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With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
.Single Copies Five Cents
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 1937 Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year
.Family Gathering Held on Sunday in
Her Honour.
On Saturday, October 23rd, Mrs.
Mary Jane Lougheed, Patrick St,, en
tered her 91st year.. During the af
ternoon and evening many called to
extend congratulations to this grand
old lady. She also received many
.gifts and congratulatory messages,
Sunday was a very happy day for
.Mrs. Lougheed as a family gathering
■was held in her honour and at the
noon hour thirty-six sat down to din
ner With her gracing the head of the
table. Three of her four daughters
were present as were eleven of sev
enteen grandchildren and nine of her
.seventeen great-grandchildren.
A year ago on the’ occasion of her
•'89th birthday we spent a very pleas
ant hour with this dear lady. Again
"this year we called and we found that
-she was still the bright, witty, in
dustrious woman of a year ago. It is
not the lot of many to reach her age
-of four-score years and ten, but her
added years do not appear a burden
to this lovely old person who can car
ry on a conversation of current and
past events with accuracy and zest.
Outside of her daily nap Mrs. Loug-
•'heed is busy from morning' until
■night with her houshold duties. Truly
of her it can be said she is ninety
.years young, not ninety years old.
Next Sunday she has planned to at-
.tend the anniversary services in the
United Church, of which she is a
.member. She is also looking forward
to a family picnic that is’planned for
.next summer.
We did not ask Mrs. Lougheed
■what she considered was the contrib
uting factor in her being so healthy
■at such an advanced age; but from the
several conversations that we have
had with her we are certain that her
wonderful sense of humour must have
.a great deal to do with it. As we left
she said “Thanks for calling on an
-old tree,” but as we walked away our
thoughts were not of an old tree but
of a dainty, lovely, humorous and
kindly soul with whom we had spent
•a most pleasant hour.
Institute Euchre October 28th
The Women’s Institute 1 will hold
.a euchre in the Council Chambers on
Thursday evening, October 28th, at
o’clock. Lunch will be served. Ev
erybody welcome. Admission 25c.
Half Holidays End This Week
To-day (Wednesday), Oct. 27th, is
-the last Wednesday half holiday for
this year. Commencing next week
the stores of Wingham will be open
rfor business every day in the week
•all,'day except on public holidays.
Chimney Fire
No damage resulted from the chim-
.ney fire at Mr. Lowey’s residence on
Victoria Street early Friday evening.
This is the first call that the firemen
have had since the new fire truck ar
rived. Fortunately the. Chief did not
find it necessary to use any of the
•new equipment on the truck such as
the booster tank. No hose was laid.
Had Piece Of Bone Removed,
Councillor R. H. Lloyd underwent
•an operation for the removal of a
piece of bone from his face in West
ern Hospital, Toronto, on Friday.
Mr. Lloyd’s face has been giving him
trouble of late, the aftermath of his
•accident of last December, when he
fell off a ladder at the- factory and
.fractured the bones of his face in
•several places. He will be home to
day (Wednesday) but will have to
ireturn to Toronto for further treat
’ Friends:
i It is important at this time of
j year to secure the renewal sub-
v scriptions for yotir Wingham Ad-
j -vance-Times. We are endeavouring
j to give you a weekly newspaper
i that will hold your reading inter*
j est and be a credit to the com*
■ munity in which you live.
! A representative from this of*
? flee wilt call oii you personally at
•' your home and we would apprec-
i iate your favour of renewal and
i co-operation, please.
Thanking you again for your
past support,
Respectfully yours,
Directors for the Ensuing Year
The first annual meeting of the
Wingham General Hospital Limited,
since it’ became a public enterprise,
was held in the Council Chambers on
Friday evening.
Mr. W, H. French was elected as
chairman of the meeting. He said we
owe a debt of everlasting gratitude
to the shareholders of the old com
pany who put their substance into the
Hospital knowing they would not re
ceive’ any return on the investment.
Their only hope was to alleviate suf
fering and the saving of lives.
