HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-09-16, Page 7>
Thurs., September 16, 1937
Sept 20th
all the
ary will be held on Oct. 17 apd Or-,
angehill on Oct. 24. Kindly keep the
dates in mind.
as a
Goderich Town
Goderich Town
On Guaranteed Trust
. Certificates
Standby School Rally
Sunday, Sept, 26th, will bo
ed as Rally Day for United
Sunday Schbot It is hoped
children will be lit attendance to start
the Fall and Winter season in Sun
day School work,
2.00 p.m.
.. Sept. 20th Court
Sept. 21st Court
The Ontario Election, October 6th, 1937
. Last Day for
.. Sept. 3rd.
Sept. 4th
Women’s Institute
The September meeting of the W.
will be held at the home of Mrs.
N, Allen on Thursday, Sept- 30th
Roll Call—A Poem by a
A. Porterfield, Belgrave No. 1. Sept. 15
J. H. R. Elliott, Blyth ... Sept. 17th
By His Honour Judge Costello
Places or Sitting
Township Hall, Ethel
Township Hall, Gorrie
Town Hall, Wingham . .. _______,
...........2.00 p.m. R. S. Warwick, Brussels
J. A. Johnston’s Off., Mildmay 10 a.m. J. A. Johnston, Mildmay
News and Gorrie Vidette
Suppose it were, your loved one being made ready for the climax of this
grim struggle with Death. Anxiously you await the outcome—hoping
against hope—praying that these men in white will not fail. Your heart
is in their hands, but all their skill, and all their specialized knowledge
would be powerless should those operating room lights go out at a critical
moment. . >
But those lights will not fail . . y nor will the power to operate the many
delicate electrical apparatus used in modern surgery today.
Outside the operating room is an organization of highly trained Hydro
men, whose duty it is to see that nothing is allowed to interrupt Hydro
service, and to be ready for instant action in any unforeseen emergency.
The service which Hydro provides to, and widens the scope of , medical
science in Ontario is the same serviced that brings so many comforts and
conveniences within the rooms of your own home—lowered
production costs to industry—greater utility and facilities
to commerce—a greater measure of prosperity to all in Ontario.
The Hydro of today is striving to extend the benefits of
low cost electricity everywhere in the Province, and to
making every effort to still further reduce power costs.
As a partner in this gigantic enterprise you should be
vitally interested in these efforts.
Miss J. Pearl Stinson was in Tor
onto Thursday and Friday last.
Miss Alma Hastie of Kitchener is
spending some time at the home of
her father, Mr. James Hastie.
t Mr. and Mrs. George Bak'er, near
Fordwich, spent Sunday with Mr. and
•Mrs. Geo. Foster.
Mrs. Isaac Wade spent last week
with relatives in Toronto.,
Rev. and Mrs. A. H. O’Neil spent
JNMonday, Tuesday and Wednesday of
ithis week in London, where Rev.
O’Neil attended the Huron College
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Mac-
Kenzie in Mitchell on Saturday.
. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks, Mount
Forest, spent Sunday at" the home of
• Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes.
(Mrs. Ernest King is spending this
week in Toronto with her daughter,
Miss Clara King.
Mrs.- E. Hastie of Toronto is spend
ing three weeks at the home of her
son, Mr. Kenneth and' Mrs. Hastie.
Mr. and Mrs. Perce Roseborough
of Owen Sound were gUests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest King last Thursday
night, having been to London to see
Mrs. D. Clegg. Mr. Walter King ac
companied them, *
Anniversary Dates Changed
The dates for Gorrie and Orange
hill United Church Anniversaries
have been changed, Gorrie Annivets-
. Mrs. George S. King and son, Mr.
Harold King, also Mrs. Victor Shera,
spent Friday in Guelph.
The many friend's of little Edith
Hastie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K.
Hastie, will be pleased to know she
is making a rapid recovery from the
attack of paralysis.
A legal Investment for
Trust Funds
Unconditionally. Guaranteed
rrmiNO Towrt tOnonto
Mrs. Ramage’s Mother Passes
Mrs. Jas. McKenzie passed away
at her late home, near-Mitchell, on
Thursday of last week. „The funeral
was held' on Saturday to the Pres
byterian Cemetery, Mitchell. .Her
husband and two daughters, Mrs.
