Huron Signal, 1865-2-9, Page 2as%OPXACJM VNT- llrop= its the N a. Iln, Big little ua,44tm day, 4th,and Mooday,ti eIav A on "i"'t alxwwiblc fight thlit any approlighli Ids and plains .if skitA16, J hall lid litIme " X la..d to every nicip Low Apprentice Wanted. Tire whole allai, passed olf-bout a hich ha Loan g,maptd I. -1 t voild.meeks benefit will flow from the action. President and Ifeward Lis turtiance wk,te,vr, &uJ the By Law well einit.ad p, At above lepinz aides call 6 aitThen again, there is a in like Socratari have re-urstral front their coular- I The costuittes; appointed to revise thin WAN170D at this office itntuedi-tvill' 'A kow allIllookipal asI4 Assistant tA-4 of Upper smaut, scull@, lutellipskst b,,I, 14 or i5 adopted by a majority of 80. We alwaill I . ..... those %'Ihis, and t-wat which speak of . Aft throvilgh which a lemiffol, 1" I'l f sillites, else* at Car Point with M'. Stephens, and a ears old, to fear* 1A, pir:ntiolf bo alkle to sie if s',.v *(,r,, is 0 hish illtporous people, Fcrly , Mae$ to 1110, 1 lot- films �-foypsf GOVERICH. C. W., FEB. 7. 1865. ky uttay be, di ivoin With slagad, all I sAllity. compatriot failure is StrVIOUAced. Althouxii C-1,06416 hall hqW sovemimsetinip,n"Nor' Applicant most poestas a good common"" wilecto4bythememan.6 hen put 14opers- f '4' west of '! An 01 I I o t list c 6 to I ul tvd I be i It Athe whole affAir lossi im,dved immyste-Y, misly atteu,led,and lure, twusidered with imuch education. Apply without do' to city .if flaftilt-11 livautil try located Aotte 3 anil 4 providd that billowairs or an111012. Ow liturti6ifirun tiny. us. (if its lluddo,gs VOL& 3111 X It Ill. OV TUE. ILI*- -41-C 1 A If Z I doubts am entertakovil that the ultinimium eam 4 umber of partioulaims in which W. . Co X, Iinwould act Philadelphia r evc.. 0 1, anaOf Ar. 1,Nwolo nine a return to the Union as comm. taut ffice. I bit" I CAN �k 1, - stort keepers it ithin the p4VA;bit lij k*ILSI- poov,pient. base been sulCoste. This EAliotsurcli. timerouo slid tlexx,,, auilAAAlity silly CZIKM for sale and sell Ininiary basis IL)r ftii-r ne,foliations.. conotow ui,34r. McKellar, chairman, Attorney ba of rite chu.,hed are of 0. mu,te ,f liquors I I'lee vote or. Tetapersuce Bill sociely. Ifer suirijulAdin,few,oustry with is mencod the 18(h volurtup... MAI-1211lities Of five gallons and What olues, s g speaks fm the pluek of the General *111hurighl, Solicitor Gencral Cook. in to b an the) kawr -1 taken 11 oil file flight sienna. h, has paisived through all file viocill'bitudelf upward& What a splendil otiming it uutherner, th-i, after all the puminalial burnA Mears J. IlilOysid CaLlikerun. Thossuiles 0 Its. . . ; 'I " 4 . _ broad at -tea u oh -r cwhiviii air on-ol ,1 I A oilwouji prove for some unprincipled fullow they ha%e sali they sti!l sto,oly Ferguani, Jackmoo, D A WDogialill, D.Asop will in McKillop o,. the 2lib it . incident to a new Countly. for I A ". eop 0 1 06 .,It am gettin.I ez�ited slid a rousin; spree estwitting very Hille dry pe.so:4t in derganding their McOmk.y, A. cKenzie, M,Gi TAXES ThAst collectok Mr. McKay, an slthis tort have been or to ktArt # Once cou is +*v-*#" ate egreat deal of whiskey I I & Till strutg1s, must a)w be "$amed &,,,I togglilli Prin. 9tirtoin, Welts, WaNks, Amos Wrijbir a theilsolled. The temperance rolk as . . I I A.V I' 4. .I(,' I r facilities afid? eviiinterrial ante, plows he will tooloubted y ber.wo oit st,ort wins. o��ng to the fluctmetions ( .,.I, , anot ifica till persunti who have it A paid their luminto itig away oil file abulit'.41 w1ith ellYellow all- in floor ismsein.mon nality wherein talrerns woro illy J". out t,, file bitt" a'..]; so to*, The foll,oring are the nie jo,pnri,nt me. taxes to do so before the 8th inst.'and aia" jarowt efile force of surroundin; circumMincers ! a will, and I observe that the oppoileots of' deace 41oov call tell %bat thm end siuill Ill. w thiough t it c-niotry West tit limuo S.A. us, It has had to win its way forward through funct. en who really love drink *.a . I ankloodmatufs made thus far, "'further trouble. .d a every sidle Lie look otthing *ill in"'. siar,&,* khrinst any utber peop!e oil ler the ots W-oulJ 'enomuld' * the measure or* using the Press on their side i 1"'" roved by the c unimee. 'they ostes ­ - ____ ­ A, We., .A., bet the appearadne of prosperity, Ur -ea every CJII1Q@ to the IC14,110 `lAr up the way ufissuoig ad,ireasei, Laudkii.6, Ac., tAAit ,low find in"m to puriliuse it wlim they art- in �Ivsp,iir ifhommed in slid criopled &L OIF TUB JlLt$03111. - A perestrial -ill An gets* over, Weaver, and a A.,w " we ovis w and towns dotting me ttle outh is at illis montelit, but still des the an.is ..... .... A acculAismill but throegi, a it, as Ipok,.n out tot) poor to take a oviii -,r clothe PC* furidaf'vots, Itakea on each:-- Jiscuutin4ing bill subscription to the Si of the latter here is aspeciruen : 4 collutry over Iii,v the cuua"u," Us Liew in horiul swims -it half suiven to act their chilarell, and they will, as &ugre sal ralt perform prodigies of valor and Qualiflesulon WAities, towns and incourpow a, recontly, assigned a his reason that "An insidious attempt to Islas Duokim's IEilbty nkifv4 westward throu,,h I rawl far, and upon Ike motto underItlad headifix, con. ai,ything zAn It,!, ubtaiu thvir five gilloni wyrs,.kne J,6 sw great. Frederick the 0,11. Ali atte.111AL is about to be mode by a ki rionsto' `4� 'ALAAAA --I ka,M-ly such plitsmiail angles a.vive at lingui I to be IsHowed on personal property as well his neighbors were nearly all commencing nh.ob a 4. 