The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-05-13, Page 10PAGE TEN
9 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES .Thursday, May 13th, 1937
Show Starts at 8,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 13 th, 14th, 15th
— In------
“The Devil’s Squadron”
A Drama of the Flying Field
---- - Also----- t
Andy Clyde Comedy — “Caught in The Act”
Krazy Cat Cartoon and News.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 17, 18th, 19th
“After the Thin Man”
A Comedy Mystery Picture
Fitzpatrick Traveltalk
Mr. Gordon Leggatt of Wingham
•spent the week-end with Mr. Bert
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham, Conn,
Spent the week-end at the home of
her brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Car
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre, of
Langside, spent Sunday, at the home
•of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer.
Mr. Chas. Martin spent a few days
last week at his sister’s home in Tor
onto. *-
Mr. and Mrs. Farrier and Clifford
and Mr. Bert Cullimore were in Clin
ton on Tuesday attending the Public
School Musical Festival of Huron
•County. Clifford sang “March Weather.” ’
Mr, J. G. Gillespie has taken a po
sition with the Towland Construction
Company, of London, and he and Mr.
Ezra Scholtz left on Monday to work
on a stretch of road between Port
Elgin and Southampton.
Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toronto
spent the week-end at ,her home here.
The following from a distance at
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Jas. McGee last Wednesday: Mr. and
Mrs. Will Graham .of Corunna, and
Mrs. Wm. Graham Sr., Mrs. ■ Russel
Graham and Mr. Clyde Graham of In
wood, Mr. and Mrs. White of Arkona,
and Mrs. Kennedy of Clinton, Mr.
and Mrs. David Henderson, and Mrs.
Rae of Wroxeter, and Mrs. Stewart of
Toronto, Mr. Melville Beecroft of
Colborne, and Mr. Campbell Dow and
son, Earle, and Mr. Alec Dow and
daughter, from Hibbert.
Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Bee croft and
Florence and Ernest spent Sunday at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Kirk, on the London
Road, Clinton. Mrs, Creighton, of
Detroit, also spent the week-end
Miss Swan, of St. Helens, is assist
ing Mrs. B. S. Naylor with her spring
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burchill and lit
tle daughter, and Mr. Ezra Welwood
and Jean, spent a few days this week
in Toronto where little Lois had fur
ther treatment to her injured eye.
On account of the meeting of the
Maitland Presbyterial in the Presby
terian Church here on Tuesday,
meeting of the young people was
withdrawn on Monday evening.
Mrs. Wm. Plunkett, Mr. and Mrs.
Lome Johnston and Miss Jean Johns
ton, of Cedar Valley, spent Sunday at
the hom6 of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Far
rier. Miss Johnston will spend ,the
next few weeks with Mrs. Farrier.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women’s Institute will be held
on Friday, May 14th,. in the Hall, with
the President, Mrs, Ezra Scholtz, in
charge. The topic, The Duties of the
Branch Officers, will be taken by
Miss Grace Richardson, and the roll
call will be My 'Birthplace.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schnurr and lit
tle daughter, Mary Marlene, of Walk
erton, spent Sunday at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reed.
Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and son, Clay
ton, spent a few days last week in
Wingham with her aunt, Mrs. Wm.
Mr. Bert Reed, who has been work
ing at Pelee Island, spent the week
end at his home here.
Mr. Teddy McClenaghan had the
misfortune to wrench his right wrist
badly when cranking the car one day
last week.
The following were visitors at the
home of Mr. Thos. Gaunt on Sun
day: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Erb, of
Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Green
and Mrs. Claire Keene and their fam
ilies of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Lind and son, Robbie, of
Hanover, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Gaunt and baby, Jean, of White
Mr. and Mrs. John Yungblutt and
Carl and Madeline, of'Auburn, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Mrs. McBrien has been very ill
during the past week and has gone
to be with her daughter, Mrs. Vin
cent, of Westfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and
family, of Delhi, spent the week-end
at the home of her father, Mr. Thos.
The following were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robin
son on Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. Harold
Robinson and children of Walkerton
and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brem-
ner, of Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Wheeler and family,, of Morris, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and
family and Miss Susan Kilpatrick, of
Lucknow. '
Mr. Will Conn is under the Doc
tor’s care at present.
