HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-01-12, Page 21 W Ws. 181 Ortldioa.-Donald 1♦.Csllum, Juel Sellars. FraucaCorbett, Jobe Mcleod, Thor. )(tcism, Patrick Mises Ineasu 6!lie, W m. McCrea, Thus Corbett, ftubt Arwstrwi4, Wm. Battery, W.. 'Clegg, fleury Switzer. John Wruoa, Joars Ndeen, Alex Musta,J, Joke Prier& he■w Brandon, war. Hut 1 Job. Smite, 1)uecau F'ergueo•r, Jo.Ln YeMetlud James Locklaad, Chu Baxter, Riney lessees, Chas Heskiu, Nelson Moue, Ja•eos Cleric)), Thos IsM.ter, Robs Stelto (tna Foley, Nelson Flshck, George Scott, ['rue Semple, Ana01 McSween, Welter Iticbb . erdsoa, Henry ltanoatyne, Irvin .trtuatrout_. Dreg Moore, EJwa d Foster, Joined Me'' Ureggor, Ales. Fran. 2.J Hutialius. - Iti•dol phos Eielsnd. Alex Kmg, nem. Mcllonald, vw Powell , George M.arr.', James Porter, Samuel itatton, Joho ltu1J,It„ bt Muir, Alex ) rrest, Theo °antra, Ju L►ug, (leu Res Walter Burges, Falw Ifryan, wan Ifays, Ju Watson,. Thur Cane, Sanl M.GardJ Iticb'd Catlin, Geo. Gioesy, Natb Squire, !lector McKellar, we Vanson, van Ifryan, Jas Mores, nem Smith, Johu Gtater, Geo Kelly, Anthony Sample, ChD V Cross, A!ea Cunpbell, John McDonald, wan Brun, Peter E ison, John McArthur, eve Armstrong, Robt howie,t i)avid Ilillasou, Jer Scutt, 'leery Cuford, Ede Hau.L. comTOg. Ili Bullulioa. — Gearggte Marland, wan Tho n, G.u. I:adLs, lasers Mclkmald, Gillis Glkh,m, Dov .i Orem, John Hideout, James Green, John Luckwuo$ Joie* Curri, Hags Cusoingham, Geo IMutty, -John hamberls or, Jno Harks, .Ino McFarlane, Fenlon, lbeh'd Irwin, James Simmons. Ballariuw. -- George Boren, R. Duw 1, neo Jackson, new liram,ek, ran Eiad, u eph Biddiecomhe, Ju Mitchell, Ifs Y M 'uenon, Curve Step enso", John D ar ey, Tonle, Joae1{ h ltaunuburyJ, Itobt M Mrse,, JI I1odgius..1 C Ihntur, Aacher Irvine, Doral atseo, Jno Ard. , let B.snalios.- no McDo▪ ssIJ, J Owes, Dancan Thompson, ; ha (,Ibe m, J tau Gibe ,u, Ju Newell, (iso Ilea • Ronald Mehra, Jno Whitimau, Jon M Nair, Geo M Nair, !'eter CreMoroo, Juu MrFaruw. nm Smith. nem Sblvelin, Jae Mitchell, Jnu McKay, David Hardy, Saml Turner, Juo .t Buchanan; Jnu. Hulls, Joseph Colville, nem Rankin, Jar Ian, Daucan Merl -lane, Jno 11m.con, son Cook, Alex. )IcEvery, Relt ltonck, Bullard Robertson, John Stevenson, (leorge Ken- nedy, new lock, Gee Clark, wan Sherritt, wan Dawson, Alcx Johnston, Thos Stev- enaon, win Steveneon, llich'd Boles, ww Johnston, Geo Johnstone hoot Kills, Ju Mitchell, Samuel Reed, Andrew Recd, John Galbraith, Peter Cautpbcll, James n res $ ark Jul, sal .bell Those F.. anderson P Geo Cam 11, as Ilannav, John Kain, Patrick ohnston, Chu Dewer, Dau Me(idlea, Lao Stewart, John Stickle, Joseph Chsmpagn, :1w,t Gravel!. 2nd Baitralies.-Jaa Blair, Jos Must- ard, Jno McQueen Juu, Alex Innes, Mat thew Greenaidc, Donald McLean, Arthur i McRea, win Aluffet, DavidrGalbraith, Neil ! McGill, Chu w Smith, I'eter McSaren, wan Itichardson, Geo AIcKsy, Ju Turner, Geo ward, Duncan McTavish, llaoieoo Ilanaaoo,Jai H.tdman,Jno StoJg.Iill, E.w - Retort/ion, hoary Dawaun, ThoSeddJ,' wan Clerk, Malh Stole, Jao Algison, Robt Elliott, Ralph Stevensonjun,EJtr Boyce,' $olomon l'ofock, Juo Campbell, Allen Aller, Alei Campbell, Tho Ilannen, John Bannerman, Ileury Howard, Elw ll'at. lake, Lorenzo Spikeman, James Castle, Alex Johnston, wm Johnston, Antonie Pearce, .Adam Home, Jno Robertson, Augustine Hater Jun, Daniel Gorman, Archibald Penhale, Donald Ballantine, Jno Penhale, Milo Church, John Duncan, Jas McGrugan, Jno widaman, wm Crook, Richard Croak, Jno Crook, Thos Mitchell, Jas Grainger, Jno Grainger, wm. Rose. Towionir or carr. let Bottaliow.-Dao! 11 Clegg, Andre* Story, Geo, Mitchell, Jnu Graham, T (ns. ►am, JY Simpson, Donald McQuugall. John McCutcheon, Dunan Mc!)Jnaid, Itubt Fa gala, Alek Strsrhan, Dani Bella,•j•, William Witherspoon, Hy Savage, Jea rticPberell, John i)aneey, Niel McLaughlin, !'has Whelp - tea, ArcLI lawout. A..g Lamont, Robert Baker, Jacob Young, Chas )d,llard, Dsuicl Millard, Jas Ramsay, B..bt 'Taylor, Jens. Sinclair, i)uud McNair, Ales McNair. John McNeil, Wan Pollock, ('h.0 ('uappt, loos Broedfoot, Don'u Ituchannon, li l'leric, Jaa Clark, John Clark, Wm Fadyen, llugh Mc- Peail, Wm Venton, Mich Bennett, 11 W Maty Juh,, Johnston, Geo Fltarterly, 2.4 Bultallua. - '1'h',. Granges flonj Later, Wm Story, Ju Mitchell, Peter Ora hams, Uund Meth.rmld, Jos )IcCutcheon, A Ballard, Alex McDonald, Jnu Strachan, Jes.c Sp riu,t, Rubt Brou'ly Chu Sprague, Janice Mcl au`blin, !Hugh Lamont, )Irl Ltmuut, Johu Cardin Joho Cnderwoxd, Doled Stew- art, Wm Vincent. Rich Smolder, W m Bright, JY Clin, Robt Arnley, Jos Kni'ht, Iieury Wilson, (leo Young, Jos l.a.14, 11 res Leckie, John W hitfiehl, Fran Beadle), John Ilislop, Adam Turnball, John McTaggart, Hobert bertson, Jas McDonald, W' n re:fur, Add. orris, Jae Venatm), Wm Elliott, Francis leunen, John Cordon, Isaac I'amsee, C .rj lot 9 coo 12. Towaaair Or TL'n.:erRRT. iso Ualine.- And. lhinlann J Little Thai WI n, ltubert Fa;lts.Job,. Frlus, (leu Ideon, Its bard L.Iluke, Mutt Wood, John. Mitchell, ee Williams, Wm lawso,n, Jn McTrcia's, ha Milan, Jss N.cholsun, John A Gairdutr, a mid McTavish, John Gregory, ltobot Cronyn, Burgess, Bolo Greene D Gismo, James Clemsoon. 2.d Ba(ta/aus. Wm Johnston, J John sloa, JY Mitchell us Ferausoo, Matthew Ferguson, Gee Fo une, Colin McDonald Thor Cronyn, Hu`h :Donald, Jar Car mere, W m Stith, Etna u.-1 Boh, John Mc Keen, John Mcloosh, 'eter Fisher, John ('rat W a hose C n A w m Cr a T A Ste art J. g, 7 , Jr Atchesop Tho McCrei 1, R leCieight. rowosaie or ruses as. Id JlaSMrlion.--Jas H "cline, Mvid Kydd, Jaa B Rpartivaa Geo N tight, N ' rmich,el, John Curio. K'. 11inens, Chas 'layton, S Camphor'', R,rbt Howbay, Andw mppbell, Robt Monthrane, Doman Cermichae James Morton, Ehi Hall, David Kart, Thos I more 4w, John firJ eoa, Rohm K•nand, F:l . ,se, Wm Ce.eeh, Wm E der, John Barns. A ex Ilsehanaa, Wm 41cKenaie, 11*,(h'MrUone Wen Mnnr,'Hugh )alkwell. Leonard McTag gart, Tbo, Mo7r h McDonald, IGnjamin Mone Andrew N k oh Ice , J n Na k Juhn T• 1 , t kfr 1 Dae ,rd Ju Na • 1F r ,t .i JI A m ro g, John Powell 1Ym Hugo, Wm McGee, Thos Uak Stir Wedge, Lowell Walker .Jas Wretcott. esti Ilio J n Rn Jr Oake Aad w Turnbull I'eter Mcra giert, John Thornton , Thos A McDermitt Nelson McGee Robt FaIIs Wm t, McLellan, Alex Stewert, John hall, John Ballatyne, Thos C Ebson, Albert Powell. 2nd Battalion.