HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-11-18, Page 3Thur#., November 18, 1937 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE TITRE® followed a talk in London between Italian Ambassador Grand* and Sir Robert Vansittart, Permanent For­ eign Office Under-Secretary. r> Conference Puts It Up to U, S. | to be in agreement that the Spanish Brussels—Great Britain and .France | fighting forces should be purged of virtually threw into the 'lap of the United States the fate of the nine- power conference by agreeing to join - any effort “short of war” the Amer­ ican^ Government wishes to 4ake to put an end to the Sino-Japanese con­ flict, 70 per cent, of their foreigners be­ fore belligerency recognition is grant­ ed to the combatants. Many observ­ ers believed Germany, Portugal and Italy will consider the percentage too high, Lunatic Disturbed London’s Armistice Service London —The King stood bowed and bareheaded before the Cenotaph, memorial to the war dead, leading the Empire’s observance of the 19th anni­ versary of the Armistice. By no flick­ er of his posture did he betray con­ sciousness that the solemn observ­ ance was marred by shouts of a man escaped from a lunatic asylum, The man, identified as Stanley Storey, who escaped Sept. 21 from the Cane Hill Asylum in Surrey, struggled through guards to within seven yards of his Majesty’s slim, khaki-clad fig­ ure and shouted: “ All this is hypoc­ risy — you’re deliberately preparing for war!’’ Many New Features in The New1938Ply mouth HERE ARE A FEW­ NEW RICHNESS OUTSIDE AND. INSIDE . , , NEW COMFORTS AND DRIVING EASE • v, MORE VISION AMAZING VALUE! Forecast Labor Laws Brantford — The Hepburn Govern­ ment proposed to legislate in the in­ terests of labor, but no sudden trans­ formation was possible; and because of this there would be criticism from some individuals and organizations, Hon. M. M. MacBride, newly appoint­ ed Minister of Labor, declared at a civic banquet tendered in his honor. Chamberlain Will Again Seek Co-Operation Edinburgh—Prime Minister Cham­ berlain indicated a fresh British ef­ fort would be made toward obtaining international co-operation? “It seerps to me,’’* he said in an address here, “it is time another effort was made to see if it is not possible to remove these (international) fears and suspic­ ions by a closer examination of their origin and substance.” ' May Provide China With Arms Brussels—Nations of the Far East­ ern Peace Conference, angered by Japan’s blunt refusal to permit their intervention in the Chinese-war, ab­ andoned all negotiations with the Tokio Government. Leading delegates explained that the Japanese note had “already been foreseen and provided for,” indica’ting that swifit develop­ ment of a proposal to provide arms and munitions to China on credit might have been quietly agreed upon. Duke of Windsor May Live in France Paris — Plans, of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor to buy a hojne in France were disclosed. Friends said this indicated there was little prospect of an early journey to the United States. ' Want Railway Deficit Cut A.resolution calling up the Federal Government to take more drastic ac­ tion toward the cutting down of Can­ ada’s railway deficits was unanimous­ ly passed by the Ontario Associated Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce at the annual meeting in ,the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Approve Spanish Monarchy Paris — Great "Britain and Ger­ many were reported in diplomatic circles to have informally approved the restoration of the Spanish Mon­ archy under 24-year-old Don Juan of Bourbon in event of an insurgent vic­ tory in Spain.% Want 70% of Troops Withdrawn London—The Soviet Union', Great Britain and France were understood ■for your CHILDREN "Crown Brand” Corn Syrup makes happy, healthy chil­ dren. No doubt about that,| dren. No doubt about that, g for doctors say it creates Bennett Says Great Population Needed Winnipeg—British Dominion must build up 'their populations and co-op­ erate to maintain peace within the Empire and the world, Right Hon. R. B? Bennett told a Winnipeg Board of Trade luncheon. “We must fill up the vacant spots,” Mr. Bennett de­ clared. “We must build up a popula­ tion so that peace will be assured." Smaller Wheat Crop Reported Ottawa—Canada’s wheat crop was estimated at 182,505,000 bushels in last week’s crop report of the Dom- 'inion Bureau of Statistics. This is a reduction of more than 5,500,000 bu­ shels from the September estimate of 188,181,000. The estimate for oats was also 7,600,000 bushels lower than that of September. White Russia Has New President Moscow — A new shake-up in the administration of White( Russia was reported with the removal of the