The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-08-26, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES $ Thursday, August 26th, 1OT 3O1EXOX3OE3O11OE3OE IOE3OEOE3OE THESE|j| WANT Ab'S BRINO RESULTS ATTENTION PLEASE — Are you getting the right prices for your hides, wool, poultry, metals or junk of any kind. See us if you have any­ thing tp sell. Best prices are assur­ ed. Huron Produce, phone 117. AMBITIOUS WORKERS — If you are dissatisfied with your position, WRITE IMMEDIATELY. Suc­ cess, Comfortable Living, Inde­ pendence, in exchange for honesty, ambition, energy. Start with $25.00 assortment. NO RISK. Reserved districts. Outstanding profits .for the vdlling worker. ACT NOW! Complete details, FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. FOR SALE—9 Young Pigs 6 weeks old. Andrew Gray, Bluevale. If cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c oaoEsr-r, toejo? FOR SALE —- Pure-bred Yorkshire Pigs, bred sows, weaned pigs, Ser­ viceable boars bred from prize-win­ ning blood, also three Shorthorn bulls, T. B. and blood-tested. Herd full accredited. Orville Free, Dun­ gannon, Ont, Phone 14-1?. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, James wish to thank friends for their kindness during their recent sad bereavement. Especially do they wish to thank the members of the Brussels Legion* and Rev. J. Graham, also of Brussels. Hoffman and. family their neighbours and NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—German Prune Plums, ready second week of September Frank Watson, Phone 193. FOR-SALE—A seven-roomed brick house in Lower Wingham. Apply at the Advance-Times. FOR PAINTING, Carpenter Wo?k, See Wm. Tucker Sr., Pleasant Val­ ley. Work guaranteed, rates reas­ onable. FQR .SALE—Fine farm of 125 acres near school and market. Brick house, bank barn. Low price. Small cash payment, balance at low rate •of interest. Cosens & Booth, Wing­ ham. ' FARM FOR SALE—Closing an es­ tate, Lot No. 19, Con. B, Town­ ship of Howick; 100 acres. No rea­ sonable offer refused. Apply John "Putherbough, Executor; 258% Dun­ das St., London. LARGE STOCK of Points, Soles Land Sides and Bolts for Plows. Homuth & Bennett. LOST—Auto Rug between Lucknow and BluCvaile, Sunday night. Find­ er please leave at this office. Re­ ward. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE—Ex- celsior Twin, overhauled and paint­ ed. Apply Crawford’s Garage. All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Ellacott, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the seventeenth day of May, A.D. 1937, are notified to send to J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-eighth day of August, 1937, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-eighth day of August 1937, the assets of the said testatrix will be disributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which. the undersigned shall then have, notice. Dated at Wingham this ninth day of August, A.D. 1937. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Shoes cut down the every family.—Greer’s ROOMERS WANTED — Apply to Mrs. J. McCool. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AND TO BUY—I have for sale some good farms in C-ulross Twp.; one in Kiriloss Twp.; one in Greenock Twp. Also different properties in the Village, of Teeswater. I also have clients inquiring for unculti­ vated land without buildings suit­ able for reforestation or planting apple and fruit trees. Also wooded lands without* buildings at a reas­ onable price for holding purposes. W. H. Logan, Teeswater, Ont. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up until Sept. 1st, 1937 for the supply and delivery of coal at the Wingham General Hospital when and as required for one year.' For further particulars'apply to A. Cosens, Secretary of the Board. E. Thompson spent a of Toronto NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Municipal Council, Township of Morris, are asking for tenders for painting the Abraham Bridge, Con. 1. The tenders will be considered at the Township Hall on Monday, Sept. 13, at 2 o’clock. The lowest or any tender not ne­ cessarily accepted. A. MacEwen, Clerk. . NOTICE TOCREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Elizabeth Johns, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow deceased, who died on the 18th day of July A. D. 1937, are hereby notified to send their claims, duly verified, by declar­ ation, to the undersigned on or be­ fore the 4th day of September, A.D. 1937. Further take notice that immediate­ ly after the said date the assets of the estate will be distributed having- regard only to claims which have been properly filed. Dated at Wingham the 17th day August A.D. 1937. