HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-10-28, Page 3,rf
Thursday, October 28, 1937 the; wingham advance-times PAGE THREE l®
Try Salada Orange Pekoe Blend
French Communist Deputy, and Tim
Buck, Toronto Communist leader,
were to be guest speakers. The ord
er was given by the Mayor after a
delegation of 250 students from the
University of Montreal crowded into
City Council chambers and
qd that permission for the
be cancelled.
?TEA 516
What's New About
the New Plymouth
Here are just a few!
World Wide News In Brief Form
Request Fronco to Stop
Mass Executions'
Hendaye, Franci-Spanish
—Great Britain and France
to Generalissimo Francisco Franco to
refrain from mass executions among
the 60,000 or 70,000 Aturian Marxists
made prisoners. ' t
►IMMRI mmf" •
All Able-Bodied’ Spaniard to Serve
Valencia—Defence’ Minister Indal-
vio Prieto drew up a decree cancel-
in all exemptions from military serv
ice ,»and' ordering every able-bodjed
man in Government Spain to present
himself at once for war duty.
Renfrew, was reported, at Queen’s
Park as ready to resign his seat in
order to provide a means of entrance
tothe House for 'Premier Hepburn’s
Minister of Public Works, Hon. Colin
A. Campbell, whd met defeat in his
own constituency of Frontenac-Add
ington in the recent election.
Asks Church War on Communism
Rome—Archbishop Celso Constan-
tini, Secretary' of the Congregation
for the Propagation of the Faith, call
ed on Catholic missionaries to wage
relentless combat against communism
and not to limit themselves to pray
ers and devotions in that struggle.
A Triumph of Chrysler Engineering
This big, handsome 1938 Plymouth celebrates the
triumph of an idea conceived and carried out by
Walter P. Chrysler 10 years ago.
The idea: to bring fine-car quality and engineering
into the lowest price field.• ’ *The result: in the last 10 years thousands of
Canadian motorists have swung to Plymouth!
Today, go and see Plymouth’s new 1938 car. See
how 10 years of better and better cars have, made
Plymouth the sensation of the lowest price field.
The new 1938 Plymouth you see here is priced with
the lowest! The Commercial Credit Corporation offers
very convenient payment terms—through Chrysler-
Plymouth dealers. You can arrange payments to fit
your budget. Tune in Major Bowes Original Amateur
Hour, Columbia Network, THURSDAYS, 9 to 10 p.m.,
Eastern Standard Time.
Japan May Ask Conference Delay
Tokio—A Government spokesmah
death by drowning. Counsel for
accused closely cross-examined
witnesses on the results of the
autopsies held.
Commission and the De-
of Labor show substantial
in the number of persons
Campbell to Get Renfrew Seat
Dr. John C. Bradley, Liberal mem
ber-elect of the Legislature for North
wide variety of prod-
farm, Canada has an
essentials to celebrate
the traditional manner.
Evacuation Refused by Russia
London—Great Britain’s plan
end foreign intervention
reached new difficulties,
stormy session of the non-interven
tion subcommittee demanded unani-
mouse acceptance of the proposals to
evacuate forein volunteers from Spain
and Soviet Russia refused to agree.
While 70,000 Asturian miners are
fleeing before Franco’s victorious
forces near Gijon, shells like this one
(ABOVE) that killed two children
are still falling on beleaguered Mad-
\ •indicated Japan may ask for post-
pBT ponement of the Brussels conference
in Spain
Italy in a
Mayor Cancelled
Beautiful and Convenient! The speedometer and
other instruments are in the middle—easy to read.
The beautiful new instrument panel is “safety-
styled.” The windshield is bigger . . . gives greater
vision. The' ash tray is the large drawer type. There is a
big glove compartment with a new type latch.
of Nine-Power Treaty signatories, set
.for Oct. 30, pleading insufficient time
for preparation. Meanwhile, authori
tative sources said Japanese diplo--
mats in Europe were ascertaining the
attitudes of Italy and Germany, the
two powers most friendly to Japan,
toward the conference.
Marshall May Head
Market Commission
Duncan Mrashally former Minister
of Agriculture, who was defeated in
Peel in the recent election, will be
offered an important Civil Service
post—possibly the Marketing Com
missionership — it was reported at
Queen’s Park.
Japs Fear Uprising in Manchuria
Shanghai — Chinese and neutral
sources reported that Japan was with
drawing troops in large numbers
from Chinese fronts r to meet a new
threat of a dangerous uprising in
Manchuria. Thirteen Japanese troop
trains reportedly left Tientsin for
Mukden, and Wwantung Army lead
ers were said to have informed the
Japanese command in North China
they could provide no further help
for Japan’s conquest below the Great
’ Wall.
