HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-07-29, Page 7News and Gorrie Vidette t JI i Thursday, July 29th, 1937 HOWICK COUNCIL Gorrie,- July 23rd, 1937 Council met in the Township Hall, ;aecording to adjournment, members were all present, the Reeve, J. A. Bry- ans, in the, chair. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion of Weir and Toner, were adopted. Moved by Lovell and Baker that By-Law No. 10 for the year 1937, as read the third time be finally passed. ‘Carried. Moved by Weir and Campbell that v the Township Engineer,’F. A. Edgar, "be hereby instructed to examine the McMichael Municipal Drain, in How­ ick Township, and have necessary re­ pairs made; Carried. Moved by Lovell and Baker that the resignation of A. C. Hutchison, .-as Weed Inspector, be accepted. Car- Tied. Moved by Weir and Raker, that by­ law No{ 6 for the year 1936, as ap­ proved by the Ontario Municipal Board, be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Toner and Lovell that By-Law No, 1 for the year 1937 be amended to read “that George McKee "be appointed Weed Inspector” in the place of Adam Hutchison who has re- i signed. Carried. t MH Moved by Toner and Baker that the following bills be paid. Carried. ^^pCounty Huron, hospital expenses for Wray Gile $1.75; Mrs. John Jacob, clothing for Mrs, H, Douglas, $9.00; W. C. King, Bal. salary in full and postage, Collector for W. Div. 1936, $75.00; Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk, $35.00; Gorric P. V., Cement, sidewalk and wall under Clerk’s Of­ fice, $10.00; A. C. Hutchison, salary as Weed Inspector $22.20; County of Huron, hospital expenses for Bruce Anger, $10.50; Wm. Stewart, cleaning Fordwich Public Shed, $2.50; W. E. . VanVelsor goods for Jean Graham, $5.00; W. C. King, extra for trips to bank in Wroxeter $10.00; Fred Hamb- ly, salary as caretaker Twp. Hall, Wroxeter, to date $15.42; Wm. Whit­ field, Bulb in Public Shed Gorrie .55; IS. R. Hart Co., Tax arrears ledger and binder, for Treasurer $10.47; Geo.. King,, making Amusement Tax returns for Twp. Hall, Gorrie $9.00; Municipal World, Ontario Statutes, 1937 and supplies $7.16; J. A. Bryans, trip to ■ Clinton re Mrs. Thos. Ellis $4.50; T. A. Roberts, printing notices re clos­ ing street in Gorrie $5.50; Isaac Gam­ ble, preparing By-law, Debentures and- work on same, U.S.S. No. 13, Howick and Turnberry $20.00; John Gibson, milk for Jean Graham $2.10; Mrs. A. McLeod Settlement of bill in full re Miss Carmichael $20.00. Road Expenditures Manford Irwin, cutting $10.00; Archie Irwin, cutting weeds $9.00; Oliver Stewart, cutting weeds $9.00; Oliver Stewart, posts $5.25; W. Young, wire fence $8.00; Weeds: Thos. Reid $5.00; Wm. Doig $1.60; Alex. Edgar $1.00; John Giles .50; Clifford Hallman .50; Robt. Ferguson f,40; Wm. Huth Sr. $1.30; Emerson ; Dicker! .89; John Montgomery .40; Fred Huth .40; Harold Foerter $5,00; John Franklin $5.20; Frank McKen­ zie $2.60; John Porterfield $1.00; Wm. Giles $1.00; Fred Locking $6.80; Mrs. Sam Angst .50; Mrs. Wallace Hall­ man .'50; F. S. Douglas, gravel $30.60; Gravelling: A. H. Deitz $20.50; John Milligan $20.50; Harold Hooper $20.- 50; Ross Bayliss $20.50; Geo. Hein- becker $14.55; David Braun, shovel­ ling1 $7.50; F. S. Douglas, shovelling $2.70; A. H. Deitz, spreading $10.00; J. W. Kreller, gravel $3.15; J. W. Kreller, Underbrushing and gravelling $10.80; Geo. Hubbard, gravelling $4.- . OO; Lloyd Jacques, gravelling and ’ brushing $8.60; Henry Kreller, grav­ elling and Brushing $11.00; Robt. Hubbard, spreading gravel $7.60; Ira weeds Kruger, brushing $4.00; Allen Griffith, weeds, culvert, etc, $14.60; Dick Grif­ fith, weeds, oulyert and brushing $14.- 90; A. E. Gallaher, blasting stone $2,- 40; Tom Grant, brush and culvert $2,80,; Weeds: Harvey Wright $7.00; Ed. Horton $2.80; Kenneth Wright $3.60; Burt Wylie $2.80; Lot Viney $1.00; Geo. Hubbard $1,00; John Brown, dragging and weeds $7.25; Weeds; Clifford Brown $1.00, Robert Doig $3,80, C. Maxwell $3.35,-Harvey Sparling $8.00 Andrew Edgar $2.40, Sheldon Mann $2,40, Morley Johnson $2,40, Clarence Sparling $1.00, Harry Gowdy $6.00, Ernest Harris $3,70, Earl Halliday $3.70, Alvin Fitch $2.40; Thos. B^urke, oil and gas $37.00; $aw,- yer-Massey, wire cable $2.16; Dom. Road Mach. Co,, Edges $17.30; R, F. Edgar, Supt Salary $100.10; Jas. Fos­ ter, Fill $10.00; Earl Moore, Fill and weeds $12.40; Borden Brears, Fill .