The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-05-20, Page 9o ■.Thursday, May 20th, 1937
MARTIN-SENOUR on top of the lend, which was wood,
making ready to “batten down",
when he took one step too near the
edge, Like the proverbial man on the
flying trapeze, Lonz flew through the
air with the greatest of speed. In the
fall the unfortunate man fractured
four ribs, and is going around strap
ped up like a woman in the “old bus
tle days”.—Teeswater News,
Get Rebate
Seaforth received its split of local
beer taxes on Thursday when Town
Treasurer D, H. Irwin received a
cheque from the Provincial Govern
ment for $311.73. The payment re
presents 20% of the tax collected in
Seaforth during the provincial fiscal
year, which ended March 1, 1937.
Huron Expositor,
For Beauty and FULL
Sold Jewellery Business
Mr. F, T, Armstrong has disposed
of his jewellery business, which he
has personally conducted for about 25
years. Mr. Armstrong plans to de
vote his full time to his optical bus
iness, which he will carry on here for
the time being at least. His successor
is Win. Schmid, of Haqover,—Luck
now Sentinel,
You paint for beauty and protection—and Martin-Senour
100% Pure Paint guarantees you both—guarantees in
■writing on every can that no cheap and useless adulter
ants are used in its manufacture; That’s why you get
longer lasting protection, firmer colors and a better and
more economical job.
NEU-GLOS Medium Gloss Enamel
The new sanitary, washable finish for interior
walls and woodwork. An easy product to use.
Dries with medium gloss. Obtainable in wide
range of beautiful pastel shades.
Received Day’s Pay as
Coronation Gift
A Coronation Day gift of a day’s
pay was given, to the employees of
the Goderich Salt Company by the
president, Mr. Chas. -Wurtele. Mr.
Wurtele is a staunch believer in' and
supporter of all that is British and he
carries the traditional spirit of Brit
ish fair play into his relations with
his employees. He recently returned
from a five months’ .stay in England,
where he viewed with interest the
preparatory arrangements for the cor
onation of King George.—Goderich
Donald Rae & Son
Family Ill From Coal Gas
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid and dau
ghters, Pearl and Juneve, had an un
pleasant experience when they were
partially overcome with coal gas. On
retiring the evening before it is be
lieved that the dampers of their coal
burning range were closed too tight
ly with the result that when they got
up in the morning they all felt very
ill from the effects of the gas.—Mil
verton Sun.
i of the i
i i
Farmer Drowns While Fishing
William'E, McCulloch, a Bentick
farmer/ residing three milesa west of
Durham, was drowned while fishing
at Camps Creek, about a mile south
of his home. He was alone and be
lieved to have taken a weak spell, to
which he was subject, had fallen off
the bank into a foot and a half of
McQuillin; vice-president, Clifford
Blake; secretary-treasurer, Jack Hen
derson. As well as worthwhile prizes
at the local fair, two members may
go to Guelph for the Calf Club judg
ing competition, and if a calf merits
it, provision is made to have the club
member show his calf at London Fair
with all expenses paid.
Suffers Broken Back
Jacob Kritz, 50-year-old resident
Greenock Township, suffered a brok
en back and other injuries when hit
by a motor truck on the highway near
Belmore. His condition at
Jfcas described as critical.
/^Kraemer, 30, truck driver,
manded when he appeared
Wednesday charged with driving a
motor vehicle in a reckless manner.
Kritz was a passenger in a buggy
driven along the highway when the
accident occurred. Kritz was thrown
to the ground in the collision. ■
was re
in court
Calf Club Organized at Lucknow
). A Calf Club was organized at Luck
now at an enthusiastic meeting held
recently with Ian MacLeod, Huron
County agricultural representative.
Officers elected are, president, Frank
Former Lucknow Men Deny Charge
John and Frank Garniss, of Tor
onto, father and son, and former
Lucknow butchers, pleaded not guilty
at Goderich to charges of forging and
using a forged note, and of having-
stolen goods in their possession. They
elected trial by Judge and jury. Pre
liminary hearing will be held May 20,
and the case probably will be tried
at June Assizes. John Garniss was
admitted to $2,000 bail, but the son
is being held pending further investi
Forged Pension Check
John Payne, 25, Grey Township,
forged the indorsement and cashed
his grandmother’s $15 old age pension
check and was remanded to jail for
sentence. He told a story about a
traffic .officer, whose name he did
not secure, stopping him near Lis-
towel for not having a proper horn
on his car, and demanding $15 bail,
proceeds of the check, but the bench
did not believe him. Pie pleaded
Ask Beer Rooms Close
The Municipal. Council of the
Township of Colborne, adjoining God
erich on the north, has forwarded a
resolution to the Town of Goderich
Council, asking that body to use its
office and influence to have beverage
rooms in this town abolished. The
resolution was passed at the May
meeting. At a largely attended meet
ing of the Goderich Council of Wo
men a committee was appointed to
draft a similar resolution and to se
cure information to be forwarded
the Town Council.