(Dr.) C. C. Ramage, Vineland, and
Miss Kathleen, , teacher at Ingersol,
survive. Mrs. Ramage’s many Gorrie
friends will' regret learning of her
mother’s death. '*
The two cases of infantile paralysis
in this district arc much improved.
Guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Mar-,
shall on Monday were Miss Doris
Wheeler of Hamilton, Miss Dorothy
Wright and Mr,? Lloyd Wheeler, of
Mr. and Mrs. George Foster ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker,
who spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln, Belmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Speiran, of
Ethel, Spent Thursday last, at the
home’’of Mr. and' Mrs, Wm, Whit
. Mr, §md (Mrs. Bert Vodden, Ethel,
were SUhday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr, and Mr§. Ed. Bolton and Mr,
Henry.. Bolton returned last week
from a trip, to Mayville, Saginaw, ahd
Midland in Michigan,
MtS. M. Parker, of Atwood, ahd
Mrs, Fred iMcLaughlin ahd son,' Wai*
ter, of Mayville, Mich., were Sunday
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Ed. Bolton.
Mr, Adam Sippel has returned from
a Visit with relatives ahd friends at
Detroit, Saginaw, Bay City and* West
Branch in Michigah,
Mrs, Gordon Barton spent the
week-end in Toronto.
The Annual Harvest Home Service
was held in St. Stephens Anglican
Church, Gorrie, on Sunday last at
the regular time of worship, when
Rev. Mr. Gibson, of Harriston, was
the special speaker. The church was
beautifully decorated with flowers,
vegetables, plants and fruits for the
occasion. A splendid sermon was giv
en by Rev. Gibson, based on the 22nd
and 23rd verses of the 3rd chapter of
1st Corinthians. A Thanksgiving an
them “Praise Ye the Lord” was rend
ered by the choir and also much en
joyed. X
The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Ste
phens Church, Gorrie, was entertain
ed by the ladies of Clifford Anglican
Church on Thursday afternoon last,
when ovey ’thirty Were present at the
spacious home of Mrs. Wm. Hill, con.
12, Minto Township. A hymn was
sung after which prayers were offer
ed. Rev. |Mr. Gibson of Harristorf
was the speaker for the occasion,
when he gave a very interesting ac
count of Ids twelve years’ work
missionary'at Fort Chipewayan,
Fort Norman (where Mr. and
Jennings are stationed now).
Lawrence was then asked for events
in her daughter’s life since she went
to Fort Norman, and many interest
ing features were discussed. Follow
ing d hymn and closing prayers, a
sumptuous repast was partaken of,
while all enjoyed a social half-hour.
New Fence Erected Recently.
♦ . ..
The Gorrie Public Cemetery has
been further beautified by the erec
tion of a very fine new fence across
the entife front. With this latest im
provement the Gorrie Public Cemet
ery is one the dttzehS of the village
and community should be justly
proud ofy and represents the realiza
tion of a vision held by the members
of the Cemetery Soard during the
past nine years, and also* is the result
of the faithful and steady attention
on the part of the Board and Care
taker. *
Some nine years ago a Board was
elected comprised of Messrs.'W. G.
Strong, F. C. Taylor and R. H, Car-
son, with Mr. T. J. Nicholls as Sec
retary-Treasurer, Upon the demise of
Mr. Strong, Mr, A. E. Toner was el
ected to the Bpard. Flans were form
ulated to have the grounds levelled
and. seeded throughout; flower beds
and shrubs were planted in the centre
with a driveway and a beautiful arch-'
ed entrance, also turiistile gates were
erected a few years ago.
The very faithful and efficient
work of Mr. T. J. Nicholls is worthy
of honorable mention. He gave Uber-
ally of his time and' took a special in
terest in all matters pertaining to the
improvement of the cemetery^ and
one of his last acts before retiring as
Secretary-Treasurer was to sign the
cheque in payment of the fence.
The Board was also fortunate in
securing the services of iMr. Jas; An-’
ger as Caretaker. The present im
proved appearance amply testifies to
the interest taken by Mr. Anger in
his work.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington
of Toronto are visiting with the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sell
Mr. Alex. Stuart, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with friends here.
