HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-10-07, Page 3Thursday, October 7th, 1937 THE WINGHAM ADV/\NCE-TIMES citizens, the Walkerville Ferry Co- is dismissing 12 Canadian employees, D, L. Daniels, assistant treasurer of the1 ferry company, said. Daniels ex­ plained that when the company was ordered a few weeks ago to replace its Canadian employees, no immed­ iate action was taken because it was hoped intercession by Ottawa might result in thexlaw being suspended in the case of ferry crews, | World Wide News In Brief Form Chinese Request Shelved by League j. Members of a subcommittee en­ trusted with outlining the League of Nation’s course of action in the Sino- Japanese conflict viewed with appre­ hension a single word—“aggression.” China asked the League to declare her a victim of Japanese aggression. The request was sent to the subcom­ mittee. - tervention in the Spanish Civil War was. foreshadowed. An authoritative article in II Popolo d’ltalia, Premier Mussolini’s newspaper, declared Italy had decided to refrain from the con­ ference because of the French threat to open the Franco-Spanish border to volunteers and war supplies if the conference failed. Homer Martin Packs a Gun Detroit—At the end of a serio-comic day in which he was be­ sieged by his own followers, Presi­ dent Homer Martin of the United Automobile Worker^ denied that he poked a gun into the ribs of a dis­ gruntled union member. Earlier he tactity admitted the gun-wielding by explaining that he was wary of at­ tacks by his enemies. The gun-fJour- ishing incident occurred at his hotel room after a delegation of; workers from local unions had kicked on his door and demanded a hearing on pro­ tests against his discharge pf a dozen organizers. hectic. ready to leave the grounds. Mr. Nel­ son Cowan, the president, decided to have one more look around to see that everything was all right; when he unlocked the show house he was stunned to discover a* little tot about five or six years, of age irjside the building. Had it not been for Mr. Cowan’s thoroughness considerable difficulty might have been encount­ ered in finding the child as no one may have thought of looking in there. —'Milverton Sun, „I Teeswater Congregation Choose Minister At a meeting of the congregation bn Tuesday evening, Rev. J, D*; y/il- kie, of Toronto, was- chosen as the minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, to fill the vacancy in the pulpit caused by Rev. F.B. Allan go­ ing to Boston. Rev. Wilkie is a com­ paratively young man, although he has been stationed for a missionary in China. -- News. t time as a Teeswater Chinese Have Stout Defense f Shanghai — Chinese defenders of Shanghai sent back word from their pill-boxes and trenches they are hold- - ing their own along the Shanghai front and counter-attacked Japanese in some sectors. They told of rout­ ing Japanese tropps in the vicinity of Kiailgwan, north of Shanghai. Japan- , ese admitted the Kiangwin Civic Cen- . tre‘Buildings had been evacuated but ,,<!!►' said their lines *to the rear were un- ' changed. Would Mediate Between A. F. of L. and C,I,O, Ottawa—Offer of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada to medi­ ate in the dispute, between the Am­ erican Federation of Labor and the C.I.O. in the considered by bodies, it was United States, will be the two United States disclosed. Hitler to Visit II Duce Berlin—Fuerhrer Adolf Hitler ac­ cepted, Benito Mussolini’s invitation to make a State visit to Italy, similar to II Duce’s German tour. The visit will be made in the late Fall or early Spring. Lucknow, Calgary Doctor Shot Calgary—Dr. W. H. Hill, Calgary Medical Office, is in hospital with a bullet wound suffered as he was ent­ ering his private office. Mrs. Marg­ aret Nagy, 41, is held by police on a charge of attempted murder. Seek $100,000 Indemnity Indemnity o'f $100,000 will, be ask- ’ed for the death of Lionel Hasjcell, 21 years old, killed in the Sino-Jap- anese hostilities at.. Shanghai, Max' Aitken, legal adviser to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Haskell, of 1226 Dundas Street West, Toronto, announced. Word of her son’s death on board the S.S. President Hoover, from shrapnel wounds received dur­ ing the bombing of Shanghai on Av,g. 30, did not reach the mother until late Newspapers Protest Alberta’s Action Thursday. Edmonton—A submission from the Alberta Division of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Alberta