HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-06-03, Page 2r AGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 3rd, 193T The Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by The Advance-Times Publishing Co. Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance. To U. S. A., $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Adveitising rates on application. ■TRY COURTESY What is courtesy? An act of civil­ ity and respect What better slogan could be found for the motorists of this* province. Last year the Minister ’of Highways, Hon. T. B. McQuesten, ■conducted a campaign under the slog- j an “Try Courtesy.” He received sup-! port from newspapers, radios, and or­ ganizations jn his effort to stem thej tide of ever-increasing motor accid-j ents. He did not get the support of; those who drive cars and trucks asi the record of accidents will show. ■] The motoring public are the ones ■ who can make our highways safer] than they have been. Accidents will] increase, as traffic will be greater all] the time, unless there is more cc«ur~| tesy shown by every motorist toward I ■every other motorist. « This year again the Department of:; Highways are urging the motoring 5 public to “Try Courtesy” and the vast "majority of people will, no doubt, co­ operate but the few who do not have a heavy responsibility to carry as they will be mostly responsible for the •death and accident toll on our high- •ways. Do not be one of them. “Try Courtesy.” The speed limit on our highways Las been increased from 35 to 50 ■wiles per hour but this increase in ■the speed limit should not affect the number of accidents as nearly all the *< drivers failed to observe the 35-mile limit when it was in force. Courtesy is the thing that will re­ duce accidents. Try it * * * * REFORESTATION IS IMPORTANT ' It has been stated that the Domin­ ion Government is planning to dis­ continue all forms of dole. The idea is to put all to work and thus the country will receive benefit for mon­ ies spent on relief. This will also be a great benefit to those who get the work. A person who is out of work for a long period gets rusty and un­ able to do his best when the oppor­ tunity comes. Canada requires a great deal of ■work to be done that will benefit the country in future years. Reforestation is one thing that could be done on a large scale and which in future years -would increase our wealth. We have vast tracts of land suitable for this purpose and now would be the time I to start such a project on a large ! scale. j Trees planted along our streams I and low ground to help hold the | moisture would save great expendi- . ,| tores in the future. Reforestation is very important and at the rate we are depleting -nr forests it is neces­ sary to make replacements if we are to continue supplying lumber, trees, j etc., as we have in the past. | The idea of supplying work instead | of d-de is a good one but we hope I reforestation will be a part of the ’ program. * * * * GREAT MEN QUIT OFFICE j Two great men, during the last I week, have laid aside the responsjbil-" | ity of office in the Old Land. Prime | Minister Baldwin has given up his of- Ifice, and we sincerely believe that he I retired at the height of his great pop- •ularity. Even those who oppose him ‘politically never doubted his sincer- ity of purpose. The Empire knows * and feels they have lost a great man, | one who has helped to make Britain 15 a great force for good and fair play. Ramsay MacDonald, twice Labor Prime Minister, who formed the Na­ tional Government in 1931, has also | quit. From a poor Scottish boy he rose to the highest office in the coun- j try. He was an idealist who through his years in office strived to have peace among the nations of the world. The Government of Great Britain has truly lost two great men but both will go down in history as men who have given great service to Great Bri­ tain and the Empire. May the deefin- | ing years of their life be happy and peaceful. * * A * It was good to be alive during such fine weather as we had over the week­ end. * * * * Former Nazi Chancellor Han Luth­ er says there is no danger of war. We sincerely hope he is right but with the nations of Europe armed to the teeth we are inclined to be a bit leary. t * * sk The police raided a house near Mildmay, claimed to be a bootleg es- tabfishmet, and took the names of 45 prospective customers. Quite a busi­ ness. * * * * A Windsor magistrate prescribed < good old-fashioned spanking for fou* Windsor lads. If the rod had no’ been spared previously they probabh would not have been before the Cadi * * * sk I There is something which pleases us in the fact that school pupils in Delisle, Sask., went on strike to get their teacher, who was dismissed, back KITCHEn UJiTH fl fl gled&ic BUDGE MAKES IT EASY Electric Ranges ELECTRIC RRriGE HYDRO SHOP 44 99 CHEVROLET PRICED FROM • • C-I77B CRAWFORD S GARAGE Wingham, Ont. ONE of the best things about Chevrolet quality is the way it saves you money on gas, oil and upkeep—-and