$10,00; John Gile, Fill $8.00; Oscar Weiler, Fill and culvert $11.00; Car­ man Bride, Fill, culvert and weeds $21.00; Weeds: John Topham $1.60, Jas.'Brears $3.00, Joseph Brears $2.50, John Hicks $2.40, E. Hargrave $1.60, W. Hargrave $4,00, Arthur Forster $4.00, Stanley Forster $4.00, Norman Ettinger $3,20, Wm. Albright $2.00, Bruce Sotheran $5,20; John Finlay, culvert and weeds $10.80; Weeds: Leonard Sanderson .40, Frank King $1.00, Jas. Edward .40, T. Douglas .50, S. Finlay $5.20, C. Finlay .80, Wm. Huth $2.00, Archie Steuernol $2.20, Waldo Weir $1,20, Tom Vittie $3.00, Wes. Underwood $11.20; O. Weiler, underbrushing $7.00; Wm. Hill, Wire fence $6.00; Thos. Strong, weeds $9.- 00; Russel MacIntyre, Weeds $6.00; Geo. Baker, spreading fill $10.25; Al­ len Emmerson, shovelling fill $10.00; Rueben Harding, shovelling fill $8.00; Wm. McElwain,'shovelling etc. $12.- 00; Wm. McElwain, gravel $3.75; Frank Graham, team, fill $18.40; Earl Baker team, fill and weeds $30.40; Allen Emiperson, weeds $8.00; Thos. Padfield, post $1.50; Dick Watters, gravelling and weeds $27.55; Weeds: Milton Leonard $3.60, Wm. Hill $1.00, Robt. Wallace $2.60, John Armstrong $1.00, Harold Foster $2.00, Enos Don- aghy .80, Wm. Boehler .60, Oscar .Weiler $2.00 Bruce Armstrong $5.40, Geo. Harris $5.00, Henry Darcey $2.- 60, Emerson Downey $1.20; Harvey Williamson, hauling gravel, $59.40; John Reichard, hauling gravel $24-75; Balfour Brears, hauling gravel $27.70; Jas. Brears hauling gravel $27.00; Ivan Harris, hauling gravel $12.80; Clar­ ence Gibson, shovelling $20.15, Rich­ ard Aldrich, shovelling $20.00, Rich­ ard Aldrich, gravel $60.45; Archie Al­ brecht, shovelling $17.00; Harvey Gib­ son, spreading $14.00; John Montgom­ ery, operating grader $80.00; 'R. J. Sanderson, levelling road $8.00.; Weeds: $7.00, Arthur McCullough, $5,20, Albert Heibein $5.60, Cecil Wil­ son $7.20, Percy Ashton $2.00, James Strong $2.00, Thos. Peel $1.20, Elmer Durrant $1.00; David Walker, weeds and gravel $2.05; E. W.‘ Bolton; gas and repairs $46.85; John Hyndman, culvert tile $14.35; Henry J'bhann, salt for street, $2.50; E. A. Patterson, gas $78,00; Weeds: Wm. Stewart $9.60, Henry Bast $4.80, James Walkom $4.80, John Ridley $9.50. Moved by Lovell and Baker that Council do now adjourn, to meet in the United Church Hall, Fordwich, on the third Wednesday in August, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. •, Isaac Gamble Clerk. FRANCE AND ENGLAND IN THE NEWS F* $■ F ■f 5 -1U-- -J -.... ii u i. .i.i !t ,i. m.j > /i n-1.1.U‘i u irnnic^ with Mrs. Robert McLaughlin, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Timm and family, Mr, and Mrs. A, Moffat and family, also Mrs. Robert Stocks, mot­ ored to Point Clarke on .Sunday. The ladies and children of the party re­ maining for a week’s holiday at th© lake. The past of Simple Simon Simpl© will present their play at the United Church Garden Party, Fordwich, this week. GORRIE || United Church Service The service In United Church on Sunday morning, Aug, 1st will be ta­ ken by Mr. Harry Hopper, Wingham/ There will be no evening service. !i Sunday School Picnic The United Church S. S. Picnic was held in the park Friday afternoon with; ■a fairly good attendance. Games, rac­ es and ball games were enjoyed fol­ lowed by refreshments served by tea­ chers and officers. Institute Picnic Members of W. I. are holding their annual picnic on Thursday, July 29,. at the home of Miss E. MacEwen. Members are asked to bring a friend. ice at which there will be a celebra­ tion of the Holy Communion. Mr. Lome Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, left Mon­ day of last week for Chicago, where he is completing a course at the Chi­ cago Institute of Diesel Engnieering. Mrs. Robinson and son, Harold, mot­ ored Lome to Windsor on Monday. Mrs. Herzog, of Rodney, is the gdest of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor and is renewing acquaintances in "town. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and daugh­ ter, Shirley, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renwick at Mc­ Intosh. Celebrated 25'th Wedding Anniversary Congratulations are .extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnston who celebrated their 25th wedding anniver­ sary on Friday afternoon and even­ ing last week. The wedding dinner, served to some forty-three guests was only the prelude to an evening of fun for both young and old when nearly 200 were present and did enjoy them­ selves as they had laid a dancing plat­ form. on their lawn, where the ideal weather conditions made it a success as did the music supplied by Messrs. Harris, Gamble, Ashton, Campbell, Mann and several others who were at their best. Among the beautiful gifts received by the bride and groom of twenty-five years ago was a dinner set, several pieces of silverware, also a walnut end table, the gift of the neighbors. Guests were present from U.S.A., (Stratford, Listowel, Fordwich, Bluevale and the community here. $ $ Mil • ''si I $ <■ ■ < s % <3 i;:& '.3; A A >■' •jf fry i US Kt • 11 lllimiIf HpH tMill'll*>IPI(>MlKHHItH NEWS of the DISTRICT 5 a □ French armed strength went on re­ view in Paris on Bastille Day. Pres­ ident Albert Lebrun stood on the sal­ uting base with King Carol of Rou- mania on his right and the white-rob­ ed Sultan of Morocco on his left (1). At Walton .Heath, England, 'Lady Nancy Astor (2) joined the other lady members of the House of Commons in the annual parliamentary golf match last week. On Salisbury Plain, troops of the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders donned the British army’s new waterproof overalls and practised firing anti-aircraft guns (3) at “enemy” raiders. LoRD<TEr✓ fr Choos? f MONUMENTS at fi«t cost Having OUT factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe* cution of high-class Work, we ask you Mw/fo see the largest display, ofmonu* ■< 'W* ments of any retail factory m Ontario. All finished by sand blast machines. We import all our granites front the Old Country quarries direct, itt the rough. You caq save all local dear* ers’, agents* and middleman profits by Seeing E. J. Skelton & Son M West End Bridge—-WALKERTON Guests of Dr. and Mrs. Ramage on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong and family, Mr, Allan and Miss Mary Lamonte. of Brussels. Mrs. George Day of Wingham has spent over the .past week with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coles. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock spent the week-end at, Bruce Beach with Rev. and Mrs. G. S. Butt and family. Masters Gerald and Vernon Miller of Toronto are spending their vaca­ tion at the home of Mr. ahd Mrs. C. Lawrence. ’ Betty and Pearl Andrews of Tor­ onto are spending a few weeks* vaca­ tion with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Black. Mr. and Mrs. David Dane and son, Whitney, oft,Toronto, spent part of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade and other relatives. Mn and Mrs. Norman Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade were Sun­ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Jack- son, near Harriston. No Service Next Sunday at St. Stephens Mr. Hutson, licensed lay-reader, Wingham, took charge of services of ih Angfican Churches of the parish on Sunday last. There will be no service in St. Stephens Church on Sunday next, Aug. 1st, btit the following Sun­ day, Aug. 8th, ijev. A. H. 6*Neili, rector, will take charge of the serv- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farrish and fam­ ily attended the Farrish Re-Union at Point Clark on Tuesday of last week. The sympathy of. the community is extended to Mrs. Arthur Stephens in the loss of her mother, Mrs. Lepping- fon of Harriston, who passed away in a Toronto Hospital on Thursday of last week. The funeral was held in Harriston on Sunday afternoon. Plans are being made to hold the anniversary services of the Gorrie United Church on Oct. 10 when Rev. T. A. Carmichael of Seaforth will be the guest speaker. Messrs. Lloyd Sanderson, Lloyd and Glenn Wheeler of Brussels, Jack Mitchell,/'of Winnipeg, Gordon Best, of Detroit, Misses Betty Best, Dor­ othy Wright and Merle Sanderson of Brussels, were Sunday visitors of Miss Bernice Day, Mrs. E. J. Farrish and family spent last week with friends near Lucknow. Messrs. Lome and Mack Doig, of Drayton, were guests on Sunday of Mr. ahd Mrs. W. J. Hyndman. MisS Greta Hyndman spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy at Salem. The United Church Sunday School plan on holding their annual picnic on Saturday of this week in Victoria Park here. This is to be a congre- gatiorial picnic, So why not pack a picnic basket and come along and en­ joy the fun. Mr, and Mrs. Irving Toner and daughters, also Mr. A, E, Toner, spent Sunday witii Mr. and Mrs. Jack Toner in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hyndniah, Mrs; John Etyndman and Mr, A, Toner were Toronto visitors on Wednesday of last week. WEDDINGS jefinings - Lawrence On June 23rd, Holy Trinity sion, Pott Norman, Northwest Terri- Mis- tories, was the scene of a colourful They will spend four years at wedding, when Ivy May, second dau- northern post. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles L^w- ------ ------------* rence, Gorrie, Ontario, was married WALKED IN FRONT to the missionary-in-charge, Rev. H. t L. Jennings, B.A., Lth., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H'. Jennings, Exeter, Ontario. The ceremony was perform­ ed by Rev, A. H. Sovereign, Bishop of Athabasca. The bride, who was given away by Col. H. G. Reid, M.C., D.S.O., Man­ ager of the Mackenzie River Trans­ port Company, wore a becoming gown of white crepe with a white fox fur and accessories to match. She was at­ tended by Miss Doris Nixon, W. A. Missionary at Aklavik, who wore a ' blue suit with white accessories. Cort- stable J. Stevens, R.C.M.P. of Fort Norman, was best man. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police stationed at Fort Norman were ushers. Their red dress uniforms added colour to the occasion. Rev.'A. Dewdney, B.A., Lth. of Fort McPherson played the wed­ ding march. A delightful wedding breakfast was served on board the S.S. “Distributor” by courtesy of the Mackenzie River Transport Company. The table was prettily decorated with white streams and candles and centres With a three Storied' wedding cake. Mr. M. Miekle, Government Agent for the Northwest Territories propos­ ed the toast to the bride and groom to which the groom made awcry fit­ ting reply. A social time was spent on board’ With the passengers after which the couple were conveyed by boat back to the Mission. Miss Lawrence left Gorrie, Ontario, for Fort Norman on May 31st to be married to Rev, H. L. Jennings, who volunteered and left as missionary at that post a year previous. She was a passenger aboard S.S. Distributor ahd the wedding took place on her arrivat this OF CAR AT GORRIE Mr. James Underwood Cut and Bruis­ ed but Not Seriously Injured What might have resulted in a more Serious accident occurred here on Saturday night when Mr. James Underwood was struck by a car and knocked unconscious for some time, his hands and arms badly cut and oth- .er parts of his body bruised, Mr. Underwood had come into returned home on Friday of last week. Master Jack Rann, of London is holidaying with friends here. Miss Margaret Durst, of Clinton, was a week-end visitor at her home here, Mr. John Earner has returned from Toronto where he was undergoing medical treatment. Mrs. Davey and daughter, Margar­ et are visiting with friends in Grand Valley and Guelps this week; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sawtell and Helen have returned home after a three weeks’ vacation. There will be no service in St. Jam­ es Anglican Church on Sunday next Tut services will be held as usual on the following .Sunday when the rector, Rev. A. H. O’Neil, who is at present on vacation, will be back, and will conduct the service. Our new bowling green on the banks of the Maitland, has been re­ cently equipped with electric lights, and last week a number of the local enthusiasts enjoyed a few games of bowls. The green has been undergo­ ing treatment for some time now, and should soon be in good shape for bowling. Miss Agnes Ferguson, Clifford, is a guest at the home of Miss Beatrice and Mr. Thomas Shearer. Misses Margaret and Frances Hut­ cheson, Detroit, are visiting at the home of their aunt, Mrs. N. T. Mc­ Laughlin. Mrs. Benington, also Mr. MacIn­ tyre, Cleveland, are visiting Mrs. SttRt and other friends in town. Mrs. Stuart Sanderson and Cathar­ ine, London, are spending this week with Miss Mae Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowler, London, were visitors at the home of Miss M. I f Young Lad Injuredi Alvin Simpson, fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson, had. his left leg broken in two places on. Monday. While busy unloading hay at the barn the horse started to run away, causing the whiffletree to fly back and strike the lad on his leg. He was rushed to the Memorial Hos­ pital.—Listowel Banner. Hole-in-One The first hole-in-one at the Sea-, forth Golf and Country Club this year and the second in the history of the course, was played here Thursday af­ ternoon when Mrs. F. S. Sills drove the famous arm chair No. 7 green, the ball coming to rest in the hole. An easy iron shot across a sand pit to a 7,000-foot green nestled in the side of a hill, the hole frequently proves difficult. Mrs. Sills was play­ ing in a threesome with Mrs. J. C. Greig and Miss Gladys Thompson.