HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-11-25, Page 3Thm., November £5*, 1937 Chinese Fight Hoping For Aid Shanghai — Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek sent thousands of fresh troops into ithe Soochow Lakes region in an effort to stop the Jap­ anese drive on Nanking, and at least ^lelay complete 'evacuation of the civ­ ilian Government from Chinas central Capital. He thus hopes to keep up the morale of the nation hoping that arms, munitions and war supplies will be received from Britain and other countries. I Salt Lake Flats in September, 1935, by ihis compratriot,• Sir; Malcolm Campbell. New World Auto' Record Set Bonneville 'Salt Flats, Utah—In two screaming bursts of speed, .Captain George E. T. Eyston of England,; broke the world land speed mark for the measured mile, rifling his racing monster “Thunderbolt” over the dis-, tance at an average speed of 311.42 miles an hour. The 40-year-old, grey haired Englishman, travelling faster than man ever before travelled in an automobile, easily cracked the record of 301.1292 miles an hour set on the i Admits 9th Power Conference Failed Pair—Foreign Minister Yvon Del- bos frankly told the Chamber of De­ puties that the Brussels Conference had failed in its efforts to mediate in the Chinese-Japanese war. Defend­ ing the Popular Front Government’s peace policy from Communist attack, Delbos declared the conference, even though failing in its aim, ihad given concrete proof of the union of France Great Britain and the United States against the diplomacy of “bayonets.” FREE! BOOK ON HOCKEY “Howto Become a Hockey Star” bythat great authority T. P. “Tommy” Gorman, a Great Book profusely illus<r trated and containing many valuable dips on how to play the game. also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES of GREAT PLAYERS (mounted for framing) Group Montreal “Maroons” Group “Les Canadiens” ‘ tail • • ’ ■ ■ar ^individual pictures of: ' Dave Trottier . Johnny Gagnon Herbie Cain Paul Haj’Ms Aurel Joliat Marty Barry Walter Buswell Joffre Desilets George Mantha “Ace” Bailey Stew Evans Frank Boucher Toe Blako “King” Clancy Baldy Northcott Wilf.Cude 1--------- RussBlinco “Babe” Siebert Pete Kelly Earl Robinson * — Bob Grade Carl Voss Gus Marker Dave Kerr .------- or any of the most prominent players on the" Maroons" or" LeaCanadiens" dubs • Yow Choice of the above • For a label from a tin of ; “CROWN BRAND” or “LILY 1 ! WHITE” Corn Syrup.—Write on the hack your name and address and the words “Hoc- key Book'^cr the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mail label tto address below. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited TORONTO F2 Nazi Expel Swiss Correspondent Berlin—The name of ;a Swiss cor­ respondent was joined to'those of an English and a French correspondent recently forced to leave Germany' for dispatches “offensive” to the nazi re­ gime. Hermann Boec’henstein, Ber­ lin correspondent of the 'Swiss. news­ paper Basler Nachrichten, had his ap­ plication for renewal of'his residency permit-—which expires Nov. 25 — re­ jected. Bennett Urges Retaining British Preference , Halifax—Opposition Leader R. B. Bennett in a public .address here urg­ ed Canadians to “bring all the pres­ sure in your power” 'to prevent loss of the British preference through completion of an Anglo-American trade treaty, now under discussion. “It (the preference) cannot be lost unless the Prime Minister (Right Hon W. L. Mackenzie King) agrees,” Mr. Bennett said. “As Canadian electors you gave him a mandate'to wipe out that agreement with Britain. And do it, he will. Russia to Withdraw from Spain London'—Soviet Russia, alarmed by the threat to her Far Eastern frontier as result of Japanese victories in Chi- ;na, has informed the .'Spanish loyalist Government that she is withdrawing material support, it was reported. The loyalist regime at Barcelona has been told, it was said, that Russia’s i;ole in Spain must be liquidated 'because of ‘'growing preoccupation” with events :rn the Far East. New Pdct With U. S. Near Ottawa—Much earlier itilian expect- With your cat safely is it ? the garage, seems asWith your cat safely in the garage, seems as though you are prepared for anything that