daily newspapers charg­ ing the Government sought dictator­ ship over the press in a bill respect­ ing newspapers was refused by the Agricultural Committee of the islature. ./ British Labor Would Boycott Japan London—Labor Party leaders mob­ ilized their forces and called upon Liberals to support them in demand­ ing a special session of parliament to act on demands for a boycott of all Japanese goods because of “barbarism” of the war in the East. the Far Lucknow Man to Direct U.F.O. programs Harvey MacDougall, of has been appointed director of the U.F.O.’s new educational program for the fall months*in Bruce and Fluron counties, Being a farm boy and hav­ ing had both teaching and business experience, „he has a background that fits him particularly well for the work he has undertaken. He grew up on the MacDougall farm three and one- half miles north-east of Lucknow; his father, Rod MacDougall, is co-opera­ tive livestock shipper. For one week each month, Harvey will remain in the office to assist with the editing of The Rural Co-operator. The rest of his time will be spent on field work, Leg- Suggest One Pool for Wheat Winnipeg—Organization of ern Canada Wheat marketing in a single marketing agency, operating or? the 'pooling principle, to control the entire supply and flow to market was recommendend to the Turgeon Royal Grain Commission by J. T. Hull, Secretary of the Manitoba Co­ operative Conference. Gandhi Ill Bombay, India -— 'Mohandas K. Gandhi, the frail little brown man who - has led India’s Nationalists in their turbulent course, is ill on his 68th birthday. Physicians who have examined him fear his life is in dang­ ler. Although his blood pressure is returning to normal. Would Repeal Recall Acts Edmonton—The Alberta Legislat­ ure passed a resolution asking repeal of the Alberta Legislative Assembly Recall Act, which provides for recall of members of the Legislature by pe­ tition 'of voters. The Recall Act pro­ vides a member may be unseated if a petition is signed by 66 2-3 per cent of the voters in a constituency. . ____ _ J West-B. C. Premier to Visit Roosevelt Victoria — ^Premier T. D. Pattulo will visit President Roosevelt at Washington, D.C., or Hyde Park, the President’s home, some time this month. The Premier said he had ac­ cepted President <;Roosevel,t’s invita­ tion to visit him when he is in the East during the next few’ weeks. Eden Warns Italy London—Foreign Secretary Anth­ ony Eden has sent an “advance warn­ ing” to Premier Mussolini that unless Italian troops leave Spain he will shoulder responsibility for a situation which might .easily develop into a European war. The warning was de­ livered through the Italian Ambass­ ador in London, Dino Grandi, on the eve of the despatch of a Franco-Brit- to of Old Violin at Teeswater Some time ago the Advance-Times reported that Mr. G.' A, Schatte, of town, had an ancient violin in his possession. Then the Lucknow pap­ er went one better with the announ­ cement that W. J. McNall of Luck­ now has a “Jacolus Stainer” 1625. The Teeswater News, comes to bat stating that George Lewis of the Teeswater Band has a violin similar to the Lucknow one only dated 1662. ish note to Rome inviting II Duce join in a three-power discussion the volunteers question. Died from Threshing Accident When he suddenly thrust his ‘hand into the blower of a threshing mach­ ine to remove an obstruction William Elliott, 54, single, residing near Nile, sustained distressing injuries. The hand came in contact with the revolv­ ing fan and was so badly mangled that amputation at the wrist was ne­ cessary. Gangrene developed and he passed away on Monday. Italy to Refuse Parley Milan, Italy—Italian refusal to par­ ticipate with France and Great Brit­ ain in a conference to end foreign in­ Canadians Discharged by Ferry Co. Windsor—Complying with a law requiring that 75 per cent, of United States boat crews must be American I HARRY F. O'BRIEN, Mm j« FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK 4 vfew FINEST LOCATION V ’convenience* k Important to you then by all meant select Hotel Tuller-right in the heart of downtown Detroit-dose to stores, theatres# office buildings, end all transportation! Excellent food served al low'prices In the Tuller Coffee Shop end Cafeteria...Detroit,s friendliest hotel hotelTULLER 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM $2 SINGLE Engineer Suggests $400,000,000 