assures you of higher “trade-in” value later on. For instance, the quality design of Chev­ rolet’s Valvedn-Head Engine saves you as much as 10% on operating costs! Knee- Action, on Master De Luxe models, saves you dollars on “tightening-up”—because it cushions the car, as well as the passengers, against the pounding of rough roads, The Unisteel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher are solidly built to “stand up”, without develop* ing annoying rattles and squeaks. From perfected Hydraulic Brakes to gen­ uine Fisher No-Draft Ventilation, Chevrolet is every inch a quality product—famous for dependability! See it and drive it yourself ,.. listen to what owners say ... and you’ll never be satisfied with less! i ■ ■Fx*:-- Master 2-Passenger Business Coupe delivered at factory, Oshawa. Government taxes, license and freight additional. (Prices subject to change without notice). Low month­ ly payments on the General Motors Instalment Plan. on the job. * Deer are this district news. * * * becoming so plentiful in that they fail now to be * * * Canada is to have four mine-sweep­ ers. They should be equipped so that they can keep the weeds out of our channels and harbours. * jjt * ? Baseball fans throughout Canada and the United States are pulling for Mickey Cochrane, manager of the De- iroit Tigers, who was beaned last week. 4: 4: * * Ex-Premier Taschereau, of Quebec, ook as a joke getting upset into the water while fishing. After being snow­ ed under at the last election, this present experience was nothing. * jj: The. Duchess of Windsor will spoken of as “Her Grace” and not “Her Royal Highness.” Gracious me. * & * * was a tough break for the lad was wrongfully imprisoned in reformatory for six months. be as It who the Something ought to be done to help the lad overcome the disgrace that he did not deserve. jjs * Second-hand steel and iron is away up in price as it is being used for war materials. Maybe that it why they call it scrap iron. Chamberlain Now j Honors list', declared the Government Prime Minister ; was “vowed to protection and wedded London,—In a simple ceremony at ] Policy at Ottawa and so, dis- Palace, Friday, Neville j Qualified, they declare they are eager ; to remove obstacles to trade, but only the obstacles imposed by other peo­ ple to our trade, not those imposed by us on their trade.” received the Prime from the hands of the and. quickly the long- Buckingham Chamberlain Ministership King. Smoothly anticipated Cabinet changes were ef­ fected, and Stanley Baldwin retired to the House of Lords and a life of comparative leisure after long service io the country and Empire. Baldwin drove early in the morning to Buckingham Palace and tendered his resignation. The resignation was accepted, and the King conferred up­ on him the highest distinction within the gift of the Crown— a Knight­ hood of the Garter—and granted him an earldom. Ramsay MacDonald also retired as president of the council and declined an earldom. Zeppelin Firm Was Warned New York, — Investigators seeking the cause of the explosion of the Zep­ pelin Hindenburg, received from Ma­ jor Hans Witt of the German Air Corps their first tangible Information on the possibility of sabotage. Major Witt said he heard rumors of sabotage before he left Frankfort. Alberta Wants Loan Edmonton,—Alberta has applied to the Dominion Government for a loan to meet the full amount of a 1,650,000 maturity due June 1, Provincial Trea­ surer Solon Low said. The Federal Government has not yet replied to the request. Would Not Recognize C.I.O. Windsor,—A lengthy private meet­ ing toward settlement of a strike at Walker Metal Products Limited here ended suddenly when the company again refused to recognize the United Automobile Workers of America—the point which, caused the walkout. Demands Free Trade Buxton, Derbyshire,—Sir Herbert Samuel, Leader of the Liberal Party and champion of free trade, chastised the Government for failing to assume leadership in a fight to reduce wdrld tariffs. The veteran statesman who was made a Viscount in the Coronation sary.” He said the experience' of the i crop year, July 31, James R. Murray, newly formed labor and Industry j Chairman of the Canadian Wheat Board would be utilized as a basis Board, said. for legislative action. Nazi Answer Cardinal’s Charges Berlin,—Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, fiery Propaganda Minister, answered the anti-Na-zi charges of Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago with a threat to use “sharper and more efficient” methods of informing the world of "debauchery among Catholic priests.” The diminutive Nazi leader, smash­ ing all hope of mending strained re­ lations between the Reich and the Vatican, spoke at a party mass meet­ ing in Deutschland Halle. If a Wheat Board operated for the 1937-38 crop year starting August 1 next year, it would start "with a clean slate so‘far as carryover is concerned,” said Mr. Murray in his evidence. “Knead, of course.” "Wrong.” "Wrong? M'eaning to knead bread, you said, didn’t you?” . “Yes.” “Well, it’s kffead.’ ’ "Not at all; you knead dough, but you need bread.” i I To Build Mining Roads j -Ottawa,—Plans for new roads into 1 mining areas are taking shape in the t Department of Mines and Resources.! Not To Be Her Royal Highness London,—-The London Gazette, of­ ficial court organ, announced that the King has decreed that the Duke of Windsor shall hold the title of "his Royal Highness,” but that his wife and their . descendants, if any shall not hold that title. Earlier the Duke, at the Chateau de Cande, Monts France, telephoned friends in London he had been in­ formed his desire that Royal status be given his wife-to-be was denied. Quints on View 2 Hours Daily Soon So that as many as possible may see the Quints, Dr. Dafoe has de­ cided that after June 15 the public will be received from 9.30 to 10.30 in the morning, and from 2.30 to 3.30 in the afternoon. At present the quints may be seen from 9.30 to 10 and from 2.30 to 3. All times are Eastern Stan­ dard. “Very well, how do you spell ‘need’ meaning to need bread?” For The Best Eye Service CONSULT F. F. HOMUTH Eyesight Specialist Phone 118, Harriston 50 Nations Recognize Loyalist in Spain Geneva — Fifty nations, ignoring protests from the Spanish rebel die- T. . . , oo-innnnA -hi. i tator, Francisco Franco, recognizedIt is expected some $2,100,000 will be < t m.. expended jointly by Dominion and; Provincial Governments, the Domin­ ion spending 2 for every Si by the Provinces.. Bullets Fly at Cleveland Cleveland,—Bullets flew along the Industrial Organization's strike again­ st three independent steel concerns spread eastward. Two United States. mail trucks carrying supplies for non-striking workers were turned back by pickets and shots were fired in two other clashes on the steel strike front. Plan to Quit Dole Payments Ottawa, — Sharp on the heels Premier Hepburn’s announcement that neither the City of Toronto nor any other municipality stands a chance of obtaining an increased re­ lief grant from the Province of Ont­ ario, it became known that the Fed­ eral Government is working toward abandonment of the dole in its mahy forms. Dominion authorities admit that relief appropriations cannot be sud­ denly cut off without causing seri­ ous hardship, but a definite policy has been embarked Upon to curtail expenditures which have reached the gigantic total of $750,000,000. of Ontario May Have • New Labor Act Ontario will have a "Wagner Act'* of its own next year, when Premier Hepburn, in his capacity of Minister of Labor, introduces labor legislation designed to ensure industrial peace, safeguard the rights of the workers, and generally bring about closer and more cordial relations between em­ ployers and employees. The Premier admitted that import­ ant labor legislation "appears neces* < the loyalist regime at Valencia as the I legal Government of Spain. The nations in a vote of the League of Nations Assembly, granted cre­ dentials to the loyalist delegation af­ ter the Valencia envoys published a "white book” containing alleged mes­ sages from Premier Mussolini order­ ing Italian troops to establish fascism in war-torn Spain. | I Wheat Board Near Through Ottawa,—Extensive curtailment of the operations of the Canadian Wheat Board, if no complete suspension of the Board’s activities by the end of the present crop-year, will be con­ sidered by the Dominion Government upon the return from Britian of Prime Minister Mackenzie King and four of his senior Ministers, who are now at­ tending the Imperial Conference. The policy of the Administration is to dispense with all forms of regi­ mentation and permit the business meh and farmers of Canada to con­ duct their own businesses without un­ due interference from the Govermcnt. Nazi Banned Catholic Papers Berlin,—A showdown fight between the Nazi Government and the Roman Catholic Church was forecast by in­ formed observers following the ban­ ning of 200 Catholic newspapers pub­ lished th Germany, The troubles between the Church and the Government to date twere described as "mere skirmishes’’ in comparision with the impending bat­ tle. Wheat Surplus Practically Done Regina, Canada’s surplus wheat supplies, held by the Wheat Board, accumulating oh various estimates since as far back as 1928, will be dis­ posed of by the end of the present THBBt'S YOU" guahn^ lOOlWM IN« ON WtRY UBH ,-Ml | CREAM 1 twn UM nd remember, Onlq Qualitq Paint can PROTECT Your Home! It pays to use a quality paint—and quality is guaranteed in writing when you buy Martin-Senour 100% Pure Paint. No useless adulterants are used in the prepara­ tion of this sterling product. The pure white lead and zinc oxide base gives you protection that lasts, cover­ age that saves you money—beauty that does not fade; MULTI-USE ENAMEL Smooth flowing—quick drying-^-high gloss enamel. Good for inside and outside. 26 glorious colors, plus the revolutionary “Crystal Clear" finish. I KI 0 IT PAYS TO USE ARTIN-SENOUR IO« PURE PAINT VARNISHES & ENAMEtS Donald Rae & Son