HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-11-11, Page 7News and Gorrie Vidette GORRIE Letters from Missionaries Read to W. M. S. The November Meeting of .the Wo- • men’s Missionary Society of the Gor- ric United Church was held at the frome of Mrs. R. H. Carson Thurs­ day last with a good attendance, Mrs, Anson Ruttan took charge of the De­ votional Period, the theme being “Love”, and the Roll Call being an­ swered by a thought on “Peace,” Scripture Readings were given by Mrs, Nash, |Mrs. Douglas, Mrs, R. Ed­ gar and Mrs, Wylie. Extracts from letters from a missionary in China and also from missionaries in Africa were read by Mrs. Hearding and Mrs. H. Ashton, and Mrs. Whitley read a ■description of a Chinese meal. The President conducted the business per­ iod. A nominating committee was ap­ pointed. A welcome was extended to the Associate Helpers! present and to visitors. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. R. H. Ashton. ____t_ * Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farrish were: Mr. and Mrs. John Farrish, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robb -and daughter, Anna Jean, of Ashfield •alsq Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scott, Sea­ forth. Mr. S. W. Ferguson accompanied his nephew, Mr. Harry Ferguson to ■Goderich on Sunday where they vis­ ited with Mr. Ferguson’s sister, Mrs. ■Girvin, who is confined /to the hos­ pital with a fractured limb. ’ Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Carson spent Monday in Toronto. 4359 Majority 7042 5862 942 Majority --------------- 1644 1929, Oct, 30, General Election, W. G. Medd, Prog, ____ _____ 4786 Cons----------------—..... 4753 (Majority ...... 2281 1937, Oct. 16th, General Election, J. Ballantyne, Lib. Dr. Taylor ............ Dr. Moir ____ ___ Thurs., November 11th, 1937* PAPA DIONNE PLAYS SANTA CLAUS; STRAY COWS CAUSE TRAIN WRECK; HINDOO FLIER KILLED AT START OF FLIGHT YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin­ ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118, Harriston ______ Majority ________ ____32 Recount asked for. No change. 1933, Redistribution Act. Constitu­ ency abolished and Huron establish­ ed consisting of former Huron South and Town of Goderich taken from North Huron. 1934, June 19th, General Election, J. Ballantyne, Lib. ............. 8254 G. H. Elliott, Con................. 5973 W. W. Cooper, Ind.............. 122 Ladies Packed Western Bales Twenty-seven ladies were on hand at the quilting in the United Church on Tuesday and quilted six quilts which were packed on Friday for re­ lief in the Canadian West. In all, five large cartons were sent consisting of -quilts, wearing apparel and reading matter; Oliva Dionne (1) went all the way down from Callander to New York city to buy Christmas presents for his wife, the quints and the six other little Dionnes. Domesticitj* is the keynote of this assortment of gifts— there’s a range and cooking outfit, a carpet sweeper, a washing machine, a dinner wagon and a sewing mach­ ine. For relaxation, however, there’s a handsome streamlined car. The startling photograph (2), which shows a long freight car looming high into the air above an overturn­ ed locomotive, was taken after the wreck near Batesville, Mass., where a train ran into a herd of stray cows. The fireman was killed and the -en­ gineer critically injured, but all pass­ engers escaped unhurt. Another crash, this time from the air, killed the Hin­ doo flier, Govind P. Nair (3), iwho started out from England in his aero­ plane, Spirit of India, with the idea of making a double Atlantic crossing, north and south. After 150 miles he crashed to his death, 30 miles from Dieppe. SALEM 1180 r Mrs. Carroll Gregg and Mrs. Victor Shera were the two members of the local Institute Branch who attended the course on “Buymanship” given in Wroxeter on Wednesday last. The Favorite Four, of London, will be heard at the United Church Fowl Supper program here on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wood and Bob of Lakelet were guests on Sunday of Mrs. S. W. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Abram in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farrish were in Lucknow on Monday attending the funeral of the late John F. Andrews, former Deputy Minister of Agricul­ ture for Alberta. Master Harry Zimmerman returned home on Saturday from Listowel Hospital following an operation from -acute appendicitis. Harry’s many friends will be pleased to learn he is improving so nicely. W. A. Packed Bale for Indian School The regular meeting of the Wo men’s Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s "Church, was held at the home of Mrs; Musgrove on Thursday last with a good number present. The ladies packed their annual bale for the Ind­ ian residential school at Cardston, Alta., Where they clothe an Indian girl. Meeting opened with prayer and -the 127th Psalin was read by Mrs. W. King. Roll Call was answered by a Scirpture verse with the word “Peace.” During business discussions it was decided to pack a bale to be sent for Western relief. The meet­ ing closed with Litany and prayers led jby Rev. O’Neil, and dainty lunch served, by the hostess* relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John H. King and daughter, Miss Jean, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles King, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and children* Helen, Gwen and George, of Owen Sound, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Foster. iMiss Alma Hastie, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her father, Mr. James Hastie. Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Elliott and daughter, Joyce, of Ripley, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilford King. Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht, of near Harriston visited last Wednesday at thte home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bol- ‘ton. Mrs. Walter Simson spent a couple of days last week with her daughter in Fordwich. i Guests of Mrs. Earngey on Sunday were’ Mr. and Mrs. James Halliday and son, Donald ,and Mrs- O’ Hann-- ely, of Galt. She also’ had Messrs. Charlie and Bob Gilchrist and Joe Earngey of Parry Sound a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short and dau­ ghter, Miss (Myrtle, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Westlake, north of Wroxeter. Mr. Livingston, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Short. Mrs. Jack Wylie, north of this vil­ lage, was taken to Wingham Hospital early Tuesday morning for an oper­ ation for appendicitis where it was found peritonitis had set in, and Mrs. Wylie’s condition is very serious- took of a very bountiful dinner and a splendid time was enjoyed by all. GIRLS’ W. A. HELD ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Girls’ W. A. of St. Stephen’s Church met at the Rectory on Friday evening last, and absence of President, meeting was conducted by Mrs. O’Neil. The girls spent an hour or more working on finishing a layette to be sent in the western bale, and other sewing. The meeting opened with the hymn “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” and prayer led by Mrs. O’Neil after which Ida Ritchie read Psalm 142 followed by a* chapter from the study book, “Light in Africa” taken by Myrtle Short. The election of officers resulted follows: President—NellieDinsmore. Vice Pres.—Blythe Underwood. .Secretary—Ida Ritchie. Treasurer—Edith Ritchie. (Mrs. O’Neil read a very interesting reading on how a woman helped a Polish couple and how grateful they were. Edith Ritchie told of an Indian woman in the West, who started a W. A. in her community and how they worked and enjoyed it. Closing prayers and member’s prayer then Neil, George Pa-ulin and Bill Martin, are to be congratulated .on their ef­ forts. An orchestra composed of Miss Fo'ster and Messrs. Gamble and Har­ ris, all of Fordwich, supplied music, and Mr. .Cook led in community sing­ ing, between acts. as Mission Circle Bazaar a Success in the United Church The Bazaar and Tea held by the members of the Girls’ Mission Circle in the school-room of the Church on Saturday afternoon was quite a suc­ cessful one. The sale of work was well patronized, but there are still a number of articles to be disposed of. The fish pond, too? * was a great, source of fun especially for the child­ ren. Mr. Ken. Edgar was the holder of the lucky ticket on the qhilt, and was fortunate in receiving this beau­ tiful quilt, a fan design, in a rose and white color scheme. The decorations on the tea tables were carried out in Hallowe’en colors and tea was serv­ ed to quite a number of patrons, mak­ ing the Bazaar as a whole, quite a success. been given by the club. The many friends of Mr. Jim Nich­ ol will regret to hear of his serious illness. Mr. Nichol became ill at tfie home of his son, Eldred, 4th line and on Friday was removed to Wingham Hospital. We are pleased to know there is a little improvement. Mrs. Stewart and son, Alex., Tor­ onto, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead of London, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. John MacNaughton, who had spent a few days here, returned to London with them. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Davidson, of Bluevale, spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mae Davidson. Mrs. Ash, Listowel, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson. 1875 General Election, Jan. 18th, A. Bishop, Lib............ 1440 G. Case, Con............... 1362 Majority ________________ 78 1879, June 5th, General Election, A Bishop, Lib...........„„.............. 1893 C. Jackson ........................ 1733 .Majority .—.......................... 160 1883, Feb. 27, General Election, A Bishop, Lib. ......... 