The president of the Hospital
Board, J. W. McKibbon, reported
that a number of improvements had
been made during the past year at
*the hospital, The total n-umber of pa
tients for the year were 335. These
patients spent 3341 days- in the hos
pital. He mentioned the fact that on
ly trained nurses were now engaged
.as under present department regula
tions the ■ hospital was not carrying
on as a training school as it .had for
merly. There were over 50 births
during the year and he stressed the
need for a" maternity wing.
In the absence of R. H. Lloyd,
chairman of the property commtitee,
Mr. H, Campbell reported that the
kitchen had been redecorated and
new linoleum laid. Eight new mat-,
tresses had been purchased and the
corridors decorated. The windows
had been caulked and storm windows
ordered. Linoleum has been laid in
the first floor hallway also in two
small rooms. The fire escape has
been cleaned of rust and painted and
plans for painting the exterior of the
building are being made. This work
will be done next year..
Mr. R. S. Hetherington gave the
financial report which shows that the
hospital broke even on last year’s op
erations. He also reported that the
number of patients during the past
few months increased considerably.
Directors Named
The norpinating committee com
posed of Miss Sara MacLean, J. H.
Crawford and A. Cosens, brought in
a report, naming the following direct
ors, wliich was adopted: J. W. Mc
Kibbon, Herbert Campbell, R. S.
Hetherington, R. H. Lloyd, A. Lock
ridge, W. W. Armstrong. The other
members of the board are: Reeve F.
L. Davidsottf county representative;
Coun. W. VanWyck, Town Council
representative, and’ Dr. R. C. Red-
mdnd, representing the Medical As
Mr. Cosens, the sec.-treas., read the
minutes of the last meeting which
were adopted. Reeve F. L. Davidson
gave a short talk regarding indigent
patients and the grant from the
County Council.
Masquerade Party and Dance
A Hallowe’en Masquerade Party
will be held at Powell’s School on
Friday evening, Oct. 29th. Admission
25c. Ladies with lunch, Free. A fine
program will be presented followed
by lunch and dancing.
Suffered Heart Attack
Mrs. L. H. Bosman suffered a heart
attack at her home in Bluevale on
Thursday. On Sunday she was re
moved to the home of her daughter,
Mrs. R. H. Lloyd, in town. We are
pleased to report that she is now very
much improved,
Enters Hardware Business
Mr. Jim Thompson, former mem
ber of the Bank of Commerce staff
here, and recently with the branch
at Dundalk, has resigned from the
bank and will enter the hardware
business in Listowel with his broth
er, Rae,
High Sehool Literary
The High School Literary Society
met Friday in the school auditorium
and an enjoyable program was pre
sented. John Gear presided and also
gave his inaugural address to the
scholars. The program consisted of
a piano solo by Edith Weir; journal,
Muriel Williams; critic’s remarks, by
Principal W* S. Hall* Two short
plays were enacted by a number of
the scholars. The first “Scenes from
Romeo and Juliet,” were taken by the
fifth form students and commercial
class. Miss Mabel Marshall took the
part of Romeo, and Ruth Mitchell,
Juliet* The second sketch, “St. Joan”
was enacted by the following: Mar
garet Aitken, Elgin Coutts, Ralph
Baird and Harry Posliff.
Dr, Pearl Chute, Retired Missionary
from India, Gave Illustrated Lecture
A thank-offering meeting was held
by the Women’s and Young Women’s
Circles of. the Baptist Church on
Thursday evening. The President,
Mrs. (Rev.) E. M. Loney, was in the
The special speaker for the oc
casion was Dr. Pearl Chute, retired
missionary from India, now residing
in Toronto. She gave an illustrated
lecture on the Akidu mission field
where she and her husband, Rev. J.
Chute, labored for 35 years.
A short play was given entitled
“Three Scenes in a Hindu girl’s life”
by Misses, Gertrude, Louise and
Marie Kelly, Mrs. Herbert Collar and
Miss Betty Collar. A solo “O Zion
Haste, Your Mission Now Fulfilling”
was rendered by Mr. Frank Collar
accompanied, by Mrs. G. C. Hanna.
The October meeting of the Ev
ening Auxiliary of the United Church
in charge of Mrs. A. W. Irwin, was
held on Tuesday evening last week
at the home of Mrs. J. O. Habkirk.