1. I cases ,el, I ,al sistalutly and faith Jlly,' and the result is once ill a white and Lve a --g!orious Great was frequently in a much wors. her of IlypoicstitiLat Teetoralors, in the i- J-X "Or Own "'Forest flem &&&in we fu I on I'mulwid and to taku it, mud ho could borrow it just as t') p 4 bia base evidence* sif the prosperity or on, sproo." Why thoild any law dicrinki. &Limit glints 1,2t is 'low, but be came out ilas ad that to -day it his a stronger bolAl upon Its cities, eotiocidorks to be aboli.ked, C well as not. Why not borrow his neigh- law. All luvoro of frred,)m and fair play we AliLL.o 4:1.1lutry and the uwcllau;"i New." of it., the liffectionii of tire public than it had in note between licensed tarerns and liovn,ed the evoil are War crowned with v Out)' Shout forty years since %be T* 'C""y ard miurniii. two aldeinieii.wfok shnil retire U, th, pll-. . ( A slary. Even tire Wy.lutiotutry hert.,as "all alternate went. In towns. two council )hot'& pantaloons or shirt. It Would hot k1u,sted to attend oil the 10th day of Feb. A III; Val hut wait elected obvis Ilia city now INCA' irhen in the 64t flush of youth. shops? What its simply PoiK)II In tho , 0 it b, imans-la5s�d in Handles Novels slid Opt Ion 0 each 'ward, retirool; alternate yeses. towy .test, at the Sch,nil [louse, Egusund h! no's @'A* C -1 -fame a Me Ic -1-um is whotos.ale poi,nma in the lidg.- I quite car reasonable. The �resent editor and proprietor clonet Led er aeei,4 at finials is a more hopeless This ansendrd.ot wait unuoinsously approved. wille.with,,w by th,ir votedthat they Will would do bonor to the most hidgivustilt; cit,,s liuve this, in their l4vour that, if plift. ll� Ifidt-ory repents itaell. wh ok%li The 81 t!e,t its in Passports. 'it" 11-AIJ AA- A ufAnswriest.-(Hossr, hem) Express, too imuch thauklluesits for tf.o I aaacil, . qluulilicmti,jI, of nlullicjl out ali,,W sue', upe'tiatart iaturcre;,ce with i -A -d Is lw% AIR hwI bard the riviewarks Stood, unilli kindnv,,s lie has liket with front decently conducted. (re are awaro.that .1hat this is not an occautiou for the townihips to be. the *&use us 'the Podiatrist). lbxi, privw, buslacis. ItsOur tive'rise whore lary (litalifi stin. We observe that ir Jauslars Thoursoo, I itI laaa,'. - ...4 60 ... ,a 6.1, slitapis 11L Our shiv arofoullu the rea&j� Of file V, I 'Alum eye=, ,%;. 1.11. Tho ultra tonip -runce tuen deny that such a et wq�sl but L.11 a labor laski befre Out, ub.0 lie an thing is possible) thoy are convonient Wairds ko 1A.Awsabips to be abis!ithed. Town Clerk of Go3erich, hall Intent daly HAV. aCON k'E D 19 R A TION. TIM siltAbIthimillit Of r:ect)ral districts to thall d- Its,, made ourJ'ruviuce what truetrouser., I :pps�inted Issuer of PAa,-port4 for this & romporksibil:16% "r tile effice fit lmi*_', Wert! I st,11114".. plows for travellers who r,Liuire be 6jltiotoil, in wl;i.b Loch elector shall how"* 'If TRUJILILMANCIII aIoeI 'ing -lie ConfeJer2tioa wherne, in so fir as ..a many votes &a these Ife is the only person'Alki author- UE VOTE UN ..rib.ard through one of the such as u.i,,;lkil Wdl daunt a wi*cr and.; tf�d and lulig - li themselves ;slid their air C!"turs to IM A VT. ow ha". parts of the ndAg,ined a I ,uniks. But, sly r. Dunkin's friendst, Canada is onnoceneJ, lsids�fkur to erised West of Stratf-mill, which those in- itAWder mso. The popor had. a every "-you call see i lie country treikkiiqig Provincial rep-maltuts and imany were the I tiverns are the mauutactoria of drunk. afait (sawnspli. The majority in fair The flettion of Mayors ta be in Council terebted I% III do well to bear in mind. I..... ... Ae-ith, plenty. About 41 miles of stich 0 or I., -a -s'm MC. J n rills slueoduleut is oppose by me There is quite a hustle Am Lit* WAN& hill* tt v y w a ti old on rise I v re i is I I I u cc Intl d a, Aprophecies it.:,( it would Fink into oblivion I ar,li. Granting that they are to a great ol'it in the Parliament isso sweeping :13 (',,c.bu-n, A. Islacl, and life. All CLINTON C0411tX31,014 DENT facts our- Village I Zurich today. I date to any %hot web-sta, ourtributeof moreettoome ofourcout after the death of* the latuentod 'Mr. Me-, extent, so are Lives, rigisings, social tile ohj,,ckj.#uA so fdrat that it only Jcpsods Wvwkin; fr McKellar has intrlluced a Bill Ifia! word. Who belAl uirctings here or ais Queen. What position could be ruort, know very well. upon the good nature of the G w sunlit -retes slid deputy meves, as wall priollid that we did not istiblish his reply to there was never such a gotheriat,tiol 16.e capi- Huudr Ikc., as we all = .., si,a, no, I All, .tw. niture (if any other fully �eais ag Overougellif oka,yuroelectiveby the people,aud a good Mr. Sherlock, (which, by the way.sovered'tal of Our wernallip before. I . ringia, it must Laveliven th"?. 1, A ,pushed throuh by usany pelitilnis air its favor Irs" come io. let We t. w I t u.) Ishea were any and tieflusands call date the coughtence- whether it shiall be ; I , �. I !I I trying to a yourl$ mail of ordin- some six or seven closely written pig"') flalga flying, street$ full. taorns crowded. &I a nals lbs� r file ioiesx� led,.,. 1 ,,,cut 4 their dowow4rd car�vr to thick main force. A Every opportunity, however, Only tv�al rate%* owners to vm�- oil by Liwi c,,mbined present to thei ifir sight -nor no ary wopilitHily We can .roniure wir, - althou-Ii lie inas reaJers dia btes and their driuking concomitants. IT. -is girem for full disousict ouol it will I ematin, di,61. If a tov law lisr 'that purpose I t have known that our !!H�Hskwe.q flat bad them VUL The howl of tbt Iii c, rult it, and that at flat � Oil y ular Clinton corres. ndent van doing d scio.e� if he LAI Iseeo art entire , "he Look .1 I�Al fill, kind the Irrowl of t" if w Ali gdol�l to attempt tile ttopli be adoptc.1 after cacti inenither his exhaust- how been permitted to stand for one year, it rent , Po stnioer ap-I ignorant %.f the objel-t o(duch a In our'lengthy report of the Sills Of hicar, have giten place to the sweet kmukak� of outnot, we for the result. The drunkard inanurActurro in tavernst, w eal all he has to say alkali not afierwards be quaidged,vo thi g round full j ustice w iii, wide of the bubject.- turit out 44 - A,- ollautia-S 4tiewu of contain . a roc, v,,i,e The wild, untutored o!