can happen. Don’t even heed a telephone any more* BUT . . . ARE YOU CERTAIN? Sickness, fire, accident, whatever it may be » and some of these things come occasionally to •11 of us —‘ is yoUr cat quick enough, sure enough? Maybe the toads are blocked. . . . Maybe a tire is flat . . . In emergency what you heed most is a TELE­ PHONE. Don’t wait for something to happen to> find that out! NEW LOW RATES for farm telephone service ere now in effect I LINCOLN FOR HARLEM? t | NEWS l of the I DISTRICT I s § * UMMUtKutiuiuuitutmimuuaiuuiHHtiimuiimiuuuiiuiE Goderich Mayor Home From THE WINGHAM ADVANCE’TIMES ed an opportunity will be afforded the King -Ministry in their negotiations for a new trade pact with .the United States to give further effect to the fiscal policy enunciated by Hon, C. Dunning, Minister of Finance, That policy has as its aim reconciling the principle of Imperial preferences with the need of removing barriers to in­ ternational trade. Roosevelt to Fight Rising Prices Washington President Roosevelt moved to combat the rising cost of living by ordering the Federal Trade Commission. to investigate “monopo­ listic practices and other unwhole- sonic methods of competition” which he blamed rpartly for soaring prices. To Judge Alberta Bills in January Ottawa—Reference to the Supreme Court on the competence of the Al­ berta Legislature to pass three bills dealing with bank taxation, credit in­ stitutions and newspapers will be heard immediately after the hearing of a reference on disallowance fixed for Jan. 10. Chief Justice Lyman Duff fixed the time. Britain Ships Arms to China Manilla—British arms shipments to China are reaching Hong Kong in such volume that warehouses are jam', med .according to reliable private messages from the British 'Crown col­ ony. The shipments were said to have been made by private British interests with the “encouragement” of the Lon­ don Foreign Office. Plan Britain-U. S. Trade Treaty London—British industry endorsed Prime Minister Chamberlain’s an­ nouncement to the House oi Com­ mons that negotiations were contem­ plated for a British-American trade treaty. Forecasts were heard in po­ litical circles that 'negotiations would not be concluded before the end of next March. Denies Japs Spies,-in B. C. Vancouver —- Denial that Japanese naval officers were living in disguise in British Columbia, was made by Hirokich Nemichi, Japanese Consul in Vancouver.. He referred to a To­ ronto despatch which reported Arch­ deacon F. G. Scott of Quebec in a recent address spoke of Japanese ac­ tivities in the Pacific Coats Province. Ernest Simpson Wed Again Bridgeport, 'Conn.—Mrs. Mary Kirk Raffray became the bride of Ernest A. Simpson, .divorced husband of her childhood chum, the Duchess of Wind sor. Baltimore-born, like the former Wallish Warfield, who after her di­ vorce from the London ship broker married the Dulce of Windsor, Mrs. Raffray motored ito near-by Fairfield with Simpson for the wedding. f Magazines Seized rat Quebec Quebec—Police seized hundreds copies of five magazines containing pictorial sections .described by Police Chief Emile Trudel as “salacious and indecent” in /simultaneous raids distributing agencies and scores Quebec City news stands. of on of Viscount Cecil Awarded Nobel'Prize Oslo—Career of Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, at 73 acknowledged the leading British pacifist and spokes­ man 'for disarmament .and the League of Nations, was capped when he was awarded the Nobel ipeace prize 1937. Asks Britain to Lead Economic Forum London—King Leopold III of Belgians asked Great Britain to sutne leadership of his proposal creation of'an international organiza­ tion to solve the world’s economic problems. Secret Explosives Found at Paris Paris — Discovery of enough high explosives to blow up one-fourth of Paris and secret “fortresses” cram­ med with machine guns and hand grenades spurred a nation-wide round Up of France’s "hooded men” alleged­ ly organizing for a Rightist revolu­ tion. Ontario Surplus $9,313,938.54 Public accounts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1937, as released at Queen’s Park by Acting Premier Nix­ on and the Provincial Treasury, re­ port an operating surplus of $9,313,4- 938.54, and la gross debt reduction of $33,098,165.39. The surplus, as ac­ curately forecast last scesion by Pre­ mier and Provincial Treasurer Hep- bbrin, arid which was Oite of .his major talking points in the October general election, was achieved wen alter pay­ ing for direct relief and the adminis- z /• < 'r This 16-foot head of “Lincoln in Thought,” upon which, Sculptor Geo. Grey Barnard, seen beside it, has worked for ten years, is being shown at his old studio in New York. A committee of Negro ministers is said to be making efforts to have the huge head erected im Harlem, ! Hospital Well on the way to a complete .re­ covery is Mayor H. J. A. MacEwan, who .has returned to his home after some weeks at Alexandra hospital, where he underwent a serious opera­ tion.'—Goderich Star. Horses Bolt Throwing Driver While driving home from Mildmay with his team last Thursday morning George Schneider lost control of his team, because of a broken .line, and he narrowly escaped being badly hurt when he was thrown off his wagon. One of the horses fell twice before the .team was stopped, and .it had its legs cut badly.—Mildmay Gazette. New Home For Bruin Do you want to see a real ilive bear cub? R. Marks, who lias been .up north near Wiarton, on a hunting ex­ pedition,' together with Joe Thuell, captured one and brought it .home. It weighed fifty pounds and is now in captivity at Mr. Marks’, at Walton.— Brussels Post. Polio Victim Improved Continued improvement is 'noted in the condition of Muriel and Keith Blake, both afflicted some weeks ago with infantile paralysis, returned, home, but will be on his back for a month or so. While not paralysed, there is a weaknews in his Keith has MAYOR NEXT? - 1 Miss Edra L Sanders, capable young lawyer, aiderman on St. Thom­ as, Ont., city council, who plans this ______ year to tun for mayor* She seen tration thereof amounting to. $18,-1 here en the court house steps with her » brief-case,270,057.29-—out of ordinary revenue. Experienced Executors Acting as your Executor and Trustee this Company will bring to your Estate the knowledge and experi­ ence necessary for its careful and efficient admin­ istration at no greater cost than that allowed the private executor, GREY t BRUCE TRUST ail SAVINGS CO. lower limbs, that are encased in splints, and witha special shoe. A complete recovery is looked for, His sister Muriel, seriously paralysed, is still in the iron lung and is expected to be for two months yet, Movement and strength is returning to her arms, and she is able to say a few words when out of the lung, which earlier was almost impossible.' —.Lucknow Sentinel. Stricken While Talking on Phone Mrs. Roy Mayberry, Britton, was bereft in the sudden passing of her mother, Mrs. Catherine Jacklin, wife of Richard Jacklin, Con. 9, Grey, in her 64th year. While speaking on the telephone, she was stricken, and died very suddenly. Born in 1873, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudson of Grey township, she mar­ ried Richard Jacklin thirty-eight years ago, and had lived in Grey ever since. —Listowel Banner. Ripley Hunter Has Narrow Escape Mr, A. G. Porteous formerly hard­ ware merchant who is now employed on the county road system, had a nar­ row escape. Knowing that deer had been seen in Brant township, nearto the place where he and the rest of the companions were working, he decided to try his luck. Taking his rifle he proceeded into the bush. He had not gone far when he sighted a fine ani­ mal at the river near by. He fired and the coveted prize fell. /Xs he was preparing to go toward it, a stray bul­ let, presumably from the rifle of an­ other hunter who was aiming at the same animal struck him in the left cheek and passing through his mouth, knocked out two teeth. iMr, Porteous was taken to Walkerton to receive medical treatment and them was able to return to his Jiome in Ripley.