Exiled) for Kissing in Public
Dundalk, Irish Free State — Julia
Clarke, a Scottish lass, blue-eyes and
brunette, was barred for life from the
Irish Free State for kissing her boy
friend in public. Three members of
a local vigilance committee witnessed
the tender interlude in a churchyard
at the seaside village of Blackrock in
County Louth and summoned a pol
London Doctor to Face Trial
on Murder Charge
London, Ont.—Evidence of a form
idable array of medico-legal experts
wound up the Crown’s case against
Dr. Charles .Aylmer Cline, who is
charged with the murder of Mary
Wilkinson, 37-year-old school teach
er of London, whose body was found
in the Thames River early in Sep
tember. Dr. Cline was committed for
trial at the Winter Assizes after
Charles Bell, K.C., his counsel, re
served defence, There was no evi
dence, to show the woman came to
Visits to Weeping Statue Stopped
Cornwall — Visitors’ were barred
from the home of Leona Villeneuve,
30-year-old semi-paralytic, in East
Cornwall, where a statue of the Sac
red Heart of Christ is said to have
been “weeping” since a week ago. J.
A. Villeneuve, brother of the girl, and
spokesman for the family, explained
the sudden move which terminated
the stream of between 10,000 and
12,000 persons who have visited their
home in the past week.
No Graft but Negligence
Edmonton — Finding no sign of
.graft or wrongful payment of money,
Mr. Justice H. W. Lunney, in his re
port on investigation of two Alberta
Government highway projects, found
negligence, carelessness and unneces
sarily expensive road-building sys
Unemployment Comparatively §mall
Ottawa — Unemployment and re
lief are diminishing in Canada at a
rate which is a source of satisfaction
to 'the Federal Government. Latest
figures compiled by the National Em
Communistic Meeting
Montreal — Mayor Ahemar Ray-
nault issued orders to Police Director
Fernand Dufresne to prevent holding
of a public meeting by “The Popular
Front” which Alfred Costes,
ThisLonj .Lifebamps **
Utilities Commission
Phone 156
leek Ar Halm
Licensing Food Trades
Edmonton — Licensing of meat
packing, flour and feed milling busi
nesses in Alberta under the Licensing
of Trades and Businesses Act has
been effected by passing of an Order
in-Council, it was announced. The
Order, which does not involve licens
ing • of employees, is retroactive to
Sept. 30, and. provides for fees rang
ing from $5 to $1,000.
Four Face Illegal Operation Charge
London, Ont. — Two London doc
tors and two London women faced
charges of performing illegal opera
tions. All were remanded eight days
when they apepared in Police Court
and bail for each was set at $10,000.
Social Credit Adviser to Face Trial
Edmonton — George F. ■ Powell,
technical adviser to the Social Credit
Board of Alberta, and Joseph H. Un
win, M.L.A. for Edson, were com
mitted for trial and released on bail
of $20,000 each on four charges de
veloping from distribution of a pam
phlet alleged to contain libel.
Hydro to Develop High Falls
Development of the High Falls site
on the Madawaska River will be pro
ceeded with immediately by the On
tario Hydro-Electric Power Commis
sion, it was officially announced. A
production of 26,000 horsepower is
believed guaranteed.
1 2 Roomiest Trunk ever built into a
Plymouth! The floor is covered to
1 protect luggage. There is no sill...
. you can slide heavy bags in without
needless lifting. Spare wheel is out of
the way. It’s a BIG trunk!
Look How Easily He Ad
justs the Seat to suit
his size ! The front seat
slides upward as you move
it forward. All seats are “chair
height,” wide and comfortable.
<The Lady is Holding the new
handbrake. It’s out of the
floor and under the instru
ment panel. Her left foot will
discover the clutch works easier.
The starter works easier too.
There's Fresh New Beauty in this 1938
Plymouth — and solid value throughout,
from frame to finish. It’s a big car with an
all-steel body and rigid X-type frame. And
an economical car. It keeps on saving you money
... Plymouth owners regularly report 21 to 27 miles
tothe gallon of gas... lowest upkeep costs. It has
a high resale value because it’s built to last! Today,,
take this big 1938 Plymouth out and put it through.
its paces. Find out how beautifully it handles and.
rides. Check what it offers you. It’s priced with..
the lowest, stands up and costs less to run!
Jobless Sent to Jail
Vancouver — Thirty-one unem
ployed men arrested on charges of
obstructing officers by begging on
city streets appeared in Police Corut.
Twenty-nine were sentenced to one-
month’s imprisonment, one 19-year-
old boy was remanded for investiga
tion, and Thomas Perry, described by
City Prosecutor Oscar Orr as a “ring
leader” was remanded to Oct. 28 and
released on his own recognizance.
Berlin Warns Czechs
Berlin—Germany warned Czecho
slovakia that continuation of the Pra
ha Government’s alleged mistreat
ment of its German minority will pre
cipitate a fresh campaign against
Czechoslovakia in the Reich press.
Silverwood Dairies Head Injured ,
Brampton — Three persons were
seriously injured in an automobile
crash on the Middle Road, one mile
east of the intersection of the Bronte
’Sideroad. They were: Albert E. Sil
verwood of 517 Dufferin Avenue,
London, well-known dairy operator;
Arthur Jones, 29 Balmoral Avenue,
Hamilton, and Fred McLaren, also of
Hamilton. Mr. Silverwood suffered
concussion of the brain.
