HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-08-05, Page 1Bert the Annual Ontario Champion- died con- aiu.-itmirAwiaHgMHMMgai Many Mourn Death of George B. Naylor, East Wawanosh. W. C. Knox Would Run as Conserva­ tive Candidate fQfj Huron-Bruce SHOT WELL AT STRATFORD Platt Made Good Showing at Revolver Shoot .'Single Copies Five Cents INSTITUTE HELD SPLENDID MEETING JRev. E, M. Loney Was Guest Speaker District President Also Spoke The July meeting of The Women’s Institute was held on Thursday after- rnoon in the Council Chambers with ..an attendance of forty-five, The President opened the meeting -with the singing of the Institute Ode .followed by The Lord’s .prayer in uni­ son, » Owing to the absence of the secre­ tary, Mrs. J. E. Fells was appointed •to record the minutes. In the business session, Mrs, Clark­ son. Martin was re-elected local lead­ er of the Junior Homemaker Project. A -class was organized to attend the Needle Craft Short Course in October ..-and arrangements were made to have i.a Home Conference Demonstration in the near future. In the Roll Call the Rose was the majorities favorite flow- ••er. The following programme was then ■■given: Paper, Edward VIII Abdica­ tion and'"The Coronation by Mrs. J. J. Elliott. Solo, My Mamie's Awa and = My Task by Mrs. Donald Rae. Paper, F “Women and World Peace, by Our Di- ^.strict President, Mrs. Fredrick Oster, ^cBlyth. Solo, The Stranger of Galilee "by Miss Frances Robinson, followed ‘by our afternoon guest speaker, Rev. Mr. E. M. Loney, who gave a splendid -talk on his subject, "The Worlds Only Duet, In the Garden, .by Miss Brigham, Clinton, Dist- .Hope,” Misses Helen Hammond and Louise Dore. -riot Convenor of Legislation gave a rshdrt talk on Canadian Legislation from coast to coast. The meeting closed with the Nat- Tonal Anthem. The accompanists for ’the singing were Mr. Charles Scott, Mrs. J. Robinson and Mrs. W. Ham­ mond . The hostess, Miss Margaret Anderson assisted by Mrs. G. Wilson, Mrs. J. J. Elliott and Mrs. W. Bar- Ibour then served lunch and all enjoyed a. very social half hour. Old Timer Pays Visit fo Wingham Mr. Dan McKay a former resident •of Wingham was in town this week. Mr. McKay will be- remembered by the older generation as a baseball player. It is over forty years since he left Wingham, at present he is liv­ ing in Detroit. Mrs. McKay who was before her marriage Kate Abram (daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Ab­ ram early settlers in Wingham) three weeks ago. WEDDINGS Ross—Casemore A quiet but pretty wedding-, took place at the Presbyterion Manse, here at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning last when Nettie Leona, only daugh­ ter of Mr. George Casemore and the late Mrs. Casemore of Turnberry be- came the bride of Mr. Frank- Ross, • son of Mr. Mac Ross-of Whitechurch. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Kenneth MacLean, The bride was gowned in a floor length dress of blue chiffon, trimmed with shell pink over silk blue taffeta, with white ac­ cessories. She carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. . Immediately following the cere­ mony Mr. and Mrs. Ross left for Hamilton and Toronto. The bride wore for travelling a dress of wine triple sheer crepe. On their return they will reside oil the 2nd conces­ sion of Kinloss. SOFTBALL Giris 14-r-Old Timers 12 The Girls Softball team took the Old Timers into camp at the Park’on Tuesday evening. The gable was a seven innings affair and the girls won 14-12. The list innings was played in semi darkness and the old .gents slipped four runs across in this in­ nings. , These two teams will play another' game next Tuesday evening, The Old Timers are a big upset at this reverse and were not satisfied With the um­ pires, They say they will import a couple of officials for thfex next go. Girls team—E. Campbell, rf; Mrs, G. Currie, 3b; D. Henderson p; Mrs. M. Templemati cf; L. Fuller 2b; E. Carter ss; V* Casemore ss; R. Rae If} V. Thompson If; M. Merryweather lb; G. Dennis c. Old Timers—-S. Cowan lb; H, Small 2b; H, Frentice 3b; F. Fuller ss;. G. Halter If} B. Jenkins If; & Groves 8b; E. Wild cf; ss; A. Forsy-be e; Alex Coutts p. ACCIDENT VICTIM BURIED SATURDAY The funeral of George B. Naylor, whose tragic death occurred following a motor accident on. Wednesday last week, was held from his late residence Lot 28, Concession 9, East