1962 Jackson, Con............. 1830 Majority _______________ . 132 1886, Des. 28th, General Election, A Bishop, Lib........„................ 2313 Swinnerton, Con........................ 1806 Majority ......... 507 1890, June 5, General Election, A. Bishop* Lib;......................... 2144 Holens, Con....................«........... 1986 Mr. and Mrs. James Longley, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with the former’s brother, Mr. A. B. Longley,, and sisters, Misses Fannie and Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and. son, Kenneth, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer. The W. A. of the church met in the class room on Tuesday of last week and did some quilting. The S. S. was closed last Sunday for the winter months. The community was saddened once again last Thursday when Mrs. W. A. Mines passed away. The family have the sympathy of the community at large. The funeral was largely at­ tended' to the Wingham Cemetery on Saturday. Mrs. George Dane, from, north of Gorrie, spent one afternoon last week with Mrs. Wm. Weir. The Cathers finished a successful season of threshing last week. were lecl by Mrs. O’Neil. WROXETER Mrs. Kenneth Hastie who has spent the past two months at, the home of her son, Mr. Kenneth Hastie* return­ ed to her home in Toronto oil Tues­ day last. Mr.-Ken Hastie, who mot­ ored her back, accompanied by Mr. Thos. .spent a couple of days in the city. iMr, Joe Earngey* of Parry Sound, spent a few days with his mother last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Butchart, of •Guelph, spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton and other Slides Shown at Service The Sunday evening service in the United Church here took the form of an illustrated lecture oil Korea when Rev. F. J. Fydell, pastor, told the story of the life of Kim, a Korea na­ tive. Some fifty-two slides were flashed on the screen by Mr. J. H. Neil-,'which gave the congregation an insight into the native habits of that country. Some fifty-two slides were MacDonald of MoleswOrth, MONUMENTS at firtt cort Staving our factory equipped with the most modern machinery tor the exe­ rtion of high-class work, we ask. you to see tfip largest display of month ments of. any. retail factoryin Ontario, All finished hy sand blast machines. We import all ottr granites from the Old Country quarries direct* in rough. You can save all localI jeai* trs’, agents’ arid mtddletnari profits by seeing us. E. 1 Skelton* Son it Wert End Bridge-WALKERTON Married-^-In Carlton St. United Church, Toronto, oh Friday, Novem­ ber 5th, 1937, Mabie Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Drayton, to Spencer ,M. Ashton, son of Mrs. Ida Ashton and the late R. A. Ashton of Miss Beryl Ashton of Seaforth and Mr. Avery of Mitchell spent the week-end with the former’s mother- Mr. and Mrs. SpencOr Ashton of Tor­ onto also were week-end guests of the former’s mother. Birthday Party A very enjoyable birthday patty was celebrated on Nov, 6th at the home of Mrs. S. Kdgar, Gorrie south, when Mrs. G. Emery of Blenheim and* the hostess jointly celebrated- Several guests were present arid par- Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Davidson, of Oshawa, spent ^he week-end with the former’s sister, Miss Mae Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rae, Brantford, were week-end visitors with the for­ mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rae. Mr. and Mrs-. Gordon Edgar and son, Harold, of Grand Prairie, Alta., are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. Mary Edgar and other friends here. Mrs. H, Mercer and Mr. D. D. San­ derson were week-end visitors in De­ troit, and Mrs. Sanderson,, who has spent the past few weeks there, re­ turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft and son, Russell, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. Durst. Miss Margaret Durst, of Clinton, spent the week-end at her home here. Dr. W. A. and Mrs. Spence, of Tor­ onto* were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. J« Rann. A.Y.F.A* Present Play1 The metnbets of St. Janies A.Y. P.A. presented their play “Let’s All Get Married” in the Town Hall here on Wednesday evening of last week, and were greeted by a large audience. The play itself proved good enter­ tainment, being both interesting and humordtis, and the cast, consisting of Misses Kathleen Durst* isobet'Karls, Jessie Paulin and Lily Wailare, and Messrs. Robt. Paulin, G. A. ring, Wesley Padliti, Rev. A. Wear- H. O’- Mr. Lome Kaake, who has been a patient in. a Toronto Hospital, was able to return to his home here last week. Mrs. Geo. Paulin and son Bob were recent Detroit visitors. The former is remaining for a few weeks. Mr. Harry Mutch of Leamington, a former resident of this village, re­ newed acquaintances here last week. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McBurney were Mr. Roy Calloway and son Billy, of Elora, also Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wal­ ters and family, Whitechurch. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Blake Young and children, of Plesantdale, Sask., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Durst one day last week. Mr. Robert McKercher, Montreal, paid a short visit to Mrs. Wm. (Mc­ Kercher in town last week. A number from here attended the Fowl Supper at Fordwich on Thurs­ day of last week when following the supper a play “Step Ori It, Dan!” was put on by Teesw^ter talent. The Fourth Line Dramatic Club will' present their play "The Red- Headed Step-Child” at Whitechurch, on Friday evening of this week. This will be the fourth time this play has * Women’s Missionary Society The November meeting of the W. M. S. will be held on Friday after­ noon at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Robert Stocks. Mrs. G, A. Wearring and Mrs. B, Martin will have charge. Members please note change of date owing to Armistice Day. ABOUT SOUTH HURON ELECTIONS The following election results for Huron South will give the electors an idea\of what the political situation was from 1867 up till 1937, a period of seventy years. In another issue of your paper, Mr. Editor, I will endeavour to give you Center, East and West Huron results. I trust this will be interesting to the older politicians and the public at large. Respectfully, T.' J. McLean. Under B.N.A. 1867, Huron South was established which included the Townships of Tuckersmith, Usborne, Stephen, Hay, Stanley and Town of Goderich. Sept. 6th, 7th, General Election, R- Gibbons, Lib. ............. 1558 I. Carling, Con.......................... 1548 Majority ........-...........*....... 10 1871, March 21, General Election, R. Gibbons, Lib. .—........------- 1561 I. Carling, Con.................. 135b Majority ............................... 158 1894, June 26, General Election, M. Y. McLean, Lib. ...... 2335 Wisemille’r, Con............... 2313 Majority ............................... 22 1898, March 1st, General Election, H. Eilber, Con. ...........................2775 M. Y. McLean, Lib.2616 Majority ........................ 159 1902, May 29th, General Election, H. Eilber, Con............................ 2497 M. Y. McLean, Lib................... 2444 (Majority .............................. 1905, Jan. 25th, General Election, H. Eilber, Con............................ 2688 McLennan, Lib................. 2277 Majority ......... ‘411 1908, Redistribution Act added part of Goderich Township not before in the riding and Villages of Hensall and Bayfield; Seaforth taken away. 1908, June 8th, General Election, H. Eilber, Killerman, Con. .. Lib. ... Majority 1911, Dec. 11th, General Election, H. Eilber, Con.................. 2261 E. Zellar* Lib............................ 1982 A pony in a certain town regularly takes meals at a restaurant. The waiter puts the a la carte before the horse. 2365 1982 383 THE REASON“ASPIRIN” WORKS SO FAST Drop an “Aspirin” tab­ let into a tumbler of water.By the time It hits the bottom of the glass it is disintegrating. This speed of dis­ integration enables “Aspirin” tablets to start “taking hold” of headache and similar pain a few minutes after taking. 1 LISTEN... , *11 rCANADAI937>1 Cl IMPERIAL TOBACCO’S < INSPIRING PROGRAM Majority ............ ................... 207 On Mr. Gibbons resigning his seat, new election. 1873, Oct. 10th, by-el­ ection, A. Bishop, Lib. G. Case, Con. Majority .................. 279 1914, Redistribution Act made no change. 1919, General Election Oct. 20, A. Hicks, U.F.O..................... 3298 F. H. Ellerington, Con. ........ 2024 J. F. Morgan, Lib. ..................... 2047 FRIDAY STATIONS CRCT * 1424 1410 Majority ...........................................774 1923* June 25* General Election, N. W. Trewartha, Con, 2800 W. G. Medd* U.F.O......2363 D. F. McGregor, Lib........ . 1818 All people who suffer occasionally from headaches ought to know this way to quick relief. At the first sign of such pain, take two “Aspirin” tablets with a half glass of water. Sometimes if the pain is unusually severe, one more tablet is necessary later, according to directions. If headaches keep coining back we advise you to see your own physician. He will look for the cause in order to correct it. • “Aspirin” tablets fire made in Canada. “Aspirin” is the registered trade-mafk of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor* Ontario.Look for the name Bayer in the form Of a cross ori every tablet. Majority 14 1874, constituency abolished, new constituenty formed consisting of Tucksmith, Vsborne, Stephen, Hay and Stanley, part of Gbdetich horth of the Cut line and Huron Road, town of Seaforth and village of Kxeter* Majority 437 1925, Redistribution Act* boundar­ ies changed, Centre Huron being abolished. 1926, Dec. 1st* General Election, W. G. Medd* Frog. 6003 Demand and Get “ASPIRir MADEINCANAO4