HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-08-12, Page 5Thursday, August 12, 1937 Better Summer COATS •i THE wingham advance-times 4 DRESSES 0 Half Price THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. SUMMER RANGE OF BET- TER STYLES AND MATERIALS, WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ SIZES, AND PRICED JUST HALF OF THE REGULAR SELLING PRICE. MEN’S BATHING SUITS Reg. $1.95 / ' • „ • . if Pure wool, and have, de- «« tachable zipper fasten- l.f ing top. All sizes. ' * •’ , MISSES’ NIGHT WEAR Reg. to $1.75 Gowns and Pyjamas in newest lawns and crepes Sizes to 20. RESULTS OF LOWER SCHOOL EXAMS. The name of the candidate is fol­ lowed by the subjects in which pass Standing was secured. Wingham Frances Winnifred Edgar, Arith: Mac Habkirk, Br. Hist. Muriel L. Lane, Arith. Betty- Lloyd, Br. Hist. Jeanne-Lowey, Agri. I. Neal Lowey, Agri.,, I. Edith McClenaghan, Arith. Mamie Merryweather^ Br. Hist. Ruth Nethery, Phys. William Sturdy, Adeline Vansickle, B. Hist. : Blyth Robert Henry Armstrong, Hist., . Geo., Arith, Bot. Hazel Bentley, Eng.. Gram., Arith., Zool. Roy Nelson Bentley, Eng. Gram., Art Br. May I I I t 1 .These Values are Effective for .Week of August 9th to 14th | Phys,, Arith., Bot., Zool. Isabel Anne E. Brigham, Eng. Gram., Arith, Art. William Harry Bryant, Geo., Norma Jeannette Daer, Arith., Zool. Edwin Franklin Lee, Eng. Gram., Phys., Arith., Zool. Morris Keith McMillan,’ Eng. Gram., Arith. Stanley Wilson McNall, Eng. Gram. -Earl Robert Mugford, Arith. Alma Eva Munro, Zool. Louis John Joseph Phelan, Zool. Mary Eileen T. Phelan, Arith. Leslie Walter Rodger, Br. Hist., Geo., Arith., Aft, Bot. Edna Margar­ et Scrimegeour, Phys. Amy Selina Toll, Eng. Gram., Phys., Arith, Zool. Elsie Evang,eline Vincent, Zool. Hel­ en Leona Vincent, Art. Wightman, Br. Hist., Bot. Elvin Henry Geo., Arith., i Ayheel'er and family^ J-etlin pridge^'are visitors here. . ' '7 ” j] ij Mrs. A. Anderson of Landon, also Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Douglas and two daughters, of Lucknow, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Heatherly. Mrs.. London^ 4 /KW itj the weekend in DONNYBROOK W. M. S. meets on Thursday home of Mrs. Jefferson. Jas. Robinson, of Toronto, GLACIER PEA • 2 T,;rB25 ' Choice Meaty EMFO, LIBBY’S or SUMMER PRIDE Sweet Wrinkled CHOICE QUALITY SILVER RIBBON, , EMFO, LIBBY’S, CLARK’S, AYLMER or . CAMPBELL’S - ■■■■■■■■■(■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Ml I Brussels > Thomas Alcock, Bot. man, Arith, Elizabeth Barton, Arith. Ross Bennett, Geo., Art, Bot. Char­ les Bryans, Arith. Mary Helen Eck- mier, Bot. Lyle Evans, Eng. Gram, Fred Lewington, Br. Hist., Geo., Art, Bdt. Harold McDonald, Br. Hist., Arith. Frank Marshall, Br. Hist., Geo., Art, Bot. Robert Smalldon, Br. Hist., Geo',,1 Bot. Della Thyne, Br. Hist., Geo. Art, Bot. ^Isabel Turn­ bull, Br. Hist. Gram., Hist. Helen Bate- Ivor Williams, Eng. Br.Agri. I. Glenn Wheeler, BELGRAVE Juice 1014-02. Tins. - ■' 'Qufqk Suds that Last .TLA • CHIPSO ;;TTarge Navy JM| TOILET t-- .3 Fancy KETA SALMON i Tall A Titjs .AV Singapore PINEAPPLE 19-oz, Tins ■ .i 4 ? 'All For ’ Women’s Institute will 3 Packages of KELLOGG—Corn Flakes r! BOWL ■X5 "DOMINION FRUIT” M Celery Stalk 5c Bunch I Apples I 6 Lbs. 25c Cabbage 2 for 15c *;| Cantelope - Peaches - Tomatoes st-* hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 17th, at the home of Mrs. Rob­ ert Higgins. This will be the Girls’ Meeting with Laura Hopper and N. Van Camp as convenors. The follow­ ing program has been arranged. Roll Call—Something I could do to make better institute meetings. Motto — “What kind of a branch would this branch be, if every member