— Seaforth Expositor." Milk in the Ditch Wm. Long, Benmiller milkman, was the victim of a hit-and-nun driver on Tuesday night, while bringing his truckload of milk to Goderich, Long was crowded to the side of the road by an approaching car, which struck the rear of his light truck in passing and toppled it into the ditch. The truck was damaged as it rolled over and milk ran down the ditch, but the driver was uninjured. Long was able to give the investigating officer, Coun­ ty Traffic Officer Norman Lever, a good description of the car which caused the damage.—Goderich Star. town With his son, Mr. Wesley Und- ( Davidson one day last week. erwood and family, and when getting out of their car to cross the street to his home, his son said to him not to cross the street as there was a car coming. However, whether he heard or not, he stepped out right in front of the on-coming car, which was driv­ en by Mr. E. Newton, and Which, luckily, was not travelling very fast, He was taken at once to Dr. Whitley’s office, which was only a block from the accident and it was found there was nd serious injury to his head. it isAlthough badly cut and bruised, thought he will be recover. WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allen and George, are visiting at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen; Misses Marion and Elsie Gibson spent a few days last week with friends in Hamilton. Miss Joy Wray, of Toronto, is visit­ ing with her mother, Mrs. Jno. Wray. Dr.‘ Prank Allen, Mrs, M. T, Mac- fartahd and Mr. Geo. Allen1 spent a day last week at Pott Elgin, Dr. Frank and Mrs. Allert, Boston, who have been visiting during the past week with Mt, and Mrs. <3eo. Allen, son. Terribly Burned An 11-year-old Goderich boy, Nor- val Pitblado, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pitblado, is lying in Alexandra Hos­ pital, horribly burned about the face and in danger of losing his eyesight as a result of a childish prank. The young lad was visiting with his uncle in Colborne township on Sunday and came across a can of black powder It is believed he was alone at the time and touched a match to the con­ tents of the can, which was gun-pow­ der. There was a blinding, scaring flash and the boy took the full blast in the face as the gunpowder explod­ ’d, He was in agony until taken to ghters, Brussels, were Sunday guests' the hospital, where his pitiful wounds of Mr.-and Mrs. J. N. Allen. I ■were dressed. Although his condition Mrs. J. Stmt, who has been visit-' cannot be definitely ascertained with ing her sister, Mrs. MacIntyre in regard to his eyes, it is believed cer- Cleveland, returned home on Satur-' tain the boy will be facially disfigur- day, < ed for life.—Goderich Signal. Congratulations to two of our pop-1 ------- - ular young people who were married To Serve One Year last week, Marian Maud Milligan and In police court at Hanover Thurs* William George Paulin.. Following day, before Magistrate E. C< Spere* their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Paulin man, Roy Heipel pleaded guilty to left for Detroit On their return they ! many charges that he1 had fraudulent- will make their home in Wroxetet ly converted to his own use the sum Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fovder and of nearly $1,100 which he collected family, London, were week-end guests from patrons of the Hanover Dairy, of Miss Florence and Mr. Elmer • Fowler. Mr, and Mrs.- Charles Messer, Tor­ onto, are holidaying at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. Mr. and Mrs; J. Hembley, Misses Minerva and Velma Higgins and Irene Robinson spent Sunday at Southamp­ ton. Mrs. Dickson and daughter, Jessie, Niagara Ealts, spent the week-end Rev.* A, M. and Mrs. Grant and their four daughters leave this week for their cottage at Grand Bend where they will spend the month of August. Miss Aileen Schaab spent the week­ end at her home in Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. H. B, Allen and dau-! e< ly converted to his own use the sum He was sentenced to one years de-* terminate and three months indeter* mmate In Guelph reformatory. Twin Colts Attract Attentibn The farm of Wm, Cottrill, North Bruce, is attracting considerable tention of late, where Mr, William Cottrill Js raising a very fine pair of twin colts. Both Cotts are full sla© jwnd doing welt««Tort Slgiti Times. *