The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-05-13, Page 5•W1
Thursday, May 13th, 1937 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMBS
Enjoy tea at its best
a v aha” wAJlfallA'MM M JZ T IS ank
Picketing Banned At Winnipeg
Winnipeg,—Granting a permanent
injunction against picketing .of the
Hurtig Fur Company here, included
in a court judgement, which assessed
the International Fur Workers' Un
ion for $2,869 damages and costs in-
an action brought by the company,
sets no legal precedent, court officials
Peaceful picketing is legal in Man
itoba, but should disorder or violence
break out, an injunction may be ap
plied for by the employer to prevent
strikers picketing, they pointed out.
C. I. O. Meeting At Montreal
Montreal, Que., — John L. Lewis’
Committee for Industrial Organiza
tion came into the open in Montreal,
•with a Sunday afternoon rally to for
mulate demands in the steel industry
here. Although the newly-settled dress
strike was run by a C.I.O.-affiliated
union, it was conducted in the usual
way without outside aid—Sunday’s
meeting was the first overt act of the
C.I.O. as such, in this district.
Rowe Agrees With C. I. O.
W. Earl Rowe, Provincial Conserv
ative Leader, broke his long silence,
regarding the Committee for Indust
rial Organization to declare that his
recently announced labor policy in
cluded “the C.I.O. or any other org-
anidation that is 100 per cent, for the
maintenance of law and order.”
His qualified stamp of approval on
the C.I.O. was given in an interview
with the press, following a joint meet,
ing of Men’s and Women’s Conserv
ative Clubs of Rosedale riding, Tor
In an hour-long speech at the North
Wellington nominating oenvention of
Modernize Your Home
With an Enico Bathroom
It is hard to believe that many homes are today
without bathroom conveniences, but such is the
case. If your home is lacking in this respect, don’t
make your family do without any longer.
Emco Bathroom Fixtures -and Fittings
widely known for their quality, long service
moderate cost.
The three pieces illustratedBath-tub, Basin
Toilet —with all fittings, ready for installation,
only..............................♦........... *...............
Dur? Water Supply Systems
Maybe you have been without bathroom facilities be
cause your home lacked running water. If so, a Duro
Pumping System will solve this situation and also serve
the kitchen, barn, laundry, etc.
The Duto-Special has a capacity of 250 gals, an hour,
is supplied with a 30 gat Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60
” $89.00cycle, 116 volt motor, all for......♦.»....»...................
Uatldtt Hamilton Toronto Winripag Vancouver
Can aluo bo fwrnWiOl
Gasoline Eflfrtnb operation.
the Conserative X’arty at Arthur, the
Tory Leader issued a carefully word*
ed and carefully delivered criticism of
the Hepburn Government’s stand on
the Oshawa strike situation and the
labor policies of the Government in
Col. Drew Resigns As
Conserative Organizer
Believing that a firm stand should
be taken against the C.I.O. “before
it is too late,” Colonel George A.
Drew revealed that he had resigned
his position as Chairman of the Cam
paign Committee of the Ontario Con
serative Barty because he disagreed
with recent statements of policy en-
unicated on this issue by his leader,
Hon. Earl Rowe.
Colonel Drew, who is. succeeded by
Cecil Frost of Lindsay, denied the
truth of newspaper reports that he
had been offered the Attorney-Gen
eralship in a proposed coalition Gov
ernment by Premier Hepburn, and the
Premier backed up this denial.
C.I.O. Attempt To
Organize Oshawa Company
Oshawa, Attempts to force C.I.O.
organization on the W. E. Phillips
Company has brought from the com
pany a protest against such “outside
interference” and the suggestion that
the subjecting of the company to C.
I.O. tactics will result in the closing
of the plant.
Negotiations have been proceeding
between the executives and the bar
gaining committee of the employees.
Shot By Constable
Preston, — Chief Constable David
Crawford said no charge had been
laid against Carl Scheibel, 23-year-
____ cost
... $87.75
Three Years to Pay
Fmco Bathroom equipment and
Duro Pumping' Systems can be
purchased under the Home Im**
provement Loan Act. The cost
may be spread over a period not
exceeding three years^ We will be
glad to give you full information.
pld mechanic of St. Clements, wpund-
ed by Motorcycle Constable Jack
Scott following a motor chase from
Freston to Galt.
It is understood Crown authorities
at Kitchener will be consulted before
action is taken. Scheilbel was shot in
the neck, the bullet coming out of
his mouth, when he refused to
a't Constable Scott's command.