% the subject. Tho of any lofinnalliLl. Slid tA.'thist ourodious 6ui;J. we could not inak C' If f 111I - Al who rcanie-i Liver the surroutnins. t -r diciliona, are that the programme will A tv,roshipubiell entil'skenrems a an under We desire to allow' fair play all round, but �.iten him ing iptlech by 'Mr. p, !utvr"`V`L1.'id is luile in sess"ll of is" glasne than Evy" Way to of r. t be atIculpted, "Oull it not have kwa right slid pi Lill 'we cannot and will not give up one' or t in. the Town Half; would Islas, y WO &in& i.sk,iu4,. v response to live 'anads our bas Muni ..ipal ct to [At -Permitted to car rri,. 'columns ofthii paper to any writei who; -or whosep of the fil,rc, lip, mud to- el o the i a lite.4 Huron has pluce to the wil. nay ill L "od u1i and bcucc I pen was fit! to stop the sale of liquor in five be Ituse-I through all the a it All t ' that 0: fazes fir it it into an adjoillon.l towall t endea,4 a.": pirsomAk.getting up bees, & ; , owe'. It appears flow by ipoes re. d f h % 6i"'w of the swanif-eval"i labor' Wh) ally a endgment whatever. their share of the coat to leads in that tow I A. has only to reply to a few lines. 0 t a : should it be inin,issible III pr,4tibit &list. shil, lionefitted'ity the work. run Orr" kshl,h 6. densely that wl ich rits title rkr alol said forov him far It quest Af ion 'of petilus. Oil* of a ultion (if counties may issue Ali - far- its . . ..... [a rusiml to respond L LypQltAUt t�1244 I if hewing of the ban A,at I o experiment ;�elhar the ase of whiskey art SUeb, it 1�11" DAUV N4 heutures 091 its own credit $of 0 I it mitt7ort the I ck�ati ro before Ill. brassily arm of the pioneer io . \ - for isuprv,etmiat 1 faeladL"rav .4 hoeisual. I am) is ealleu it ." I I . " . lye are list Irs, who if' 4 a In v evortJ our; Vid tile lgbilatur# tickle the Public with talki 'Itilly An he ri,­sze jo it poisice. And *it I .:v- feel '&DJ Ivan fol"ce So ArXA4n8..v tields .1 wav,.g thus far fr. VDICIIIAL GOVERS-4914TS. I'& An' The Soiree in the New Cannes; he w I �'t-ul- . O ion .11 on lhat a dIbjefACU It, after SUCII at, oratorical VIATU bit $old" 0 local. I be burrows and lumt. samli exIctati'al.. V a halt'gray loressure to allay the excitement, Theregulstiorsufthes,t!aryufthe chieful" I Th a an ab and exceedingly izkster� thodist Church last night (2ud) was a to on sit�mllt iston't mi. -t that of C -o asoinals of rise forisi, and the A'it the Revetitte rk�lice to 4C in file floods Of the police cum- p. to 41�jlx!sir from any learned * it mL to final earnestly striven to produr, pa e which It'! estinglittle volukzk�, marked . by the clo- milli,iouers. irciy,infecessful affair. There weri about or J 10" tbL sa.e�us in cle it, what my iiaveell .111 I'm of the savav [Wage. have Site,, ovikd earritilmly as perfoetil nsi tire fruits liquors would not be aiiijiglu *hit I . ! rls r. a tkil. thin, neryNA inliv;duAl, my ,,u6j..cl Ali ijorain it. , %ahj_t place 11) AANe editices; and sillshese chaaZte i quence and historical, owledge shown ill Towns, townsk!iips and havethe .100 peple present. The guests fro,tem"t bitterly III moil, art-lught, 'tisin &be la,t 40 years byr The in tI diukiuishc&iq� the long run I incou"t s " to the establ"; Of, -41 1 ran". Alte slid I'* 6 I which is 6,,q'Iturk to i thatshould eye.- W it in vie all the efforts A f the Au"h Hurt. T. I). t,C * I � I Pu I ruptuous repast itg'fh� basculent,,ealUmi them hypoenti, us de4o;e of holesil prid.� alustA-y aud',iler-a%eriure of the pioneer* of ButAthere are class4es in file Bill of in . Anent .1, I L up houses. cal.itia upon two I tape III ths!ir ad oval Ifurns. The s44irting afthe locomotive is a m6b riblisrations, and the lie -its McGoe. We thank tho flun. gentlemAu after whitra they entered the body of the I �b n he says:, . . ilw t so Calculable value, if they were on1j; listed I*he establi,durient of mile or more bbus,g oll lecome'llgravard slid nip -this" happy floi of our pfogripsaun. ]'am yesto far &T al id I I file vil a -1 I for the copy sent us, and Is it listened to obleand interesting,'c"'i't !r if ary curry this they will fair, si,ro:c prect ive ka. o- oW I W3Y indu,t,y made its ti,nal church and in the oil, I I I Its ran small railroadIt within I a s,dwast pl.iti, if Aun a 10611011 Oil CounliArd, alt. for cities and units speeches from Iteirds. News. McC3ppin,; most be wen inS k,i dictate t-O,theng ition and, 14 a Lt. a four Pio,ince sow we have have the effm ordiffluing kilowl upoll H bolooll 'DMIMM separated from Counties. wltw�rsr amid how d.oy als*1 stake it no birc 2 d 44: &.subject which is at present en.lig Fletc4er and 31;ckiJ. D. al . I th Its 'J Is' hundred it �w be, All t,srns with a poiA414tion above 3 000 f it.'$ in fall h ita, parent,, brot r, touch attention in Canada occupied the ehxir. The sin was at any histilet 'I sma, I . �ivsg of tve I will valle r ",it Aithas' ALI have a police lif"'ciag gew 6, the i 10 all whivis halt Tattoo .,Ww oPr, of.t.rper. I choir uner (he lowic"hip if 'Mr. inges I iensain steli Ifurvii ft:dy, You would pro advertisers I far, far' 9 .11 a eress, InoArt. - 2 t linereially, m. We cite as most inipurtaiiIi?cce. ive more* I ot us t Ias i, I chetowl to the echa at the elos! of hi4al tio:: i'n"our ioArr I ishe isbit of I(ORTIJ BRI I loll IftVIEW rl,r Novell,. la, e in Due .1'r. uc .1 4 h- a Ihis garosical appearanA,e mid -q sales, her. have bwu Ii Am i3enoi I ez"ss.-ur the parent, brothers her is hafore as. Frequently as we have Pit 1:,Ie movenl�ht,v that either Los or lji% h tJ area lssaad il:dk' 49 O'Ll gray. III u bill Pence Comisnasissomors. Thoni" y1s is ndiflaud pi�tmwd to rwill Cal, ,gageort it a few,),�ort sod inotailt 0- islet, 0 lie h-1 of. a ell er igreat satisfaction to the iiudience. The; his replit-Al w utility of %!.e aru, 6 fea uveugs vf our wil-te ikili w. sori sAided to thew invaluable reprints Jurist-- sf�r- elions *'in t I'd t we havc boom id have not-yel passed I,# p ethe t or or ardim"I 'O, m, on I nicating after Fistending a few very I he the 11ole Jaque� ClAirtir I.I.. t"I I The Is greut-deal, The dK it burdet, Is h portibas dLsbtletsi a foot dati4p,ow pleass-! agents of his opponent were trashlol we , k., .. IV fill anTo wake a fortune or la by a of c Is I III: 1. IPar -guay itival notice the Plot yes�l we cannot allow the present fore . O'U" t this (A ourcou fly 'he if hi r her. to allf plT I opportui lioes; There will be peace 10", ; of Ask, Ch. ro, broke up a lf-pot. ton behind in and far hv!anAl in li'mush it,, ore trial a in i q directing Gen. o ant It I hA tkoritir nd made InflAt ' a It r4de .1 took I..W, 11 ,his fany at is virmeakfa fivu-to keep Al7 . ho sell* or is reputed o'clock. ..