HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-06-24, Page 7i _ ,,. . .... .. Jl.t 77-T7- ... . 'JUI . . .1
Wrxoeter News and Gorrie Vidette
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Thursday, June 24th, 1937
Wroxeter, June 3.6th, 1937
Council mot in the Township Hall
.according to adjournment, members
were all present, the Reeve in the
Minutes of last meeting, special
■meetings, and Court of Revision, were
read and on motion of Weir and Bak
ker were adopted,
Moved by Toner and Covell that
■the weeds be cut twice this year and
that the cutting be done under the
supervision of the Patrolman in his
own divison, and that no bills will
T>e paid unless certified by the Patrol
man. Carried,
Moved by Weir and Baker that a
grant of $110.00 be given the How-
ick Agricultural Society, Carried.
Moved by Lovell and Baker that
the Council after considering the
•question- of purchasing a safe for the
Treasurer, deem it advisable to leave
the matter oyer for another year.
Carried. ® »■
Moved by Weir and Toner that the
UOth of June shall be the last day for
the payment of taxes to the Collect
ors be notified to return their Rolls
to the Treasurer, at the Clerk’s Of;
fice, Gorrie, on the 6th day of July
at 8 o’clock in the evening. Carried.
Moved by Lovell and Baker that
the following bills be paid. Carried.
ProV. Treas., License for Wroxeter
,Twp. Hall, $3.00; County Treas., Ar
rears of taxes, Lot 2, Con. 16, $89.47;
-County,'Purchase price at tax sale of
Lot 20, Con. 18, $80.49; Milton Leon-
-ard, Balance Salary in full as Assess
or, 1937, $80.00; Isaac Gamble, Part
salary .as Clerk, $35.00; Fordwich
-Com. Assoc., Hydro refund, $6.80; E.
Sproal, Hydro refund, $8.87; Prov.
Treas., License for Twp. Hall, Gorrie,
"$3.00; County Treas., Hospital ex
penses for Olive Gile, $17.50; U.S.S.
No. 14, Township share of cutting
brush $2.00; Howick Agr. Society,
Grant, $110.00; W. E? VanVelsor,
Goods for Jean Graham, $4.00'; Nor
man Wade, Insurance for Twp. Grad
er, $37.17; Municipal World, Collect
or’s Rolls and Supplies, $15.37; Mrs.
Lloyd Reidt, Care of Thos. Ellis,
$20.00; Relief $15.10.
Road Expenditures
Wm. Elliott,'’Drain tile $21.45; J.
W. Kreller, Guard rail, $17.00; Geo.
Townsend, Dragging $1.40; Manfred-
Irwin, Dragging, $1.80; Sawyer-Mas
sey, Freight on blade .50; Harold
Foerter, Dragging $19.50; A. Deitz,
Dragging $2.50; John Montgomery,
Operating grader, $56.00; G. Wright,
Ditching’and tile $14.00; John Wright,
Ditching $3.40; Wm. Burns, Ditching
$3.30; R. F. Edgar, Supt. salary $40.-
OO; Oscar Weiler, Underbrushing,
$6.00; T. Wright, Dragging $9.20; W.
McLean, Dragging $7.60; John Hynd
man, Culvert tile, $12.05; E. W. Bol
ton, Gas, $43.50; Geo. Dane, Levelling
roadside, $9.00; Geo. Dane, Wire fence
and drain, $7.80; Earl Toner, Dragg
ing in Gorrie $5.00.
Moved by Toner and Weir that
council do now adjourn to meet in
-Gorrie on the third Wednesday in
July or at the call of the Reeve. Car
Isaac Gamble, Clerk. *
Evening Auxiliary Held Meeting
The theme for the June meeting of
the Evening Auxiliary which was
held on Monday night last at the
home of Mrs. Ewart Whitfield, was
Home Missions, and was in charge
of Mesdames E. W. Carson and A.
A. Taylor, Mrs. Carson as leader.
Mrs. Taylor gave a splendid topic ta
ken from “Shining Towers,” which
was written by Marwin Keith, in
which many instances of interest
among our home mission is told. Mrs.
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having our factory equipped with the
most, modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-clasS work, we ask you
to see the largest display t of monu
ments of any retail factory in Ontario.
All finished, by sand blast machines.
We import all our granites from the
Old Country quarries direct, in the
rough. You can save all local deal
ers’, agents’ and middleman profits by
seeing us.
E. J. Skelton & Son
it West End Bridge—WALKERTON
Carson also gave a- very interesting
report of the convention she attend
ed in Chatham* Mrs. Whitfield read
a poem “To Win the World” and
Miss Evelyn Dane sang “My Task.”