-Andrew Simpson., Art 11r \turd, Andrew Reith, Jas Armstrong, Rao -rows, George Barrows, Tbous 1) tine, Wm Bry Wm Crawford, W J Archibal Cam I, Wm Cattle, Am beam Cattle, George 'orni.L,Robert Cowper, Donnell, Sem Ikope, Robt Fowler, ▪ rd P'enwm, Wm Fuller, (leorge Fore - mass, Wm f1'tnitom, Jss Glenn, Wm Horton. Itiehrvd Hanfetd JY Hanford, Henry Isaac, Chrrlopher Ir, * Jas Johnstone, W m Jacket, J .id Jaques, WM Ked•ly. John K.Iland, W m Kark, Ram Kir►r Richard Saxton, Ju MilIse, Elijah F Millar;.V Monteith, Joe >re.wsth. Y Mowbray, Zech Minera,(ieorge A R Y.LsoI, John Oreber Thomas Pepper, We 11 Posamor., Richard I?'ot.rd.lohn Pin .asebs$aaswl Pa kilron, John .Slee, Geese* Y. AI.e Fremont, Thos Vans George Mdlla, Robt Elson, W'm Go.ld, Jnsatbee tel], George 11 Scott. Tvcasa.atrrs. lag /slgafaaw -1'. Aeehlb&d, Hugh Me Ihent.e., Wm Jaaaes, Aagw McKay, Rob, Mlle, Mos R ..mars? Peter `ell Kamer ssF, 1MdI 11.esi. Mr o ehan, i LI... J.ba tltwf, At.s Niebol ei., +MI P.et.w, Job. Mets- w' y J..., Williams, Jda meso r t, _ _ a: tea_ M Booth Jobe Proidfool, R ChD Stonemer, every respiY, what a cuoclusive proof it is TMt MORON •ICNAL d t perl•I ag w hs tfi w Y doe a ly and aatiefaclunly as bac worthy prmdetrseur had dun. 1 am sorry *bat space will not permit to report the speeches in full. Mr. Adaumon resumed hu seat amid loud char. 'Song, by John Thesk. hand -"1 hs Mrriuu Schottische." Mr. Charles Tough proposedthe "Farm ere act Suulty." lirapuuded to by Mr. Camp- beIl. Sung by Mr. Robert Dalgetty, " The Ratnuug U,laud. sac. ' Mr. Dalgetty proposed the " Mer -.haute of BsylielJ and the trade of Cauadu."t{ Res- puudr.l to by Thomas Bateman, Esy„ in u very able and rflective speech. Baud= • The Doke of Culliudwoud's Walk." Sung by Mr. Geo. Campbell. "The Ladies," very gulluotly responded to by Mean. Campbell, ( usrcbau*) Stuart, and Dr. Gaintarr. - - - - u tea al u e IMSC till Tb e b Ten LMvereru, John Drover, Juhu Cameron, Alex r anip a oma er y, u u that the North Inas rot been really in errs FOR 1 666. Studdarl, George; Gray, lticbard flail., John est lu ata professed lore for'the wretched Ford, Alex Slimmion, Chas Sutherland, Den negro. There have been very few obeta- ' C Brin. hobs HsilsWyK..bb(t Patterson, 1 hue cies te La carr w rut of the i1Md1ute MrKeuai., JY Mck}.rry, !ek a teeeest, WA s 7 g .. Mueve, Jae McltriJge, Dsvld Welsh, Jame.. emancipation priueiple on the )bower Ibnsleyerry,-Dryerr, Jauws Hoe, George Mississippi since the Fall of Now Orleans. I bompouo, Johu McKineuse Peter Cooper, , The valley hY bxu thrrwu open to notthcro eu'terprise - nuurbers of New JY Campbell. 2.d Balotiuw.-PFten Cowan, Alex Stew art, Hub* Robeson, Tb•.. McKe, n e, Leonard Skuu!ding, fleury Isius, JY MrLarlrnr,Thue ed plautsttona, with the czpresa under• - -- - I Vanaswtr, F:Jed Aui...• Juhn Jo,er, Eger latauding that they ere to bo worked by ' OW le toe Very Mewl Ume to ember. Ibr teethe to FatO• Is11e \ AL -udemlesed to be ore of Ilse beet Loral pieprrn to stir Provi.sce. t 'c task Gee lase mea tads wier°will read thin l...nny W Iseth-r a 1 .urastsl re...wing nu romplet.- rn;s exhaM 1. of nIlie Lul'Al. \eai'a of the Calor) a• melt W urlh the I.60i Eugland abolitionists have taken cord/scat• W e task for 11. F'iulr rears Jnr Ireland ✓ Nouse. W'm antes Veal,—Kerby.—Killeran. Robt Stephens, free pu(d negro labor—thousands ofalevela David O'Brien, Paul Shaffer, Alex McSlag I here been scot to the edea of freedom, aql gan, SamueL Dixon, Jas Irvine, Wm Smith, Alex FIYer, Alfred Cru,pbell, Wm Mer or ' alas, Jcspite the Sunday Schoch', and lane, 5tdoer Jacob, Jae Sent,'" John F'.ak• " higher civilization," send the abseuce of Imes. Jas McKey, Jobe Pa,k, Ale. McKey• Chet rill wantcro, tlw Dreadful fact ataudr Wm scott,J ehu 1b, n 1*un. Juhn Itleke, Alea r Cowen, Jas Robb, Itubt N Rarefy, jr.. Chas out is all itatuduuustems that fifty thou_ YIKinuon, Wm Llernochan, Gdhert Thump• anert of the newly treed wretched have son, Jaeob Jacob, Jae Thompsou,Jnot I'ros I- toot.Genrte Steuburry,Dunrld Ciark,Xtirmoo McLeod, F:beerier Forsythe. wawaton. let OutGaliow.-JY Here, Sam 1 Stuthers, Mieb'd Uhrer, Wm Pdelin, Motet J Brown, oseph Smith, Jno Jannuh, Wm Patton. m i.yuns. Wm Sanderson. Jou Si d.ly, i de •/loin, tiro I owler, % ro Campbell, Pal res M 'vire, Jas Craig, ear Young,. W tar Co lel, Joe Kerr, Jao Davison. JasFero/usod, Rreb'd F.:Lut Jnutiles&t, Kdo Ilropbv,J nu Brooks Jas Farrell, Joo Black, Jno 11 (holler, Sem'I Wa'do, 'Thus Seeders, Hugh (h,)ie, Wm •a1'•Iwo, Jas Duruin, Jacob Cummiiga, 'leery Sawlor, Michael Ard. S Nethe,J, W m Tiudull, Th... 61tvk, Domino McCallar.Joo McDonald. Jrru Meltrruee, Fountain Nagler. '1'hr.s Brandon, Jos McKenzie, J ,n Minsus. Joseph W'dsuu,1)ooelJ Motxvaan,Xorlasu McMillen, Jas Whew, Jots McCuoeel, Ge" W Berry, Wm McArthur, Wm Wilson, W'w Waste; , 1'. (1. White. 2nd Butfalias.- W e. Wi!son,1 .o Ifidw, I', lice d Moore, Alex How, Uro (fill, 1'ei rk Nude •t. Abraham Wilson, (fru Parton, R.i,'t I4.+res, jr, Alex Mcl'un' ell, M Mclhieu, fleury Bo)le, Jno Ituyle, Jno W Clark. Jou 1)ovis, Wm Davidson, Arthur Mci.ear, Joseph Booth, 'loos }loran. '1'1101 W elsh, Merlin Donohue, W m Beady. J..neph Croner, Taw McIlrlde, Thos Pbi!lils, Win Todd, U t s, Hall, Joseph Jackson. Jus Edmond, Donee' M*lettin 1, Archibald McCa!ler, Jnn Williams. Arthur Williams, Jas Anderson, Richard Leishman, Wm Nethery, Wm Dens died of sturai.I un and want. And that, too, at the epo.t from wheuo Mrs. Stowe drew the L!gree for her iwwortsl novel. 11 'ill the philauthropisty who contend for iwmcdiste cad unconditional Emancipa- tio\track the nut? There's a kernel in it! IN AT LAST. The editor of the Iluron Siyna/ ha received a prit,do letter from an Anomi can redewau revving in the humble, but it is lobe hoped : orap.et.ntle sphere of a Lottery Ticket vendor, ie* which he, said editor, his heirs or issiens are duly prom- ise) the sum of Tee TlIOCSA.ND DOLLARS .rhac6 ho waa still hill by them. s in Cold, oxo the simple oonattions that hu Shortly infuse the hour- appuipted for do'crose to be tnnawitted to said Ticket the commencement of the peacecdiogs, Mr. Vendor the paltry sum of $10.00, and on AJawsom,'the guest of Chu evening, was the arrival of the said gold by czprese that auror(eJ Tato the village by three *Ieieh- (Iowa it !lumen TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. Oloowr Io retry AduseteM, Etlq• (Reponedf r n,. •"liars, Sg,al.