HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-08-12, Page 7GORRIE
Mr. and Mrs, H. V. Holmes and
Miss Perkins are holidaying at their
•cottage at Bruce Beach.
Miss Bessie Wylie, of Toronto, is
visiting her mother, Mrs, Wylie,
Mr. and Mrs, William Earngey of
’Sarnia were week-end guests of the
former’s aunt, Miss Kate Earngey.
Master Dean, who has spent the past
four weeks here, returned with his
Mrs, S. Munro spent Sunday with
^Mr. and Mrs. T. Peel, near Ford-
Mr. and Mrs. L. F, Ashton and
"Billy returned last week after spend
ing a week with Mr, and Mrs. Wright
in Elora.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter McKee and
■family of Galt called on' the form
er’s brother, Mr. Geo. McKee, one
■day last week.
Misses Pearl, and Betty Anderson
•of Toronto returned home on Sat
urday after spending the past two
•weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. Black.
Mrs-. Jack Toner and baby son of
Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and
Mrs. A. ,E .Joner.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Harrison
and family, of Preston, visited last
week with his father, Mr. Jesse Har
Mrs. Leslie Earl, "of Brussels, is
spending a few days with her broth
er, Mr. Delbert Clegg.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher at
tended the funeral of a relative in
Mildmay on Saturday.
Miss Aljce Ritchie, of Toronto,
visited with her mother a few days
last week.
Rev. and Mrs. A. H. O’Neil re
turned last Thursday from spending
three weeks a.t A.Y.P.A. camp, Lake
Mr. Stanley Dane and daughter,
Betty, of Toronto, spent last week
with the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. G. Dane.
■Misses Olive and Edna Lawrence
•of Toronto Spent Civic Holiday last
Week with /heir parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Lawrence.
Miss Ruth Fydell and brother Mr.
James Fydell, returned home from
Summer School in Toronto last
Dr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong spent
Saturday with the former’s brother
at Mitchell, who has been very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright spent
Sunday with friends at Southampton.
Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel were
Sunday guests of relatives in Milver
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and
children spent Sunday with relatives
in Wingham.
Doris Fletcher, of Stratford is vis
iting this week at the homeoof Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Bolton.
Mr. antes Douglas, Mr. and Mrs.
. Ewart Whitfield, spent Sunday with
friends at Meaford.
Mrs. Wilford King, son Earle, and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
•children, Edith and Bobbie, spent
J. J. Moffat near Wingham.
Shirley and Fern Long of Hol-
-stein, are spending this week at the
ihome of Mr. and Mrs. E. Farrish.
Mrs. Farrish and Mr. Lome Far-
irish, of Lucknow, spent Sunday at
:the home of the former’s son, Mr.
HE. Farrish.
Mr. and Mrs. Everard Carson and
’family spent last week at Wasaga
Jasper Farrish is spending this
week at Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bolton spent
.Sunday with friends in Stratford.
Miss Marie Howes and mother
“spent Sunday with friends in Palm
Miss Edith McBride, of Hannon,
.and Mrs." Thos. MacDonald of near
Molesworth, spent Thursday last at
■the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford
■King. .
t Mrs. (Dr.) Ramage was in Mitchell
daring the past week at the bedside
of her mother, Mrs. MacKenzie, who
was seriously ill.
MrS. Arscott and children, Dor
othy and Kenneth, of Toronto, are
Spending this week with the former s
mother, Mrs. Alex. Miller and Mr.
Miller, and Miss .Margaret Arscott,
Thursday, August 12, 1937
the ugly sores of a beggar and tran§*
ferring their attention next to the:
•eyes and mouth of a sleeping baby, It
is possible that this toleration of th#
fly is responsible for the appalling:
death rate from intestinal disease
which prevails in these countries. Can
adians should realize that the common,
house fly is a dangerous animal and.
should take the simple steps necessary
to prevent its ravages,
Questions concerning Health, ad
dressed to the Canadian Medical As
sociation, 184 College St., Toronto,
will be answered personahy by letteri
Last spring Alton Keil of Toron
to and his nine-year-old son Law
rence trapped a porcupine in Mus-
koka, christened it “Behs” and then
brought it home tq present it to the
zoo. They took it to Rjyerdale park,
not once but twice, and each time
Bebs was so homesick they had. to
bring it. home. It’s the friendliest
porcupine that ever crawled oyer
Neil’s shoulder (1). There have been
times in his porcupine days when a
holiday in a hospital was necessary
after a brush with them, he admits.