was just lik'd,me?” Miss Jessie.Pearson, Ethel. Cutfent Events. Address “A Year at (Normal,” Ferrol Higgins. . Music by Freda Jordan." Reading, Edith Proc­ ter. Lunch Com.: Girls of the Insti­ tute. While trucking cement from the station for paving operations at Bel­ grave on Thursday afternoon, Archie Montgomery was badly hurt. He was riding on the side of the truck when he was hit by another truck when the trucks sideswiped, One leg is quite badly injured where it was caught between the handle of the door and the other truck. He wag taken to the hospital ihx Wingham where he is improving. Hora ’and Ruth Mitchell, Rothsay, are spending a holiday with relatives here. Service in Knox United Church iri Belgrave and also at Krick Church will be taken by Mrs. C. R. Coultes’ Class of Girls on Sunday, Aug. IS. Mrs. A. Nethery, Norma and Dor­ othy, of Hamilton, spent the past week!with relatives around Belgrave.' and Mrs. L. Wheeler and: dau­ ghter, Gladys, of Vancouver, who have spent the past few weeks with, relatives here, left last week tor their home. The at 'the Mr. spent last week with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Naylor. Miss Ruth Thompson visited with friends in Goderich last week. Miss Marjorie Campbell of the staff of Stratford General Hospital is va­ cationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Campbell, , Miss Gladys Jefferson, ’ R.N., and Oliyc/Jefferson, R.N-, of Woodstock, were'' home over the week-end, Miss Olive remaining for a month’s vaca­ tion before taking up her duties on the staff of Brantford General Hos­ pital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Ashby and fam­ ily, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Robinson. ^Mr. an<l ^Mrs. Ernie Doerr and dau­ ghter, Joan, of Stratford, were week­ end visitors* with her , parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Chamney. A pleasant and profitable afternoon was. spent on Wednesday at t'he-.hojpe of Mrs. .Jas. Craig when the St. Aug­ ustine Institute entertained the mem­ bers of the St.* Helens Branch, The president, Mrs, Gus Kinahan, took charge of the business part.^of the meeting,' the subject of the roll call was “The Birthplace of My Grand­ father.” The St. Helens branch con­ tributed two musical numbers, a pi­ ano solo by Mrs. Durnin Phillips and a vocal solo by Mrs. Rice, which were much enjoyed. Miss Josephine Mc­ Allister, convenor of the committee of Historical Research, then took charge of the programme and called upon Mrs. John Redmond, who gave the history of St. Augustine R. C. Church since Its beginning and Miss Rebecca Thompson who gave the his­ tory of Donnybrook Church since its beginning. Miss McAllister also gave the history of the community of St. Augustine. Mrs. Jas. Craig gave the history of her grandparent's and Mrs. Bert Thompson read an article writ­ ten by Mr. Gavin Green of Goderich entitled “The Days * of the Linen Duster” which proved instructive as well as entertaining. K Miss Rebecca Thompson displayed an ancient coal oil lantern, the first lantern to be us­ ed in this locality. Miss McAllister gave a demonstration on making tal­ low "candles. Mrs. Wallace Miller thanked the St. Augustine ladies on behalf of the St. Helens branch for a very pleasant afternoon, lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. The attendance was 43. It was decided to invite the district President, Mrs. Os­ ter, of Blyth, to our September .meet­ ing which is to be held at the home of Mrs. Mark Armsrong. home of Mr. and Mrs. Aley. Mac- Ewen. „ Mr. Wlils fcasemore of,, Wroxeter spent1 Svhday at Ifedfpme b$Mr. and Mrs. Will AbfMftfiU’ .. , , » - Mr. Harry Hetherington and Mrs.' Alex. Campbell spent the tweek«end with friends at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Roy King and fam­ ily of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr, George Mathers, We are sorry to hear Mrs. (Rev.) Robb is very low at present but we hope she will get better. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Mathers and family spent the week-end with his father. Miss Janet Woods spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Bosman, 2nd line. We are glad to hear Miss Mary Smillie is getting better and returned to her home to take care of her bro­ ther, Will, We were sorry to hear Mr, Will Smillie was taken to Clinton Hospi­ tal last week suffering from ganger- ine in his toe. He had his leg tak­ en off below the knee. We hope for a speedy recovery, The farmer are busy cutting their oats and some have threshed their fall wheat good. which is turning out BELMORE very It is, our duty to correct a take made in last week’s issue, regret that there is no Mrs. Douglas. It should have read Douglas. e ■ A very successful quilting was Wednesday afternoon at the manse by members of the missionary soc­ iety. The funeral of Mr. Charles Nichol of Mildmay, was held Saturday after­ noon, Mr. and Mrs. Zinn and Mr. and Mrs. Curie attended from here. Miss Elizabeth. Hakney is a pat­ ient in Wingham Hospital. Miss Yvonne Douglas is spending her holidays with Mrs. Elmer Pur- don^ Windsor. f The Presbyterian Picnic held in Mr. Wm. Darling’s grove Tuesday af­ ternoon was well attended. Rev. and Mrs. .Sinclair of Allan- dale, also Rev. and Mrs. Jones were recent visitors at Tom Abraham’s. Miss Marjory H^rd is holidaying at Lion’s Head. "Mr. Alex. Marshall of Gorrie was visitor Sunday at Wm. Curl’s.a MORRIS Mr. and Mrs-. Milo Casemore and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Inglis of At­ wood. Mr. Harold McIntosh, of Kincar­ dine, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. John Abraham. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tamanus, of St George, were week-end visitors at the 1 “ Simple or Elaborate Artistic beauty should be, a char­ acteristic of every Memorial. But that does not mean that all Mem­ orials should be expensive, A chastely simple design is often quite as effective as one that is elaborately ornate. We should be glad of an opportunity to show you,our Book of. Designs, wherein are featured M^i^riaJsAf all types. Sand Blast wbejre’sairi^^ist should be used, Pn^twMtj^yftbols Used where . they sh^lfeSotsed. ■ Btiy your' Memorials. ,fr,qn^ the Wing­ ham Memorial!.SliDp;''ywhere you get. the better.granites, .the better polish and finish, better.xlass of carving and lettering for less, money. YotfM&’h High RresstiiV' Salesmen’s ' long* distance travelling- and selling ex­ penses, long distance hauling and trucking and setting expenses and 4fhe4 high overhead, expenses by buying your memorials from us. rTaTspotton roofing on easy Side and . end laps are weather, tight. ^-22? Guelph Street PRESTON, ONTARIO Get the finest money can buy_____ payments, spread over three years. Tite-Lap and Rib Roll roofings pre durable, handsome in appearance, fire-proof: even lightning-proof if erected according to the Lightning Rod Act. Buy from a company that has served you honestly for years—whose products set the pace—Eastern Steel Products Limited TITE-LAP and RIB-ROLL ROOFING Both Tite-Lap and Rib- Roll are easily put on over yojir old roof. They save you money by cut­ ting upkeep costs, pro­ tecting your crops and livestock. Be sure to get the genuine E.S.P. pro­ duct. Send ridge and ■ rafter measurements for free cost estimate. Eastern Steel Products Factories also