HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-09-09, Page 3KMFllCQ, Buchanan Hardware, Wingham 4 SCARFE’S VARNISHES FOR EVERY PURPOSE—INSIDE OR OUT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Lewis Rebukes Roosevelt Washington—John L. Lewis,-of .the Committee for Industrial Organiza­ tion .rebuked President Roosevelt .for his .attitude .toward the .recent steel strike .and warned labor’s "so-called, friends .arid political beneficiaries”' that there will be a reckoning on elec-i Lon 'day. . Flying Boat has IMinor 'Mishajp 'To.ro.ntp — The Imperial' Airways” 18-to.n Hying iboat Cambria, ithfice^ ■conqueror ,ol the stormy .Atlantic Ocean, ■came .to grief on qpiet 'Lake . Ontario. An ^estimated T5j000 iper- •sons saw ‘.tike minor .accident in which V^/lhe ipor.t jpon'toon was (damaged .and t the .‘supporting is.tnut-s .torn ;away. The accident happened .as <;the ihuge .ship., making :a Ii'20.0 .-.mile good * will flight <ovter Ontario, was landing be­ fore fire Canadian National Exhibit­ ion breakwater after (circling the city for IS imimuites. No <one was injured. $ Roebuck Nominated a'S'Lfberal ToiionaliO—Arthur W. (Roebuck, for- jtiter Ontario attorney-general was no- F1 PICOBAC PIPE TOBACCO [ FOR A MILD, COOL SMOKE WOLONDON^ON-TARIO TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAMILY I I had to tell you right away!” r|P minuted as Liberal candidate in Bell­ woods .constituency for the October s6th" .election. In .his address of acceptance, Mr, .Roebuck reviewed'the events that led .up to his resignation from the Cab­ inet of Premier Hepburn during the Oshawa General Motors strike last .‘Spring, ‘Want British Immigrants Halifax—Vigilance should be exer­ cised "to see that the proper propor- itian of Immigrants coming into Can­ ada rare British," the * General Synod of the Church of England in Canada decided as discussion on the report of '.the 'Council> for Social Service was ..completed. JLS.tio Supply Helium Gas . Washington—The United States offered some 'of its precious store of helium to other world ppwers but sti­ mulated ’.that tflhe non-inflamimable gas must he -used for aeronautical ;and medica!l jpurposes and not as a military '.weapon. Russia Bends Ship to ’Mediterranean London — Soviet ‘Russia, blaming “Italy’s Fascist dogs and cut-throats” for tfh'e fsirikmg ‘-of two Soviet steam­ ers in four days, prepared to send her warships into the Mediterranean to join the British -and French Navies on a war on “pirate” submarines. >32,000 PRIZE LIST PLAN for a day or two at Western Ontario1! own exhibition. This year will surpass oil previous efforts for agricultural, industrial, scien­ tific and home exhibits. BIG FEATURES CBDT if 4 <f A W. D. JACKSON every day atUr I ■ Bob Watson came home bursting with the news. The big break had come at ldst. He was now Department Manager - at a big increase in salary. “Your Father will be delighted!” beamed Muriel, his wife, “Why hot call him up?” “I certainly will — news like , this demands Long Distance. And while I’m about it, I’ll call Aunt Mary, too!” . The Watson 'family have found that to spread good news of in emergency, Long Distance is indis­ pensable. Are you making best use of all that Long Distance offers? I Low Night Rate« begin every evening at seven, and apply all day sunday I There was a hint from Pravda, of­ ficial Communist organ, that Russia might not wait for agreement on a. plan of international reprisal, but would "administer a decisive blow to the war-monger pirates and make them pay dearly." To Extend Trade with Cuba Ottawa —- Expansion of Canadian trade with Cuba, the West Indies and three other countries, will be sought, during the autumn by Hon. William D. Euler, Minister of Trade*' and Commerce, and Hon, C. D, Howe, Minister of Transport, Wider mar­ kets for Canadian potatoes and fish, are desired in Cuba, in return for which the Dominion Government is prepared to admit Cuban sugar to this market on more favorable terms. Flares Sent Out H. B. C. Agent Aboard S.S. Naascopie, Prince Re­ gent Inlet —r The mysterious flares seen from this ship anchored in Bel- Jot Strait were explained with the ar­ rival of the Hudson’s Bay Company