The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-06-10, Page 21 El FAGETWQ. I*’ lyjimijjiiw THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES I Thursday, June 10th, 1937 The Wingham Advancv^Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by The Advance-Times Publishing Co. Subscription Rate -*> One Year $2,00 Six months, $1.00 in advance, • To V, S. A,, $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. it is the first time that a King gave up his throne for a woman. * * * Amelia Earhart, noted American woman flier, is off on a trip around, the world. So far, she is meeting with success which we hope continues. Many women are making a name for themselves in aviation. * * * * No wonder Canada is a sweet coun­ try when we produce 35,000,000 lbs. of honey annually. The food value of honey is greatly overlooked many of us, * * * * Premier. Hepburn, speaking to Canadian Life Insurance Officers’ sociation, forecast drastic revision of Ontario’s policy in the battle against tuberculosis. It is hoped that the Government will take steps at once to stop the spreading of this awful disease. Such action would receive the endorsation of the public, byDrilling for oil will take place near the Duke of Windsor's ranch in Al­ berta. The Duke's investment in Can­ ada may be a profitable one after all. * * # 4= Major C. H. Douglas, founder of the Social Credit theory, will not go to Alberta to help start social credit on its way there, He wants to send •two of his assistants. Maybe the Ma­ jor realizes that there is a difference between his theory and the practice. 4* 4* 4? & The Government at Ottawa is send­ ing out fifty-two survey parties to further the expansion in the gold min­ ing industry and for the development of other Canadian resources. This is an expenditure to which the citizens will not take exception. 4s 4< * 4s The world got the jitters the other day over the report that the price of gold may be reduced. It appears that this was a false alarm as the United States are buying more gold despite the fact that they have $12,- 025,190,885 of gold holding, half the visible world supply. * * * .* During the first four months of this year $13,437,000 has been written off .on first mortgages and agreements of sale in Southern Saskatchewan's brought area. This wiU not help them ■much unless they get better growing­ conditions, One must have a crop at reasonable prices to carry on. 5*e 4s 4s 4< In the near future British Columbia •will experiment with a contributory health insurance plan, This is ’an im­ portant step and will be watched with .great interest, 4s 4s 4s 4s Orillia has burned the last of the •scrip issued for its relief recipients. Thus an experiment in fpnny money went up in smoke. * & 4s * Since the first of the year China has shot 970 narcotic addicts. This meth­ od of disposing of the addicts is very effective but is a bit drastic. 4c 4s 4s 4s Now that the Duke of Windsor is married to the lady of his choice let us all wish him a very happy wedded life. This romance will go down in | appointed was asked for by the War- liistory as the greatest in history as den, urging economy. “If we appoint the As- COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION Rate Left at 4 Mills as Set at January Sessiotn, Plus Cost of Secondary Ed­ ucation to Some Municipalities. Warden J, M, Eckert in addressing the opening of the June session of Huron County Council on Tuesday afternoon suggested that each muni­ cipality in the county be asked to pay over one mill of their county tares on July 30th instead of at the end of the year, in order to meet the grants for secondary schools which necessitates the borrowing by Huron County of $42,000 for a six months’ period, the interest on which would amount to $1,500. Mr. Eckert referred to the building of roads and the knowledge he and ‘the Road Commission had gained in in visits to other counties. He had understood, he said, that 42 miles of road would be taken over by the pro- vnee, from Amberley to Elmira and from Harriston to Bluevale. He be­ lieved there are about 35 miles more to be asked for. “We must either raise the rate or get the province to take them over.” There are 396 miles of county road in the county now and with the present mill rate it is im­ possible to go on with more roads. The Warden spoke of new regula­ tions regarding old age pensions and vmothers’ allowance. Council will be asked to appoint two officials, a man and a woman, and the Province three persons to act on one board which will do the business of Old Age Pen­ sions and Mothers’ Allowance. Careful consideration of the recom­ mendation that a juvenile judge be a juvenile judge it is up to us to pay his salary which is set by the Lieut.