HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-06-03, Page 1WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1937Single Copies Five Cents Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year JSSr/ » With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News, / HALF HOLIDAY ONLY NEXT WEEK King’s Birthday Wednesday Next Week Stores Open in the Morning. Wednesday of next week, June 9th, will be celebrated as the birthday of His Majesty, King George VI. The stores of Wingham will close' for the half-holiday only, as is usual during the summer months. King George was born on December 14th,,but his birthday is being celebrated on June ^th so that those who observe holiday may better enjoy it. Was 86 In The Shade Saturday and Sunday were beauti­ ful summer days, but Monday was hotter than ever. The temperature on Monday was 86 in the shade which is high for the first hot'spell of the year. Attending Conference Rev. J. F. Anderson, Messrs. Peter .-Gowans and W. J. Campbell are at­ tending the London Conference of the United Church which is being held in Windsor this week. Mr. Anderson is one of the Conference preachers and will conduct the service in one of the Windsor churches next Sunday. Presented with Mirror On Wednesday evening last week a bridge Was held in honor of Miss "Vesta'Fox, at the home ofo Mrs. Geo. R. Scott. The hostesses for the ev­ ening were Mrs. Scott, Mrs. R. S.. Hetherington and Miss Margaret Cur­ rie. .'Seven tables enjoyed the play, after which Miss Fox was presented with a beautiful large roqnd mirror. The serving of a delightful lunch brought this most pleasant evening to a close. NOTICE this The Annual Meeting of the North Huron and Huron Bruce Liberal As­ sociations will be held in Wingham on Tuesday, June 8th, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon for the Election of Of­ ficers and the transaction of any oth­ er business brought before the meet­ ing. A« full attendance is .requested. J. J. Robertson, Sec’y., R. R. No. 5, Goderich, Ont. OBITUARY After an illnes extending over sev­ eral months, Mrs. Ellen Wallace pas­ sed peacefully away on Wednesday, May 26th, at the home of her son, Mr. Jroine Wallace, her husband pre.- deceased her Several years. Surviving one sister and two brothers, one daughter, Mrs. Frank Bell of Morris township,Jrvine and Robert of Blyth, Basil and Richard of Newark, New Jersey. Service was held on Saturday in charge of Rev. R. A. Brook, pastor of United Church. Pallbearers /Were W. T. Riddell, James Scott, W. Nick- leson, F. McCaugliey, Leslie Fear. Interment in Union Cemetery. Elizabeth Dey The death of Miss Elizabeth occurred Friday morning ,May 28th, at her late residence, Patrick Street. For the past few years Miss Dey had not enjoyed good health' and two weeks prior to her death she suffered a stroke from which she failed to rally, She was born at St. Thomas and moved, with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Dey, to Auburn, where she spent her early school days. Forty-five years ago the family mov­ ed to Wingham. Miss Dey attended Normal Schpol at Toronto and she taught school near Londesboro, on the Sth concession of WawanOsh and Auburn. She then went to the United States and taught school at Cincinn­ ati. Following taking an accountancy Course she followed this profession in Portland, Oregon and Chicago. Due to ill health she returned to Wingham in 1928. Left to mourn her passing are one brother and four sisters, James Dey, of Londonf Mrs. J. W. Martin, Lon­ don; Mrs. Davis Jerome, Hamilton; Mrs. George Irwin and MiSs Rae Dey of town. The funeral was held frotn her late residence on Sunday afternoon, the service being conducted by Rev. Ken­ neth MUcLeatt of St Andrew's Pres­ byterian Church, which church she at­ tended. The pallbearers were; C. Kingan, Capt. W. J. Adams, James Murray, Frank Hill, R. A. Hutchinson and W. A. Galbraith. IriterinOht took place in Wingham Cemetery. Dey REPORTED MAY BE CANDIDATE Reports Say W. C, Knox, of Toronto, May Be Conservative Choice. A report in the Globe and Mail of Friday stated that possibly W, Cecil Knox, of Toronto, a former Wjng- hamite, will accept the Conservative nomination for Huron-Bruce at th’e next Provincial election. Mr. Knox has been in the