After the opening hymn and pray
er, Miss Blanche Bennett read Psalm
118 and read a short article on
Thanksgiving, which was in keeping
with the Psalm.
Miss Yvonne McPherson read two
lovely poems “After, The Harvest”
and “Thanksgiving."
Mrs. W. J. Greer then addressed
the meeting, and gave a very inter
esting and inspirational talk On
“Thanklessness”, which took the form
of a Round Table Conference. She
chose her theme from- Luke 17, in
which Jesus cured the ten lepers, and
only one returned to. give thanks.
A very fine report of the Sectional
Meeting at Brussels was given by
Mrs. Chas. Lloyd, which she made
very interesting.
After the business of the meeting,
refreshments were served,, and a
pleasant time was spent socially.
Final Saturday Night Dance
Will be held at Al’s Dance Floor
for this season. The, management
take this opportunity J of thanking
their patrons for their co-operation
throughout the season.
Send Them The Advance-Times
• A student or teacher, son or dau
ghter away from home would be de
lighted to get the Advance-Times
each we'ek. It is just like a letter
from home. Special offer for Dollar
Days, from now until June 1st, 1938,
for $1.00.
Will Celebrate 60th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Homuth, Pat
rick St., Wingham, will be at home
to their friends Saturday, Oct. 30th,
from three to five p.m., on the oc
casion of their Diamond Wedding
Lost Valuable Horse
Mr. Omar Stokes, of Glenannan R.
R. 1, had the misfortune to lose one
of his best horses, a beuatiful black
mare. The horses had not previously
been sick and it is though that dur
ing the night the mare had strained
herself causing internal injuries.
Fractured Leg \
Willis Hall, John Street, while
working at Cook’s factory, fell and
fractured his leg. The accident oc
curred Tuesday* noon. He was .taken
to Wingham General Hospital where
the .fracture was reduced and is rest
ing as comfortably as can be ex
Opportunity For Young Women
An opportunity to give a limited
number of unemployed girls between
the ages of 18 - 30 training in the
arts of home service is provided un
der the Dominion-Provincial Youth
Rehabitation Programme* Instruction
wilt be given in cookery, laundry,
cleaning aS well as budgettihg, per
sonal hygiene, home nursing and
child care. Trainees will live in resi-
dense for three months* Room, board
and tuition are free* A small altow-
for use as pocket-money. Trainees
Will be expected to accept a position
in home service at the completion of
the course. Tor further particulars
see W* A, Galbraith, Town Clerk,
who lias application forms*
See James Oliver Cutwood’s “God’s
Country and the Women” at the Ly
ceum Theatre this week*
Rev. Chas. E. Cragg, Former Pastor,
Will Preach at Both Morning
and Evening Services.
Anniversary Services will be ob
served in Wingham United Church
on Sunday, October 31st, with two
special services, at which Rev. Chas.
,E. Cragg, of Grace United Church,
Toronto, will be the speaker. Mr.
Cragg is a former pastor, having had
five years of splendid ministry in this
Church. The Choir of the church will
furnish special music and will be as-
sister at both services by Mrs. R. M.
Maddock, soprano soloist from Ham
ilton, and the Tuxis -male quartette
from Listowel United Church.
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday
this week the Lyceum Theatre will
present James Oliver Curwood’s
“God’s Country and the Woman,” in
technicolor. ’ This picture, taken in
British Columbia, stars George Brent
and Beverley Roberts. This is a pic
ture of the great out-doors, a picture
that pleased millions and one you will
thoroughly enjoy.
Has New Position
Mr. Andrew Scott has accepted the
position as clerk at the Queen’s
Hotel. He -took over his duties on
Hunting Pheasants
Mr. H. L. Sherbondy is attending
the pheasant shoot at Peelee Island
on Thursday and Friday this week
with a party of London friends.
Fowl Supper
Under the auspices of the Ladies
of the Sacred Heart Parish on Wed
nesday, Nov. 3rd, in the Council
Chambers, Wingham. Bingo and oth
er attractions. Jitney Dance at Al’s
Dance Floor after. Admission 40c,
Children 25c. Supepr served '5.30 to
8 p.m.