Bebs is.aware of social customs when
who has spent last week here, re
turned home on Sunday'
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark and
son, Gordon, also the former’s fath
er, Mr, James Clark, all of Brussels,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Watson.
Mrs. E. Derby, of Durham,'was the
week-end guest at the home of Miss
'E, Ross and Mrs. Ross.'
Mrs. I. Ashton is visiting her dau
ghters in Sarnia.
MrS. Reg. Hobbs, who underwent
an operation in the Palmerston, Hos
pital recently, is improving as well
as can be expected.
* Threshed 50 Bushels to the Acre •;
Prospects for record crops are re
ported in this section of the. country,
and Mri Wm. Gamble, who threshed,
some* grain last week had 15 acres 'of
grain which yielded 50 bushels to the
acre. Mr. Anson Galbraith also re
ports an equal yield off 20 acres.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carson accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hueston
and grandson, Donald Hueston, to
their cottage on Amberley Beach ov
er the week-end.
Miss Nina McMillan, of Listowel,
was a guest of Miss Dorothy Ed
wards last week.
Recent guests of Dr. and ‘Mrs.
Armtsrong were: Mr. and Mrs. A.
Armstrong, Bayfield; J. Garret Arm
strong, Torontd, als£> Dr. and Mrs.
Jowilt, of Clinton, Iowa.
Mr. Hugh Pritchard, who is home
on vacation from Montreal, will con
duct the service in the Presbyterian
Church here on Sunday.
Mr.' Thos. Bradnock was a Toron
to visitor this week.
Underwent Operation
Friends of Mr. R. S. Clegg will be
pleased to learn he is doing as well
as can be expected, following his op
eration on Sunday evening in Wing
ham Hospital for acute appendicitis.
Mr. Clegg had been in fairly good
health until Sunday morning when
the attack caused his removal to the
hospital where doctors Fraser of
Fordwich and Connell of Wingham
found it necessary to operate.
stranger is introduced because of | given her. A real problem to the I bath. They usually take’ her to the I to wash behind her ears and not
I Neils . develops when she needs a | cellar w,ashtubs (3), but the trick is | plastered with four-inch quills.
the training her owner’s son (2) has | Neils . develops when^ she needs a | cellar w,ashtubs (3), but the trick is | plastered with four-inch quills.
perishing," was sung. Herald report
ed for Japan and a short reading on
“Something to Think About”
read for Christian Stewardship
A solo “The Broken Pinion"
by Mrs. Harvey Sparling was enjoy
ed by al^. After a short business ses
sion, hymn 362 “A charge to keep I
have” was sung and meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs. Whitfield.
Mrs. William Hockridge
. Tire sympathy of the community
is extended to Mr. T. J. Nicholls and
daughter, Mrs. Russel Grainger, in
The loss of daughter and sister, Mrs.
William HoCkridge (Madge), Guelph,
who passed away in Wellesley Hos
pital, Toronto, early Sunday morn
ing, following..a double, operation.
The deceased, who was in her 46th
year, spent her childhood days in
Gorrie and leaves many friends to
mourn her passing; besides her hus
band, two sons and two daughters,
Marjorie at home, and Norma, Mrs.
Lawson, of Toronto,
was held from her late home on Ed
inburgh Rd., Guelph, to Guelph Cem
The funeral
Mr. Clarence White and family and
Mrs, Neil White spent one day last
week with,s Guelph friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fletcher and
son, Dr, G. Milligan Fletcher, his
wife and little son, Keithe, visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter S.
Milligan last week.
Donnie, two year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Gibson, met with a
serious accident when he fell, cutting
an artery in, his forehead.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming, Tor
onto, who had been holidaying at Old
Orchard Beach, Main, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Trios. Brown,
going on Tuesday to their summer
home, Barrie.
Miss Meta McLaughlin, also her
two guests, Misses Margaret and
Frances Hutcheson, of Detroit, are
spending a few holidays with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Hutcheson, Fordwich.