riding a couple of times recently but we are informed .that the executive of the Conservative Association for Huron and Bruce have not as yet given con­ sideration to the selection of a can­ didate for the riding. This, of course, would have to be decided at the Con­ vention. EDUCATIONAL ASSOC. WILL MEET JUNE 10th Meeting Will Be Held1 at Brussels The annual .convention of the Hur­ on County Educational Association of Trustees and Ratepayers will be held in the Brussels Public Library Hall (basement) at 1.30 p.m. on Thursday, June 10th-. Trustees and Ratepayers are urged to attend and take part in the discussions. Speakers are to be, Inspectors E, C. Beacom and J. Hart­ ley and Mr. M. A. Campbell, of Tor­ onto. Anniversary Services At Calvin Presbyterian Church, E. Wawanosh, will be held June 6th. The Rev, J. R. Greig, of Bluevale, will conduct services at'll a.m. and 7,30 p.m. Cars Collided Saturday night two cars side-swip­ ed one another near the corner of Josephine and Patrick Sts. Sheldon Baker’s car had a wheel damaged and the Yobbie car of Teeswater had a fender damaged. Baker was pulling away from the curb when the accident happened. No one was injured. , Resigned from H. S.' Staff Miss Muriel C. McDonald has rer signed from the High School Staff, having accepted a position at New­ market High School. Miss McDon­ ald has been on the staff of the local school for five years as teacher of mathematics. Miss McDonald, during her sojourn in Wingham, has .been a successful teacher and. on behalf of the citizens of this, district, we wish her continued success. Celebrated 70th Birthday Mr. Henry Johnson, of town, for­ merly of Morris Township, celebrat­ ed his 70th birthday on Saturday. All the family were home for the occa­ sion, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson and family; Mr. and Mrs. Bradburn and children; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brydges and children, also Mr. Brydg- es’ mother, Mrs. Jerry Brydges. Mr. Johnson received congratulations from many friends, some from a tance. White Shoes In Big Variety And at very moderate prices, question if you will find as good iety in many of the city stores there is alway the advantage of ting your foot “properly fitted”.' We wish to EMPHASIZE the matter of correct fitting—we see so many feet of those who have worn just one pair of shoes that were too short or too narrow and as a consequence real agony must be endured, “Fit” is the most important item if buying foot­ wear, and years of experience gives you an absolute guarantee in this respect. Willis Shoe Store, Phone 129, Wingham. dis- We var- and get- MASONIC LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS The annual election of officers for Wingham Lodge No. 286 A.F. & A. M., was held on Tuesday evening at the Masonic Temple, The following are the officers who will be installed at the next regular meeting. W.M.—Thos. GilmoUr. I. P.M.—A. W. Irwin. S.W.—Fred Fuller. J. W.—Walter VanWyck. Chaplain—T. H. Gibson. TreaL—W. A. Galbraith. Sec’y.—H. L. Sherbondy. Organist—J. R. M. Spittal. . S.D.—A. Mitchell. J.D.—R. S. Hetherington. I. G.—H. C. MacLeah. S.S.—A. J. Walker. J. S.—AIex. Young. Tyler—Kred Carter. JAPANESE STUDENT VISITED TOWN —;....;...— WILL OBSERVE FLOWER SUNDAY INSTITUTE HELD REGULAR MEETING Knew The Late Dr. Caroline MacDonald versary and Flower Sunday, verysary and Flower Sunday. in town. Maurice of Pro- late Dr, On Monday Tokeo Nakayina, of Japan, who has just completed two years at the School of Graduate Stud­ ies in Toronto, was a visitor He was accompanied by Mr. Kingstone of Toronto, son fessor Kingstone, Mr, Nakayina, knew the Caroline McDonald well and spoke very highly of the work she carried, on in that country. A scholarship memorial fund was raised in Canada and Japan in memory of Dr. Caroline MacDonald, and it was through this means that Mr. Nakayine, who is a graduate of Oayama Gakina College in Tokyo, was sent to Toronto to continue his studies. He called on Dr. J. R. MacDonald, the Doctor’s brother, also visited the cemetery and her old home on Centre Street, where Dr. F. A. tarker now lives. He took pictures of her grave and old home also of the MacDonald Block. Mr. Nakayina having completed his course at Toronto will