Wawa­ nosh, on Saturday afternoon. The funeral was largely attended exempli­ fying the high esteem that his neigh­ bors and friends had for him. The service was conducted by Rev. Hugh Cf Wilison, of Auburn, pastor of Don­ nybrook United Church, of which he had been an active member, in fact he. was a member of the Session and treasurer of the M. and M. Fund. Bur­ ial took place in Wingham Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Thomas Rob­ inson, David Chamney, R. H, Thomp­ son, Charles Robinson, Mark Arm­ strong, James Snowden. . Mr. Naylor was a highly respected gentleman and his sudden death cast a gloom over the entire community. He was a kindly neighbor and it was when he was on his way to assist a neighbor, Thomas C. Foran, that the accident occurred. He served at var­ ious times as a trustee of S.S. No. 7. He was in his 66th year and had been a resident of-the district all his life, except for one year he spent in the west. He was born in West Wa­ wanosh and for the past 33 years had lived at his late residence. He Was a son of George C. and Elizabeth Nay­ lor, of Belgrave. About 40 years ago he was married to Elizabeth Robinson, of West Wa­ wanosh, who survives him and also 'one son, Gordon J., at home. Four brothers and one sister are left to mourn their loss, David of McGregor, Man.; William of Port Huron, Mich.; Alfred of Chatham; Milton of Tor­ onto, and Mrs. Steven Wood of Hart- ney, Man. One daughter, Edna Irene, died 28 years ago in her 3rd year. One sister, Mrs. William Lougheed, died in Elgin, Manitoba,- some years ago. Won Special Event W. A. Miller and Alex. Crawford won the special event‘in the doubles bowling tournament held in Goderich on Wednesday last week. Softball Game Aug. 9th / The crack Teeswater girls team will play our girls team here next Mon­ day. This should be a teal battle as Teeswater has a fine teard and our team is playing good bail. Rev. E. M. Loney Will Take Services Rev. E, M. Loney', minister of John St. Baptist Church, will preach during this month at the union services of the United and Baptist Churches. The morning services -will be held in the United Church and the evening ser­ vices in the Baptist Church as they were during the month of July. Car Landed in Ditch On Monday Mrs. (Dr.) F. A. Park­ er and her daughter, Patricia, were re­ turning from 'Goderich Summer School Camp where they had taken a load to camp, when the car took to the ditch near Auburn. Both the oc­ cupants of the, car escaped injury but the car, a Terraplane sedafi, was siderably messed up. Many at Goderich on Holiday The attendance at Goderich Boys* Reunion, on the holiday estimated at 15,000. Old was Matiy from this district were there, Monday was Tor­ onto day, and the Huron Old Boy’s Association of Toronto' were out in full force, Many from here plan a return visit during this week of cele­ bration at the County Town. A pa­ geant is being presented with a cast of 600. Mr,, arid Mrs, W. A. Galbraith and son Billy are visiting at Hawkestone, Lake Simcoe, Mr. James and Johnson Moore, Tor­ onto, are visiting at the home of Ger- sliom Johnston, . Mr. and Mr& J. R. M. Spittai and infant daughter are spending a vaca­ tion at Mouht Forest. . Mrs. C. B, Armitage who has been visiting relatives in California for the past three months returned home on Monday, Mr. Elliott Johnston of Sudbury, was a visitor last week with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cershotn Johnston, Fast Wawanosh, « Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and family of Coppercliff* returned home last week, alter visiting with friends and relatives her& With Which I* Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1937 SB HAD HIS ANKLE AND LEG BROKEN Joe Wilson Tossed from Load of Grain When he was tossed off a load o'f grain oft Saturday morning Joe Wil­ son suffered a-fractured left ankle and had a bone broken just below the knee of his right leg, Joe was help­ ing W. Simons to take in some grain off the Nettleton property Watty had bought. Fie was driving tde horses and as he turned them a wheel went into a hole upsetting the load and throwing him to the ground. After Dr. Crawford reduced the fractures at the hospital and had X-Rays taken he was taken to- his home. He is get­ ting along as well as can be expected. Jim Fallis’ team was being used to harvest the grain but they did not run away when the load’ upset. They were startled but stopped right up when spoken to. At ship revolver match, held in Stratford on Monday, Constable T. W. Platt did very well indeed. In the senior ag­ gregate he placed second with 691, The winner was I. Flatman of Tor­ onto with 702. The Listowel team of which Bert is a member came second to a Toronto team, Toronto 714, Lis­ towel 686. Bert headed the Listowel team with 183 points. In match No. 2 centre fire Dr. J. G. Kirk of Listowel took 1st with 257 and T. W. Platt was second with 243. In the open event Bert came 3rd with 183 points just 2 points behin„d the winner G. Young of Buffalo. 