HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-05-20, Page 10PAGE TEN THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 20th, 1937 WHITECHURCH Show Starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May-20th, 21st, 22nd HELEN BRODERICK — VICTOR MOORE ... . In >. ..... Two Reel Comedy — Leon Errol Reel — “GOLD MANIA” and NEWS. ...... j Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 24, 25, 26th ------SPECIAL------- NEVER SUCH A THRILL! Your two most exciting stars...in mighty omantic triumph! JEANETTECLARK GABLEMaDONAID Afanfrancisco Ml M M JACK HOLT • JESSIE RALPH TRACT TED HEALY ■ , a W. S. VAN DYKE ProdwtiM Produced by John Emerson and Bernard K. Hyman Happy Harmony Cartoon in Color. Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c< DISTINCTIVE GLASSES Properly fitted and guaran­ teed satisfactory, are fitted at MODERATE PRICES by an expert Optometrist here. Phone 5 for Appointment. R. Headaches So much has been written about headaches that the public are well aware of the fact that the great majority of them are caused by EYESTRAIN. Reid’s glasses, fitted after a thor­ ough Eye Examination, will give relief plus good vision. Don’t go on suffering from headaches, ner­ vousness and eyestrain—have your Eyes Examined and proper glasses fitted here. REID Stratford's Leading Optometrist for Nearly 20 Years. Wingham Office — At Williams' Jewelry Store, Every Wednes­ day Morning 9.00 to Noon. GOODYEAR I a 1 Froth now oh enjoy all the benefits of Goodyear Supertwist cord construc­ tion and long-wearing treads. Genuine Goodyear Tires* Guaranteed ih writ­ ing. Seo thoie money-saving prices. Prompt service—Come ih today—No delay** Prices Right Quality High Service Above Par. Royal Service Station (Homuth & Bennett, Props.) Wingham Ontario I Mr. William Falconer has been very ill during the past week at the home of Mr. James Falconer, Mr, and Mrs, John ‘Gillespie and their son, Mr. Gibson Gillespie visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gillespie and family at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Lott of Rip­ ley, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Lott. The regular Mothers* Day Service was followed in the United Church on Sunday, Clifford Laidlaw reading the story about the King’s page and Miss Mildred McClenaghan the story of the Do-as-I-Please-House and the choir rendered a special Mothers’ Day anthem. I Mr. Albert McQuillan met with | what might have been a serious ac­ cident at the station on Thursday la?t, He was taking egg-cases from his buggy, and while holding the lines, the horses started off, and the wheel knocked him down and he was dragged several rods before letting the lines go, the horse was caught later, down in the village. Mr. Mc- | Quillan was very badly bruised and shaken up, but no bones were broken. Many will sympathizewith him as he has been a great sufferer for years with rheumatism. Mrs*.' McBrjen, who has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Vifi- cent, returned to her home on Sun- I day with her son, Jasper Vincent, of j Auburn. i Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw and Elroy visit- j ed one day last’week with her sister, Mrs, Oliver McBrien and other God­ erich relatives. During the past weeks, Mr. Robert Mowbray has been working on the i house on the farm he purchased from | the Ferrie estate, and has moved par­ titions, wired it, nad re-decorated it, I and last week, he and Mrs. Mowbray and their family moved to the farm, while Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Coultes mev- ed into the house they vacated. Mr. Malcolm, Ross, of Chatham, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patten, Lucan, spent- Sunday with her mother, Mrs. A. Fox. Mr. Hector Purdon had the fenders of his car badly knocked: out of shape on Friday evening last, when going over the narrow bridge south of Wingham. He was following another .car, and a truck waited at the other end of the bridge for the first cai, but didn’t notice the second one com­ ing, and started onto the bridge, and shoved Hector’s car against the side of the bridge, cracking up the fenders on both sides. The truck didn’t stop but quickly proceeded on its way.' j While working at the field fences one day last week, Mr. George Mc­ Clenaghan collapsed and was taken to the house. He has been under the doctor’s care since. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church deserve congratulations for the manner in which they handled the large crowd of delegates who attend­ ed the Maitland Presbyterial, held here last Tuesday with three sessions. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Friday last in the Hall with the new President, Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, in the chair and with Miss Agnes Gillespie as Secretary-Treasurer. After the op­ ening exercises, a report of last year’s work was read, showing a slight de­ ficit, which the ladies are trying to make up by selling tickets on a quilt. On a vote by ballot, Mrs. Ab. Taylor was appointed to be caretaker for the ensuing year. The ladies are making plans for a strawberry festival at the end of June, and Mrs. V. Emerson and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie were appointed to attend the District Annual meet­ ing at Walkerton this Friday. It was decided to ask for a government speaker this year, who would speak on the subject, Feeding Families for Health. The Roll Call, My Birthplace, proved very interesting, and Scotland, Lanark, Galt, London, were among the places named. The following pro­ gram was then given: community singing, Annie Laurie; a very inter­ esting paper on the subject, The Dut­ ies of the Institute Officers, was read by Miss Grace Richardson, and Miss Susan Carrick played a piano solo. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reid, Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cranston of St. Helens spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. John Kennedy. The social committee of the Y.P.S. of the Presbyterian Church had charge of the Monday night meeting. After the opening hymn, Mrs.' Rhys Pollock led in prayer and the roll call was answered by naming a British possession. Miss Grace Richardson gave a paper on “the Crooning of the Kings” and Miss Merle Wilson ted irt prayer, Miss Janet Craig sang the “Maple Leaf” and Mrs, Johnston Conn read a fiaper on the Unfinished Mem­ orial. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Miss Olive Kennedy has returned ’home after visiting with her sister, OLVERS Cash Store With 2 Pkgs, Kellogg’s Pep Bran Flakes, 1 Coronation Blue Crystal Glass FREE. . Quaker Com Flakes ...3 for 25c Tip Top Peas, Choice No. 3 ........................13c, 2 for 25c Salada Tea LabelBrown 1-2 evening, lantern slides were shown of the Old Land, and the New, which showed the missionary work among the Ukranians. This is the last of a series of slides for this season. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Shakleton of Crewe, visited their aunt, Mrs. James Connelms on Monday, BELGRAVE V. Salada Yellow L 1-2 lb. . o Choice Quality Tomatoes Large Tins.......13c, 2 for 25c Golden Wax Beans, Choice ...................’............ 2 for 25c* • ■ Free Running Salt, Iodized, or Plain,...„......2 Lb. Pkg. 5c Here’s Your Headquarters for Pineapples — This is the Week. CHECK AGEING CONTOURS CHRR1D€TT€ REDUCING BANDS special fabrics • Do away with that double chin. • Smooth that crep- ey throat. • .Eliminate those forehead lines. Charmette reducing ageing contours by comfortable adjustable' can be used separately with a set of bands, check their scientific molding action. Available in three models. The CHIN band, the HEAD band and the NECK band. Charmettes are practical, washable beauty aids that will work for you WHILE YOU SLEEP or while you are doing your tasks at home. Try Charmettes to-day. Mail and phone orders filled. Special 89c each . . Two for $1.75 McKibbon’s Drug Store Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of Goderich ; Mrs. Will Cranston, St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt ; son Murray, St. Helens were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt. At the regular meeting of the Y.P, U. of the United Church on Monday and qesoet WINGHAM Church DRev. E. M. Loney, B.Th., Pastor 11 a.m.