- Governor-in-Council/’ A letter from Col, Dennison ex­ pressed pleasure in the new equip­ ment in registry office, and asked fur­ ther expenditure on the walls of that office, mid demanded separate offices for the magistrate and inspector of the Children’s Aid Society, Referred to Property Committee. To Visit Norfolk County An invitation from the County pf Norfolk to attend a picnic there on June 9th and inspect the reforestation in that municipality was read. Considerable discussion ensued as to the benefit derived and the cost to council of the visit, Finally the motion of Reeves J. H. Scott .and Mogridge that the county council attend the picnic in cars, the driver to receive mileage and all get a day’s pay was carried on division, Reeves Peter Scott and William Stew­ art voting nay. R, Johnston, corn borer inspector, reported that he had befen over the whole county and found that the corn borer was not nearly as bad as in 1935. A. Fellows of Stratford, district road engineer of the Counties of Wel­ lington, Waterloo, Perth and Huron, briefly addressed council. He advis­ ed conservation of materials. Town­ ships, he said, would do well to have some kind of dust layer which would save money in the long run and would be beneficial. Ex-Warden Alex. Young, who was Reeve of Colborne in 1893, and a former Warden, was invited to ad­ dress the council. The venerable octogenarian, who is nearing his 90th year, spoke of the changes made in the government of the county and of the observation of formalities during the sessions. “There was no smoking and no whispering in my time,” declared Mr. Young before taking his seat applause. McNall—Bryans: That the treasurer be administrator of tates of inmates of the county home and that a bylaw be drawn up con­ firming same. McNall—Bowmap: That Principal Rozel! of Brussels be a member -of the Wingham High School Entrance Board and Principal Gannett of Blyth be a member of the Clinton High School Entrance Board, both for the year 1937. Cardiff—Wilson: That this county council heartily extend to the L.O'.L. Grand Lodge of British America a royal welcome to meet in .the County of Huron in the town of Wmgham in 1938 and a wire be sent to the County Master of North Huron, Mr. Melville Culvert, at Grand Lodge now in session. Bowman—J. H. Scott: That Fred L. Davidson be a member of Wingham Hospital Board. Not a Pleasure Jaunt Peter Scott, Reeve of East Wawa- nosh, at the Wednesday morning ses­ sion, complained that press despatch­ es in the morning papers conveyed the impression that Huron County Council were going to burden the county with the expense of ure excursion rather than a trip in connection with the tation Field Day at Simcoe 9, the King’s birthday, . Reeves Bowman and Haake of Brussels and Goderich townships res­ pectively, members of the County Re­ forestation Committee, expressed the opinion that attendance at the con­ vention is of vital importance to the county in view of the fact that Huron is contemplating a reforestation drive of its own. “It is not Huron County alone that will be represented at the convention, as eight other counties are invited,” said Reeve Bowman. County Treasurer Erskine said the county was faced with an expenditure of $9,000 for which no provision had been made, due to the fact that it was understood ,when the estimates were struck in January that the government was assuming all costs of Old Age Pensions and Mothers’ Allowances. The rates, having been accepted in January, the estimates were revised to absorb the added expenditure in the accepted rate of 4 mills plus the cost of secondar yeducation. Revised Estimates Estimated Revenue: Secondary schools, $42,360; townships, re hospi­ tals, $3,200; administration of justice, $3,800; registry office, $2,500; licenses, $650; fines, $300; owing by provincial highways, $700; re corn borer, $150; sundry, $200; 1.95 mills