The hymns used were “Come, Holy
Ghost in Love" “Day is Dying in the
West”, “Breathe on me Breath of
God." Following the program, the
minutes were read by the Secretary,
Mrs. Stephens, and roll call was res
ponded to by a verse on “Giving," A
Layette and quilt which the members
had donated, was on display. During
a social period refreshments were
served by the hostess.
Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Wilson and
children, of Auburn, were guests of
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Gregg on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. S. Bricker and Jack
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Simson on. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hill and fam
ily, of Moorefield, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
gar Welsh, of Drayton, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. T. Shera on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Irwin and Miss
Lucille, of Long Branch, spent Sun
day with their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
W. A. Irwin, who returned with them
after spending a week with their son,
Mr. H. E. Irwin.
Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Mitchell,
accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. C. C.
Ramage and Jim, were at Wasaga
Beach over the week-end.
Master Billy Newton spent last
week in Toronto with his uncle, Mr.
Carl Newton.
The household effects of the late
Mr, and Mrs.. Wm, Bremner were
sold by auction on Saturday last with
Mr. Arnold Darroch as auctioneer.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Edgar for 'the week-end were, 'Mr.
and Mrs. Anderson, of Guelph; Mrs.
Black and granddaughter, Miss Jean
Pye, of Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie, daugh
ters, Misses Joan and Jean, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Pritchard, near Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and fam
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Schaefer in Fordwich.
Mr. and Mrs. James \Vittie spent
last Thursday in Listowel.
Mr. Joseph Earngey has secured a
position as barber in Goderich.
Mr. Wassman (father of Mrs, C.
Stafford) spent the week-end with re
latives in Windsor.
Mrs. McLean, of Hanover, visited
with Mrs. Earngey last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King and dau
ghter, Miss Jean, of Toronto, were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
King, and other relatives.
Mr. Delbert Clegg spent Sunday at
London, accompanied by his aunt,
Mrs. Patrick, of Brussels, who is
spending a few days this week at his
Rev. and Mrs. Button, of Fordyvich,
called on Mr, R. S. Clegg on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Gamble ac
companied by Mrs. Geo. Bennett of
Wroxeter, attended the Golden Wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Offerd, of Stratford, which was cele
brated on Wednesday last.
Mr. Henry Pickford, of Santiago,
Cal., visited on Monday with his cous
ins, Mrs. Thos. Bradnock and Miss
K. Earngey.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gear and two
children, of Cobourg, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Finlay,
Mrs, Grant, of Kitchener, is visit
ing with her sister, Mrs. Knowlson.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong and
Miss Doris Sample spent Tuesday of
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Short
reed at Blyth.
‘ Miss Minnie Armstrong, of London,
Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong of Mitchell,
were guejsts of* the former’s brother,
Dr. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong,
on Friday.
Miss Doris Sample visited a couple
of days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Scott at Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. David Eedy and baby
of Glenannan, were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whitfield.
Mrs. McLean, of’Hanover, spent
last week with her neice, Mrs. Wm.
Miss Marion Campbell spent the
week-end in Galt.
Mr. M. D. Irwin spent Monday at
Guests of Misses E. and B. Potter
on Sunday were, Mrs. Jack Metcalfe,
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Metcalfe and dau
ghters, Lida and Verdella, of Paisley.
Mr. Spencer Ashton of Toronto
spent Sunday1 with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs, James McKercher and
family, of Rosetown, Sask., are visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Edgar and
other relatives.
Edgar Re-Unton a
One hundred *and sixty attended
the Edgar Re-tfnion held at the home
Showing evident disgust at the lack
of wind, T. O. M. Sopwith, British
aviation magnate and sportsman,
grimly bites on his pipe as he waits
for a wind to spring up to test his
new America’s Cup challenger, En
deavour II, off Newport, R.I.
of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Stewart,
near Molesworth on Saturday last,
when different sports were enjoyed
during the afternoon. Relatives were
present from Stratford, Owen Sound,
Galt, Paris, Drumbo, Guelph, Toron
to, Walkerton, Gorrie, Fordyvich,
Wroxeter, Blenheim, Kincardine,
Hamilton, Rosetown, Sask., and
Strathclair, Man.
Mrs. Munro visited with relatives
at Guelph a couple of days this .week?
Mr. and Mrs. E. Famish spent Tues
day and Wednesday in Guelph.