Dirigible Hindenburg
Destroyed by Fire, 35 Deaded
Lakehurst, N. J, — The huge Ger
man dirigible Hindenburg, with nine
ty-nine persons aboard, exploded with
a terrific roar and burst into flames
Thursday evening as she nosed down
to her mooring mast on the sandy
landing field of the United States
Naval Air Station.
She cruised over Northern Jersey,
waiting for a 5 p.m. E.S.T., mooring.
The ground crew had been instructed
to report at that time. Thqn she was
sighted approaching the Lakehurst,’
Air Station, but a rainstorm had'come
up meanwhile, and she was forced to
cruise about still longer.
Several hundred spectators gathered
on the field had watched the cruising;
and waited expectantly for the moor
ing. The big ship had tossed her nose
lines to the ground in a light shower
for a mooring when a terrific explos
ion and outburst of flames occurred.
Thirty-five lost their lives includ
ing Capt. Ernst Lehamann, veteran
Master of Zepplin’s, who died Friday
night from burns. Eleven passengers
and. 21 of the crew are dead from the
Collingwood Co-Editor
Found Dead
Collingwood—The mysterious disa
ppearance of Miss Marjorie Mac-
Murchy, 33-year-old co-editor of the
Collingwood Bulletin, was solved on
Friday, when George Micks found her
body in the water, near the shore.
Miss MacMurchy left her home
about 10 p.m. on the night of April
15, and her whereabuts was unknown
until the body was found.
Plan Another Dirigible
For Atlantic 1 '
Berlin,—Undaunted by the loss of
the Hindenburg, the German Govern
ment moved to place another giant
airship in service between Europe and
North America as soon as possible,
probably within three months.
After a conference with the veteran
dirigible commander, Dr. Hugo Ecek-
ner, the. Reich’s Air Ministry, Gener
al Hermann Goering, ordered the air
ship builders at Friedrichshafen, to
rush to completion the LZ-130, which
was to have been the sister ship of
the Hindenburg.
Duce Flouted By Roumania
Paris, — French officials were told
informally that Roumania has refus
ed a proposal for a treaty of friend
ship and non-aggression with Italy,
similar to the pact which Dictator
Mussolini recently signed with Jugo
The French considered Roumania’s
action a major rebuff for. Mussolini
who has been attempting to build a
diplomatic wall across the Balkans
to protect his rear so ’that he can
push actively his forward policy in
Quebec Plans Hydro System
Quebec, — Study of Premier Maur
ice Duplessis’ bill to embark Quebec
upon public ownership of hydro-elec
tric systems was postponed, and will
come before the Legislature this week.
Third electricity bill introduced at
this session, the new measure, accord
ing to earlier statements by the Prem
ier, would give the Provincial Govern
ment authority to establish a hydro
electric* system similar to Ontario’s.
To Contract Armament Factories
During Wars %
London, — The British Govern
ment rejected proposals for peacetime
nationalization of armaments factor
ies or for more rigid control of priv
ate manufacture.
A government white paper held that
sweeping changes now might disrupt
the $7,500,000,000 defence program
and would be unwise concentration
of an “isolated aspect” of a problem
which should be settled by internat
ional agreement.
There would, however, be
action iti the event of war,
Plan To Train War Veterans
Ottawa, — Part of the drive to get
employment for workless veterans of
the Great War, the .Government de
cided to establish a scheme for the
probational training of ex-service
men. The $250,000 voted by Parlia
ment for this purpose will be applied
to a project by which veterans are to
be reconditioned in the industries with
which they are familiar.
Edward May Marry May 14th
Morns, France, *— The Duke of
Windsor made known while Mrs,
Wallis Warfield Simpson was trying Former Kincardine Lady Passes
on her bate bikie Wedding gown—lhat 1 —on her pate bide Wedding gown—lhat Following a lengthy illness, Lady
.they* will be ’married ”very soon after MacKenzle, wife of Sit Alexander
May 12,” The wedding, probably a
simple affair in the sixteenth-century
library of the Chateau de Cantie, may
be on Friday, May 14.
A stream of wedding gifts, big
packages and small ones, are arriving-
at the Chateau- de Cande. The honey
moon will be spent in Austria.