59th Year for C. N. E. This year the Canadian National Exhibition completes its fifty-ninth year of Operation, a record of unin­ terrupted progress which places it far in the van of any other annual expo­ sition in the world in point of con­ tinuity and excellence. ’ Bowled at Owen Sound Last year O. Haselgrove, A. Tay­ lor, Ed. Nash and D. Rae, skip, won the trophy at Owen Sound. On Wed­ nesday last week they journeyed to that northern city to defend it but were not so fortunate as last year. On Monday the same rink, with the ex­ ception that Bert Porter played in Ed. Nash’s place, returned to. Owen Sound but did not bring a trophy back with them. Constable Died from Natural Causes Death of Thomas Reinhardt, Walk­ erton’s night constable, was due to natural causes, brought on by over exertion, a coroner’s jury in the court of Coroner Thomas A. Sinclair, M.D., found Tuesday night. Reinhardt died on July 22, fourteen hours after he had been found in an unconscious con­ dition on Walkerton’s main street with two small pools of blood nearby, An Immediate investigation was launched and the services of Dr. E. R. Frankish, provincial medico-legal expert, secured. His evidence was a highlight of the inquest proceedings. He said death was due to a hemorr­ hage- arid that any external marks were of the kind which might be ex­ pected from a fall, due to a stroke or blood pressure. The jury’s verdict Was: “We, the jury impanelled to in­ vestigate the death of Thomas Rein­ hardt, believe his death was caused by Over exertion and was perfectly natural as there was no evidence that any violence had taken place.” RANGER NOW TWO RACES UP The American Ranger, the defender in the America’s Cup races which are being sailed off Newport* R.I., is two up the Sopwith English Endeavour II, 4he challenger, In the first race sailed Saturday over a 30 mile windward­ ieaward . course, the Ranger was 17 minutes and 5 seconds ahead Of the Endeavour, The Ranger’s time was 4.41,15! tri the second race on Mon­ day over a 30-mile triangular course the Ranger again von. Het time was 3.41,88* a margin of 18 minutes, 32 seconds over. There was no faces ott 'Tuesday as Mr, Sopwith requested a day’s delay. To-day (Wednesday) as we go to press the boats are fighting it out in a 15 miles to windward and retqrn.,, Tile raises will be held, daily \tii,til ortd yacht gains four victories, FORMER RESIDENT TO CONTEST CONVENTION Announcement was made by W. C. Knox, prominent Toronto business man, of his intention to allow his name to stand for nomination as Con­ servative candidate for Huron-Bruce riding in the forthcoming Provincial election, Mr. Knox, who was brought up in the town of Wingham and received his public and high school education here, is well known to residents of this riding where his father first W. Cecil jenox taught school and latel- for many years successfuly carried om,jewellery stores in Teeswater, Lucknow, Gorrie and Wingham. ' j "I have always maintained a deep interest in my old h’ome riding and feel, if the people so wish, that I can be of service in the Improvement of living conditions and general busi­ ness,” said Mr. Knox, in making his- announcement. • "From a thorough $tudy, which for some time now I have made, of con­ ditions in the riding, I feel that I know what the people want and need,” Mr. Knox added. "Tpe issue in the coming .election is one' to which every elector should give the utmost thought. I feel that this riding has been seriously neglected . under the Hepburn Administration and intend to see, if I am chosen to stand for elec­ tion, that conditions in Huron-Bruce be given more sincere consideration. “For .instance,” Mr. Knox pointed out "do you realize that with all the rev­ enue that the Province