Splendid Hospital Collection
Last week ladies of the Woman’s
Auxiliary to the General Hospital
held a most successful collection of
fruit and vegetables for the Hospital.
341 jars of fruit, jam and pickles were
donated as were a quanity of vege
tables such as pumpkins, squash, car
rots, cabbages, potatoes and apples,
also $6.15 in money. The Woman’s
Auxiliary take this opportunity of
thanking the citizens for their splen
did co-operation.
Will On Monday Become a 100-Watt
On and after Monday, November
1st, CKNX will be operated as a 100-
Watt station, double the power that
it has been using for the past year,
When this station first operated it
had a power of 10 watts. This was
later increased to 25 watts and just
a year ago the power was raised to
50 watts. ■
For many years W. T. Cruikshank
^operated- the station practically by
himself but now the personnel of the
Station is: W. T. Cruikshank, General
Manager; B* Howard Bedford, Com
mercial and Programme Director;
Harty J. Boyle, Production and Mer
chandising Director and Reg. Doug
First Game Was Held Wednesday of
Last Week.
The first fall meeting of the Wing
ham Bridge Club was held in the
basement of the Masonic Temple on
Wednesday evening last week. Prior
to the play, officers for the ensuing
year were elected as follows:
President—A. J. Wilson.
Vice-Pres.—Mrs. W. H. Waram.
Secretary—Ken, Somers.
Treasurer—John P. McKibbon.
Tournament Com.: W. H. French,1
Chairman; J. Mason, C. Kingan, J.
H. Crawford, G. Williams,. F, (Madill,
W. W. Armstrong, Mrs. R. S. Heth
erington, Mrs. A. J. Wilson,
Eight and one-half tables enjoyed
the play. The winners were as fol
lows: North and South, 1st, Mrs. A.
Wilson and Dr. G. Ross; 2nd, Mrs.
C. B. Armitage and J. H. Crawford;
3rd, Mrs. J. H. Crawford and Harold
Mitchell; 4th, Miss Y. McPherson
and W. W. Armstrong. East and
West: Mrs. G. Howson and Bruce
Fox tied with Mrs. O. Colborne and
R. S. Hetherington for 1st place; 3rd,
Miss Dell Walker and Mrs. J. W.
McKibbon; 4th, Mrs. R. S. Hether
ington and D. Nasmith. The next
game will be played November 3rd.
Mrs. Wm. James Gibbs
Gladys Matilda Williams, beloved
wife of. William James Gibbs, Tor
onto, passed away at the family resi
dence, 248 Albany Street, on Friday,
October 22nd. Mrs. Gibbs, who was
in her 40th year, was a former resi
dent of Wingham. She was born in
London, England, and as a teen-aged
girl came with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. G. Williams, to Canada, living
at Ripley prior to moving to Wing
ham. For a few years during the war
she lived in Toronto and following
her marriage she and her husband re
sided here for five years, returning
to Toronto where they have since re
sided. She was a member of the
Anglican Church.
She leaves *to mourn her passing
besides her sorrowing husband, three
sons, Jack,- Billy and Ronnie. She- is
also survived by her parents, Mr. and
Mres. H. G. Williams, of Toronto,
two brothers and four sisters, Edward
of Wingham; Bert of Walkerton;
Mrs. C. (Rose) Coups, Mrs. Harriette
Carruth, Miss Kay Williams, of Tor
onto, and Mrs. Clifford (Alice) Col
lins, of London.
The funeral was held from her late
residence, Toronto, on Monday after
noon. Burial took place in Mount
Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto.
Is General Manager of 4
Merged Companies
The Premier Trust Company, with
offices in London, Toronto and St.
Catharines, has merged with the Se
curity Loan and Saving Company, of
St. Catharines. Mr. Thos. B. Holmes
a former Wingham boy, is General
Manager of the company.
Fowl Supper Well Attended
The Fowl supper held in St. Paul’s
Anglican Church Sunday School
rooms on Monday evening in con
junction with the Harvest Festival J & * rxservice, was a great success. Uver
400 attended and the ladies of the
church supplied a supper that was all
that one could desire.