on assess­ ment $86,328; total, $154,188; estimat­ ed surplus $58. Estimated Expenditures: Secondary schools $42,360; hospitals, $22,000; ad­ ministration of justice, $16,600; mun­ icipal government, $6,600; mothers’ allowances, $4,300; old age pensions, $4,706; Children’s Aid, $4,200; grants, $3,400; jail, $4,006; county home, $4,- 000; D. L. interest, $3,060; insurance, heat and telephone, $2,300; county property, $1,800; printing and postage, $1,000; registry office, $500; audit, $250; cotn borer, $300; hew equip­ ment, $2,006; schools, other than se­ condary, $8,000; sundry, $200; bvtt* amidst county all es- ALL THE FINEST FEATURES WITH PEAK ECONOMY! 'On Master De Luxe Models, s . So you see why it’s Canada’s fastest-sell­ ing automobile. It’s the only car that brings you all the finest features at the lowest prices, and without sacrificing peak economy! <•' ;Xj for economical transportation C-I87B Master 2-Passonger Business Coupe delivered at factory, Oshawa. Government taxes, licence and freight additional. (Prices subject to change without notice).. Low monthly payments on the General Motors Instalment Plan, SINGE you bought your present car, Chevrolet has stepped ’way out ahead — in everything bitt the money it costs ‘ to buy and run! Today’s Chevrolet brings you: A longer, 11214-inch wheelbase. . Big, attractive Unisteel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher, the safest known. . . . More powerful Valve-in-Head engine, . . , Unequalled comfort, due to the exclusive ’’Knee- Action gliding ride,.. . Matchless safety, thanks to new Hydraulic Brakes, all-steel construction, and Safety glass through­ out. . . . Improved Fisher No-Draft Ven­ tilation. And for all its big-car size and “stepped-up” performance, Chevrolet costs you less than ever before to operate! «. . Less for gas, less for oil, less for upkeep! SB PRICED FROM own an ELECTRIC RRI1GE W HYDRO THRIFT PLAN Ufa put U t&ncpz fa y&uU kli&hjzru Up-to-Date Electric Ranges On Display At the HYDRO IS YOURS...U5E IT Cooldngx kyu • SPEED • SAFETY • ECONOMY • COMFORT • HEALTH • LEISURE fl a picas- business Ref ores - on June I nisi *> « \CRAWFORD’S GARAGE WINGHAM ONTARIO s draft Jan. 1, $8,620; total, $140,130. Should this revision be acceptable, the rate would be submitted in Jan­ uary. General, 1.95 mills; county highways, 1,70 mills; provincial high­ way, .35 mills; total 4.00 mills, plus the cost of secondary education, To Destroy Old Documents County Clerk J. M. Roberts in pre­ senting his report said that Col. W. Dennison, Inspector of Legal Offices had advised verbally that authoriza­ tion will shortly be given for the de­ struction of papers and documents over 25 years’ old stor.ed in the attic of the Court House. No action will be taken until written authority is re*-, ceived. Mr. Roberts, dealing with hospital­ ization of indigents, pointed to bylaw No. 18, 1936, cause two of which is as follows: “That the said county pay full costs of hospitalization after the patient has received 90 days’ treatment." “I believe further consideration should be given to this clause said the clerk, with a view to amending same in order that the term 90 days may be more clearly defined. Hospital costs as at May 31 of 1936 and 1937 are as follows: 1936—$10,- 186; 1937—$11,062. A new Bylaw has been drawn which it was intended to present for your approval at this ession. The purpose of this bylaw was to bring the rules of the Huron Home up to date. The Inspector has intimated that he Would 'prefer that the bylaw be held in abeyance for the present, pending some suggested amendments to the Houses of Refuge Act. May I advise at this time that the head of the County must in future sign all admittance papers for those entering the County Home, It is stat­ ed the Reeve of the Municipality may enter any person, whom he deems a proper person to be admitted to the Home, by signing the regular admit­ tance forms but that the Head of the County must also sign such admit­ tance papers at the first opportunity. Under an Order in Council in 1933 all fees prescribed under the Admin­ istration of Justice Expenses Act, were reduced 20 per centum, the fees allowed to Crown Attorneys and those prescribed for short hand reporters under an Order in Council were re­ duced 20 per centum. Under a new Order in