The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-07-22, Page 2.PACK TWO .. ........w.. Wingham Advance-Time* at WIHGHW'- ONTARIO Every Tuesday Mc-rirg by Tbe Adr&»y-e-T;r«es Pritiishrng Co. Sieibswriprisn BaU Ohe Tear $2.,GO i Six wc-riths, $LW an advance ; To U. S. An ^50 iper year. S Fcrecgn rate, 53.00 per year- ; Advertising rates cn appEcatiau. Thur.day, July 22nd, 1937THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES C' PRICED FROM u. for i CRAWFORD’S GARAGE - Wingham, Ont. $745 Master 2-paisenxer BujIsmot Coupe . . . .delivered at Oihawa. Goverruneat taxes, license and freight additional. /, Prices sub­ ject to change ■sdth.out noticej Mort .likely, ypar present -.car will easily take care of tiie down payment——and you .can pay the balance on monfhjy tmns to sasst your purse, -under the General Motors Ihstal- ■usent.Plaa. C-2372 James Braec Injured by Car Mr. Jactes Bware. an em^yei Mr. farm, 7rii ef Mirito,' was struck hy a car while he was spreadisg sa& <cn the trcadway fe srrat .vf the WSfcfesssi farm, recent­ ly. Xo btr.es were broken, l>ai he was eAhsideraW’ shrikes and aae Laee feigned. The driver ©5 she ear, a tsareJJer for a Mvaiyaal firm, mediately stepped and assisted the Jared laan 2© Lis Lame. Mr. Sr was cvnaaed to bed far ever a week. Must Pay Horen Ear His Remm IDepcrred to Casasa at the Oetrrll Wm-dsrr hrxSer, he haring fled 2© th Triied States vrheu.be jumped Ms bai psudfeg She ■staSecse . c»z . a dmusei charge ’last Febsaasy’,’Charite A. Tew, Ttrsm v, must spend th: ^SiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^^^S I HJ S e CAN T DESCRIBE IT, BUT a Gk&uJialet andl fyotL rU Izsumu Ute ONLY CHEVROLET has a Valvt^in-Head Engine—same kind as used in record-breaking airplanes and racing cars—for thrilling performance with peak economy! ONLY CHEVROLET surrounds you with the safety ami luxury of new Unisteel Turret Top Bodies hy Fisher— strongest, quietest, finest-quality bodies known. ONLY CHEVROLETgives you perfected Hydraulic Brakes, ' with Safety glass in every window and Fisher No-Draft Ventilation, for extra comfort* Drive a Chevrolet today and you’ll know what a differ­ ence these fine features make! One thing certain — you’ll never accept less for your money. ^On Master De Luxe Models 1'2.£T economical transportation was riding on the front fender of an automobile driven, by Martin Lake, S^awrfey sn’tibe ©pen-Hr 2a afiar-zer© j Gormley was charged with criminal also of London. When the machine hit a bump in the roadway, she was thrown off, .and the wheels passed over her body. Dr. M. R. Heltiw-eC Kincardine, who was tailed, ordered her removed to Kincardine Hospital Here, her con­ dition was described as critical. She was found suffering from internal in­ juries and a possible fractured back. So serious was her ■condition that her d BrmceSeldJ Helen Heywood, 23, of 72 Rectory J Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hey- - “ S street, London, was critically injured. 5 wood, of Exeter, were called to her Police, who investigated, said she bedside. l:jhemgxk£rfermedSsannerffiue tokealxh it® appear in a week. When the crash land Sfe; and rise lempasary deporil ©ccurred both cars rolled over on :!©f ^bodies £a fhe chapel woorid ©briars J their right sides without leaving the .1 the E^pesshv .of digging graves 3mder| highway. Gormley claimed he was rseveral feet ©f SW.—Hanover rk>sL |driving only twenty-five miles an ■'] . ■ -—— Ihtmr. Lights Psr Sruoetielu 1* -------- ? Ai the regular raeetiug ©f Tauter- i! Seriously Injured at Kincardine j smith Lusrshh Czsrmril a jpetitisnl Thrown beneath the wheels of an j’was paesested by Stoss Saari: <hj be-1 automobile at South Veach last week, jkri? She strides; ' vrarirg' dbe .rrtwrij Id Sake t&e rjeces-| .. sary arikm-fe secure street Sghts fv.r | dhe riStage, wHri. was gsasied and she ’rileri: --was instmered ito make applisa- jrirm Is rifeclLEJPJC. fer ?a survey and I estimates -sS riae area vrislSug serr- iine.—CEato iMeMS-Keapsi HARRY F. O'BRIEN, Mause 800 ROOMS - WITH BATH frqm^2 sinsle FINEST LOCATION IF •convenience* h Importent to you then by eS meant select Hotel Toller-right in the heart of downtown Detroit - close to stores/ theatres/ % office buildings, end al transportation. Excele.nl 15 food served at low pikes k the Teller Coffee Shop and Cafcterit...DetrcHt's Friendliest hotel. hdtelTULLER FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK 1 ONE OF THE SEVENTEEN ALBERT SKSt®"4*’.... SsS’^iS*010'"*»»»"turn HOTELS 5000 ROOMS IN 8 STATES ^2 SM IWjp 1 WXJAB* * W»XKW PICK ' 4;SS6 c