Re­ public’s second ■ President in five months. A. S. Grad, Acting President since the suicide of A. G. Cherviakoff last June, was “freed from his duties” by the Central Executive Committee, of which he was Chairman. He was .succeeded by Nikifor Natalcvich. Nazis Close. Jewish Agency Berlin — The Nazi secret'police have closed the Berlin office of the Jewish Telegraph Agency, incorpor­ ated under German law for the pur­ pose of distributing. “news of foreign origin” in Germany, it was disclosed. Soviet Ambassadors Under Arrest ’ Moscow—The Soviet Russian Am­ bassadors to Germany and Turkey were reported to be under arrest, sup­ posedly in . connection with Dictator Joseph V. Stalin’s “purge” that has taken more than. 1,200 lives in the last fifteen months. Energy and helps to build strong, sturdy bodies. Chil­ dren love it and never tire of its delirious flavor. FOR INSIDE OR OUTSIDE-WOOD OR CEMENT THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD Buchanan Hardware, Wingham Ground Laid for Peace Talk Rome — The Earl of Perth, British Ambassador to Italy, called on For­ eign Minister Ciano to lay the ground work for the opening of long-delayed Anglo-Italian negotiations for settle­ ment of questions affecting their two countries. The discussion took place at the request of Count Ciano and CARwo GAMDEE’Q PORCH md,floorSUAKrt D ENAMELS i| Japs Completed Conquest of Shanghai Shanghai — Japan completed her conquest of Shanghai in an appalling welter of blood and flames, and serv­ ed notice on Britain, the United Stat­ es and other democratic powers that she intends to crush all anti-Japanese elements in China and swing the 400,- *000,000 people of this nation into a* Japanese-dominated group of Asiatic 'nations, Father Lanphier and Rev. Zeidman Off The Air Ottawa—Major Galdstone Murray, General Manager of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, announced temporary suspension from the air of Rev. Charles Lanphier of the Radio League of St. Michael’s and Rev. Morris Zeidman, Director of the Pro­ testant Radio League. Major Murray said both clergymen, who live in Tor­ onto, had been denied broadcasting privileges pending a meeting of the corporation’s Board of Governors, at which their case will be discussed. ■ Quebec Police Act Under Padlock Law Montreal — Striking again under Quebec’s new. “padlock law” against communism, Provincial Police raided the offices of the Friends of the Sov­ iet union and seized a truckload of literature. Four men, under Detective Jean Gauthier, carried away books, pamphlets and other papers from ,the St. Alexander Street premises, but they, did not padlock4 the office as was done in five raids earlier this week. No arrests were made. New Regime Launched in Brazil Rio De Janeiro — Brazil promul­ gated a new Constitution—her second in four years—with the avowed pur­ pose zof concentrating authority in the hands ,of President Getulio Vargas and his Cabinet and ensuring intern­ al peace. Premier King Plans Job Insurance Ottawa — informal endorsation of Prime Minister Mackenzie King’s proposal for a national unemployment insurance system came from three Provinces, while Governments of oth­ ers said they were preparing replies. Ban C.I.O. in Quebec Montreal — Premier Maurice Dup­ lessis has outlawed all C.I.O. labor unions as far as Quebec Provincial statutes are concerned, international labor union delegates admitted here on their return from an interview with the Premier at Quebec. His specific ban on Lewis-affiliated org­ anizations is believed to be the most decisive Government step yet taken hgainst the C.I.O. in Canada. Social Credit Member Sentenced Joseph FI. Unwin, Social Gredit member of the Alberta Legislature for Edson and Government. Whip in the Legislature, was sentenced to three months’ hard labor in jail after his conviction on a charge of publish­ ing a defamatory libel knowing it to be false. He has entered an appeal. Explaining his association with pre­ paration of the “Bankers’ Toadies” pamphlet but denying responsibility, George F. Powell, British Social Cre­ dit technician, is now on trial on sim­ ilar changes. USE UNUSUAL VEGETABLES By Betty Barclay Vary your vegetables. Use those that have been ignored by you in the past. You will find some very pleas­ ing flavors and soon appreciate whaf; you have been missing. Then again, the “unusual” vegetable is always an asset when you have summer gucssts. Creamed Kohlrabi kohlrabi tablespoons butter, butter .sub­ stitute of savory fat tablespoons flout Salt Paprika cups milk ’ 6 2 v'2 2 COSTS AMAZINGLY LITTLE TO OWN. Plymouth is priced with the lowest 1 And the Commercial Credit Corporation offers very convenient payment terms through Chrysler- Plymouth dealers. Tune in Major Bowes' Original Amateur Hour ... Columbia Network, Thursdays, 9 to 10 P.M., E.S.T. 1 thousands .of Plymouth owners sum it all up when they say, “Plymouth is built to last and costs less to run." Go to any Celebrating 10 Years of Great Cars! Look at this big, beautiful new Plymouth. Get in one and drive. Find ■out how it ___ ___ ___ __ „ ___ __ rides. Check what it offers you. Today Chrysler-Plymouth dealer—today. Say—These Engineers Have Thought of Everything! Besides. 