HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-06-17, Page 3Thursday, June 17th, 1937 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
is urgently needed in Ontario
Unemployed Men: . Register with the
Employment Service of Canada.
E* A D M E* D C * Tell your needs to the nearest I nlllvILliv ■ Employment Office, Relief
Administrator or Agricultural Representative.
Prime Minister and Minister of Labor,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto
French Sent Note on Locarno
London—A note from the French
Government on the subject of a new
Locarno pact, addressed to the British
Government and communicated to
Rome, Berlin and Brussels, was fav
orably received in British diplomatic
circles here today.
German Catholics Face Nazi Tribunal
Essen, Germany—Mgr. Hendrik'
Wolker, President of the German
Catholjc Youth Organization,* and
150 of his aides will face a Nazi tri
bunal-on, charges of plotting against
the security of the State. The defend
ants were arrested in February, 1936,
after Gestapo agents had found a list
of their names during a search of the
residence of Rev. Joseph Rossaint.
Will Aid Finajnce Toronto Airport
The Ontario Government will con
tribute $450,000 or dollar-for-dollar
with the Federal Government’s grant,
toward’ the construction of Toronto’s
municipal airports. This promise was
given to the Board of Control fol
lowing a conference with Premier
Mitchell F. Hepburn at Queen’s Park.
Bank Manager Arrested
Reginald M. McCaul, aged 50, of
Welland Avenue, Toronto, manager of
the Canadian Bank of Commerce at
College and Yonge Streets, was ar
rested, charged with the theft of se
curities valued at $14,000. It is alleg
ed that McCaul used this amount of
negotiable bonds, left in the bank by
a depositor.
Bad Strike Condition ait
Monroe, Mich.
Monroe, Mich.—Martial law for this
strike-torn industrial city was de
manded by the Mayor.and City Com
mission, as they moved to prevent
further bloodshed in the gory steel
war of 1937? The Commission trans
mitted a demand to Michigan’s Gov
ernor Frank Murphy that he move
troops to Monroe “for the protection
of* citizens.”
Heads Western Ontario Conservatives
London, Ont.—Ashton R. Douglas,
K.C., was elected President of the
Western Ontario Conservative Assoc
iation at the annual meeting. Mr.
Douglas is a former President of the
London Conservative Association.
Other officers are: Honorary Presi
dents, Right Hon. R. B. Bennett and
Hon. Earl Rowe; Treasurer, Arthur
Edwards, President of the Brant As
sociation; Financial Secretary, E. A.
Seabrooke, London; auditors, Walk
er Whiteside, K.C., Windsor, and M.
W. Trewartha, Clinton (re-elected).
Hon. Earl Rowe, Ontario Conserva
tive Party Leader was the principal
speaker. He promised a square deal
to the public school supporters and
the Separate school supporters.
Bank Stops Relief Loans
Winnipeg—A special meeting of the
City Council as a finance committee
was informed the Bank of Montreal
will make no further loans to the city
for unemployment relief purposes af
ter July 1. Winnipeg has an overdraft
of $7,000,000, abo.ut $3,000,000 on ac
count of relief expenditures.
Sentenced to be Shot
Moscow — The Supreme Court of
the Soviet Union sentenced eight of
the highest officers of the Red Aimy
to be shot for treason, the Tass (of
ficial Soviet) News Agency announc
ed. A score of alleged counter-revol
utionaries already have gone to their
deaths, following conviction in two
mass “treason trials” held within the
last year.
May Be Three Atlantic
Airplane Service^
New York1—Prospect of a three-
cornered rivalry for commercial air«
plane business over the North Atlan
tic was seen following announcement
that French and German lines intend
ed to enter the trade. They will com
pete with the projected service, via
Newfoundland and Canada, in which
Imperial Airways of Great Britain and
Pan-American Airways of the United’
States plan to co-operate,
Received) $22,500 While an Official
Hamilton—While V. * A, Sinclair
served as Chairman of the Workmen’s
Compensation Board, he received
$22,500 for services rendered in con
nection with the probate of the will
of the late P. V. Byrnes, it was dis
closed when the probe into the assets
of the P. V. Byrnes estate continued
before Judge Ross of Elgin County
at the court house.