Mrs. A. J. Sanderson is visiting
this week with friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Robt. Stocks spent a few days
last-week with Toronto friends.
Miss Jeanette Adams, of near
Wingham, spent the week-end at her
home here. K
Miss Frances Maidment of Petrolia
has been spending some holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. George Mundell.
Madeline- Casemore has returned
from a visit at Goderich and Port
Mr. and Mrs. George Mundell were
weel<-end visitors with friends at Pt.
Elgin and'Owen Sound.
Mr. Jno. L. [MacEwen returned
from a business .trip to the West on
Tuesday of last week.
Messrs. D. S. MacNaughton, J.
Lowell, G. Fischer and W. E. Hain-
stock, were Toronto visitors on Tues
day of last week.
The Convention of Women's Insti
tutes will be held' in Harriston Thurs;
day and Friday of this week. A num
ber of delegates' from Wroxeter will
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Phyle, also Mr.
and' Mrs. Bert Bailey, all of Detroit,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Mc
Laughlin, during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd North and lit
tle daughter, Beverley, are holidaying
with Mrs. North’s parents, ,Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Stocks.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead,
Misses Lillian Aikenhead and Shirley
Messor, all of London, also Mr. and
Mrs. W. Campbell, of Owen Sound,
were week-end guests with Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton.
fMr. George MacEwen and Miss
Ellen MacEwen were recent Toronto
Mrs. A. McKennitt, Toronto, who
has spent some weeks with her neice,
Miss Beatrice Shearer, is now visit
ing friends at Orangehill.
Mrs. Geo. Mee, and daughter, Aud
rey, of Fordwich, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Hooper, on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mercer, of VarT-
couver, are ‘guests this week of Mr.
and Mrs. Eldred Nichol, 4th line.
(Mr. H. Waller attended Toronto
Exhibition for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clarence, also
Messrs White, all of Toronto, were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Sharpin. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron In
glis, Atwood', were also guests at the
Sharpin home on Thursday of last
The Fourth Line Circle held a Soc
ial at the home of Miss ■ Florence
Fowler on Thursday of w last week.
The afternoon was spent in quilting.
Refreshments were Served by the
United Church Anniversary
Next Sunday, Sept. 19th, will be
Anniversary Service at the United
Chtirch, .Wroxeter. Rev. Mr. Much-
more, Toronto, will be the special
preacher at 11.00 and 7.80 o’clock.
The choir under the direction of Mrs.
George Allen will provide
music. ■
at 3 p.m.
Canadian Poet, Address, Laws Per
taining to Women and Children, by
Mr. R, S. Hetherington, Barrister, of
Wingham, Question Drawer. Lunch
Com.: Mrs. B, Martin, Mrs, H. J.
i —
Dancing Group Won Cup
Congratulations to Mr, P. F. Doig’s
group of Old Time Dancers who
again won the cup at the Canadian
National Exhibition on Music Day.
The group composed of Mrs. S, Me-
Kercher, Mrs. J. Doig, Mrs. Wm,
Doig and Mrs. Andrew Doig, Messrs.
H. Campbell, J. Doig, W. Doig and
E. Harris with music by Howard
Harris and Sam Timm, and1 Reg.
Newton as caller, put on a fine per
formance which was much enjoyed
by a large audience.
Rev. W. Gibson, rector of Harris
ton, was present on Sunday evening
last to conduct the special Harvest
Thanksgiving Service at St. James
Anglican Church, Wroxeter, while
the rector, Rev. A. H. O’Neil, was at
Mr. Gibso’h chose as his text I.
Corinthians 3: 22-23: “Whether Paul,
or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world,
or life, or death, or things present or
things to come,. all are yours. And
ye are Christ’s;land Christ is God.’s.”
The same QUALITY
The same MAKERS
A product of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited
«‘O Lord of heaven and earth and
sea,’’ was the special Offertory An
them sung by the Choir.
The church, with offerings of fruits
and vegetables, and the chancel, with
masses of gladioli, dahlias, and other
autumn flowers, was appropriately
decorated for the occasion.