% sainy day is out of the qu fnor of any ll:ud, I o attelitiuf:git� t60e:a8r3re9wh They lockown lavaliere intXchgoi.-ed ILL tween the two cities 4tt;,, di'Tereber, la, (or no Aniquits of; in the mange of Francis I.. t" tc .4 they p 1-Y go ir burdevis we ermwith the world is the u t rdicity, Ijust will be.peace--precise!1 eloqu ic coAld convince little Out of ere,j when It 6LC404 the liniperty I he r,ti the foul P deliier IlItOXICAtirfif I nor as ashis, 'r to to le at the fea- a or that, most erbat time or ten io that crowd. that anibodt had any right th"C" Are 'It' e"" " r, a Ie brief sketch that' a newspaper publisher u d offer: to fit,: person in politics ema crilight. I wait% and too.sts bellivess.. !Irs wild 14,11,61, Is win suvb htbit; &it if the person 10!encd,wi4d,uu-in Ii atuipu dials- gro'd I -y h" I proved miti. expect. 4 do -at Rot time %I is twe!ve sinceahs forrui I,, knot who to preloome to thr,;w any 4 6 who show how our count Ifrom the Want accoulp I oil thinkers of it'i""'A' . ' yelle were not like silly of their Agettiu, their wou'l, I. red eta" of $aware Indian, the In 111i aolea. the A Inruveseuts it after such wmim. either to 11, or by his .L very glaring came oflareen' zboicirst. the F-mb held I dupirs of a bassi rum slid the return of' Y beer. Fbia oviortsal gn-otirkz if a fi )fO, it It offered, it will be our en, r, eleck, servant, or age I I r me fit in the Did wor'd-in 'r q rt an -Cietift', 3 I I,race be dA.t,,nt 14 to a 00 the ho!,� It .As pe'. - &I.,I of for a I"u. laime yet her a I,@ the fuure,to advocate the main - 'terms of for use"T W, repeat that 1 gui'.Lcd V. the kriket in th criterion ol I I . d . I ei a 0eclal r"u.sa i list reflection of the World's pro, .11 title see, draft has betto be rti:v resells li-A `latsid4y might last. It Seems that feet vionsense for I se tragperafire own to nwas dill rAAL Paton, 1.61 %v,L*Sf and 4 IT Trars ago I w- . it "r us". file Vt 116al ere %Aild five vkhrek,, Was Lt.# h of I be the in the rin ,, s al pree -orb what we slow Call thm I'pJw � p rialses, Ali ad by to, ald the war in sotw4nual I vi ' Pr.Iv &item not ewes re to labor as,iduou-ly to prudd lie _,rmoar or persons unknown enterel I e is but 'tioner, deliver, or in or from mi , hai:dissir, that can adorn lire and benefit our alaw not ow tiff li of the men call f,,,e . I,, In by ir"ne _ ", who ough , 9,) k1low well, that *tbe paper, to keep fully up With file times in I booth, u place occulpie-I by his!, alt 11w barrio, and Mey Al, tho,mo4yhisy liriti.,111 ln%ton of*,- be ro-lim-J to ItAve their alwcti Poll filtvt votee in tile town leasto-ro valley of she kii. Lwiaoi in Isy their 6dion foii � or wherl.ril.811 any such liquor is s', A 1, I vc ll-kcit House by gzi of a duplicat flier viesild not I tili I lie A attle Save gained this Ili tracked them sp w thew forms, all that is enterprising, and age ounfidCH11V and sentiment, thus recommending . the.u. 14. pro.vided he qu�tax *hall be ship for no I.icooe.` Ott atoos ti. the trust Ifit our numerous frivnklm Tribuise. owin flail at ah"Ut 2 o'clock Is a I hod "it Inwill 140 'to to he CIA-; fired, any such liqu to tZ Opt" key and wasored a hog W- ungive't, to Mr. a or their tlorliesol ul giror"'Ahe selves -to erery isi Caurs,iiin read. he lon, a sheep anit smaller pieces of most atained plains of Abraham& Will boitt that ;.%food. then.ti,)oJ,ffAkw earth the throgri i in,injI 6, b rise person bell@ is the Viet -President or t�e I this preilictio-i is likely to be gi ,ersonal wro or. We invite attention to the advertisks- C sort, ItAwlt into put 'the counties Will sebordl us thvir; noto-e 111-sY in all actiouad for I �1.. l.111 - ablest tuesksktlo`� from r. T*lAndrevi two 1(�Auk of beel'i T poll stessoulki for limuse to I, I ss, licen'se. 4v dpoo the bilthesit piansicle of ,be citd,l (of bruu,,Iit within six months tibereaAftor, ­ L- . clitering atz6hrice and supliort. usent at' Lconard cott & Co., of N. Y., lo: itan:1 S', -I i The fli,,erance men look violl and dsk�-etivd, I great (:W.f�owt4tion www W� Je Cali .@a frm. Mr. Corson, an a r not .I iier iaw,) recover it( the lwrsoh noti and some motion from . he tattle still the bravo." e dul C4aa& w \4ich will be found elsewhere. edly a m-mber of r uprome Court. "d IL (.it to trave made sea invots, . ­ : - III I. *.Va. u: shall then stoolame the n -t lest lefts than to, Their I quantity of' nicall from Mr. W. Andrews. for out even .liat her ac,-ptrt westvi For's time urer . Y i4wsII stlich e t It welig h t and logaidi he Southern commu- � 1: : I, "vs it will " L u In!, it. they on, 0, y :,., us ell -an ,I i. cone" DU.NKIN"1011 BILL. t 1an 11 v. hundred dollars, am may . .7d , 1ATI.ATIV,' ONTH Y --The n. for AAA its the officii bow I epeatedi hear the remark oadar ruli ling were ru!vd by ilia ri. ,es;, slid any I , ) 4,1. I law, but it was very disims efu by file %'unit or Jury as dania. Fwbruqry is replete wi:lh solid, ti�ful !