HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-09-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT Show Starts at 8 p.m, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept 9th, IQth, 11th — SPECIAL----- RIOTOUS ROMANTICis 1:5ft! t MELVYN DOUGLAS; Thomas Mitchell • Thurston Rail Rosalind Keith • Spring Byingtoa A COLUMBIA PICTURE She wrote o ten- rational novel! happy homer I Made love to th* Governor! Gayest comedy i in years'. /Avitir 1 Irene, punne-at her, grahdeVM jn her biggestM screen (numph I THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, September 9, 1937 Seram phy by Sidney Bucbmaa Directed by Richard Boieelawaki An Intriguingly Different Comedy Full of Fun and Laughter. Also a “Scrappy Cartoon” and “Screen Snapshots” Admission — Aults 35c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 13, 14th, 15th NORMA SHEARER — LESLIE HOWARD ------In------- “Romeo and Juliet The Immortal Shakespearean Drama Presented on the screen in a manner worthy of praise. Also, The Louis - Braddock Fight (With parts in slow motion) Children under 16 years of age will not be admitted to the show until further notification. BLUEVALE Anniversary Services Held 'The ' Anniversary Services of the 'United Church were held last Sun­ day morning and evening. Beautiful baskets of flowers decorated the church. Rev. DeWitt Cosens of Clinton gave addresses, which were earnest and inspirational. The choir under the leadership pf the organist, Mrs. W. J. Johnston, contributed fine music ;ln anthems and quartettes, solos by Alice Thornton and Carmen Hether­ ington were beautifully sung. Rev. A. V. Robb preached in Clin- •,-tou on .Sunday. To Withdraw Services Next Sunday Services in Knox Presbyterian Sun- serv- Wo-' INSURANCE ALL KINDS Sun Life Assurance Co. Fire - Casualty Automobile Mrs.E. A. VANSTONE John St. Phone 192 church will be withdrawn next day on account of Anniversary ices at Eadies Church. Association Did Quilting The monthly meeting of the man’s Association of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Curtis on Thursday. A brief devotional period was fol­ lowed by business discussion. The remaining time was spent in quilting two quilts to be added to the supplies for Western Relief. Refresh­ ments were served by Mrs. Curtis, assisted by Mrs. J. Fell and Mrs. J. Kerney. W. M. S. Met Thursday The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the Sunday School rogm, on Thursday afternoon with a good at­ tendance. The president, Mrs. Alex. Mowbray, presided. Prayer was of­ fered by Mrs. Ewart McKercher and and Hrs. Archie iMesser read a pas­ sage of scripture leading to the study of the chapter taken by Mrs. J. R. Greig on “The Woman with a Son,” or “The Stewardship of the Family” Showing the/sacrifice mothers make for their families and the opportuni­ ties mothers have of moulding char­ acter. Ladies* Aid Group Report The Ladies’ Aid of Knox Presby­ terian Church held *the third quarter­ ly meeting in the church schoolroom Are Precious Take care of the only eyes you’ll ever- have, At the least sign dt trouble, have them examined by a reliable Optometrist. Yow can get perfect and complete eyesight service here at mod* erate test ; p'Y R jk . I r\ StmWs Leading Optbmefrtet• A» IxILlLx for nearly 20 years. WINGHAM OFFICE — WILLIAMS’ JEWELRY STORE. Every Wednesday morning from 9.00 to 12.00, Thursday afternoon. The vice-presi­ dent, Mrs. Eldred Nichol, presided. Secretary-treasurer’s . reports ' from the groups were^pr^ented by Mrs. Roy, Turvey for Morris, Miss Jean McBurney for Turnberry, and Mrs. Harry Elliott for the village. Business discussion followed the reports and funds disposed of for congregational purposes. At the close of the meeting members of the Morris Group served lunch and all enjoyed a social half hour. The Misses Lowry of New York are visiting their nephew, D, B, and Mrs. Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and son of Tillsonburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and jMrs. Edward Johnston. Miss Louie Patton has returned from a visit to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McVittie of Flint, Mich., are visiting relatives here. ( Miss Margaret Curtis has gone to Montreal for a visit with her sister, Mrs, McKee. Jack jMcKee has returned to his home in Montreal after an extended holiday here. The choir of the United Church was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Milton Smith on Friday evening. «Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thornton and family of Gorrie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Garniss, Mac, Scott and Miss Olive Scott, spent Sunday with iMr. and Mrs. McEach­ ern at Mt. Forest. Mrs. D. J. Falconer and Miss Betty daysAnne, Listowel, spent a few here. BELGRAVE Special Services Next Sunday Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held in Trinity Anglican church on Sunday, September 12th, at 11 A. M. ahd 7.30 P.M. Rev. A. A. Maloney will preach his farewell sermon at the morning service. The evening service will be in charge of Rev. W. B. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs.' R. Yule and Berna left on their holidays on"Friday. They will take a trip to the Pacific Coast while away. Mr. Wilfred Thompson of Londes­ boro is 'relieving Agent during Mr. Yule’s absence from the station. /Roy ■ Armstrong, Will Gorman, .Henry Cantelon, Gertie Armstrong all of Windsor, spent the with Mr. W. H. Armstrong, Morris. Anniversary services will in Knox United Church Belgrave.on Sunday, September 19th, when Rev. Burton of Clinton will be the special speaker. .Mr. and Mrs- J- Coultes spent Labor Day at Lambeth, with and Mrs. G. Pocock, Willison Jack Pocock returned home them. Rev, and Mrs. E. C. Smith family of Mount Forest, spent Mon­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Po­ cock. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Henderson of Chicago were callers on their cous­ in’s, Joe Brandon’s last week. Mrs. H. Kirkby has spent last week with her sister, Mrs. McGown near Blyth. ,Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart and Harry were week-end visitors with friends in Hamilton, also spent a day at the Falls and Toronto Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. Skinner and Miss Skinner of Mitchell, were callers with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon on Labor Day. Mrs. friends end. Glad improving holiday Sth line be held Mr. and with and W. J. Geddes visited with Hamilton over the week-in to report Mrs. John Bell is nicely.. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke of Am- herstburg, spent the wek-end with her father, Mr. Rqbt. Carrick, and Miss Anna May Carrick who been visiting with them for the three weeks, returned home and Miss Susan .Cartick returned home with them. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held on Friday at the home of Mrs. Lance Grain, This will be the Grandmoth­ ers’ meeting, and the roll call will be answered by naming a Jlistoric Spot in your own country. Mrs. A, E. Purdon will give a paper on “How Could We Best Preserve the Records of Our Pioneers” and there will be a contest for the grandmothers. All ate welcome, Mr., Will Stanley, of St. Helens, had the misfortune to have his left hand severed from his arm last Wed­ nesday while working at a threshing machine, owned by Mr, Thos, Inglis and threshing at the home of his fa* thcr, Mr. Garner Stanley, of Luck* now. Miss Muriel Watt, of Toronto, re­ turned to her home here last week.* Mr, Jack McLean, son of Mr. and has past Simple or Elaborate Artistic beauty should be a char­ acteristic of every Memorial. But orials should be expensive. A that does not mean that all Mem* chastely simple design is often quite as effective as one that is elaborately ornate. We should be glad of an opportunity to show you our Book of Designs, wherein are featured Memorials of all types. Sand Blast where sand blast should be 'Used, Pneumatic tools used where they should be used, Buy your Memorials from the Wing­ ham Memorial Shop, where you get, the better granites, the better polish and finish, the better class of carving and lettering for less money. You can save all Outside High Pressure Salesmen’s long distance travelling and selling ex­ penses, long distance hauling and trucking and setting expenses and 'the, high overhead expenses by . buying your memorials from us. R. A. S POTTON Mrs. J. F. McLean, was taken to the Wingham Hospital on Saturday night where an emergency operation .was performed and his appendix removed. He is doing as well as can be expect­ ed. Mr. Brown, of Langside store, had his house struck by lightning during the storm last Friday night. - Mr. and Mrs,. Harry McGee * of Wingham visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McGee on.Monday. Mr.