Council cer­ tain of these reductions have been restored and others restored to the extent of 10 per cent or 50 per cent of the reductions Insurance policies on County pro­ perty are in order and ready for ex­ amination by the Property Commit­ tee, The change in the School Law Amendment Act of 1036 has involved a very considerable amount of work especially because of the difficulties incurred in interpreting the amended act. We have therefore adopted Our own interprettion, which we believe to be Correct, and we have compiled in a manner which we believe to be the costs to the various municipalities correct, 50 per cent of the costs of High School and Continuation school grant has been equalized among the municipalities outside school districts. The remaining 50 per cent, has been charged in accordance with the at­ tendance in days of pupils from each municipality outside school districts. Protest Outsiders Being Employed Following a discussion at the morn­ ing session introduced, by Reeve G. McNall of Blyth, regarding the em­ ployment of outside labor on Huron County roads, Huron County Coun­ cil passed a resolution to the Depart­ ment of Highways requesting that the .men of Huron County be given the first consideration on the highways in Huron County. Motions Passed J. E, Huckins and W. Haacke — That this county council 'be given more information regarding con­ stables’ in the county as we are at present without any knowledge about how they are appointed, how many there are or when they are discharg­ ed. Geo. Westcott and Edward Lam­ port—That the revised estimates as presented by the treasurer be acept- ed and that by-laws striking the rates at: General 1.95; county highways 1.7; provincial highways. .35;, and second­ ary schools as per schedule be drawn Up accordingly.—Carried. Geo, McNall and W. D. Sanders— That a resolution be sent to Depart­ ment of Municipal Affairs requesting Something more definite be issued res­ pecting the Old Age Pensions,and Mothers’ Allowance Board as to their responsibilities.—Carried. R. J. Bowman and J. H. Scott ;— That we the members of Huron County Council wish to extend our sincere sympathy to the relatives of the late Dr. Milne and Robert giving­ stone, two ex-wardens of the county, and William Lane, a former county clerk, as they gave valuable service to the county; and that the clerk for­ ward a letter of condolence.—Carried, Mrs, Robert Davidson of Dungan­ non, secretary of the Trustees’ and Ratepayers’ Association, was intro­ duced at the afternoon session by Lett Thompson, Mrs. Davidson, iti asking support for a small grant, said the association has the interest of the rural children at heart. “They are not getting a square deal,” she claimed. They have not the advantages of the city children. Only ten per cent. the rural pupils ever reach the unt- versity. .Little •has been done toward educating them for their life work. J. M. Govenlock, county home in- , (Continued on Page Three) I r «• Modernize Your Home With an Erneo Bathroom It is hard to believe that many homes are today without bathroom conveniences, but such is the case. If your home is lacking in this respect, don’t make your family do without any longer. . Emco Bathroom Fixtures’ and Fittings are widely known for their quality, long service and moderate cost. The three pieces illustrated — Bath-’tub, Basin and Toilet —with all fittings, ready for installation, cost only ............... ...................... $87.75 Duro Water Supply Systems Maybe you have been without bathroom facilities be­ cause your home lacked Tunning water. If so, a DUro Pumping System will solve this situation and also serve the kitchen, barn, laundry, etc. The Duro-Special has a capacity of 250 gals, an hour, is, supplied with a 30 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle, 110 volt motor, all for.,................4..... $89.00 Three Years to Pay Emco Bathroom equipment and Duro Pumping Systems can be purchased under the Home Im­ provement Loan Act. The cost inay be spread over a period not exceeding three years. We will be glad to give you full information* . K3 Mini e*A i i i © Duro-Special Can iitao pa ftirnlnliod for Gnsohnc Engine operation. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. co., LTD. ” Laridort Hdimrlfofr Toronto Winnipeg VnncDuver .„. * M;