••1 The moat successful affair that was ever attempted in Bayfield ie* the )natter of public dewonrtretions, came off on the evening of the 411* in_st., in the Ball ltoom of John 1). Cameron, Ins -keeper, Ilayfield. It war the complimentary dinner to Peter Adamson, Esq., Row of Stanley. In eosequence of} the appointment of Mr. Adamson by the Counties Council to the office of Counties' Council Clark, Mr. Adamson had to resign the office of Reeve which be had so lung and faithfully held, and his Stanley friends. resolved that they would give some teueible proof of their gratitude to tat gentleman for his past pubiic scrvioes, and of the high esteem in he do privately convey to his friends the loads of hie nc', hbon, the bri+k little Song by Mr. Joshua Calloway, •' The Battle and the Breeze." Band—" A Life on Ili. l'cean %'eve." Smog by Mr. Robert Dslgetty, '• The Suldier'a fear." Sung by )Ir. Cu'luway, •' The 014 Dutch Gentleman,' Sung by D. 1i, Ritchie, Ea •' Jock of Hozeidcun." Song by Mr. piel Stuart. Sung by Mr. James Faulkner. !laid-" The Sultan act Turkey " Sons by Mr. Andrew Elliott Sottg Ly Mr. Hamar, * 1'he Black- smith's Doty." Song by Mr. David Cullen. At the juncture of the proceedings our worthy hoot again regaled ns rtith the most Ju ic,one viand.* anti rontecti ary, which when partaken of to satisfaction, Mr. Ilal- ggectir purported the '• Treat" Il.•sl tided to by Mt. J. Calloway. Rand-" Marc from (\he Upere of Norma." Song b Mr. R'own. Teamt by Mr. Campbell, •' n 1 4sutaen of Caneda.' dtesponded to :tleitsuder Johnsons, Esq., in u moat effective speec , -during the delivery of which he war frequerllly Interrupted by cheers and applause. The worthy old veteran gut so turoughly interest ' o the subject that he redly fancied himself yrs n: again, and• mounted on a charger, se din hand, prlun', punuin; the enemy. Ai a cobcluson of hu speech be, was loudiyeh, Mr..tdam.un rad) the '• Chairman," and in doing so d •igh and merited tribute of rer.ect ' him, cummeutinJ upon tory mauler ie* wtueL argtd the dutit* per. ccs, and coucludeJ Ichie's resignation hod been tendered a aituattou touch more hoer ire. Mr. Joshua Calloway rose end said that , It* Present was one of the Lanpirst moments • f Lu life, ivaa- much a. it offered IMim an o ' rtnnit7 of publicly •xpreseing the genuine ppreciatinn he entemamed of the worthy Chail .an. 1'1. knew that to runny this w.wld appeltr anom- ,ILrr procession being enlivened by tho thrilling the able and toted.. news of tits immense fortune in having purchased a Dus ky` Yu. TLu conditions strains of a piper pitted " in the front Mr. lGtcfiie hell duo. twining to his variou o rank." b a:1 ,n that since Mr. will be complied with, of courts, and we T T look upon the go11 as nurses/ est u surely My, Jobs L. Crm.ron, too caterer fur the oce a.io s bad n red a most sum P PP. u though friend K ary ahonLl step is and inure. W'm Mcliarney, Juhn ('ook, Jos Neth- ary in hta usual quiet manner, ' There'a a wT. IlayidSeotl,.Alea Mewnry, Juo Muuney; heavy iron -hooped box lying in the Ex. tfngh Cumming, Jas F.II,Jtt, %re* Dolma, press Office for',nu.' r1, ,hada of Dr. of tare County C!urkehip h ..s Agnew, Thos Agnew, Joseph Ileaa•i,, l'hasGiaham, Jnu Rnberia, Rubs I'roclor,' 'Faustus! that eucb • gohden stwwer upon t Boland. THE PASSPORT SYSTEM. cele upon th) other $10,000 ingol.len $20 Wm i owes, Jnmea Mc•Ctea, JAS Savage, 11'm should (.11 tuous repsst, ant exactly at half past seven o'clock, about fifty gentlemen, ,in - eluding all the leading men 0f the place, irr pective of party, creed or. nationality, he heal of a neTspapFr bit down to partake of it. At the head al nes, but he uetartheleetretrained . Pa, ail > f Coni sa c c • trmto . editor !' Only think of it : 1 fled up flrl _ . . — Ritehie, Ewp, supported oo his ri;!at by pieces would reach to a high ceiling ! Sithe Cho guest of the evening. The rite c h ll t! ferrnrres• .ands npleusantnessea had t .est. qurutlr arisen between them ; u to who ors u b i and who 1 la see , t the cause of these Ji. r• encs, he wru J nut now allude, but Y lb now knew earh oilier omen tburoughly, h trusted these little di:Boil:les might in future is uvo,dcJ, and notbint further occur to mar the frisuda!lip which he errneatly hoped ,sight this ni 4•hl be cemrutr' between thea. lle hil much pleasure in 'Indorsing toe, re marks of Mr. A•Jamwn in reference to our ,torlhv Cnairmit. Dr. Wooel, the rice- ihairmin, also co•a,daweuted the chairman very d►tterin,,ly. Mr. ttit.;,ie responded in, a very feeling areleRretire inte rr, dud after bumoruusly Mane.: -the many hods:ips' and trcuhles L« •had undergone in the bachwo"JI of Coned+ ; tis adverted to the remake of )lr. Calloway, and Hid tea although. ao ill feeling had fin-. forte lately tasted between hoax:( and Mr. Cal eery far a Ie*/y tiro•. (much tau I ono) If ever be howl been the aluae of such d!es regi- ment it wru uninto' ti.rna', mud he -war qID to milli:,;, if Mr. Calloway was, to' "bury the IlatchW " henceforth and forever. . he " precious passport system " of by side ins row''°1 seat amount ie* $•i.00 Kos occupied by D:. Woad Mr_.Seward, as the Globe calla it, is ceas- ing a• great ferment on the bonder just now. It is unpssible fir travellers to cross by any of the u+nal avenues into the dominions of Ma L iucoln without a deal of trouble and expense. If a person ap- pears directly bef.re the American Consul at. the -point at which he wishes to cross, he has to prove his identity -ant always easily dorso, -and eller that there comer the disagreeable necessity of " forking over " from two to sit dollars for the bit of foolscap, yclept a '• passport." The rata which the Consuls are permitted to charge are sac badly defined that those worthy individuals have it in their power to practice extortion to a very considerable extent, and if report be true they are nothing loth to do all in their power to render the business extremely remunera- tive to ll aturlro if not to their master. They, moreover, manifest • supreme coo - tempt fur greenbacks, which galls mightily the :Americana who have occasion to conte to this silt. R hat earthly good this passport system can do, apart from the drop it throws into the bottomiew bucket of the Federal exchequer, it is imp seible to conceive. It _ moot throw a sinelc obstacle ir, the way of raiders, it wan en- tirely uncalled fpr by any act of the CrtO- dian Governaucnt or' people, and it toe doubtedty leads many intelligent Ameri- cans to leek the got•stein whether they arc not speedily drifting in the •' Centralising despotism," a they term it, of 1':uropean tyrenice. The system appears to be deprecated with equal vigor on beth sites of the line. Canadian journals condemn it a iniquitously umjiat, and