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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-07-29, Page 2
W11 .JR ’ W”11 .....-■q-JiqiWIBlipiWiT'^ .l-;r.:..riT1J....HSBflSPnj^SWSJBJS A THE WIXGHAM ADVAN'CE-TIMES Thur»day, July 29th, 11937 ............ ’ ' ’ fl ........................................................................ ... ...................... T>e I *w$ eutschxs ■mcx-r co the Uxxn the ^O’SS^' xv^»M gather to-' 'Wmghwm A^WW^^O-WS* 5?^ ^Iwn, besides wi. engage in fden<y s^wJ «Uk Ik I’ ’fi> :>»9lh»V 4Vi:"»V*L’»wu.'»k m<uik ’» * -Si. ».*h. *ft. - ih . - . r.cthing had u ? I the did hew Wca| iiWe afec mernkn tb.at| 'The Mvw^Wwts IWd^ntsg CodjMn's. C F. $:wh U a Wteghm «Ml w1Weww. kw x'i shfi1 farai^x cw Ite ** Tc&t /%'<«• W&igb.irtx at whrse hew ent $hi hi advance. Iweb.wt'$p?msewxw j Te V. A-. $2^ mr. thr.es. j $w, j] Ws at 'Bam’IRai^ng ?• WUs en ’i sJ-hc while mdxg a *vy>> j |'sWbw6h^, M wmw^ > warn •B%'W M’^arn< by T uwwate gaw> we wa sre* Mttiw?' iScafets; Oa/» ■sa«3fe»M' sar ^issw-j; isatefj 5fcseE»«s^ ajra^is ■g*Ju«r staiizs- i^utgia ws&xias.'! JwifejwMir * return ass sSe .-femes' Snjt£mns& SUan, w* | in w&Xh they were the best of fnends pM tbrtp Mwing the foKivcn. ” ; Outstanding Athlete ; Chse -cf the boys xvh-ert xve always t fwcali was ,rt nanrtd IfenwXm* who* Mx~«4 in Lnwtrtr . Be bad? been tsnfioj-tmau er.mgh to Me an',! arts sbrtssh an annsdew, but that O j set drtrt Mu rWing backstop ut; .basebaM at which b.a was anted as the j best rtrtcber tn the distract wrtT.i «xfe.rtge Mnmey, wb.o was the ) ! of tbrta &*X IMnSten a5so could ’ 1 swing a 'MickrtF bat, ard Sfis xeypna- ] I ents ttsnd to ^lay deep fe the fikld i per filrtort FORMER EDITOR OF TIMES WRITES Sy W. H. V«*»l X.wia, Bxh ,Hr.y *A ^T.«~The: fc^nvxc O.e w^ng <i; tht'sc rtwuk'' ix^wl rg ’.w.t c.3, liv ..tc tew /j he* ^se .rbed tc the itest that thh year is the nwth arw’ ci the hy the; WJto, ci the cshtc:s>.:p ef The Ifeitn sin \Xi*i x&e*srt* Cy tee 'Ct Swe W. w>.c ^3 edit'd tx.e r&?c\ &nd w>.e Mi trs Miairs in the hands .-i ?.> ’wid/w v-wr sister*'. ,\:e..n\<h cr?. rt'/rt as cciUrt was hi ’ci m,p?.ss:Xa- sX , wviW-»**% . »'*- is-S'1** ^-e. *5 =»«•'» -"t^taa-V’*****?*’ V %;<<*> ‘.w ; far the tart that at shat v.w The Times was m ^Xit'ks whi> yw trthy chew rtnaewsy ta the ■ceasing tya^y -??cy w xa’dd wasem ' save that ww- wcX the s.m al a znan ■. that tc’Ii'fiea'I ^ns^stcnX and the ; ^nsXXm we Xc“5 did rm m with ■ rt» 55m seganS!^- d'.r.ty te *w.'?'"’ wX- ’ JiX'a’I <idXat\nes ^exrcxnn evert- - ■fence in the nrtvsT^srt game s*vn-1 tsanght ns fhrte is Artie rt dSv-sc m the way ei wehiirt w-Jrt it rtnrnX •es tn <'rt.sv.me extf* news X-r Cv ?ca5*. felg ; Thert* is ’Sxing trt this rX’. Wesrt'rt <ehy an .id trtX^hrt anl sch.vCmart;; 'rtf-cos. charfes T efediX at me tsmei sn&nagrt cd the hmk In Wir.gh&'m,;! tthe tW'^rrtrtjy cads £rt see 'rt -‘ tfitst at Sfis *awn bcwd'Sig cXb Irt a ; igaHrt, md whn is -goS rttmgh rt rt> ' c-wS" rt3§i i «y at my xit*rt“ a rt^y ■. *«; AtoeTi»s. UMCcss tn saj-J___ ____________ _________ ______ ___ the cs ■£d.\rtnd.,$ seamed w5t,h;]a’Iways rtvnrtnd m fi^rtrd^y -mmss i1*™®* wrth rtse-sa. Amang trtrts& ws.-, '“‘Srt'S, and the hart>grt«nS was the .envyed rtcy smdh tn rtmd ti these rtmics very Sew uXgXway bewem the rtw- eteens. IXhe ,;x^'*' aajps t*at <Ere ^tss^was -&.t ftisSrtBtts t,x ”j*s:tsms with; wXrtn we .‘'aiW'rt were caTfiinS «t & fhe snrst ^^cyS.whapsfiaatssjt^rtj'^.ajs Mme wed acrtsartted, yet titaely exs. UXwaMxcs rtsEXrtrt thc-re bemg ?rt«s we> y^^asga. Me st: iirty 5sS'@a rtnrt&inS ?rtms whSch carry j’V'weS nr'ilgi'rtTsX' the t&fes xOfitSs -tstxs to c.ci.n'rrr^a.na cgh. h^efc rtrtbe Saj’xctm-irt thfei je-rt’cM the tnortys ci jSsstes, -s®s IStf'> tewn rta the brtiks -rd the the Scxrt-* rt rtiefi' wjrjthfetawigassiXjsxisse^r rhenssg' and Wth. .\txS 5<rtfc'h Xiss tn say, 'tn this Mhcr cxCrtSt^. tJ 4ns&tidX. finrms cd strtert mj •rtsh&art’im. that larsa cd Smt- 'aTEissrttsrtS. We indcwrtl fib® rrlns ■ hsart ss s&u whh th® "*^5 ss3k3^»n$ eXsVrt-i^ne cd rtW’I ’haxv 5ft ^C'^id^r^nmSertfs Sxx'fthna.asaXxse* whr-rt w wsw srhndhsrtes way IrtSrtjnS rtm afisenSm fin? *,'sh& ."X as w? ‘fhesi-.. St was.; fais mtfels Ss a Mmv Trun’*' icd exrsa. nrtessfery tn hw? xn ran* taken fin Wtr^kj® fix *W ^ysT jtrtfe. m* the me whn w4s fhe nrtrtx'; i§§5. .sn Staa cd the fennswfiS: Mctfil BnsXks dXanky SrMX there '•nK'drt Tsm 1® firt'‘MX can tcmSf t3ac Sew art residing hrt® rten ethrt aid Witge I.e3 the ?n*£ SrtarttXg Te-fi: cd these whase ISa-nasses ^§»mr Item hexsu me, ^feregae Ss&y, whn at itrt wn forties tetheafiiray^anS was, ,t» the 'irttnrt,, 2j®x thsrt 'snay h® -nns ■w? gar® drtxt? wra 'Xs- the Ttv® rfertirt®, wnrtal Tw was afiwa^'S .' m wn, and w® trtist tte fiSxsrtrtsn® WftfitKtt ^rtrty, and fht- rtkrt. whrt^rt-r fisnXI feXng nr them th® same- finnfi S„ X5i‘rA ’ah-rtn -wsC hciSfet was .a&gcht a hey. m ertht* sade rtsrerXe wse&kws wlfen at uh® ^Gcrtfe., hxa whr- ssjvtt web. has ‘rt mretlfesfi wtknds, 5s* wt:®3 as is ,w n? rt® ussy 5w nn- In Mitghartk Mr. ASkSss has hr hsis rten temllfer rtsSk- hick's w&h S M;ee hesafe w wHnh ebarge ni the firt me- cd v»J3, which £»rtwB tnnse rtrtrt'rt?. A •rasse rht c3S rtw». In fife® fiont- tW Xfefihxg elatft dttjCirtimer.t srtvs 'nert^nrthj' fiewwiw cd ■'Snsn ®KCrtt»rt» it.'® w hsa«? grrm fife® wmss *5 tht West, Tfexfi-3 fi^rtirtr, rfirtirtS trs was the ficat tha* whm they sve.rn , these whean w nread .rtin&iE IjWtjkfa- the h’bnx’t 'W'rtrt»rt*d. mer» and eSnrrtg tbs* afirtr* y*s nrtrty rtsfin fix® extirt filsc't •WSSSK* <X4 rt.ns, W. H. fixa?. WL rt.'t X ttfert ifc&* IhtHIfi?