Mr. Ken. - Edgar ‘returned from
Hamilton on Friday, having complet
ed a summer, course there.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIntosh and
son, Harold, Lucknow, spent a few
days last week with Mr. and Mrs. El
dred Nichol.I
est when the congregation were priv
ileged to hear an illustrated lecture
on the Mission Work among the
Lepers, by Rev. Mr. Conklin, Toron
to, * General Sec. to the Leper Mis
sions. Mr. Conklin who made an ex
tended trip to the Leper Missions,
gave some very interesting informa
tion on this work among the suffer
ing. One could not fail in wanting
to help as he showed the ravages of
this dreaded disease among the many
peoples, Canada having only 12 to 15
cases, but in foreign countries it is
very prevalent. Through medical
clinics many are cured and the suff
ering of many more alleviated and
all of them made happier by the work
of the missionaries in bringing the
Gospel to them.
United Church sendee on Sunday
morning next, Aug. 15, will be taken
by Mr. Robert Stocks. There will
be no evening service.
Mrs. D. Purropt and son, George,
of Hamilton, were week-end guests
of Mrs. R. Earls. Miss Edythe Mc
Bride, Hannon, also Miss Marie
Woodhouse, of Hamilton, were also
guest of Mrs. Earls last week.
Mrs. Robert Earls, Miss Isobel and
of the city. In many of these homes
several members of the family were
ill with a similar complaint and when
the flies which swarmed around the
pail containing soiled diapers were
seen to fly to the family dinner table
it is not hard to believe that trans
mission of infection might take place
in this way.
The lesson which all should learn is'
that flies are dangerous carriers. They
should be excluded from our homes
by properly fitting window screens
and screen doors. All filth and decay
ing material should be cleaned up.
Garbage and other refuse should be
wrapped and placed in cans which
have tight-fitting lids. Outdoor priv
ies in farming areas and at summer*
cottages should be properly construct
ed and looked after to exclude the
flies. The few survivors who are clev
er enough to penetrate these defences
may be dealt with in the
means of sticky fly paper
swing with a fly swatter.
Anyone who has visited
where millions-of people are prevent
ed by religious injunction from taking
the life even of a fly, will tell of the
Rev. C. W. and Mrs, McKenzie, p£
Southampton, who were formerly on.
this circuit, renewed old acquaintanc
es a few days recently,
Mrs. Ray Long and children, o£ (
Emerson, Man., are at present visit-'
ing her aunt, Mrs, Wm. Weir and.
other friends.
Mr. .and Mrs. W. E. Weir and.
Miss Edythe Weir and Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Palmer, attended the funeral
of their aunt, Mrs. James Edgar of
A number of the young people of
this locality spent Sunday at the lake,
at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, of Wood-
stock, called on Mr, and Mrs. Edwin
Palmer last Sunday.
Irene, the young daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Finlay, underwent
an operation for appendicitis in the
Wingham Hospital recently. We wish
her a speedy recovery.
Mr. R. Stocks, of Wroxeter, will
occupy the pulpit here next Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. Finlay of Comber,
former pastor and wife of this lo
cality, spent a few days last week re
newing old acquaintances.
Mr. Kenneth Miller, of London, is
j spending his holiday with Mr. and.
Mrs. Edwin Palmer and other friends.
house by
or a full
the East,
“Excuse me, do you happen to be
reading the paper on which you are
sitting?” —Lustige Kolner, Zeitung.
on Tuesday, afternoon.
on friends here last
Bill Parks were vis-
Week-end guests at the home of Mr- Frank Earls> also their &«ests,
Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin were Mr-s. Purropt and son, of Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutcheson, of sPent Sunday with the former’s sis-
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having our factory equipped with the
most modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-class work, we ask you
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seeing us.
E. J. Skelton Son
*it West End Bridge—WALKERTON
w. M. S. HELD
....... 4 ■
A splendid meeting of the W. M.
S. of the United Church in Gorrie
was held at the home of Mrs. John
Wylie on Thursday afternoon, Aug.
5th, with an attendance of fourteen.
Topic: Temperance. Mrs. Wm. Whit
Mrs. ,.rf —
part in short sentence prayers. Read
ings on Temperance followed, Mrs.
Sitnson on Temperance Education,
Mrs. Harding oh Alcohol from an
Economic Standpoint, and Mrs. Gal-
agher on Temperance from a Christ
ian Standpoint. We were favored
with a reading by Mrs. Whitfield de
picting the life of a wife and pother
in d drunkard’s home, representing
an inmate of a poor-house talking to
a gentleman caller, and the subse
quent joy of the mother in the dis
covery that her caller was her re
formed son. Hymn 499 “Rescue the
vice pres., presided throughout,
Scripture reading was taken by
Wylie and several ladies took
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Finlay,
Comber, called
Mr. and Mrs.
itors at Simcoe
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith, Galt,
visited with the former’s parents, Mr.
and tMrs. 'John Smith, during the
Mi1. Bob. Warwick and Miss Ileen
Hyslop, of Howick, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Stewart, Moles-
worth, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Sangster.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Denny, Ford
wich, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Verne Denny.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook were
week-end visitors at Barrie.
