HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-07-29, Page 3Thursday, July 29th, 1937 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
and berries in a serving
hot jelly mixture over,
harden. Chill and serve
sauce. Serves six.
ference to .the Archbishop of Canter
bury as a *cad*, made at Baltimore.
‘‘After due reflection I am still at a
loss to think of a description which
fits Canterbury and his action more
perfectly, . .” Jardine’s visit to Tor
onto was postponed because of his at
tack on the Archbishop.
Rescuers Reach Entombed Miners
Pottsville, Pa. Rescue . workers,
digging feverishly with pick and shov
el, reached four miners trapped by a
fall of coal and passed blankets
through a hole to the men and re
ported they were unhurt. Tons of
coal and rock blocked the miners in
a 400-foot shaft they had dug in the
side of a bank.
To Fly from Tokio to New York
Tokio—Japan’s most ambitious aer
ial attempt, a non-stopa flight from
Tokio to New ,York in an "all-Japan-
ese designed and built “wonder plane”
.is expected to be launched in the near
future. The plane, just completed at
the Aeronautic Institute of Imperial
University, is. declared to be capable
of travelling 10,000 or more miles
-without refueling. t
j ............-
Aim to Stop Prejudices
New York—The National Confer
ence of Jews and Christians announc
ed it would pursue an “intensive cam
paign” in schools and colleges next
year to eliminate racial, religious, class
and cultural prejudices.
road coach and travel at a speed of
200 miles an hour, or more, were fore
cast by a leading aviation expert. He
drew his prediction partly from the
successful two-way crossing of the At
lantic by British and United States
flying boats and partly from experi
ments with designs that are being un
Eleven Killed Over Week-End
Eleven persons were, killed and over
1 twenty injured in highway and water
‘“ragedies in Ontario over the week
ind. Four women, including the wife
of Magistrate J. S. McKessock, Sud
bury, were among . the victims who
met with death on the open road.
There were two drowning, both caus
ed by heart seizures.
Revealed German-Italian Spy System
Paris—A network of German and
Italian spies along France's frontiers
was revealed with the arrest of a
French amateur aviator and newspap
er reports that Fascist agents are pen
etrating Mediterranean ports. The av
iator, Jean Sellier^' was charged with
divulging military secrets to Germany
following His arrest at Pailly after
months of surveillance.
Sir C. E. Saunders,
Noted Cerealist, Dead
Toronto—Sir Charles E. Saunders,
whose marquis wheat made Western
Canada “the granary of the world”,
died quietly at his home here Sun
day, He was'70 years old in February
and had been in poor health for sev
eral months.
He was knighted in 1934 for his
service to Canada and the empire in
developing the early-ripening marquis
wheat which established Canadian
hard wheat as the standard for the
world. Sir Charles had been living
here in retirement for eight years.
es-Roy Pete Traxler (ABOVE)
caped Texas prison convict, was shot
and captured by one of two Oklahoma
farmers he and his companion, Fred
Tindol, held as hostages during mad
efforts to flee from officers. Traxler
will survive the wounds he received
and probably face armed robbery
charge, a capital offence in Oklahoma.
Tindol was slain by the other farm
er, who seized guns of the pair in a
daring manoeuvre.
ijjf'twe Martial Law at Shanghai
Shanghai — Chinese sections of
Shanghai were under modified martial
law, after Japanese bluejackets march
ed through the Chapei district,
ing a Japanese seaman, Sadao
azaki, assertedly kidnapped by
I , „ ... » J(
Parliament May Hold Fall Session
Ottawa—Although Prime Minister
Mackenzie King has stated since his
return from the Imperial Conference,
that he sees “no reason” for a fall
session of Parliament, preparations for
the session, when it is called, are al
ready under way.
, Fruit Desserts
Fruits are particularly adaptable in
making desserts for every day in the
year, either as fresh when in season
or as canned fruits. In most of the
recipes given below other fruits may
be substituted for those given.
