HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-05-06, Page 7GORRIE
, Queen Elizabeth King George VI
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Earl, Misses
Bertha and Laura, of Ethel, spent
Thursday with Mrs. Earl’s father, Mr,
R. S,_ Clegg.
Mr. and Mrs, Ira Hamilton and. son
.Jackie, spent Sunday with the form
er’s mother, Mrs. A. Hamilton. Jackie
remained for a longer visit 'with his
Mr. and Mrs, Michael, of Goderich,
spent the week-end with their son,
Mr, Cloyne and Mrs. Michael.
Mr. F. C. Taylor received a letter
on Saturday which had been through
• the train wreck at Tilsonburg a week
ago. The address was almost all
washed away and the envelope had
been so badly torn it was necessary
for the' department to paste it togeth
Mr, and Mrs. John Hyndman visit
ed. with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hicks at
Harriston one day last week.
Institute to Meet May 11th
The Gorrie Women’s Institute will
hold their regular monthly meeting st
the home of Mrs. Victor Shera on
Tuesday, May 11th, at 3 p.m. sharp.
Roll Call will be answered by nam
ing a member of the Royal Family
u-or telling some interesting incident
jffMfegarding the Royal Family. The
/^delegates to the Girls’ Conference at
Guelph. There will also be a demon
stration on Making Omelets. Visit
ors welcome. Kindly note the change
in date.
Special Coronation Service is being
held in the United Church next Sun
day at 11 a.m.
Mrs. Arthur Shaw of Bluevale vis
ited with her cousin, Miss Kaine, on
Thursday last.
Mrs Oliver Stewart received word
■on Saturday of the death of her aunt,
Miss Frances Coates, who died early
’Saturday morning. Miss Coates’ fun
eral was held on Monday from the
home of her brother, Mr. Ed. Coates,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coles who have
•spent the winter in Wingham, return
ed to their home here on Sunday.
Miss Jean Vittie spent Sunday at
her home, north of Gorrie.
Mrs. A. Earls and son, Mr. Frank
Earls of near Wroxeter, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ira McLean and Marilyn, Brus
sels, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr-, and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie.
Mrs. and Aliss Ross accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen and son,
Jimmie, of Wroxeter, to Kitchener
on Sunday when they visited with the
former’s son, Dr. W. J. Ross.
Miss Gilkinson spent the week-end
with her friends, Miss Evelyn Ste
Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitfield and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Whitfield were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston at
Mr. Spencer Ashton and friend Miss
M. Bell, of Toronto, also Miss Beryl-
Ashton of Seaforth, spent the week
end with Mrs. R. A. Ashton.
* Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were
.^jkfanday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Gallaher, near Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. K.. Hueston visited
friends in Toronto, Kincardine, Walk
erton and Wingham last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe, Pais
ley, were guests of the latter’s sister,
ley, were guests of the latter’s sisters,
Misses E. and B. Potter on Sunday.
Misses E. and B. Potter and Mrs.
Ritchie spent’a day in Stratford last
Mrs. G. Barton spent a few 'days
in Toronto last week.
Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie, of Mit
chell, visited their daughter, Mrs.
Ramage and Dr. Ramage on Sunday.
Go.rrie’s new industry, chicken hat
ching ,is making good progress, as
Mr. Farrish reports many orders com
ing in for pullets and baby chicks.
St. Stephen’s
Friday evening
The meeting,
and social, was
Auxiliary Held Shower
The regular meeting of the Junior
Girls’ Auxiliary of
Church was held on
last at the Rectory,
which was devotional
conducted by the president, Miss N.
Dinsmore, and opened with hymn and
prayers followed by Scripture reading
by Miss Ivy Lawrence. Miss Nellie
Dinsmore gave an interesting paper
on the annual meeting held in Lon
don last week which she attended.
Mrs. O’Neil also gave a talk on same.
After several games and contests had
been enjoyed a handkerchief, shower
was presented to Miss Ivy Lawrence
and an address read after which she
made a suitable reply. Lunch was
served during a social half hour.