Mr. George Pope of London spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R.
Rev. W. S. and Mrs. McKenzie, of
Southampton were recent guests
with Misses E. and K. Hazlewood.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson and
Mr. Edward Gibson of * Hamilton
were week-end visitors with Misses
Marian and, Elsie Gibson.
Dr. I. ■ P. Campbell is at present
enjoying a few weeks’ vacation.
Sympathy ? is extended to Mrs.
Bush in the death of her sister, Mrs.
Edgar, of Wingham, who passed
away on Sunday.
Miss Esther Davey, of Hamilton,
is visiting at the home of Mrs.
Miss Mary Gibson is spending her
vacation with friends at Londesboro.
Mr. John Bryans of Fordwich call
ed on friends in town Sunday even-
fag* .
Mrs. West Palmer and Miss Mur
iel Henning are at present visiting
friends at Salem.
Mr. IL C. Berk inshaw of Toronto
spent the week-end the geust of Mt,
and Mrs. Fred Kitchen.
Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hutch
eson, also Mr. Arthur McLaughlin,
Fordwich; Miss Nellie Hutcheson of
Toronto, and Miss Nellie McLaugh?
lin, of Oshawa.
Miss 'Fowler, 4th line, spent a few
days last week with Seaforth friends.
Miss Florence Fowler also her
guest, Miss Pinkney, Seaforth, and
Mrs. Casemore, Bluevale, spent a
day last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Cameron Inglis, Atwood, and cele
brated little Jackie Orr’s birthday.
Mr. Wm. S." Flainstock, of Shaun-
anon, Sask., visited a few days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Mac-
Naughton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Milne,
also Mrs. Robert French, all of Tor
onto, Mrs. Shortreed and son,’Gor
don, of Walton, were week-end guests
at the MacNaughton home.
Rev. Alex. Sanderson, Mt. Forest,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. D. Sanderson. Alex, and Mrs.
Sanderson who suffered injuries in
a motor accident some time ago are
feeling much better following a trip
to Rermuda. t
Mrs. Mary McKennitt, Toronto,
visiting at the home of Miss
Shearer and Mr. Thomas Sheaffer.
ter, 'Mrs. Moffat, near Wingham.
Mi\ and Mrs. R. J. Beatty, of Sea
forth, also Mrs. Jack Brodie and son
Bobby, Toronto, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. MacDonald on Tues
day of last week.
Huron Insti-
on Thursday,
W. I. Officers’
The officers of East
tute will hold a Rally
Aug. 19, in the basement of United
Church, Wroxeter. Morning session
10 - 12., afternoon session 2-4. Dis
trict President Mrs. Speir, of Brus
sels, will be in charge.
Fourth Line Circle
The July meeting of the Fourth
Line Group was held at the home
of Mrs. Jim Elliott on Wednesday
of last week with nine ladies pres
ent, The President, Mrs. Eldred Ni
chol, presided and opened the meet
ing with the hymn “Unto the hills”.
Mrs. P. S. MacEwen read the Scrip
ture and the president followed With
prayer. Several business items were
disposed of and the afternoon spent
in quilling. The meeting closed with
repeating the Lord’s Prayer in uni
son after which the hostess served
United Church
The Sunday evening service iti the
United Church was of special inter-
The common house fly, in addition
to being an annoyance, is a real men
ace to the health of your family. * It
has been repeatedly proved that the
house fly is capable of transporting
disease germs and in this manner
spreads,infection. This is particularly
true of infectious of the digestive tract
and a good deal Of evidence is accum
ulating that this common pest may be
responsible for the spread of diarr
hoea which Occurs during the summer
and. autumn months.
A large metropolitan children’s hos
pital recently conducted a study of
the homes from which patients with
summer diarrhoea were admitted. By
far the greater number of childreVi
came from the poorer section of the
city where screening was inadequate
and open garbage pails were a com
mon sight. Investigators actually
made counts of the number of flies in
these houses and found that they were
far mote numerous than in other parts
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