- and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, Clin­ ton, and their neice, Mrs. Will Lyon, of Londesboro,*.spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bee­ croft. n Mrs. Jas. Cornelius and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius, spent Sunday in -Goderich .with the former’s broth­ er, Mr. Phillip Steele, arid other re­ latives. ... A reception was held on Friday ev­ ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moore in honour of Mr. and Mrs, Russel Moore, who received tnany beautiful wedding gifts. The evening was spent in games and dancing. ■ ■ ■ iMr. and Mrs. Roy Patten of Lucan spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. A- Fox. \ Miss Lorna McClenaghan of Port Elgin, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ben McClen­ aghan. Mrs, Leo Schnurr and baby daugh­ ter, of Walkerton, are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reed. Miss Lillian Patterson of Brussels spent last week with her brother, Mr, F. McK. Paterson and left on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Paterson and children to visit for a time in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flannigan, Tor­ onto, are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Inglis. Mrs. Robt. Philips, of Goderich, and Mrs. Million spent last Tuesday with Mrs, W. R. Farrier, and Mrs. Will Naylor accompanied them visited with Mrs. Ben Naylor. Mrs. Allan Wilson, of Carlow, son, Thomas Wilson, of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Crawford, of Flint, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J, ,D,‘.Beecroft on Friday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson spent Sunday with Mrs., Jas. Me- Whinney and Miss Marjorie, Those who signed up to have hydro installed in their homes in White­ church, have received notice to have their houses wired, as the line-men will commence to put the poles up,, during the next two weeks. This^will be' good news to many in this dis­ trict. Mrs. Clarke pf Hensail has been visiting for the past few weeks at th® home of her daughter, Mrs. Mason. f. OLVERS Cash Store Phone 116 55c 25c 23c Special This Week 5 Bars Pearl Soap and 1 Box Handy Ammonia 29c New Clover Honey 5 Lb. Pail ................... 2 Pkgs. Pep and 1 Water Glass Free Sunlight Soap, Special 4 Bars .. .................. Saniflush at the old price ... 25c Premium Salmon, can 15c, 25c Weston’s Oatmeal Cookies Pkg......... ........................... 15c Lexia Seeded Raisins New Pack............... 18c Pkg. Broken Walnuts, 1 lb........ 35c Airtight Memba-Seal for Jams and Jellies.................... 10c McCormick’s Raisin Cookies Lb. ...............:....—.............. 19c Peaches, Plums, Apples and Fresh Vegetables. MORRIS Courtesy Prompt Delivery Our Slogan: “You have tried the rest, now try the- Best.” Traveller’s Samples of Pipes Value up to $1.00 On Sale for............34c — At — -Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe JR WATCH REPAIRS Stand the test df time. Williams The Jeweller FASHION-CRAFTfi 'M CLOTHES MADE TO MEASURE TAIL­ ORING SPECIALIST Mr. J. J. Powers Will Be At Our Store, PRICES FROM $24.50 Come In Arid Order That , NEW SUIT or COAT KING’S John and Plans were made for our Anniversary Services which are being held -on Oc­ tober 17th. Meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Gowdy. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines and fam­ ily and. Mr. George (Mines, of Niag­ ara Falls, New York, spent the ’week­ end with the. former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mines. Mr. and Mrs. Crancli and family of Rochester, N.Y., spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer and other friends. Dr. W. W. and Mrs. Weir and -son Malcolm, of Toronto, spent the holi­ day with the former’s mothter, Mrs; Wm; Weir and other friends. Miss Gladys Weir, of Wroxeter Central, spent Sunday with her par­ ents, Mr. and tMrs. W. E. Weir. Husband (reading a newspaper ac­ count of an incident at a travelling menagerie) “With an ’oarse roar, the lion sprang at the trainer and pande­ monium broke loose!” Wife: “What queer names they give animals, to be sure!” Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris son of Tilsonburg visited, on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Johnston, 1st line. Miss Elizabeth Mathers of Embro, visited on Sunday and Monday with her grandfather, Mr. George Mathers also Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and family. x Mr. Wm. Jas. Souch spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. David Jewitt and. other friends. Miss Ada Black of London and Mr. Hilson Whiteford of Ingersoll, visited over the week-end with Miss (Mary Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Proctor and daughter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Curtiss and daughter at Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks tead. Mr. and Mrs., WZ Dobie of Auburn spent Sunday with (Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and Mr. Ed. Johnston attended a cousin’s funer.al at Goderich last. week. Mr. Carman Hetheringotn spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Smith Robertson. A number of Bluevale orangenjen attended the orange decoration at the Wingham Cemetery on Sunday after­ noon. BLYTH Blyth Fall Fair will be held Friday and Saturday, September 17 - 18th. Liberal prizes in the speeding events and other outside attractions and tire Horticultural display of plants and flowers are special features. The dance on Friday evening with Arth­ ur’s Orchestra supplying the^ music. Concert on Saturday evening, with Harry Magee and other outside talent on the program. Harvest Thanksgiving services, will be held: in Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday, September 12. Rev. W. B. Hawkins of Forest will give the address at the'morning service. Rev. A.- A. Maloney will give his farewell address at the evening service. The members of the base ball team staged a very successful Jitney dance on Monday evening, Ernest Orches­ tra supplied the music. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Laidlaw are visiting Mr. arid Mrs. Alex. Porter­ field at MarnOch, x Mr. and Mrs. A. Collison of Lon* doh are visiting relatives here. Dr. E. C. WilfordJs in Clinton re* Having Dr. Okes for a few Weeks. Mrs. L. Williams visited her dau­ ghter, Mrs. Fitzsimmons at Clinton. SALEM / Phone 161Prompt Delivery FOR SHOP AT DALTON’S O.K. JELLY POWDERS ...... 5 Pkgs. 25c FRESH SALTED PEANUTS ..1........... 2 Lbs. 25c PURE ORANGE MARMALADE ...... 25c Jar BUTTERNUT PEANUT BUTTER...........;...2 Lbs. 25c FYTPA XT AT ITT? I LEALAND TOMATO CATSUP........18c Bottle LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS 2 Large Tins ...— .............. 25c Clover Leaf RED COHOE ■ SALMON _____25c Tall Tin tv ' ' / LEALAND’S TOMATO JUICE ........... 11c 26 Oz. Tin POLLY PRIM PEAS ----------------l... 11c Tin i DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .................... i 35c Lb. ZINC , RINGS ........ 25c Doz, JELLS ALL FRUIT CERTO .................. 25c Bottle RUBBER RINGS ............................ 5 Dozen MEMBA SEALS For Jams and Jellies 10c Pkg, SMITH’S ‘FOUR O’CLOCK TEA .............................. BLACK OR MIXED 55c Lb. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES _______ _ 3 Pkgs. 25c QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT ..........*llc Pkg. SHREDDEDWheat........—..... 2 Pkgs. 25c KELLOGG’S BRAN FLAKES'-----------2 Pkgs. 25c We have complete stock of all Spices, Sealers, Rubber Rings, Zinc Rings and all needs for Pickling and Preserving. See our Cooked and Cured Meats. Always Fresh and Sliced > as you desire. The Women’s Association of Salem met on Wednesday afternoon in the Church. The President, Mrs. Merk* ley, opened the meeting with singing the hymn “I am Thine, O Lord” fol* towed by the Load’s Prayer in tml* son. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. D. Weir, from Psalm' 68. Then followed the Treasurer’s report and the Roil Call, which was answer­ ed- by each paying their monthly dues. . 'A* .. . ... !*• I