Raspberry Trifle
cups stale cake crumbs
cups raspberry juice
tbsp, cold water
cup raspberries
tbsp, gelatine
„ Soak gelatine in cold water. Heat
berry juice and pour over. Arrange
cake crumbs
dish, Pour
Set aside to
with custard
Apficot Fluff
Press the apricots through a fruit
press or eoarse sieve. Into this fold
the whites of the two eggs stiffly
beaten, Chill thoroughly. Make a
custard sauce using fruit juice, milk,
sugar, and the two egg yolks. Chill
and serve with the apricot mixture,
Peach Tapioca
EIDETHr ■ ■ w mO HI
pointed in his place. The vacancy-on
the board was filled by the appoint
ment of its Treasurer, Robert Find
cup fresh or canned apricots
cup apricot juice
tbsp, sugar
cup milk
Nazis Took Over Iron Industry
Berlin—The Nazi State took over
direction of the German iron industry
to help itvmeet the needs of Ger
many’s armaments drivfe and con
struction under the four-year plan.
Egyptian King to Ascend Throne
Alexandria, Egypt—A week of fes
tivities such as the old Valley of the
Nile has not seen in modern times
began Sunday when 17-year-old King
Farouk I. came home to ascend his
throne. Tlnirsday In the Parliament
building in Cairo King Farouk will
take the oath of office which will sig
nalize start of hi's active reign.
Church Leaders Defied Nazis
Berlin—Confessional church leaders
defied the Nazi religious policy after
the arrest of Rev. Wilhelm Niemoell-
er, pastor pf St. Anne’s Church in sub
urban Dahlem. They sent a manifesto
to all Evangelical ministers in Ger
many, protesting the charges made
against Niemoeller, Whom they des
cribed as “a man confessing his faith
in Christ without fear of man.”
Airliners As Big As a Railway Coach
Washington — Airliners that will
carry as many passengers as a rail-
Repeats Archbishop a Cad
Rochester, N.Y.—Rev. R. Anderson
Jardine, who married the Duke and
Duchess of Windsor in defiance.of his
ecclesiastical superiors, issued the fol
lowing Statement here. ‘‘The Osserv-
atore Romano, official Vatican'publi
cation, under date of July 23, char
acterized as ‘digusting’ my recent re-
New Divorce Law for England!
London—Legislative action on one
of the great social reforms of the cen
tury. was completed by Parliament
when the'House of Commons gave
third reading to the Matrimonial
Causes Bill. It widens the grounds
for divorce to include desertion, cruel
ty and insanity, sets up a three-year
period following marriage during
which no petition for divorce shall be
entertained, broadens the grounds for
annulment of marriage to protect in
nocent persons from the consequences
of wrongdoing by the other part^
prior to marriage, and makes it the
business of the courts to look to the
prospects of reconciliation of divorce
case principals and to the welfare of
any children whose interests might
Compromise on Neutrality Failure
London—Great Britain, admitting
failure in her attempts to find a com
promise for the international neutral
ity deadlock,' moved to throw full res
ponsibility upon Germany and Italy
for the plan’s collapse.
cup tapioca
cup juice from fresh or canned
cups water
tsp. salt
cup sliced fresh or canned
Soak tapioca in the water over
night. Add peach juice and cook in a
double boiler until clear— about one
hour. Add peaches and turn into a
cold wet mould. Chill, turn out, serve
with cream or custard. Serves six.
Raspberry Jam
While raspeberries are in season,
Liquor Profits Up 15%
Tilbury—Net profits from Ontario
Liquor Control Bo,ard sales for the
second three months of 1937 have in
creased more than 15 per cent, from
those ,of the same period last year,
Edmond G. Odette, L.C.B. Commis
sioner; said.
Tired of having to replace so-called
JF w cheap tires every now and then? Tired
of wondering “how far will they Ko?”
f GOODYEAR All-Weather Tread Tires
. are handsome, safe, long-wearing,
trouble-free —- “tops” in the best
circles. Quality is the truest economy.
Come in today.
(Homuth & Bennett, Props.)
the following recipe for making rasp
berry jam may prove useful. Put the
berries over the fire in a kettle add
ing no water, heat gently until th*e
juice is drawn out of the fruit, then
bring this to a boil, and keep boiling
for three or four minutes. Measure
the fruit at this stage for the-quantity
of sugar necessary. Three cups of
sugar will be required for four cups
of 'the boiled fruit. Add the sugar to
the fruit,- stirring until all the sugar
is dissolved. Boil gently for twenty
minutes, stirring occasionally to keep
from burning. Remove from the fire
and pour into hot sterilized jars, -J
_ ___________________________ -----------------
The Son: "What is a dead-heat,,
The Father; “Two women trying to'
have the last word, my boy.
ake no chances
& £
your family !
a . v.