�,Kfu,n,ee b, neor their mission, '-A eigh must have bt.en u sion ople ire peace thApy If ­4io all :76mend his 110 I I'T Aphi'll., I ihe file] maril-A woman may linin euvh in her 'us aliows, but sill it was a willl stormy mAlit to nd .fa I 604W n"t ,a re r nte,l by more fifty chosen , it a clause that in t,)wnship% tojeh as this f.refistiferi ft,ua shod iliq The Temp:rani6e Act or I S�; I, is an ei. goals Astitake, wit'lejul aught lot her live- entertatiming matter. It contains file apiwart. A commission fr�tn the ronfe,ferate I the depred3tors pot off unseen. X!arch ! where them was no arryinA odof a, onisofNow& lilc.tsib periment and nothin.,x more. Taking IfAsr band ; aisid all dami"es mcovered CV her &hall o ilit 1 :01utor al"I sh.l. A— fill; 4, 2 St or firwankrick peoinic part or a new story, " Dr Johns," filowernakent would only impode and enilsaramis warrants were Issued oil onday morning,, & Ro License By Law. that file cvllui,,io�iins ouon.d g(iyeroiaeut. %ueh was their dta -in that go to her aspar.Le use; and i,, bw musion, iumsmuch as PIrsident Linc�,ln should pay the espenotes. At the 6use of t6c] o 11's. slogan of goverusnest th.,t IN. y bex" -thar, ga,d a J',. Itiver, and a but no tracts oftbe haut,oyuIJ be d' a :ni,ow. md after a Je- modussr.u.,t foicil rearwit, &oil granted, the numerous ills case of file s;.th I with*, party. file actoni and Pnlq-k-.A never'll other features of I would norecei,e i4ein in ally copac;ty. which poll so day rise vote alo,iAll, for he Bit li�wii inflicted upen society by the abuse of &it I ri.ht ufacia, in giv,11 by ibis secti.m, shall more than ordrialar interest. kor safe at imoliqd The recogaition ofiuc It airovernment. ered. It is Prime ffili�Lht Consolation/to � 106 for the Tawartass Too general A;pInfun "me which c4mo sip go tbt-ir statlaid fill miner.4 LI.a li sit tertitlit t , � 1'r Loos 11 suevir .unst hi y 'y or suet, actall IN thas ,hit. as;, whould two% flat 14, Y 4'11 ill V J! A 9.4cn, W. all r ui,d copper suite, , f IA Supfti4r Alcoholic beveragcAl, and being repeatedly 9 this office. rhat their visit I,) Writhinzoo has file appro think that he vaillaini guilt graint-4 4reas to wouldt, wells etabolifteJ lis midt.j f" the wine'al. and We sit lov that be cosic:udu Oat,the poll r va or at lc&,t the coutitenancis of; r Dar it th ja impskitant olike C.naila can. urged by a large body or tc,"peroucc. are,,, In all places where by law irolticating OrR T0g`NG.F4jX, bit ", are pretty sure to 9 ori' I t I : that the liquor triffic could liclu"ors or Iar do Contents of this 1\1 cbruary.-The is lar the likes that the% weft perniiii,-.1 their live* . in the t- -0 7010 shal, he kept ol�oss. t norrow. of 1" lh, ioa and t�i not fail tu an a Will) arguLd ft is a reasonal,le fig 11 lery. "'be weatalwir bell bete beautiful to it, 41:13 alluai '1011 little magazine o. file were "p.vifi'd into 9,601f (dreir, Iral.) lfftrai, is It. or t Items by him to pike the lines. plins therefore, that whale'er they Iri q *at plvassut still sul ahould I,c- ulAul6hed, the Provitic'.11 N o oboy-,afi The Dealtill Concert\ 1 nit u,,d am", sines all go. tied his posse- &I'd The grand sist I -ld by misilts.,nq L:�a r @)t bor dis,"al .,I IlAvid 11felson ; The Mind- .,me to, will me, ire h;s favorab!e cto; T,i-dAv Fri -far. there is a change in the:' me a I client I to the IeC ...... try adcApted like Bill 1'rained by muchiquo or 0 1 pi�..r ; The Portrait i Fouriguing for lloy� sis!�rgktion. If these mopectailble gentlerneq. , To Mr. linnstyrie iA advc-rtised to come freather-"Cold rsin i" [Aetstt�usly. I 'it ItAll-11-411- in a-, iocts there as .,ther W. -Dunkin all a kind tire Ill clas" th" roof, or QwguF or G.Am- the 'am afraid it a i:l dmock out the enerly of thr I'll* 1.0 the" - Ve" as,I ,or the rle� ."u'., to person from the Suow Fancies The uoffer 511r. 1114ir's rrlwal.� �'Iiits I., off in the Court House on idt*Syce;es; tato altogether, luol that 1l:ov will warli oil's 9, em We p�mwm also LAW, and' yt Baky"\of the ltcg" alossaond, and th- (.11 ex,-laosit its le noust ou 1we'-plag am th all live .nAk trat-d t6 rise very f-rit which ever a Alta .a .t I hour of t;ine (oil S.1urday e Ill the Iment ; The fle;,l WInzed Gaciiq Affoall have given, thinkthm chances of peace see ocit. From oil we can learn aplwa-iso,e, hit all. Th,; loill li,yalty of the people to th,! lt,a ;4xon rare I he Cf is 1. broad cuough.tur cushle'whole Counties to hour Air his no th- Istooday town .. in the Furest i Chri,,tugans Bells Ari suffle:oin to works thiAA siginsistany. it to a Lolm ful tnecta with univer,al lovor, and we It ve I Lo .f t4- bs4 thems c for, -excepi in cases Artists a I 4, pljee It or intoxi. , I �1 I fetters the [gal hour 04-41AI w.thout a w, beir, andiisel iou for luedicall Put All -4, syrnidons, which the country will but ioo rs,�vr-, ':I olfered for the III, I, ter, and with over ell, a' oaPw' 1 J-1-6 In (is 61 on, somfistloArs as a legall "it r. y a see. .,! Adventures ; Our C.yuntry hors; ,_on pentletmen from places s distant .4 %if ii-i64maatwy #,p, eating 00119pounds. IV let it !y i The for the first I I*,, notil"exhit" .111 ot",111 will work pracUtonier, or by a Iuqt.m I b.. Winning his Way , Trapped in a Tr ; 11 - BJyfiClJ Who announce their de tritaiiii Cady to 11 r I them with a solis1 sakfumearsucts an air of business that we wi revol their vot, t PMFS a the f tire -C l,l a ail the goo] MED is p,.,Iu,.d by the Ia0 Is 4 nor fee oursvesprroluill on it ti,l i I ii;n tif be pro oil I. llUL ;a the slid of label on to ..'ist'ibeng to t*oW 6IN the : -, -1111 a 1.11 &Air country T 0 Al-ni; is it sb*ll *,,y liquori be to Bund tire Lamp. � Iluilt The gathering should r ,be mother romoirr but such ote .,;I old on sold exT rod its -fri,.Xv ta friend, hope from it. it kin is better adrisd of I hii V. Wrld. r . I The a I-Ati,ll'a wlJlh.--(HAuLr, h�zr.) Beg, or, Ise, dru:ik i-; any such ex,ept by tra by Ticknor Fields, Heaton, sold fit thiff,, and we believe sill b,! a very hirge one. M me late yet to lie determined. if 11101le ran is tillers or by issrs)m lirnafidle r,-,,d,ni, 16d.11 tbas . uJ 4 iJ from a part fiery A zi.ov 1, , w.,y be a ;J 111.11 Ibis natiqns's Coot Will I CC. Arvi of the Rence Cominalos, Bannatyue's writings have been admired ­t� ;as- I "' they resolved to invadc and dur,,y ,., so extensive as to reoder poocti-nis difili we consider the Act weak. it' not atneslUt,. iol Or 1) 1,1114i"I thereof, duritit; tire films I ! rave it m4 my npiii:n1lo %lonerst. t ne.ship :pesuckn in the sdjoio tfor Inted by this section fur the sale if the 11"IeVOSIAL t)0f-X1.lt The troll prized by hundreds of our readers, , hill It th IL. � .8 link the Saigon ifn itnilossib:e T rue her border land is )y groviltiloss. For eximplo, ahh6ugh 6anik. Ph oln4iggill Journal and Life IlluatrAted, 'who can appreciate true talent, and now !,,.y 1, i,e`.t1r ra'"ce me" 8,141166 GAUI 8 &A With 040 -iveR each municipality tho privilul,Ic of ForvT MoNRrkr,,F@b. 2.