Coronation Medals To
Be Distributed
Ottawa, —*■ Silver Coronation med
als, along the same general lines as
the Jubilee medals of George V, will
be distributed to 10,000 Canadians, it
was announced by Secretary of State
Kinfret. They will be souvenirs direct
from the King. It will be several
weeks before they are distributed.
No Alberta Election Yet
Edmonton — Premier Aberhart of
Alberta asserted here he had! no des
ire at the present time to call an el
ection, and added he was “not satis
fied that the so-called insurgent mem
bers have the confidence of the
Beware of Fascism And
Communism says Borah
Washington, — Senator William E.
Borah (R., Ida), warned, in a blister
ing attack upon the “savagery” and
“butchery” of Fascist and Communist
Governments, that personal liberties
of all Americans are in greater danger
now than at any time since the Re
public was founded.
Rising unexpectedy in the Senate,
Borah declared that Fascist and Com
munist forces are at work in an “in
sidious and subtle” effort to convert
this nation to their cause.
In Railway Crash
Junction, N.S., — Five
dead after the Canadian
Five Killed
persons are
National Railways’ eastbound Ocean
Limited had crashed into a string of
runaway coal cars and burst into
flame near here. Railwaymen said the
cqal cars broke loose from the yard
at the junction and tore down the
track into the Limited. Confusion fol
lowed the crash,
of the
3 ='ifttiiitituiHLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHininiiniiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiinC
143 Miles On a Tractor
Elmer Ribey of R.R. 3, Tiverton,
made a record trip on a farm tractor
recently when he drove his new Sil
ver King from the factory in Windsor
to his Bruce Township home, a dis
tance of 143 miles. The journey was
made in seven hours at an average
speed of 20 miles per-hour, and ten
gallons of gas were used. Mr. Ribey
stated he enjoyed the trip which, he
claimed, was made in comparative
comfort.—Port Elgin Times.
Transferred From Goderich
To Stratford
Harry S. Griff, for nine years local
manager of the Goderich branch of
the Bell Telephone Company, left to
take over new duties at Stratford. He
is succeeded here by Walter J. Hodge,
who came from Goderich on Monday
from Central office at Stratford.
The departure of Mr. Griff leaves
a vacancy which will be indeed diffi
cult to fill. At all times he was cour
teous, kindly and considerate, and
these traits were a valuable asset not
only in his daily duties but also in
his efforts in the Lions Club in behalf
of the crippled children of the county.
—Goderich Signal, »
Rowe May enter Horse
At Seaforth.
If present plans materialize, Hon,
Earle Rowe, Ontario Conservative
leader, will have an entry at the Dom
inion Day races, Seaforth, this year.
Mr, Rowe has signified his willingness
to be here if at all possible. Meanwhile
arrangements are going ahead for the
full day’s program on July 1st, and
committee of the Turf Club and Ath
letic Association are busy lining up
attractions and a record program for
the big day.—Seaforth Huron Expos
Wellington Conservative Choose
Dr, James McQuibban
Dr, James McQuibban, life long
follower and supporter of the Liberal
Party, accepted the nomination as
Conservative candidate in the riding
of North Wellington made vacant by
the death of his brother, the late Dr.
George McQuibban .In accepting the
nomination, the former Liberal de
clared that his late brother who was
once Liberal Whip and House leader,
was ready to repudiate Prime Minister
Hepburn just before his death and
that he would never have contested
another election for Premier Hep
test, saiesr,
ostfarnoils car bod
ENCE . . . Complete
instrument panel and a
convenient parcel com
partment. Many other
I attractive appointments.
a tape measure with you
and actually check the
extra inches of space.
. . • . for economical transportation
MacKenzie of Kincardine and Flor- former Lucknow men, now of Sher
ence, Italy, passed away in London,
England, Wednesday last week.
She visited Kincardine on numerous
occasions with her distinguished hus
band.—Kincardine News.
Heifer Electrocuted
A peculiar accident occurred in the
stables of the Dippel dairy farm pust
east of Walkerton. A two-year-old
heifer was instantly killed when a
horse in the same stable dislodged
an electric wire and caused it to fall
across the steel stanchion through
which the heifer had its head. A bare
section of wire caused a short circuit
when it struck the stanchion and
caused electrocution of the animal.
Possessed 1797 Coin
David Glenn, a life-long resident of
Dungannon, is in the possession of a
coin which bears the date 1797, and is
140 years old. It is a two-penny piece,
made of copper and weighs exactly
two ounces. It bears the inscription
“Georgius III, D. G.~—Rex,” with the
picture of George III, on one side.