the Awcri- can border pap rs denounoe it an being absurdly suicidal, and hence, they il.dig- aently demand that it stall be. exploded at once. The people of :llichig:n, and the W'cstgenerally, are espciilly angry with Mr. Sewarl,anh fail to see why thci- accu3tomed routes of traffic and travel should be thus ruthfully shut up to please the fancy of an illiberal o@leial at it ashilI ton. Whatever the cause may be, one fact is patent, the busi- nese relation, which have so long nubsiet- ell between the two countries bare Ie•cri sunpnded far the past work, and if the ayatew is continued nonioteroourne must be the order not of the day merely but of the cutire scaan. Thu blockin r u h of r Ibe great tLron};h ruutoa of travel has done much damage to the ('anadian and West- ern' Railways. $ercrel trains per ,day that used to be crowded are taken off dtu- getlter, and. the few that do run cannot pouibly pay expense', The attitude of the (:lobe upon this question is somewhat remarkable. Ise de- nounces M r. Seward's new enterprise in no very conciliatory spirit, and actually pro- poses that Caaada should retaliate by way of settin a-funt a counter sn g rt ," b P Po J w. i1'e seriuuely object to this. It ie it natured and altogether an British. I1' Coxa intontal eruntries adopt absurd pass- port uhatioie F.pgliabmen have accue- tr ,mrd bemsch•es o t laugh ■t the lolly, without reaming for a moment Chit it in worthy o imitation. No, no, Passports, and polices rveillance, and letter•op ring, and press-ge ing, settho offspring of bar• ebari•tn, the we ,ns f daepotiam, dopend dyes it,,itd she d never be couutennnced by a free 1dd enhi tened people. If Jlr. Seemed does not wise us to enter his mas- ter's dominions let tta°atay at home, and try by all uteans to diedover how far it in pnsitle to fall back upon our own re- aouruw, bat let us not in kueh a esss re- turn evil for evil A IIGJlrlt7AST rAOr. Tae Fsere Nsnao.-it ap esie from s canlally prepared npntt that fifty thohua,d liberated uagrens in I •iri..arra here m.•rithed from atereatinn, and from disaasea induced ky ' want, during tM pat two yews. We enntoi the shove paragraph from the editorial *oil men of oar eemltent eon. Irsspnrary, the Hamilma lose a, whieh to oho -abolition in ten., and whieh .anent of eoeree be seemed of being man abed by a feeling of hwelkty to tie North. Ae aerieg, Moen, the smerti 0 se tree In hair pi ers would este.1 nearly 100 f •et ! It The dinner being over an l the cloth would take a hand -sleigh .to convey tlac removed, the chsilmao rose not' proposcl precious mct.'I to the Dank ! Lrt's think, the first toast of the cvening-I1:r M.ljas- ty Queen Vi.t )ria. Drank with much if we c sen, in the excitement, of the moment, what we will do with the $10,000 wbcn enthusiasm. The Band, Gud Safe the we get it :, Shall we get an enormo(ls lot Queen." of cane type for the Signal, es well u a " Tho second toast was thoo given -Toe steam press, and run the old paper u a Prince and Princess of Wales send the Best daily in opposition, to the bk)6e? No, ufthe Royal Family. Band-=' Th; Fiae. we'll not do that: No more printing for UIJ English Gautleman." ua-no more weary nights spent in trans The third toast w», Tho G nrernor ecibinh speeches -no more wearing away G_ eneral. Baal-•' Fur be's es" right geed of the fire of youth over a wooden de+k- no more breathing to of the laanpblacky smells of a printing ofcc-no more dun- ning for wood, hay, Daft, "or anything' ited, \\'bite and B1 ac." else tet an editor or his horse can eat," ( Alrzander Juhnsoo, E,q., remraa fell. No! Farewell to ..igen s, rymll sad paste- Ile sell he f •It- it •an honor to bare tireop• poi rhes that gold arrives! W'e soap ``' portanity of returning thanks for the warm rent a villa, pu,chase a crack span of fat I sad enthuaiaatie manner io which the posies, and me. and Mrs Jierrl•I e4it enter 1 to tat of Ih • Army awl Na:y Lad beta receiv- the mystic circle of the Upper Tcn- 1 ed by tort r unutinable company. In fru ser- - I rip of his country hi hod spent, Le trued, change their prononnciation into the inef • not unprufitaWy., the dower of bis drys, and fable sten so universally drawled out by I be bee on!v ao s.y tbat the Army and Navy the fashionable 4'ew of the present day. of Great hritaie wou'd ever be fineu1 where O ! won't it be delightful to call out l glory and h.ncr I.d. ( tp1 I.su .) 1t wen present dinner lunch and cline at 7 p. to. ! out for him to eulogise the too sans of the wont it be plcanant to f eh 'that we are Berrie., but Vnatory wou!d pn,re that th'y " some p--," bat no, the naoghty rel- eere not equaled, mach ler Cacelled, by any gariam shall not Ire sill 1 army or nary uCi heaven. Ln proof of the assertion hes would cite several battles by But; hold I Let the organ of caution sea and •end whin British sailors and soldier, have a ehancc to work. tWe hare read In h,d met tie flower of some sal' th r f,rma' novels and elsewhere of fortunes being run nations in the world. Tbo first he would through id extravagance and riotous living allud: to was the d-st ecti in of the French fleet at the Nile Ly the ga!:i.t Nelson, who. although des I, yet lir`ot in every 8-itilu heart. (lpplaase.) The eext was the en gagemrnt off Caps Trafalgar when. the heroic Nelson fes, while Victory wa dos cending w crown tits brow ufthe dying war rior with her hdotesa laurel, and bear his spirit hence. Ila died with the expression upon bit lips, "Thank God, i have d me my duty." lie trusted all present would follow so mode an exsmele an! en leaver to ds charge their duty in whatever spbe(e of life God might be pleated to eat them to. 1'he n est on the 'emit of rime was his genera c..untryman, Admiral John Collingwunrl, whose ship led the van at 1 rafelgar. l'ore- ment ening the mi itary lea tars of Britain 'thusCalls back our better and more tinsel- stood. the noble Doks sal' Wellington, one of fish nature. Friends o! our struggling\the moat suceesrar nerals that ever draw a days, should l'romperity and comparative •irord. To say nodosng of the t .at, where Wealth suddenly envelop us in their rose: be dt,played hi. gnait powers, they knew tlut on. the coniinent'of Euro a he beat evrry erdoted wings you •ill not be forgotten ! Marshal +'f France that Napoleon sem ajsinn W've shall ak you to r joice with us, and him, and firw!ly vauqu.shed the conqueror of to give ale opportunity for so doing, conquerors, 'Napoleon Ituna!