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Toys Made for Children
* *
Gorrie, October 20th, 1937
Council met in the Township Hall
-according to adjournment, members
were all present, the Reeve, J. A. Bry
ans, presiding.
Minutes of last regular meeting
• were rhad and on motion of Toner
and Baker were adopted.
Moved by Lovell and Baker that
Amendment to By-Law No, 5 of the
year 1931 as read the third time be
finally passed. Carried.
Moved by Weir and Baker that a
safe be* purchased for the preserva
tion of the Township books and pap
ers in the Treasurer’s Office,\nd that
the Reeve, J. A. Bryans, be author
ized to sign an order for the same.
Moved "by Weir and Toner that the
v Amentment to By-Law No. 6 of' the
year 1928 and Amending By-law of
July 1st, 1930, as read the third time
Jbe finally passed. Carried.
Moved by Baker and Lovell that
’ the following bills be paid. Carried.
J. A.. Bryans, services as Selector of
Jurors $4.00; Milton Leonard, serv
ices as Selector of jurors $4.00; Isaac
Gamble, Services as Selector of J-ur-
ors $4.00; Isaac Gamble, Part salary
xas Clerk $35.00; Treas. Co. Huron,
A Hospital expenses for O. Weiler and
Mg/ Pearl Hobbs $15.75; Wv A. McKib-
L. " bon, M.D., Medical services for T.
Ellis in Wingham Hospital $8.00; D.
N. Whitley, M.D., Services for I.
Watson and Mrs. H. Douglas $20.75;
Norman Wade, Premium on insur-
» ance on Clerk’s office and on bonds
for Treasurer and Collectors $67.00;
Municipal World, Supplies for Clerk’s
Office $3.03; August Wilkie, Sheep
killed or injured by dogs $11.00; A.
C. Hutchison, Affidavits .50; W. R.
Fraser, M.D., taking Ridley child to
London and Gordon Doig to Palm-
■erston Hospital $7.50; W. R. Fraser,
M.D., Operation and after care of
Mrs. "Reg. Hobbs $75.00; Huron
plowmen’s Assc., Grant $20.00; E. E.
Denny, Pqstage and excise $12.00; T.
A. Roberts, Printing Programmes to
be charged to Veterans acct. $4.50;
John Hyndman, taking Harper girl to
Seaforth $3.00; Milton Hastie,, sheep
.killed or injured by dogs $33.00; J.
H. Rogers, work on debenture pay
ments and Statements Municipal
Drain No. 13 $20.00; Isaac Gamble,
preparing Amending By-Law, Mun.
Drain No. 13 $15.00; J. H. Rogers,
•extra services and preparing state
ment Mun. Drain No. 10 $10.00; Isaac
•Gamble, preparing Amending By-law
Jjdun. Drain No. 10 $15.00; Relief foV
month of September $45.10.
Road Expenditures
Adam Seip, ditch $4.40; Jack Greer,
weeds $4.00; Elmer Williamson
weeds $1.60; 'Manford Irwin, making
fill $23.35; Archie Irwin; fill $2.00;*
Oliver Stewart, fill $2.00; J. W. Krell-
■Cr, dragging and gravelling $34.75; J.
W. Kreller, gravel $43.95; Lloyd Jac
ques, gravelling $31.25; George Hub
bard, gravelling $25.05; Robert Hub
bard, gravelling $38.70; Henry Krell-
•er, gravelling $43.25; C. Koch, truck
ing gravel $103.50; Weeds: Norman
Bast .40, Carl Geiger $1.40, Ed. Kauf
man $1.40, Isaac Kroft $1.60; E. G.
Denny, culvert and spreading $7.00;
Weeds: J. Elliott $3.00, C. Neable
$3.50, Wm. Lynn $2.00, J. Deitz $l.‘4O,
T. Hayden $1.20, O. Felker $1.00; Les
Shoemaker, Culvert $4.00; R. Griffith,
Sods and dragging $11.80; Allen Grif-
* fith, Sods $4.80; R. Paulin, Sods $3.-
®0; S. Griffith, gravel .60; Peter Mil
ligan, gravel .90; R-. F. Edgar, Road
'Supt. $77.00; J. Walkom, rep. to
bridge $2.00; H. Ferguson, gravel
$6.00; Roy Vogan, gravelling $924.60;
Burns Stewart, gravel $70,95; D.
