HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-08-05, Page 8THS WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, August Sth, 1937 LYCeMTeaTRE ...4_______________________ _ . . Show Starts at 8 p.m, 3 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 5th, 6 th, 7th JACK HOLT ~ LOUISE HENRY -—— In "End of the Trail Romance and Drama in the West. Also a Charley Chase Comedy and Scrappy Cartoon with Fox News. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 9, 10, 11th SPECIAL l‘1 A Musical Comedy Romance. Also an Andy Clyde Comedy and Short Subject Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. WHITECHURCH . Mr. Russel Reid of Brantford spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. A. Reid. . - A car driven by a Windsor man run into Gordon McGee’s car on Saturday OUR WATCH REPAIRS Stand the test of time. Williams The Jeweller night, when it was parked in front of Dr. Crawford’s office and bent the fender and broke the rdnning board. Mrs. MacGregor and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson of Paramount, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross on Sunday. The service in the United Church was taken on Sunday by Rev. Gray- don O. Cox of Matheson and next Sunday, Rev. J. W. Watt will be in charge. Miss Winnifred Farrier is spending this week with Mrs. Lome Johnston of Cedar Valley and Garnet and Rus­ sel are playing in the orchestra in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson of Kinloss, Mrs. A. Emerson and James and Bert Cullimore spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colwell of Glamis. The ladies of the Women’s Institute Drive In to the New B. A. Service Station WINGHAM ONTARIO TO HAVE Your Car Washed, Your Oil Changed, or a Grease Job Properly Done By Experts with new expensive Air Driven Equipment. c Tires Economically Repaired _ ,, by Bowes System or New Ones Installed. Brakes Relined and Adjusted For Safety by a reliable qualified mechanic. Fender Bumping and Ducoing. New Parts and Accessories. PROMPT, HONEST, COURTEOUS SERVICE Air, Water, Advice arid Information Free. fl .1 O T> ..Hnimirn Xr KpnnATi JL JlwJJL JI 4 BJL wJL JL AX» JU dll 1C * w * | held a very successful picnic at the I 10th bridge on Friday, The games I and contests were keenly contested I and all enjoyed the good time. I Mrs. Milton Sheriff, and. Alvin, He- I len, and Marion of Hamilton visited on Sunday, at. the, home of Mr. and Bv, farrier and are ..spending the SfWgek at the home of her sister, Mrs. ‘George Swan. The following have taken children from the neighbourhood association into • their homes for this week, Mrs. Archie Aitcheson two girls, Mrs, J. G. Gillespie, two girls and Mrs, John Hutchison 1 boy. Mrs. Roy Patten of Lucan spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. A, Fox, Mr, and Mrs. R, K, Finlayson of Ottawa, and Mr. Donald Finlayson of Lochalsh, visited with their aunt, Mrs. Jas, MacGregor on Friday. Mrs. Holmes is visited at present with relatives at Holmesville, Miss Lorna McCIenaghan who has been at Southampton for the past few weeks spent parents, Mr. ghan. Rev. and last week at son, Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Watt,1 Harold Gaunt spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt at South­ ampton. * Rev. and Mrs. G. O. Cox and daugh­ ter, Donna left on Tuesday for Pal­ merston from where they leave fbr their home in Matheson, after holiday­ ing with friends and relatives here. Mrs. Campbell of London is visit­ ing with Mrs. Robert Ross. Mr. Dan Mackay of Guelph, visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hector Mackay. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casemore and three children of Blenheim, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Casemore of Turnberry and with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Case­ more of Kinloss. Mrs. Andrew Fox and Miss Isabel left last Wednesday to visit with re­ latives in British Columbia and Sask­ atchewan, Mrs. A. Emerson received word : last week that her brother-in-law, Mr. i H. D. Peppier of Tavistock went through a heavy operation in a Lon­ don hospital last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Kirk of Clin­ ton and Mr, ami Mrs. Norman Kirk of Fort Wayne, Indiana, spent Thurs­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Threshing started in this