HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-10-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, October 14, 1937 Show Starts at 8 p.m Mrs. Lott gave a reading and Mrs. Naylor won the cabbage salad con­ test winning the prize donated1 by Mrs. Farrier.‘The meetingdosed by the ‘singing of the National Anthem. • Mr&.,',;Orton*'>Graiirt'''and Miss Mar­ garet Procter spent the week-end in Sarnia. OLVERS Cash Store Phone 116 that assembled. Both auditorium and basement were filled on Sunday jjight. The Young People of the local United Church ’are taking their play “When BickleU coWes to- Town” , to Atwood 'Oh'Tuesday n^ht for the-An­ niversary Supper Concert Program." 1 , “ Wh^n. a lassie meets a laddie” its “TARTANS” Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 14, 15, 16th CHARLIE RUGGLES » ELEANORE WHITNEY — JOHNNY DOWNS “Turn Off The Moon” Kenny Baker, Ben Blue, and Phil Harris and Orch. are also in the cast, making the evening one of fun, laughter and dancing. Also “Crime Doesn’t Pay” and “News” BLUEVALE Monday; Tuesday, Wednesday, October 18, 19, 20 WALLACE BEERY - ------In BETTY FURNESS Wallace Beery again plays the part of the small town loafer, who quite unknowingly causes a lot of trouble. Also “Our Gang Comedy” and “Traveltalk” WHITECHURCH 1 Miss Lottie Davidson of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Godkin. Miss Frances Robinson of Wing­ ham spent the week-end with Miss Florence Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, of Toronto^ spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jos. Tiffin. Miss Winnifred Farrier left Mon­ day to resume her teaching duties in Toronto. The ladies of the W.M.S. of the United Church quilted a quilt at the home of Mrs. J. B. Morrison Thurs­ day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman had their little daughter christened at the morning service in the Presbyterian Church here, giving her the name Mary Jane. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Green, of Kitchener, spent the week-end at the > home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Vic­ tor Emerson, of Langside, spent Thursday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt and children, of Marnoch, spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson. Mrs. (Dr.) Wilfred 'Robinson, who has been visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robin­ son and other relatives in this com- Try the New “GRADS” Cork Tip Virginia Cigarettes — At — Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe munity, left on Friday for her home in Dryden. Mr. Sam Coulter had the misfor­ tune to lose a valuable horse-last week and Mr. Aldin Purdon has a very sick one this week. Mr, and Mrs. Jack McIntyre visit­ ed last Wednesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Cecil FalconeT. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, who have spent the past few weeks in Caledon with their daughter, Mrs. Welwood, returned home last Wed­ nesday. Mr. Bert Cullimore spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Leggatt of Wingham. The following relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman spent Sunday at their home: Mr. and Mrs. Hender­ shott of Hamilton and his son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hendershott and two daughters, of Toronto and her moth­ er, Mrs. Bagway of Unionville. A very interesting nleeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Fri­ day last at the Hall. After the open­ ing exercises the ladies decided, to hold a Hallowe’en Concert on Oct. 27th. Mr. Patterson, Agricultural Re­ presentative from Walkerton, was present and gave an interesting talk on Bovine Tuberculosis and Refor­ estation. Mrs. W. R. Farrier played a piano solo and Mrs. B. S. Naylor gave the report of the convention at Harriston on Sept. 16 when the school curriculum, grading of classes, women on the school boards, and an­ tiseptic powders for cleaning school floors, were problems discussed by Mrs. Tetch. Mrs. Davidson of Dun­ gannon spoke on the beautification of farm homes and the weed menace in Huron and' other counties, and the Dungannon Junior Institute gave a demonstration on “Keeping Clothes- Closets Up-to-Date.” At the banquet in the evening Judge Mott, judge of the juvenile and family court in Tor­ onto, was the special speaker. Mrs. Naylor’s report was greatly appreciat­ ed by all. Miss Velma Scott gave a humorous reading on “The Weather.” Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton of Centralia spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Churchhill, To Send Yarn West The Woman’s Association of the United Church met for the regular monthly meeting on Thursday after­ noon at the home of Mrs. Alice Ait­ ken. The president, Mrs. Robt. McLern­ on presided, reading a passage of scripture and prayer. During the business discussion it was decided to buy yarn for the Western Relief bale and a special of­ fering was received for the purpose, A program of music, singing and readings was enjoyed followed by re­ freshments served by the hostess, as­ sisted by Mrs. J. W. Wettlaufer and Mrs. W. J. Johnston, Plans Completed Foy Rally The Y. P. S, of Knox Presbyterian Church met for regulaf session- on Friday evening with the president, John McTavish in charge, who read and explained the 13th chapter of Romans, followed by prayer by Miss Jean Elliott. Arrangements were completed for the Presbyterial Young People’s Ral­ ly to be held here on Friday, Oct­ ober 15th. The Topic “What it means to be a Christian” was taken by Eldon Kir- ton. ■' A solo was contributed by Rev..J. R. Greig. The next regular meeting will be postponed until the following Mon­ day evening. W. M. S. Plan Sectional Meetings Mrs. Harry McGee, Wingham and Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Williams of Cran- brook, conducted a committee meet­ ing in the interests of the W. M. S. of Maitland Presbyterial of the Pres­ byterian Church on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Greig. Sev­ eral of the Auxiliaries in the district were represented by their presidents. Arrangements were made "for the sec­ tional meetings at Brussels on Oct­ ober 20th. Kinlough, October 27th, Whitechurch on October 28th. Held Thankoffering Meeting The W. M. S. of Knox Presbyter­ ian church held its annual fall-thank- offering meeting in the schoolroom on Thursday afternoon. The presi-, dent, Mrs. Alex Mowbray, presided and carried out a specially prepared order of service consisting of the Call to Worship and hymns of Thanks­ giving. The 96th psalm was read by Miss Scott. Mrs. Eldred Nichol read an interesting letter from a Nurse in a hospital in India, expressing thank­ fulness for the success of their lab­ ours in hospital work and for equip­ ment provided for their comfort and convenience. A leaflet, “Not Omitting the Four­ th Stanza” was read by Mrs. J. J. Elliott and Mrs. J. B. Greig read, “The Plant Gratitude”. A solo by Mrs, Alex Moffatt was enjoyed. Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen offered thanksgiving prayer and Miss Bar­ bara Thynne closed the meeting with prayer. Miss Hazel Mundell presided at the organ. 15c 25c 10c 15c 29c Special This Week Alymer Honey Drip Peas No, 3 ............... .....- Tip Top Peas, No, 2, 2 for Alymer Tomato Juice Juice 25>/2 Oz. Tin :............... Monarch Tomato Catsup 14 Oz, Bottle .................. Ideal Sweet Mixed Pickles 27 Oz, Bottle ...—............. Toddy, with 1 Lb. Can you get Yz Lb, Can for lc, Both for 44c Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 3 for 25c McCormick’s Butter Cream Sodas, I Lb. Pkg. ........ 17c Shredded Wheat, 2 for ..... 25c Ogilvie Minute Oats ..... 25c Fresh Walnuts, Almonds, Cher­ ries and other fruits. Courtesy Prompt Delivery Our Slogajn.: “You have tried the rest, now try the Best.” Extra! Extra! Here is; Another Real Treat for You GRAND DANCE And FLOOR SHOW With Russ Creighton and His Canadian Mountaineers On Wed., Oct. 20th THE MECCA West Street, Goderich Plenty of Old-Time Music and the Best in Modern - Room for 30 Setsof Square Dancers - Fun and Entertainment for All Don’t Miss This Dance Dancing 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Everybody Welcome. the Repair Your Attend to it NOW before it becomes necessary to keep the fires going, and have it ready for the win­ ter’s use. Phone 58 for prompt service. MACHAN BROS. Phone 58Wingham Institute Meeting Postponed On account of the Home Confer­ ence which is to be held at the home of Mrs. N, Keating on Tuesday, Oct. 19th, the Institute meeting will be postponed until October 26th. Fur­ ther announcement will be made next week, BELMORE Sunday being an ideal day the at­ tendance at the morning service in the United Church was the largest for some time, The Lord’s Supper Was partaken Of. The Ladies’ Aid gathered at the home of Mrs. Wm. Edwards last .week and quilted two quilts. Meet your friends and shake hands with your enemies at the United Church fowl supper, Date not de­ cided on. Miss Elva Reid is holidaying with Mrs, DuVal of Wingham.. Some of our Belmorites made a good showing at the local Fairs. Miss Edna Johann receiving a number of prizes for her roadster, saddle riding, hurdle jumping, while C. M. Playter carried off a number for his Poll- Angus herd. Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, 'Jim and girl friend, attended the shower on. Fri­ day evening at the home of Mr. Ar­ thur' Lincoln in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lincoln. Those under the weather: Mr. J. Reid, with hemoradge of the stomach; Jack Holland and Richard, Jef fray, re­ covering from the Shingles, which came a little too late. Mr. Jack Herd of Wingham was a visitor at his home on Monday even­ ing, when the Young People’s Union was reorganized for the coming year. Miss Jean Herd retiring president was presented with a lamp and the following address: Belmore, Ont., Oct. 4, 1937. Viyella Tartans are tops for Dresses, Blouses, Skirts, Scarves. Shrinkproof, Colourfast. 54 inches wide. $2.50 Yd. TWEED SUITINGS, Blue, Brown $1.95 Yd. T7 Wool CREPES and SHEERS Navy, Rust, Wine, Green, Brown and Black. 54 inches wide ..... , $1.29, $1.6(5 and $1.95 FLANNEMS’— Royal Blue, Navy, Red, Fawn. 54 inches wide........... . ...................$1.59 Yd. KING’S z Church supplied the music. Miss Kathleen Townend spenf the week-end at home returning to Lon­ don to resume her studies in the Uni­ versity on Monday night.’ The Young people’s Society of the United Church met in the schoolroom- of the church on Wednesday night of last week with the president, Mr. Geo. Michie, in the chair. The lesson was read by Mrs. Cliff Logan and the prayer taken by Mr. Goldie Wheeler. Mrs. J. M. Coultes ’presided at the piano. The Topic material was pres­ ented by Mr. Harold Vincent and was an introduction to four topics to be given on “Jesus and the Problems of Life.” After the presentation of the Topic material, a discussion group was conducted by the Rev. J. B. Townend. The participation in the discussion was fairly general and this feature iS,.to be continued for the four week period. Local visitors to the Atwood Unit- ted Church Anniversary on Sunday last, report that a microphone had to be placed in the auditorium of the church and a loudspeaker in the base­ ment to accomodate the large crowd Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson and son Ross of Toronto, spent the holi­ day with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Messer of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Enright and daughter of Toronto were wek-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes. Mrs. George McDonald of Clinton is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. P. S. MacEwen. Mr. Melville McDougall of Wind­ sor, spent Sunday with his Mint, Mrs. David Patton and Miss Louie Patton. Mr. and Mrs. George Donaldson, and Mrs. R. Hutcheson of Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. Mrs. Thos. Coultes spent a few days with her . brother Harry Dia­ mond at Wingham. BELGRAVE Mr, and Mrs. B.Willi.amso n of Toronto are visitors With Mr.and Mrs. N, McCrea and Mr.and Mrs. jM. Bradburn, Miss K. Townend spent the holi- day with, her parents,Rev.and Mrs. Townend. Anniversary Services were held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Belgrave on Sunday, with Rev» A» K Gibson of Mitchell as the special speaker, The ated The church which was m’celydecor- was well filled at each service, choir from Calvin Presbyterian ■I Baptist Church Rev. E. M. Loney, B.Th., Minister Phone 206. Sunday Services: 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Studies in Romans. “Are you the wretched man of Romans? and Do you Want Deliverance? 7 p.m.—Studies in the Book of Revelations “The Two Wit­ nesses.” Baptismal Service. ■ OUR WATCH REPAIRS Stand the test of time. Williams The jeweller r Miss Jean Herd- Belmore, Knox and McIntosh Uni­ ted Young People’s Union, Belmore Ontario. Dear Jean— We the Young People of Belmore and McIntosh United Church apprec­ iate the zeal and enthusiasm you have shown in the work, of our ■ Young People’s Union during your term of office as our president. Now that you- are, leaving us to train for the nursjng profession, we ask you to accept this gift as a token of our esteem and affection, may God bless and prosper you in your new sphere of service. .. z Signed on behalf of the above Young People’s Union. Jack Fergusion, vice-president; W. J. Raymon, hon., president; Bob Fer­ guson, secretary. Mrs. Arthur Sparks from Port El­ gin was a week-end visitor with her sister, Mrs. Casemore. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulls from Port Elgin and Miss Sparks, (Mr. .Tom Manaly from Southampton were week-end visitors with their cousin, Mrs. dell. George Mundell and Mr. Mun- ST. HELENS J. H. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs.Mr. Wm. Gallaher of Norwood are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller. Visitors for the holiday week-end included: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Murdie of Toronto and Miss Irene Woods of Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Robin­ son Woods; Miss Dorothy McQuillin of Sandwich with Mr. John McQuil­ lin, Mr. Neely Todd, of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. D„ Todd; Miss W. D. Rutherford, of Kirkland Lake, and Miss Muriel Hall of Toronto, with Mrs. J. B. Rutherford. Mr.- Earl Anderson, of Belgrave, conducted the service in the United Church on Sunday morning in the ab­ sence of Rev. H. M, Wright who was attending the London Conference Y. P. U. Convention at Chatham. Anniversary services will be con­ ducted in the United Church on Sun­ day, October 24th when the special speaker will be Rev. Mr. Shepherd of Egmondville. The October meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute was held at Mrs. R. K. Miller’s on Thursday afternoon with the president, Mrs, Allan Durnin in the chair, The roll call was res­ ponded to with many helpful hints for storing fruits and vegetables. The topic, on “Halloween” was in charge of Miss Mildred McQuillin who read an interesting paper telling how Hal­ lowe’en originated, the customs, leg* ends and superstitions. Suitable poems were read by Miss E. W. Ride, Mrs. Ed. McQuillin and Miss Maty irwin. Lunch was served, the hostess­ es being Mrs. W. G. McCrostie, Mrs. G. Stuart and Mrs. Allan Durnin. Mrs. McKenzie Webb and Miss Laurine Miller attended the leader­ ship Training class held at Clinton under the Women’s Institute this week. Recent visitors in 'the community included: iMr. and Mrs. Jas. McFar­ lane and Walter, of Jamestown, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson; Mr. and Mrs. Harry McAllister, John, Charlie and Jean of Drew, with Mrs, Durnin and Mr. and Mrs.1' Colin Mc­ Donald; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas and family; of Mitchell, with (Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. The regular ’meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Sunday evening.- The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. E. W. Rice. The topic "From Sea to Sea” was read by Isobel and Dorothy Miller. Miss Florence McQuillin; student nurse at the Stratford General Hos­ pital, is home for a few days recup-sU erating after having her tonsils re- ‘ ' ’y moved. 4* ' EAST WAWANOSH Mr. Adam McBurney of Kingston spent the holiday with his sister, Miss May McBurney. Mr. and Mrs. Townend and Kath­ leen, Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Vipond and Margaret* and Mr. and Mrs. J. Irving, Donegal, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman on Monday. Miss Jessie Finlayson spent the holiday at her home near Kippen. Miss Helen Thompson accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Walker, King­ ston visited at Leslie Wightman’s on Tuesday. is light and clean to handle — -and leaves far less ash. You’ll be mighty pleased with this dustless, smokeless, wasteless Canadian Coke. Order from your local HAMCO dealer—he deserves your fuel business. v SOLD BY A. C. Adams J. A. MacLean Estate Donald Rae & Son HAMCO^—, dOKE HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA (jivvA muie heat CcsL^leAA money INSIST ON HAMCO-CANADA’S FINEST COKE Are Precious t Take tare of the only eyeg you’ll ever have. At the least sigh of trouble, have them examined by a reliable Optometrist You can get perfect and complete eyeeight service here at mod­ erate cost. ' R Stratford’s Leading Optometrist * xTis IVluJIU ' for nearly 20 years. WINGHAM OFFICE - WILLIAMS’ JEWELRY STORE. Every Wednesday morning from 9.06 to 12.00. *