The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-07-08, Page 8Pl EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 8th, 1937
Show Starts at 8 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 8th, 9th, 10th
— In —
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 12, 13th, 14th
A Dramatic Musical Comedy,
Also Two Short Subjects,
Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c,
Bingo - Raffle
Wingham Armouries
Under Auspices of the Legion,
There will be good prizes pur
chased from some of the local
merchants. |
Mr. and Mrs. John Fanning of Kap-
uskaping and their children, Bob and
Kathleen are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie.
Mrs. Al Dowling and daughter Don
na of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Rife of Detroit, spent Sunday at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Reed.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women’s Institute is to be held on
Friday at the home of Mrs. W. R. Far
rier. The roll call will be Cool, Re
freshing drinks and how to make them
and the paper will be taken by Mrs.
Cecil Falconer. Stains and how to
Illustrated Lecture
At The
Foresters’ Hall, Belgrave
at 8.30 P.M,
remove them. There will be interest
ing exhibits of kitchen aprons and
Mrs. Mac Ross gives the prize for the
best one. All the ladies of the com
munity are invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs, Shook and Patsy of
London, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fal
len .of. Lucan, were week end visitors
at the home of Mrs. A. Fox.
Miss Winnifred Farrier returned
from Toronto last Wednesday-
Mr. and Mrs, Alec Naylor of Fort
Erie, and Mrs, Butcher of Palmer
ston visited on Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. B. S. Naylor.
Mrs. Irwin of Toronto, and her dau
ghter, Pearl of New York, spent a few
days last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W« R. Farrier,
Mr. Donald Elmer of Toronto, is
holidaying at the home of his aunt,
Mrs. Robt, McClenaghan,
Mr, and Mrs, Ben Naylor visited on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Logan of Teeswater,
At the Institute Social on Monday
evening last little Faye McClenaghan
drew the ticket from the box for the
fine quilt that the ladies had made and
sold tickets on, and Mr. J. A. Wilson
of Wingham had purchased the win
ning ticket*
Miss Grasby of Belgrave, is assist
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.
McGee, while Mrs. McGee is laid up
with a broken arm.
Mrs. York of Petrolia, and Mrs.
Jennie Simpson and son, John of Lon
don, spent the week-end visiting with
E. Wawanosh and Wingham relatives.
The United Church young people
presented their play “Mother Mine”
at Bluevale on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer and
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer spent the
week-end in London and Thamesford,
where the attended a picnic held for
the old school pupils of the school
that Mrs. Falconer attended long ago.
A social evening in the Presbyter
ian church last Tuesday evening fin
ished the meetings of the young peo
ple for the summer months, except for
a business meeting once a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Clin
ton and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft
and Florence motored to London on
Sunday, where Florence was admitted
into the Sick Children’s Hospital to
have her leg, which was broken last
November in an accident, broken a-
gain and re-set. Dr. Ramsay of Lon
don will perform the operation on
Tuesday morning. Mrs. Beecroft ac
companied by Miss Lettie Fox mot-
tored to London on Tuesday morning
to be with her for a few days.
Mrs. W. R. Farrier spent a few days
last week in Goderich with Mrs. Robt.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee and child
ren who have been visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Alec. Rintoul, returned
to Toronto on Saturday and her lit
tle niece, Miss Florence McPherson
accompanied them.
Mr. John Gaunt motored to Toron
to one day last week, and Mr. George
McClenaghan, who has been in the
General Hospital there for the past
few weeks, and who is very much im
proved after his operation, returned
home with him.
Miss Irma Slater and Mr. George
Sudds of Listowel, visited for a few
days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo
Quite a number of the pupils of S.
S. No. 10 Kinloss went on Friday ev
ening to the Lucknow Hall to take
part in the Biblical' verse contest.
Some time ago schools were supplied
with the list of verses to be given in
the contest, which took the form of a
spelling match. Four pupils from this
school could not be put down, and
each, Mildred McClenaghan, Mildred
Moore and Doris and Eileen McClen
aghan received beautiful prizes of
books. We congratulate these young
ladies on thir accomplishment.
