HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-08-26, Page 2Whigham* Advancv-Tiine* WINGHAM . QNTABXQ Every Thursday Morniug by Uhe Advance«Timcs Publishing Co. Subscription Rate One Year §2.00 Six months, §1,00 in advance. To th S, A., §2.50 per year. Foreign rate* §3.00 per year. Advertising rates on appHcation. NEWS of the DISTRICT Hydro linemen. Xt appears that on two occasions recently; near Cargill and Formosa, the Walkerton Hydro repair men have been summoned to replace burned out fuses on trans­ formers and in doing so found con­ vincing evidence that birds were res­ ponsible for the damage in the form of many dead starlings at the foot of the pole where the burn-out was lo­ cated. The birds, which travel in big flocks, had apparently settled should­ er to shoulder on the wire, forming a circuit through their bodies from the transformer switch to the live wire which resulted in the blown fuse and in their electrocution.-—Walker* *,*,, ITnmhLTIttW'*' THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 1 niUHUUtmaHmUim*HtolU»hMUUMH0UUHMU*MtUi Finq Gladiolus Two gladiolus from the garden Mrs. John Xiirknrss, Margaret street* were brought into the .Review Office on Thursday of last week. The larg­ er spike was exactXv six feet tall, and the same bulb produced another spike which is over four feet iu height. The two spikes had 8G flowers and buds on them. The name of the variety is Charles Dickens and it is reddish itiauve in color.^Harriston Review. of Two-Pound Tomato Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bode, son Don­ nie, and Miss Piets* spent: Sunday at the home of Mr. John Piet® of Wai- lace township, near Xastowel, and, as a sample of the vegetable growth in that awn, brought home a double tomato that weighed two pounds one ounce, Xt was a whopper, and not Mono in a field of big ones.«~Hanov* Post* Ages of Quintet Total 392 Years The five sons and daughters of the late Mw and Mrs, John Geil, who set­ tled’ in Grey County after coming from Germany* have set quite a re- ©wd. The total ages of the five ehikL ven* three daughters and two sons, is Wl years* X<ast week. these children* who are really Wte old people, at­ tended. a. reunion of the GeB family at AWW the home of the young* member of the grrntp. All are in <ood health and quite active for their ■a^es^Xdstowel Batmen. " Sttariings. Disrupt Service The startings* those scavenger birds which have increased m such numbers as to become a pest in most qommnnitws* pattleulatly to the far* mer and fruit grower*. have made still anotlw enemy ht this locality — the Low Rail Faxes to Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO — sfftui Ine&ct hera maay-ycfotsfoCnLufo SINCLR FARE: Xkr the, Rannd Tdp. t3QODGim.iS aw ss-sm* H j. sssras CANADIAN NATIONAL ■M Michigan Balloons Found Near Clinton While at work in the harvest field near Clinton, Fergus Van Esmond, Hullett Township, and Harold Tay­ lor, his hired man, found three, bal­ loons one of them still partially in­ flated, lying among the oat stooks. A note, appended slated that they were sent up August 11 from the Lansing, Mich., play ground circus and a request that the finder return them to that address. Mr. Van "Es­ mond complied with the request. Illness Caused Cow to Shed Skin A cow owned by Wm, MacKenaie of I.angside is performing a strange feat, which has occurred only once before in the experience of the local veterinary** Dr. C. C, lively. Ifollow- ing an illness* the outer skin of the animal. dried up like a shingle and was shed in pieces* leaving the ani­ mal “as pink as a new born babe". A heart condition that the animal had is believed to be the cause of the strange occurrence* which resulted in an improper circulation of blood, causing the outer skin to die. The vow is getting a new hide and is growing fat and healthy after per­ forming this feat, that qualifies it for the believe it or not column.—Imck- now Sentinel. A Brotherly Spirit Out in l ai can the Orangemen and the Reman Catholics believe in help­ ing each other out in an emergency. The other day the Royal Black of Ireland needed a dance floor for their Perry Pay celebration. They bor­ rowed the one from St. Patrick's Church. In fact, the parish priest* ■ Father Muckesy* went and helped ‘them put it upA&urich Herald. / £ n-tie fur* festival °X famous screen star TombU^ Three big- * time shows in one* : a''1SXh«£ C»NAOI4» . W that concession a like distance. At, the intersection with highway No. 31» lines will branch north to Tiverton village. 