has collected in gasoline tar alone, the riding of FIuron-Bruce has only one piece of paved highway and that is less than twenty miles in length.” When questioned about the bever­ age room situation, Mr. Knox said he would see that liquor was under con­ trol, not out of control and that no government should attempt to force conditions on the people contrary to tlfe wishes of the'majority. The same thing, Mr. Knox said, was true of the Separate Schools Act. “The great majority of the people feel, as I do, that the Public School set-up is a satisfactory one for ail races and creeds and unnecessary taxation for other" forms of education is Iniquit­ ous.” He. also felt that unless the people of the Provnice were very care­ ful that there was a danger of similar concession again being given by the Liberal party to the Separate Schools. Passed Piano Examinations Miss Elizabeth Mills A,T.C,M., Sup­ ervisor of school music had the fol­ lowing successful piano pupils at-the mid-summer examinations held in Blyth. Mr. Crawford of the Toronto Conservatory examiner, Grade VIII, Jean Phillips, honors. Grade VI, Norma Daer. Grade IV, Frances Johnston, honors; Isobel Mc­ Gill. Grade III, Glenn Tasker, hon­ ors. Grade II, Lloyd Tasker, honors. U. S. Band for C. N. Ek For forty years, British bands, usually the representatives, of famous regiments which have played promin­ ent parts in Britain’s glorious history, have influenced Canadian music. TheSe have been presented to the Cahadiati public and foreign visitors in free afternoon and evening con­ certs at the Canadian National Exhi­ bition, Ari interesting change has been made, this year in the engage­ ment of the famous United States Navy Sand of eighty-five men. The strength is twenty-five more than the next largest band ever to appear at Exhibition Park. MIXED DOUBLES GREAT SUCCESS Local Rinks Win 1st, 2nd and 3rd' Prizes The twilight of mixed doubles held on Thursday evening was most suc­ cessful. A full entry of 32 were pre­ sent, Lucknow 9, Mount Forest 2, Harriston 2, Teeswater 3 and 16 local entries. The evening was ideal for bowling, which added greatly to this enjoyable evening. Three ten end games wc.re played. 'Local entries captured the first three prizes, Mrs. E. R. Harrison and Rev, J. Pollock tied with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mason for 1st with 3 wins plus 20 and in the play-off won 1st prize. Third prize went to Mrs. J. Kerr and W. A. Miller with 3 wins plus 13. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Small of Teeswater came fourth with 3 wins plus 8. Fifth prize went to Mrs, Button and Mr. Solomon, Lucknow with 2 wins plus 15.' Between the second and third g^me the ladies served a lunch of coffee and sandwiches. HOLIDAY AT THE ALPS COURSE Games Both Morning and Afternoon A very pleasant day was spent at the Alps Golf Course on the holiday by a large number of members. In the morning Capt. Dr. W. A. Mc- Kibbon’s team lost to Vice-Capt G. W. Howson’s team 10-7. In the afternoon a mixed fourball foursome was held, the winners were Mrs. Colborne and Mr. Reg. DuVal. The driving competition was won by W. H. French. Bowled at Hanover The bowling club was represented on Monday at Hanover at a doubles tournament by A. Wilson, J,. Mason, Ed. Nash, Rev. Pollock, W, A. Mill­ er and A, M. Crawford. Extend Call The four-point charge of Belgrave, Blyth, Carlow and Auburn of the Pre­ sbyterian church in Canada, have ex­ tended a call to Rev. A. M. Boyle of Toronto. Rev. Mr. Boyle was mini­ ster of the Belgrave Prebyterian church about 20 years ago. Young Couple Honoured About 150 neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Vint (nee Velma Scott) gathered at their home, B. Line, Turnberry ,on Friday evening and presented this newly married couple with a shower. Mr. and Mrs. Vint received many beautiful and use­ ful .gifts. The- evening was spent at cards and dancing and the ladies serv­ ed a very delightful lunch. Car Does Somersault ‘ Charlie Chin, Lucknow restaurant proprietor and his wife were fortun­ ate to escape serious injury about five o’clock Friday afternoon when their car, a Chrysler, landed in the ditch in front of Ken. Patterson’s farm on the Whitechurch road, a short dis­ tance this side of Whitechurch. Mr. Chin and wife were proceeding to Wingham when the car hit some loose gravel and went into a ditch about six feet