•arte, on the n i that when thin oo ,'n n Wa rl Chee solemnly pro Ise t R , J, p1.1 s t to ( n y 1'rYing neer e ',i ova 11'8 th. (, m r • d the Marin in the kind American gentleman nendm nn th It 7 F-ssl. bpd of grt,/ we shall given famous oyster tt'e fascts of which , btild be fresh in their supper -yes, on a mammoth scale ! memuies, ,tic, would si tar of }he Isad they lived in. In Canada we halda mixed popula- To the lottery ;nan we may, send on the tion ; but none the worse fst that. They $10,000 forthwith, if not sooner, and just were from the Grampian Ilius to the fanm'. nr 1000 um it is within nor gmap you shall Eo 1 of England, from Erin's Green hale, from h ire not ren but trrnly rlollars fur your sunny Franre, Irum the beautiful Rbtoeland, trouble. Tell oar friends ! of course we from the lowlands of Holland and the mom. - will! W'e'll ut it in the Sg nal in lar c trios oft Switwrland All these countries P u rl hall sent to h tris ,striae and w r ', t gad sow the ood news broadcast I • n nen, and 7Pe+ g shy snba:A not ('an.dy if need M, Ynd You harc before you our views; you moat foot, ern who would in peoeit !Serf the feel more that we are a proper party to ener,ly'an,l in err emulate the giorirt&s Breda of their lurefathen. (Cheep.) In en, la a e M rc sive Cho munaficrnt mum nu r c .ion the a•suk r r y , t u god rim hymn 1n Ire *ear mnzious to give away. Our thanks' for t r themselves a l the Army end Navy of your confidence in our integriry,we *s+ure Briton would le true to tem. Hie spulogy fur tresna•tusg to much .n ealent ,on the you, will be a thousand -fold more psitite patience of one •ndienee, else ted he had rAen fAaf gold nrriru / served i„ bail, branches of the Ynice.- ' elbow." hu'nest toast was, Thn Army and Nay of Great Britain. Band-" The in a very few years. On second thoughts we think the'• vil!ar" business would not pay. Let's nee: Tcn thousand Dollars lent out en first ciuv nortgeges at 10 per bent. would give uv an annual income of exactly 91000. Now, it strikes is that that amount, together with the enormous profits accruing inks the pltblication of a country' paper woul1 enable a small family to live in quiet but gented cutuforl, and on the whule,this latter i.ki Teems to corn, spend much better with our fdisner habits and fr•liugt, and fir feel sate that .en.iblo people will applaud the deeision,theul.l we adopt it, rr/res the r esti arri.•ra. W'r1Ung Meanwhile, we will be happy to furnish ,..__a .,. _.._ .,___._ , Hong by Mr. Joshes C.Iloway-The Red, you with any nnmbrr of enpim of this Wheat and Blur. The chairman ten rose ia,ue of the Signal at the wholesale rate sod sad the fifth and lot tout whie► devote of fear ons each. Id upon bm particularly to prolee wa ore whir h he was eves every one present would !Scarily respond t,. Prettying it wit • very e ' The Italian M• usier of Frane. stated • e,(nnt and compiimente hrtle apeeeb, the ie vee Chemb•r of Deputies that the capital eharman then prapuwd toe !.wt, •• Our will be transferred to Flounce Y soon se Gue•t;" receirrd withde.Geeing cheer.. The 1'arliamisal disposes of the Hills relating to ole. chairman 'Shed • few very compliment nrpn is laws. sty remarks. Band-=' For his a nght good A regimental eoart martial wsa recently in. Fallow." discreet *nage on pe petrrte the joke e( Mr. Adam.nn then mos and after retarnin,[ res rMmping • eoldnee in Itatler'e roarlmand thank" for the enthusiastic mar•ner in whi.h to two yeas hard labor nn the Date) Gap tine basil\ Md hien drank, hq in a very able .seal. R.etl.r has vindireted hit di,ynity aid vol m'uterly nsnar, went goer hi" whole taken Nn(eenee,hv disallowing the sensece, carom of ranee! til. He es,r1 obat ever eine. •.d ehangie ,t to int M.PenmMl far Illi. his entrsnee into puMi. life he had made it Th• hero of little Bethel and Fort rrose is hi, huun.a to sandy tM p.hlk w.lfan, and virtdiesti n. although he had resi:,ne, the endeos. damn Nharrav Sroaes. - iwrge amnenu e( n1 stonelike to arcept the mere nnernnn m,I tsrryyesptores for tM awe of the volunteers, Yon lea epbea+i(` teh M eeoldtmeke han fb off iwdior, A tw Rendes, a it helot \la asrnir•Y mom gener.l, end he linMRly and other at. &loot tM Roothen frwarfef eoF' fMt by dint of eb'iceti,m serf pert nl the W estt.wi 1 .lion of tie Preriaee. I °' *11 w M wig►t M ens od f n di.rhnge lb. 9. Moved b) Mr. Warner, escouded by Wwarda us during the uaisteucu of the Mr. Warwick, -bat Mr. Mu,gan be appointed °outplay, LY been such as W attach firal- to repair the fridge un the M. B. 1tued, by ly 10 you the gaud will of ovary wru iso expendwg •nem rut rurwJiug fire dullary the company; yuu have also bleu earnest such nem to be charged to VI sad 3, fur tlw ,and persevering in your efforts W promote year 1865. -Carried. Cud watstaiu that rffioiuno ie* drill, which 10. !loved by Mr. Warner, seconded by 1 Mr. Snell, That the I'atbwutnr hillier hu placed to in the proud position of rue Lawwe be appointed to call rut .ru habie of toe b lest compania in western Canada. to perform Stawte labor to repair the badge Dna yuu have accomplished by yourself ie* 11m'M. Black.-Crrri•J. cquiriug •thorough kuowledge uf :tlili- 11. Moved by Mr. Soe!I, .econded by Wry tactics, u for as regards oouapauy and Mr. Wu uer,'fbrt the Cuaucil du rose rJjuurp butwlioa movewcuts, ■nd although we re- te meet a gain accurdiug to law. -Carried, grot the romovel act' aur role drill ivairuu- THUYAS Sl OAN, tor, Calor-Sergesut McLean, yet wo feel we have in you r drill instructor record to www ie* the Province. Accept thou, sir, this cup, ane! with it the best wishes act your Cuopany .