HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-08-05, Page 2Swr$ Tb.w4^' 'Maraxg Wfc A4v»ee-'ihr?^ tW^i^ <\v ** Vxe Xew . Six ’WettH 1% V. & A^ $$}$0 ye>7, w»\ 'ISkXi SW* A’tstttrs^ x titxS -eti II last wotL -to too towri bitoJ toe i to&s. etocotofe- batted evfe.l iti>- xbe ototoTs to to is a...e bi* s;^<j 'skas .„.'-s...,.. s\i L ' M*■> -to?' fe .to. .1 T. Xtotfe '■■>” ■! ^Cto.; wiito o txtofe.' <"i ttofeteb <,tovos They to-tofe! a Ofeok^ j M-’?m y vihaSOSt sUs'S^-ssau |?0v*«. I toxfe TvxAi too *>&« tetofet fe ‘ ^Kes.'js these iXw xbssst xvbs*'1 sbexh hMe x ^X’- ■ ^sexi'as *-'-* ■fesO tts"w the; ei' sh.’:s esXiXsTJtY !we be?o ■ whb, tvs ?-> aab, the ! wr>e^s;b’hW <>3 ea tbh ts> ■. wi’is the h'-c^ Txnhe? e*: ye®st.' JQssa the the i !?«''■ W'be s^:5 the ■ ■‘ie^Whs^e ifesaS the «&S w» the} have ex hast’^x^ (f shetSB W ww 1 the XXesssx’^ to?. ee ■ the bait* the xtaes x taj fee is tfe hr^s&Su ta 's^eee$s.?4^ sVe> 1 WhKfe ■& thl&fefel xhtt w <s«.& ■wfctx'.’Tt’ te t&ve - ti h<.e :, .?.t x?m 'ifcat & al the..!, SafejCtts see ajse e4 the,( rxli a/:a Taae sxn> ' sHe’sbta.. ■v.-ss's HT.sesjset... ,k s:ea5au.. % ware «fe xi Mofetel to ] \ ■M'i.sW.VSO, * fevoTS. t?^yxg ? life eoom is skte wito. ca$? sfesfej ^-s. tfe w-c'34 by Kv&’&s <£ mnfe '•• l.'-t.S 3S ■$jyt'«.$X'^ SJtCto £Xk\ W $s » * ■..■s’ 7X'v>iu..'X■ X’i ■$«XXt-A » to> CJafe too fe£k&x W& ■ VMfej « * yfeoe ca toe WVfe tottoCT site * toM s a toig 4«'..'S ■ tOtsTXXt fel to. teXrt to WX*4 b to>. -sJs 4X53’5’ tX $fe- % % x\ os <\ Sft'wtoX feote Alaoy J?,'.to feto Tri-c '^«-- -tte.-.S • *to Xa. o-fe S*H«r. vt wfetelte Ufc to'tfetoS ’RXI fe H.4-. n<*is k fe3 tows oot .*' -’5 Kx A K--V-'.-.,4M w* vwto "- ' too ^,A.X.-„. k .V^tX >.; ■J 4 *■1 hm sxtosS fe«nxtexr;W ■eea«i j&»an TOftt *fe birth w tov;s&:& Xt^e^xytfex®. \«ry tebaeux*^ % wM saatr AwBsttx- tie £^n £» tt M Ci. xe w «"W*^ test fesS. tt Ufe &W Cfet ^'rttng’ to &sft Aii.'xtRKx:."—-Hrs. ixti& Ssr< -aa w* ^wt5» <SSTX33» asjqs»Ch?' feed's A^Sxax- «^v.^>es 'to teeceo. khVftlr*> XC^ai to hCy» >4s «b- •ststo WJi* £ss ■we^t t?i ’w-i.te.r, <e®tSS & se.tt raisss W-'£sr esat to s^sto,. t aus^ix «!&> farsstos v;to&& 'B to taae to" ixtotbees> WiS tea to to buwh. tos te«5 teasS. t«x- ifeg: x^feto^r &Os «aa -Sfto «s si toss& 'wto tote, et tok too W-’pos. Aix«Brxk Bs ssi34 ??j» .stoosa Mto WS ;PK4r*xava 'br K£hgg lasted 5x;t;y his wn to cifee ini fill -df . btems «tos«s» Tbe CMte* Cexipaxy wTJ c-rttft i smte s:au5.?n <.a to she.^T^sisWT X«ws. j Bass Wxvwh W'mm Sos^ Seth fetf j \toe <a to? otos* itobstos a? Bis’ ! ’ Wowisoto isj th? eS Mrs, M.ases MoTtesa roeostly cehhrite : her Oh fchto^ay al the <4 fet s."