................. Sept. 24-25
Ailsa Craig .......... Oct. 5-6
Bayfield ..................... Sept. 29-30
Blyth .................................Sept. 17-18
Brussels ................... Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Dungannon —......... Oct. 7-8
Embro —........................... Oct: 7
Exeter ......................k.... Sept. 20-21
Goderich .......—............ Sept. 21-22
Hanover......................... Sept. 17-18
Harriston ........................ Sept. 23-24
Howick Fair (Gorrie) ... Oct. 1st, 2nd
Sept. 30, Oct, 1
....... Sept. 16-17
—...... Oct. 5-6
....... Sept. 22-23
.......Sept, 23-24
....... Sept, 23-24
.. . Sept. 21-22
...... Sept. 16-17
........ Sept..28-29
.............. Oct. 4-6
...... Sept, 27-28
..... Sept. 28-29
....... Sept. 23-24
........Sept. 20-22
........ Oct. 5-6
...... Sept. 23-24
....... Sept. 23-24
...... Sept. 29-30
....... Sept. 27-28
Ingersoll —,
Kincardine ...
Kirkton -----
Meafprd ___
Mildmay ......
Mitchell ...—,.
Owen Sound
Palmerston ..
Ripley ............
Seaforth ....
Teeswater .....
Tiverton .....
Wiarton -----
Wingham _
Zurich __ __
TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with
regard to the Voters’. Lists to be used at the pending Election of a member of the Legislative Assembly for each
of the Electoral District of Huron-Bruce, and Huron, will be held for the respective municipalities in said Districts*
at the following times and places, mentioned in the schedule below, with the names of the Clerk of the Revising
Officer for Each Municipality, and .the last date for making complaints or appeals to the said Clerk.
Municipality Date of Sitting
Grey Township .................. Sept. 6th
Howick Township.............. Sept: 7th
Wingham Town .............. Sept. 13th
Brussels Village ................ Sept. 9th Town Hall, Brussels
Mildmay Village ................ Sept. 8th
Carrick Township ............ Sept. 11th
Huron Township .............. Sept. 10th
Ripley Village .................. Sept. 15th
Culross Township ............ Sept. 16th
Teeswater Village ............ Sept. 14th
Morris Township ..............Sept. 20th
Turnberry Township .. .... Sept. 17th
East Wawanosh Twp. ...... Sept. 18th
Blyth Village .......-............ Sept. 2.1st
Time of Sitting Clerk of Revising
10.00 a.m. J. H. Fear, Ethel ......
10.00 a.m. Isaac Gamble, Fordwich ...... jqn. mi
10.00 a.m, W. A.. Galbraith, Wingham Sept. 9th
. 2.00 p.m. R. S. Warwick. Brussels ... Sept. 6th
_- _ _ __-__ _ r Sept. 4tlx
j. A. Johnston’s Off.' Mildmay 10 a.m. J. A. Johnston^ Mildmay ... Sept. 8th
rp 2.00 p.m. Donald McKay, R.R. 3, Ripley Sept. 7
... 2.00 p.m. E. F. Martin, Ripley........Sept. 11th
.. 2.00 p.m. J. S. McDonald, Teeswater Sept. 13th
.. 2.00 p.m. M. Jacklin, Teeswater ..... Sept. 11th
... 2.00 p.m. Alex. MacEwan, Bluevale Sept. 16th
.. 2.00 p.m. W. R. Cruikshank, Wingham Sept. .14
n nn p.m. ~
Township Hall, Ripley ....
Council Chambers, Ripley
Town Hall, Teeswater ........
Town Hall, Teeswater ....
Township Hall, Morris....
Township Hall, Bluevale .<
Foresters’ Hall, Belgrave_2.00
Community Hall, Blyth ...... 2.00
By D. E. Holmes, Esq.