22% more room, this baggage compartment.is fabric-lined to protect your luggage. It’s a BIG trunk! CLIMAXING 10 YEARS OF GREAT CARS It’s oh display right now ... the brilliant, new 1938 Plymouth. It celebrates the most outstanding record in automotive history. 10 years ago Plymouth was introduced. People found it had more beauty, safety, economy. They bought by the thousands. No car has ever made friends so fast ! The 10th-year Plymouth is here . . , the greatest car we’ve built. Be sure to see it 1 This IS News, too! Instru­ ments are easier to read . . . and the handbrake is located under the pane]. Illi Step Up Close and Look at this beautiful, new 1938 Plymouth! The radiator is new in contour . . . look at that long hood—it’s wider, more massive looking! Fenders are deeper. Now Step In and See How Easy it is to adjust the front­ seat. It rises as it moves for­ ward—for easier vision, Try the Back Seat —it’s “chair-height” ... . comfort,able . . . richly upholstered. Stretch Out! Enjoy the greater elbow room, head room and leg room. The whole car “floats” on Amola steel springs, with airplane-type shock absorbers. Live rubber body mountings block out road vibration. Jg' Hear a Watch — Plymouth is five-way insulated against; noise, heat, cold. See the 1938 Plymouth J. J. Fryfogle Chrysler and Plymouth Dealer Stuffed Eggplant eggplant tablespoons butter of butter substitute Salt and pepper cup water cup.s crumbs the eggplant in half lengthwise and scoop out the center pulp, leav­ ing the rind about one-half inch thick so that the shape may be firm. Cover the shells with cold water. Chop the pulp line, season it with salt and pep- GET YOU# LOCAL DELIVERED PRICE Wingham, Ont l per, add butter, butter substitute or j other savory fat and cook in a fry­ ing-pan for ten minutes, stirring well, then add water and one cup of bread­ crumbs. Drain the shells, sprinkle the interior of each with salt and pep­ per and fill them with the mixture. Spread one cup of crumbs on the sur­ face of the mixture, place the two pieces of plant in a baking-dish or deep pan, and pour enough hot water into the pan to come one-third up the ’ sides of the plant. Bake one hour,' and 'act as a sort of guide. serve hot. BROADENING PURGE? “Cut my beard and my hair. Where can I put my cigar?” “Keep it in your mouth — it will FIRST WOMAN CONDUCTOR ■> < < “It was grandad’s ambition to have a ‘gig and a gal’.” “Yes, and Dad wanted to have a flivver and a flapper.” “And the son will probably want a. plane and a Jane.” Mlle. Nadia Boulanger, to whom goes the honor of being the first wo­ man to conduct the Royal Philhar­ monic Society’s orchestra in the 126 years of its existence, is shown as she conducted rehearsals for the con­ cert given at Queen's Hall, London, England. Mlle. Boulanger is t.o con­ duct the Boston Symphony orchestra this winter. 1 egg-yolk Wash and pare the kohlrabi. Cut into half-inch cubes, drop into boiling water to cover and cook until tender. Just before cooking is completed, add Salt, then drain and shake over the fire to dry slightly. Make a white sauce from tho flour, fat, milk and seasonings, adding the egg-yolk last, and pour it over the vegetable. COUGHS, DISTEMPER BROKEN WIND have .met their master in ZEV—made by the mak* era of Buckley’s Mixture. Stockmen, poultiy breed­ ers, eti., who have Used ZEV sky it is positively “sure fire” relief for all respiratory diseases in hones, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and dogs. It is amazing how quickly it gets results in the most stub­ born cases. In fact, we guarantee ZEV to do in a day. or twd what it took old* fashioned remedies a month to do. Pet sfte 50f, Stock sire $1.00. Get ZEV at C. H. McAVOY ■Smiling, bushy-haired, pipe-smok- ing Josef Stalin (1) is secretary of the United States of Soviet Russia. The eomihterh”s purge of Soviet heads, said to have totalled 1,200 in the past 15 motiHis, appears to have reached out to Russian representativ­ es in foreign lands. Arrests are re­ ported of Soviet ambassadors to Ger* many, Turkey, and Toland. No such report has yet been heard regarding Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet delegate to the Brussels conference on the Sino- Japanese situation, seen sipping tea (2) after addressing the assembly.