‘’Bun bites man!” That would
be a news scoop, but it wouldn’t
be a bun made in Gibson’s
Bakery. Gibson’s delicious bak
ery goods are flavory and mel
low and crispy. Nothing harsh
about them, for they’re made of
finest ingredients.
Cash Store
Phone 116
Special This' Week
Sweet Mixed Pickles
28 Oz. Jar ........................23c
Lipton Black or Green Tea
% lb........’........................ 31c
Kellogg’s All Wheat, 2 Pkgs.
and Cereal Bowl -— 25c
Fresh Date Cookies ... 19c Lb.
Red Band Bleach 2 lge, Bot. 15c
Corn Starch, 1 Lb. Pkg. ... 10c
Seedless Raisins, 2 Lbs...... 25c
Polly Prim Green Beans,
Stringless, Cut,.......2 for 25c
Real Old and Nippy Cheese
. ..................... .............. 27c Lb.
Nugget Shoe Polish.......5c Tin
Courtesy Prompt Delivery
Our Slogan: “You have tried
the rest, now try the Best.”
Mr. and Mrs. James Lickey of To
ronto, and baby daughter, spent last
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Miss Hunter of Lucknow, has been
engaged to teach at S. S. No. 14, W.
Wawanosh next term.
Miss Eva Patterson of Winnipeg,
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. E. Robin
son and their two sons on a motor
trip from Minneapolis last Friday to
the home of Mr. Robinson’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of East
Wawanosh. Other members of their
family and relatives who visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were Mr. Jas.
Nichol of Bluevale and his sister, Mrs
I Feed the Bugs
Not Your Garden Plants and
It Prevents Blight and Fertilizes
the Plant.
We also stock
Barbed Wire, Fencing,
Hay Ropes, Tools
Stockaid, $1.00 Gallon
Lime, Prepared Plaster.
Mr. V. S. Milburn, Secretary of the Ontario Cream Patrons
will give a lecture with Lantern Slides, prepared by The Ontario
Agriculture Society. He will also explain the CREAM SCHEME
which is now before the Farm Products Control Board and which
seeks better return to farmers for their cream.
fortified with Vitamins A, B, D and G
DON’T neglect your grotring birds.
If you do you will reduce your
^profits from eggs this fall. The period
between 6 Weeks and 6 months of age
is very important to your success.. The
best of nourishment is needed to build
a sturdy frame and strong body and to
.properly develop the egg-producing
Blatchford’s Growing Mash builds,
^strengthens and matures, 31 Ingredients
.properly balanced, easily assimilated*
All 4 essential vitamins present and
.active at full strength tvhen fed because
.SEALED IN by the patented Y-O
Blatchford’s Builds Better Birds
Sold By
JLz LJ IN V* 1N JSteEdlN IN IhlJ X
"Bar Nuri
f ij
Thompson of Wingham, and Mr. and
Mrs. Eldrid Nichol of Bluevale, Dr,
and Mrs. Harold Robinson and child
ren of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Wheeler and children of Morris, Mr.
and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and three
children of Lucknow.
Miss' Etta Thoms and her niece,
Miss Nightingale from Chicago^ are
visiting with Mrs, D. Gillies and oth
er relatives in this district,
Mrs. B. Lovatt and son of St. Ca
tharines, spent the week-end with her
mother, Mrs, McBrien.
Prompt Delivery
• ■ I
Phone 161
Darge Attendance at Memorial
A large number of people gathered
together in the Brandon Cemetery on
Sunday afternoon when a memorial
service was held. Many decorated
their relatives’ graves before the ser
vice. Rev, J, B. Townend; pastor of
Knox United Church, was in charge
of the service which was opened with
all singing “O God, our help in ages
past,” Rev. K. MacLean of Wingham
lead in prayer. A selection was sung
by a male chorus of members of the
three choirs. Rev. K. MacLean read
the Scripture lesson. The hymn
“Nearer, My God, to Thee" was sung.