Occupants of House Rendered Un
Bhe brick house of Anson Galbraith
two miles north of Gorrie, was struck
by lightning and damaged in the sev
ere electrical storm on Thursday
night last week. The bolt tore sev
eral holes in* the flat roof, and for a
time it yvas feared the water tank in
the attic was damaged but on in
spection it was found intact. All in
the house at the time wore rendered
unconscious. It yvas some time aftei
the doctor arrived before Levi Gal
braith regained consciousness. Sever
al coal oil lamps which were burning
were put out by the force of the bolt.
New Books Will Make Fine Addition
To Township Library.
The Book Committee of Howick
Township Library, with Ken Ashton
as convener, met in Gorrie on Satur
day, June 12th, and made a selection
of books to be purchased at once. The
list is as follows*
Buck Peters, Ranchman; Johnny Nel
son; Corson of the J-.C!,; Trail pust,
Clarence E. Mulford. Ho'Place Like
Home, Beverley Nichols. Jane’s Par
lour, O'Douglas. Golden Cord, Wof-
wick Deeping. Woman of the Fam
ily, May Ederington. • Cards on the
Table, Agatlia Christie, Mistress Pat,
L. M. Montgomery. Follow the
Gleam, The Man Who Was Sure, The
Eternal Challenge, Joseph Hocking.
Girl at Bullet L’ake, Under Sealed Or
ders, H. J. Cody. Hand Made Rain
bows, Smith. The Good Indian, E.
J. Rath., Private Duty, Faith Baldwin.
Helen of Lancaster, Gibbs. Love
Comes Last, Helen Topping Miller.
The'Kings of Beacon Hill, Christie
Whiting Parmenter, Green Light,
Lloyd C. Douglas. Victorious Living,
Stanley Jones. Return to Malaya,
Bruce Lackhart. Bad Girl Leaves
Town, Maysie Grieg. Flame of De
votion, Harriet Comestock. Olivia in
India, O’Douglas. Anne of Windy
Poplars, L. M. Montgomery. The Riv
er of Skulls, George Marsh. The Un
known Wrestler, Cody? The Hickory
Stick, Nina Moore Jamieson. Gay
Crusader, The Rebel Loyalist, Ralph
Connor. The Strange Prince, The
Queen of Hearts, Irwin. Whiteoak
Harvest, Mazo de la Roche. A Fight
ing Man of Mars, Edgar Rice Bur
roughs. A Fool Hath Saith, Bever
ley Nichols. Oil for the Lamps of
China, City of Long Sand, Alice. Re
turn to Religion, Dr. Link. South Rid
ing, Winifred Holtby. The Flagon of
Beauty, Song of the Undertow, Wil
son McDonald. Floating Peril, The
Strange Boarders of Palace Crescent,1
E. Phillips Oppenheim. Susannah of
the Mountains, Muriel Dennison. The
Doctor, Mary Roberts Rinehart. Pack
Horse and Water Hole, Geo. Buchan
an. Deep Calleth Unto Deep, Joseph
Hocking. Visiting Villain, Carolyn
Wells. The Other Lovers, Maragaret
Widdimer. The White Reef, Martha
Ostenso. Romantic Prince,' Rafael
Sabatini. The Captives, Hugh Wal
pole. The Big Shot,. Frank L. Pack
ard. A -Prayer for My Son, Hugh
Walpole. Green Gates, R. S. Sheriff.
The Mother, Teacher of Religion, An
na Freeborn Betts. The House Across
the River, Elizabeth Corbett Come
and Get It, Edna Ferber. Thunder
Mountain, Zane Grey. Miss J. Looks
On, Sophia Kerr. Summer People;
Doree; Faiitty Heaslip Lea. Roaring
River; Trail of Danger; Squarp Shoot
er; Wm. McLeod Rainer The Valley
of Voices;-The Whelps of the Wolf;
Mert Marooned; George Marsh. Am-
tob accoJHBI
orelle, Grace Livingston Hill. White
Banners, Lloyd C. Douglas. Man of
a Ghost, Percival C. Wren. The Long
Lane to Happiness; The Uphill Road,
Ruby M. Ayres. This Way to Lon
don, R. Cobb. England Speaks Again,
P. Gibbs. The Anniversary Murder,
E. Phillpotts. District Nurse, Faith
Baldwin. Seven of Diamonds; Hunt
ed Riders; Max Brand. East Wind,
West Wind, Pearl Buck. The Wit
ness, Grace Livingston Hill. The
Black Hunter, James Curwood. Gone
With the Wind, Margaret Mitchell.
The True Light, J. Calvitt Clarke.