The writ was filed by the Lon-
Health Association, governing
of Queen Alexandra Sanator-
Tliey claim that Bruce County
Bruce County Sued for $1,051
A lawsuit against the County
Bruce over payment of the hospital
bill of an all'eged indigent, was laun
ched in Supreme Court offices, Lon
should pay them $1,051.50. Accord
ing to the writ, which was filed for
the sanatorium by Meredith and Dav
idson, a resident of Bruce County was
a patient in the sanatorium for a tot
al of 701 days, at different periods.
Eye Service
Eyesight Specialist
Fell Off Truck, Fractured Ribs
Having completed the job of toad*
iug a truck, Mr, Lottzd Thornton was
Caught Trout With Hands
While many of our experienced
anglers, armed with the newest con
traptions to lure the Speckled beauties,
have been trying to establish a record
this Spring, they have to take a rear
seat to Mr. Vai. Weiler of Formosa.
Mr. Weiler went to the rear of his
millpond the other day and saw two
large trout in the shallows at the edge
of the wood, and he went to work
to capture them. After a real battle,
he landed the two fish, with his hands.
The larger trout measured over 22
inches in length and weighed three
pounds, and the other tipped the scale
at two and one-half pounds.—Mild
may Gazette.
Scissors One Hundred and
Twehty-Five Years Old
Sam Faust, shoemaker, sharpened a
pair of scissors on Saturday Which
are 125 years old. The novelty about
them is that they are. home-made and
were brought from England about 100
years ago- by the late Mrs. Lark
worthy. They are now the property
of her son, Albert Larkworthy, of this
town.—-Mitchell Advocate,
■s 9
Truck Hit Deer
A Stratford-owned truck hit a deer
while it was crossing highway No. 8,
three miles west of Goderich. A
fender bowled the animal over in the
ditch and “Solly” Soloman, driver,
stopped and alighted, but as he ap
proached the deer, a doe, it suddenly
got up, hopped a fence and scooted
across an open field.
Race Meet at Kincardine July 1st
For the third successive year, Kin
cardine Turf Club will sponsor a Do
minion Day race meet on July 1st, it
was decided at a meeting of the club,
Two stake races and a class race will
comprise the program. For the for
mer, ptirses of $400 are beig offered.
The class race purse will be set soon.
Entries for stake races must be in
the hands of the club secretary, VaT
Cottrill, by June 4th.
Corn Borer Control
Dodge Custom Six, Four-Door Touring Sedan
of the “chair-height” seats. Hear how quietly
a Dodge glides along—even on rough pave
ments. Dodge “hush-point” body mountings
absorb road noises. 4 aero-type hydraulic •
shock absorbers together with Dodge weight
distribution combine to make the famous
Dodge Airglide Ride!
Years have proved the perfection of Dodge
Hydraulic Brakes and all steel safety body.
You need the protection of these safety
features for yourself and your family.
Beauty, luxury, safety and econpmy are
yours when you buy a new 1937 Dodge.
Drive one to-day!
Simple “swing
type” ventilat
ing vanes pro
vide controlled
ventilation in
the new 1937
Dodge cars,
Dodge windshields open wide. Cowl venti
lators face forward and are screened! to
exclude insects.
And Up
Delivered in
licence only
^Subject to
change without
rpHE “SWITCH” TO DODGE has become a
■L Parade. Thousands who formerly owned
more expensive cars switched to new 1937
Dodge cars and found greater luxury, easier
riding, greater economy of operation—and they
are proud to be seen in their Dodge cars
Mr. Melvern F. Thomas, writes: “ ... we
made a tour from Toronto to southern Florida
. . . covering 4302 miles in all kinds of
weather. We used 215 U.S. gallons of standard
quality gasoline which is equivalent to 24 miles
per Canadian gallon.”
Sales more than Double
More than twice as many Dodge cars were
purchased in the first 3 months of 1937 as in
the same period last year. Owners like Mr.
