HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-06-03, Page 6MGE six THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Jun© 3rd, 1937' SYNOPSIS; Slim Loyale is parol­ ed from prison after serving eighteen months for a crime he did, not com­ mit. He returns to his Circle L ranch to find his father dead and sinister forces at work, trying to make him violate his parole so that he can again be railroaded to prison. The Brockwells and their gang are plotting to gain possession of Circle L ranch and the property of Mona Hall, a neighbor and life-long friend of Slim Loyale. Slim discovers that Sheriff Starbuck has joined the plot against him. With the help of Dakota Blue and his cow­ boys, Slim Loyale defies the land­ grabbers to do their worst, “I say yes,” exploded Tisdale, “I got money in my poke an’ the boys down in Jericho Valley have author­ ized me to act for the whole crowd. Let’s go an’ see the young lady right away.” That night, behind locked doors and shuttered windows, three men met in heated argument in George Ar­ thur’s office. Arthur himself was again nervously pacing back and forth, while Sarg Brockwell and Jig; ger Starbuck occupied chairs. “I tell you,’ ’snapped Arthur, "we have to act quick, without a minute of delay. If W? don’t, we lose every­ thing. Those herds are nearly to the north end of Jericho Valley right now. -.Tisdalq, the Big Bend representative, ^faved like a maniac when I told: him it would cost him and the others : dollar a head to cross the range, but they’ll pay in the end. They’ll have to, and they know it. “But now Loyale is going to loan Miss Hall money enough to pay me. We’ve got to stop thot move some­ how, and there is only one way to do it. We’d be better off if we had the Circle L too, but we simply gotta- get the Dot H Dot to get any money outa this deal.” “It’s a pretty stiff deal yo’re hand­ in’ me an’ my gang, Arthur,” growled Brockwell, his big teeth showing in a snarl of anger. “Robbin’ a bank is apt to start somethin’ we cain’t stop. Folks in this neck of the woods are ■begjnnirig’ to get kinda on edge.” “Why shouldn’t they?” broke in Starbuck. “Yuh’ve messed things up from the first, Sarg. Yuh won’t leave that Vasco stage alone. Yo’re so danged greedy yuh cain’t see the end of yore own nose, if a dollar is in the way. “I’m about ready to chuck the whole thing an’ pull my freight. Time was when I was a square-shooter. Yuh jaspers dangled a lot of promises an’ false bait in front of me, an’ I turned coyote. I’m sick of the whole deal.” “This is no time to. quarrel among ourselves or quit,” snapped Arthur. “We can still win out—big. Brock­ well, that bank has got to be- robbed, and Loyale and Blue have got to be rubbed out. Furthermore, we’ve got to act tonight.” Silence fell. Every one of these three realized 'that they were gambl­ ing madly beyond all reason. Yet so deeply were they in the fire already,' they could not Stop. A wild, reckless went out into the night. Arthur remained and drank and until he was dead-drunk. At least, the other two were fighting men, who, .n the final showdown, were game to sniff smoke. But he was the rat, drink­ ing to stifle his innate cowardice, to cry and help his shaking nerves to face the big showdown. Out at the Dot H Dot, Mona Hail was radiant. Sam Tisdale had just laid a pile of bills on the table be­ fore her. “There’s five thousand dol­ lars, Miss Hall,” he said. "There’ll probably be a thousand or fifteen hundred more due yuh. We’ll make a good count as the herds go through the pass at the north end of Jericho. Yuh can rest happy that we’ll shoot square with yuh.” “Oh, I know you will, Mr. Tis­ dale,” she cried. “You don’t know what this means! You can’t guess—” Tisdale grinned. “Mebbe I can bet- YOUTH’S PROMPT ACTION SAVES LAD’S LIFE Four-year-old Ian Bellman, of Tor- ofito, was apparently none the worse ftot his unexpected dip in Lake On* tario on May 28th. While playing •on & pier, he tumbled off Into eight light flamed in Starbuck’s eyes, “Gimme enough men for a posse, an’ 1’11 go out to the Circle L an' arrest both Loyale an’ Blue. If they resist an' I hope they will, we’ll rock ’em off. If they don’t, well, I can alius swear they made a getaway at­ tempt along the trail to town an’ rock ’em off anyway. Gimme five men an’ I’ll make my play. Like Arthur says, it’s whole hawg or none.1' Bropkwell licked his thick lips. "ICeno! I’ll split my