Rev. Maloney, rector of Trinity An
glican Church, gave a very appropri
ate address, A quartette with Mrs. C.
Wade, Mrs. Nortnan Geddes, Norman
Keating and J. M. Coultes as mem
bers, sang a number. The service was
closed with the use of the hymn
“Abide with me”. Mrs. J. M. Coultes
acted as organist during the service.
Rev. Townend pronounced the Bene
diction. x
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wightman have
returned from their honeymoon. We
welcome the bride, formerly Miss
Winnifred Rae, who taught in Bel
grave, as a resident of our commun
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hayes and fam
ily, of Ellyria, Ohio, are visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. T. Brydges and other
Miss Florence Nethery, of Toron
to, is spending a couple of weeks with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. kC. Neth
Miss Berna Yule spent the weelc-
with friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Scott and
daughter, Gwen, of Falconbridge, ar
rived to spend the summer vacation
with Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Gordon, Weston,
and Miss Mary Coultes, of Toronto,
were visitors with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wheeler and dau
ghter, Gladys, of Vancouver, arrived
to visit with relatives here. They made
the trip by motor.
Mrs, R. Yule is spending the week-
I end with friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius and
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, White
church, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wagner and
Glen, of Newton, Miss Mary Cook,
Miss Jennie .Townend, visited at the
manse on Thursday.
Visitors at the Manse on Sunday
were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Vipond, Mr.
R. Irvine of Donegal, Miss Ann How
ey, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, J.
Vallance, Mr. and Mrs. E, Anderson
and Tom, of Atwood.
New Style Heavy ■
ZINC RINGS....... 25c Dozen I
Jells All Fruit 1
CERTO .......... 25c Bottle |
Best Quality Rubber RINGS
Light 5.c pk. Heavy 2 for 13c
For Sealers*............, 19c Dozen
. 33c LU
ii.i! i—Th
JUICE ........ 2 Large Tins 25c
Miracle Whip SALAD
DRESSING ..... 8 Oz. Jar 22c
White Embossed
SERVIETTES 2 pk, 80 ea. 25c
Dixie Dainty GRAPE
FRUIT JUICE.... ........15c Tin
PICKLES 27 Oz. Jar ....... 25c
FOR PICNICS 39c 14 Oz. Jar
Dalton’s O. K. JELLY POWDERS 5 Pkgs. .. 25c
’ CORN FLAKES .......3 fqr 25c
Kellogg's ALL WHEAT
With Cereal Bowl...2 pkg. 25c
WHEAT ...............-2 Pkgs. 25c
PEANUTS ............. 2 Lbs. 25c
10c Tin
... 49c Lb.
O. K. Unwrapped Laundry
SOAP .................. 10 Bars 29c
SOAP ................... 3 Cakes. 17c
We have Coleman’s Breakfast Bacon, Cottage Rolls, Summer
Sausage, and Cooked Meats. Also Fresh Vegetables and
Fresh Fruits Arriving Daily.
Stand the test of time.
the finest Filtered Pipe
ever made.
48 shapes — Price $1.00 a
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe.
Now is the time to filLyour bins with D. L. & W.
“Blue Coal” for next winter’s use.
Coal will advance in price the first of August
Save Money by purchasing your coal at once.
MacLean Lumber & Coal Co.
Phone 64W. Wingham,
Joseph G. Holmes
Mr. Joseph G. Holmes of White-
cliurch, passed away in Walkerton
Hospital on Wednesday evening after
a serious illness extended over several
weeks of intense suffering. He was
born in Kinloss about 78 years ago,
and only for seven years, when he liv
ed at Holmesville, has he lived in any
other community. Besides his sor
rowing widow he leaves to mourn him
one brother, John of Saskatoon, and
one sister, Mrs: Rice of Whitechurch.
Their two children died over twenty-
five years ago.