Stay at Home, Lawrence Nelson.
Masked Woman, Rex Beach. Beyond
the Range, George B. Rodney. Silver
Spoon, J. Galsworthy. Beloved
Stranger, Grace Livingston Hill. Ron
ald Standish, Cyril H. McNeile (Sap
per). Anxious Days, Phillips Gibbs.
Kennel Murder Case, S. S. VanDine.
Living in Lantern Lane, Nellie Mc
Clung. Ann Vickers, Sinclair Lewis.
Strange Paths; Fruit of Eden, Louise
Gerard. The House on the Marsh,
Helen R. Martin. O.nC Way Street,
Joseph McCord. Daddy Long Legs,
Jean Webster.
Juvenile — The Five Dollar Dog,
Barbour. The X Bar Ranch Series,
James Cody Ferris. The Motor Boat
Boys Series, James Cody Ferris. Sago
and the Beaver People, Grey Owl.
The Irish Twins, Lucy Parkins. Mar
jorie Dean, High School Sophromore;
Marjorie Dean, Senior; Pauline Les
ter. The Boys’ Trader Horn, Horn.
Princess Elizabeth and Her Dogs,
Mrs. Neilson, of Simcoe, was a re
cent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne, Strat
ford, and Mrs. Michael Ion of St.
Thomas, visited on Wednesday of last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pope
and Mrs. Neilson, who had been a
guest at the same home, returned ‘with
them to Stratford.
Miss Margaret Durst, of Clinton,
and Miss Vera Durst of Ingersoll,
were week-end visitors with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Durst.
We are sorry to report that Miss
Maud Milligan is at present under
the doctors care.
Mr. H. Knight, who has been prin
cipal of the Continuation School here
for the past few years, has been en
gaged for another term, and to fill
the vacancies on the staff caused by
the resignations of Miss M. Hooper,
Mr. H. Bryans and Miss M. Wright,
the following teachers have been en
gaged, Miss Stephenson of London,
as assistant in the Continuation
School; Miss Gilk'inson of Wingham,
in the Senior Public School Room,
and Miss Elva Stocks, of town, in the
Junior Public School Room,
Mrs.. Robt. Black, and granddaugh
ter, Miss Joan Pye, of Owen Sound,
are visiting with friends in and around
the village.
Mr. George Pope, of London, spent
a few days with friends here recently.
* Mrs. T. W. Henry and Miss Krug,
of Chesley, called on friends in town
on Saturday.
Mrs. Hugh Mercer and two sons of
Markdale, are visiting with the form
er’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. D, D. Sand
The members of the cast of “Sim
ple Simon Semple” are presenting the
play at Molesworth on Wednesday
evening of this week.
The recently organized Girls’ Soft
ball team of town visited Brussels on
Wednesday evening of last week and
the game resulted in a score of 20-19
in favor of Brussels.
Mr. James Douglas has purchased
the house near the school owned by
Mrs. Rasmussen and intends moving
to the village shortly.
Miss Margaret Edgar, of Walker
ton, is visiting with her mother, Mrs.
H. Edgar.
Mrs. Jas. Edgar and son, Ken and
Mrs. H. Edgar and daughter, Mar
garet, attended the Edgar Re-Union
held on Saturday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Cameron Stewart of Moles
Mr. Ed. Gibson, of Delhi, called
on friends in town on Sunday.
Before leaving on a two months’
tour through Europe, Italy and France
Mrs. R. C. Berkinshaw, of Toronto,
spent a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen.
A number from here attended the
garden party at Salem Wednesday ev
ening last week and report a good
Mrs. Neil White is at present the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Alex.
Pleasance, at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. McPherson and Mrs.
Brinker, of Sanduskey, spent a few
days last week with Mrs. Sandy Mc
Dougall in town and friends in Turn
Mis Mary Harris was a guest last
week with ffiends in Wingham.
After a good season the saw mill
finished sawing on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jackman, also
Mrs. Isabella Fleming, Toronto, were
week-end guests of* Mr. and Mrs. T.
Brown. Mrs. Felming will remain at
the Brown home for the summer.
Miss Jean McBurney also Miss
Florence, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Eldred Nichol to meet Mrs,
Nichol’s niece, Miss Jean Holmes, of
Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin
and family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Hutchison, Fordwich.
Mr. and Mrs. James McKercher and
three sons, also Miss Samson, from
Ellrose, Sask., arrived on Friday by
motor and will visit their many rela
tives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munroe, Mrs.