district last week. We understand that Mr. Duncan Kennedy has sold his thresh­ ing outfit to Mr. Alec Mowbray of Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and-baby lean, who have, spent the past few Veeks at Southampton, where Mr. Gaunt is working with the Towland C instruction Company.' The young people of the district he'd a weiner roast at the picnic gre unds at the 10th bridge on Wed­ nesday evening, a sing-song brought the evening to a close, Mr. and Mrs. Broomer of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John J. McGee. ■ ' r Quite a number of the war veterans of the Wingham legion attended the Goderich Parade on Sunday morning. Word was received here on Thurs­ day of the sudden death of Rev. G. M. Dunn, of Pape Avenue Presbyterian Church, Toronto, and a former pastor of the Presbyterian Church here. Mr. John Gillespie'was asked to act as a pallbearer, and, he, with Mr. Chas. Martin and Louise, and Mrs. Bert Thompson and Floyd spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. Dunn was bur­ ied in Prospect cemetery on Saturday. He leaves to mourn him, two sons, his wife predeceased him gpme time ago. Miss Eileen Broomer of Toronto is visiting with her cousin, Miss Mary Dow. Among those from a distance who 'attended the funeral of the late George Naylor were Mr. Milton Naylor, Mr. Jas. Robinson and son Frank and Mr. . and Mrs. Price Naylor and son from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Nay­ lor and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miner of London, Mr, and Mrs, Alf Naylor and daughter, Grace of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Proctor of Brussels and Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Butcher and Mrs. Bayley of Blyth, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Huey and son Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horley, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Horley and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hazzard and Mrs. Wm. Logan and Mrs, Carman Horley of Wallaceburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Pratt and Beatrice and Leona and. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pratt of Brownsville. The many friends of this family extend sympathy to them in their bereavement. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Patterson spent Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs. Johr^Purner of Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. Lester Falconer of Culross and Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Fal- conef, arcompanied by their aunt, Mrs, Hedley, who has been visiting with relatives here for the past month and who leaves from London this week for her home in Minhville, Oregon? spent Sunday with relatives at London, Mrs. Hafry Robb and sou Terry of Teeswaterf spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lester Falcon- ■er. Miss Olive Farrier attending the .short course at London University, •spent the'week end at her home here. Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 week end wi£h her BLUEVALE the and Mrs*. Ben McClena- J. W. Watt spentMrs. Southampton with their THERE’S A DIFFERENCE Are you satisfied with just ice cream or 'do you look for that thick, rich, creamy ice cream like they used to make at home? Try ours, made at our own Dairy. BRICKS — 15c Foxton’s Dairy For ICE CREAM SpeciaLThis Week Muffets, 2 pkgs............ 19c Serviettes (white) 80 in pkg. 15c S. O. S. Magic Scouring Pads ___________ ____ 15c and 25c Kippered Snacks ___ ...... 5c Gilette Blue Blades...25c pkg. Maple Leaf Baking Powder 1 Lb. Can...,......-..........— 15c Glacier Sardines, 3*/2 oz. net 10c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 8 Oz. .......................... -...■*.—- Our Own Special Brand Bulk Tea, 1 Lb...................50c Helmet Corned! Beef, 12 Oz. Tins, 2 for ....—--------25c Pickling Spices and all Season­ ings in stock. 21c Courtesy Prompt Delivery Our Slogan: “You have tried the rest, now try the Best." Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Kerry of "Pais­ ley, 'spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ab. Coultes. A Regular 50c Bottle of Jasmine Shaving Lotion and a 35c Tube of Jasmine Shaving Cream Both for 59c THE GILLETTE LIMITED OFFER ALL THIS GET YOURS TO-DAY 1 McKibbon’s Drug Store The Rexall Store Henderson’s Barber Shop Next to Carter’s Bakery Catering to Particular People Satisfaction Asstired. Genuine Leather Key Cases - Bill Felds Change Purses and Tobacco Pouches Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe % Institute to Meet Aug, 12th Miss Florence Fowler will bp the hostess for the regular meeting of the Women’s Institute on Thursday after­ noon, Aug. 12th at 2.30 sharp, Roll Call, name a traffic law. Motto, Stop Look, Listen! R. S. Hetherington, barrister, Wingham will be the guest speaker and will address the. meeting on the Divorce Law of Canada and Laws of Interest to Women. Exhibit a quilt or quilt block. Visitors are al­ ways welcome. Rev. J. R, Greig and Mrs, Greig have leased a cottage and are spend­ ing their vacation at Point Clark. Preached at Presbyterian Church Donald McRae of Brussels occupied the pulpit in Knox Presbyterian church on Sunday morning and de­ livered a stirring message, following the sermon, W. L. Spier of Brussels sang “The Stranger of Galilee.” Next Sunday Rev. C. H. MacDonald of Lucknow will have charge of the seryices. Dr. E. S. Coultes, Dr. J. F. Coultes, Phildelphia and Miss Mabie Coultes, Toronto, are enjoying a holiday with their mother, Mrs. Thomas Coultes. Miss Mae Davidson, Wroxeter is visiting her brother, W. S, and Mrs. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Douglas, Lon­ don, were week end guests of Miss.. Duff and Mrs. Aitken. • Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth Mowbray and Joyce, Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mowbray. Miss Marie Webtlaufer, Blyth;~spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wettlanfer. , Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks and two daughters, spent the week end with friends in London. Mrs. Alice Aitken visited during tho> past week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Field at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. James Kerney spent Sunday at Eugenia Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. Geddes and Mr. and Mrs. R. Nicholson, Belgrave were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Robertson and Miss Fraser. BELMORE The July meeting of the Missionary Society of the United Church was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of the Misses Jeffray, with Mrs. Curie as organist. Meeting opened with singing_and prayer, minutes by Sec.- Treas; roll call, a proverb; reading, Mrs. Alex. Corrigan.; reading of study book, Minnie Jeffray. Nine attended. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Newans, of Detroit, motored over and spent Sat­ urday and Sunday with Mrs. Newans, Mrs. .Geo. Rutherford returning with them. . ’ ‘ Miss Mole, of Seaforth, is holiday­ ing with Mrs. Geo. Mundell. Mrs. Wesley Abraham and daugh­ ter at Tom Abraham’s, Brussels. ' Mrs. Copeland, Salem, was a recent visitor with Eleanor and Minnie Jeff­ ray. Mrs. Muir, and son, of Glenannan visited with Hannah and Mary Stokes. Mrs. Normdn Baiers is visiting her mother at Logan. Miss Eunice Hakney and Miss Blanche Irwin of Toronto spent the holiday at their homes here. * Mr. and Mrs. Carter McKee, Galt, are holidaying at Roland Ballagh’s. Mrs. Robt. Aitken renewing ac­ quaintances. Mrs. Raynor’s mother was a visitor at the Manse Wednesday* In the absence of the Pastor the young of the United Church took the service very acceptably on Sunday, [Mrs. Ca’rl Douglas Was soloist. Miss Sarah Hakney has returned to Toronto. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sebben and fam­ ily of Stratford were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller. Miss Laurine Miller returned with them for a week’s visit. Mrs. E. J, Thom and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thompson of Lucknow motor­ ed to Toronto on Thursday to visit MisS Helen Thom who is taking a three-months’ training in the Sick Children’s Hospital there. The regular meeting of the Y. P, UK was held on the church lawn on Sun­ day evening, It was opened by a song service. The Scripture lesson was read by Iona Swan. Isobel Miller read a chapter front the book “In the Steps of the Master?’ The service in the United Church on Sunday morning was taken by Rev. Gtaydofl Cox of Hearst, Next Sunday w WITHIN j YOUR ’ J BUDGET, R* —A SHOP AT BULK SOAP CHIPS 3 Lbs. 25c Campbell’s TOMATO JUICE 54-Oz. Tin ...... 