—Doctrinal Studies in the Episitle to the Romans. O Subject—Not Ashamed of the I| Gospel. O 7 p.m.—Prophetical Studies in Lthe Book of The Revelation. Subject—A Prophetic Foreview of this Age. We .Invite You. - OE3O3=======£IOE3O r— O n INSURANCE ALL KINDS Sun Life Assurance Co. Fire - Casualty ' Automobile Mrs. E. A. VANSTONE John St. Phone 192 Williams The Jeweller Our Watch Repairs Stand the Test of Time High Class Work At Low Prices Mothers’ Day Service Owing to the Coronation Service being held in Knox United Church a week ago Sunday, Mothers’ Day ser­ vice" was not held until last Sunday, May 16th. There was a large attend­ ance present at Sunday School and the special order of service for the day was followed, Earle Anderson gave a splendid address which was very appropriate to the occasion. Mrs. R. J. McKenzie was presented with a plant as she was the mother with the youngest child present. Mrs. Earle Aanderson, Mrs. Nelson Hig-» gins and Mrs. Jos. Yuill each had five children present and received plants as the mothers with the largest fam­ ilies present. Services in the church followed the Mothers’ Day theme. A choir of Mothers lead in the service of song and during the time of the offering sang an anthem. Mrs. Nor­ man Keating sang a solo also. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Walker was baptized during the service. The church was nicely dec­ orated for the service. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wightman and family, of Listowel, with friends here. Miss Kay Townend is still confin­ ed to bed due to illness. Miss Lilia Taylor returned to Well- sley on Sunday after a time off due to illness. ASHFIELD Miss Jean Cameron, 10th con., spent the .week-end with her cousin, Miss Jean Purdon, 9th con., West Wawa- nosh. Mrs. Richard MacQuillin, north of Lucknow, is visiting with her broth­ er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Al­ ton, near Belfast. We are pleased to hear that Rev. Mr. Patton, of the Ashfield Circuit, came home on Saturday morning from Goderich Hospital, where he was op­ erated weeks on for appendicitis about two ago. DONNYBROOK W.M.S. met on Thursday af-The ternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert Taylor. The meeting was led: by Mrs. Norman Thompson. Mrs. Naylor read the devotional leaflet, the study book was taken by Mrs. J. C. Robinson and Mrs. N. Thompson gave a report of the Pres. Convention at Goderich. Following the meeting lunch was ser­ ved and a social time enjoyed. Mrs. J. M. Cunningham is visiting with her brother, Mr. George Wallace. Miss Olive Jefferson, R.N., has completed her course at Toronto Un­ iversity and is home for the holidays. Miss Edna Plowman spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. J. C. Robinson. A number of Donnybrook people attended the funeral at Brussels last Tuesday of the late Mrs. W. Ringler. BORN COOK—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, On Friday, May 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Belgrave, a daughter. ■SANDERSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, May 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lome Sanderson, Wingham, a son. FOXTON—In. Morris Township, on Friday, May 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foxton, a son — James Al­ bert, BLYTH The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute: Pres., Mrs, R. Rich-, mond; 