On the other side is portrayed Brit
annia, with the date 1797.
Adjourned Motor Car
Fatality Case
Charges of criminal negligence
against two men arising out of a fatal
accident on King’s highway No. 9,
near Arthur, April 23, were laid over
until May 14 by Magistrate Watt in
police court at Guelph. The two men
charged are Morris Feldman, of Tor
onto, add John Scharbach, of Green
Helen Scharbach, of Greenock, died
from injuries received when a truck
driven by Feldman and a car driven
by Scharbach collided.
Former Lucknow Men Arrested
Arrested at Toronto ott the nomi
nal charge of having stolen goods
tn their possession, John and Frank
Garnlss, father and son respectively,
, . . Smooth-flowing for
smarter streamlining. A
single sheet of solid
Steel, it puts unequalled
protection overhead.
Twice the beauty with glorified “Body by
Fisher” style. Smart and distinguished, from new
“diamond” radiator grille to the capacious built-in
trunk at rear.
Twice the safety . . . with Unisteel construction
throughout—steel sides, steel floor, steel cowl, steel
Turret Top — and Safety Glass in every window;
Twice the comfort. .. with wider seats, flat floors,
improved visibility, new spacious room all ways,
full insulation against heat and cold, and Fisher
No-Draft Ventilation, of course.
Only Chevrolet has “Bodies by Fisher” in the
lowest price field. And no other car priced so low
gives you all these other matchless advantages;
Valve-in-Head Economy engine . . . Knee-Action
gliding ride (in Master De Luxe Models) . . . and
Perfected Hydraulic Brakes. You get the most for
your money when you choose a Chevrolet. Ask us
about the low monthly payments on the General
Motors Instalment Plan.
$BTXEK Master 2-passenger Business Coupe delivered at
K factory, Oshawa, Government taxes, license and
M freight additional. (Prices subject to change
without notice.')
bourne street, Toronto, were unable
to raise $2,000 bail asked when form
ally arranged at Goderich. They were
remanded to county jail to await trial
Thiursday this week.
It is alleged the accused, with Cas
well Hackett, now on trial in Walk
erton, are implicated in the disappear
ance of many household articles from
the home of Mrs. R. D. Cameron,
while she was wintering in the South.
A general check-up is also being made
on the activities of the trio over a
period of months.
Milverton Man Celebrates
93rd Birthday
John McCourt, Milverton’s oldest
resident, celebrated his 93rd birthday
on Monday, May 10. Mr. McCourt
enjoyes fairly good health. He is up
and about his home every day, enjoys
a chat with friends, and very often
entertains them with a tune on his
violin or fife. He is a veteran Orange
man and at the age of eleven years
first played the fife for a local 12th
of July celebration.
Mr. McCourt was born in Ban
bridge, County Down, Ireland, and
is the oldest son of James McCourt,
who was a pioneer of Elma Town
ship. He farmed the greater part of
his life, retiring 26 years ago, when
he came to Milverton to reside.
Purse Snatchers At
Mount Forest
Purse snatchers, who operated at
Mount Forest in broad daylight are
sought by the police.
Mrs. J. Snell was the victim. Her
purse was snatched from under her
arm by two men while she was cross
ing Fergus street near the public
school shortly before noon. The men
escaped in a coupe model car.
She screamed, then rati to the near
est telephone and called the police,
but the men drove up Fergus street
and onto Conn road so quickly no
trace of them could be found, One
man, who ran out from his house
when the woman screamed, secured
a fairly accurate description of the
A Mrs. McDougall was with Mrs.
Shipping Timber To
Old Country
There has been considerable activ
ity in the lumbering industry lately.
During the past week one car load of
logs was shipped from Alvinston and.
two carloads- from Ailsa Craig. Of
these, one was consigned to Glasgow
and two to Liverpool.
This lumber is rock elm and is to
be used for ship building. There re
mains to be shipped out, one carload
for Bermuda, two cars for Liverpool,
and one for Belfast. The price is high
er at present than for the past 10
years. In all, there have been about
40 cars of export timber shipped dur-*
ing the past year.
At present the men are taking out
square timber, two cars of which ate
consigned to Glasgow. Also consid
erable white ash is being cut. This
latter is used for tennis rackets, hand
les for forks, spades, etc.
On Guaranteed Trait
A legal investment for
Trust Funds
Unconditionally Guaranteed