Irrigation Scheme Winnipeg—Appointment of a non­ political Government Commission to investigate merits of a $400,000,000 drought rehabilitation project for' Western Canada was urged by R. O. Sweezey, Montreal, engineer, speak­ ing at a' Winnipeg Board of' Trade meeting. He'described the plan as a “simple problem” ment this ever make.” but gigantic engineering and the “greatest invest­ country or any other could" Single Jobless for Farms , Ottawa,—To meet the problem of single, homeless and unemployed men, the farm improvement and em­ ployment plan will be put into oper­ ation again this winter Jn the four Western .Provinces, Labor Minister Rogers announced. The plan involves a bonusing arrangement by which the Dominion and Provinces promote ab­ sorption of unemployed on farms. Playing with Matches Caused Fire Boys playing with matches caused some little excitement lagt Friday af­ ternoon, when a blaze started beside I Mrs. John Weber’s barn on Lambert Street, Mildmay. The flames started on a manure pile beside the barn, when the alarm was given. The fire hall is just one block from the scene of the fire, and in a few minutes the brigade had a stream of water play­ ing on the flames. The fire was com­ pletely extinguished before the inter­ ior of the barn was ignited. The barn is filled with hay, and a serious blaze might have resulted if prompt action had not been taken.—ifylildmay Gaz­ ette. To Supply Airplanes to Chinese London—The Gloster Aircraft with the Government’s consent, agreed to deliver to China a number of fighting aeroplanes of the latest type. Exactly how many was not re­ vealed. Up to the present none of these machines has been sold outside the British Empire. Co., has Bald Eagle Trapped' Near Chatsworth Finding his chicken roost was rap­ idly being depleted, Frank Waterton, three miles south of Chatsworth on No. 6 Highway, Set spring trap Sun­ day morning in his roost and at nightfall had a bald eagle. The bird, caught in the trap, was placed in a crate and Mr. Waterton hasn’t yet de­ cided what to do with it. The eagle measures six feet from wing-tip to Wing-tip. A neighbor, Mr. McCaul­ ey, now has it.—Durham Chronicle. ALBERT ONE OF THE SEVENTEEN Toronto Schools Closed Till Oct. 12 Opening of Toronto schools was set back a fifth week when the Board of Health decided there had not been sufficient abatement of the- infantile paralysis epidemic to warrant their reconvening. The board set Tuesday, Oct. 12, the day after Thanksgiving, as the date of re-opening. Had Narrow Escape An Ethel motorist had a-narrow escape from death last Saturday ev­ ening when his car was struck by the C.N.R. train. The tail light and li­ cense plate were taken off by the train and the motorist kept on go­ ing, either oblivious that he had been struck or too scared to stop.—Lis- towel- Barnier. HOTELS 5000 ROOMS IN 8 STATES ' ■ CHidAdO, ILi,.. CHEAT NORTHERN ............................... INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA,,.*,.,ANTLER* SOUTH BEND, INDIANA OLIVER ANDERSON. INDIANA. > ..... ANDERSON TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA .TERRE HAUTS JACKSON, TENNESSEE, NEW SOUTHERN K ASHLAND, KENTUCKY,VENTURA A owensuoro.kentucky.owensboro »*•*»* * RALEIOU MA DETROIT, MICHIGAN..........TULLER ■’* DAYTON. OHIO,.MIAMI r COLUMBUS, OHIO.....,,,.CHITTENDEN “ COLUMBUS. OHIO..hi...FORT HAYES TOLEDO. OHIO.,.........FORT MEI08 CINCINNATI. OHIO ..FOUNTAIN SOUARE > CANTON. OHIO ...H.........BELDEN AT LOWS MO.»»,*..MARK TWAIN W _ ALBERT Pirn HOIELS ♦ NEWS of the DISTRICT | rtiiHliiiiihitiHimiliiiiittiiiHiininiiiiiuiiiiiiiHiitiiiiliHiiut Cfifld Locked in Show House On (Monday afternoon after the ev­ ents of the day had been completed at the Atwood Fair the show house was locked up and the officers were Anibitious Pullet Lays Two-Yolked Eggs Mark Rogers has a pullet that is setting some kind of a record. Only five months old, she has laid four eggs, and they .have all been double yolked. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and Phil, had the first three for breakfast Monday morning, and were surprised to find two yolks in all three eggs, just to prove he was not exaggerat­ ing, Mr. Rogers brought the fourth egg to the Observer office and we broke it iif the presence of thee wit­ nesses. Sure enough, the egg was double yolked. The eggs are not as I There is an unwritten law in the theatrical profession. Regardless of what happens—“the show must go on!” In thousands of theatres throughout Ontario this same traditional rule still applies, but in a different way. Today, 1 ‘the show must go on”—with Hydro. The “Talkies” and Hydro, bring to the cities and the small towns alike, the best the theatre offers in drama, music, comedy, while travelogues and news-reels bring a new form of education. Hydro also makes it possible to enjoy your theatre night right through the hottest season, with the aid of air conditioning and cooling systems, which the majority of theatres now provide. This same Hydro service that is essential for the “Talkies” is also necessary for night baseball, tennis, lawn bowling and other forms of night entertain­ ment and sport, which electricity now makes it possible to enjoy to a much greater degree. Thus in the realm of entertainment and sport—-as in so many other phases of activity—Hydro—your Hydro—makes an essential contribution to a better, happier, healthier livelihood for the people of the Province of Ontario with its low-cost power. 1 The success of Hydro in being able to lower power costs in the past two years in the face of a general increase in the price of practically everything we use, is a noteworthy achievement. Its continuous efforts to lower these power costs still further, and extend the benefits which accrue throughout the Province of Ontario, is a matter in which you should be vitally interested. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION large as a usual hen’s egg, and the j hurriedly awakened one morning re­ yolks are like' fair sized marbles. The pullet is a barred rock. — Palmers­ ton Observer. tea- had awciAcncu uuc morning re* cently by a loud crash in his bed­ room. A young pheasant struck the window with such force that it camp through the glass and also the win­ dow blind and landed behind the bed. It was injured so badly that it died almost immediately. Teachers’ Convention Cancelled. The annual convention of the chers in this inspectorate, which been arranged to be held at the Cha­ teau Laurier in the city of Ottawa on Friday and Saturday, has been cancelled. This step was taken as a safeguard against the infantile paral­ ysis epidemic, which is prevalent in all parts of the province, and as a result of which manf public gather­ ings have been called off, both here and in other localities. — Walkerton Herald-Times. Found Injured Charles Jordan, of KirktOn, is in the General Hospital, Stratford, with a compound fracture of the left leg. Jordan was found by Chief Fred Mur­ ray lying on a side street in the town of Mitchell, and how the man was in­ jured is not yet known. Speeding to Wedding Caused Arrest Speeding through the streets of Bly.th at forty miles an hour, to the scene of his wedding, Lloyd Veit, of Tillsonburg, came under the eye of jhe village policeman. “He didn’t have his mind on his driving,” plead­ ed F. R. Darrow, defense counsel, agree there may have been aberration,” added Crown Holmes. So Magistrate Longman, Barrie, who is for Magistrate Makins, “I a mental Attorney Gordon relieving granted sus­ pended sentence on payment of' costs which amounted to $9. Chickens Stolen Raids by thieves on chicken roots are rampant in the northern part of Huron County. In Howiclc Township Frank King reports- having lost 20 birds, Dave Sanderson 50 and Har­ old Farr 12 in the last few nights, according to County Constable Oliv­ er Galloway, of Gorrie. Numerous thefts of gasoline also were reported, he said. Goderich to Remodel Armouries Calling of tenders for the remod­ eling of the former National Ship building for the purpose of’armories,, were again authorized by Goderich Council. They were asked for once before, but all were too high to come within the amount which is to be re­ ceived in the form of rental, from the department of national defence. Eskimo: What would you say, dar­ ling, if I told you I pushed my dog team for a thousand miles through ice and snow, just to tell you I love you? Eskimoette: I'd say that was a lot of mush. Bedroom Window Broken by Pheasant John Knox, of near Millbank, was BOY-KING ATTENDS EXPOSITION King Peter II, boy-king of Yugo- keen interest in the dashboard of a; king (profile) is showtPin the centre Slavia, relaxed from the arduous dut- new model during his visit to the ex- I of the group of friends as he admit- ies of being a king and displayed position at Belgrade. The young jcd the automobile. MOKE ■<