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. * CARD OF THANKS of I wish to express to my neighbors and friends my sincere thanks for their kindness and expressions of sympathy during my recent sad be­ reavement. Thomas W. Weir. CARD OF THANKS EXTRA values at no extra cost. • . that is your positive guarantee when you buy Firestone Tires. Among these are Firestone’s 2 Extra Cord Plies under the tread that bind the tread and body into an elastic inseparable unit making it safe at any speed. You pay nothing for this extra feature that gives you extra safety and extra mileage^ Get the most for your money. Firestone Tires do not cost one cent more than ordinary tires. Have the nearest Firestone Dealer replace worn tires today. Woods. Miss Florence Stuart, of Evanston, Ill., is a visitor with Mrs. J. B. Ruth­ erford. * • While repairing the roof of the garage recently struck by lightning at William McQuillin’s on Wednesday, Mr. Wellington Nixon of Lucknow*, had the misfortune to fall, fracturing the large bone in his left .wrist. Mr^ Nixon was taken to the Wingham Hospital but was able to come home the next day. Miss Lulu Weatherh'ead who has been- attending Summer School at Tortontp is home for the remainder of the vacation. Mrs. Ward Shickluna of Port Col- borne is a visitor with her mother, Mrs, Jas. Gaunt. Rey. R. W» Craw and- Mrs. Craw, of Winthrop, were guests of Mrs. J. B. Rutherford, the former coming up for the annual bowling tournament at, Lucknow. Miss Charlotte Johnston, London, is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Rob­ inson Wood-s i Miss Verna McLaughlin, of Wing­ ham, was a visitor last week with Mr. and Mrs, John Cameron. The September meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held on September 9th instead of the 2nd, when Mrs. Oster, of Blyth, who is the District President, will be the guest speaker. Miss Lena Hackett, of Lucknow, was a recent guest of Mr, and Mrs. George Stuart. The meeting of the Y. P. U. was held on Sunday evening with an at­ tendance of 27. Norma Weatherhead read the Scripture lesson and Laur- ine Miller the comments on it. The topic from the study book “In the Steps of the Master” was taken by Mrs. E. W. Rice. 9 Mrs. Will Black, of Epanola, was the guest of her aunt, 'Mrs. Archie Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Derbyshire of South­ wold, were recent guests of their aunt, Mrs. R. J. Woods. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Petts, Mrs. Ed. Taylor and Mrs. Will Taylor, of Blyth, and Miss Hazel Petts, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack England and family, of Elora, Mr. and Mrs. Tom England and family of, Galt,* and Mrs. England Sr., of Lucknow, were re­ cent guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swan. . Mrs. Bob Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Er- B. C, formerly manager of the Bank of Commerce here, is renewing ac­ quaintances in town. Mr. Gordon Arde and his mother also Miss Judy DeyeU visited over the week-end with Mrs. Jean Tcrvit and Donna at Port Burwell. Mr. and Mrs. H. McCordrick and son Lome, also Mrs. J, Gardener of Newmarket, Ont., spent the week-end with Mr. family. Guests Armitage Mrs. R. K. Asselstine and two ren also Miss Annette Shaw, Wallaceburg, Mr. Lance Browne of Kitchener, spent .Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Browne. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McGibbon returned to Kit­ chener with him. Mrs, Herbert A. Doig and son Fred of Guelph are visiting at the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. T„ J. McLean, Victoria Street. Mrs. Annie Castell of Cleveland, who has been visiting w'ith her brot- ther, Mr. Phillip James for the past three weeks is spending this week with her friend, Mrs. R. J, Tindall. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fowler and son Thomas of Leslie, Sask,, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. Stanley Hall last week. Mr! Fowler is prin­ cipal of the High School at Leslie. Miss Alberta MacLean, Nurse-in- trainirig at Victoria Hospital, London has resumed her duties after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacLean for the past three weeks. Mr. Clifford Sparling of Toronto, and Miss Stella Sparling of Meaford also Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood and Miss Bertha Wood of Galt .visited with Messrs R. R. and F. J. Mooney. Mr. G. L. Brackenbury of Port Hope, former principal of the High School here, Mrs. Brackenbury and Ann were gwests of ,Capt. W. J. and Mrs. Adams the forepart of this week. M/. and Mrs. Albert Hilli.ard, Phyl­ lis, Rae and Murray of Waterloo and Dr. Hilliard of' Kitchener also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hilliard of Kitchener were visitors of Dr. and Mrs,’ R. DuVal on Sunday. Important Message to all Farm Boys and Mrs. with Mr. are: Mrs. E. Zurbrigg and and Mrs, Armitage’s C. B, sister, child- all of ■,<r % NEW TWO-YEAR COURSE IN AGRICULTURE at the Ontario Agricultural College GUELPH No Tuition Fees Board Reduced to $3.50 per week A practical Course specially arranged for boys who will continue fanning, Enquire at the O.A.C. Booth, West Annex, Coliseum, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, fpr full particulars • and application forms, or write to Dr. G. 1. Christie, President, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Fall Term Starts September 20th ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL JAMES B. FAIRBAIRN Minister Deputy Minister s I I i nest Ruttie and daughter, Isobel, of Galt, were visitors during the w'eek with Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. W. I. Miller, Miss M. C. Rutherford, Miss Flor­ ence Stuart and Miss Isabel Miller left on Tuesday for- a motor trip to Midland from where they, will take a short boat trip. Miss Grace McIntosh, Mrs. Rich­ ardson, Messrs. Torrance Anderson, Jimmy and Russel Goldbolt, of Tor­ onto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. > Mrs. George Stuart and Miss Kath­ arine McGregor, of Lucknow, left on Saturday for Chicago where they will join their brohter, Dr. Will McGreg­ or and other friends for a motor trip to the Pacific coast. renewing their contract with Advance-Times for advertising ST. HELENS .