HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-08-05, Page 5Thursday, August 5th, 1937 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE FIVE I Singapore 19-oz. Tins t 1 • Bulk Peanut Butter 2lbs Domnol 6-qt. Can Motor Oil . These Value, Effective Until Saturday, August 7th SILVER RIBBON TOMATO JUICE Fancy KETA DOMI I STORES LI Mill 10V-OZ. Salmon Pineapple Lyle of Linwood, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Stokes. Mis&s Isabel Fortune of Calgary and Catherine Fortune are spending some time with their sister, Mrs. Dan McCallum of Woodbridge, Miss Mabel Coin of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her cou­ sin, Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Stokes -spent Sunday at Milverton. Mrs. Robert Crawford accompanied them home and will visit for a short time. Mr. Archie Taylor of North Bay, was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Metcalfe. On Wednesday evening the Glen- annan Literary Society gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Ba­ con and presented them with a mir­ ror and silk bedspread. A short ad­ dress was read by Mrs. Harry Brown and the presentation was made by Misses Sadie Stokes and Lois Apple­ by, Both Mr. and Mrs. Bacon thank­ ed them for their kindness. A enjoy­ able evening was spent in dancing. * BELGRAVE Clark’# Pork » Beans 22-oz. Tins IO Christie* BISCUITS 19Assorted Creams Brunswick Asst Sardines Fresh Salted Peanuts t i lb. i Fancy Rock Lobster Black, Ground Pepper .25 .37 GOOD DATES SPIRIT 35 Gallon Vinegar JOLLY Mr. and Mrs. Smith and MiSs Smith, also Mr. Charles and Morris Fay, for- jnerly*a Belgrave boy, all of Hamilton spent the holiday with friends in Bel­ grave. $ Mrs. Violet Coultes of London, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule. The soil demonstration which was sponsored by them Belgrave Farmers’ Club on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coultes, proved to be very interesting and instructive. Mr. Stevenson also addressed the .gather­ ing on the destruction of weeds, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coult.es and Mabel spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ”H. Buffett and family at Carsonville, Mich. Paving is progressing on No. 4 and is down past the village on the east half of the road. > The Young People’s Society of Brick Church took the services in Knox United Church, Belgrave and Brick Church oh Sunday. There will be no services on Sunday, Aug. 8. RETURNS HOME Mrs. James H. R. Cromwell, the former Doris Duke, heiress to the to­ bacco > fortune, pictured aboard the liner Conte di Savoia upon arriving in New York following a leisurely trip around the world with her hus­ band. After a stay at Newport, the Cromwells will go to San Francisco, then by clipper to Honolulu, where they are building a great manor home. DOMINION FRESH FRUIT Tomatoes, Potatoes, Cabbage, Peaches Fresh Daily. Vegetable Marrow 10c Stalk Celery 10c BLYTH by a GLENANNAN Dr. James and Mrs. Scott of Det­ roit, renewed old acquaintances on the 10th pn Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Weismer and baby Crawford of Listowel, also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston and baby BY BETTY BARCLAY [WllWtWUlUIl FARMERS ATTENTION WE REMOVE DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE - ----- CALL US FOR PROMPTNESS ----- Out Men Will Shoot Old and Disabled1 Horses. Telephone Your Nearest Station Collect. ONTARIO TALLOW CO. SEAFORTH 15 7h& FOO© PRIMIR stands for TheWaffle-when eaten With rich bottled syrup Itcaiwot be beaten! Civic Holiday was observed large number of bur citizens attend­ ing the Old Boys Re-Union at God­ erich. Mr. V. M. Bray, Manager of the Bank of Commerce, spent a few days with Mrs. Bray at their cottage in the vicinity of Ottawa. He was ac­ companied by Miss Vivian McElroy and Mr. Fred Cafthene of Palmers­ ton. Rev. R. A. Brook has returned from his holidays and occupied his pulpit on Sunday and gave a very impressive address on the beneficial effects of taking a holiday. During the morning service a solo was contributed by Mrs.' Murray Cole, of Toronto, who is vis­ iting her mother, Mrs. Helen Milne. Dr, Voakes’ new residence at Queen St. South is progressing. Mr. Rintoul of Wingham who has ‘the contract, is busy getting the