deep. The car Vfent in front first and turned a complete somer­ sault on its back wheels uppermost. By the time Ken. Weaver and Ken. Patterson arrived On the scene Mr. and Mrs. Chin had got out of the car through a door that flew open. Mrs. Chiu had a slight cut on her leg and Mr. Chin a bruise on his neck. A wrecking truck from Ltfcknow moved the car. BRUCE LEAGUE STAND ING ♦ * W.L.P.C. Chesley ................13 3 .825 Hanover....................12 4 .750 Port Elgin .........11 5 .688 Allenford ..............11 5 .688 Wingham ..............10 5 .666 Owen Sound...........8 8 .500 Teeswater .. ...........4 11 .266 Kincardine .....I......0 14 .000 Lucknow <..........0 14 .000* If Wingham defeats 'Teeswater here to-day (Wednesday) they wilt be tied with Port Elgin and Allenford for fourth plate and will play Allenford in Hanover on Saturday for the right to enter the play-offs, Fort Elgin won the toss and ate in the play-offs without further play, The play-offs will commence on Wednesday next week, Aug, 11th WAWANOSH MAN DIED FOLLOWING CAR ACCIDENT George B. Naylor Passed On a Few Hours After Accident, About one o’clock Wednesday af­ ternoon last week two car collided at the junction of the 9th concession of East Wawanosh and the division line forming .the boundary between East and West Wawanosh, 7 miles north of Auburn. As a result of the acci­ dent, George B. Naylor, aged 65, died at his home, near the scene of the accident, from internal injuries, at 5.30 o’clock the same afternoon. Six others were injured. The two cars in the accident were owned by Thomas C. Foran, of West Wawanosh, whose farm adjoins the road where the accident occurred, and W. B, McCool of the Advance-Times here. Both car-owners were .at the wheel. In the McCool car were his wife, Jean, who suffered a sprained ankle; Mrs. John McCool, his moth­ er, who was cut on the nose and bruised about the arms and who was considerably shocked. The other oc­ cupant of the Wingham car was Mr. Howard L. Sherbondy, who was rid­ ing., in the front seat. (He received head and eye injuries which rendered him unconscious for a few minutes. He also had some ribs fractured and a few minor bruises. Mr. McCool es­ caped with several bruises, one on his knee being the most severe. Besides Mr. Foran, who had his nose broken, and Mr. George B. Nay­ lor, who passed on, Gordon Naylor, son of the accident victim, who was in the front seat of the Foran car, received some painful bruises. Dr. Connell brought the Wingham injured to town. Mr. Sherbondy was taken to the Hospital a few hours lat­ er and has made such progress that he was able to leave the Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. McCool was confined to her home but was able to be tak­ en to the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Schaefer, at Goderich, on Sun­ day, She has shown marked improve­ ment. Mrs. W. B. McCool was able to move about following the accident with the aid of Crutches. The Foran car was proceeding west on the 9th from the Naylor farm to Foran’s home just across the division line. Both places are but a few hund­ red yards from the scene of the acci­ dent, Mr. Naylor and his son, Gor­ don, were going to help Foran with his binder. The McCool car was go- j ing south on the division line, Drs. Connell and Weir performed a post-mortem on the evening of the accident, and Dr. R. C. Redmond, Cor­ oner, will hold the inquest next week. Golfed at Owen Sound A group of ladies from the Alps Golf Club took part in a tournament at Owen Sound on Wednesday last week. Successful at Music Exams. Miss Mae Johann of Belmore who is at present attending summer school at Toronto, passed her Theory exam­ ination. with first class honors also was successful in her piano examina­ tions. Miss Johann is a pupil of Prof, Anderton. A Presentation On Sunday morning at the United Church Sunday School, on behalf of the teachers and members of the school, *Lois Adams presented Miss Margaret Partushek with a beautiful hymnary. Miss Partushek who has been a valued teacher leaves to-day (Wednesday) for her home in Lon­ don. Engaged Mechanic Homuth & Bennett have engaged Bert Armstrong as mechanic at their service station. They feel that they were fortunate in securing Mr. Arm­ strong’s services as he has had twelve years’ experience as a garage .mech­ anic and is considered an expert On ignition, brakes and