Jackson, gravel $102.75; Thos. Burk,
gasoline $32.40; Clarence Sparling,
Weeds $10.60; Gordon Wright, grav
elling $4.80; Jas. Inglis, shovelling
:$1.00; Thos. Sangster, shovelling .80;
• E^arvey* Wright, Weeds, ditch and
culvert $16.50; Weeds: Eldon Gal
braith $2.50, L. Schmidt $1.70, Bert
■Wylie $2.50, K. Wright $2.50, Frank
Wright $1.40; J. A. HoW'es, rep. cul
vert $1.45; Wm. Kreller, underbrush-
ing .80; John Montgomery, operating
power grader $29.45; Ernest King,
weeds $2.00p Robt. Hays, rep. to cul
vert, .80; Wes. Underwood, rep. to
•culvert $1.60; John Hyndman, culvert
tile $33.45; E/W. Bolton', gasoline,
$31.00; Walter King, underbrushing,
$16.00; F. A: Edgar, Labour and tile,
$6.00; James Underwood, Work at
crusher, $26.25; E. E. Denny, Post
age and excise $12.00; County Huron,
tar on road $249.00.
Moved by Toner and Lovell that
Council do now adjourn to meet in
the United Church Hall, Fordwich,
on the 24th day of November or at
the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.'
MONUMENTS at first cost
! Having our factory equipped with the
1 most modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-class work, we ask you
« to see the largest display. oL monu-
v ments of any, retail factory m Ontario.
< All finished by* sand blast machines.
> We import all out granites from the
I Old Country quarries direct, in -the
tough. You can save all weal deal*
trs’, agents’ and middlemantprofita by
weeing tw.
E. W
,■« WeH End Bridge-WALKERTON
ii t hm'ii
Our 25 Point Scientific Examin
ation enables us to give you
Clear, Comfortable Vision
Phone 118. Harriston
(Messrs, James and Keith Watson,
of Fergus, spent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Watson.
Mr. Harold Watson returned with his
brothers‘and will spend some time in
Mr. and Mrs. David Dane, of Tor
onto, spent the week-end with the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Mr. and Mrs. James Shera and dau
ghter, Shirley, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. .Fitch at Belmore.
Mr. <M. D. Irvin spent' Thursday
last in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. King and
daughter, Miss Jean of Toronto were
week-end visitors at the home of the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
King and other relatives. We under
stand Mr. Chas. King, who has been
confined to his bed is able to ‘be up
Mr. Lome Campbell, a former res
ident here, has’ purchased Mr. S.
Greenslade’s butcher business in Lis-
towel, and takes possession Thurs
day, October 28th.
Rev. George Moore, of Millbank,
conducted the services in the Angli
can Churches of this parish on Sun
day, while Rev. ‘A. H. O’Neil took
charge of Harvest Home Services at
Miss Irene Metcalfe, of Paisley,
spent a few days last week with her
aunts, the Misses E. and B. Potter.
Thank-Offering Service Sunday
The Women’s Missionary Society
and Evening Auxiliary of the United
Church are , holding their annual
Thank-Offering Service on Sunday
evening next, October 31st, at 7.30.
The guest speaker of the evening will
be Rev. Dr. Mitchell of West China.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and dau
ghters, Marilyn and Donna, of Brus
sels, spent Monday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Has-
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sanderson of
Tpronto spent Sunday at the home
of the former’s aunts, Miss M. and
Mrs. Kaine.
Mrs. Kaine is visiting friends in
Toronto ' this week. ■
Bale tOnJBe Filled Soon
The bale df used clothing for Wes
tern Relief is to be filled early in
November and those having dona
tions to make kindly leave with Mrs.