agent, L. D. Learmonth. He said he had been icebound when travelling across Boothia Peninsula to meet the Nascopie here and had set off flares to indicate he was ap­ proaching. He arrived here by canoe. When the flares were first seen it was thought that maybe it was lost Russian fliers signalling. the Hitler and! Il Duce to Confer Berlin—Premier Mussolini of Italy will come to Germany soon to confer with Fuehrer Adolf Hitler on "a new relationship in a gigantic and revo­ lutionary movement," it .was announc­ ed officially tonight. It was generally believed that II Duce, flying across the Alps in hjs own plane, would arrive in Berlin ei­ ther on Sept. 22 or 23. Ordered Removal of Electrically Charged Fence Alvinston—Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission officials from Toronto have ordered H. A. Gilroy of Alvinston to remove an electrically charged fence he erected about his farmyard. Current for the fence was supplied through a six-volt transfor­ mer attached to Hydro wires in the barn. It was explained should the transformer break or become "short­ ed" any person touching the fence would be liable to injury. Canada Gazette Contained Disallowance of Bank Acts Ottawa—All question of the effec­ tiveness of the Dominion Govern­ ment’s action disallowing the’ three acts of the Alberta Legislature aimed at vesting in the province control of bankers, was set at rest with the pro­ clamation of the disallowance in a special issue of The Canada Gazette. The proclamation v appeared over the name of Lieutenant-Governor J. C. Bowen of Alberta.. In this way the courts of the land are officially notified of the status of -those provin­ cial enactments, and, in the opinion of the law officers of the crown, all legal formalities have now been ob­ served. Set Cross Country Record Bendix, NJ. — Frank Fuller, San Francisco flier shot his trim Sever­ sky monoplane over this airport set­ ting a new. Bendix transcontinental record. His time was 9 hours and 36 minutes. The previous record was 10 hours and 2 minutes. G. M. to Open Regina Plant ’ Oshawa—Plans for reopening Gen­ eral Motors’ Regina factory were an­ nounced by H. J. Carmichael, Gener­ al Manager of General Motors of Canada, Limited. The plant idle since 1930, will resume operations Nov. 15, employing about 400 men on a daily schedule of 125 cars and trucks. Louis and Schmeling to Fight Next Year New York— Champion Joe Louis and Max Schmeling, the only man to defeat the negro titleholder since he skyrocketed to fame were matched for a 15 round championship bout "somewhere in the United States” in June, 1938. Meetings to Decide Mediterranean Action London — Spurred into action by the sinking of a British freighter off the Spanish coast, and an attack on a destroyer,i the British Government decided tpi 1, Accept a proposal for a Geneva meeting of Mediterranean powers to formulate joint means to halt the further "piratical" activity of uniden­ tified submarines in the Western Me­ diterranean. 1 - 2. Increase the British destroyer fleet in the trouble area. 3. Convoke a Cabinet session. Campbell Set Another Speed Record Locanio, Switzerland—&ir Malcolm HE ATE ALL-BRAN AND IMPROVED WONDERFULLY Read this voluntary letter: “Jn Regard to your All-Bran, it is marked on the package ‘best as a cereal, best for cooking,’ and, as far as I am concerned, you might add best for health. Since I have begun to eat it, I have improved wonder­ fully."—-Mr. H. p. Poole (address on request), All-Bran corrects common con­ stipation, due to meals low in "bulk.” Within the body, it absorbs water, and forms a soft mass, gently sponging out the system, All-Bran also supplies vitamin B to tone UP the intestines, and iron for the blood. Isn’t this food better than taking weakening pills and drugs? Eat two tablespoonfuls .daily, either as a cereal with milk or cream, or in recipes. In chronic cases, with each meal. Sold by all grocers. Made arid gauranteed by Kellogg in London, Campbell gave the motorboat world a new international record worth shooting. For the second time in as many days, the, British sportsman, holder of the land speed record of 301.13 miles per hour, smashed Gar Wood's five-year-old hnlimiated