shortly start back to Japan. He will visit several places in the United States and ex­ pects to sail for home from British Columbia about Christmas time. FREE—You are cordially invited to consult Dr. M. W. Locke’s foot specialist on your foot problems and shoe needs at Greer’s Shoe Store on Friday, June 4th. To Hold Dance The Central League Baseball Club are holding a dance on Monday ev­ ening, June 28th. Had No Dog Tax A few who were delinquent in se­ curing their 1937 dog tax have appear­ ed in police court. If you have not as yet purchased your dog tax, be wise and do so. Wishing Them Luck The Bruce League Club take on Pt. Elgin here today (Wednesday) and on Saturday they, play in Ches ley. The next home game will be with Kin­ cardine on Saturday, June 12th. Attending General Assembly Rev. Kenneth MacLean and Mr. J. Homuth are attending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada which is being held in tawa. tawa Mrs. MacLean is- also in this week visiting relatives. Ot- ot- Scholarship A. Arbuckle, \son of Mr. Wm. Arbuckle, who has been and Won D. Mrs. attending Osgoode Hall, Toronto, passed his third year examinations with honours also winning the Clara Brett Martin Memorial Scholarship. Alberta Bonds Defaulted Alberta defaulted on a $1,650,000 bond maturity, Provincial Treasurer Solon Low announced after the Bank of Canada notified the Province it was unable to loan the Province en­ ough money to meet the maturity. GERMANS SHELLED SPANISH CITY France and Great Britian warned Chancellor Adolf Hitler of-Germany that, unless he abondons his acts of reprisal, he may plunge Europe into a terrible war, it was learned author­ itatively. The joint Frailco-British demarche, precipitated by the destruction of Al­ meria on the Southern Spanish coast by five German warships, followed day-long consultations between the Foreign Offices in London and Paris. Britian and France also took the initiative in proposing that a neutral Board of Inquiry be established to fix the blame for the bombing of the German “pocket battleship” Deutsch­ land with a loss of twenty- four lives. Germany and Italy renounced their Spanish neutrality pledges and with­ drew their support from the non­ intervention project over the action of the Royalists bombing the Nagi battleship Deutschland. HERE FRIDAY, JUNE4-Mr. O. A. MeKerihen, shoe advisor, direct from the Dr, M. W. Locke foot clinic in Williamsburg, Ontario, will be at Greer’s Shoe Store oh Friday, June 4th. (all day), At the 11 a.m. service in the United Church next Sunday the Sunday School will observe their anniversary and Flower Sunday. Members of the Sunday School will take part in the service which will be proceeded by a floral procession. The address will be given by, Miss M, Baillie, of God­ erich. This yearly service is a most impressive one and a cordial invita­ tion is extended to all to worship with the children. Delegates Appointed to District An­ nual — $10.00 Given For Flood Relief LIBERAL CLUB WELLATTENDED Blyth Club Were Guests and Pre­ sented Program, BRUCE FESTIVAL HELD LAST WEEK Two-Pay Contest, First Day at Tees­ water, $econd at Walkerton. SOFTBALL LEAGUE SCHEDULfe Five Teams in the League — Brussels a Last-Minute Entry. At a meeting of the South Bruce Ladies’ Softball League executive held in Teeswater Tuesday evening the.fol­ lowing schedule was drawn up. It was also decided that a tournament would be held at Teeswater on July 1st with all five league teams taking part. Schedule:— July 5—Ripley at Wingham .Teeswater at Tiverton 7—-Tiverton at Ripley Wingham at Brussels 9—Brussels at Teeswater 13— Brussels at Tiverton 14— Wingham at Teeswater 16—Tiverton at Wingham Ripley at Brussels 19—Brussels at Wingham 21—Wingham at Ripley Teeswater at Brussels 23—Tiverton at Teeswater 26—Ripley at Tiverton 28— Teeswater at Ripley 29— Tiverton at Brussels 2—Ripley at Teeswater 5—Wingham at Tiverton Brussels at Ripley 9—Teeswater at Wingham The teams finishing second and third will play off, the winner meet­ ing the first place team for the champ­ ionship. , i The officers of me league are as follows: President, Frank Sturdy, of Wingham; 1st Vice Pres., Miss A. Hughes, Teeswater; Sec.