R. A. Ashton as soon as possible. It
may be of‘interest to those who con
tributed to the cars of fruit and veg*
etables to know one car i$ filled and
gone oh its way to Chaplin
other car partially filled to
to Bulyca. ,
and an*
be sent
“Spare a capper mum, or a meal,
for a poor bloke what’s just left pris
on ” the. tramp asid.
"just loft priootil” the housewife
snapped. "You ought to be ashamed
to own it?*
“Oh, I dou’t own It, mum,” he said,
gentlft "T .was on ly a lodger, like I”
“Spare a cdpper mum, or
The regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s An
glican Church, Gorrie, was held at
the home of Mrs. Ernest King on
Thursday last with a good attend
The president, Mrs. Holmes, pre
sided, and work of the afternoon was
making children’s toys for the bale,
which will be packed at the next
meeting, and working at quilt patch
Following opening, prayers, roll
call, -which was answered by a fav
orite Scripture verse, and business
discussions, Mrs*. O’Neil read a very
interesting paper on ."A Tea Cere.-
mony in Japan.” Mrs. Holmes read
an articles on how bales are apprec
iated; and also read a comforting
poem “I am with You All the Days.”
Psalm 27 was read by Mrs. Norman
Wade. Rev. O’Neil gave a very in
teresting short talk on the address
given by Mr. Spencer in Clinton, af
ter which he conducted the litany and
closing prayers. The hostess
served a lovely lunch during a
hour social period.
New Study Book Introduced
The regular meeting of the Gorrie
United Church Evening Auxiliary
was held on the above date at the
home of Mrs. Everett Sparling with
a fair attendance of members and vis
itors. The programme was in charge
of Mrs. Chas. Black and Mrs. Victor
Shera and bore the theme of Thanks
giving. Mrs. Whitfield, pianist for
the evening, opened the meeting with
quiet music followed by a hymn “O
Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea.”
Psalm 19 was then repeated alter
nately followed by reading in unison
the General Prayer of Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Whitfield gave a poem in keep
ing with the theme of the program.
The hymn “Come ye thankful peo
ple, come” closed the devotional wor
Mrs, Shera .took charge of the
Study period, introducing the study
book “A New Church Faces a New
World.” The first chapter, under the
heading “From Sea to Sea” tells of
the struggles of the pioneers to main
tain thelf own religion, and gave the
lives of various of the pioneer min
isters in the Dominion. The presi
dent, Mrs. E. Carson, took the chair
for .the discussion of business and the
minutes of the September meeting
were read and adopted. The roll call
Wad responded to by* a thought on
Thanksgiving, The Mizpah Benedic
tion closed the meeting and a social
Perched on the rim of the Arctic
small .but important Moose Fac
tory, where Missionary Nurse Atkin
son (1) wore that big, warm, native
furlined hood. The settlement itself
is seen in (2). The beaming man in
the boat (3)-is an Eskimo, and. two
more natives are seen in (4), one
on each side of Frank Walker of Tor
onto, who is with the James Bay Inn
Co. The dog with them is Susy, pet
of Russell Cockburn, Canadian writ
period followed while dainty refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
Mr. H. J. Wylie and Miss Aileen
Schaab attended the District Insur
ance meeting held in Dungannon on
Thursday of last week.
Mrs. C. O. Stuart and son, Athol
of Toronto, are visiting with friends
Mrs. MacTavish of London is visit
ing at the home of her sister, Mrs.
George Paulin.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rogers of De
troit spent the week-end with the lat
ter’s mother, Mrs. Geo. Paulin.
Mr. Lome Kaake is at present a
patient in a Toronto Hosuital where
he is undergoing treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Hambly and
family, who have spent the past few
months in Northern Ontario, where
the former had work on the railway,
have returned to their home here.
Mr. Wm. Patterson left recently
for Owen Sound where he will spend
the winter.
, Mrs. H. H. Mercer- and two sons
of Markdale, are visiting at the home
of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D.D. Sanderson.
Mrs. D. D. Sanderson is spending,
a few weeks with friends in Detroit.
A carload of fruit and vegetables
was shipped last week from this com
munity to the stricken area in West
ern Saskatchewan.
called at the home of his cousin, Mrs.
Davey on Thursday of last week.
