HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-09-30, Page 4<Walker Stores, Limited DURING YOUR VISIT TO 1 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE TIMES Thurs., September 30, 1937 92 YEARS OLD AND FIT AS A FIDDLE MAKE THE WALKER STORE YOUR SHOPPING CENTRE. SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE FAIR. Fall Opening Sale Advertised Specials are carried over to enable you to share in the outstand­ ing values i ATTENTION PLEASE — Are youlgard only to the claims of which the getting the right prices for your executors shall then have notice, hides, wool, poultry, metals or junk | DATED at Wingham this twenty- of any kind. See us if you have any­ thing to sell. Best prices are assur­ ed. Huron Produce, phone 117. seventh day ot September, A.D., 1937. FARM FOR SALE—Consisting of 100 acres, lot 14, con. 14, Howick. Bank barn, shed, acres_, Must be sold to wind up estate. Apply. Wm. Dettman, R.R. 1 Blue- yale, Ont. '__i, brick house, driving hen house, garage also 100 U lot 16-17, con. 15, Howick. FOR SALE — Semi-Automatic Del­ co Plant, 800 Watt size, Heavy Dutv Batteries, 160 Ampere hours. All in A.l shape; also M ton Inter­ national truck, stake body. Apply W. D. Lott, Whitechurch. FOR SALE—Eleven acres with brick house, driving shed, barn, stable, drilled well, on Seventh. Concession Turnberry. Apply to Lloyd Hen­ ning or Howard Wylie, Executors of Wm. Casemore Estate. FOR SALE—One of the nicest cot­ tages in town, all conviences, nicely situated- $800. and the balance op easy terms. Apply T. Fells. FOR SALE—Good six roomed house, electric lights, water, furnace and good lot. For immediate sale, $650. Apply T. Fells. FOR SALE—Double house, beautiful situation on John Street, all con­ viences. Apply to F. J. Mooney. FOR SALE—No. 1 Brown Ferrets, ready to hunt. $2 each for immed­ iate sale. Ed. Hopkins, Box 1, Walkerton. « FOR SALE—Raymond Drop Head Sewing Machine in good repair. Apply Adavnce-Times. FOR SALE—Good 100-acre farm, well situated, good buildings, wat­ er in house and barn, 7 acres fall wheat sow, 7 acres of busk Sick­ ness in family forces this sale. Ap­ ply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Collie Pups, brown and white. Apply Clarkson Martin, Wingham Junction. FOR RENT—Half of double house, Victoria St. newly decorated, stable and 'garden. $10 a month. Apply Frank Mooney._________ _______ WANTED—Housekeeper for family of two, no children. Apply Mrs. Wm. Henderson, Water Street. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, . Solicitor for the Executors. Takes Kruschen. Every Morning "I feel in duty bound,” writes Mrs. A.J.W., "to express my gratitude for the marvellous results my father has obtained from Kruschen Salts. He is ninety-two years old, and is as fit as a fiddle. He can get around easily, and even run up and down stairs. His friends marvel why it is he is always alert, and never feels listless. He al­ ways tells then the reason: ’my reg­ ular daily dose of Kruschen Salts in my first cup of tea every morning'.” —(Mrs.) A.J.W. Most people grow old long before their time because they neglect one vital need of health—the need for in­ ternal cleanliness. Eventually they start the healthy Kruschen habit. Then, probably for the first time in their lives, they start getting rid every day of all waste matter from the system. Instead of being clogged the intestines are clean and clear. Instead of liver and kid­ neys being sluggish they are active and efficient. New, healthy blood goes coursing through the veins —- carrying health and strength and en­ ergy to every part of the body. NOTICE TO CREDITORS — ) . ALL persons having claims against the estate of Andrew Taylor late ,of the Town of Wingham in the .County of Huron, Hotel Keeper, deceased, who died, on or about the sixth day of September, A.D. 1937, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the sixteenth day of October, A.D. 1937, full par­ ticulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said sixteenth day of October, 1937, the assets of the said deceased -will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this twenty­ seventh day of September, A.D. 1937. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, '’'Solicitor for the Executrix. other relatives for the past six months. Mrs. H. A. Doig and son, Fred, of Guelph, also Mr. Erroll Drummond and daughter, Beryl, of Hensail, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McLean. The Women’s Hospital Auxiliary is asking for donations of all kinds for the Rummage and Baking Sale in the Council Chamber on Sat., Oct. 2nd. Phone 107 and they will be called for. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker were, Mr. W. E. Chap­ man, of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Baker, of Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr and little son, Peter, of Toronto. ST. HELENS LOCAL AND PERSONAL Reserve Tues, evening, Oct. 12th, Millionaires’ Night, at Curling Rink. Miss Alice Williamson, Kitchener, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. George Day has returned af­ ter visiting with her brother in Gor- rie. Mrs. Wm.’ Brawley, of Toronto, Is visiting with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Fox. Mrs. J. D. McEwen visited on Sun­ day with her mother, Mrs. W. F. Schnock, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook, of Clinton, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haney. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Husband, of London, are visiting with Mrs. C. N. Merkley. Miss Edith McEwen has to her home after spending mer at Port Anson, Out Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Goodyear of London were their daughter, grove. Mr. Fred Astaire and Miss Rogers are appearing on the , of the Lyceum WANTED TO RENT—House by Fri Sat Oct. 20 or Nov. 1st. Apply Ad-1 ’ vance-Times. _________ | Mr. and returned the sum- recent visitors Mrs. Omar hasMr. George McQuillin who spent the summer months at the Gov­ ernment Experimental Farm at Har­ row, was home for a few days before resuming his studies at the O.A.C., Guelph. Miss Irene Woods of Waterloo and Miss Mrytle Wilfong, of Elmira, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods. Mr. Neely Todd was home from Stratford for the week-end. Dr. E. C. Wilford, formerly of Blyth, who is a medical-missionary cn furlough from China, will be the guest speaker at the Annual Thank- offering of the Women’s Missionary Society in the United Church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. R. K. Miller on Thurs- Theatre this WOOD FOR SALE—Hard or soft and Elm Blocks. Apply Milo Case- more, R.R. 4, Wingham. CARD of thanks Teeswater Fair Oct. 5 and 6 Ontario’s Largest 2-Day Fair $2,000 in Prizes, Trials of Speed 2,24 and 2,16 Trot or Pace, $150 purses; Running Race, Gentle­ man’s Road Race, Farmer’s Race, Roman Chariot Race. Other Attractions Large Live-stock exhibit, Elgin Regiment Bugle Band, Tees­ water Concert Band, Comic Floats and Professional Clowns Seating accommodation for two thousand people- Admission 25c and 15c. Pre-school age children free. Robt. J. Ireland, President. Alex. B. McKague, Sec., Teeswater. • and the comments by Arthur Ram-1 age. The topic "The Christian Fat-. | riot as a Christian Citizen” was tak­ en by Cuyler Ramage who also led , the discussion. Cuyler Ramage was > '! appointed as a delegate to the Lon-| j don Conference Y.P.U. Convention to jj be held at Chatham, I Mrs. W. A, Miller, Misses Annie ] Watson, Vera Taylor, Laurine Mill- | er, Dick Weatherhead and Allan Mill- | er attended Stratford Fair* on Wed- | nesday when the girls competed in Ithe Junior Institute work. Laurine ; won third place and Annie fifth in the projects "Clothes Closets Up-to- Date” and “Cottons May Be Smart” which were judged together, while they were also awarded fifth prize for their demonstration on “Clothes Closets Up-to-Date.” Thanksgiving Day Low Week-End Fares Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in the United • States FARE AND ONE-QUARTER For The Round Trip Tickets good going from Noon* Fri­ day, Oct. 8, until 2 p.m., Monday, Oct. 11, 1937. *Where no P.M. train service Oct. 8, tickets good, on A.M, trains. RETURN LIMIT to leave destina­ tion not later than midnight, Tues., Oct. 12, 1937. . MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children 25c Full information from any Agent Canadian Pacific day, October 7th. . Roll Call "Storing Fruits and Vegetables.” Subject — “How Hallowe’en was Originated, Customs, Legends and Superstitions” in charge of (Miss Mildred McQuillin. Hostesses: Mrs/George Stuart, Mrs. Allan Durnin, Mrs. Will McCrostie. Members of the local Institute will be guests of the Lucknow Women’s Institute on Friday, Oct. 15tli instead of October 8th as previously plan­ ned. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Sunday evening with Stanley Todd presiding. The Scrip­ ture lesson was read by E. W. Rice Pkcipkchcl For nervousness and that depressed feeling. A quick acting tonic tablet. Renew# strength, ambition, and’ vitality. They bring back the spirit of youth. Three Dollars,. one month’s treatment, at drug stores or direct Nbx Laboratories, Toronto. On Sale at McKibbon’s Drug Store. BLUEVALE Held Sunday School Rally The Sunday Schooljoined with the congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning and ob­ served the Rally Day Service on the theme “The Prince of Peace.” The programme was divided into three di­ visions, Spiritual Peace, Peace with. My Neighbor and World Peace, with corresponding Scripture passages and hymns. Rev. J. R. Greig gave a fine talk on "Peace.” During the serv­ ice Helen -Mowbray arid Ilene McKin- ney, junior members of the Sunday School, sang a duet, and Mrs, Mc­ Guire, of Beach O’Pines contributed a beautiful solo. --------------- d Held First Fall Meeting The Y.P.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church held the first regular meeting for the fall and winter months on Friday evening. The president, John McTavish, presided. The Scripture lesson was read by Eldon Kirton, fol­ lowed with prayer by Arnold Lillow. During the business period there was some discussion on the question of activities for the winter and the Presbytery Rally to be held in Blue­ vale on October 15th. Miss Jean Mc- Burney gave a splendid report on "Kintail Summer School” outlining the program and summarizing the material given by the different lead­ ers. The meeting closed with the Benediction. Thos. Stewart has returned from a visit with his son, W, H. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart, at Grand Valley. Mrs. Walter S. Davidson is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turvey assisting in the care of Miss Eevlyn Turvey, whose condition is improv­ ing. Mrs. Lowry, of Listowel, is a vis­ itor with her son, D. B. and Mrs. Lowry. Rev. A. V. Robb spent a part of last week at Montreal. Miss Muriel Meadows, Newton, is with her sister, Mrs. D. B. Lowry. BLYTH EXTRA! EXTRA! CLARK’S • Thesjt'Values Effective Until Saturday, October 2nd 45Domino SOAP CHIPS Crown or Beehive CORN SYRUP Perfection FLOOR WAX A large number of ladies attended the W.M.S. Presbyterial of the Unit­ ed Church at Goderich on Tuesday. There died suddenly in Toronto on Wednesday, Miss Edna Carder, youngest daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Carder, of Blyth. The body was conveyed to Trinity Anglican Church on Friday where a large number of 4 our citizens paid their tribute to this 5 highly esteemed lady. Interment was made in the family burial plot in Un- | ion Cemetery. , ! Congratulations are due Mrs. Mag­ dalene Metcalf on attaining her 81st | birthday. ■ I Mr. Roy Doherty, driver of the car 1 in the accident near Leamington in which his companion, Harvey Davis, was killed, is in St. Joseph’s Hospital ’ in Chatham, receiving treatment for ‘an injury to one of his knees, A meeting in the interests of Mr. Harry Logan, Conservative candidate in Huron-Bruce was held in Memor­ ial Hall Saturday evening. Reeve Mc- ; Nall was chairman and called on Reeve Bowman and Mr. Elmer Bell of Brussels, who gave short address­ es on the issues of the coming elec­ tion. Mr. Logan was given a splendid reception oii his first speech in a pol­ itical campaign in our village. Little Betty Campbell was taken to Clinton Hospital for the removal of her appendix. i A car will be loaded at the C.P.R* station Oct. 16th for the needy in the West All kinds of food and clothing i will be forwarded at once.. with Hasel- Ginger screen Phurs., the Rummage Sale Tea in the Council p Eight Reasons Why You Should Vote for MILD CHEESE - .19 BulkMACARONI ‘ .5 Hand-Picked White Beans Dqn’t forget and Afternoon Chamber on Saturday, Oct. 2nd, at 2 o’clock. < , Mrs. J. J. Elliott is leaving the end of the week to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Lockhart, Bath, N.B. Messrs. W. Gray and Earl Gray motored to Niagara Falls, N.Y., on Sunday and visited with the former’s son, H. C. and Mrs. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cooper of Brant­ ford, and Mrs. C. Howell, of St. George, spent last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lloyd. Dancing as is dancing at the Ly­ ceum Theatre In the picture "Shall | We Dance?’1 by the two-experts Fred | Astaire and Ginger Rogers. | Mrs. James Fowler has returned I Wishing to thank our neighbours | and friends for their many acts of| kindness and expressions of sympa-| thy and floral tributes extended to us | in our recent sad bereavement. | Delbert Clegg and Son. I NOTICE TO creditors; ALL persons having claims against estate of John Langton Gallaher, late of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, Butter Maker, de­ ceased, who