Held Social Evening
The members of the Legion and
the Legion Auxiliary held a social
evening in their room§ at the Ar
mouries on* Tuesday evening. (Mr. J*-
F. Anderson gave a most pleasing
and instructive talk on his trip to
France 10 years after the war, Old
fashioned games were played which
was followed by lunch,
Westminister Guild
The regular meeting of the West
minister Guild of St, Andrew’s Pres
byterian Church was held on Monday
evening with the social committee in
Charge. Following the opening hymn
sentence prayers wereigiven by Helen
Hammond and Anna Chittick. The
scripture lesson was taken by Dor
othy Lloyd and the explanation of
same given by Miss Edna Carr* Miss
Mary King contributed a violin solo
and Miss Agnes Wiliamson told a
Hallowe’en story, The remainder of
the evening was spent in. playing cro-
quinole* after which lunch was served,
a hymn and. Benediction by Rev. K.
MacLean brought the meeting to a
Rev, Sextus K. Styles, B.D,, Preach
ed in the Morning and! Rev. C, R.
H. Wilkinson, M.A., of India,
in the Evening.
Harvest Festival Services were held
in St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Sun
day. The Church was beautifully dec
orated with autumn flowers and leav
es and fruits of the harvest, The Rec
tor, Rev. E, L. Roberts, R.D., read
the 65th and 103rd Psalms and the
Scripture reading, the Sth chapter of
Deuteronomy, was taken by Rev. Sex
tus K. Styles, B;D., Rector of St.
Olaves’ Church, Toronto, who was
the special preacher for- the morning
Rev.,Styles is a former Wingham-
ite, as a young boy he lived here,
leaving at the age of 12 years. He
said he deeply appreciated coming
back to St. .Paul’s Church, as it was
there he first received the call to
God’s work. He thanked God for be
ing privileged to live in a country
Where the Government acknowledged
God. He chose for his .text the 17th
verse of .the 14th chapter of Acts,
“Nevertheless, he left not himself
without witness, in that he did’ go’od,
and gave us rain from heaven, and
fruitful seasons, filling our hearts
with food and gladness.” These words
were spoken by Paul telling the peo
ple of the one true God, who is al
ways mindful of the needs of His peo
ple. The unity of God is revealed in
nature in that everything works to
gether. His omni presence is seen in
all growth. His reliability is found in
the order that exists in nature every
where, God is faithful in carrying out
His promises. The genlteness. and
quietness of God is shown in all evi
dences of growth. He works His will
quietly, unknown to. us. As a seed
swells and grows and moves great
rocks so great is God’s power that
His ultimate power cannot be thwart
ed. God is impartial in nature, the
crops of the good man and the bad
man get the same rain and sun.
Flow shall we show our thanksgiv
ing? By our thank-offering, and by
a spiritual harvest. We should take
every opportunity to speak the word
that in that great day when we meet
our Saviour we shall all be gathered
into the shelter of His loving arms.
The anthem “Thou Openest Thine
Hand,” was sung by the choir with
Mr. J. R. M. Spittai and Mr. C. Tem
pleman taking the solo parts.
The address was given at the even
ing service by Rev. C. R. H. Wilkin
son, M.A., of Palampur, India. The
Psalms for this, service were the 148th
and the 150th. 'Rev. Wilkinson based
his remarks on “If the Christian liv
ed according to that which he pro
fessed to believe his religion would
be irresistable to the Hindu.” He said
there were 100,000 in India baptized
into the Anglican religion each year.
He said that those who were baptized
into the Christian religion in India
became outcasts to their own people.
The raped of more workers in this
field is very great, he declared.
Mr. J. R. M. Spittai sang as a solo
“Fear Ye Not, Oh Israel” and the
Choir rendered the anthem “Sing to
the Lord of Harvest,” the solo part
being taken by iMr. C. Templeman.
After the service he showed two
motion picture reels of the life in In
dia which were very interesting and,
Novelty Dance Thursday, Oct. 28th
At Al’s Dance Floor under auspices
of Girls’ Softball Team.
Shipped Two Bales
Two large Bales of second-hand
and new clothing have been shipped
to Western Canada by St. Paul’s W.
A. for distribution in the distressed
areas of the West.