■ . V
Youth Fundi for Re-Establishment
"Announcement that the Federal
Government had approved agreements
with the three Western Provinces in
regard to their share of the Govern
ment’s $l,00Q,000 youth re-establish
ment fund, led Toronto City Hall of
ficials to believe that a similar On
tario agreement would be entered into
within the next few days. It was ex
pected that, of this fund, Ontario
would receive approximately $240,000.
and See How Others
WHEN NEXT you go motoring resolve to “Try Courtesy” every >
inch of the way and see how much more enjoyable your trip
will he and how quickly other drivers will rcspdnd to your
courtesy. If I could but persuade lialf of the motorists to
“Try Courtesy” I Dm confident that the other half, would follow
suit and then we would have established the greatest single
factor for safe riiotoring—courteous driving.
Again I suggest that you “Try Courtesy” the next time you are
r driving. Try to refrain from “pocketing*’ your fellow-motdrist
when hfe gets into a traffic difficulty. Try to give him some
Warning of what you intend to do next whether it is to slow
down, stop, change direction Or overtake him. Try to give hint
his share of the road so as not to unnerve him by a “close
shave?* Try to remember to dip or dim yoUr brilliant headlights
When you meet him at night so that he Will not fee “ditched” or
drive straight on when he should take a curve. Try to remember
that hills, curves and other blind spots are danger spots—keep
to your right side of the road when you emne to them.
In these and the dozens of other ways, which will occur to yoti,
1 sincerely recommend that you “Try Courtesy” every inch of
the way. , .
Sad Tragedy Near Orangeville
Orangeville—Bodies of Mrs. Annie
Lesuk and her 3-day-old babe were
found battered and partly burned be
neath a smoking heap of feathers in
the kitchen of the Lesuk farm house,
22 miles northeast of here, by Prov
incial Police Friday. Ephriam Lesuk,
husband of the dead woman who, in
broken English, told neighbors to call
police because of “trouble” on the
farm, was taken into custody and
lodged in the .Orangeville jail. Police,
answering the neighbor’s call, found
the bodies of the woman and child,
who had apparently been battered to
death, lying on the floor of the kitch
en, smothered with feathers, over
which had been poured inflammable
liquid and which had been ignited.
Child Inherits $25,000,000 »
Bologna, Italy—Seven-year-old El-
ettra Marconi became one of the
world’s wealthiest children by virtue
of her father’s will naming her sole
residuary legatee to his estate, con
servatively estimated at $25,000,000.
■ "The New Spirit
of the Road
Trude Terms Ignored
Peipin — Chinese and Japanese
troops confronted each other in men
acing attitudes west of Peipin, al
though both had undertaken to with
draw ill their Peipin truce agreement
of last week. Both Chinese ahd Jap
anese expressed pessimism over ear
ly restoration of complete peace in
North China,
Murray Quits Wheat Board
Ottawa—Policy of tile Canadian
Wheat Board during the past year
will be continued for the coming sea
son but under different direction. Re
signation of Chairman J, R. Murray
was accepted by the Government and
Vice-Chairman George Mclvbr ap-
<L?or greatest safety get Blue Sunoco LEFT TURN
Hand and arm extended
horizontal^. Many drivers
°lso point with their index
(SIBnals gclwally understood by Canadian f
M°st_ accidents are preventable. Do y0Ur pan by F
f /
S' •’
right turn
Wand and arm extended
upward or moved with a
sweeping motion from the
roar to the front.
we challenge you to find a quicker
acting motor fuel...
In an emergency, its lightning quick
pick-up snaps you to safety...
Hand and arm extended
Its high knockless power minimizes gear
shifting; reduces one-handed steering ...
BLUE _ -
Its freedom from harmful chemicals
and from corrosive action makes it
safer for your motor.
TOP PERFORMANCE ... i • I a gas price
0 Diagonal Road Service Station