------------- I and Mrs. Henry WoodsMr. Miss' Versa Woods, of Galt, have been renewing old acquaintances here the guests of the former’s brother, Robinson Woods Mrs. WEEKLY PAPERS HIGHLY VALUED BY ADVERTISER and h firestone Tl RES Hanna Automobile Sales Dorothy and Glenn Golley are at present visiting with their aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cassels of Romeo, Michigan. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rahlves of Tor­ onto were week-qfid visitors at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. arrd Mrs. John Galbraith. / Mr. C. P. Smith of Cadbora Bay, * In The of the well-known Eastern SteeUPro- ductsr-.Ltd., of Preston, the firm of Cockfield Brown and Co., one of the largest Canadian Advertising agenc­ ies writes as follows: “We are again using your paper for Eastern Steel Products Ltd., starting immediately. We have found the On­ tario weekly newspapers of inestim- Our School Shoe bills in Shoe Store. Miss Verna couple of weeks with friends in Tees- water. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall and children visited at Flint, Mich., last week. . Mr. George Allen of Cincinnatti is visiting with his father, Mr. Robert Allen. Miss Margaret MacLean is visiting at Brussels with her sister, Mrs. Fin­ lay Samis, Mister John McRurer is visiting with. Master Craig Arm­ strong. Mrs. R. Hawkins and Indiana are visiting with Mrs. Alma Falconer. Miss Jean Schaefer of Goderich is visiting witjr her grandmother, Mrs. John McCool. Mr. Joe Latronica returned on Fri- 1 day from a three months trip to the [ Old Country. I , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson and son, Ross of Toronto, are visiting in town this wek. Mr. Ben Holland of Pontiac, Mich., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith, Irving and Edythe of Toronto, attended the Reavie,- Smith wedding. Dr. Elmer Aikens of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott, Glenannan. Mr. Robert Anderson of Caledonia is visiting with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford. 4 Mrs. Edward Tripp and family of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Schatte. Mrs. G. Haller and daughter Lor- ene were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Kingston, Guelph. Miss C. Isbister, who has been vis­ iting with her sister at Vancouver, B. C., returned home on Saturday. Misses Joan and Dorothy Bayliffe of London are visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. John MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnott and son, Richard, of St. Marys, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. Williamson. Mrs. G. H. Erskine also Mrs. G. G. Erskine, Mary Lu and Arthur of Winnipeg are "visitors with Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Ford. Miss . Madeline Deyell returned home after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferg- erson of Goderich. son Paul of K • fe w DEATH STALKS OUR HIGHWAYS!r We take this opportunity of ex­ pressing our sincere thanks to our neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses and expressions of sym- pathy extended to us during our re­ cent sad bereavement, Mrs. David Patton and Daughters. INTERIORS EXTERIOR PAINT I ELMER WILKINSON | CARD OF THANKS W. H.” Gurney and family wish to express their sincere appreciation and thanks to their neighbors and friends for their sympathy and many kind­ nesses extended td them during their recent bereavement, also the neigh­ bors and.friehds who have been so kind and thoughtful during Mrs. Gur­ ney’s tong illness. R Pouiahfl W1H be paid by the 940 nBWdrUmfgg of LLOYD’S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE, for any corn or callous THEY cannot re- move, with this wonderful new scien­ tific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES, It de-sensitises, and relieves pain with first application. For Sale 40c, at McKibbon’s Drug Store, . If every human life in a village of 800 people in the * Province of Ontario were snuffed out in one day, news- . papers throughout the entire world would carry the story of the ghastly ^tragedy. If one of your loved ones—or even a friend—were a victim, it would bfecome quite a grievous, horrible, personal loss! That is precisely what is going on in Ontario this year. Nearly 800 people will be killed on our highways. Nearly 14,000 will be injured—many of them crippled; many of them suffering almost unbearable pain. Death and untold suffering stalk our highways and this must stop! RECKLESS DRIVERS BEWARE I Motorists have been Requested to be courteous on the road but the death toll mounts at an appalling rate. This Depart- ment, with the aid of our internationally famous police force and public-spirited citizens, intends to put reckless drivers off the road! You must stop cutting in, passing on hills and curves, crowding, racing, taking chances. Unless you have regard for the safety and convenience of other users of our highways you will soon find yourself in serious trouble. MOTORISTS: WE ASK YOUR HELP! When you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to the public, take his number, make a careful note of the actual time and place, and when you reach your destination write to the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways* Toronto, giving full details. We do not invite reports of minor infringements of the traffic laws; you are re­ quested to use sound judgment;. We wilt deal adequately with offenders! ONTARIO Department of highways Motor Vehicles Branch » bNTAftld ' f r i L