-Treas., Miss M. Bell, Ripley. Each team have a member on the Executive. The May meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, afternoon, the President, Mrs. W. J. Henderson, pre­ siding and forty-one ladies present. The meeting was opened with sing­ ing the Institute Ode followed by re­ peating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the financial report given followed by a business session in which it was decided to get a new Song Book and Music Sheets, also to send a $10,00 donation to the Red Cross for the flood sufferers. Arrangements were made for the delegates, Mrs. W, Barbour, Mrs. J. Moffat, Mrs. A. Coutts and Mrs, A. Sanderson, to attend the District An­ nual at Auburn on June 3rd, after which the following programme was given: solo, “The Rose of Sharon” by Miss Lorraine Carter accompanied by Miss Cora Phair; report of the Girls’ Conference by Mrs. J. Walker; vocal duet by Misses Helen Hammond and Louise Dore, accompanied by Miss Ella Rae; paper on "Peace,” by Mrs. T. Bower; solo, “Poor Robin” by Louis Burchill accompanied by Miss Rosetta Dennis on the guitar. The Roll Call was responded to with Household Hints, followed by the National Anthem. A splendid lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. George Orvis, assisted by Mrs. M. Bell, Mrs. G. Gannett and Mrs. W. Burchill. There was a splendid attendance at a meeting of the Wingham Ladies’ Liberal Club in the Council Chambers on Friday evening when the members of the Blyth Liberal Club were guests. The members of the Blyth Club pre­ sented a program of violin and guitar selections and quartette numbers were greatly enjoyed, Mr., R. J. Deachman, M.P., Mrs, Deachman were present both gave interesting addresses. Euchre was played, the winners be­ ing; High score, ladies, Mrs. J. Rob­ inson, gentlemen, Donald Rae; lone hands, George Olver. The ladies of the local club served a delightful lunch. that and and SOFTBALL BENEFIT GAME FRIDAY A softball game between the Wing­ ham Girls’ Team and the “Old Tim­ ers” will be held at the Town Park at 6.30 p.m. on Friday evening of this week. The proceeds are to help de­ fray expenses of one of the girls who received of May. - Be on a split finger on the 24th Heaps of fun - a good cause deck - Silver Collection, WindsorGoes to Mr. George H. Young, of Toronto, son of Mrs. L. C. Young, of town, has accepted a position with W. J. McCance, gents’ furnishers, at Wind­ sor. Aug. Rember the date, Friday, June 4th. Dr. M. W. Locke’s foot specialist at Greer’s Shoe Store. OBITUARY Thomas M. Henderson native of Morris Township andA former resident of Wingham, Thomas Murphy Henderson, died in Victoria Hospital, London, Monday afternoon, May 31st. Mr. Henderson had been ailing for the past two years, but took a serious turn seven and a half months ago and has since been con­ fined in Victoria Hospital. He was in his 70th year, He was born on the Bluevale Road, Wingham • Junction, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson, pioneer settlers on the farm on which he was born and now occupied by his brother William James. He was ed­ ucated at Bluevale school, as there was no Junction school at that time. In 1894 he was married to Clara Is- abell Linklater and following their marriage they took up farming on the property now occupied by Albert Foxton. In 1912 they went to White Bear, Sask., returning east in 1918 to farm once again on the Bluevale Road, the Jim Henderson farm. In 1924 they moved into Wingham where he conducted a dray business until moving to London in 1933. Mrs. Henderson passed on in November 1929. He was a member of the United. Church. He leaves to mourn his passing, three sons, Rowland and Perrie of London, Price of Wingham. He is also survived by one brother and one sister, William James and Mrs. Agnes Miller both of Wingham Junction. The funeral service will be held at the residence of his Son, Price Hend­ erson, Edward Street, town, at 2 o’­ clock on Thursday, June 3. The serv­ ice will be conducted by Rev. E. L. Roberts, Rector of St. Paul’s Anglican Church. * The Pallbearers will be, C« Cleg­ horn, Russell Jermyn, Wm. McKen­ zie, Fd. Jenkins, Andy Shiells, A. M. Carr. Ihterinent will take place in Wing- bant Cemetery. Mclnnes, Toronto adjudicator. G. R. County agricultural Bijngo—Friday Night Bingo in the Armouries