crew. Jigger, yuh can take half; I’ll take the rest, While yore outa town, I’ll spear that bank. It’ll be a good alibi for yuh anyhow. “But we don’t take all the risk. Ar­ thur, at daybreak tomorrow mornin’ yo’re due at the Dot H Dot. Clamp that foreclosure on, an’ make it stick. I don’t care how much time of notice yuh’ve give that Hall woman. Take it back. Slap that foreclosure on without another day of grace. Savvy.” “Oh, I’ll do it,” promised Arthur. “We’ve got to pyramid now — push our luck for all we’ve got. That’s de­ cided. Let’s drink on it.” From the lower drawer of his desk, *-he renegade lawyer produced a whis­ key bottle and three glasses. And with him drank a renegade sheriff and a renegade cattleman. Without fur­ or words, Starbuck and Brockwell ter than yuh think, miss,” he broke in. “Give all the credit to Loyale here. He figgered it out for the both of us.” As the three men were leaving, Mona caught Slim by the arm. Her eyes were starry. “You’re the best, dearest friend ever, Slim,” she told him, Slim smiled and chucked her under the chin. “Me, I’m beginnin’ to get tired of that word ‘friend.’ It’s okay for some cases, but in others its pret­ ty darned empty soundin’. When things are squared away on this range again, we’ll argue that out. Adios! It’s plumb good to see yuh smilin’ again an’ with roses in yore cheeks, Mona.’ ’ Outside, Slim paused for a moment beside the Dot H Dot bunkhouse and called Abe Fornachon. “Abe,” he said “Mona’s got quite a lump of money there in the house—enough to squelch that mortgage. Kinda keep yore eye on things, will yuh? An’ if Arthur shows up tomorrow to try an’ fore­ close, yuh be present an see that he takes the money an’ receipts the note an’ turns it over to Mona.” “I’ll wring his damned neck if he don’t,” promised Abe. At the Circle L, a heavy argument was in progress. Steve Owens and Charley Quinn were sprawled flat on the ground: behind a substantial pile of spare corral rails, their cheeks pressed to the stocks of a pair of Win­ chesters, the muzzles of which bore steadily upon a dark clump of riders. ”Yuh jaspers stay put!” yelped Steve. “Yuh start anythin’ an’ we’ll shore finish it.” “But I’ve got warrants, I tell yuh,” Over the meal Slim gave the Big Bend man the entire story. came back Jugger. Starbuck’s voice. “This is the law. Put down them guns an’ get some sense/’ . “Yore kind of law has got a busted back around this ranch, Starbuck,” retorted Steve. “Best thing yuh can do is pull yore freight.' Won’t be no warrants served around here.” There came a mutter of argument from the posse, then Leo Brockwell’s venemous tones sounded. “Aw, hell! This blab makes me sick. Let’s rush ’em. We cain’t stand here all night arguin’. Let’s spread out an’ circle that pile- of rails an’ show them jas­ pers they’re draggin’ a short rope.” During the renewed argument over this plan, Steve and Charley got busy immediately. Not unlike a pair of awkward land crabs, they spraddled backwards, located the corral fence with their feet and slid under it. Then, • rising to a crouch, they stole along it. feet of water. James Ingles, 17 (IN­ SET) was standing nearby. Seeing the child’s Bead disappear below the surface he dived Into the cold wat- ed without even removing his coat. He rescued the lad and rushed him to a life-saving station. Later Ian was greatly interested at home in watch­ ing the photographers 4et off their flash-bulbs. “Yuh git behind the feed shed, Charley,” whispered Steve. “I’ll hole up around the bunk shack. If they start murderin' that pile of rails, give it to ’em.” The bulk of the posse split and .circled, “Last chance,’ 'came Star­ buck’s voice. "Come outa there or we start shootin” There was no answer, Starbuck cursed in sudden fury and rolled a gun, the others of the posse follow­ ing suit. The night shook with the rumbling reports and was splashed with gouts of crimson flame from searching gun muzzles, Without any more hesitation, Steve and Charley went to work. They lac­ ed the warm night with lead, their rifles sounding flaly. The posses was torn with confusion. ’“Spread out!” yelled Starbuck. "Git arond the whole damned place, an’ grab, cover.” The posse need, no second com­ mand. Like startled quail they all scattered, seizing upon anything, to get away from that surprising cross­ fire. . One individual of the crowd, who had his horse shot from under him, had the bad judgment to, duck