Hepburn to Aid Grand River Project
Declaring himself to be “absolute
ly sold on the idea,” Premier Hepburn
committed the Province to assuming
37%% of the cost of the long-pro
posed Grand River Conservation pro
ject. The commitment is contingent,
however, upon the willingness of the
Federal Government at Ottawa to
shoulder a similar responsibility in
connection with the scheme, leaving
the municipalities concerned to pay
the remaining 25%.
Italy and Germany Back in
Non-Intervention Plan
London—Great Britain and France
effectively won Germany and Italy
back to the non-intervention fold but
at the cost of overriding a vigorous
objection on procedure entered by the
Soviet Union.
Haile Selassie Sues II Duce
Paris—Haile Selassie lost his coun
try to Italy, but he made up his mind’
to fight for his railway shares. The
former Emperor of Ethiopia filed suit
against Premier Mussolini and Italy
in the French courts to obtain the
right to sell his stock in Ethiopia’s
one-track railway.
Pope Replies to Nazis
Castel Gandolfo, Italy—Pope Pius
XI personally declared he would con
tinue to fight for German Catholics
“nd matter what becomes of us,” and
lamented the “menacing” conditions
within Nazi Germany. The Pope’s
pronouncement, made to a group of
Bavarian Catholic pilgrims, was inter
preted as an indirect reply to the last
German note which virtually broke
off diplomatic relations between the
Holy See and Germany.
Baldwin Enters House of Lords
London—Stanley Baldwin, like As
quith, Balfour and Disraeli before
him, entered the House of Lords to
finish out his parliamentary career,
amidst the Upper Chamber’s quiet,
leisurely surroundings. He is now
“Sir Stanley Baldwin, K.G., Earl Bald
win of Bewdley, Viscount Corvedale
of Corvedale in the County of Salop,
in the peerage of the United King
Pharmacy Dean Resigns
Toronto—Dr. Charles F; Heebner,
dean-of the Ontario College of Phar
macy for 45 years, resigned on ad
vice of his physician, but he will con
tinue as dean emeritus. Prof. R. O.
Hurst has been appointed in Dr.
Heebner’s place.
Lapointe Honored by Cambridge
Cambridge—Earl Baldwin of Bewd
ley, as -chancellor of Cambridge Uni
versity, conferred a degree of doctor
of laws, honoris causa, on Ernest La
pointe, Canadian minister of justice.
ft ■ • • J
Sir Robert Borden Passed On
Ottawa—Sir Robert Laird Borden,
distinguished statesman and prime
minister of Canada throughout the
Great War, died at 7.30 a.m. Thurs
day. He would have been 83 years
old June 26. Bedridden for more than
a month when he suffered a heart at
tack, Sir Robert made a gallant fight.
On three or four previous Occasions
his physician Dr. Campbell Laidlaw
and relatives at his bedside feared
death was approaching but each time
he rallied. A Nova Scotian, Borden
entered parliament ill 1896, became
Conseravtive leader in 1901 at the
height of Sii* Wilfred Laurier’s pop
ularity. He slowly united the fortunes
Of his party and rode into power ih
1911, It was Borden’s destiny to be
leader* of a government during war
time. With relentless tenacity, he
speeded the nation to war pitch. When
enlistments fell off in the dark days
of 1917, he formed a union govern-!
mefit to pASs a conscription law, The
tall, broad-shouldered Canadian with
the quizzical grey eyes played A leAd-
* Free From Pa*n Since Taking
Like many other sufferers from
backache and rheumatic ailments, this
woman decided to try Kruschen Salts
in a last attempt to obtain relief from
pain. To her surprise, the pains did
grow less, and in a few months the
backache had disappeared. Having
made sure of the results, she now
writes as follows^—
“For about four months I had: ag
onizing pains in my back, and could
not turn in bed. During that time I
tried various remedies, but obtained
no relief, and was seriously consider
ing going into hospital. However,
seeing a case similar to mine describ
ed in an advertisement for Kruschen,
I thought I would try it, and was
more than surprised to find the pain
getting less. I have been taking Kru
schen for Jour months, and would not
be without it for anything. I must
say I am free from those dreadful
pains,”’—(Mrs.) B.C.