Township Hall, Ashfield ... 2.00
Township Hall, Carlow ..... 2.00
Township Hall, W. Wawanosh 2
Town Hall, Lucknow .................... ___
Township Hall, Holyrood ... 2.00 p.m. J. R. Lane, R. 2, Holyrood Sept. 14th
.. 0Ashfield Township ............ Sept. Sth
Colborne Township......-...Sept. 10th
West Wawanosh Twp...... Sept. 13th
Lucknow Village .............. Sept. 15th
Kinloss Township ............ Sept. 17th
C. E. McDonagh, Lucknow 3, Sept. 4
Wm. Sallows, Goderich, 6, Sept. 7th
Durnin Phillips, Lucknow ... Sept. 9th
J. E. Agnew, Lucknow ... Sept. 11th
Municipality Date of Sitting
Hay Township .................... Sept. 9th
Hullett Township .............. Sept. 8th
McKillop Township .........Sept. 11th
Stanley Township ............... Sept. 6th
Stephen TownshTp ........... Sept. 13th
Tuckersmith Township ..... Sept. 7th
Usborne Township .......... Sept. 10th
Seaforth Town..................Sept. 14th
Exeter Village .................. Sept. 15th
Hcnsall Village ..................—. Sept. 16th
Clinton Town ....................Sept. 17th
Goderich Township----- --Sept. 18th
Goderich Town ................ Sept. 20th
Goderich Town ................ Sept. 21st
By His Honour Judge Costello
Places of Sitting Time of Sitting
Township Hall, Zurich .......10.00
Community^ Hall, Londesboro 2
Carnegie Lib’y Hall, Seaforth 2
Township Hall, Vaima...
Township Hall, Crediton
Walker’s Hall, Brucefielcl
Township Hall, Elitnville
Town Hall, Seaforth ...\..
Village Hail, Exeter ...
Town Hall, Hensall ....
Town Hall, Clinton...:
Clerk of Revising
A. F. Hess, Zurich ........ oepc, urn
Jas. W. McCool, Londesboro Sept. 4
John McNay, Seaforth No. 2, Sept. 8
C. C. Pilgrim, Varna--------Sept. 3rd
H. K. Eilber, Crediton.... Sept. 9th
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, 4 Sept, 4
D. H. Wilson, Seaforth
Last Day for •
.....- Sept, 6th
. . . ____,...................iJohn McNay, Seaforth No. 2, Sept. 8
C. C. Pilgrim, Varna.....
H. K. Eilber, Crediton ...
T ~ ~ ___,___.....
A. W. Morgan, Hensail, No. 1 Sept. 7
~ ' Sept. 11th
Sept. 11th
~‘ a
Sept. 14th
------, ........ ............. Sept, 16th
Knox, Goderich ...... Sept. 17th
.. 2.00
.. 2.00 .
. 2.00 p.m.
10.00 Cl.llL. JU>. XX. VV11SUU, QCtllUl Lj
10.00 a.m.'Joseph Senior, Exeter ......... oepr. uui
10.00 a.m. Jas. A. Paterson, Hensail ... Sept. 13th
Town Hall, Clinton...lO.a.m., 8 p.m. R. E. Manning, Clinton.....’ f
Holmes’-_ Hall, Holmesville 10.00 a.m. R. C
House, Goderich
House, Goderich
By D. E. Holmes, Esq.
House, Goderich ..... 8.00 p.m. L.
House, Goderich ..... 8.00 pan. L.
10.30 a.m. L.
10.30 a.m. L.
G. Thompson, Clinton ... Sept. 15th
L. Knox, Goderich '
L, " - — -
Knox, Goderich
Knox, Goderich
All persons are called upon to examine the Voters’ Lists to ascertain that their names are correctly
entered therein,
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the list to be so revised is Part I and III of the Voters*
List prepared for the above mentioned municipalities.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter in any of the said municipalities who desires to
complain that his name ot the name of any person entitled to be entered on the Said list for that municipality ha«
been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be. voters have been eft*
tered thereon, may as above set opt apply, complain Or appeal to have his name or the name of any other person
entered on or removed from the list.
AND FURTHER. TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed'
form (in duplicate) signed by the complainant, and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for him at
hii address as stated above.
The lists of voters may be seen at the office of the Clerks of the Revising Officer in each municipal*
ity as above, ,
For further information write to Mrs, J, B, Reynolds, Rost 444, Goderich, Clerk for the Election
of the CoMly of Huron. , T. M. COSTELLO,
Chairman for the Election Board of the County of Hurotu