The regular weekly meeting of the
Y.P.U. of the United Church, was held
on Monday. After the opening exer
cises, Miss Agnes Gillespie read the
Scripture lesson and Miss Lettie Fox’
led in prayer. Mrs. W. R. Farrier
played a piano solo and the topic,
“The movies in relation to our young
people” was in charge of the presi
dent, Mr. Millan Moore. The Society
will have lantern slides next Monday
Mr. Thos. and Mr. Arthur Moore
motored to Collingwood an Sunday
and Mrs. Sparling and Douglas and
Marie, who have been visiting here,
returned to their home there.
Miss Ruth Moore of Lucknow,
spent the week-end ’with her parents,
Mr .and..Mrs. Arthur Moore.
This community welcomes Mr. and
Mrs. Jack McCharles and son Allan
of Ripley, who moved last week to
Mr. Wm, Fisher’s farm.
Mr. Will Reid of Paris visited for a
few days last week with his mother,
Mrs. A. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and Mr. N.
Davidson of Hensail and Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart McBtitney and daughters*
spent Sunday with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Wm. King of Turnberry.
Miss Bertha MacKay of Stratford
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Hector Mackay.
Cash Store
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 3 for 25c
Libby’s Vegetable or Tomato
Soup —m..10c; 3 for .......25c
Lipton’s Tea and Tea Pot Free
with Each Pound .......... (>0c
Lux Flakes, large pkg., 1 Cake
genuine Lifebuoy Free.....25c
1 pkg. Post Bran, Flakes
1 pkg. Grape Nut Flakes
1 Mickey Mouse Bowl
While they last .... AU for 25c
Lynn Valley Pears, 15% oz, 10c
3 for .................,......„..........,25c
Choice large Grapefruit, 5c each
Sweet Juicy Oranges 35, 40, 50c
Fresh Fruit Always at Lowest
out that love calls
that giving is the
Prayer was offered
MacEwen. Mrs. J.
manner, pointing
for sacrifice and
outcome of love,
by Mrs. Peter S.
R. Greig, delegate to the Provincial
W.M.S. meeting in London, gave a
report making special mention of out
standing points from the reports of
the different secretaries, The repeat
ing of the Lord’s Prayer in unison
closed the meeting.
just like me? giving several things
members could do to make a society
one of the best.
The greater part of the meeting
was business discussion, plans were
completed for serving a banquet, when
the Turnberry District Royal Scarlet
Chapter is entertaining a number of
Toronto guests,
Mrs. Wickstead, Mrs, Mowbray,
Mrs. Aitken, Mrs, Gallaher and Miss
Scott were a committee appointed to
arrange fpr the District Annual meet
ing to be held in the school room of
the United Church on Wednesday,
June 2nd at 10 a.m. and 1 o’clock in
the afternoon. The society is sending
five dollars to the Red Cross to assist
in caring for flood victims.
After singing God Save the King,
the hostess assisted by Mrs, Joseph
Breckenridge served refreshments.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hamilton and
Allan, also Master Fred Cole of Ethel
visited on Sunday iwth Mr .and Mrs.
F, J. Churchill.
Institute To Meet May 18th
The May meeting of the Belgrave
Women’s Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. J. M, Coultes on Tues
day afternoon, May 18th at 2.30 o’
clock with the committee for com
munity activities and relief in charge.
J. M. Coultes,
Miss E.
Medcalf Shoes For Women
Beautiful shoes, made of the finest quality Vici
kid and at a most moderate price, namely
$6.00 Per Pair
in widths and all sizes.
Are strictly high grade shoes, most attractive in
appearance, made of fine Velour calf and in widths,
popular priced, namely $6.00 Per Pair.
The above lines of footwear are in a class by them
selves for quality and price, in fact, they compare
favorably with shoes sold at $8.00 and $10.00
per pair.
Agents Wingham
Coronation INSURANCE
Sun Life Assurance Co,
Fire - Casualty
Convenors — Mrs,
Mrs. G. Higgins.
Motto—Our King,
. Address—Mrs. N.
'Institrite In the Community”.
Current Invents — Miss M. Arm
Music — Mrs. J. Wickstead.
Roll Call — A suggestion for new
community work.
Report of Girls’ Conference — Miss
Laura Hopper.
Demonstration - Sandwich making,
Mrs. W. Pocock. .
Reading — Margaret Procter.
Lunch Committee — Mrs. L. Hop
per, Mrs. W. Pocock and Mrs.
Higgins. (
A cordial invitation
ladies to be present.
25c - 50c - $1.00
a splendid souvenir.