hydroplane standard of 124.86 m.p.h. This time the 52-year-old speed king boosted it from 125.7959 m.p.h. to 129.4164 m.p, h. Typhoon Hits Hong Kong Hong Kong — A howling typhoon that roared off the China Sea, tumb­ ling ocean-going liners arid warships against wharves and ripping through the city with a death toll estimated in the thousands left this British co­ lony a shambes. •>_ ‘J (POLIOMYELITIS) MINISTER OF HEALTH Department of Health of OntarioX In anticipation of further requirements the Department now requests that persons who are willing to provide blood for this purpose (donors) register with the medical officer of health in their district. The Department remunerates donors on the basis of Ten Dollars for 100 cubic centimeters; the usual amount withdrawn from one donor is 200 cubic centimeters. This can be readily obtained without discomfort or ill effects to the donor. Children under fourteen years of age are not eligible. Persons who have suffered an attack of the disease during the present year are also not eligible. Those persons fourteen years of age and over who have suffered an attack within the past twenty-five years and who show some definite evidence of resulting paralysis, are requested to provide the medical officer of health with their name and address. Those who have already acted as donors need not register again. When a clinic is to be held, donors will be notified through their medical officer of health. I ■ .7 The Department of Health has a sufficient supply of Convalescent Serum for nrosent demands. This serum is obtained from persons who have previously suffered from an attack of “infantile paralysis”. S’7 • 4 / <-* I Want Aberhart to Resign Lethbridge, Alta, — Resignation of the Social Credit Government of Pre­ mier William Aberiiart has been cal­ led for by the Lethbridge Board of Trade. They passed a resolution to this effeef at a recent meeting, Japs to Fight to a Finish Tokio—Foreign Minister Koki Hir- ota indicated in an interview with Japanese newspaper correspondents that Japan is determined to carry through her unofficial war with China "to a finish." Simultaneously it was revealed that the Government asked the special ses­ sion of Parliament which for addi­ tional appropriations of two billion yen ($580,000,000), bringing the na­ tional debt to a new high for modern times. Plan Short Wave Transmitter Ottawa—A short wave transmitter of 50 kilowatt power to enable Can­ ada to participate jn world broadcast­ ing, is under consideration by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Hepburn Reduces Auto Fees Hamilton—A straight reduction of $5 in all passenger automobile fees, effective from Oct. .1 of this year, was announced here Friday by Pre­ mier Hepburn. Inasmuch as the De­ partment of Highways anticipates. a 1938 registration of some 560,000 in this type of vehicle, the Government’s long considered action represents a direct annual saving to the motoring public of Ontario of easily $2,500,000. With this drastic reduction the Prime Minister intimated his Govern­ ment was moving steadily to the point where one nominal license fee, regardless of the horsepower or cy­ lindrical capacity of a car would be made effective, and where the gaso- : line tax would be depended upon Money to buy cattle < r for winter feeding^* Are you considering buying Western cuttle for winter feeding, as encouraged by the Department of Agriculture? This Bank gladly co-operates with farmers in arrange ing for the purchase and winter feeding of F cattle, and extends loans at moderate rates, & | Whatever your plans, have a talk with our f Branch Manager who you will find interest- ? ed and pleased to discuss them with you. ' ■* / *,f THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 Wingham (Ont.) Branch J. R. M. Spittai, Manager. chiefly for highways operating reven­ ues. Architect: "Now, if you’ll give me a general idea of the kind of house, you need ...” Client: “I want to have something i to go with a door-knocker my wife, brought home from Oxford.” - <• m . —.... I i'&i a.; “Iceland,” said the teacher, “is' about as large as Siam." “Iceland,” wrote Willie afterwards, “is about as big as teacher."