— do jrexdh rtvwrmr moniE.. 'M'r.»<'t; -wrtSi! 'firm hsit % Katgir. Anfi! - te wmte Xi* - .SbMtfcs'.«».aeb- .Thr Sidtei rtti OU®' 'ser. W W MYREW tlECTmC RAMGE IS SO CLEAN ■AKO FAST/ They like the way it saves money on gas, oil and upkeep, too I ~TT is mucii smarter,, much more modern/’ ~Th-e most -*- Ibesxrlifnl and corn!Port.able ear were ever owned—-and so «asy tor me to ddve?*' listen to the ladies and. such. are the eexxenls youll hear about the new -Chevrolet. One .aianoe will tell ywi that Chevrolet is the best-looking car m the lowest price field. One ride, and you’ll realhre where it arts. its roputsnon for,giving finer performance— adfoag with .gas emnomy -of 25 and more miles to the gallon, according to ©>wreports.. With. D&steel Turret Top Body mnrtrtsrtittrt. Safety glass and perfected EkdrauBo Brakes you en|oy matchless safety. v=^- for economical transportation ! fit is saws Sr x/ffirtinrshirt Uiaafc SSHSb TXgxrias ce XChrt® tX -ws* rtm;' ’Sa se3” wk dag *fenst ’wMfems® rs^tsj Wiufih hlssssefi r«r Tssgg in r.n?irlhn^i! rtrtE, irt«X3 ■ Wher® hSafehmiS^ .xwter ArtSrrs regsrt. . sii’&ers- n^Tsrrts rUB ’Sar-jrk fifcsrt Wjtr •.i^rhsst- ‘rtuk srensttfi rt^snsaj 'hmrtl, iT&sss -hwi r«r- TCTrmfitu ifetsan »w< ] Sfessbgs; ®dasU Iter nfc Isrrt^ Tie irmB wialB. 4 ^HTj n£sr rtmse d V£rr ifin -v/?- -^Lir ir rmifi tfia? rtsft, i'^s ^rcsxsi? xfes -ws to® lust, ,aJr Sigaiir *s?r®& sr -jfe wrw Ja.s Tsrsrrs«’*-i- Tte wtjrtls wfer nrtsr raisssB > fish te- rmjurtsS s?n .«ctss? rlih, ®t*e rteSfisSA. I. ■5 cfiftfi'!sa.nrta*arts* X grt&x®5® .fits StfisSnsr ssmfe fihsrt STi.c,'J~~ ; & fish 0 fedte Sir.^XssrdriHr hsfifes, Tsfi, hssEss?- Trt fifiUib©, 'rtM. ; ■I’ltes Modtefi i '1 O Sksat rtg, ww 1/7? SSj 'Spllrt: Finest location W bmwsct* Is teipartofit to you tfce* by «l •mt kMf Hctd Ti$fcr « the Jswrt cl dbrmfeMht &cfroft«cb$c. ■fee rtwtt, tkcrtrcs^ <B» Ws^ al trww^erU^EteJwat scrwJ «t W prices m &e Wer Coftcc Sftop '«n4 Ccfrtisifcj^rtSU feoN&crt Ik&£ hotelTULLE SINGLE FAC1NS GRAND CIRCUS FARK " ONE OF THE SEYEmN rtffirtry sg$j ls> iss. ® -imiiJ; 'Tw rzsrssafitr “fijsrt1 .rssns ar> tanial i. .. Tsese w 'hsifi .SsGrt j2i3 ^ssaa^«e srt? liiafcas rd ’Trt- <T&3iix£& swr ase nr “iihtr ^Sie^hw 'j Trt 'rtirr ®se rmas,. ' T: ’.feijsr ~fti£ m ili* ttitotame > ; ?9tfcT raS -*j> taaiS srsres £ia£ Mjirtssfr "1 I Sr teteii <ie -KSErtx’i : | I Wty ’Safir .mtti' ferti« Mttaisr..' j W&& rYmE mI; rjsttw? - Jr griH '.ttf -wh: * lfcr*20te^teaih^ ; ■! < • n j < ; %< tr yw, Mr. Tdhnri i T <1^188^,1 j^taiinsc'. 1S5. me ALBERT jSNftrthwwea' 50D0 ROOMS IN 8 STATES MmmMl (;i*m t IIL n'"0 i'iii'l"i"|*li*,ii''*iifi,i[grr1 ■ »g^SSSSSg tx^ffiBssssassss <’ . & c V