HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-05-27, Page 61 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES *Thursday, May 27th, 1937 .■■HANNA’S, WINGHAM— 9 SALE DAYS J Prices Are Going Up Already wholesale prices have risen so that it is barely possible to re­ place some of these items at prices offered here! This is your last op­ portunity to take advantage of these values. I WARRENDALE SHIRTS Collar attached, sizes 14 to 17%. Sale Price ........................................... $1.00 CAPS Men’s fine Tweed Caps, good value Sale Price ........................................85c FORSYTH SHIRTS Special Clearing Line......... ............$1.39 TIES Smart new Ties in new check designs. Yellows and Whites. . 39c, 3 for $1.00 MEN’S SWEATERS Special Group of Men’s Pullover Sweat­ ers. Special Price..........$1.39, $1.69 \i WARRENDALE BLACK LABEL SHIRTS With button down or regular collars in blues or browns. Special Price $1.39 i PENMAN’S “71” MERINO Combinations................................. $1.39 Two-Piece Garments..................... 83c MEN’S FINE WORSTED SUITS Good quality English materials in all the newest styles and colors; large range , of sizes. Sale Prices ’16.50 ’18.50 HEAVIER WEIGHT WORSTED SUITS Full Celanese lined, new models which fit perfectly, in Blues, Blacks or Browns., Sale Prices ’19.50 SHIFFER-HILLMAN HAND-TAILOR ­ ED SUITS Excellent quality Warwick English Wor­ sted Suits. Harmony linings throughout. Do not miss purchasing one of these, our best stock suits, at these special sale prices. Sale Prices 26.00 ^2 Extra Trousers Free. MADE. TO' MEASURE SUITS We have the largest range of samples in this district to choose from. We guarantee the suits will fit per­ fectly or you do not have to accept them. Special Prices $1A f* A — C A arid up.For Sale Days IXuV ZLdU SPECIAL GROUP OF LIGHT SUITS In Worsteds and Tweeds in new patterns and the latest models. Reg. $25 to $30.00. Special Prices $19.50s21.00-$2300 ’s YOUNG MEN’S SUITS In fancy backs and plains. These are fine quality worsteds and come in blues, blacks and browns in smart new materials. Sale Prices *13.50 *15.50 FORM FITTING SUITS For Those who like form-fitting suits in the darker heavier weight worsteds we have a large range of sizes and models from which to make your selection. Good fitters and excellently tailored. Sale Prices *16.50*19.50 SPORTS SUITS Now is the time to purchase a Summer Sport Suit in Bi-Swing, Pleated or Belted back models, in all new shades of greys, blues and browns. Sale Price ’13.50”’15.00 SPECIAL GROUP OF SPORT SUITS In better quality materials which are a real buy. As the quantity is limited make sure of yours. Shop Early. ✓ Extra Trousers FREE — Sale Prices ’18.50 *19.50 Buy Now And Save ( Your opportunity to cask in on a Big Saving in Men’s and Boys’ Wear is now! We foresaw the rise in wholesale prices and purchased accordingly. We pass this saving and more, on to you. HOSE Good Work Hose ....4 for $1.00 SHIRTS Splendid quality Work Shirts .7.. 89c HEAVY WORK PANTS Extra Value................................. $1.49 SMOCKS OR WIND-BREAKERS Reg. $2.15 ..................................... $1.79 WOOL SWEATERS Simpson Knit check design> sale Price........................................... $2.69 THE OAK OVERALL In Blue or Black, good fitting, heavy material ..................................... $1.69 KITCHEN WORK SHIRTS Good fitting heavy quality Work Shirts, Sale Price.............. $1.00 SLACKS For golf, fishing, or any kind of sport wear, try our Flannel Slacks ... ........................................... $2.75, $3.50 L-w ODD PANTS ah our odd pants are from suits and are good quality ma- terials; large choice of colors and materials. Reg to $5.50. *2.50 *3.50-*4 00 TOPCOATS Special Clearance of Topcoats. Good Value and smart models. Shop Early. Special Price *8.50 *12.50 Boys’ Department SILK HOSE Good quality “Sub-standards” from one of the leading mills. Reg. $1.00 Special Price 45c. TIES Smart New Miracle Ties for long wear. New designs and colours. 55c 2 ,1.00 WARRNEDALE SHORTS Broadcloth, Special........2 for 85c SHIRTS OR DRAWERS Penman’s Fleece Shirts or Drawers. Buy your supply now at this low price 69c RAINCOATS Special Lot of good quality Rain­ coats to clear at $3.75. MEN’S HATS REDUCED $2.95 and $3.50 Hats in finest grade Fur Felt, new snap brim styles, in blues, greys, browns, greens and smoke tones. *2.49 COMBINATIONS Men’s Watson Jiffy Combina­ tions, Special .. ..................... 89c Balbriggan Shirts, short sleeves. During Sale .... 55c, 2 for $1.00 During our 9-Day Spring Clearance Sale someone will win a Devonshire Suit Absolutely FREE. HERE’S HOW Guess the Number — between 1 and 2,000, that is sealed on this lucky suit at our store. Nothing to buy - Obligations. Call and make your guess. Seal will be opened Saturday Night, June 5th, at 11.00 ,p.m. ■No BOYS’SUITS Our selection of Boys’ Fancy Back Tweed Suits is very large, celanese linings and are good fitting. Choose early. *4.50 5.95 6-50 „p Boys’ “Jiffy” Union Suits in white ....................... x 59c Boys’ tweed or blue Cheviot Pants for hard wear $1.69, $1.89 Boys’ Knicker or Bloomer Pants in tweeds or worsteds. Sale Price......................... $1.49, $1.79 Boys’ English Tweed Shorts in smart new designs. Ex­ cellent quality. Special Price.....................................$1.19 Boys’ Wash Suits in smart colors. Reg. $1.25. Sale .. 59c . Boys’ Tweed Caps, All'Sizes .. .....................................49c, 69c Special Groups of Boys’ Sweaters in fine quality wool. .............................................................. $49c, $1.29, $1.49 Boys’ Balbriggan Combinations, Underwear, natural.......... 49c Large Choice of Boys’ Play-Suits in Bines and Browns. Sale .. 98c Work Shirts “Just like Dad’s*1 Good Value. Sale Price «,■«■« 63c ft ft ft ft 'ft ft ? I Boys’ Broadcloth Shirts and Blous­ es in new colors and designs, 49, 69c Boys’ Flannelette or Broadcloth Pajamas.......................«... $1.19 Boys’ Blue or Khaki Overalls with smart trimmings........... 75c * Outfitters For Men Outfitters iw r> ror Boys r'3 5'