25c LIBBY’S PINE­ APPLE JUICE .............19c Tin O.K. Unwrapped LAUNDRY SOAP..-........... . 10 Rars 29c LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS....... 2 Large Tins 25c Dixie E|ainty GRAPE­ FRUIT JUICE .............15c Tin SPECIAL VALUE GLASS SHERBT AND PLATE FREE With MINUTE TAPIOCA............................2 Pkgs. 33c NEW STYLE * 1 ZINC RINGS 25c Dozen MEMBA SEAL For Jams and Jellies 10c pkg. CERTO Jells All Fruit Cut 14 White RUBBER RINGS ... 5c Dozen 25c Bottle SPECIAL VALUE FRENCH DRIP COFFEE GROUND WHILE YOU WAIT Manning’s COCOANUT . COOKIES ..........„..r..„....15c Pkg. McIntosh’s GAIETY TOFFEE .... BUTTERNUT PEANUT BUTTER 2 Lbs.'25c 29c . 33c Lb. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES ... 3 Pkgs. 25c FRESH SALTED PEANUTS ............. 2 Lbs. 25c . NEW, MILD CHEESE 21c Lb. SPECIAL VALUE OUR OWN BLEND BLACK TEA ........... .............................. 59c Lb. Miracle Whip Salad 1 CHATEAU DRESSING 32-Oz. Jar 57c 1 CHEESE___.. 17c Yi Lb. Pkg. We Have A Full Line ofl Cooked Meats, Back Bacon, Breakfast Bacon and Cottage Rolls Sliced to Your Order. Also Fresh Home-Grown Tomatoes at Special Prices by the Basket or Pound. ,X' Rev, Mr. Watt of Long Branch will be in charge. Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto was home for the holiday week-end. Miss W. D. Rutherford was a Week­ end guest of Miss Elizabeth McKen­ zie of Kincardine. Miss Bernice Anderson of Belgrave is a visitor at the home of her uncle, Mr. Will Rutherford. Members of the. Y.P.U. enjoyed a picnic at the Maitland River. While the young folks spent most of the af­ ternoon in the river some of the old­ er ones played quoits, after which a keenly contested program of sports was carried out under the leadership o‘f Misses Irene Woods, Isobel and Dorothy Miller. The following were winners: girls 8 or under, Margaret McPherson, Verna McDonald; boys 8 or under, Billy McPherson, Don Cam­ eron; boys 14 and under, Earl Mc­ Donald, Billy McPherson; young lad­ ies’ race, Isobel Miller, Grace Weath­ erhead; young men’s race, Charlie Mc­ Donald, Dicle Weatherhead; married couple’s race, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mc- INSURANCE ALL KINDS Sun Life Assurance Co. v Fire - Casualty Automobile Mrs. E. A. VANSTONE John St. Phone 192 I Pherson, Mr. Lome Woods and Mrs. Murdie; bean race, ladies, Mrs. G. McPherson, Mrs. Murdie; boys’ bean race, A. Miller, G, McDonald, men’s bean race, Mr. Robinson Woods, Mr. John Cameron; balloon race, Gordon McPherson and Murray Taylor, Wal­ lace Miller and Dick Weatherhead; date race, Mr. and Mrs. John Camer­ on; Mr. Lome Woods and Mrs. W. A. Miller; Clothes Pin race, ladies, Isobel Miller, Mrs. G. McPherson; men, Charlie McDonald, Cuyler Ram­ age; Bean contest, John Cameron, Lome Woods. 1'HA1 EXTRA F EW MINUTES We spqnd-fa eye examinations means _ perfect satisfaction to our friends. Come here with perfect confidence—you will be treated fairly at all times. R. A. REID Registered Optometrist Office in Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morn­ ing — 9.00 to noon. Phone 55 for appointment. Cent A Mile (Minimum Fares:.. Adults 75c . Children 40c) AUGUST 13-14 From WINGHAM To TORONTO £!so |?x?^an^0^ Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Fer- |Hs’/,°?cric'’>(Juelph|Harnilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Pa‘-S ley& Paris, Port Elgin, St Catharines, Ivte WoodS”"’ Stratford\ Strathro5'' Walk,Srl0”< I " Os’iawa- Sowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton Jet, Belle­ ville, Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brookville,, Prescott, Morris­ burg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, LmdSay, Peterboro, Campbellford, New­ market, Penetang, Collingwood, Meafotd, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst Bracebridge, Huntsville, Callander, North Bay, Parry Ury; all Ontario on l*ne df Temiskaming r aLi J11?1?8’11® Central Rly., Kapuskaslug, Lohglac, Geraldton, Jelhcoe, BeardmorC, Red Rock; .. ATTRACTIONSTORONTO - BASEBALL GUELPH. AUG 13 14 15SAT., AUG. 14 NEWARK Vs. TOkONTO WtSn Ontario MON., AUG. 16 SYRACUSE Vs. TORONTO Veterans’Reunion. For Fares, Return Limits, Tram Information, Tickets, consult near- * . ... 4 fest Agent. T.863A Sec handbills for complete listof destinations.CANADIAN NATIONAL ' ! ■ Z'■!'-I I',riiA!!:L ' jnyi ;; ;-i ■ -wmii ri v ■■**** <r ** 4. . YV'-- ■ *4..