-may you Tong be spared 'u un as our Captaiu ; ■nd should the time ever ouwo-which God turbid -that our country shall stand in used of our bervioes w repel the iura- der, may you lead us then to a fuller weed of that honor asud diatiuctiuu wLlu4 wO have already received under your bone word. J. Y. S. KIRK, 1st Lieut. In behalf of the officers, non-comissioned 'officers acid men of the Company. Capt. Ross, in response, said he hardly knew bow to express himself With regard to the manner in which the presentation bad barn mader, especially as he felt that every wan in the company sou equally en- titled to praise in eudeavonng to bring the company up to the high position it oc- eul•ied in the front rank of the volunteers of Canada. Meal sincerely did he thank them fur the beautiful token of their re- spect'and esteem, which, he assured them, would be cherished for their sakes. Ile felt certain that when the day cane that their services would be required -Gad grant that it might be still tar distarnt- they would be found doing. their duty faithfully to their Queen and country. Tho proceedings closed with cheers for Capt. Ross, the ofcers and the Queen, God Bless Her. The cup presented was a very elegant and moat sppropriatu, article, ming a burnivhed silver Cup, in r except- l the form uta Minie bullet, supported by three embossed silver rifles, and bearing icb wY the following inscription : " l'rosented to Capt. A. M. Roos, by the Goderich Gar- rison Artillery as a token of their es - Township Clark. TOWN CQUNCIL. The old council "seat oar Friday evening last, the Mayor presiding. Present, Messrs. Gibbons, Horton, Stewart, Ruuciman, Calor erns, Smith, Leouard, Seymour, sod I.oug worth. Ou the minutes of IYtmeetiug being read, Mr. Ruuciman said be cona,dered the motion of Mr. LonJworth relative to the rate bill hat not been teetered u understood when it war passed. Mr Longwortt had plainly toll them that the utmost rate that could be imposed ow 2:. per quarter, and that the fact war to have beenexplaisrd when the vote sou tater. Phis bed not been dour ltd the people had been deceived. Mr. 1:,n_wurth contended Coat 'the wotiuo wdi perfectly correct. . After wax+ further coarersat un, the win• ales ecre signed. Comwuuicutian from John Stewart, Es,i., r4ter, Stratford, Y11a3 for payment of ani •c,ort for prosecuting certain parties oar bebal f the curpration, some ten rears ago, was sea sad ordered to be fylei. The Cler reported that the rote o, the ,hate Lill war ea 36, say 311. Majorntly in favor of Free Sc eel. 275. Report of Fruit ,.Committee war read and adopted. hispctur of Tate . reported that the a1Jant received for lien, -s dertuJ the year put war $893, being au a crease over the preredmg year of laCte. Tee hotels were all in good o re the Enniskillen Drs non, getting too old. Iteport.of Street Inspector, eertifyin be had expended oar street improve during the year exclseive of contracts,. sum o1 $89s.66. Account of Mr. Platt fur fluor en relief TESTIMONIALS. orders. amou tint to 513J.33 we ordered to be paid. Mr. Clilo.ay ryes and ssid that the re- mukshe hal male wart expresr.l in an since,ity and he hoped that there alt now an u•a lerstalidee of mutual friendship Letaeeo teem. Son1 by Mr. CYlloway, "Ring de Itanjo." Son J by M r Stuart, "The Crook and I'ladir." Son, by Mr. Jetnes Frul nor, •• The Tea - Pot. '!tad Briton a Quickstep." Sung hr Mr. A. Etliott. '• Ll,igal's 11.11." Mont by M-. ll eh red Croak., " The Giplie Girl." $oni by Mr. Burns. Mr. Ritchie proiposed "The Vice -Chair man." Mr. Adamson mole some remake anon the toa+t. io t!,e course of which he passed high encomiums upon the vice -chair mai s private aoJ publid elaractee. Dr. Wood delivered s most eluqueul and •labor - ate speech in tesp'nse. Sen,( by Mr. Thesk., " Mize And 11nme." Ilan! -1i British Grenadiers.'' Toast, '•1'he health of Mr. Alexander Johnson." Mr. Johnson ackowledged the toast in a must gentlemanly manner. Mr. Adamson, in re- marking to this toast, Completely excelled himself in Ianghage ani eloquence. Sang by Mr. Dalgetty, "John Anderson my Joe.` Song by Mr. Ritchie, •' Lowland Lassie." Mr. Calloway proposed '• The Medical Prolsmlon,". cou.oling ,t with the name of Dr. Gardner. HesonJed to h) Drs Wood and Gardner. 'Nast-" The health el' Mrs Adamson" Responded to by Mr. Adnmrun in a very) happy manner. Tusst- 1 he IM ad and Hostess." ltospunded to by - J. D. Cameron. Toast-" The Members of the Bayfield Brass Band." Responded to by Mr. Homan. Toast-•' The Piper." (Mr. Manson). A vole of thanks wY then tender ed to the chairman f•r the very' gentlemanly - manner in which he had occupied the chair. the Band then playedd o God Save the Queen," end 15e a•.eanbly quietly dispersed at about three o'clock in the m oiling, ■11 etpres.ing the eremite ati+lactiun it • the pnoceedia:r of the seeping. HULLETT COUNCIL. Dee. 17th 1*61. The Council mel this day pursuant to notice of rdjmurormen'. All the mratben present. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. 1. 1n reference to the petition of Wilarm Gair and others, celetiee to the performance , of their Statute Labor, by droning gravel in winter, it wan moved by Mr. Warner, second. ell by Mr. Warwick, that the petition of Wm. 1,,!, Noel others Ire granted.—Carried 2. Moved by Mr. %'anter, seconded by Mr. Snell that a By l.mw for appointing lie • turning U16cen for Iht enewng ytar be ' pipette!, reed and psmed.-Carred. 1 he 11y -Inc wee prepared, read and patted. 3 Moved by Mr. Warwick, seconded by 11'arner, That the srre.regee against tut 7 r u rh rr for IM39 end aunt Int 3! con. N I eel a I I, for IA5+1 be cancelled, u it appears such tsars hate Men already paid, awl Mr.Rubert men receive 91.76, and tichard Townsend and Samuel Tnremer receive e.ch fire do,lars.- Ca.rrted. 4 Moved hr Mr. Warner, seconded by Mr S ,ell, That }Cobert ltugettn.n pay the sum nl 921.`1:. and the halance of arrsarages be '•funded elu'th hese bhe een paid en lot 7, con. 11, via: 922 27-'CsFned. 6. Moved by Mr. I.nnebnttnm, seconded b ] Mr. Warwick, That 92.90 be refunded Mr. Melville on account of Statute labo,.- la l tocm. Jan. 5th, 1865." AIex.Ju n GREENOCK. Your correspoudamt - ie* passing along the Derham Line a few days . u waa stopped at the village of Enniskillen by a patrol of men armed ititll savage looking old muskets, which were " topped off," as Mr. Dickens would say, by •still were vieiuut-looking bayuneto. The party rum- maged through my sleigh, but ludiug no 'Fontana or pike* ie* the empty baits they let we puss. As Bowl aa curiosity hal taken the placo of alarm in my palpiiatiug buuuua, 1 began to enquire into thao auan- uer Use which tis fonuidabhu armament hsd been )Out up. Ilad the newly-fi.dgtd warriors bleu cotnwiasiuued by the Gov- eruwcut to stand with musket in hand to search travellers, it' rot where did their arms come front? 1 was credibly Inform. 'ed that the muskets had been given out of Goderich Gaol by some of your authori- ties. Can you euliglteu us? lteuAeue.-It' it is true that the old gaol muskets were served out, we must at•kttowledge aur complete igl orruce a to whaow, by whom, or upon what authority. -Ed. 8. ' TUWNSUlP COO' Z CIL ELECTIONS. 1Vud ,• N Gll1ERl('ll rP. Megan. Piper, If. Patton, Weston, H. ford, and Ww. Shepherd who ran Mr. hurchill out by a wuj. of two. CO1LBORRNE. ' All the old councillors re-elected, HULLETT. .UI the old ooancilbre rc-cleated. STANLEY. BRAN' o, 1, II. Hartle5, Joe Walker 29. 