J. N. Allen also Mrs. James Stutt, left
on Friday morning for Cleveland, to
attend the marriage of their neice
and cousin, Miss Elinor Bevington,
which took place on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen,
formerly of 2nd of Turnberry, moved
to their new home in Bluevale Wed
nesday of last week.
Miss Georgina McMichael, Salem,
spent the week-end with her friend,
Miss Meta McLaughlin.
Messrs. A. G. and W. Ritchie, Ayr,
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
John Adams; Mr. Grosskurth was al
so a Monday visitor at the Adams
Sunday guests of Mrs. Agnes Earls
were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moffat, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Moffat and baby of
Wingham, also Mr* and Mrs. Thos.
MacDonald, Molesworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Holmes, Jean
and Ewan, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Tanner, all of Newton, were Saturday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol.
Miss Jean Holmes remained for a
longer visit
The play “Simple Simon Semple’’,
which was put on so succesfully a
short time ago by a group of Wrox
eter people, is much ih demand. Al
ready they are booked for several vil
lages and towns, including Bluevale
on June 28th. The caste are to be
Congratulated on choosing so worth
while a performance.
Women’s, Institute
The June meeting of the W. I, will
Every doctor will tell you the
first thing to do to avoid suffering from colds—is to be sure you are
not constipated, Constipation clogs
up the system, It weakens resis
tance, and infections take hold.
End common constipation by eat
ing Kellogg’s All-Bran regularly.
This cereal supplies the “bulk’*
your system needs for normal, nat
ural action. It also gives vitamin
B to tone up the intestines—and
iron for the blood.
In the body, Kellogg’s All-Brant
absorbs twice its weight in water.
It forms a soft mass, which gently
exercises and sponges out the in
Eat two tablespoonfuls a day,
either as a cereal with milk or
fruits or in cooked dishes. Chronic;
cases with each meal. Will help
you stay regular without having
to take pills and drugs—that often
make conditions worse,
Kellogg’s All-Bran is sold at all
grocers. Made and guaranteed by
Kellogg in London.
be held on Thursday, 3 p.m., June 24,
at the home of Mrs. G. A. Wearring.
Roll Call, A Place I Would Like to
Visit. Travel Talk—Miss K. Good
fellow. Current Events — Miss M.
Pope. Lunch Com.: Miss M. David
son, Mrs. J. J. Allen.
Fourth Line Circle
The June meeting of the 4th Line
Circle was held on Thursday last at
the home of Mrs. E. Nichol, with an.
attendance of 15. The President pre
sided and opened the meeting with
the hymn, “WJiat a Friend we have
in Jesus” followed by prayer by Miss
F. Fowler. Mrs. Raymond Elliott read
the Scripture lesson. The afternoon
was spent in quilting. The Lord’s
Prayer in unison brought an interest
ing meeting to a close, after which
the hostess served refreshments.
Holy Communion June 27th
The quarterly Holy Communion,
service will be held on June 27th fol
lowing morning service at the United-
Church. Preparatory service will be
held on Friday evening at 8 p.m,
The home of Mr. and Mrs. N. T.
McLaughlin was the scene of a happy
gathering on Friday evening when u
large number of friends and neighbors
gathered in honor of Mr. Wm. Mun
dell and bfide (nee Alba Carter).
Dancing and cards were enjoyed,
also step dancing by Mr. Henry
Campbell and an Irish jig by Misses
Lois and Jean Elliott was an added
pleasure. Following lunch, Mr. and
Mrs. Mundell were called forward*
An address expressing the good wish
es of all was read by Mr. John L.
MacEwen while two occasional chairs,
and a table wre presented by Keith
McLaughlin, Geo. Fischer and Eldon
Kirtqh. Mr. Mundell expressed .their
thanks for the gifts and all joined in.
singing “For They Are Jolly Goot£
Fellows.” ' ( - ■ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘T ■’ ‘ T
The following was the address:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mundell:
We, your friends and neighbors,
are here assembled at this happy and
momentous occasion in your lives to
extend to your our congratulations
and wish for you a long and happy
married life. You are establishing in
our midst one of the finest things in
this world, a Home. We wish to as
sist you in your home-making and.
now present you with these chairs
and this table as a small token of the
appreciation and good-will we now
extend to you and we sincerely hope
your regard for us and our regard for
you will deepen as the years go by.
Signed, George Fischer, Norman
McLaughlin, Andrew Adams, Eldon
Kirton, Keith McLaughlin, John Mc-
“I wonder if there are any kitchen
aprons in hope chests nowadays?”
“Yes; but they’re cut to fit the
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