Mr. Kenneth Edgar attended the
Teachers’ Convention held in Sea
forth on Friday of last week.
Members of St. James A.Y.P.A. al
so members of Trinity A.Y.P.A. of
Fordwich, are to be guests of St. Ste
phen’s A.Y.P.A., Gorrie, at a Hollow-
e’en Party being held in the Orange
Hall there on Wednesday evening of
this week.
The ’ services in the Anglican
Church here on Sunday evening was
conducted by Rev. G. W. Moore, of
Millbank, while the rector, A. H,
O’’Neil was conductinng Harvest ser
vices in Millbank.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAllister of
Ethel, spent Wednesday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Kitchen.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Plcasance and
son, of Port Elgin, were recent
ors with Mrs. Neil White.
Mr. and Mrs. Slater, of Galt,
the week-end with Mr. and
Miss Doris McAllister, of Ethel,
was the guest of Miss Jean Sangster
Mrs. Davidson of Teeswater is at
present visiting with her friends, Mrs.
Bush and Gertie.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Campbell and
son, Harris, of Morris, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMichael.
Mrs. Neil White spent one day last
week with friends at Harris.ton.
Mr. George Fischer spent
week-end with Brussels friends.
Week-end guests of Miss Ritchie
and Mr. Thomas Ritchie were: Mr,
dnd Mrs. Frank Sanderson and dau
ghter, Eleanor, Toronto; Mr. and
'Mrs. Slater, also Miss Jean MacDon
ald, Galt; and Miss Agnes Moore, of,
Miss Aileeti Schaab spent the week
end at her home in Elmwood.
Mrs* Jessie Brown, also Mr, Tims.
Stephens, Seaforth, were week-end
guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Rann,
Bazaar To Be Held
members of the -Girls’
are holding a Bazaar
afternoon, Nov. 6th,
on Sat
in the
schoolroom of the United Church, at
which they are serving afternoon tea.
The girls have also made a quilt,
which is now on* display in the win
dow of Mrs. Davey’s store. Tickets
are being sold oh this quilt by mem*
bets of the Circle, and the draw will
be made at the Bazaar, the holder of
tile lucky ticket to receive the quilt.
A.Y.P.A. Presenting Play
The A.Y.P.A. of St. James Angli
can Church ate presenting their play
“Let’s All Get Married” in the Town
Hall 'here on Wednesday evening,
Nov. 3rd.
Mr. A. J. Richardson of Shelburne
Thieves Break In and Steal
Mr. Allan MacEwen, B. Line, of
Turnberry, was the victim of one or
more thieves recently when during
the night his garage was entered and
two new tires, a battery and gasoline
were removed from his can Cons
table Rash has the matter in hand
and it is hoped the guilty party will
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacKenzie al
so Mr, and Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie,
all of London, were week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster. •
Mrs. Jim Harris and Mrs. Bert
Martin spent a few days in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burcliill and
family, Wingham, were guests on
Sunday with Mrs. Alex. Higgins, go
ing on to Mildmay they were accom
panied by Mrs. Alex. Higgins and
Mrs. Stewart Higgins and baby son.
, The many friends of Mrs. Philip
Durst will be glad to know she is
making a splendid recovery following
an operation for. goitre in London
Hospital on Saturday.
Autumn Thank-Offering Meeting
The Autumn Thank-Offering meet
ing of the W.M.S. will be held in the
United Church on Sunday'morning
next, Oct. 31st. The special speaker
for the occasion will be Rev. Mr.
Prior, a missionary from Angola,
Illustrated Lecture
An illustrated lecture on “Spain”
will be held in the United Church on
Tuesday evening, Nov., 2, at 8 p.m.
Mr. McCleary, Toronto, will be the
speaker. . ■
Bale for West
A bale of new and used clothing,
bedding, etc., will be pa’cked on
day, Nov. 1st. Donations for
may be left at Mr. R. J. Rann’s
cups cooked, tomatoes
medium onions i
bell pepper
tablespoon sugar
slices bacon
teaspoons salt
Slice onions and pepper thinly, and
cook in frying pan in 2 or 3 table
spoons bacon fat until onion is clear.