Thursday, May 6th, 1937
Howick School Children gave a
splendid performance at the Musical
Festival held in Walkerton on Fri
day last. A packed auditorium follow
ed attentively while School Inspector
J. M. Game ran off the various class
es. Mr. Roy Fenwick, Provincial
Supervisor of Music, was adjudicator,
and paid a high tribute to the musical
ability and training of several con
testants from this township. As read
ers are interested in results, we give
the judging in full, as follows:
School Choir (3 or more rooms)—
Sacred Heart Convent, Walkerton;
Formosa; Walkerton Public School.
Vocal Solo (Boys over 10 years)—
Jack Bricker, Fordwich; Donald Go*'
an; Howard Nicholson; Elmer Dob
School Choir (2 rooms)—Wroxeter,
Gor'rte, Tara.
Harmonica Solo—Earl Zeigler, Ar
ran; Ward Wettlaufer, Elmwood;
Jimmy Angel, Arran.
Piano Solo—Eleanor Carson, Gor
rie; Edna Grant, Elderslie; Glenna
Emkay, Elmwood.
Vocal Solo (girls under 10 years)
—Thelma Denny, Wroxeter; Beth
Hall, Tara; Frances Cunningham,
Elmwod. i Mr. G. A. Deverell moved last week
School Choir (one room)—Ford-■ to Gorrie where he intends opening
wich, No. 17, Howick; No. 6, Brant; I a jewelery business.
No. 9, Arran. I The sympathy of the community is
School Choir (open, 2 parts)—No. [ extended to Mrs. J. J. Collins and
5, Howick; No. 5, Arran; Sacred!
Heart Convent. i
Vocal Solo (boys 10 years and un-|
der)—Alfred Zittle, Formosa; Clare
Graff (Sacred Heart); Leo Ernbein,
Vocal Solo (girls over 10 years) —
Eleanor Ashton, No. 8, Howick; Wil
ma Giles, No. 8, Howick; Margaret
Martright, Walkerton Public School.;
Violin Solo—Donald Craig,- Walk- i
erton. f
.Mr. Fenwick conducted a large fes-1
tival choir of picked voices from 25 i
schools in four delightful numbers. I
The standard was excellent, and high |
honours of the day go to the pupils
of Miss Evelyn Stephens, who car
ried off seven firsts and one second.
family on the death on Thursday of
last week in Listowel Memorial Hos-
pital of Mr. Collins. The funeral was
I held on Saturday in Dundas.
Wroxeter School Honored at Musical
FestivalJ! Congratulations are extended to the
pupils of our Public School, and to
their teachers, Mr. H. Bryans and
Miss M. Wright, as on Friday of last
week at the Musical Festival in Walk
erton this school was well to the front
in prize-winning, securing 80 points.
First prize in chorus work was award
ed the Wroxeter pupils and Thelma
Denny won first place in solo work,
out of about forty entries. Miss Ev
elyn Stephens, who has been teach
ing music in the school here for about
two years now, deserves great credit
for the way in which the class is pro
spent the week-end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Robin
Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Palmerston,
visited op Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. MacLcan.
Mr. and Mis. Arthur Fitch, Alvin
and Gladys, Salem, also Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Montgomery and family and
Mrs/ M. C. McKennitt, of Toronto,
were Sunday guests of Miss Beatrice
and Mr. Thomas Shearer.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rasmussen and
family, London, spent the week-end
with the former’s -mother, Mrs. Ras
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Wright, also
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munroe, spent
Sunday with friends at Idstowel.
Young People’s Union
A very pleasant social evening was
enjoyed by the members of the Y.
P. U. on Monday evening when they
had as their guests the members of
Brussels Y.P.U. who were in charge
of a very interesting programme. The
hymn “What a Friend" we have in
Jesus” opened the meeting. Miss N.
Baeker, Brussels, gave a paper on
"Friendship” after which all joined
in the singing of "Blest be the tie
that binds.” Miss Marie Davidson
favored with a piano solo. A male
quartette, Messrs. Lloyd Wheeler,
Rev. Mahoney, Elmer Bell and Jack
Bate contributed a number, Accord-
ian music by Rev. Mr. Mahoney was
very much enjoyed. Following an in
teresting programme the local society
entertained at progressive crokinole,
and served refreshments at the close.