The funeral was held oh Saturday
to Wingham cemetery, with his pas
tor, Rev, H. M. Wright in charge of
the service, and with Rev. J. Pollock
and Rev, Mr. Penrose of Innisville,
assisting him. Amofig those who at
tended the funeral from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Penrose of
Hamilton, Mrs. Wm. Hawthorne of
Brantford, Miss Holmes and Mr. Har
ry Holmes of Gorrie, Mrs. Williams
and Mr, J. Holmes of Clinton,
The community extends sympathy
to the Bereaved widow ahd het daugh«
ter, Mrs, Robt, Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. David Cox of Palin*
etston, atid Mr, Peardcock of Detroit,
visited oti Sunday' at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Mac Ross, with Mrs, (Rev.)
G. 0. Cox and daughter, Donna of
While They Last
Muresco........Pkg. 39c
Clearing some discontinued col
ors only at Special Prices.
Varnish .... Quart 65c
Extra Quality for the price.
35c Can Q. D. Enamel.... 20c
“Utilac” or “Neptolac”
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Second-Hand Cook Stove, and
Lawn Mower, Cheap.
Sun Life Assurance Co.
Fire - Casualty
John St Phone 192
U. S. S. No. 14, West Wawanosh
Classes as for Sept. 1, 1937. Names
arranged alphabetically:
Sr. IV—Marjorie Purdon.
Jr, IV—Mitchell Elliot, Agnes Mar
tin, Russel Purdon.
Jr. Ill—Kathleen Brill, Charlie Fal
coner, Reta Purdon, Betty Thomson.
Sr. II—Donald Newman, Archie
Purdon, Angus Falconer.
Sr. I—Lois Falconer, Barbara New
R. Jean Logan, Teacher.
Promotion Examination U.S.S No, 12
E. and W, Wawanosh
Honors 75%, Pass 60%.
Jr. IV to Sr. IV—Wilfred Ramage
70.5, Gladys McBurney 66.8, George
McGee 66.4.
Sr. Ill to Jr. IV—Ada Dow 74.5,
Eileen Snell 73.5, Rozella Phillips
65.6, Harold Taylor 59.5,
Jr, III to Sr. Ill—Lois Webster,
absent, promoted oh year’s work; Lu-
cella St. Marie 52.5, Ross Jamieson
Sr, II to Jr. Ill—Ruth Irwin 75.6,
Kenneth Barbour 67.7, Isabel Phillips
Sr. I to Jr. II—Dorine Irwin 81.6,
Eva Dow 80.3, Helen Barbour 69.4,
Jack Jamieson 57.3.
Sr. Pt, to Jr. I—Nelson Dow 66.5,
Vyetta Phillips 62.
Jr, Pt.—Earl Jamieson,
Lauretta McBurney, Teacher*
DOERR—In Goderich hospital, on
Saturday, July 3rd, to Mr, and Mrs,
E. H. Doerr (nee Verna Chamney)
a daughter.
1881 Important Announcement 1937
— Of —
A Change of Ownership
The Northern Business College
AFTER 56 YEARS ' ___________
For the past fifty-six year the writer has had the
pleasure of conducting the Northern Business College—
and on July 1st transfers the responsibilities to Mr. Chas.
K. Johnston, the new President, and Miss Marjorie H.
Willson, the new Secretary-Treasurer.
To the old students, and old friends and the public
generally we say thank you ever so much, for your gen*
erouS patronage. #
The choice of iny successors has been made with
great care—I wished to have the college carried on in
the same practical and thorough manner that has char
acterized it in the past. It is with complete confidence
that I hand over the ownership and management to my
successors.. Their scholastic attainments, splendid record
Of leadership in'commercial education in well known Can*
adian schools and excellence of character makes it a pleas
ure to transfer the management and makes me very happy
to see the institution in such good hands.
I bespeak for them a welcome to our community
and the splendid support you have given me through the
many years I have had the privilege of serving you*
C. A. Fleming.
The Northern Business College, Limited
. Owen Sound; Ontario*
Chas. K, Johnston, C_. Af Fleming, Marjorie H. Willson,
President Hon, President. Sec’y-Treas.