 hour. As this will keep indefinitely if canned as, usual' in sterile jars while boiling hot, ;'a larger quantity can be made at phe time. Orange .Toast (Serves 6) % cup orange juice Grated rind 1 orange % cup sugar 6 slices buttered toast ., Mix orange juice, rind' and sugar; .Spread on Lot buttered toast and put in hot oven or under broiler to brown. .Orange Ambrosia Servies 6) 6 oranges ¥2 cup powered sugar ¥2 cup grated cocoanut Peel and slice oranges. Cut slices into halves or quarters. Arrange in serving dishes, .sprinkle'with and cocoanut. Fruit Cup Dessert (Serves 6), cup Orange pieces cup diced pineapple cup t seem every ,n that sometime I can get the caputal rigs to work’ and then the nexxxx time my. foot slips off the bar. ,whyy didn't you not rite about me in that colum of yours." ,-i!m yltrs truly . . crat.” I hasten to this aristocratic friend of mine who seems to have found that the new typewriter is fine means of making a protest. I must confess that I have neglected to give my friend Methus­ elah, a really just break in regard to publicity. About three years ago, I was down in the village when young Bobby Adams was going away to the city, and he was sort of wondering about that white mouse of his, and he knew as sure as fate his aunt would kill the poor little fellow as soon as he went away. I brought home with me, and he’s with me ever since. Methuselah is great company, ter all the rest of the family gone to bed he'll come scampering out and sit on the table watching me type. I dubbed him “Methuselah, the Aristocrat” 1 name and I be mad, Of course tain amount like the time I was invited to that banquet down in the village, Old Jed Thompson was a hundred years old and they were giving him a banquet. I put on my black suit (it's nearly green with age and wear), and I went along to it. Just when we had sat down to the meal I felt in my pocket for my speech and there is was in shreds and Methuselah, was completing the job of reducing ft to and he sort of liked the guess lie has a right to he has caused me a cer- of worry as well. Just . Sandwiches Sliced cold roast beef, boiled fresh beef, corned beef or tongue, with a little pepper and salt make most at- tractive sandwiches; or "these meats may be chopped and mixed with a lit­ tle horseradish, mayonnaise, Worcest­ ershire sauce, olives, sweet pickles, et cetera. A tasty sandwich spread is made by putting, through the food chopper 1 cup cold beef, % cup seed­ ed raisins, 6 ripe olives, and 6 sweet pickles, onnaise Mix this with sufficient may- to bind. Apple Peanut Salad core, and cube slightly-acid Mix them Holiday Fruit Cup (Serves 12) oranges small grapefruit cup white cherries tablespoons lemon juice cups powdered sugar Riibycttes and emreletteg Peel oranges arid grapefruit separate sections, removing all mem­ brane. Mix with cherries, which have been stoned. Sprinkle lemon juice and sugar over fruit, Chill about an hour and add ruyettes and emrelettes. The color note of the red and green garnishes may be further de­ veloped by serving fruit in double cocktail glasses, with finely chopped green or red-tinted ice in outer glass. Ice is made in iceless refrigerator from water to which vegetable color­ ing has been added. Orange Sauce (Serves G) of 1 orange cup maraschino cherries Combine fruits and sugar, very cold in sherbet glasses with a maraschino cherry for garnish, California Poinsetta Salad (Serves 6) oranges tablespoons cream cheese Paprika red pimientos 3 6 Pare, Canaditin-grown apples. with half as much cubed celery. Mix a dressing of peanut butter, using 5 tablespoons lemon juice to 1 table­ spoon peanut, butter, Mix the dress­ ing ^through the apples and - celery, and season with salt and cayenne pep­ per. Chill and serve on lettuce; gar-, nish with peanuts. COOKIES J Sugar and spies and othJr things nice-—that is what good cookies are made of, No-matter Jglia-t' ients ¥2 2 % 2 1 ¥3 1 Put cornstarch in saucepan ,mix well, pout on boiling water andi cook teh minutes, stirring coristanth/; then add butter. Pour mixture ove^ well-beat­ en egg; return to saucepafi; stir eon stantjy, and cook 2 rfiinutefc. Add fruit juices, beat well and cook cornstarch water • Grated rind cup sugar tablespoons cup boiling tablespoons butter egg cup orange juice , teaspoon lemon juice ' grated orange rind, sligar 2 Peel oranges and separate into lions. Make cheese into 6 Balls, sprinkle with paprika. Cut pimientos into long, narrow strips. Place a cheese ball in center of each salad plate and arrange orange sections radiating out from it like, tfie petals of a flower. Place strips of pimiento between orange sections. Four French dressing over all. sec* and and BEVERAGES FOR GROUPS By Betty Barclay The hospitable hostess quent occasion ,to prepare beverage for a large group, two excellent recipes for erages. Yow guests will these as after-bridge “coolers?* Party Punch finds fre­ ft cooling Here are such bev* appreciate pint cold water cups sugar cups crushed -pineapple .. <, cup orange juice 1 -■■ . M, cup'lemon juice . cup strawberry syrup Mix .all the ingredients and stir -un­ til the sugar is dissolved. ..Dilute with ciushed ice. Ser,ye in tall glasses gar­ nished with thin'^slices of lemon and maraschino cherries. Fruit Punch for a Crowd (Makes about 4 gallons—60 large glasses, 120 small) •! 4 pounds sugar 1/ quarter wftter . 2 quarts tea infusion 1 quart lemon juice •' 1 quart orange juice 1 .quart grape juice 1 ' 2¥4 1 2 Make syrup of sugar and 1 water. Make tea infusion by pouring 2 quarts. ($ cups) boiling water-overi 5 tablespoons, tea. Cool. Combine­ syrup, tea, frdit juices, pineapple and iced water. Add strawberry slices and orange slices,'which may b|e cut. in- fancy .shapes' 'or -merely halved or quartered. ' , ; Less iced water may be jiscd and punch poured oyer block of ice indhe ptfkDi bowl. When strawberries are- out of Season the strawberry slices may be replaced by another cupWr orange slices. Recipe may be halved', or quartered'to serve a smaller group^ Maitland Creamerj| THE UNITED FARMERS GOMPANY, LI Wlngham, * Phone ■ » Cream, Eggs Buyers Of