died on or about the third day of September, A.D. 1937, are notified to send to J. H. Craw­ ford, Wingham, Ontario, on or be-», _ . . , ,fore the sixteenth day of October, prom Long Island, NY., where she A.D. 1937, full particulars of their | has been visiting with her sister and claims in writing. Immediately after the said sixteenth day of October, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the parties en­ titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the administrat­ or shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this twenty­ seventh day of September, A.D., 1937 J. H. CRAWFORD, , Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against estate of William Holmes, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Wagon . Maker, deceased, who died on or about the twelfth day of September, A.D. 1937, are notified to send to Andrew Holmes, Bluevalc, Ontario, on or before the sixteenth day of October, A.D. 1937, full par­ ticulars of their claims in writing,. Immediately after the said sixteenth; day of October, the assets of the said deceased, will be distributed amongst, the parties entitled thereto, having re- Our 25 Point Scientific Examin­ ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118, Harriston tOR be pajd tbe“mfgs. of LLOYD’S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE, for any corn or callous THEY cannot re- move, with this wonderful new scien- CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de-sensitises, and relieves pitin with first application. For Sale 40c, at McKibboa’s Drug Store. • THOMSON Independent Liberal Candidate Pork & 22-oz. Tin .io 25-40-50 Watt each .20 lb. .19 Solex Lamps Allen’s London Candies Cowan’s Perfection Cocoa - 1-lb. tin .25 Fresh Salted <Peanuts Shirriff’s Jelly Powders - pkg. .05 Domino Black Tea J4-Ib. pkg. .28 Oxydol - large pkg, .23 0 . lb. .10 I was born in the County of Huron and have conducted busi­ ness continuously in Huron-Bruce and as a result have had contact with thousands of electors many of whom both liberal and conser­ vative have encouraged my candidature. * 2. At present* I am operating two creameries in the riding and many, many times 1 have been complimented for my square dealings with you, the public, and as a result with my square dealings my business has increased two-fold per year since the commencement of the same. 3. Because we think with six creamery owners in Parliament we can work through very benefidal legislation to the farfners in all lines of produce, cream, eggs, and poultry. 4. Because at the present time Thomson’s Creameries are pay­ ing out in cash to the farmers of this riding $3400 per week for cream, eggs, and poultry. Arid in addition to this are paying out $250. per week in wages which no doubt is spent in full in this riding. 5. Because being an Independent I am entirely free from1 any Dictatorship of, or by a leader^ and this leaves me entirely free to use my own judgment in all matters. 6. Because a man, centrally located in the riding, at the inter­ section of the Highways and operating a business can surely look after the affairs or wants of the riding to a better advantage than any of the other candidates located as they are* 7. Because the independent voter in the House very often con- trolls the entire vote of the House on any question that may arise. 8. I appeal to you as an Independent without fear or favour, at a rate payer of^cver $400. per year in takes, as a life-long resident of the riding, 1 appeal humbly to you to vote for H. T^ Thomson, the friend of all men, women and children, who as ail Independent will do everything possible for yew benefit < Mfrwt'tj****'* Endeavour I Safe The British yacht Endeavour I, un­ successful challenger in 1934 for the America’s Cup, was reported “safe i with all hands1’. Captain Alcock ‘of i the British tanker Cheyenne, wireless- i ed that he had! made contact with the Endeavour 260 miles off the coast of ; Ireland. Lost in a 105-mile Atlantic gale with nineteen men aboard, the Endeavour had struggled across from ! the North American coast. Yachting •circles were jubilant over the report ! —the first direct word from the Eft- deavoui* Since her tow-line, from the yacht Viva IT, broke off Nantucket. Aylmer Choice Quality PUMPKIN For Good Preserving CERTO Domestic Shortening X3 49 Paterson’# Velvet tjt pi.-. Marshmallows .19 10J4 m## •oz. Tins . jP Seedless Raisins 2 Lb. 21c Paterson’# Velvet Aylmer, Libby’#, Campbell’s, Silver Ribbon Tomato Juice Peaches - Grapes - Lettuce - Celery - Cabbage Potatoes • FAST FREE DELIVERY • ‘4