0.2, Tho Wileoo 73, J. Breen 49. 3, Jaa Ward fry ieclamatioe. 4, J Brockbank 7 3, D.•John- stone 16. 5, J Smith by acclamation. Ward No 1 ' ,... .k. Cameros. Ward No 2 W. Mile . Ward Nn 1 stop. Wil No 4 Throe Simper, . 11'ard No3 ..... .....— Baird. Thecor,ter'in Wand Nu. 1 between Dr. Woods and Mr. ('amerou 'sou a, tery keen one, but the Dr. lost Ly a majunty of 12, rlthougb his Irteeda 1uuPub uobsy fur him. CARIRICK. Mears. Fisher, Iloog, Kozall, Inglis and Grein. GREENOCK. Messrs. Rukertoa, Corrigan, I'halin, Bradly and Valentine, I'he.f:lerg read a' letter from C. Cribb, Esq , slating that ie* eunfurmity with 11.e agreement between himself and the s:ecial o,nonittee of Footled he bad drawn up u deed of the property which it was proposed lac purchase fruw Lim, and dem:u.Ji•a,l pay ane t In I i of Cls corutdrration aipulated in said • tree rot.' le cans of• refusal he wuhid to kno the reason why'. The ducurnent wee laid uve and wdl'•probaniy be lett u a legaey to he council fur 1163. ' A numb here read a ti,: Crouch ('arred. 6. Moved h Mr. l..ngbettom, wcnnded by Mr. Warwick, That the sum of 9R,A0 M refunded to Mr. C Cooper, being ass in • taw -suit between him and C. 1)•1e. Mored in amendment, by Mr. Snell, s.cunded by Mr. Warner, that said sum est $v.00 he amt refunded.—Amendment carried by elating vote of Neeve. 7. :lowed by Mr. Warwick, neconded by Nr. Snell, Thai the sem of one hundred and ninety ait dollars be paid from Township fun-ts to Mullett end ((,alrrich Anse line, nr.d the suns of fifty doltare to Monett and Me Kdlnp M.. lm+, ■nd also twenty dnnau to base line Iiullett and Mnrri..-('arrierl. R. Morel by Mr. W'aner, aeenaded by Mr. imngbonnm,Thnt lM fnllneing secoenu he paid, era. Mr. ll'sithw.ite $64.00, Mr. Hnsnndea 91.90, and 92,32 to wend 6, to b. eh.r_e4 to nett year ; Coaneillore fes. 906 00, and etpenses incurred relative tn' bw line and Bennett rned busiaem, SIe.ee, .nd Melr,lle end Highers, deeds sad site, F4.b0.- Carried. of accounts Irom various pard. s ordered to be p.•i!, after which i.mrned: VOLUNT$ER I1f8YECriOIY• TI folhwing testimonials to Mr. Jno. Lauren.- were called forth un the occa stun of h tiremeut from the mastership of Union g ool, Godericb tp "Union ' col -house, 23rd IJee., '64. r To 5jr. John La • nee, Dear Sir. -We, the acfiolan of the Uniou'School, who lee been se happy u to be placed under you{ tuition during the past year, end deeply deploring our approaching separation, desire youracocpb &nee of aur little 'gift', as a- emento of our esteuna and love. W herev year lot may be cast, and however widely may be separated by space, go where y will, be where you may, rest assured, Sea ir, yuu carry with you' our bat wishes, a 1 that the "Teacher Stiprcme" may, impar to you and )ours the eboiceat of ble.cingi bah. l'or time and eternity,. will ever be the prayer of, Lear ir, Yoen in love, Tux Scuot..ttta, UStON $c•I(OOL-Bol'rlx. The volunteer companies of tl(is town were inspected last (Thursday) night in the Drill Shed, by Lieut. Col Villiers of the 47th regt. With the exceptive of orae or two invalids, both,c ,mpenici turn- ed out to full force -the Artilhry under command of Capt. Rots, numbering 48 den and three ofcers, and'the Rides ua- Lieut. (lays, 43 men and two offcere.- Quite a nuwberof citizens, amongst who. wo noticed a fair bevy of ladies,were, pres- ent to witness the proceedings. A g neral salute in line, the troops were c fully innpectcd, and at once ccmme0ce the evolutions by which their proficiency war to be judged. Tho Artillery went through their movements with all the old 'Inict steadiness and precision, and woo for themselves the highest eocoruj'tms. In the absence, from in lie/veluoo, of Lieut. Murton, `ergs. McKay war called to the front to prase the company, winch he did in an admirable wanner. This part of the exercises cloned with the ma ;- n ificcnt bayouct exeretse ie* open and close formation. The .Rifles then formed up. They were in full uniform, even to the heavy knapsacks, and we must say that we never e ow the company pres:nting a more soldier -like use penrance. The different cbotutiona were performed very creditably and evidently to the satisfaction of the inspecting officer. At the. close three sides ol" a square waa foamed, the offcers in the centre, when l'oi. Villiers aid they had turned out and acted more like regu- len than volunteers. Ile had netnr seen men cleaner or better appointed, and their drill was truly splendid. The bay- oet exercise, especially, was first-rate. The Rides Isad also drilled in an excellent manner.' Iie should feel it his duty to report most favourably of the volunteers of Goderach. After repeating what in leis 'o onstituted th r o int m e e t ace British P soldier, he concluded by declarin his g opinion that if called out they would give a d—ah good account of any body they mightt fell in with. (laughter.) Ile urged them to be careful to keep what they had, fnr drat they hal very little more to learn ! Yreseatat en to Capt Rosa. vter the Inn' A tion last ni • t h the Ar- i ti tillery company femaincd in the shed for • short time for the purpose of making a presentation to Capt. Rom. After the `om an had L been f urtned into r y hollow 'quare, Lieut. Kirk, on behalf of the of- cen, noneomnaintioned ofcers and men, read the following Addrean, which speaks for itaelf:- To Capitals .4..V. Ron of rhe Godenich Garrison Artillery. RLOPIeTLD ftiR, We, the oommiseinned, num-oom- miioioned officers snot members of the Goderich Garrison Artllery Company, beg to present you at thin time with a small testimonial of our eetum. I (1',, present you with a silver cup, with the following inneripttoa : --['relented to Captain A. M. Ross, from the members of the Goderieh Garrison Artillery Com- pany, u a mark of their eatoe•m, Dated (hint 5th day of Japnary, h$6,', ; avid Sir, we do ware you that thin btimonial sten Try* to fms but • small token of the re geed in whioh you ere held by every seem her of your company. When the tympany was or anised, in n elesting yon es.4,' asptain w' believed then we were patting the right man in the right plies, end we fat thin date that we were not diappnint . Your canduet Union School, Dec. 22, i +fi4, To Mr. John Lautr:ce, I).:u Sir. -11'e, the members of the Catwn School Bible Clem, who harc de rived so much benefit, instruction anti pleasure, under_ your Cal of kind and dis- nterented supervision, and deeply regret - ng our approaching painful Reparation, d ire to render to you our tribute of Ch stiin love and r gard. 5 ny anti happy have been the Loan we ha spent together in the perusal of the "11 .rd of Life," two volumcsofwhich we now `present to you al a Saur-Air of our highest esteem, and act' which, we beg you will condescend to accept. That a lon (,Ids of us•'fulne.s in dib seminating, eldciulating and enforcing that '• Word," which tpaketh " wise .unto Sal- vation," might be vouchsafe) to) you, and that you anal your's may ever be the hap- py recipients of the " Grace of Life," will ever be the prayer of - Dear Sir, Your', in Christian lore, Untne &soot 011L1 CLAsa. BRUC FIELD. PaanstseaT.