Mrs, J. Lovell opened her home for
the April meeting of the Wroxeter
W. I. on Friday of last week. The
president, Mrs. J. Adams, presided,
and twenty-one members and visitors
were present. The meeting was open
ed by the singing of the Ode, follow
ed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. A
very satisfactory report of the year’s
work was presented by Mrs. R. Rae.
Mrs. J. J. Allen, district director,
gave a report of the executive meet
ing held at Gorrie on Thursday of
last week. The district annual will
be held at Bluevale on June 2nd with
a morning session at 10.00 and after
noon session at 1 o’clock. Plans were ■
also given for the beautifying with i
shrubs and flowers in our village. The
report of the nominating committee
was received and the following offic- j
ers elected for the coming year. i
President—Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin. 1
Yice I’res.—Mrs. W. A. Sawtell, <
Sec.-Treas.—Mrs. R. Rae.
Branch Directors—Mrs
leu, Mrs. Stocks, Miss
Mrs. J. Adams.
District Director—Mrs, J. J. Allen.
Press Sec,—Mrs. D. S. MacNaugh-
Pianist—Mrs. J. N. Allen.
Lunch Com.—Mrs. Maclean, Mrs.
Programme Com.—Mrs. Rae, Mrs.
Auditors—Mrs. Wearring, Miss E..
I’. Hazlewood. •I
Owing to Painful Rheumatism
This woman suffered from rheuma
tism in her back, arms and legs. For
two months, she endured this painful
condition, then, like many another
sufferer, she decided to try Kruschen
Salts, Read her letter:
"About fifteen months ago I hat!
rheumatism in my arms, back an<t
legs. The pain in my arms and legs
after getting warm in bed were almost
unbearable, I was like that for tWQ
months, and could not reach above my*
head. I read so much about Kruschen
Salts that I thought I would try therm
I am so glad to say that for mor^
than a year I have not had the slight
est return of my rheumatism.” —
(Mrs.) H.E.
The pains and stiffness of rheuma
tism arc frequently due to deposits of
uric acid in the muscles and joints.
Kruschen Salts assist in stimulating
the internal organs to healthy, reg
ular activity and help them to get rid;
of this excess uric acid.
Rhubarb Jam
3% cups (2 lbs.) prepared fruit
4 cups (1% lbs.) sugar •
1 box powdered fruit pectin
To prepare fruit, trim and slice fine-
(do not peel) about 2 pounds small
red-stalked rhubarb. Add 1 cup sug--
ar, mix, and let stand 15 minutes.
This cup of sugar is in addition to
the 4 cups specified above.
Measure 4 cups sugar into dry dish
and set aside until needed. Measure
prepared fruit into a 5 to 6-quart ket
tle, filling up last cup or fraction of
cup with water if necessary; place
over hottest fire. Add powdered fruit
pectin, mix well, and continue stirring
until mixture comes to a hard bolt *
At once pour in sugar, stirring con
stantly. (To reduce foaming, % tea
spoon butter may be added. Continue
stirring, bring to a full rolling both
and boil hard 1 minute. Remove from
fire, skim, pour quickly. Paraffin hot
jam -at once. Makes about 7 glasses-
(6 fluid ounces each).
Rhubarb Jelly
cups (1%. lbs.) juice
cups (315 lbs.) sugar
bottle fruit pectin
prepare juice, cut about'3 lbs.
red-stalked rhubarb into 1-inch pieces
I and put through food chopper. Place
fruit in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze
out juice. Measure sugar and juice In
to large saucepan and mix. Bring to
j a boil over hottest fire and at once
; add bottled fruit pectin, stirring con-
’stantly. Then bring to a full rolling
‘ Boil and br.il hard V minute. Re-
J. J. Al- move from fire, skim, pour quickly.
MacEwen, ‘ Paraffin hot jelly at once. Makes
about 11 glasses, 6 fluid ounces each.
i ____________
wZm Edwhim the SCf.o<taUd for foe pro«S-
irt London during a rehearsal drive j sion oft May 12.
over the coronation route to correct «
The King's cotonfttion state coach,
drawn by the Windsor grays with full
The East Huron District Executive
held a very successful meeting in
Gorrie on Thursday last when repre
sentatives from the seven Women’s
Institutes in the district were present,
Mrs. Wardlaw of Ethel, President,
occupied the chair, and minutes were
read by the secretary, Miss M. Olive
Scott, Bluevale. Business was dealt
with pertaining to the work and plans
laid for the district annual to be held
in Bluevale on June 2nd. Owing to
the fact that there will be three speak
ers, there will be a morning session
opening at 10 a.m. when it is hoped
all business will be dealt with.