fender work and ducoing, Blyth Won Again Raid halted the game with Blyth and the Central League team on Wed­ nesday evening list week in the fifth innings, Blyth were leading 11-4 when the game was called. We un­ derstand that it is being considered a ganie played as it does not matter to the league standing. It is expeced that a meeting of the league execu­ tive will be held shortly to arrange for the play-offs between Blyth, Clif­ ford and Wingham, also to settle a few disputes regarding players. JI Subscriptions $2,00 Per Year LEGION SERVICE HELD AT GODERICH Wreath Placed on Soldiers’ Memorial About forty members of the local Legion accompanied, by the Wingh^riL Citizen's Band attended the Legion. Zone No, 10 Veterans’ Parade and- Drumhead Service that was held in Harbour (Park, Goderich, on Sunday afternoon, Captain the Rev. O. J, Lane of God­ erich was chairman and Major, the Rev. J. H. Barnett read the 23rd psalm. Prayers for the King and Em­ pire, for Victory and Peace were given by Rev. K. McGown. The special speaker of the day was Captain Rev. Sidney Lambert, O.B.E Christie Street Hospital, Toronto subject of his address was Aftermath.” Following the service the Veterans paraded the square where Major Ken­ neth Weaver, president of Wingham Branch and Zone representative plac­ ed a wreath on the soldiers’ memorial. Clinton Legion Trumpeters sounded the Last Post and Reveille and two minutes silence was observed. ....-r- , Expect Large Entry The ladies of the Alps Golf Course are expecting a large entry for the tournament that will take place on, Wednesday, August 18th. Plans for this big day at the course are now complete. This is the first ladies’' tourney to be staged on the local .golf course. Play will commence at 10 a.m. Lunch and supper will be servo­ ed at the club house. OBITUARY Miss Janet Farrish Miss Janet Farrish passed away at, her home, lot 26, concession 5, Kin­ loss on Monday, Aug. 2nd. She was in her 74th year and had been ill for the past 17 months.’ She lived with her half sister, Miss Emma Richard­ son. Besides her sister, she leaves to mourn her one brother at Sault Ste. • Marie, Mich., and two sisters^ Young of Timmins and Mrs. Foster­ Moffatt of Kinloss. The funeral on Wednesday (to-day) is from her late residence to Tiffin’s- cemetery. The services at the house and graveside will*be in charge of her minister, Rev. J. Pollock, White­ church. Rudolph Seiling There passed away at his home on the 5th concession of Grey township on Tuesday last week, Rudolph Seiling in his 69th year. Mr. Seiling under­ went an operation last winter and had been in poor health ever since. He leaves to mourn their loss, his wife and one daughter, Roxy, and three sons, Fred of Bluevale, George of Wingham and John of Goderich. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon, with interment in Wroxeter cemetery. William Milton Sheriff William Milton Sheriff, 225 Burris St., Hamilton, passed away July 25th. tie was born at St. Helen’s, Ont., 51 years ago and has resided in Hamil­ ton for the past sixteen years. Mr. Sheriff served with the Ontario Hydro Commission for twenty-six years, being located at Dundas, Lon-1 don, Hamilton and Toronto. For the past sixteen years he was "Load Des­ patch er” for the entire Niagara sy­ stem. He was of a very kindly disposition and was honoured and respected by all who knew him. He was a member of Pilgrim’s United Church and of the 1.0,0.F. ’ . Besides his widow and family, he leaves to mourn his loss, his mother* Mrs. Rebecca Sheriff, three sisters, Jennie R., Grace D., and Mrs. Annie J, Tiffin, Wingham, also one brother, Wesley ..of Windsor. The funeral was conducted by Rev. E. W. Brcariey, July 28th at the fun­ eral home, 114 Main St,, Hamilton, interment in Woodland cemetery. The pallbearers were; Harold Nablo, J. P. Smith, W. W. Arott, R. E. Laurie, C. H. Sheppard, George T. Brown, all of Ontario Hydro Commission; Honour- ary pallbearers R, Osborne, C. Rudy. Among the very beautiful floral tri* butes were those from the Operating Staff of Hydro Toronto, the Main­ tenance Staff, Toronto, the Niagara District, the London district, the S|. Thomas disrict, the Queenston staff* the Dundas Operating staff, besides many others from various organtea,'* tions and friends. Besides relatives and friends from, a distance were representatives of the Civil Service and Hydro Commissioiu