HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-09-30, Page 5Thurs., September 30, 1937 THE wingham advance-times
Vote Liberal
■ A
•Vote for Unemployment
Premier Hepburn will pass an Unem
ployment Insurance Law next session
if the Liberals are returned. A vote
for a Liberal candidate is a vote for
Unemployment Insurance.
Vote for Low
Hydro Rates
Hepburn brought down Hydro Rates, . i
saving consumers §4,800,000. Vote
to keep Hydro from being loaded up
with costly power from the Quebec
Power Barons.
Vote for the “ Treasure
Hunt” to Continue
Hepburn has already uncovered^ a
treasure of 28 millions hidden away
in inheritance taxes on under-valued
estates. Vote to continue the hunt.
Vote Your Approval
of Lower Auto Fees
Hepburn has cut $5 off the cost of 1
motor license fees. Vote Liberal and
show your approval. #V
Vote for Lower
Hepburn’s desire to help the taxpayer
was shown by the one-mill special
subsidy he made to municipalities to
be passed on to the taxpayer. Hep-
burn is the taxpayer’s Proven Friend. ZV
Vote for Debt
Hepburn, by sound financing and
good government, reduced Ontario’s
Public Debt by 33 million dollars last 'WJF
year. Vote for further reductions.
Vote for Courageous
Hepburn has not been afraid to stand
up against the Lewis crowd, the Que
bec Power Barons, the financial ring.
Ontario needs a courageous Premier
in times like these. Vote for lower
interest rates.
Vote for More
“ Sunshine” Budgets
Hepburn’s last budget, with its nine-
million surplus and its tax reduction
accomplishments, has become popu-.
laty known as the “Sunshine” Budget.
Vote for a continuation of these “Sun-
shine” Budgets.
Report of Area Convention Given
The .members of the Belgraye
branch of the Women’s Institute met
at the home of Miss Martha Arm
strong Tuesday afternoon last week
And Keep The Old
Henry Gang Out
TT’S all right to let Earl Rowe kicl himself that he is
steering and running the Conservatives, but the electors
don’t want to let Mr. Rowe kid them into believing that
he is leading a new, clean, thoroughly purged Conservative
party. The same “old Henry gang” is managing the Rowe
boat. The “old Henry gang” think that they were beaten by
‘‘some mistake” in 1934. On Wednesday, October 6th,
showthem that it was no mistake, but that you were in
deadly earnest when you voted them out and that you
want them even less today.
' ’ 51 ■■
Hepburn’s Social Legislation
Proves He Is “a Han With a Heart”
T) Y his deeds, Mr. Hepburn has shown
U he lias the interests of the masses at
heart. His government has assumed the
full cost of Mothers’ Allowances. A mother
with one child is now entitled to an allow
ance, a right denied her by the former Con
servative government.
Under Mr. Hepburn, the government as-
sumed the municipalities’ share of Old Age
It established Pensions for the Blind.
It abolished Students’ Examination Fees.
It cancelled the Amusement Tax so that
people are no longer penalized for enjoying
themselves at theatres, concerts and games.
Hepburn Benefits Labour
HEPBURN has shown true friendship
for the workingman, with advanced
labour legislation — Minimum wages for
. men as well* as women, an Industrial Stan
dards Act providing codes by agreement be
tween employees and employers and already
improving conditions for 75,000 workers;
and the creation of the Industry and Labour
Another evidence of Mr. Hepburn’s friend
ship for labourds his promise, if re-elected,
to enact legislation to provide Unemploy
ment Insurance, and Mr, Hepburn makes
good on his promises.
Hepburn Takes
Liquor Out of Politics
HEPBURN’S proposed Board of. Three
—a Judge, a Liberal, a Conservative—
is the sanest, soundest, most constructive
plan for removing liquor from politics that
has yet been devised.
In respect to beverage rooms the Hepburn
Government stands for the principle of
local option. It is up to the municipality to
decide for itself whether it wishes to be
“wet” or “dry”. That’s British fair play.
Hepburn prevented the sale of liquor in
On its record of successful administration
during its first term in office, the Hepburn
Government deserves to be returned to^
power—deserves the support and the vote
of all fair-minded people.
Do your part to assure Ontario a contin
uance of good government for another term
by voting for the Hepburn candidate in
your riding.
Issued by the Ontario Liberal Association
with a good atteudaee. Mrs. N. Keat
ing, the president, conducted the
meeting. Three of the officers had
attended the Officers’ Rally in Au
burn in August and this meeting wag
referred to by the' president. Three
lovely quilts which had been made
FARMERS attention
Our Men Will Shoot Old and Disabled Horses.
Telephone Your Nearest Station Collect.
during the summer, were displayed.
It was decided to sell one of these.
Plans were also made for the Home
project to be held in October. Ow
ing to school not feeing started on
time, the school First Aid kits have
hot been replenished but will be soon
now. The roll call was responded to
with an exhibition of antiques, Mrs.