Thomas are the best Dodge salesmen—and
there are thousands of them. Talk to a Dodge
owner yourself.
Then go to your Dodge dealer and DRIVE
a new 1937 Dodge. Note the luxurious comfort
Ask about the Official Commercial Credit Corporation
time payment plan oF easy payments.
Tune in on Major Bowes' Amateur Hour, Columbia
Network, 8 to 9 p.m. E.S.T. . . EVERY THURSDAY.
Free autographed photograph of Major
Edward Bowes on request. Write to Chrysler
Corporation of Canada Ltd. (Dodge Division),
Windsor, Ontario.
Murray Johnson
The following
corn leaves., These eggs hatch in a
few days when the young borers bore
their way into the plant and feed
within both stalk and cob.
Control is brought about in the
autumn and early spring by complete
ly destroying all corn refuse, and con
tained borers, lying in the field or
stored in buildings,
clean up suggestions should be car
ried out:
(1) Cut all corn as low as possible
in order to remove bulk of the bor
ers with the stalk.
(2) Feed completely, or burn, all
stalks before June 1st—of the follow
ing years.
(3) Uproot and burn all sweet
corn stalks which cannot be conven
iently ploughed under, as soon as
they have dried out.
(4) Plough down all infested stub
ble and corn refuse in the garden
and field before June 1st so careful
ly that it is all completely covered.
(5) Burn all corn refuse remaining
about the farm before June 1st.
As corn borer moths readily fly
from one farm to the next, commun
ity action in control is most import
ant. Make every effort to induce
neighboring growers to put control
measures into operation and clean up
all corn refuse this autumn or next
spring, before June 1st. .
main line ser-
with the
Dttritig the past season, the
opean corn borer was injuriously
abundant in the Ottawa district, and
in an effort to prevent a repetition of
this outbreak in 1937, every grower
raising either Sweet or fodder corn
should make a determined effort to
put the recommended control
ods into practice.
The remedy in this case is
and simple. The corn borer
the winter in corn refuse lying in the
field or stored in the buildings, In
late June and July of the following
year the moths emerge and lay their
eggs on the lower surfaces of the new
1 --
J®*' ■' ■
Dodge and DeSoto
tions by the equipment engineers of
the Company.
The structural details embody the
best features of modern car construc
tion. The bodies will be of special
tensile steel, which permits reduction
of weight while retaining the maxi
mum of.strength. The cars will have
the latest type of turtle back roof.
They will be mounted on six-wheel
trucks which give better riding qual
ity than the four-wheel type, and at
the same time increase the factor of
safety. The interior decoration will
be in the modern style.
A man who was running for pub
lic office found the first half of his
speech in the local paper. He went to
the Editor and wanted to know why
they didn’t print all his speech. The
Editor replied, “We. ran out of cap
ital I’s.”
Wiogham, Oat.
Port .Elgin have organized their ball
club for the season with Ralph Pet£-
uegnat as President, The team will
be entered in the Bruce League,
* * *
According to reports Teeswater will
have a team in the Bruce League this
year. They have a bunch of young
players that thby feel will make a
good showing.* * *
Whitechurch will not have a team
in the Maitland League this year and
it is reported that St. Helens will not
either. Blyth would like to link up
with an O.B.A.A. circuit.* * *
The ball grounds will soon be in
shape for the season. It will not be
long now until the boys get into
action. It takes a lot of work each
year to put the park in shape for the
favorite summer pastime.
nt * *
Last year the football team receiv
ed such poor support that they play
ed some of their games away from
home. The schedule is drayvn up for
this season
not listed.
the local squad is
* *
under way for thePlans are
formation of a girls’ softball league
which will include several of the
towns in this district. This league
should create much interest. A meet
ing is being held this week and it is
expected that the league will be com
posed of Wingham, Teeswater, Tiv
erton, Rivcrsdale and Mildmay.
• An order for 50
first-class coaches fpr
vice on the Canadian
ways has been placed
adian Car Foundry Company,
struction.of these news cars has
/noticed and a number of them will
be in Service this summer,
The new cars will tie 73 feet, 6 in
ches in length with a vestibule plat
form at each end. They will have a
total seating capacity of 64 with the
latest type of reclining seats. They
Will have ladies’ lounge at one end
and a smoking section partitioned off
from the main body of the car and
Separated from it by a swing door at
the opposite end. They wilt be com
pletely air-conditioned with the ice
cooling system which was found best
adapted to Canadian climatrc condl-