foundation ready for the brick work. Blyth Band will go to Goderich on Wednesday and will take part in the Band Tattoo. Dr. E. C. Wilford and family, mis­ sionaries in West China, are sailing for Canada and friends expect to see them August 10th. Miss Melba McElroy of Wellington High School staff, is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Edith Bell. SALEM waving the left hand in a clockwise motion, which simultaneously indi­ cates a turn to the right and signals the driver behind that it is safe to pass on the left side, ' x “Stop” or “slow” is indicated by ex­ tending the left arm downwards, and care should be taken, when approach­ ing an intersection, to slow down sev­ eral yards, rather than a few feet, from the crossing. Poor Prof.: “What's the formula for water, Jones?” “H I J K L M N O,” spelled out the scholar. “What’s that?” barked the master. The scholar slowly repeated the let­ ters. “Whatever are you driving at?” said thatthe master. "What gave you idea?” “You, sir,” said -ones, "You yesterday it was H to O.” said "He who loves goodness harbors angels, reveres reverence, and lives with God,”'—Emerson. News and Information For the Busy Farmer Shipping to Britain Canadian foodstuffs are imported into the United Kingdom free of duty and are exempt- from import duties chargeable on foreign merchandise, provided that the British Customs au­ thorities are satisfied that the condi­ tions attached to the concession of Imperial preference have been full- filled, that is, the inclusion in the shipping documents of the proper cer­ tificate of origin. re- in- Increasing Yields The application of a definite scheme of crop rotation is being found an important factor in reducing feed costs. The chief advantages of such a practice are: (1) Maintaining and improving soil fertility, ’thus increas­ ing yields; (2) Assisting in weed con­ trol; (3) Assisting in the control of insect and crop diseases by having various crops on fresh soil each year; and it makes a more even distribu­ tion of labor throughout the year pos­ sible. Increasing the yield per acre is one of the best ways of reducing cost pect ment in that township in this Union School -Section to all school children ■for diphtheria toxoid and asked that E. Wawanosh co-operate regarding children in attendance from this town­ ship. No ’action was taken, at present garding this treatment till further formation would be obtained. On motion of Beecroft and Ruddy the following rates of taxation were struck for’ the present year, County rate 6 4|10 mills, Tp. rate 1 5[10 mills and general school rate 3 8(10 mills on the dollar. Ratepayers will be pleased to know that there is a reduc­ tion of 3|10 of a mill for County pur­ poses and one mill for township pur­ poses from 1936. The following bills were paid: El­ liott Book Store, collector’s roll $5.65; The Advance-Times, Voters’ Lists, $51.68; A. Rollinson, Auburn Poliec Village, accounts $77.00; Road Ac­ counts: Chas. Robinson, crushing, $234.36; Joe Kerr, trucking $319.74; 5, McBurney, Road Supt., $46.39; R. McGee, trucking tile $2.00; Mahood & Stewart, cemen-t $2.60; J. Halliday,, oil $2.25; H. Giousher, gravel and truck, Road 2, $192.00; R. C. McGow­ an, checking, Road 2, $21.60; R. Chamney, gravel and checking, Road 6, $35.24; T. Robinson, checking, Rd. 6, $1.00; Wm. Irwin, ditching, Road 6, $2.40; W. Scott, dragging Road 6, [ $3.00. Council adjourned to meet again on Tues., Sept. 7th. A. Porterfield, Clerk. MOTORISTS, HERE’S ... HOW TO SIGNAL « d OPTOMETRIST COMING To Brussels In Mis? Maude Bryans’ Home All Day and Evening Thursday, August 12 th Why continue to suffer from Headache, Blurred Vision, Nervous­ ness, Sick Stomach, etc, LET US EXAMINE YOUS EYES BY THE NEWEST SCIENTIFIC APPROVED METHOD AND PRESCRIBE THE PROPER CORREC­ TION TO GIVE YOU CLEAR COMFORTABLE VISION Frederick Homuth THE MODERN OPTOMETRIST Harriston, Phone 118. Brussels, Phone 26X. Hydrated lime is effective only when in the form of a light dry powder. If it • becomes hard when subjected to moisture, it is non-injurious to the slugs. Consequently a few light ap- plications of the lime at intervals of three orjfour days is much more ef­ fective than one heavy dose. Another method recommended is to spray the plants with Bordeaux<*mixture. *4- of production, and