'Bam Struck by Lightning | The large barn on A. B. Fleming's | property on the road leading to Men-1 esetuug Park* was struck by light-1 hung in the storm recently and eom- h'letely destwyed by fire. The barn hvas empty* as the farm is nuoecunied/ I The storm passed over the district I without a great deal of damage* al- t though some fields were damaged by 1 the extensive downpour.| —. Hydro Seen for Kincardine Twp.. | Wotkmeu began consttttetfon of a I network of lines which will brittg1 b hydro light and power ----- jj Township farmers. Hitherto without f hj' - ‘ ~ ‘ n *■■■ i. t fi ii B Still Blacksmiths at 84 In his 84th year, George E. Baker -leads an active life on his farm on concession 4> Bruce Township. In ad­ dition to farming he is a blacksmith and one of the oldest active smiths in the province. For 48 years farm­ ers from the district have come to this smithy on his farm. He has been a smith 87 years. Recently Mr. and Mrs. Barker* who last winter marked their golden wedding* returned from a motor trip to Northern Ontario, f Mr. Baker drove the entire distance.I — | Auburn’s Oldest Resident Passes | After an illness of nine weeks Wm. I Doerr* Atd»um*s oldest and most pdgh’ly .respected eitfoen, passed away fl at his residence Thursday g death befog caused by his I years. Mr. Doerr was in «year. evening* advanced Ms 89th TRAVEL MADE HIM constipated Salesman Says*Kruschen Keeps Him “On His Tops” “X am a commercial traveller,’* writes a correspondent, “and due to endless travelling by train and auto­ mobile I find that I become consti­ pated if X do not keep myself intern­ ally clean. Kmschcn Salts is the only thing that will do this effectively and not interfere with my work. I take a large dose of ICritschen every Satur­ day night and on Sunday, when X have no work to do, the Salts act on me, Ou- week-days I take a small dose on rising, Xt is necessary that I be ’on my toes* all through the day, and this is the only way that it pos­ sibly can be ’done/'-—V.L. Kruschen Salts is an excellent recipe for maintaining a condition of internal cleanliness. The numerous salts in Kruschen stimulate your in­ ternal organs to smooth, regular ac­ tion. Your inside is thus kept clear of those impurities which, when al­ lowed to accumulate, lower the whole tone of the system, burg, Li?towel ad Southampton, in all of which parishes he was well- known and revered. Twelve years ago he was superannuated at South­ ampton, and he returned to his nat­ ive township, Stanley, to spend his declining years. Played Sheriff, Now Out On Bail Alleged to have represented him­ self as an officer of the law, Charles Guest, Seaforth young man, stood in the dock at police court charged with “intimidating a sheriff*. He was re­ manded to Seaforth until August 33 on §500 bail. “I’m the sheriff and I wish to make an investigation of this place/* Guest is alleged to have told Mrs. Stafford Stephenson after knocking at her door. Mrs. Stephen­ son replied* “Just a minute/’ retiring to another room to call police. In a few minutes Chief of Police Snell and the “sheriff* met face to face. The “sheriff* was arrested. to Western Canada^ Mr. Andrew Shearer and bride (nee Miss Eleanor Elliott), of Sault Stg, Marie, visited last week with Miss Beatrice and Mr, Tommy Shearer, Mrs. J. ‘Greenlaw,| also Mrs. Ward ami daughter, of Palmerston, were visitors at the home of Air, and Mrs. J, Lovell Sunday. * Master Jack McLaughlin spent a few days last week with his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hutch­ ison, Fordwich. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Weeks, Varna, also Mrs. Robert Woods, Listowel* were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald, Many here who have been privileg­ ed to know Mrs. J. Williamson, of Fordwich, will regret to learn of her sudden death early Saturday morning at her home* 2nd Concession, How- ick. Miss Marjorie Ross, of Toronto, has been a guest for the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Allen. Mr, and Mrs. Eldred Nichol spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGowan, Blyth, also their daughter Miss Clara McGowan, a missionary who has just returned from China. Mrs. Charles Garniss, of Brussels, formerly of Bluevale, was a recent visitor with Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond Elliott. Mr. atjd Mrs. D. W. Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rae, also Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman (nee Winnifred Rae), Belgrave, attended the Rae - Wolfe wedding at Ayr on Wednes­ day of last week. Women’s Institute The Wroxeter Branch W. I. will hold their August meeting Thursday of this week, August 26th, at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Stocks. Roll Call—Hints on preserving and Pickling. Topic, “The Coronation/* Mrs. H. Waller; reading, Mrs. J. N. Allen; paper, selected, Mrs. Russel Rae; Lunch Com.: Mrs. Vern Denny, Mrs. Wm. MacLean. J ' — f. Bavtield Cleric Passes, Thursday, August 26th, 1937 ' 12th LINE HOWICK ^^AETER ”EVERY MEAL SCALES FRENCH WAX MADE FROM AN OLD FRENCH FORMULA Mr. and Mrs. George Dane visited with friends in Fordwich on Satur­ day, Miss A. Rever' returned home on Sunday after two weeks’ vacation with friends near Lakelet. Messrs. Thomas. Vittie Jr. and Sr., C. Vittie and Miss Lilly Vittie visit­ ed at the. home of Mr. M. Sharpin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bennett called on friends in this vicinity Sunday ev^ ening. Mr. G. Elliot ...of Harriston- was a visitor at the home of Mr. Robert Brown on Sunday. Mr, Sterling Finlay spent Sunday with friends near Molesworth. Mr. and Mrs. Sangster and the Misses Sangster were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sanderson in their new home. WROXETERj I Titos. Burke is at pre; We trust she wiH Beavers do not eat fish although they spend, most of their lives in the water. They are strictly vegetar- me ] “Did you hear that Smith was kill­ ed. by a. train this manifog?’* “Nfo* but Fm not surprised. I saw htm yesterday and he looked very ill/* — Mucha* Warsaw. Get the finest roofing money can buy on easy payments, spread over threeyears.Tite-Lap and Rib Roll roofings are durable, handsome in appearance, fire-proof; even lightning-proof if erected according to the lightning Rod Act Buy from a company that has served you honestlyfcr years-—whose products set the pace—Eastern Steel Products Limited TITE-LAP and RIB.ROLL ROOFING Both Tite-Lap and Rib- Roll axe. easily put on over youx old roof. They ssve you money by cut- tin^ upkeep costs, pro­ tecting year crops and livestock. Be sure to get the genuine E.S.P. pro­ duct. Send ridge and raftermeasurements, for free cost estimate. A drive-screw nail, develop­ ment of the Preston Led- Hed NaiL Takes ten times as much force to draw it out of a sheathing board as a stan­ dard barbed roofing naiL JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT Write for literature on tha famous Jamesway Poultry Equipment. Complete line of incubators, brooder stoves, poultry house equipment of all kinds. SpecisHsts in ventilation and housing for poultry. The Preston Fertilator attached to your seed drill enables you to sow fertiliser with your fall wheat. Eastern Steel Products * Factories alto atKO MONTREAL and TORONTO YEARS TO PAY HOME IMPROVEMENT Lucknow Man Improved His. leg broken in three places in a motor accident nearly a year ago, William Webster, 24-year-old Luck­ now man, will soon be discharged from, Alexandra, Hospital, Goderich, where he has been a patient since Labor Day, 1936. Young Webster was out recently on enriches, one leg and hip in irons, and was able to get around. He was told by his physic­ ians the leg will not be shortened and. that eventually he will re; his normal walk without aid. Mn the sick*. list be better. Messrs. J. L. MacEwen and. David Fortune, left on Monday for Rev. A. M. Grant Returns Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Grant and their daughters will return from their cottage at Grand Bend. this. week. Mr. Grant will take charge of the United Church service on Sunday next. under the x k Afjt'.gltcaE ■ ’Church fo Huwu DiccesV’ for well qv- ■ev half a ceumry* Rev. James F* t Wke* aged S3* died at bame at | ’ Bayfield. A native amt rest-j ; dent of Westewt -Ontario he served ! \ kfe ckuveh fo am eftfoierst and foyal = i manner at €ifofonte Amherst- tsyduo aud benefit will* shettity euj.-ay *hc> advamagvs of by* s dsxx From Kmcasdiuo* Itue-s uso bo- ; fog extor.ded ease mites alortg-:. highway Nev IA to- Kfofosst At the sumo time workmen will be sb.ovittg Ifoes utoug the takeshow toad, too five mJtes. tio cou. T* amd east ots PIPE . TOBACCO I FOR A MILD.COOL SMOKE GIANT FLYING BOATS TO PLY INTERNATIONAL AIR LANES OF FUTURE u * G$ a ffe.< off “Admw&: Cli^rifofcStMS Tfi® aftdfer cimtmtfoft for ovMeswfoes;" i . dksisgned 'te ctsry 5$ Sore t&nrc fcfe (3i|i ssrf &5t-(fc jytir agStexttXe. TW M srMofet fe® t&e Wsbriw tritwE ;foc»KF* Six wfl& four | HYDRO LAMPS «m4 gwntetd OsNlhsS Winf ha® Utilities Gbssbm Hmm IS*. Jfo*, g ah trans.- f'ggstaitfota fca Ittigs C>fog-beats afotij tke1 de* R HL M&yo j bos disSssjtdl and Lanefoist- F&sfew has carried e&5 test; i£l2gh^' tlyfog- Stag at Ree&estef*. EngJaMiL 'She shfo QdJ w:T aStlfe K'S whAtt be a Iioad Eby mm gS &»S»® aefog-Uw wttx ft cfS as * O'rste fo axts* tM tm seyorafo »d ijfee ca» wntwoe 1'^ *Niite£ xwt ease. Aactber •/? s 11 . ..... -‘n 'W