Oster, of Blyth, district president,
gave a Splendid report of the Area
convention held at Harriston two
weeks ago. She also gave a very in
teresting paper on “Ancestry,” Elaine
Walsh r favored with a piano solo
?which was nijicli enjoyed, The meet
ing was closed with the National An
them, Lunch was seryed by the host
ess With Mrs. R. McClure, Mrs. Carl
Procter and Mrs. J. Holmes assist
ing, The next meeting with the com
mittee on Health and Child Welfare
in Charge, will be held at
of Mrs. S. Procter.
Misses Coral and Beula
Orangeville,' were Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon,
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Brandon were
London visitors for. a few days last
Mr. Lawrence Armstrong has re
turned to Windsor after spending a
holiday with his father*, W» H, Arm
strong, Morris.
Hext Sunday evening, Oct 3rd, a
special service.is being held in Knox
United Church, Belgtavej at 7.30 The
Young Roepie’s Society and Women’s
the home
' ■»-
Missionary Society are joining toge
ther in this service. Dr. Wilford who
recently, returned from China, will be
the special speaker, All are invited
to attend the 'service.
Bordon Scott, Ab Cook, Wesley
Cook and Stanley Black, who spent
the past two months in Manitoba,-
have returned home. They made the
trip by motor.
Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin, John
T. Coultes and Albert Coultes spent
Sunday with friends at Tiverton,
Little Donald Young had the mis
fortune to fall off a tricycle and
break. Ills arm,
The Young 1’eople’s Society of the
United Church held its first gather
ing of the Fall and winter season on
Tuesday night of last week. It took
the form of an outdoor Rally 'and
Weiner Roas^ round a blazing camp
fire. The gathering was held in Mc-
Clenaghan’s field on the Ninth line.
The earlier part of the evening was
given over to vigorous games under
the leadership of Mr. Goldie Wheel
er; the games were all o/ group char
acter and a clear moonlight night
added to the enjoyment. At 9.30 the
campfire was lighted and a Sing-
Song held while it burned down suf
ficiently to start the weiner roasting
activities. After the luncheon period
Rev, J, B, Townend outlined the Y.
P. U. activities that have been plan
ned for the winter months; these ac
tivities begin with a church service
on Sunday night next with Dr. Wil
ford of China as the Guest Speaker.
The Y.F.U. and the Women’s Mis
sionary Society are combining their
forces for this-service. The gathering
ended with a brief devotional service
^and closing ceremony. The presence
of some half-dozen visitors ran the
attendance over the 60 mark.
Enquiries Invited
Issued in
amounts as
low as $100.
Interest pay-t
able half
Authorized by
law for the
investment of
trust funds.
Sorry lo hear Mrs. Grace Snell has
been laid up with pleurisy. We are
glad to report-she is getting better.
We are sorry to hear Mr. George
Johnston was taken to Listowel Hos
pital, he having pneumonia. We hope
to -hear he will soon be home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt.’McClellan and
Miss Mossie Milligan spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Aitcheson and
family and attended the funeral of
Mrs. Kenneth Aitcheson’s mother.
Mr,- Thos. Stewart, Bluevale, spent
a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stew
art and family of Grand Valley.
Mr.' Jack Wickstead left for the
West on Saturday morning, to visit
with his brother.
Mr. Geo. Mathers received word
last week that his granddaughter was
operator on for appendicitis .in Wood-
stock Hospital. We are glad to re
port she is getting on nicely.
Grey & Bruce Trust
And Savings Co.
Owen Sound
MANNERS—-In Owen Sound Gener
al Hospital, on Friday; Sept. 24th,
to Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ted. Manners
(nee Ethel Simpson), a son.
OCT. 3rd TO 9th‘ FIRE
A proclamation was published, in
The Canada Gazette setting aside the
week of October 3 to October 9 as
fire prevention week.
It ’is noted that during the past 10
year there were 420,000 fires in Can
ada, which destroyed insurable pro
perty valued at more than $350,000,-
000 and that during the same period
3,000 persons have lost their lives and
and 15,000 others have been serious
ly injured as a result of fire.
The proclamation set forth that
during fire prevention week, the fol
lowing should be carried out:
1. All dwellings and their sur
roundings be carefully inspected by
their occupants and all conditions
likely to cause or promote the spread
of fires removed.. ' * •
2. All public buildings, stores,
warehouses and factories be inspect
ed and cleaned of rubbish in order to
reduce fire hazards and maintain
health and safety.
3. All hotels, theatres, asylums,
hospitals and other institutional
buildings be inspected and provision
made for all changes necessary to
protect the occupants from danger in
the event of fire.
I . Special instruction on the sub
ject of fire prevention be given by the
teachers and by municipal officials in
the schools and that such appropriate
literature as may be made available
be distributed to the pupils.
We spejnd in eye examinations
means perfect satisfaction to ‘
our friends. Come here with
perfect confidence—you will be v
treated fairly at all times.
Registered Optometrist
Office in Williams’ Jewelry
Store Every Wednesday Morn
ing — 9.00 to noon.
Phone 55 for appointment.
~to unp/tove ymiK.
A pure-bred bull will improve your*
dairy stock, and earn its keep
many times over. Better strains in
all livestock produce, increased
returns throughout the year. This
Bank is interested in all progress
ive farm operations and our
Branch Manager will be glad to
consider a loan to you for these or
any worthwhile purposes. Have:
a talk with him.
Wingham Branch, X R. M. Spittai, Manager