in this resr crop rotation plays a real part. Care of Chicks and ^Layers Males that are being^saved .for breeding purposes should not be al­ lowed just to shift for themselves. It is best to keep these young males in a yard or on a range by themselves where they do not come in contact with the pullets and bother them. In order to reduce fighting to the min­ imum among these young males, it is a good plan to keep some of the old­ er males with those that are being held over.from last season’s breeding pens. These old males among these youngsters will act more or less as policemen and will be a big help in preventing fighting. It is a good plan on cockerel ranges to have several -roosts about 3 ft. high as refuges for males that are chased by other males from time to time. A growing mash should be kept before these birds all the time, as it is kept before the pul­ lets, and they should be fed regularly each day on a grain ration to help them develop sufficient body weight. Fresh water and green food are also as desirable for them as for the grow­ ing pullets. Company in the evening? For breakfast? For lunch? It doesn’t matter Whenl The waffle is America’s “all-hour” meal, equally tempting morning, noon or night. And it is the tasty delight that can be prepared on an instant’s notice from things always on the kitchen shelf. That is— if you take care to keep a bottle of rich, golden maple syrup on hand at all times, With­ out that clear glass container right there oil the table, inviting your guest to eat more . . . and then more . even the Brownest, crispest Waffles are sometimes not tempting, Let them see the syrup. Here are a few waffle recipes for your "hurry-up” file. Swimming in luscious syrup , . . mmm! You’ll bay "W” stands for Wonderful, as yell as yrafflel, Golden Waffle# clips flour teaspoon salt Ing each waffle, heat iron a inluutG before pouring Rice cup rice teaspoon in batten. Waffles 1 % 1% 4 3 2 2 ..............._ ........... Cook rice, drain, and add salt, melted butter eggs. I.—- — —powder and flour together and add to first mixture. Bako in hot waffle iron.Cheese Waffled cup? sifted Cake flour teaspoons double-acting baking powder teaspoon salt egg yolks, well beaten . cup fresh milk tablespoons melted butter egg whites, stiffly beaten __ ____salt tablespoons butter cups flour cups fresh milk , - ■ eggs teaspoons baking, powder milk and beaten Mix well. Sift baking Mrs. Robert Mitchell, of Wingham, spent a few days last week with friends in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines and fam­ ily, of Niagara Falls, returned home after spending their vacation with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Minos. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Palmer and Mrs/W. E. Weir spent Sunday even­ ing with friends in Wtoxeter. A number from this vicinity attend­ ed the decoration services at Gorrie last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Weir and dau­ ghter, Shirley Anae, who have been visiting the former’s mother, Mrs, W. Weir, and other friends, these past two weeks,'*' returned to their home in Pittsburg last Sunday. There will be no Sunday School or church here next Sunday, Do Not Turn or Stop Without Signalling. A recent publication of the high­ ways department, in discussing re­ commended methods of giving hand and arm signals, exclaims: “The man behind can’t read’ your mind - - - SIGNAL!” Try Courtesy.” Whenever the signal is -given by means of the hand and arm, the bull­ etin states, the driver should indicate To Avoid Bloating Bloating is an ever present danger with dairy cows on pasture, particu­ larly where the legume is alfalfa. Means for lessening this danger, ad­ vised by animal husbandry experts, in­ clude: Never turn a cow out on alf­ alfa pasture on an empty stomach; give a small feed of dry hay before turning out. have a supply of water available in or near the pasture at all times; don’t turn the cows out onto a freshly irrigated pasture, or a pas­ ture reeking wet from rain, heavy dew or coated with frost. Much of the danger may also be avoided by mix­ ing grass with alfalfa in seeding down his intention to stop or change dir-1 the pastures. The cows prefer grass ection by extending his hand and arm,to legumes such as alfalfa or sweet from and beyond the