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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-11-04, Page 2
•PAGE TWO THE TONGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thur»day, November 4,1937 The this occurs quickly enough and a suf-sentences at Goderich last week rang- ■ W^tnghum AdvfrP^9*Twte5 ■': quantity is produced, the bedy ling from tw© years in the pen to -tour; Published at «wins 'and (recovery results. Net enlyimenths. .1 stiff sentence is deserving WINGHAM » ONTARIO * dees recovery take place but some* I tn stick -cases. ‘ ' I y $ * I The Beard of Bdncatien passed a freselulien recentmending- that the § hearing of certain cases, to be tried j | tn that city, be held in camera. This ‘Is a resclntton that shcu'd meet with;; approval o: all decent-ndr.ded ;i •Subscription Rate *- Six months* $1W in advance. T9 V. S. A., $2,50 per yean Foreign rate, $S 00 per yean Advertising rates on application. . * thing; happens inside this lunnan bedy One Year $2.00!»which enables it» in mcist eases, to ij prevent a secend attack ef the dis- h ease. ii Can ycv-tectlo'n similar to that wn* ierred fey one attack cf the actual dis- ; ;| ease be gained without the danger of n the ‘"Jdeath and without sear et toe snfw-|chiA?ns.. ■ ing that cemes with toe disease; The! answer is “Yes." n __Kphtoetoa can be prevented by toe| srs to I hijectien. of di^htoeru toxoid or tox* f I in—antitoxin. This metoe-d is known’1 jjas dijxnhcria iramtmosatlen. The in* ft .; Sections stimulate toe body to rro-!| tduce the substances which are toe| ,. fighting forces against difbtoem.« re they here rp>! These substances are not developed tl The*“* '^-ce; it takes several weeks torp ;-tois to occur, but after the develop-J A Giant Radjsh ■meat has ’taken place, toe person ls| Mr. Nosnaau Bond, who resides hutnnniced er protect-cd against dlph-|§euto e£ Millbank, left a. giant white | _ tovria, just as he would have been«mdish at The Sun Office which is S6 j ;bad be bad an attack ci toe disease, ifeches lang and weighs 10 pounds.^ J The menace ®J dlphthetoa can be-This radish was groxvn from Cack- ;i eliminated. Lives can be saved and-j-.^^ ^d and Ma, Bond has a num- si suffering prevented. It ss a wonaer- ■• 'jj;e.r Athens as large. — Milverton .■ wd thing that in many municipalities jShsn. ?! clinics have been set ®p for toe ad-1 ___—. (j•ministering cf tois toxoid. The Bine-!; j^cpired Wrist Cranking 'Car .-.vale Womens im>tnste have interestAlma Borland, daughter ot Mr. and .ed *e-.-.-.sc>4s m Stas iv.'r.-.- V.e «wwHMts. Thssnes Road xta-y aro sssecosjsu. ta tasvea^ every a High ..VMM in stas «an»a-.ty Ev-<i&h;tA ,ad her rtfiht ^5. brck(a ■ «y msrawpatay sta-aM we Sa w that craItSd her &5&er-s ^.-e*..; :sha etafta® are Stas jetted • -ril!.£.s.AdvOTate. .agamsx tons disease. j _____ _ . ... ;Missed Stop Sign, Fined $5Lets hone that .November wall; ■ make tor toe bad weatoer OctoM tor ® ■ er nreduted -ident when he drove past a step sign , . a. Tvitoout baking, Roy Alton, Lucknow. .. The average citoaen .feels tout toe a"d by K G. Weir, 'Nine-Power ^Conference to consider \\toen Alton produced a driver's "ways and means M settling toe lap-permit, a second charge was wato- ,ChmaitocaswSl be hbent as success-^es?' fid as toe League ci Natrons was with , 0V£'T 'CI' SKle a eetoston but no s^toe Itahan-ntoicrri&n af&dn The 13515:5 lanese will Lave nctoing to do with ? ’ ” Beer Vote in Port Higxn. Dec. 15th. In response to pretests mace by 3 ? Mussotori says there can be no dtm- Temperance Federa- i toble peace in Europe until Germany's .l^ers, Rev. Ik A. Cowan was advised | war-lost colcnies are toStotod. Hitler^ Pegram tout toe beverage room < -sure *3st a bee in the Hute's car while • vole naa been, changed to W v-imeS" •; yiriting In iJemany"., seay, De.. lox.. CJa W-em^esiay liaitt, 'Clerk J. J. Chapman received word from toe Liquor Control Board tout toe date had been sei for January iSt, ■] ms. BUY AND WEAR A POPPY Poignant reminder of those spae-^^'tor ts ‘■'Yes.’' ions days of glory and vd grieving ■**P<wy Day" once- more rec the eitiaens of toi> country in the duties they have inheratod from the past generation. To Canadian Yento in this year of grace, the deep- red petal> of toe Foypy may net car ry toe same signiricas toe youth of twenty years ago. syxnbclism of sacrifice with which toe Teppy has become charged is sc-mcto-ing: to which the present gen- •cratLn succeeds erdy torough the ’■wistful memories of the aging xneuli who fought their count73's battles, who suffered privations, endmvd ag- cmfes and finaBy triumphed maid sur rounding carpeted with poppies. To wear this Lnntole emblem Yoppy Bay is to proclaim that amid I sell toe Wangling cenfusion