-Mes,vs. 111top1wria. IbIllilluld ratty ''; *, . ' real yet I ivr ft,A bet we still base We thits ur temperarlc,� friel. �% ought lot J, u4_appears with .12 qua,to pages, III terod ('*fill twill si�okl oth,.r that tbey have an epportunity of contrilks. In 'List loan 1, same process of' me- 11 We are brothers still, this power it, pevent the wo,14 be iontager, abolishing licenoteis to Fell 11 11 -or, I, file, and a be tiful iduitrated co.cre If contains COTALmitmi.,ne.s, '*ffi-ed her- ftI soning I com* to coadw in that it W91 Un u'It Its folids f`r & Coleman lb`� train pri lutin oar sahed soil *i4b Win martial we, I er.sves proudly 'er poa f.,rtresi croi III to hive these pioNi4ious printed in lar wal.4iistne,all Orarit's w rev, W to P-toet us all, and Spirituous Liquors," of what earthly , Fennystrin, Silliman, Skavidai,, in., I rain t" Poolilpto P- utip- their mite towards the Isciliefit o one #0 I 4y an" W pitch a measures can read. I-oll"Ai her sbonq am se. cry sueans to W- rmu` 0 peci.1 dififtmy lift who hap done so moth for show, it will be in carried in be flow. CALL benefit call such nisolition im-, if, as we P�b ;it. sews"Its Wes'ey-mother of I a. Nis steamer, the Misty Karl been within pi111st a( The sioulnett-ed 111rets of gest lettcr4, ai usi C . Plit ,-voldl well, on buirti the steamer 'a lis,iiigg disgrace if the op,sor And 1, its At iv we will stand (it fa:1.­ A - inn th . oumsal points end h.,s Orion know to hae been frequently the Coast, file I cury their onfore.-ment. At pre -tent they j,,hk' an Ind;. Clji-f Frig -it uller, Mks ritin�, I., Irrek,e thenk. IT I t I trinity is' Itay, Feb. :W, Itilli lcbesrg� ) bar cowinkforst, yet a fommost's foake bas not trod i nie 4iatuefully neglected by the Publi" Nal.fins, ise IF' the' Priocess Of Wales. the arfi,r&l of the Coulaus. I 1"'. Let there be a crammed house oil aW We bar* received frogn a corrcx� I A The Gad recalle I file brilliant bp.)n her shores for the last eight be"" People of the 4'euriterminous " ustruicitiodi suit the last (44) cipecially is ha Y . 1 achievement$ f his ancestors upon the y Florence irrcup of %Vor:i.rs-- both stean,Aitim; p ... c"Alvd to Virillpe night! Let as take the ria" by C thin is her pondieut in Uallosamns a letter written in 111C, bloody plains of a Milrossity, an Au-ifirbuil, .re ty deterawine tb#A they #A -ell not lose like Net at nought ithroughoat the court try Pizarro, Cious vvi:. ft90 ilk t h" sleedoll sit At this writ. the hind and mike him feel for once hAt lildntoet'-d by the begav-st (if I" lisondial, J.14"As C I The An,A,) ruggou olenn rise brove., bonds wild willin:1 Ins -is orre or cndor And not, henven know , -roomeeircumMancsts prophetink,tyubt- fttlior reri:1AA t,j tniod the va'inot doeop ever found it) defend those 1;me hon -sed . es r If-. 6".1, Scott, -i,stia lemes for node right to drink as nauch whiskey us they. TIw abbve remarks are offered' in a rede inir, 5 )'clock, nit L ts broadest kind of broad geogitch dial,et a lJor please. The result is obvious: the ulsol. P We too and Napoleo witb. Etineci Baltimore, file � teamm art. still out in.thd which is no doubt a very good thing, tit of his amcQsl(),A Uinta The sar!6w,nforry lie:d of Inifiluki a -hich blared iffs aimouts .if mgve. ishing municipality lope� more or le". bscitt-o we wish to throw difficultie4 in brano .. 11 ,f,bys;V1.,gy. &'.At stftan. tin honor in hi.q,)wn country. We inite I a we caunot read -I &iugle line ,r the a Waterloo. nn Intermark. at A Ilislakfar.11, air, still we W W! ?Party hoodi an of the way of the 'advocates oftouip,ragge- .'Ay. 1. 1. wbilatte.1 particular.4attesition to the excellent poef;sril 1'effasion, it will hnr,flv it prise in ryifit. Ifi al"I M,I)y uthe's iii, Is will i�h Lone hel; 00504 he -sits to4elend ourshores a4misist all, revenue, ind the thirsty Anul,% dio not mind ... Wat 3:0 'a year, by Tills NAVY or Fxt;LAND. - The i mest-al ir Laws, And Via,, by 'awaiting foe shich attempts to overturn, owr in ill things. For our oursolves, w;ish!RvC 0&*2@c eontributioa ofMr. It. V. Scott in another newspaper tits adopt, going a litt'e out of the way togelthe;alwaysf.Ailed to too, as at �%Uro disciter in proh y I Bra I way, Now official return or III,! nutubi!r, Jimie, ton- immortal sinews a U-ine in delvileo of their modled institutions.- (of course we will, accumouieJ barn of,, tarrule. law. of' ally kind u reloAy fir the Retrial itstage, tArmistiont, and Isciradpower or column, Lord Palmerston', udv ice jmd write in a Aodsoth�y did. Upin, *let cheers). a% its around u,. Ulstfl tire current or re liners slid maiiing shipli. rompossing the � -!large, clear hand, fit, ir letters wculd U" the war)' field on which fall their own twit - Icg," or " fritly-rolf." The source or the The Assessment Hibills. British avy, published on tire Ist-orl Town Council. som'. few years Previous now fail linuAld'y Nx invati,ork threat ei il, in tuch "es, cannot powaiLly be said fluman nature is turned into sk purer I The following are the Standing Conk- find their way to file Rattle basket so fre- the citi, fiin or tt,,�ir ont-Any, MoLtgfeuicr 7 Pit let the loms bell are, 1hri, Janna", ltvia, under the authority of Y. Th -re are wo-sden wall& spun our me' to be dessitoyed-, its head is simply strikers channel, own Will inevitably be The following eircul2r his Ii vorit _kslt� the Amirality, Pit item 6-st the total itteem for tire current year! Tiie onemy were shortly after Aftiven I ate in so ing. drinking, Ppi-sking ond set- the the limits of this couot.y ,led dove lite is so, And oil she,% �Jr. t4 to rise hydra -like in a ti�-iglkbourin,g, ing generally: The only w.iy in whiell arioul County CoAunclls- It 1138 �#ykifngth of the navy -f England numbers Fin s"P.