-As Mr, itobert Ferguson, Teacher of Ilrucefield Schooljt ,Jysving- that *rotation lis pupils in token of their regard and esteem far tbeir Teacher, presented him with a gold watch and chain, accompanied by the following address:- - Denr Traclier,--We arc very' sorry to learn that you are obliged by curcetnetances to disenntinue your wrHrms to this place, woieb for the last seven years have been so benefk•ial bo all r f ace wbo bare'mentied this School. We therefore thought it our duty to intermit ours''yes in procuring a Testimonial of our resiect for you who have been so udi citous for our welfare. • Yon, sill Iherefoie, ohli a us nit ver much brae m ct U fro n 1 r m tar hand Iii I w se t s o d arch am 66 1 eosin 6Oth' Y g a 'oke, of our resisct for you, .nd also as a gift by which you may 'ember us long after we hare grown to be men and women. And m.y nue action on the bunnies' nage of life be a higher certificate of jour real merit (shigned] 111.61) itUS.•1, in behalf of the Pupils. J/ear Pepsis, - The highest testimonial which teen be accorded me wilt be the obeer. vanes in n.r lire ser t m h w incl les w ' hI h N c it ha alw lt Men my duty sod plcuura o im;mr i a your nbedrence and antform ►stem tion to pre duties have steered me of your respect. 1, however, gratefully except this, another of the many proofs of your regard, which 1 will wear more proudly than ever warnor did hie trophy; mod which will often remail the many ple.aant days we harc est together, and also minted roe that tim aro ptrly improved is the path to access. It. FE'bG('SON. Loyal to the Core. We hese received the following very Inyal letter, which the military authori- ties will do well to keep ill mind in cane the writer's service,' should be required. Although Mr. Phippen u by no mean," a finished scholar, ere have no doubt a man of his inches would make • gond soldier. By the way, it a MMM of their country's danger should prompt any more recruits to offer, we hope they will pay their po•t- age. Here is the letter, rerbatien " Wsoxtraa, Jan. 2, 66. Bir 1 would *neaea m Rer leaguers arwis if , am wands in the defence of oar cnnntry please and and let rr keno immediately i am fire feet 10 loch. send year letter to Atosxo Peternx. Wroxeter, township of 11 )wick." ODIITUART. It is our sad daft today to record the s.d- tleP death of the Lelueed'rife of oar mach. esteemed toe mmau, J. V. Bettor, F.et. On Sunday mornint last Mra. Oshoe sou u, good health snot exeelient spirits. But the tamp t burned s•, nightly-tbe cheerful glow ofs Pitt. which b..d shone .ith und,mrned lustre .,r the,pr+t thirty tern, was Ila,h,ni oat to o lac end beautify a bap,.y horse for the last to un e.ith A few moments after returning f o morning service, end chi a engaged in w ie houwh•.,Id duty. she ear wdden'y stricken ith paralysis,- and without being sL!e to addns a hat punting word 10 her lured ones, she .radially ask u.til 5Vednesdav evening .Ler t'rr silver cord—was gent'y loosed and she J.'pa ed. It wall as inespresiible satisfaction the e's wY able before the final stens,. ie the -usioa of consciousness, to .(Prep the h.. h r berg bus. band and large familj id a fuud.silen adieu. There is ao flattering mockery in ..ys that *he &•ceased lade was one' of the nobles wpmes. She was a mercers, consistent Cbr tun, a mn+t devoted ■nd beloved wife, e priceless mother, and was retarded with the highest esteem and love by all who' found a place in her large, warm, ft iendly heart. 1t e venture, In all de1iesey and sincerity, to say, what we know to he • feet, that the heart- felt sent oathtbf this whole community i. with the bereaved family :n their irreparable lose, aid we can only breathe the wish that they will he enablel'to take comfort in the Lope of meeting the deer wit• and mother In • lar brighter and biter world. 1'he body was followed to the Cemetery Chia efter.000 by an immense coucuuree of people. I'acsx3TATION To Ray. 31e. L'Rx.— A few „friends connected with Kroi s ('hurcll, f iotierich, acting on behalf of the congregation, presented their Pastor, the Rev. R. l!re, a few days ago with a num- ber of very handsome and costly gifts; also with on address warmly expressive of esteem and affection 'Mr. Uri, returned thanks, expressing bis own and Mn. Cre's heartfelt appreciation of the kindness of the congregation, end stating that while the ad cause to r' ace the ifts Th ver 6"oi1 P g their own intrinsic value, they prised them immeasurably more an me orials of the affection so cordially expressed in the ad- drers. USBOItN E. Drain or ax OLA asr- n.an.-Un Sunday the 1s1 day of January, inst, Thomas Caw, Eeguire, of Uaborne,died at the advanced age of r4 years, deeply regretted by an aged com- panion anal a large family of relatives and friends. Mr. Case emigrated to this County from the County of Wicklow. Ireland, in the year 1836,etttled on the London Itaad-theta a wilderness -bot by dint of industry, assisted by a kind Prnvidenre, he lived in see ria family al1 romfoaaely provided for, and oe• cupying respectable positions in society, 11e sou a consistent member of the Church of England, so.l he died with the full assurance that all was well, and although deed he still hveth in the kuru of trany, Mr. Donald Fraser regoests us to state that it war entirely contrary to his wishes that hes Mama gas placed on the pollbook at the recent municipal election, Y • candidate, Of "nurse the ante polled for J. R. Gordon, F.sq , and Mr. John Mitchell, is no test of tkeir popalarity, Y neitber of them wished fnr menrtpal honors. TM !attar, bnwever, need nM hive pound out IM vials of his wrath on the Rfgnet. All we did was to publish the retnrs. u they were Pent in. The lreehatles' Institute. We hope the Man•Ring Committee and members of this Institution will not for grit that Thursday next is the day appoint ed fnr the annnrl election of the oleo bearer. of the institution•