HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-06-24, Page 8THE WINCH AM ADVANCETIMES Show Starts at 8 p.m. “Sea Devils” ‘Laughing at Trouble” A Colour Cartoon Thursday, June 24th, 1937 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 24th, 25th, 26th VICTOR McLAGLEN — PRESTON FOSTER Ju -- ---- A Sea-Going Comedy Melodrama Abd a Colour Cartoon — “Toonerville Picnic” ------- AISO ■ T' A Two-Reel Short Subject Showing the “Coronation Pictures.” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 28, 29, 30th JANE DARWELL — LOTS WILSON -------In-------- A Comedy Drama Story -------Also —- Andy Clyde in “PEPPERY SALT” “A Boy and His Dog” — NEXT WEEK — Special - ^Reunion” WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and Mar­ alyn of Brussels and Mr. Earle Mc­ Lean of Lis towel spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvie and children ■of Toronto, spent the week end with her parent, Mr. John Clubb. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roane of Tees- water, spent Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jas. McInnis. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore and Mil­ lan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson of Paramount on Sunday. .Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier on Sunday were Mr. .and Mrs. Art Elliott and Frances and Douglas of Toronto, and-Mr. Wesley of Mr. and I 0 NOTICE Pollock’s & MacLean’s Stores Whitechurch Will be open every evening during the summer months ................. / Barbaree of Acton and Misses Lu­ cille Eedy and Cora Finnigan of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart Lucknow visited on Sunday with and Mrs., B.. S. Naylor. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggatt Geddes, Gordon and Mrs. Roy McGee of Wingham, visited at the home of Mrs, A. Emerson on Sunday. Mjss Olive Farrier, after teaching 3 years, resigned her school in Dun­ gannon, and has secured No. 9 school in East Wawanosh and leaves shortly tor London to take a short course in music. Mr.. Carman Farrier has re­ signed. his school at Prosperity and will teach next term in S.S. No. j, Turnfrerry, between Bluevale and Wroxeter and he leaves next week to take a short course in agriculture at Guelph. Miss Frances Wilson of Wingham, spent the-week end ^.t the home of her brother;, Mr. Jas. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy of Wingham, Mr. .and Mrs. Flarry Tich- bourne of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Durnin and son of St. Helens, spent Sunday with, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David- Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. George McClenaghan j left last Wednesday for Toronto and I on, Saturday Mr. McClenaghan went ’ through a very critical operation in I the General Hospital there. Miss DONKEY BASEBALL r.a % r: j; -F- .•” • ■:: •;:J'-'--1KgftkO- • ••• •'* ■ * • A:>;. • • ;•••<;•• • ’ .?• ’ •* ‘A;:. ’• 7’ h-xf • .-•'■■■ • :,7':’/ 1 ft ■f&i ' ' ' :■ ; -xMi K /,< p <•>>'''- ‘f-jL'-./'-. K-W :•$> W‘. TOWN PARK; WINGHAM ~ at 8.30 o’clock Monday Night, June 28 ALL STARS Vs* CHAMBER OF COMMERCE —• Game Played Under Floodlights—- Admission * 35c-and 10c A Hilarious Sport that has Rocked Thotfsarids with Laughter. Under the Auspices of the Bruce League BaseballXluh^, j Iti Case of Rain, Game Will Be in the Arena. 1 Ji * Phone 161 '<r The spring flowers pretty * up to this , Prompt Delivery was responded to Mrs. J. Wheel- Olive Kennedy is staying with Miss Mildred, while her parents are away. Miss Olive Terriff R.N. is nursing Mr* McClenaghan in the hospital. Airs. Henry McGee returned from Wingham hospital last Wednesday and her arm is improving nicely. £ Airs, (Rev.) G.', O, Cox and daugh- Don mt of Matheson is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alac Ross, while her husband is attending Conference in Toronto. Don’t forget the Strawberry festival to be held in the Institute Hall here on Alonday, June 28. The young folks of the United Church will pre­ sent their play, Mother Mine, at the programme following. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox visited on Suitclay at the home of her father, Mr. Wm. Patterson of Auburn. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Scholtz and Gordon of Dungannon spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr, Ezra Scholtz, Mr. arid Mrs, George Garton and baby John spent Sunday with her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Smith of Listowel. Mrs. A, Fox wlp has spent the past two weeks at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs, Roy Palton, returned to her home with them on Saturday. A very successful social was held at the United Church here last Tues­ day, following the anniversary ser­ vices. In the evening the play Clover Time, presented by the young kolks of Bluevalc was well received and much enjoyed by all. Rev. and Mrs. John Bowering of Winnipeg and his sister, Mrs. Robt. Phillips of Goderich visited oh Mon­ day at the home of the latter’s cou­ sin, Mrs, W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lever of Wing­ ham visited on Sunday at the home of their nephew, Mr. Ab. Coultes. Splendid anniversary services were held on Sunday in the Presbyterian Church here, when Rev. Mills of Wal­ kerton was present and preached two very inspiring sermons t.o a large con­ gregation. The choir, assisted by Miss Myra MacDonald of Lucknow and' Miss Frances Wilson of Wingham rendered special anthems and solo numbers, which were enjoyed by all. Mr. Russel Reid of Brantford spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. A. Reid. Mrs. Jack Flannigan of Toronto, visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis. The young people of the United Church presented their play, Mother Mine at St. Helens social on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Kelce and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrott of Kansas City, visited over the week end with Mrs. Kelce’s uncle, Mr. Wm. Robin­ son and other E. Wawanosh relatives and with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robinson of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. John J. McGee .spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Patterson. The following were guests at the home of Mr. and Airs. Jas. Wilson on Sunday: Mrs. Ferguson and her son Walter and Mrs. Norman and Jack and Mrs. Wm. Simpsqn -and Arthur and Hugh, all from Culross. Miss Agnes Scott and Mr. John Scott of E. Wawanosh visited at the home of Airs. Murray on Sunday. OT 'WD’C Cash Store „ Phone 116 Gordon City Ketsup 26 oz.......................................18c. Keljog’s Wheat Flakes- 2 for .. ..............„.......... 25c 1 Porridge Bowl FREE. Manning’? Scotch Crunch Cookie? 3 doz, to pkg. ...... Tip Top No- 3 Peas Choice quality 2 ................ Prepared Mustard Large bottle.................... Toddy, 16 oz. tin................. Crosse & Blackwells Pork and Beans, 18 pz, tin----—..... 9c Lushus Jelly Powder 10c, 3 .......■>25c Lynn Valley Pears, tin...- 10c All Bran, with mixing spoon 21c Unwrapped. Soap, 3 for 10c Super Suds in the blue box..................18c Colgate’s fjjne Toilet Soaps 4 cakes..........••.......... ..... 15c 10c 25c 20c 39c Courtesy Prompt Delivery Our Slogan: “You have tried the rest, now try the Best,” FRIDAY, JUNE 25th — AT — Wingham Armouries Under the auspices of The Le­ gion There will be good prizes pur­ chased from some of the local merchants. LOOK One big Special Prize A Silver Tea Service Will be given during the even­ ing for one game. This prize is on display!, in the Walker Store window i opened with the Ode and Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted . and^.the treasurer’s report given. Several members had held Coronation teas during the .past month and a :nice sum was realized in this way. A?few more will be held shortly. Blocks for three quilts are almost completed. Delegates were appointed to'^attend the achievement Day programme in Clinton. The flower bed at the cemetery has been BELGRAVE Service Held at Sunshine Cemetery Decoration services were held in Sunshine Cemetery on Sunday after­ noon and a good attendance was pre­ sent. The service was arranged by the Sunshine Cemetery Committee and Rev. J. B. Townend. The Brus­ sels Band was in attendance and lead in the singing of the hymns. Rev. Mr. Towend introduced the three Brussels ministers who then took part in the service with Rev. Graham in charge and who read the lesson. Rev. Mr. Moore lead in prayer and Rev. Mahoney gave the address and Rev. Townend pronounced the benediction, and a very appropriate service ended. Mabel Coultes spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McGowan near Blyth. We congratulate Miss W. Lane'Und two of her pupils Lois McGuire and Ralph McCrea who secured their trance examination certificates their year’s standing in school. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McArter family spent the week end with and Mrs, Jerfy Burke, Port McNicol. Belgrave and Bluevale Young People’s Societies played their soft- ball game on Wednesday night, when Belgrave were victorious, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Yuill were, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Waldon of Kincardine, Miss Wise and Mr. Cox of London and Mr, James Sutton of Lucan. Mrs, Violet Coulter of London is the guest of her friend, Mrs. R. Yuill this week. Bluevale .Chopping Mill • just Arrived Two Cars of Feed One car of Screening 1 car of Barley, selling for $1.75 per cwt. ground On hand good Western Oats, Bran, Shorts and White Midd­ lings FLOUR Robin Hood ,$3.70 cwt. Albert Rose * $3.50 cwt. Golden West $3.50 cwt. By-a-Sack ... $3.50 cwt. 24 lbs. of Pastry ... 80c J. McLeod, Prop. ■ ei?- ori and Mr. Institute Meeting • r A large number of ladies gathered? at the home of Mrs, R. J. McKenzie^ on Tuesday afternoon last week when’ the "members of the Belgrave Wo* mert’i- Instltutiy.h'eld' their June meet­ ing. Mrs; K. Keating1, the president conducted the meeting, which was SPECIAL Silver Plated Tea Service 3 pieces < $10*75 Williams The Jeweller INSURANCE ALL KINDS Sun Life Assurance Co* xpsrif ?,pj;Automobile set out with plants and seeds to bloom later on, have been very time. The Roll Call with Stain removers. ■*^r lead.-a very interesting discussion bn current events., The.adcjres?, S$e?? stepping Dangers iiKhej Hopp/. wa?' given by Mrs. C. R. Coultes. Miss W. Lane sang a solo accompied by Vel­ ma Wheeler, which was much enjoy­ ed, i Airs. J, Wheeler conducted an interesting “Cake” contest, A very appropriate paper on the motto “It is not the house that makes the home” was given by Mrs. Jas, Michie. The singing of the National Anthem clos­ ed the meeting. A social time was Spent when lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, H. Wheeler, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and Mrs. C. Pro­ cter. This meeting was in charge of the Home Economics committee, Mrs. J, Wheeler and Mrs. R, J, McKenzie, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Earle Anderson. Presentation to Dr, G. Stonehouse During the Sabbath School service of Knox United Church on Sunday morning, an interesting event took place. At ‘the close of the lesson period of the young men’s Triple V Bible Class the presentation of a handsome Travel Set was made- to one of the members of the class, Dr. Gordon Stonehouse, who leaves for Vancouver, B.C. this week. The following address was ,read by the president, Borden Scott, after which George Michie presented the gift: Dear Gordon.: For some years you have been away at school for long periods. You were able to get back from time to time, however, so we just looked upon you as a member of our class who could not be present very regularity." Now, we understand, you are going much farther away and may not be with us except on very rare occasions. We have a feeling that at this time you are really leaving the class. As a class we are very, very sorry to lose you. Your genial presence, hearty co-operation, and your fine ideals have been a continuaFsource of inspiration. %Since your future success demands that you should move into some lar­ ger sphere of work, we rejoice that a favourable opening has presented it­ self. We sincerely hope that the exper-’ iences upon which you now enter will mark the beginning of a long and successful life of service. We trust, too, that your labours may every bring rich blessing, alike to yourself and to those to whom you minister. You may be sure that we will think of you often, as, no doubt; yoil will think of us. Nothing we could say or do' would give adequate ex­ pression to our feelings. We want; you to take away with you some small token of remembrance and of our high regard. We ask,you therefore to accept this Travel Set from The Triple V Bible Class of Knox United Church, Bel­ grave. Signed: Rev. J. B. Townend, mini­ ster; Stewart Proctor, teacher; Bor­ den Scott, president, Kenneth Whee­ ler, secretary; William Grasby, trea­ surer. Brown - Greensides A pretty June wedding was solem­ nized at the Manse, Belgrave, on Wednesday, June 16, at 11.00 o’clock when Rev. J. B. Townend united in marriage Loretta Mae, eldest daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Greensides of Atwood and Frederick George Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs; Fred Brown of Atwood. The ceremony was performed under an arch of pink and white streamers and spring flow­ ers. The' bride was beautifully gown­ ed in pale pink chiffon with white ac­ cessories and carried a bouquet of Premier roses, lily of the valley and fern. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. J. Wexall, of Gtielph. Immediately following the Ceremony, the wedding party returned to the home of the bride’s parents in Atwood where a wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on Wednes­ day afternoon for points north and for Vancouver, B.C., where they will reside. * 1 BLUEVALE Remember the Strawberry Festival at Bitlevale Presbyterian Church on Monday evening', June 28th. SHOP AT Smith’s Economy Food Store FOR SURE JELL, TRY CERTO ...... 25c bottle IT JELLS ALL FRUIT Best Quality RUBBER RINGS Light 5c pkg. Heavy 2 for 13c JELLY JARS Doz.......................................$1,00 New Style ZINC SEALER RINQS heavy, doz/...............25c GLASS TOPS for Sealers doz................ 19c KELLOGGS ALL WHEAT A new cereal, 2 pkgs............25c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs................. 25c KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES, 3 for................. 25c KELLOGGS PEPBRAN FLAKES, 2 for................25c AREOXON FLY COILS, 3 for...... FRESH SALTED PEANUTS, 2 lbs.. DALTON’S O.K. JELLY POWDER, 5 qkgs.................. 25c MINUTE TAPIOCA with Mix­ ing Bowl FREE, -2 pkgs......29c NEW CANADIAN cheese, ib.-...;.j.,:...................19c Orange Pekoe 38c ’/2 lb. Brown Label black or mixed 31c '/2 lb. Yellow Label black or mixed 28c '/2 lb. Brown Label w green 29c ft lb. McCORMICK’S Assorted BISCUITS, lb. .. ______... 19c JUNKET ICE CREAM MIX While they last, 5 pkgs.,— 25c GRANULATED SUGAR with grocery ordter, 10 lbs. 57c LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS 2 large tins.............. 25c FINEST SOAP CHIPS 3 lbs............................::------ 25c O.K. LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 BARS ... 29c This is Strawberry Season^ Get Your Supply Here. Fresh Berries Every Day. Phone Us for your needs and) we will assure you satisfaction. Also Cold Meats, Bacons, Weiners, Etc. ' Flemming Black and W, H. McKin­ ney spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Moore and daughter Miss Dorothy, Toronto, • were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ bert Hutcheson. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Kerney and Mrs. J. H. Smith attended the funer­ al of the late Mrs. J. Taman at Blyth on'Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McEwen have moved and are getting settled in their new home in the village. ! Gerrond Duff of Welland, spent The week end with his<.aunts, Miss ;t)uff aqd’Mrs. Aitk'dn. Mrs. Duff and daughter Jane returned home with him after spending a week here. Mr. and Mrs. Alridge and two children from Fordwich were .Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hol­ lenbeck. Mr. Plum and’ son David, Mrs. (Rev.) Peter McEachern and 'son Malcolm, Petrolia, Mr. and Mrs, Neil B. McEachern, Louise and Gilbert, Mount Forest with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss. f • Mrs. M. Masters and daughter, Mrs. Gordon Gallaher, Brussels were Sun­ day visitors with friends.. 0 heathen?” asked their grandmother. “Oh, he said that they were often very hungry, and when they beat on their turn-turns', it could be heard for miles.” V n o I * LSLS3OPOI.. , JL.'ZUOdOCF WINGHAM Baptist Church Rev. E. M. Loney, B.Th., Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES * 11 a.m.—Justification Blessings 7 p.m.—-The Resourcefulness of God in over-ruling the laxity of the Christian Church in Missionary Zeal. God’s Plan to save a' Great Mul­ titude during the next Dispen- ■ sation. You are invited. [OdOESSSSS!±3OE3O£ THAT EXTRA FEW MINUTES o n o o n •9 • Little Betty and Junior had attend­ ed a talk by a returned missionary. “What did he tell* you about the Protect Your Eyes from the glare of the hot siih. Glasses from 15c to 50c Omar Haselgroves Smoke Shoppe. We spe(nd in eye examinations means perfect satisfaction to our friends. Come here with perfect confidence—you will be treate,d fairly at all rimes. R. A. REID Registered Optometrist Office in Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morn­ ing — 9.06 to noon. Phone 55 for appointment. Maitland Creamery 4 Buyers Of Presented Play at Wroxeter The young people of the United Church under the direction of Mrs. Alice Aitken presented the play “Clo­ ver Time” at Wroxeter on Friday evening under the auspices of the An­ glican Church. Garden Party Well Attended A large crowd attehded the .Garden Party at Ebehezer United Church on Friday evening and enjoyed the play “When Bickley Comes to Town” pre­ sented by the young,people from Bel­ grave, Miss McDonald of the WingKam High School staff spent, Sunday,th. her .friend, MrS. j^. R. .Greig • a.tp,tli' Presbyterian Manse, THE UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. Mrs. E. A. VANSTONE John S t ' Phone 192 Wingham, . . Ontario Phone 271