^ W£hao Metoto--. Ste WVato ^b.osc cteSsn ratae tvas Sarto $5X0 ; Metol ws to -Sac^wr to W. to ; Mrs. Oex^ 'Meiil fec-r eatot was «? J fetofeh tosee-xx retosg tot -to M3 tosto toil, toil to -2to&. S3er cstoh- '■te Sasatoi R-ktotosoa. ’K’&s fem to. ; Mitooofe Mfe MdCiitoto slto toe4* ; fe wtos stotos fex totor tost feet 'to to -omssi 4toto$ totoh : toto to’xg vts-se ? was saeatfe •wrato jtoL Mom Mefeto «to Saraib |«»e •*Mto4 wm .’caatoito ST svars agio to ; Fifeoary ax *fe fease to to- StoSefe 'j 5®r$€ts &y Ret: towtoh.-. 'Tfe yssxg 'looses? settop, to Moxtos Trwasfeto iwfete Mto was esato*yi'5 to ■to g&X Itoy Cso iteiitoB at fetoisah to^'xrxss.rer, «»3 toist aat Wfesto5$«t/| : • wh«x& fet two sr®s, Wtotota xto. jtotoj; ! ikw Sto ®*?S w?to wtokffi sfe 3aas rato i ‘fex feaas sto'te to®.cxto to Mt. Msse |Xato Skme 37 years ag?o. S j two fetofess, ’^’iStosi Mtoh to who 5s i© ys&rs tot! s® !| -to ’to'i’Xtoia1 Mrs MtTtorto fes to®e isexs xaS. a ^jgfesTx SSex*^ -4~o5so- •hto WStoati ato Jtoxu Stoss W®wa- iatoto ezaS Mrs Wto,. “ttoytoc^ S2yto ; Wese ®a& tom? grtxBtoiStea, -&n$ caat ? gr^^raaSototo Ss *&■ TO®- bhaa tWt thsu ' ^aafa1 *4, x bis thts as w Ito-, oss to?x « 'teoos’St to iB ■,«. v «. iT’O ’srefek \o "restoss 'to*, ate fete .’fektote 'hr- too •to'txe>'5<?xfeM'& <4 to.Xte to- W.O045S OOOTVS Sift <tt> Wte. tototofe’te ’te” toeoSto -4fe* •eksi.. h&s festo s7&!jyfe! -ostei '-.to iKs'Kj* x~'" the 400 h!’ to W?fee<. bi too totoOkJOOM to ’Stefeh rte to T;.&ty- htess fetote ate •'<*- • % 1-KU-t % ec;--X-»4 kXUTi •‘i.s&lfe fe k.’ to T <5 to ” Tito.'t;! J ~.O' Wo fevo al taSWSS OiS’tS it ?bfe '■fehsiwO "tot'* a s'iBas&T 03&. fee fe 4s^^,s\to fete so o -Ote&teT OM'31 fe toOTlfe W 'Sto. iife lastote >tee toto %0W aooxtokto^fe fea'' ’ to te*. -tvS»■'ttalH?.'* <-ii btoxyd •wtC-U: *S* >64$fe 2 KT .1 s ' ; ? ?, 3 5 ; yiBCWBBKS^ 'SSWIIRWWWSrWi^ ? feimiWir &?■ Twme$k i'SSK? wwa^ 'W**.■8*w^WUj -w>*WSw9fla(j, JwRWNMw»3®> Sir ■‘foifc ..^utocfc- ‘fetes ag» ‘ter itefeMtotg, -Sfe [ ***j»sk«>,---OMwK'tA-r'-.i-®®': •flW9‘V"»„' ’■Wi , 'H.JW-I- -‘w?JKW->-s TrVw*S_ JWBte-. '*'4*h. 'Wjp ««t Hgy. ««X'‘ TmiAi '.J*vfe, •«»»♦,«•*. <IKJ*i., -*-»;«l„h M95WIBO .,^/||W*,. l‘*'-<™7’W^JgC,-‘*- wRWmiRt^ 1 *L.as de taas? w£ i®Sj 'M& 2g asiic^ W3fe X* -S2Si yJZSs? *■*-< -W/’iv*^v^s*.u 'i^‘A7ns^SJ - 35" 5® wist.. teBtosfeaa? 1-ihSSw Mha*- l^SSL (({■Suiitakfck. h Thurtdty, AwgiutSth, 1937 <*•I COHOMATfOW L 7'Teak FAW® SRANO C«C«S WWW FINEST LOCATION S' 4Sa£^®c wrisifc SSSaste, ^raitoW’ 3s "to1 ■tsxas?? toss Sasrs^ tes> 3!S*3 -1*dxfc Sto-XK? fteass; jkkS ytsS Ato tS to tsua. fcas'Caa 3.7&!»totS) si i^ssteS h?.ra*t ■^totetetjx1 ess ta tocst -tss to'^sfe' s£x4 W3 'W? «sw»te test} S 53?r Wttfe? to^fe MC .$c*to »saaat! 3j«< to 3stot«2 | tob » hto & to toi^ t? toe .wtoiCS;'fe- .tab torn L^— .............—,.^*^*W,‘gWRW>MMaKuW.'* jj^S' l,^gggN’g?yWR- »awis-.„«»«ra£» 3* ..