Famous for its apples and apple or
chards and a
ucts of the
abundance of
Hallowe’en in
The feast of Hallowe’en pre-dates the
Christian era, and its Druidical em
blem, the mistletoe, is a particular
parasite of the apple tree. The cus
tom of decorating the table at Hal
lowe’en in black and yellow, or black
and gold, or black and orange, per
petuates the favourite colors of the
ancient sorcerers. The yellow had its
origin in the fruits of the earth, for
example the green apple, then the yel
low or golden fruit, or the green efir
of the crops and the yellow sheaf.
The black represents the sable robes
of the Druid, necromancers who wore
that colour in tribute to Shanan, the
lord of death and evil spirits who
once a yea'r went on the rampage on
the eve Of the feast
For the Druids were great magic
ians. The word comes from the Gael
ic “druidh,” a magician. The Druids
were a religious order among the an
cient Celts, and their office appears
to have combined that of priest, phy
sician, wonder-worker, historian and
See the 1938 Plymouth
J. J. Fryfogle Ply!”®“th
law-giver, the order comprising three
principal grades—bards, vates or pro
phets, and the Druids proper, the
priests. It is not known whether
D.ruidism was a pre-Celtic religion
taken over by the Celts from the ab
origines of Europe, but the Celts
themselves ascribed its origin to the
British. The fact that mistletoe was
held sacred has led to the belief that
Druidism was originally a form of
tree worship, and why not the apple
tree with its growth of fruit and mis
However that may be, Canada- with
an abundance of apples and generous
supplies of farm products can afford
to celebrate this ancient feast in a
royal manner, evciuif witches ride on
broomsticks on that night and imps
of earth and air hold riotous carnival
unseen. Hallowe’en in Canada is par
ticularly identified with apples, -and
this year’s bumper apple crop ought
Ho give zest to a record celebration.
Mix in milk and beaten egg, then add
butter. Fill tiny buttered muffin tins
about one-third full of batter. On this
drop a little marmalade or jelly. Cov
er with batter, filling tins about two-
thirds full. Bake in a moderate oven
(375 degrees F.) about 15 minutes.
Serve hot.
Cheese Sandwiches
C-ut bread three-quarters inch thick
into small squares or
and pile with cream
with salad dressing.’
finely chopped nuts;
pepper, pimento or watercress.
Combine one 3-ounce package of
cream cheese wiht 2 cups minced
ham and ¥2 cup chopped watercress.
Add salad dressing to moisten.
Spread generously on whole wheat
rounds. Butter
cheese mixed
Sprinkle with
olives, green
Particularly appropriate on the an
niversary of National Cheese Week
and the beginning of the fall and win
ter party-giving season, the following
recipes suggested by the Milk Utiliz
ation Service, Dairy and Cold Storage
Branch, Dominion Department of Ag
riculture, may be found useful in serv
ing cheese in the attractive ways des
Cheese Squares
Cut fruit bread in squares (about
1¥2 inches). Blend together grated
cheddar cheese with sufficient butter
to make a soft mixture. Spread the
four sides and top of the bread squar
es with the cheese mixture. Sprinkle
with paprika. Bake in a hot oven
under broiler until cheese begins
melt. Serve hot. •
Cheese Muffins
. %
1 cup milk
Mix and sift together flour, baking
oowdor and salt* Add grated cheese.
cups flour
teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon salt
cup grated cheese
tablespoons butter, melted
Wingham, Outr
bread. Cut in fingers.
Cheese Shortbread
cups flour
teaspoon salt
cup butter
small bar cream cheese
’ Sift together flpur and salt. Cut in
butter. Blend in soft cheese and
work into a compact dough. Chill.
Roll thin. Cut with cookie cutter.
Bake in a moderate oven, 375 degrees
F., from 5 to 10 minutes. When serv
ing put together with marmalade or
red currant jelly.
The very throaty tenor had just
concluded his contribution to the pro
gramme. The applause was tepid.
“Extraordinary! Wonderful! Un
believable!” a member of the audi
ence was exclaiming, sotto voce.
“Pardon me, sir,” a puzzled mam
sitting in’the next seat remarked..
“Your remarks astound me. To put
it mildly—and I think I may claim'
some knowledge of the subject—I
was of the opinion that his voice-was
exteremely poor.”
“Voice?’’ the original speaker ex
claimed. “I wasn’t thinking of his
voice. I meant the fellow’s nerve!”
Professor: “I forgot my umbrella
this morning.”
Friend: “How. did you remember
you forgot it?”
Professor: “Well, I missed it when*
T raised my hand to close after it
had stopped raining.”
*•■«•»> 4 z
rid. The figures of two civilians can
be seen as they seek shelter from the
explosion on the Gran Via, It was
near Madrid that the headquarters
truck, Upon which the two meh were
tiding, blundered into the rebel* lines
and its non-combAtaht and ttharmed
occupants were captured, according
to information reaching this contin
ent from eye-witnesses.