The result of the election of of
ficers for 1937-38 were as follows:
President—Mrs. Spciran, Brussels.
Vice Pres.—Mrs. F. Demmerling,
2nd Vice Pres.—Mrs. Kaine, Gorrie.
Sec.-Treas.—Miss M. 'Olive Scott,
Federated Rep,-—Miss Scott.
At the close of the meeting the lad
ies of the Gorrie branch served lunch.
Mr. I). D. Sanderson spent a
days this week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Rann and fam
ily, of Brussels, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann.
Mrs. H. Waller visited friends in
Toronto during the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mercer and
family, of Markdale, were week-end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Mrs. C. Stuart who has spent sev
eral weeks with friends here, return
ed to her home in Toronto on Sun
Miss Mabel Patterson left this
week on a two months’ vacation trip
to Western Canada.
Mr. Wm. Patterson, who has been
spending the winter in OwcJn Sound,
returned to his home here on Satur
day. •
The euchre and dance held here in
the Town Hall on Friday evening and
sponsored by Mr. Alfred Bates, was
fairly well attended. At the euchre
the gentleman’s prize was won by Mr.
Ken Edgar, and the ladies' prize by
Miss Minerva Higgins. Music for the
dance was supplied by the Sangster
Orchestra from T.akelet.
Messrs. Bill Durst and Alvin Hud
son were London visitors one day
last week.
A play entitled "Simple Simon Sim
ple" is being presented in the Town
Hall here on Friday evening of this
week under the auspices of the Wrox-
ctor Bowling Club. This play slirmld
provide a splendid evening’s enter
tainment, being produced by local tal
ent, many of the players comprising
the cast having shown their ability in
former plays, and we feel sure this
will be worth seeing.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Jackman, Tor
onto, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Brown,
Mr. George Brown returned from
Guelph on Saturday having complet
ed his first year’s studies at Ontario
Veterinary College.
Mr. M. & Aikenhead, London, was
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Mac-
Naughton, on Thursday of last week.
Miss Meta McT«aughlin spent the
week-end with her friend, Miss Mar
garet Harris,
"The good man’s hope is laid far
far beyond th’e sway of tempests or
the furious sweep of mortal desola
tion.”—H. K. White.
* * *
"To calculate one’s life-prospects
from a material basis, would infringe
upon spiritual law and misguide hu
man hope.”—Mary Baker Eddy.-f * *
"We do not raise our hand- to the
void for things beyond hope.”—Rab
indranath Tagore.
* % #
"The worldly hope men set their
an inspiration for meal planners. Did hearts upon turn- ashes-—or it pros-
ynu ever taste home-made rhubarb pers; and anon, like «now upon the
jam and jelly? These recipes preserve desert’s dusty face. lighting a little
all of the natural flavor of the fruit [hour or two—is gone.”—Omar Khay—
itself.' * yam.
By Betty Barclay
Robins and rhubarb! Who says
spring isn't here already? The pink,
crisp stalks of our earliest fruit are
now seen in all the markets, offering
**■ —gniiw.ii.iie * | IQ II'
® tEMONA . -EIB^rI ■
////•' ■ '/ Iti 1 tflr4NZUOL0
This map-diagram illustrates the
military situation around Bilbao, the
capita! of the Basque republic on the
Bay of Biscay coast. Its defenders
were overwhelmed ten' days ago and
they have been forced back oft to
weaker positions a few mites from-
Bilbao, The new line is buttressed by
Mount Jala, Pagasorri and Ertsa and
Miss Irene Robinson, of Goderich, runs just east of Larrabezua, probab-
ly to the northwest of Lemoru and
to the west of Softswroslro and Pov-
ena« all of xvldth are located on the
map. Massed German artillery and
bombing aeroplanes render the plight
of the Basques desperate. The city
of Guernica, where 300 civilians wero
massacred by bombing aeroplanes, ap»
pears oft the map. The loyalists near*
ly reached B in a sudden cotrntec-at*