— Ripley Express. I The Grey & Bruce Trust & Savings Co. Owen Sound, Ontario LET GO THAT ARM, GIRL—LET GO! This is how you teach a dog to be man Pinschers, entered for the intell- tough . . very tough. This one is igence and obedience tests at the Ro- Lottie, one of Willy Necker’s Dober-| yal Winter Fair. tree cut down .on the farm when they bought it and a great deal of hard work was done before their house was completed, Mr, Manning has lived in Auburn since 1911, His wife Martha Cottle, to whom he was married in 1874, predeceased his in 1935. Wins Wife’s Quilt In the draw for the quilts offered by Group 2 of Knox Church Ladies’ Aid on Wednesday evening, Mrs. H. Corrigan won first. In the second draw, and even worthy of mention in Ripley’s column occurred. The sec­ ond ticket drawn bore Mr. C. Ers- man's name. The odd feature of that is that Mrs. Ersman had donated the quilt.—Palmerston Observer Jury Suggests No Permit For Two Years A recommendation that the driver of an automobile in which Thomas David Nivins, AshfielH, was riding when he was fatally injured October 25th be denied a driving license for two years was made by a coroner’s jury at Dungannon. Driver of the machine was Benson Park, also of Ashfield. The accident occurred near Dungannon October 25th. Dies From Paraysis Funeral services were held Wed­ nesday last week to Kincardine Cem­ etery for Nancy Purdon, young dau­ ghter of Mrs. C. Purdon, Kincardine, who died in Toronto from an infant­ ile paralysis attack. The case was the only reported in Kincardine. The > young girl was believed to have con­ tracted it while in the city. Hensall Reeve Has Car Accident When he lost control of his car on the slippery pavement at a slight bend on the Huron road, just inside God­ erich limits, Reeve Shaddick, of Hen­ sall, then veered across the road into a hydro pole. The reeve escaped with a shaking up and a few bruises, but his car was heavily damaged. He was Oil his way home to Hehsall shortly after midnight after attending a ses­ sion of County Council. Garage Mechanic Pinned Against Doop Leslie Dick, 24, garage mechanic, is in Groves Memorial Hospital, Fer­ gus, in a critical condition as the re­ sult of an unusual accident which oc­ curred in a Fergus garage. Dick had completed work on a car and was a- bout to open the garage door when in some unaccountable manner the car started to roll and pinned him a- gainst the garage door. His injuries* are so grave that little hope is held for his recovery, , (17, two men appeared before Magis­ trate. J. A. Makins, in the Wingham court. Russell Horsborough was con victed of not having a permit and failing to turn out when meeting an­ other car, and he paid a fine of $5 and costs. Carol Johnson of Howick Township, answered the same charge and also paid a fine of $5 and costs. The cars driven by the the Johnson and Horsborough drivers crashed in a head-on accident on the main street of Fordwich. i Tires Stolen at Hanover • ; After a freedom of several years^ from thefts of tires and wheels, Han­ over was visited by another such' group, when two tires were taken from Paul Knoerck’s trailer and one from a trailer owned by Wilbert Wil­ kins, both residents of the east end of the town. All the tires taken were to the same sizes, 23 x 3%, and it is therefore presumed that the thieves on a trailer Court Case Over Fordwich Car Accident As the result of an accident on the which they were building or now pos- main street of Fordwich on October sess. ' wanted them for use I Auburn Man Enters 92nd Ytar Reeve and Mrs. Herbert Mogride, of Hullett Township, entertained at their home in honor of the lady’s la­ the, John Manning, who celebrated his 91st birthday on Wednesday. Mr. Manning was born in Devonshire, En­ gland, son of Edmund Manning and Elizabeth Knott. Wen six years af age he came with his parents to Can­ ada, They landed at Quebec and froth there they went to llrainpttm for a year before coming to the 10th concession of Iltillett, Mr. Manning can relate many interesting stories of their hardships, There was only one For steady volumes of clean* easily regulated heat, order a ton of HAMCO. Puls summer warmth in every room, regardless of the weather, No dust, no smoke, no waste* less ash. Easy to handle, tod—and easy on the budget! For prompt service, Order from your local HAMCO dealer —be deServes your fuel business. W?:1 HAMCO I fylVCA md£ tnoneu CORK HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA SOLD BY A. C. Adams J* A. MacLean Estate Donald Rae & Son ,W“ INSIST ON HAMCO CANADA’S FINEST COKE