left side of the clover and will take the edge off their 2 2 EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL ...................... } 3 teaspoons baking powder f 1 cup fresh milk |' 2 eggs ’ 1 tablespoon butter Mix flour, salt and baking >owder, add inllk gradually# then •ggs which hate bedri beaten W llghtty, and melted butter. Be mrs both aides of waffle-iron ate very hot, ahd( well grewed.. „ jAJtet >Ak-, fa eggs % 3 1 4 3__1 cup grated cheese Sift dour once, measure, add bak­ ing powder and salt, and sift again. Combine egg yolks, milk and butter, Add to floor, beating until smooth# Fold in egg whites and cheese. Bake in hot waffle Iron. Place £ Slice of grilled tomato on each section. Diced uncooked bitcott ihgy be aprlfikted batter before closing iron, Makes 4 four-section Council met oti July 26th with all the members present/ Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Com. from the Dept, of Agriculture re Conducting a township chemical weed killing demonstration received. Owing to the lateness of the season Council decided to take no action in the miter. vehicle. In making a left turn, the driver should signal his intention to turn by extending his left arm straight out, then draw as close to the centre line of the street or highway as possible, and turn on a point in the centre of the road which he is entering. The right turn is properly made by signalling intention to turn and keep* frig close to the fight hand curb line while doing so. Two methods may be used to give the signal •—* either by extending the left arm upwards or by INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINT appetites before feeding on these. « Another* communication from E. Raithby, See. of the S.S. No. 5, Au­ burn, stating that the Tp, of’ Hnllett was providing for the cost of treat* P ELMER WILKINSON | Controlling Slugs Garden slugs are always most abun­ dant in wet seasons or In moist situ- bage, cauliflower and such like plants. They rasp off the epidermis of the leaves and where the infestation is heavy severe injury is occasioned.’ Like all other pests, these animals can be more easily controlled if rem­ edial measures are applied when they are small and few in number. Ac­ cordingly, the amateur gardener and the commercial growers whose crops are' being attacked should give the matter immediate attention. In Eastern Canada, the slugs are controlled by dusting the infested plants with hydrated lime in the even­ ing after the sun has gone down and the. feeding commenced. Care should be takqi to cover the upper , and low Surfaces of the leaves and the soil im­ mediately surrounding ’the plants. STILL HOPEFUL WIFE ALIVE r..- ' gl V A ' I i.'iV r BBSILS-S George Palmer Putnam, husband of Amelia Earhart, who disappeared while attempting to fly from Australia to tiny Howland island,"still clings to the conviction that his wife is alive. “I’m still hopeful,” Putnam declared w 1 z “ V> .MIT: in a recent interview in New York. Numerous offers to institute a • new search for the missing aviatrix have been made, but at present no defin­ ite plans have been made. Modernize Your Home With am Emm Bathroom It is hard to believe that many homes are today without bathroom, conveniences, but such is the . case. If your home is lacking in this respect, don’t make your family do without any longer. Emco Bathroom Fixtures. and Fittings are widely known for their quality, long service and moderate cost. The three pieces illustratedBath-tub, Basin and Toilet — with all fittings, ready for installation, cost only >,.... *. a..,.., $87.75 Hwo Water Supply Systems Maybe you have been without bathroom facilities be­ cause your home lacked running water. If so, a Duro Pumping System will solve this situation and also serve the kite-hen, barn, laundry, etc. The Duro-Special has a capacity of 250 gals, an hour, is supplied with a 30 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle, 110 volt motor, all for.... $89.00 Three Years to Pay Emco Bathroom equipment and1 Duro Pumping Systems can be purchased under the Home Imn provement Loan Act. The cost may be spread over a period not. exceeding three years. We will be glad to give you full information. Dero-Spccial Cirri ftko Nb JW 37 EMPIRE BRASS MPG. CO., LT0. ' Lcndoft Halton tordrdo Wirthlpsq VAncouver*