Add bacon and cook, but do not crisp.
Add tomatoes and simmer 5 minutes.
Then add Limas and remaining sea
sonings and cook slowly for 20 min
utes until thickened.
Roast Lamb French Style
Prepare leg of lamb in the usual
way for roasting. Make an incision,
in knuckle end of leg and insert tya
clove of garlic. Place on rack of
roasting pan, sprinkle with salt and
pepper and dredge with flour. Put in
to a hot oven (500 F.), reducing heat
after 15 minutes. Baste frequently
with fat in pan. If more fat is need
ed, use butter or drippings of fat salt
pork. Allow 20 minutes to a pound
for roasting. When roast is cooked,
'remove to platter and keep hot.
off part of fat, leaving about 2
spoons. Add 2 cups cooked,
Limas, stir carefully or shake
in the pan until all the browned li
quid is absorbed. Add pepper and salt
if needed. Serve around lamb on plat-,
ter,sprinkling with minced parsley.
(Serves 6)
servings fried ham
tablespoons flour
cups orange juice
to 3 oranges for slices
Fry ham. For this number of
ings a ham steak pf about.1% pounds,
will be required. Add flour to 2 tab
lespoons of fat from frying ham and
cook until lightly browned. Add or
ange juice, stirring well to avoid
lumps. Cook 5 minutes or until the.
sauce is thick. Pour sauce around
ham on serving dish. Garnish with
Parsley and orange slices.
Women’s Institute
The October meeting of the W. I.
will be held on Thursday afternoon j
of this week at the home of Mrs. D. j
Stewart MacNaughton. The Roll Call |
“What I Would Do If I Had a Mil-.
lion Dollars.’’ A demonstration on
“Meat, How to Choose and Cook It”
will be given by Mrs. F. Demmerling
of Fordwich. Mrs. Williams, also of
Fordwich, will give a demonstration
on “Salads.” Members are asked to
leave donations for the Institute bale
at the home of Mrs. J. N, Allen be- •.
fore Nov. 1st.
Rev. Kenneth Prior, of An-The
gola, Africa, who is at present doing
some research work at the Guelph
Agricultural College, is to speak at
the Salem church next Sunday after
noon, He has a very interesting story
of African life.
Mrs. Darling, of the West, who has
been visiting with* friends around
here, returned home last Sunday. Her
sister, Miss Fanny Longley, accom
panied her to Toronto, where she will
visit friends for a while.
Mr. Joe Higgins, who is attending
Stratford Normal, spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Higgins.
Miss Kathleen Willits, who is at
tending Wingham High School, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Willits.
A number from this locality attend
ed the Anniversary Services in Bel
more last Sunday.
Miss Gladys Weir, of Wroxeter,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Weir.
By Betty Barclay
Many dishes bearing foreign names
were really composed by domestic
chefs. Perhaps the following come
under this heading. Anyway, they are
delightful and well worth trying.
Those who enjoy the luscious dried
Lima bean will be glad to have these
particular recipes for their files!
Spanish Limas
2 cups cooked, dried* Limas
Scene: Top deck of a crowded'
tramcar. Irish conductor taking fares,
“You’re working hard, Mike.”
“Oi am.
goodness it’s constant.
” Mike:
It’s a killin’ job, but thank
when you've found
a way to ease the
pains of
and do it the
You can pay as high as you want
for remedies claimed to relieve the
pain of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Scia
tica, etc. But the medicine so many
doctors generally approve—the ona
used by thousands of families daily
is “Aspirin’*.
Simply take 2 “Aspirin” tablets w
with a half glass of water. Repeat,'
if necessary, according to directions. ‘
Usually this Will ease such pain
in a remarkably short time.
For quick relief from such pain
which exhausts you and keeps yon
awake at night-~-ask for “Aspirin”, i
• “Aspirin” tablets are made in
Canada. “Aspirin” is the registered ?
trade-mark of the Bayer Company, •
Limited, of Windsor, Ontario, Look
for the name Bayer m the form of a
cross on every tablet.
and Get-
« ■ <■