-Th ii It Ayer, 11.3.11a, D )Otb,. Loil". more ocilor,­d to fldnada. Durin4 rise The (stiff wo6lJ run into our likikeit, I - ()or lakos their Ini f -stake townstip or town, ts tho coast tri-ty bo.-%- i the awfuitvala flowing from intemperance been found that, silliple ItA, the law is with craft class g, exclusive of which yesCans,14 rew-iwed art i,,H,.x r 0 the Ailing up or the Mililih col- liters, are flow at various dock- time from tile disloyal those who r, Leading goods, Rx our readers are awmirc, � in drinking cook be Atbaii-4 it by the, intro� regard t ]&,lds Runiei- iI", e we p- a it a rpreign fhe I duction of' tuore haritilem buver-ig.-P, end umti* in,,the Assesinglentitells nuincrous';r. YUJO,'4� OtheM which will mount from iloff their alieig.oce I. it,,! Our adoptild 1:.nd to take." 1;eIverailly form the bour4inci of ustinisi- man, Clifford, Diney, NcKiy ad iIA mother cowary. Nomittisia di,&4 the Asp (IAAd appia,w) I to 03 I one each. nf which am- tA­ M ­ i above all, the training ofyout h its habits rorsh-tr� been nside by assess irm. Township ceinoy fler- politics, and the greatest number of at fir t Of th! R ;F ' " '# '1` pftli and threats that were mide to thtm yolk Mr. ifiri I sobriety. A yourn� itsin rell- Council, be east eful to give hv�qk labor f Lne-offiswe I,— .......... 1-1 - .w ,, , ­ , Ch:kirmaka, we slAkfuld be proud taverns grill invAriably b3 round on th ) Ira nericli. forusing an art for ptiln- their By Lles nutl sseisoment.- h bey onot' 'key c('*ld 'Hit aim "'At 0M our In, has lm:en cast in a land of au(h I 11 it I's 'A's vi land wli,ch ,avi- th,ou Ili tS, or iwin th.' roper ishir-, at. ir afraul and TonaL Now, supposing two towus 7'ps '141ants until be reaches the age of twentyJ as"ClIvirs clear instructions am to the p 14906, wbt*o put Inesont are 14reaAdyt,)f,ut ,)oneat Loagworth florton, Itunciman hand to pall down that lin which As Aiv r that aa glorious and ronspalrons I lei thus sipiratal. Yoe viii generally gal ! one, haa niteety chanc,li for a ucrui sober ! age" and other ourkiiiious, separating the i,e A I about a grainb-nits.'-Jilike and the Reeve. , ... I - entliltin e,.t iflimariv. future. 'low I will roncludo by reciting too llI'arid h ippy tire for ten against such 6 dvairs I male population into lot. 2nd and re- nunilu,ir at Ac orni,siom and doinit AIll. f-kinsir. 11 �or it (,or lotali.1 fmhers, bore words of the poet ishen he S&M ittwo or'thrialke tvvvkryks�on citsh si-le, or tile I 6.14 c�xieuwmjtion. Temparginwe organigs' I serve class uten. The whole thing is " i'luty in fix ta f the aleho arrinuot, Crinriery. -The Deputy R�evo, Slalill ll[ ­I. what The 16" f all'but If.* but* of fork. rftnl. ' I'mvirmid A of All. a+)pt# I'linki.i'm I. to 48 Arvolsolits4 end there a., IlaymsCliff4rd air,] Dincy. I-, lh, ,simsoN, " Ifurrah. hurrah for Canada, tons am-, we cindidly believe, doing in simple as A. 11, C., ani alhould be done wills For it they left the disloyal shoro, The Iti;hteml. faist germ :!s,o m eAminission 48 coast 1ruard cruisers, Five Departntev.-Usirtark, CUrd, I will One skkilP f low And found a home -hore On(arin tosrs. That grace* happy, proud and frosit I Bill and township it rejeclis il. %VhAt re" 1 finitely fit :ro for tire good or Fo-imy it, With onvrying correctness ; I ; 4 . .I.. , I . be is 1"i ii; he, lV her"er this nob!e 11*4 is so -en forin hall been securrd? Wherrin has this I*tt,r reopeet thin cin,bo In,al COAT McK y, Hayti, and Smith. allViet"rul's - Ie 1,4j"Yous still" It,, ,,, ld" I Cries line ot hi death,�� t"I by a dolen Acts (if Parliament, an I Ile- MILI[JA i)Ev.%arXFXT. llPromperity!%fand her offig, batue hit". frilstan, torrottes, stoorks, Alle., Md;f.-Ths Mayor, Horton, Clifford, n's f14A it bog ere? lw.C' Uenterat's Offiliv, -.1inIrfrook I go 131 fruits each; 114 flooth and Smith. And still all n, lie k" lieving thus, we bid (hem a nt(*t cordial most . ...... It. blow ? Is there a Itlass of liquor I Go I -speed in the untramuseled use of 1W. isran, 411 be till time's decay., Qt,r.xx,,,Jan. 1'.#, I �4-). iturrhowit, froms 200 lo 270 trips each I British t*,,.ion long remains poured down nit that lending thorough. . . i,ket rommilf,le. - TI-sirith, f1lancy, eI(Cherrm Th#'s entry or the world." I agan a mightiest onjine-310A.AiL 8LIA"IOX. Sts, -I WIN to requiv4% that you will call lif,janijimfaillies, ma"yof,wi,ndinGiscom his - I (,.,I f" I, fire in CrAnsc(In'tice ? ut a bit o i the attention f the Asq.-siroft of the Munici- rrs�o,� in horb flay, Cliffor, acd Longworlh. 0A1-,. hall I" i,Ald wmI t *.'in rinvir lhnt the wild,irneps f ile, Wool Iwn -11-1 1w -Ano 10 I'vel 1114 ':,do, "" of the white trian. -olury has not elalw.d PRO. col-alcil'. RRI c r. if the tovorn-keepi-ris on the A of polity, in taking tho Anna.! Ailotesmsent, to 11arbater--Cankeron, Gibbons, Dndy, the Poll- Y -a no tbeii i hot it c, the roijairom-1111 of th'? 6t1l Section of the not clinaAe to remore iferopol, the r a t I Militia Act of 146:1, perlicalaril, with resp" McK-ty. t ienav` Tnl-GT*v"' w`% a ye fi'lle" lh� pio"Per stith th,l axe upon )it% ,cenmant hiring dermargil- Io 11- up rorr-etly the th:ee additiclost shoulder nArw hed Rito the ei of I*ppgf H all R in -n will just drive it double The U. X. bov The next meeting will like Place on the ,A,ti,n ooM no Called%, to do tharlhil colivni I lodt­ -".. . with the grand forest do. ar cIALICIAL Its perhaps more, for the A town, or ill 0j: ed the extra3iLions of Burley under the m with t he Vis assivar A,kd Resti F111"s Townships For the first FrHay of February. NIA-Co.,roilgi n feeling lot raver dearee .if Foorst and "AlitivoT (*let. Service men Temperance Law. which then cloth her to i a Is in of pigglitlets ) ed rt I oan wt, thism who lorts whieloy, rill very lilitly, i treetyv he was sent away from Tornim- wsAA KrA,rrvo- into, re4peelively. itfraft C,,nn- r,or and vww upon hill and 4,1#, What the find 0J 90 li boa done, lirmnl rntintrillors met oa Mon. in arcordinee wish a will known phooe or to on Thi ty night lat at Ail, r,n o'clock- fly referenee to Stlis section I of Aretion I ra the Editor of she Montreal 117insits, I flaoffifF.KICH TOWN!'111111". The �rori I - The f0rell YIP14 to the stranger pole perrertecl hoin-en nature, drink, forirp as and being conveyed by special train, W" 23, it will b# seen liter the ltnto,i Hall* of SIR, -1 would like. Wert Mm,h to we a li't IRV E'elling last at eway the Ballot Of The serliev, ilitia must he 4r- f tl ilia townships that have lw~d the FIRM. -On Tuesday night a trillient aninIow I And fertile fields fourn iti grasp are 'w',,n.