torcugh -which this country »s striving valiant ly to penetrate, toe heart and mind mx nevertoefess attuned to a sense of bcnmga due to- toese men whose peace inspired. Canadians to offer themselves for service between 1914 and I^IS, of which number ever fennd graves in France and SeSgium- It is. over those graves tout the Poppy blows in. perennial bfecnx The numbered dead were not strangers. They were young Canad- ahns, some of toent well known in this «5®mra.uiiityB tilled even as toe yc-uto of to-day is filled, with toe fry of living. Sb also we toe men who in 1W« bear 'uppn toeir bodies the marks end scats of wart toe dis abled ex-sertfee mon who suffered •disabfemor.t on btosdf C-f Canada. To mamifest that proud raoognitloa 43d their place in rids country, to snark ‘that tribute which is toeir due, Peppy Day been set aside in order to&t aS may loan in tottolfeg toe Great .•Soctow. The b^od-tod embfems distributed ’•rixtoaghont Canada by toe Canadian;; dbegion’s vast volunteer orgaraanrion. ? nre ton ptodasri to disabled veterans, 1 rraen striving to maintain teimsiovs Sis toe Veterait Industries administer- ed? by toe SScmSfcicn Geveramem. To ? ■pertoass' a Fc.pyy is a small thing — Fur every ri&en to do so as a big totng. ; Let us uB Wear a Peppy -cn Poppy" Tkty, The suhscriprion. lists -arifl open JVospember- .3. 1937. unri trill, close as to any or all of the xnatwities, wife or srir&Mrt jx>rice, nr fee discretion- of the Minister of Finance. NEWS DISTRICT S' “ ■it 'fearei. 3* w»M j ■wm tW wiefcl Htrttww, ;j TMK OWTED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE Dominion of Canada 1937 Refunding Loan The Bank of Canada is authorized by- the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions for this Loan, to be issued as follotus: One and One-Half Year 1% Bonds,, due June 1,1939 Issue Price: 99.125% and accrued interest^ yielding approximately 1.59% to maturity AND Seven-Year 2J^% Bonds, due November 15,1944 Issue Price: 98.50% and accrued interestj ■yielding approximatdy 2.74% to maturity AND Fourteen Year 3J4% Bonds, due November 15, 1951 Callable on or after November 15,1948 Issue Pncer 99.00% and accrued interest, yielding (^jpruximatdy 3.34% to maturity The 1% Bonds will be dated December 1,1937. The Bonds'and the 3% % Bonds will Ke dated November 15, 1937. Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of Canada. Interest will be payable without charge, semi-annually, at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. ■Subscriptions may be made to the Head Office of the Bank of Canada, Ottawa; through any branch in Canada of any chartered hank or through any recognized dealer from whom copies of the official prospectus coataining complete details of the loan may be obtained. The Minis ter of Finance reserves the. right to .allot subscriptions .in full or in part. Ottawa, Notemsek .2, 1937. 'townshj. Park was uninjured. Pro-j Monday night. The inquest will be ri.nc.lal wastabxe P. E. McVay, Conn- presumed on November 3.0th. ■ ty Constable Jack Ferguson and ■._____ Ccunty Traffic Officer Norman Lev-’ “You can't saj* I made any noise er urvertigated. Coroner Dr. \V. F. « coining home last night." ■''GaTow^also attended and a jury was ? “That’s true, but the three friends ,, .mpar.e4.ed and viewed the body on > who were -carrying you did." Seesjaa xizrb AmsWtitsd Far • Tit1 ca * br^ rd £r3rr.2s eft Si’S riefirsy & &■>{ M* Sesjss SVj «bft. csftswsta s» x^eaefea &s ’We^L^j '«s* Trrstfcx 5^- tbe txtar* cd lb *§£&’ SsSst Miwtrts tbs; s±21£> fe««. 'fe cd ■y*x*e M* W.b3 bee® •£# y.x.r htAkh fo* « tatty wis cMyei ts>* txs ik® aw.-Wixted,, as ■£» M- ■ ■*«■» tawis 4ffti^kwl At. the tirtW Mr. CCHILDRE ; ' ? eX>ewa Brandi Cbtt»Syra§» \ • ■, saakes hxppy. Brahsiy cbfi- dfocsu few dorases sary k creates mssergy xe&kI nesns ws«rai ’Wrttag. <Mt- W' FAWCmS ENIEtGY FOOD '! Arrifesat Victons 'Surisd ■ & tos presem* -ad at Sarge gather- ' rtg to etorifees xnd neighbors she ne- '! sadrs ss Thsmag Oavid Nitons, IS1, 'iEttodsa vstfia,,, were tetitefe to the grave £a Imngvrr: r. Cemetery to Trr-sdry.. The sertdte was -itodurt- .;efi Wy Rrv A. Ju Ms53S*?y and Mr. Rklxra, sfciSnt an 3 curate mspfecth’e- '.<ty €f St PiatTs Anglican Oatto, As* ’sh-tel by Xer. T. St Tttie, c£ Dm- jgamfc'tm Touted Cbsmto He was toe : -eldest stm cd Mir. and. Mrs. Web. Nfe- ; Sats, C-to. to MW& He *P : snort atoortt 3S? MrsHhy a> : Serwam wbea •toe car m whkb. be w 'E3®»g, ;&TrE5Ss % Bvasoss Hrttk,, 22, < ribrtsm .•n^nd cresbed a ! wStthMM® i%cM@e betwteift toe jssXto • *s>d i -.SSmC 4HPM4K0Mt -wiiSirWrk. ScHO'tWWffMS?’ wWt2jWW®lFCS^Kfc * I VICTIMS OF JAPANESE AIR RAID w mh- 271 TTjj IVilTto’ a*w *ftw»»**» 'k««**>* >*iW m -otbey mwmwWl vMk Ufev* jlnv^hn^ fctws