Omar Haselgroves
Eight Baptized at United Church
At the Parents’ Day service in the
United Church on Sunday morning,
the pastor, Rev. A. V. Robb, conduct
ed a baptismal service when eight
children were baptized, the parents
being, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallaher,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Souch, Mr. and
Mrs. Kinley McNaughton, Mr. and
Mrs. John Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs.
William Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Breckenridge, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Barnard. The prescribed programme
for the day was carried out, musical
selection being given by the choir and
the primary class of the Sunday
School, and other parts being taken
by George Johnston, Russel Barnard
and Mrs. Aitken. The ohurch was
suitably decorated with coronation
colors. Mr. Robb read the Moderat-'
or’s Coronation Message. The serv
ice was largely attended.
John St. Phone 192
is extended to
Society of the
responded to by the minister, Rev.
W. J. Raynor. Mr. Jack Ferguson
then proposed the toast to the Ham
ilton Conference Young People’s Un
ion. Responding to this toast Mr. Wm.
S. McVittie gave a very helpful and
inspiring address in his usual pleasing
manner. Mr. Geo. Armtsrong gave
greetings from Guelph Presbytery Y.
P.U. After the singing of “Blest be
the tie that binds” the Mizpah bene
diction brought a very enjoyable ev
ening to a close.
Jack Renick, Tom Abraham and
family attended the funeral of Mrs.
Shaud at St. Mary’s, last week .
Miss D. Halliday of Teeswater
visiting her cousin eJan Herd..
Y. P. S. Plan
The Young People’s
United Church met in the schoolroom
of the church on Wednesday of last
week with the Fellowship Committee
in charge. Roy Bennett presided. The
Lesson was read by Cameron Walsh
and Velma Wheeler took the Topic
for the evening which consisted of a
paper on “The right use of leisure
time”. The subject matter was well
prepared and well presented. As com
ment on the Topic, Marjorie Grasby
read an article on the subject from
the International Journal of Religious
Education which had been written by
Rev. J. B. Townend, the local min
ister. During the business period of
the meeting, arrangements were made
for the purchase of equipment to be-,
gin soft-ball activities at an early
date. It is hoped that, teams will be
available for friendly games between
the Young People’s Unions of Brick,
Bluevale, Browntown and Belgrave
churches. The teams will be mixed in
nature each team including not less
three girls. As far as possible one
night a wpek will be kept as a local
night and one night for games with
outside teams. In this way it is hoped
to combine outside competition and
community recreation..
The meeting this week will be held
on Thursday
Y. P. U.. Closing Meeting
A closing banquet completed a very
successful year of work in the Bel
more-McIntosh Young People’s Un
ion. It was held in the Sunday School
and about eighty persons sat down
Room of the McIntosh United Church
to the banquet. Mr. Wm. S. (Bill) Mc
Vittie, president of the Hamilton Con
ference Young People’s Union, was
the quest speaker and he brought with
him Mr. Geo. Armstrong, president
elect of the Guelph Presbytery Y.P.U..
The committee in charge had arrang
ed a very pleasing programme which
included vocal solos by Miss Alberta
Wolfe of Clifford, Messrs Frank Ren
wick and Jas. A. Little of Teeswater
Y.P.U., and Miss Isabel Renwick of
McIntosh. Miss Jean Herd, president
was the toast-mistress. After she had
called for a toast to the King, the
Queen and the Empire, she called
upon Mrs. Fred Doubledee to propose
the toast to the Church, which was
That’s Right! Now you can get
guaranteed Goodrich Safety Silver-
towns with the exclusive Life-Saver
^Golden Ply, proved three times
safer from high-speed blowouts, or
♦a powerfu* new battery and pay on
(Convenient long or short terms, as
:you ride. Our liberal plan fits xhe
meeds of everyone!
We mean what we say and yen’ll
like our friendly, courteous way of
doing business. Instead of worrying
along on old or inferior quality
tires or pinching yourself by pay
ing bash, yoh cart equip your car
with the beat and pay as you earn.
Why Delay.. Come in Today!
your license iden
Mothers’ Day Observed
The service in Knox Presbyterian
Church on Sunday morning was con
ducted. by the pastor, Rev. J. R.
Greig, who read the narrative of the
coronation service, offered special
prayer for Their Majesties King Geo.
VI and Queen Elizabeth, followed by
singing the National Anthem. The
brder of service for Mothers’ Day was
then carried out, consisting of res
ponsive reading, prayer and praise.
The pastor’s address “The Nation’s
Debt to the Child’s First Teacher”,
dealt with Mother and the Home. Mr.