Kruschen is an excellent diuretic—
that is, it helps to stimulate kidney
functions. When kidneys are restor
ed to healthy, normal action, poison
ous waste is properly eliminated, the
blood-stream is purified, and you get
welcome relief from the dragging
pains of backache.
ing part at the Versailles peace con
ference and he insisted that Canada
sign the treaty as a separate nation.
Then, until July 10, 1920, he remained
in office,1 starting the reconstruction
of the
Admits Negligence Charge
Leander Kraemer, Mildmay, charg
ed with, criminal negligence as a result
of an accident on the Belmore High
way, May 10, which resulted in the
death, of Jacob Kreitz, six -days later,
on May 16, pleaded guilty to the
charge in Magistrate F. W. Walker’s
Court, Walkerton, and was remanded
two weeks for sentence.
Have No Tax Arrears
The village of Hepworth, on the
Grey-Bruce County line, has an en
viable record, in that it has not a
cent of tax arrears against any pro
perty there. It’ was incorporated in
Honored by Goderich Lions i
Former president And member of
the Lions Club, Goderich, for years,
Harry Griff, Bell Telephone manager,
recently transferred to Stratford, was
presented with a club bag by his fel
low Lions as a mark of appreciation
of his interest and work in the serv
ice club, particularly so with respect
to crippled children,
Boy Injured by Dynamite Cap
When a dynamite cap with which
he was playing exploded, Ross
Sparks, aged 16 years, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Sparks, had a thumb and
two fingers on the left hand blown
off in addition to sustaining facial in
juries, At first it was thought that
the boy had been shot and the police
were notified. Later provincial pol
ice found the remains of the dynamite
cap and it was established that its
explosion had caused the boy’s mis- ‘
fortune,1—Arthur Enterprise-News, i
Bridge Collapsed *
A small wooden bridge on the 14th
concession of Carrick, opposite Leo
Montag’s farm, collapsed under the
pressure of a steam tractor, which
■managed to cross it safely. The
bridge has been repaired temporarily,
and the public is warned to be care
ful in-using it. A new concrete struc
ture will be erected during the com
ing summer.
Bear Loots Bee Yard
It has long been known that bears
have a particular fondness for honey
and this fact has been proven recent
ly by Mr. Ervin Hogarth, prominent
Bruce apiarist. Mr. Hogarth has-Jwo
bee yards in the neighborhood of
Dunblane and on four occasions with
in the past two weeks a bear has vis
ited one or other of these yards with
the result that fifteen hives have been
completely wrecked, causing a loss of
about $150. Several attempts have
been made by local hunters to find the
marauder but so far Bruin has kept
out of sight. This is a serious loss
for Mr. Hogarth and it is hoped that
Bruin will be rounded up before more
damage is done.—Tara Leader.
Tractor Crashes Floor
Norman Arthurs of Drew, who has
been assisting Norman Whetham
with seeding operations, had a most
unusual accident recently. - Having
completed the day’s work, he was
putting the tractor in the barn when
it crashed through the floor, landing
in a pig pen. Mr. Arthurs was for
tunate in escaping with a severe shak
ing up and other minor injuries. —
FordwicR* Record.
Girl Loses Tip of Toe
Hazel, the 7-year-old’ daughter of
Harold Henderson, who is in charge
Both Sides of the Question
The considerable public interest now
existing with regard to the problems
of temperance, prompts the Brewing
Industry to state its side of the
Providing as it does a living for
thousands, this Industry claims con
fidently in Ontario the same respect
that it is accorded throughout the
British Empire; for its sense of public
responsibility is the same!