at MONTREAL and TORONTO YEARS TO PAY under the HOME IMPROVEMENT statite A drive-screw nail, develop­ ment of the Preston Led- Hed Nail. Takes.ten times as much force to draw it out of a sheathing board as a stan­ dard barbed roofing nail, JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT Write for literature on the famous Jamesway Poultry Equipment. Complete line of incubators, brooder stoves, poultry house equipment of all kinds. Specialists in ventilation and housing for poultry. The Preston Fertilator attached to your seed drill enahles you to sowfertilizer with your fall wheat. mis- We Garl, - - - . Carl I taxes $98,63; Stewart Procter, inspec- day, August 16th, 1937. tor, $3.00; Carl Oakley, Relief $10.00. A. 2'.. making tile $46.00; County Treasurer,The next Council meeting on Mon­ held EAST WAWANOSH Miss Helen Thompson returned home on Sunday after spending a fortnight with friends in Windsor. Brick W.M.S. will hold a meeting on Thursday, Aug. 19th, at the home of Mrs. Chas. Shiell. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Irving, Donegal, on Sunday. Mrs. Sam McBurney, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Shiell and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mc­ Burney, Windsor, returned home on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Shiell and Doris spent a week with friends at Holyrood. Mr. Clifford Purdon is spending a few days at Tillsonburg. . Miss Euphemia Chamney visited with Mrs. Sam Thompson on Sun­ day. Mr. arid Mrs. Robert McKenzie and family, of Belgrave, visited at Chas. Shiell’s on Sunday. Misses Dorothy and Gwen McBur­ ney, Windsor, are visiting with friends here. ' - ' • • ' Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Leaver and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes spent Sunday at Goderich. JAMESTOWN Mr; Jack Warwick and bride were recipRntg of a miscellaneous shower last Tuesday evening, Mrs. Wm. Grainger left for Tor­ onto Saturday. We hope she may soon feel improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bradshaw and family, Mr. Alex, MacDonald spent Sunday at Goderich. Bonnie and Margaret Richardson are visiting their aunt,Mrs. Oswald Simpson. <■. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grainger re­ turned to Detroit Sunday afternoon, Mr. Clareftce Grainger accompanying» them. Mr. and Mrs, Allan McKercher, Glenn and Ruth were at Goderich on ’ Sunday. MORRIS COUNCIL At the Morris Council meeting held in the Township Halt on Monday, Hyly ID, 1937, all the Councillors and '(he Reeve were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap­ proved. V.tl The followjngraccQUnts •wcre.,pard * Corp. Brussels,, .Kelleft $9.28; • County hos’Mf|i|i .charge, . Armstmogj $42.85; meat,..$2.45 h Sawyer* Massey^ acet. $135.26; Simpson-Mc­ Call, repairs to drain $1.50,’ J, Smith, SPANISH REFUGEES -5*•73?' • A. MacEwen, Clerk. ter fleeing from Spain. The woman was born in the United States, but later married and moved to Spain several years ago. As the Spanish civil war continues to rage, refugees are streaming from the war-torn countiy. ABOVE is shown a mother and her six child­ ren as they arrived in New York af- Buchanan Hardware, Wingham WASHABLE SANITARY SATIN FINISH ENAMEL t » ’ ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARGAINS From WINGHAM AUG. 20 and 21 to Lansing and Battle Creek, Mich., South Bend, Ind., and CHICAGO $7.00 AUG. 20 and 21 —TO— AUG. 21 Port Huron . $2.30 I Windsor i * • $3.65 I and Durand \ $4.00 1 p*——,,— _ ■ ,* 3>«*.vu Detroit •#» J ' Equally to# from all adjacent C.N.R. Stations ; ' Tickets, Train Inf<yrmaticTi, Return Limits fjrom Agents. ASK FOR HANDRILL \ CANADIAN NATIONAL