1st vice, Mrs. A. Barr; 2nd vice, Mrs. A. Fawcett; sec-treas., Mrs. L. Scrimgeour; branch directors, Mrs. J. Petts, Mrs. P. J. Kelly, Mrs. A. Cplclough, Mrs. H. Young; district director, Mrs. S. Cuming; press sec., j\|rs. L. Scrimegotir; auditors, Miss A. Gillespie; Mrs. El Johnston; standing committees: Peace education, Mrs. j. McGill; historical research, Miss A. Gillespie; home economics, Mrs, A. Cplclough; education, Mrs, R. Wight- tran; legislation, Mrs. F. Oster; agri- c iltural, Mrs. P, J. Kelly; health and child welfare, Mrs.. Fiddis; Canadian industries, Mrs. A, Taylor; relief, Mrs. Jno. Heffroh; delegates to district an­ nual to be held at Auburn on June 3, Mjrs. R. Richmond, Mrs. S. Cttmlfig, Mjrs, A. Colcldugh. sI / Mr* and Mrs, George Shaw of Tor- dhtd and Miss Elva Metcalfe, R.N. of fcruelph, spent the week efid with* their 'pafCritS, Mr. and Mrs. Jdhn Metcalfe. Mr. ahd Mrs. Jdhn Gathers and GLENANNAN Arrow Shorts Arrow Ties . , Royal George Checks ahd Stripes Smoketones White Broadcloth ................55c.......................75c Smoketones............55c, $1.00 Carleton Sportswear Shirts, new designs 75c, $1.00 .Watson’s French Shorts and Jerseys..........50c ea. KING’S Phone 161Prompt Delivery SHOP AT Smith’s We also carry Coleman*s Breakfast Bacon, Variety Loaf, Dutch Loaf, Weiners, Bologna, Cooked Ham, Etc., also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Don’t Forget this is Pineapple Week—Our Prices Are Right. MAGIC BRAND COFFEE ................ 29c Lb. FRENCH GROUND, IT’S DELICIOUS — TRY IT., WALKER’S SODA BISCUITS................2 Lbs. 25c TIP TOP Choice Quality PUMPKIN ... 2 Large Tins 25c LYNN .VALLEY PEARS..............16 Oz. Tin lie' ROWNTREE’S PURE COCOA .................. 2 Lbs. 23c Clover Leaf Fancy Quality Pink SALMON 2 Tall Tins 25c IDEAL SWEET MIXED PICKLES ....... 27 Oz. Jar 25c ALYMER KETCHUP ................. 8 Oz. Bottle 10c COLEMAN’S PURE LARD ...................... 14c Lb. Leland’s DILL PICKLES In Glass...........28 oz. Bottle 29c IODIZED OR PLAIN SALT.. ...............2 Lb. Box 5c UPTON'S SEVILLE PURE ORANGE MARMALADE 32 Oz. Jar 20c CAMPBELL’S TOMATO JUICE ............. 54 Oz. Tin 27c DURHAM CORN­ STARCH ...........1 Lb. Pkg. 10c MINUTE TAPIOCA, With Mixing Bowl Free, 2 Pkgs. 29c BUTTERNUT PEANUT BUTTER......„........2 Lbs. 25c CHOICE PITTED DATES ................... 2 Lbs. 25c LELAND’S TOMATO JUICE ..............26 Oz. Tin 10c SPOTLITE MATCHES......... 3 Boxes 21c Forest City Baking Powder With Sherbert Glass ...‘25c Tin FRESH SALTED PEANUTS ............ 2 Lbs. 25c Bright’s Choice Quality PIE CHERRIES ....... 12c T? "5£rT'"1? A €2"DT7 C* T A T ♦ SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK BLEND TEA 38c Lb. FRESH LEAF LETTUCE.........2 Bunches 15c NEW CABBAGE, Firm Head .................... 6c Lb. FRESH, RIPE TOMATOES ......... 2 Lbs. 29c FRESH CELERY STALKS 2 Large 25c NICE JUICY ORANGES ... 35c and 45c Doz. CHOICE LEMONS .................. 39c Doz. FRESH NEW CARROTS .. ....2 Bunches 17c. SEEDLESS GRAPE- ’ FRUIT ................ 3 Large 25c family of Gorrie, spent Sunday with Mr. ahd Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Dave ‘Eadie and baby Mac visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mulvey. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser .Haugh, Isabel and Wihna of Salem, spent .Sunday evening with Mr. and' Mrs. Isaac Stokes. The ladies of the Belmore Wo­ men’s Institute held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Elliott on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Corrigan visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr* and Mrs. Oliv­ er Stokes. Mr. W. H. Marshall and Mr. Staf- ford Paisley • of Gorrie, renewed ac­ quaintances on the tenth on Sunday. Craven “A” English Make 20 for 25c. ■■— K Omar Haselgroves SMOKE SHOPPE Brandram * Henderson Paint assures you of a first-class job. Get your Color Card from MACHAN BROS. 7