Consider the facts. Moderation and
true temperance are causes which the
Brewing Industry in its own interest
must support.
For moderation means respect-for
law and order. It means a decrease
in secret drinking—a reduction of
drunkenness. It means a chance for
the ordinary decent citizen to exercise
In fact at every point it means the
very opposite of excess—the very
opposite of prohibition.
For prohibition whether general or
limited, does not mean temperance.
Surely that fact, at least, has been
abundantly proved.
Rather it ifleans the return of the
bootlegger. It means the growth of
rackets. It means making illegal
drinking the "smart” thing to do, with
the result that drunkenness becomes
a distinction instead of a disgrace.
No thinking person can possibly
want the return of these evils—yet
that is what propaganda against our
Industry seeks to achieve!
> This advertisement is inserted by the Brewing
Industry in the interest of a better public understand
ing of certain aspects of the problems of temperance
and local option.
LOOK Toward the FUTURE
pl,AN now, the things you’re going to
* do. Lay the foundations for a solid
future, for progress, for security,. Plan
carefully, with the advice of men whose
lives have been devoted to building for the
future for hundreds of others like your
self! The services of our staff and the
facilities of this Trust Company, are al
ways at your disposal.
$1,00 opens an ac-We are pleased to
count, a start tow'ard assist you with your
future security.
-- .... -■ .. '........ ■ V .... ,
investment problems
On good security.
Reasonable rates.
It costs no more to
have an experienced
Call or Write for Booklet—
“Our Services”
Grey & Bruce Trust &
Savings Co.
of the vulcanizing plant at George
Scott’s garage, received a painful in
jury to her right foot. The youngster
was assisting in the preparation of
the evening meal at the family home
in the Kehoe duplex house, near the
exhibition grounds, and was return
ing from the cellar with some pro
visions when the heavy trap door
slipped from her grasp and the big
toe of her right foot was caught in
the crash. The tip of the digit was
completely torn off and the bone left
protruding.—Walkerton Herald-Times
Large Bear Seen Near Teeswater
A large bear was sighted on the
farm of James McDonald, 8th con
cession, Culross, and although many
hunters chased him Bruin has evad
ed all and when last seen crossed the
sixth concession, one mile west of
Teeswater, on the farm of Councilor
Joseph A. Mclnnes. Several search
ing parties have sought the animal
without success.
Kincardine May Buy Pulmotor
Instruction have been issued John
R. MacKay, town clerk, to procure
information on the cost of a pulmot
or, to be used in Kincardine. Mem
bers of the fire brigade, approached
on the matter, have decided not to in
sist on a fire siren at the present time
favoring a pulmotor. — Kincardine
■■i PIPE ■■■
Cent A Mile trip0 Bargain Fares
(Minimum Fares: Adults 75c Children 40c)
JUNE 25 and 26
Also to Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Fer
gus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll,
Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls,
Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St Catharines,
St Mary’s, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton,
Wiarton, Wingham, Woodstock.
JUNE 25 ^shawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, CoboUrg, Trenton a Jet, Belleville, Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brook
ville, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge,( Lindsay, Peterboro,
Campbellford, Newmarket, Pentang, Collingwood, Meaford,
Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Call
ander, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario
on line of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly., Nipissing Central
Rly,, Kapusk'asing, Longlac, GeraldtOn, Jellicoe, Beatdmore.
For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult near
est Agent.
See handbills for complete list of destinations.
TORONTO—Sun., June 27—Canadian Corps Association ANNUAL
NIAGARA FALLS—Sat., June 26 — Royal Naval Assoc. Annual
- Parade and Picnic.
TIMMINS Silver Jubilee and Porcupine Old Home Week June 28-29
flmnii.im r - li*iiHiiimi' ■ ' I nr liimin iT nu "f'
Use Canadian National Erpress Money Orders. T.294-A