Friday, June 4th, commencing at 8,30 Good prizes secured from the chants of Wingham. Passed Degree Examinations Mr. Gordon Stonehouse, Belgrave, successfully passed the Faculty of Medicine (Doctor of Medicine) ex­ aminations at the Western University, London. P.M. mer- Enlists in Permanent Force Sergt. Roland B. Hutton of “B” Company, Huron Regiment, has en­ listed in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, Mechanical Transport Section. He joined up last week and is stationed at Wolseley Barracks,, at London. The two-day 12th annual Brucq Musical Festival under the auspices of the Bruce Rural Young People’s Association concluded at Walkertoqt Friday, First sessions of the festival were held Thursday in the Teeswater Town Hall. J. Campbell University, was Paterson, Bruce representative, was chairman. Winners were: Teeswater contests — Piano, 14 years and under, Miss Dobson, Rip­ ley; Isabel Fraser, Port Elgin; Mary Marshall, Port Elgin. Vocal sola, boys, 21 and under, Nelson Meyers, Teeswater, Piano, 18 years a'nd under, Muriel Harrington, Walkerton; Isabel Fraser, Port Elgin; Mary Marshall, Port Elgin; Ruth Marshall, Port El­ gin. Piano solo, open, Phyllis Vogan,. Walkerton. Vocal solo, men, prev­ ious winners, Frank Renwick, Tees­ water. Choir, junior farmers only, Teeswater. Vocal solo, boys, 16 and. under, Cameron McAuley, Ripley? Marvin Robertson, Port Elgin. Walkerton contests — Rural school' chorus, No. 1 Kinloss and Greenock. Vocal solo, girls, 10 years and under, Ruth Atwood, Teeswater. Vocal solo, boys 10 years and under, Leo Goetz^, Teeswater; Everett Whitehead, Tees­ water; Willard Davidson, Teeswater. Elocution, 9 years and under, Phyllis Jacklin, Teeswater; Louise Meyers, Teeswater. Vocal solo, girls, 16 years and under, Ray Vogan, Walkerton; Reta Goetz, Teeswater. Wind instru­ ment, Harvie Hay, Walkerton; Albert Worrall, Teeswater. Elocution, 9 to> 12 years, Winnifred McDonald, Tees­ water. Town or village school chorus, Walkerton Public School. Anniversary Services Will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, Sunday, June 13th. Services at 11 a.m. and 7.35 p.m., con­ ducted by the Rev. A. J. MacGillivary, D.D., of Guelph. Dancing Every Saturday Commencing Saturday, June 5th, Jitney .Dancing will be held in the Armouries every Saturday night, Good floor—Good music and proper conveniences. Under Legion auspices, Hospital Auxiliary to Meet The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Auxiliary to the General Hos­ pital will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday afternoon, June 7th at 3.45. As this is the last meet­ ing until Fall, a good attendance is hoped for. Attended Optometric Clinic Dr. F. F. Honluth, Optometrist of Harriston has returned home to his practice after spending last week in Toronto attending the Optometric Extension Clinic of the American Optometrical Association Research Bureau. Held First Band Concert Many were present oil Sunday Even­ ing to enjoy the first summer concert at the Town Park presented by the Wingham Citizens’ Band. The mem­ bers of the Band have been practicing faithfully all winter and on Sunday evening was appreciated. Showered by Friends Miss Muriel Campbell, ing married this month ,was showered by about thirty of her girl friends at the home of Mrs. George Williams on Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Wil­ liams and Miss Alberta McMurray were the hostesses. Miss Campbell received many beautiful and useful gifts, the shower being oF a miscel­ laneous character. Music and games were enjoyed during the evening and the hostesses setwed a delicious lunch. Honored by Friends In honour of Miss Vesta Fox, who is being married this month, Mrs. W. B. McCool, Miss Phyllis John and Miss Yvonne McPherson were host­ esses at a bridge on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. B. McCool. Seven tables were present and follow­ ing the play Miss Fox was presented with a bridge set, tables and chairs. The hostesses served a dainty lunch which concluded a very enjoyable evening. Tulip with Three Flowers In the Graham garden on John St. there is a tulip that deserves special mention. This freak has three dis­ tinct stems each bearing a beautiful red flower. The plant grew in