Triple V Choir Assisted
At St. Helens
The Triple V Choir led in the ser
vice of praise at St. Helen’s United
Church Anniversary service Sunday
evening. Mrs, Gordon Buchanan and
Frank Collar sang solos. Twenty-five
members were present with Jack
Herd at the console of the organ.
Fell Through Trap Doot
On Wednesday last week, W. R.
Cruickshank, clerk of Turnberry, fell
through the trap door in the barn.
He severely wrenched his hip and
was taken to Wingham General Hos
pital where he remained until Sun
day. He is now resting as comfort*
ably as can be expected at his home
on the “B” Line*
Wingham Merchants Plan Big Sett
ing Event for This Week,
Shop in Wingham — Your Logical
Shopping Centre.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday this
week are Dollar Days. The merch
ants of Wingham have been prepar
ing for this great selling event for
some time, Evfery household in this
district has received a sales bill of
this wonderful merchandising event,
Read this bill carefully, it contains
fine values in seasonable, high qual
ity merchandise that will not only
save you money but will please the
.most critical shopper.
All roads lead to Wingham, your
logical shopping centre, and especial
ly do they lead to Wingham on Dol
lar Days for the stores of Wingham
are ready to serve you with merch
andise of superior quality priced so
reasonably that it will pay you to out
fit the family at this time.
Pennant Denote Dollar Day Stores
Every place of business taking part
in this great merchandising event' will
have the Dollar Day Pennants’ dis
played on their windows. Shop at
these stores for Dollar Day Values.
Prizes (Value $67.00) Given Away
With each dollar you .spend in the
stores that advertised on the Dollar
Day Bills you will receive a lucky
ticket. Write your name and address
on these tickets and deposit them in
the ballot box in the store where you
make your purchase and you may win
one of the 8 beautiful prizes. No
tickets will be given after 10.15 p.m.
Saturday night and the draw will be
made at 11.00 p.m. at the •' Hydro:
Shop, where the prizes are on dis
The Prizes:
1st, Upholstered Chesterfield Chair
Value $30.00.
2nd, Walnut Coffee Table.
3rd, Lady’s Aeropack.
4th, Lady’s Toilet Case.
5th, Reversible Rug.
6th, Electric Table Lamp.
7th, Enamel Roasting Pan.
Sth, Modernistic Vase.
Shop at the stores displaying the
Dollar Day Pennants, Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday this week and you.
may win one of the above prizes.
Hospital Auxiliary Monday
The regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Auxiliary to the General Hos
pital will be held in the Council
Chamber on Monday, Nov. 1, at 3.45.
Evening Rainbow Seen
Somewhat of a phenomenon was
observed near Langside one evening
last week. It was a rainbow by moon
light in the western sky. The rain
bow appeared about 6.45 and disap
peared about 15 minutes later. It had
a perfect spectrum and was seen by
several persons. Mrs. George Hark
ness reported the incident to this of
Shows Fire Equipment of 1879
The contrast between the fire fight
ing equipment of today and that of
1879 is evidenced by a copy of the
Fire Record of that date which was
handed into this office by Mr. Wm.
KraUter. This old paper gives a fine
description of the fire equipment of
that time. It also contains many il
lustrations of the same. The modern
fire fighting equipment such as. our
new motor truck, certainly gives fine
protection compared with the ancient
horse-drawn apparatus.
Bell Telephone Pictures
To Be Shown Here
On Tuesday evening, Nov. 2nd, at
8 p.m., the Young People’s Society of
Wingham United Church will hold
their regular meeting. In addition to
the usual business meeting, talking
motion pictures will be shown by the
courtesy of Mr. W. G. Hamilton*
Manager of the Bell Telephone Co,
These pictures depict the progress of
the telephone from its inception as
“an unpractical toy” to the present*
day, when it can be used to reach al
most anyone of the world’s 35,000,000
telephones, and are highly entertain
ing, On account of the unique nat
ure of this meeting, a full attendance
is expected. Friends of members will
be welcomed. The telephone motion
pictures will also be shown on Tues*
day afternoon at the High School,
and on Wednesday evening, Nov. 3,
at 8 o’clock at St. Andrew’s Presby*
terlan Church* under the auspices of
the Young People’s Society. Alt
members and friends welcomed, .