[, u soveh shy -old, because it Is forbidden at handed over to the tender mercies of the fletive if the anicipal Itollp, frots which the 0 P from MI. Jsvm,u; Brocollianit murts beyond th3 border. rnbilowry by -14m. Petharm no section call light loss own from this town, apparently 1 As h 1( home. Take in vitimplisi: GoJorich ;�l is so vixihl@ 1.01 si toolooled Wjdas. ..Ikout opposition. It is well fs (',Lawy Kill& am o$his* I,% .5- '.' Z, "is town- Cnat if a., really nornshilis i's Ono black, .11 somewhere in Ooderich township. Next 0 inell $be seems Aurtin lasu-11s, ocannot be d-.,rIbA­4 , ;I@ lorrAt sirmathild We consider Good It. [I worthy all that -rP--, adrApts, the, fill I 11JI3 satlifiA06011 Of CAnadiani th it the. Ins . pre,lor Columns tile elow to which the he 1-1 C�17 Presets *trip, we Will resti,loti,ory bit or ir the residen joining in lasne way or other' as this morning it was disiscirered to hnte been - I Ifore the bra,.y arm of the lQudY pioniso, honor ... fe,,ad ":,." him by the )t"Vf& and the, IfIllron nnfiti 11erni g) by tl��! highest ]*gsd authorities in the land wore fineen Ceram, Elliott, almost as gross before the erv,ho. V1114 , if tire a a no% speciaffy 4sirigsetald by " lot, cow ilmilh, Oto.)ahov. Asphodel, onstarl, North the barn of Mr James Charehill, which e, and ,top* he may onsliftl is give all I be" the honor ti be, Mir, I sit . ru 11I. ei(by maze. 'eridst and c 6411setion in the discharge of his duties. eWhom flien ? (,plerich town ell"'d in to decide whether or not this r-ssia" or range, "it South, %'*entities Fen�lon Somerville, wait biirnM go the ground ; poproorld in Ite h, r. At- or I-, towns slid rod Af.,praag form birth silot e Soustalimme ­ lied alien- I militated tipl.16 fine at one Carrier, Clinton at anothor m�id , chivalrous young A, onalloa, Elden, Moore", 11*14'ismend, and calls began to fe""'At A cont,ast in the From the Pont inviairo report of the At, of earfinn"noo 66"sam"th"Iff everything Lease to Repiew wo clip the follanws; atoll himself frona the firmilecting; pimert Yoigr most obst,dwat warrant. Dori ingtoft-borie been earriedo sonsoy, by diariarn. Four of this fornily here At III thir-3 ; be PAkop;c irroinglet W. a rats, Or the #"Ore. aftif some -itb segment 'it like calamity Willi the past ..-.a h , Isser 6 now Moppet. IBritr1in. %%'a bow to the decision as Juist IA ('Arterial some of the to III 0 year, no se"vit, it is Nisted, alight All W"n"ed afraid to pprtieti the final fill* wall Toronto, thor ,m" city glad to ma Of th- *Pat only mixty-nino least IIAC@ titeir business at films three pieces, a anti wispland will watch hill rate with the Deputy A4jmtmt (lowered of Militia, Upper 0. J 0 4 an in ne y I ,gt _,e go '0 is r It c 0 Itsobe -6- III mooI " 'To" Ad Iaty As Ael it pull In] d f ;h or ""'nos' Ali:it n'n ain abe -,or AI,be I6. h Ioe ,he J f,_ own by Aof d plil. Iakalis r r AP I'll p of T 1. P, two of itorhisA" d'Aro, 'A'4111 ait fir 'I ah ._b P h��I; We _,1r- . ipr ioJAL Mol ,nl, "I" a4 'a 'u ' 1. - fly ananlogy. in no, oar t do do I he business ethe tars"Amoll-ro only Iwo little :Appooltion: having given sivioeriess in a trial for mor, llfirst shant-'wnq Asteroid upon hor fw~nt afte 'now Of 1110 trul, To Iii the matter va'alsin 60th" to op" thitle as tnush liquor " thoy with I- south onairklan, a(AZImah. I'll@ prinvi 4,,r whish will he fresh in the tnernem ir I healwski Ica and now A* eontRine no Ilea them fifty thou in a point, Mir Scott mitred 11111tat I silloy he Tlb* Allen non. r ry n inh.),iffatots. Abe chosen tilo, I.ron,th, up 0.1lifte ard=wien, I his I,Wjeaj isro )- A torrible tragod, hit" Is" lakes hair stand it,) remain is inevitable and T�%Lksvffl occurred 04 the CIS. I it ""bly defvmdM o A, readerat. f. romplitool" 11.1 this *me too strailthilor. ? 111filvartawni, 110'"biagios. about 4 by ininisfere nf the noops; and other&. :Z:rr Ping 'he fintit e -two, of America if cannot be throat askide by any amphim, This meaftfe finally pass Ad -" Thomitisy 0,oloelhr in M"day afternoon. A elork 96unt riessigini, Jeff. 201%. 190. W. n. a4 Mr hot oiltsealional institution@ a are eon -4 Of 664 reolvary a the nor" is( t1gar (sun -(*p 14 FR hle do not bilwn, the -igglo, by a write f 107 to 7 Th. liswe" meshed fle,rows -Aut $11st and im*ukkotly killed ,ArWJsw*$ ACT AwleAPT&P Or A MAJORITT or go h. -ow. AA __ & tlos�rei.1 04 her thontht that iff as to t,, however ingkgni�us. 'it., do, 6, M. 1440 -Iggo P-- Arnillialif t feem pintle people for trying t a- %fp*Rrs U. r. I Came jef - "on"I news, d ties, it, whoei 111111 4. 0, Tlis, Wr u-slis to that Mr. I'lik. ImMor 0 -mm" le"144"Is askiells, sinew %nor . th. $UK *40 tk* 1d do ifif filial lbu,.I" Nokwo forn't at The weft on the By JAW in Sboli4b Israeli R Ark a ht :", I. - " promise of nair rAnsidism Ross. 16 ha- had #tAcussis wait (or him the Wl of time the am. am Is ZOA them. lot Iron, F. Janos, J. .4. Macallostagaid, M�k&4� We askosan off, ROOT taigining the of that freeness In Goderith township was taken at Is how.) Not &kaAAw in I he sky flt 1. tI'ma'"ity he few an its Am.% alwo, it 6g listrateirerd, and Shool.7. 0 all I sou"lry else that ylet a som IV ams 114A to it"* T11111 safe