the usual way to a height of about six inches then the three stems formed. feet For feet their music thoroughly who is be- Duck’s Nest Causes Interest A duck has a nest just a few south of the McKenzie bridge, a fowl to build a nest just a few off the highway inside the town limits is something unusual. The boys and girls in that, section of the town are having a great time watching develop­ ments. Huron. Old Boys’ Assoc. Picnic The Annual Picnic of the Huron Old Boys’ Association of Toronto, in conjunction with the Huron’ County Junior Association, will be held at Exhibition Park on Saturday, June 12th, at 3 p.m. in Area No. 7. Lunch will be served in the Transportation Building at 6 p.m. Baseball, games and other sports will be the afternoon and evening program. All Huronites in Toronto and district will be cord­ ially welcome. Bridge Club Closing Game The Bridge Club held their final spring meeting on Monday evening. The winners were: North and South, Mrs. R. S. Hetherington and A. M. Bishop, Mrs. A. Wilson and K. Som­ ers, Mrs. J. H. Crawford and Arthur Wilson, Miss Dinsley and F. Madill. East and West, Mrs. H. Campbell and J. H. Crawford, Mrs. W. H. French and George Williams, Mrs. A, M. Bishop and Mrs, L. R. Black­ wood, Mrs. O. Colborne and W. H, French. Following the play, lunch was served by Miss Jean Fralick. The games will be resumed in the Fall: K. WEAVER IS ZONE REPRESENTATIVE Bruce Tories Fail to Nominate Although six were nominated at the annual Bruce Conservative Associa­ tion held in Tara last week, the meet­ ing ended without selecting a candi­ date for the next provincial election. Cecil Frost, Provincial organizer, was the' speaker of the day. Hon. Earl Rowe, who was to address the con­ vention, was unable to attend. Attending Grand Lodge James Owens is delegate from the Wingham L.O.L. to the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West which is be­ ing held in Owen Sound this week. It is expected that on Friday the clos­ ing day, several other members of the local lodge will be in attendance at the convention. An effort is be­ ing made to have the Grand Lodge convene at Wingham in 1938. WEDDINGS Legion Zone Church Parade to be held in Goderich, August 1st. The Annual Zone meeting of Zone No. 10, Canadian Legion B.E.S.L., was held in the Armouries here on Tuesday evening, There was a splen­ did attendance with practically all the branches of the Zone being repre­ sented. It was decided that the Annual Zone Church Parade will be held in Goderich on Sunday, August 1st, Kenneth Weaver, President of local Post, was re-elected Zone presentative for a second terin. Following the meeting the members of the local Post served lunch, the Re- Vint - Scott A very pretty house wedding was- solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Scott, when their eldest daughter, Velma Evelyn, was united, in marriage to Mr. Arnold Vint, son. of Mr. Robert Vint, of Wingham. The wedding march was played by Miss Margaret Campbell, and just on the stroke of twelve the wedding party slowly descended the stairs andl took their places before the large west window which was prettily dec­ orated with beautiful flowers and: streamers of yellow and white crepe paper, with a wedding bell hanging in the centre. The bride was very becomingly dressedTn a beautiful gown of white net over white satin, and wore a wreath of orange blossoms in her hair, and carried a sheaf of roses* lilies-of-thc-valley and maiden hair fern. Miss Ruth Scott, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and she look­ ed charming in a gown of yellow marquisette, and carried a bouquet of yellow roses, lily-of-the-valley and maiden hair fern. The groom was sttported by his brother, Mr. Frank Cooper, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Wingham United Church, and after receiving the congratulations of their friends the party’ sat down at the table wher^ an abundant repast was served to- about thirty guests. In the evening a large rcccptioh ‘was held at the home of tits bride when cards and dancing were enjoyed!, by all who cared to do so. The voting couple received many beautiful and costly gifts, and the best wishes df a large circle of friends wilt follow them to their hew home heat Wingham. r J- .