Greig contributed a Mothers’ Day
solo “The Church by the Side of the
Road” and the choir rendered an a'n-
them, Donald Robertson taking the
solo part. Baskets of spring flowers
decorated the church.
Messrs. Leo Green, Albert Horne
and Fred Saint1 returned home last
Friday from a two weeks’ motor trip
to S'udbury and Kirkland Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hudson and
Jack and Tom, of Palmerston, visit
ed over the week-end ^rith Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Towne.
Mr. apd. Mrs, Ernest Gardner, Ce.cil
and Marion, of Lucknow, visited on
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dennis, Jewel
and Joy, and Mr. C. Hartt, visited on
Sunday with Harriston friends.
Maitland Creamery "i
Our plan fits every pocket
book. You make your own
convenient easy
tqrms to suit
your needs
There are no long investi
gations, no waiting and all
transactions are confiden
tial. Just show us
Just select what you need
and tell us how you can
pay. It only takes a couple
minutes to open
yoUr account
W.M*S. Hear Report of Provincial
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S, of Knox Presbyterian
Church was held in the school room
on Thursday afternoon with the
greater number of the members pre
sent. The president, Mrs, Alex, Mow
bray, presided and conducted the op
ening exercises. Items of business in
cluded matters, regarding the bale
and representatives to the annual W»
M, S, Presbyterial at Whitechureh,
Mrs. Roy Turvcy read the Scripture
text for the topic “The Stewardship
of Mopey” which Mrs, Harvey Rob*
orison explained In a very splendid
Institute Arranged for District Annual
Mrs. George Thornton opened,her
home on Monday afternpon for the
regular meeting of the AVomen’s In
stitute. The meeting was opened with
the 2nd vice president, Mrs. Aitken
Several good ideas were expressed
at roll call to be carried out during
the year.
Miss Olive Scott had charge of the
Motto:—What kind of a branch would
this branch be, if every member was
Baptist Church
night instead of Wed-
friends of Mrs. J. A.
pleased to see her well
her long illness to go
Buyers Of
Rev. E. M. Loney, B.Th., Pastor
We Announce Commencement
Of Studies in Two New Testa
ment Books.
11.00 a,m.—A Book of Christian
7.00 p.m.—A Book of Prophecy
We Invite You,
O n
The many
Brandon are
enough after
out in the car again, but she received
word a week ago of the serious illness
of her only brother, G. B. Wray of
Woodrow, Sask.
Mr, and Mrs, G. Gierhart and two
sons and Mr. and Mrs. N. Parent,
were Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs, .Harry Perdue also Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Brandon.
Miss Laura Hopper attended the
Girl’s Conference held at the O.A.C.
at Guelph during the past week .
'Mr .and Mrs. Cecil Black of Moles-
worth spent Sunday with relatives
J. Miller lifted his grass cattle on
Saturday and C. R. Coultes shipped
a carload to Toronto,
the wek-end with his brother,
C. B. Wilkinson,- ,
Our Watch Repairs
Stand the Test of Time
High Class Work
At Low Prices
Visitors in the village on Saturady:
Miss Marjorie Herd of Clinton at her
home. Mrs, Cecil McNeil, Lloyd and
Melvin of Teeswater ,at McNeil’s
Mr, and Mrs. Mundell of Wingham,
on the old homestead;
Minnie Jef fray visited at Robt’s at
the Brick Yard, Saturday,
Miss Fern Jeffray has taken a pos
ition in Listowet j
Mt, Mrs, Raymon, Mr, and Mrs,
Fitch, Mrs. Roy Rutherford, attended
the meeting at Chesley Tuesday.
Mrs. Mulvey, Gordon, Mrs, Marty
Mulvey and baby Murray, motored to
Lucan the latter part of the week,
Cream, Eggs
and Poultry
Wingham, - - Ontario.
Phone 271
Properly fitted; and guaran
teed satisfactory, are fitted at
by an expert Optometrist
Phone 5 for Appointment*
So much has been Written about
headaches that the public are well
aware of the fact that the great
majority of them are caused by
ReicFs glasses, fitted after a thor-
Eye Examination, will give
plus good vision* Don’t go
on suffering from headaches, ner
vousness and eyestrain—-have yottr j
Eyes Examined and proper glasses
fitted here*
s Optometrist for Nearly 20 Years*
Wingham Office At Williams* Jewelry Store, Every Wednes
day Morning 9.00 to Noon,