behind a corner of the big ranch house. Here he halted beneath an open window, peering back into the darkness. Oscar, the big Swede cook, startled by this outburst of sudden gunfire, stuck his head out of the window. The posseman did not see him, but Oscar saw the crouching figure. By the snarling curses echoing upward, he knew it was neither Steve nor Charley. Therefore Oscar leaned well out, one huge fist clubbed. It fell like a post maul, and the posseman sub­ sided in a silent heap. Oscar chuckled and heaved his big bulk out of the window. He found the fellow's guns aqd hefted them. “I guess this bane a good time to start -fightin’,” rumbled Oscar ’to him­ self. So with a queer, Swedish war cry, he waded in.. Slim and his two companions were about a quarter of a mile from home when that first burst of gunfire echo­ ed. Instantly Slim spurred his mount to a scudding run. “Our fight, Tisdale,” he flung over his shoulder. “No call for yuh to take chances. Yuh can drop out.” “Like hell I will!” snapped Tjsdale, spurring up even with Slim and Da­ kota Blue. “Yuh shot square with me — I’m returnin’ the favor.” Just as they reached the ranch they heard Oscar’s war cry and .saw, by the gun flames, that answered it, the approximate position of the attackers. Slim left his saddle while his horse was still in movement, and ran, crouching, down one corner of the central corral. Tisdale followed Slim, but Dakota cut around the other way. By the steady spanging of the Winchesters, Slim got Steve and Charley located. So he turned his guns loose on the hostile positions. Almost opposite him from the oth­ er side of the corral came answering lead. Slim, a wild ferocity upon him, stalked straight towards that place, shooting steadily. His hat left his head and swirled to one side, torn and dragged. Invisible fingers pluck­ ed at one flaring wing of his chaps. He heard Tisdale curse in sudden pain but he kept on, shooting low and center. The hostile guns went quiet, and a choking curse echoed. A man tot­ tered out of the blackness towards him, “Reach high,” snapped Slim, “Reach high, quick!” “Loyale!” gasped the other. “Yuh had all the luck. Yuh got me—yuh got me, yuh damned jailbird!” The voice broke off and the figure slumped forward silently. Slim knew, by the voice, that lie had killed Leo Brockwell. As Dakota Blue cut in from the opposite side, he found himself barg­ ing right through the scattered and disorganized forces of Starbuck’s dis­ honored law. Starbuck, wildly furious at the way things were going against him, was trying by word, and action to rally his men. By the renegade sheriff’s cursing and shooting, Da­ kota was able to locate’ him, and with grim purposefulness he made his way towards him. Momentarily, no one questioned Da­ kota’s presence. He was right among the remaining numbers of the posse, and in the dark they had no way to distinguish him from any Other of their crowd, Dakota wisely held his fire, working always towards his ob­ jective. He knew that he was faking a long chance of intercepting a slug from the gun of some ranch defend­ er, but he waS willing to take the gamble, providing he could get at Starbuck. * ■ Long since, the last <atom of doubt had been wiped from Dakota’s mind •regarding just how and where Jigger Starbuck stood in relation to the de­ cent Interests of the country. Too much damning evidence had been un­ covered in the .past week or two for him to be mistaken. The remnants of the posse were beginning to break and give back, despite Starbuck's Infuriated orders and cursing wrath. They had come Business and Professional Directory Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Established 1340, Risks taken on all classes of insur­ ance at reasonable rates. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. ABNER COSENS, Agejit, Wingham, DR. R. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN ‘ Telephone 29. Dr. Robt. C. REDMOND M.R.C.S. (England) L.R.C.P. (London) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19. W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Located at the office of the late Dr. J. Kennedy. Phone 150. Wingham with him in the first place, believing that there would be little resistance to their plans. But here, deadly lead was lashing at them from several angles at once. They were being out­ fought by men they could hardly lo­ cate, men who held the advantage of concealment and protection. (Continued Next Issue) MISSED TUBERCULOSIS People may have tuberculosis and not knoW it. In other words, tubercu­ losis is often missed. Among the pa­ tients who are admitted to Sanitar­ iums ‘ for tuberculosis there are al­ ways a good many who are what the doctors call “advanced” cases. What does that mean? Generally they have had tuberculosis a long time, but it had not been noticed. It has been missed. It should not have been missed. Mary Pickford and her husband* to-be, Charles “Buddy” Rogers, have attracted more and mote attention as their announced summer wedding draws near. Whew Lynn Fontanne and Alfred Lunt brought their new­ est Broadway production to a Holly­ wood theatre, the two were spotted well down in front with a host of screen celebrities. Friends have re­ ported they intend to keep house in the screenland’s Capital when they're wed, The house where "America's Sweetheart” was bom in Toronto is still a tourist attraction here. Dr. W. A. McKibbon, B.A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Located at the Office of the Late Dr. H. W. Colbome. Office Phone 54. Nights 107 J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Money to Loan. Office — Meyer Block, Wingham J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Successor to R. Vanstone. Wingham Ontario R. S. HETHERINGTON BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Office — Morton Block, Telephone No. 66. F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated. Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre St. Sunday by appointment. Osteopathy Electricity • Phone 272. Hours, 9 a.m, to 8 p.m. But it was, and still is, in spite of all our work. The late* Doctor D. A. Stewart, one of the best authorities in Canada on Tuberculosis, said that one hundred middle-aged men who had tuberculo­ sis were studied and it was found out that on an average they had had-the disease for eight years before they thought they were sick enough to go to the Doctor. ,They should have known sooner. Either the man has felt tired—tired all the time, tired when he wakened in the morning and tired all day— or else he has seemed to have lost energy and vim and initiative. He has not been able to “get into the game” as he used to do. Or else he has lost the good col­ our he used to have. He used to be sunburned in summer, but this sum­ mer he has gone pale. His good red blood which used to give him the col­ our in his cheeks, is not as red or as good as it used to be. Or else he has lost weight. His weight was about right last year, but he has lost five or ten pounds since then. He has had a little short cough in the mornings. He thinks it is just an’ irritation in his throat.. Not at all. A cough that has lasted more than a HARRY FRYFOGLE ! Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service. Phones; Day 117. Night 109. THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough Knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham. It Will Pay Yop to'Have An EXPERT AUCTIONEER to conduct your sale. See T. R. BENNETT At The Royal Service Station. Phone 174W, J. ALVIN FOX Licensed Diugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC - DRUGLESS THERAPY - RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191. Wingham A. R. & F. E. DUVAL CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTIC and ELECTRO THERAPY North Street — Wingham / Telephone 300. month is a danger signal. Spitting of blood — even a very little — even a 'trace — is not an early sign at all. It is an urgent sign and so is pain in the chest. The safest procedure is to have a periodical medical examination every year, including an X-ray chest film. If this be properly done, tuberculosis is not likely to be missed. Questions concerning Health, ad­ dressed to the Canadian Medical As­ sociation, 184 College St., Toronto,, will be answered personally by letter. Land agent and tenant were stroll­ ing through the fields together dis­ cussing farming when the agent said, “To come to the point I’m about to- raise your rent.” “Capital!” exclaimed the farmer. “I can hardly raise it my self.” “You don’t understand,” explained the other. “I’m going to raise your land.” “Better still,” beamed the farmer. “It often gets under water.” O’Doyle: “See that notice oveir there, ‘Tourist trips over a mountain] O’Boyle: “Well, all I can say is he should have looked where he was go­ ing.”