HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-05-06, Page 3Thursday, May 6th, 1937 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
°r WHltt
Buchanan Hardware, Wingham
Battleship Sunk by Airplane
Bilbao, Spain—The choppy waters
of the Bay of Biscay hid the fate of
600 or more members of the crew of
the rebel sea-raider Espana, first bat
tleship in all naval history to be sunk
by an airplane. The Espana sank
when a 210-pound bomb — dropped
from a height of one and two-third
miles — dropped' down her funnel and
exploded arpidships.
I document declares the “inalienable”
their own form of government, and
provides for election of a President
by direct vote. The Constitution,
making no mention of Great Britain
or the King, designates Irish as the
national language. De Valera will of
fer the new Constitution for ratifica
tion in a plebiscite to be held simul
taneously with the general elections,
expected late in June.
Alberta Minister Refused to Quit
Edmonton—Requested by - Premier
Aberhart to resign as Alberta’s Min
ister of Agriculture, Hon. W. N.
Chant refused to quit his Cabinet post
until he obtained “more definite rea
sons” for the Premier’s demand. Pre
mier Aberhart in his letter, dated Ap
ril 28th, asking for Mr. Chant’s re
signation, said he had felt for some
time there was “need of more aggres
siveness and higher efficiency in the
Department of Agriculture of which
you are Minister.”
C.I.O. Intimidating Employees
With the Ontario Silknit Limited
refusing absolutely to sign an agree
ment with a C.I.O. organization, the
C.I.O. system of intimidation of em
ployees, threats of violence, and at
tempts to terrorize workers, con
agcr of the International Ladies’ Gar
ment Workers’ Union, which is the
local affiliateci with the IX.
Ottawa—-Canada will be linked, by
air with Europe and the Orient late
this summer, as giant flying boats
crossing the Atlantic in twenty-five to
thirty hours will connect with the
Trans-Canada Air Lines ffom Hali
fax to Vancouver, which in turn will
be linked with services from Edmon
ton to White Horse in the Yukon and
Nome, Alaska, also with Pan-Ameri
can Airways across the-Pacific. The
Trans-Canada Air Lines service will
be inaugurated July 1st.
Link in Airway,
to Orient
Manslaughter Charged
Said by a Coroner’s jury to have
driven his car recklessly the night
Stephen Stanley (Steve) Conick, hoc
key star from Sudbury, was fatally
hurt, Gordon Nichol, 477 Cannon St.
East, Hamilton, aged 23, was arrest
ed at his home by Detectives Stanley
Gaylard and John Thompson on a
charge of manslaughter.
Dominion Relief Grant Down $200,000
The Federal grant-in-aid to the
Province of Ontario for direct relief
has been' reduced from $803,250 per
month to $600,000, Premier Mitchell
Hepburn announced. The reduction
will be effective from May 1 to July
1. Relief receipients in the Province
will not suffer because of the reduc
tion, however. The Provincial Gov
ernment will continue existing financ
ial arrangements with the municipal
R. O. P, Flock average
for last Four years ,...,
232.5 Eggs per Bird
McKenzie, C. W. Alton,
to the committee to inquire
best equipment suitable for
ing fire in small places.
No guess work with Roe Chicks
bred to the bone for Production
and Health, with the one Aim
Insure the future with this stock
—-from individually pedigreed
males from our R. O.P, Hens
-10,000 bird plant-an outstand
ing Pedigree Breeding Farm.
Flock 100% Pullorum Clean
Leghorns - N<?w Hampshire®-Rocks
Write for our Reasonable
Prices, Customers’ Reports, and
try to Match our Quality..
Dr. Elwpod Roe
• atwood ’ • ontAw^
the newspaper, Essen National Zeit-
ung, Air Minister Hermann W. Goer
ing’s mouthpiece, revealed.
Thomas I
into the
Valera Says All Ireland Independent
Dublin—A new Constitution, de
claring all Ireland a “sovereign, in
dependent democratic state,” was-pub
lished by President Eamon de Valera
of the Irish Free State. Hailed as a
personal triumph for de Valera, the
right of the Irish people to choose
London Busmen on Strike
London—A strike of London’s bus
men, which may tie up the Capital’s
chief public transport system through
the Coronation season, began Satur
day. In the city 12,800 drivers and
12,700 conductors began their walk
out, called because their demands for
reduction of the eight-hour ‘working
day by half an hour and for slower
bus schedules were rejected.
British) Miners to Strike
London—The Mine Workers’ Fed
eration set Saturday, May 22, as the
date for a general strike in the min
ing fields of England and Wales, pro-
vidied no settlement to a dispute, is
reached previously. The federation
was authorized by a huge majority of
miners in a referendum to call a na
tional strike if the situation in Not
tinghamshire was not clarified.
Recommend No Grant for
Duke of Windsor
London—No grant to the Duke of
Windsor will be recommended, it was
understood here as the Select Com
mittee of the House of Commons on
the King’s Civil List concluded its
work. Political circles anticipated that,
the committee’s report, to be submit
ted to the House of Commons later,
would recpmmned provision for the
Royal household on the same lines
as in previous years, with slight mod
B. C. and Yukon Merger Confirmed
Ottawa—Senator Raoul Dandurand,
Acting Prime Minister, confirmed that
negotiations between the Dominion
and British Columbia Governments
over the Yukon territory, have reach
ed! an advanced stage. Under the
.agreement,., the Dominion will retain
Federal services like Postoffices, In
dian Affairs and Customs.
Quebec Premier Orders
C.I.O. Leaders Arrested
Montreal—Leaders of the current
dress-workers’ strike were ordered ar
rested on charges of conspiracy
against public order by the direct au
thority of Premier and Attorney-Gen
eral Maurice Duplessis. The Premier
also ordered they be held without
bail. They - are Raoul Tr.epanier,
Strike Committee Chairman and Pres
ident of the Montreal Trades and La
bor Council, and Bernard Shane, Man-
Labor Riot in Montreal
Montreal—Fifteen hundred long
shoremen, their rank-and-file hostilit
ies only intensified by the paper truce
between officials of rival waterfront
labor unions here, clashed on the
Montreal docks in the bloodiest ,labor
riot Montreal has seen in ten years.
Listowel Council Grants
Hospital $5,000
Listowel Council granted $5,000 to
Listowel Memorial Hospital to aid
in erection of a new wing. The grant
will be paid in five yearly instalments
of $1,000. Previously Perth County
Council granted the hospital $10,000
for the wing. At the special
of council, members of the
board outlined plans for the
dition and told council the
building was not large enough to ac
commodate the number of patients
who use the hospital,
new ad-
Lucknow Man Again in Trouble
Already on bail and waiting trial in
two counties, Bruce and Huron, in
volving theft charges, Caswell Hack
ett, young married Lucknow man,
was again taken into custody Fri
day night and appeared Thursday af
ternoon before Magistrate J. A. Mak
ins at Goderich. This time Hackett
is alleged to have stolen an electric
washer from the home of Mrs. R. G.
Cameron, of Lucknow, while she was
spending the winter in California, He
is further alleged to have sold the
wash in Goderich for $30. Without
pleading or electing, Hackett was re
manded to jail’ for a week, the crown
wishing to make further investigation.
Fire at Milverton
A blaze that threatened to assume
serious proportions was brought un
der control Friday afternoon at Mil
verton after flames had almost com
pletely gutted the engine room of the
George Melrose and Son chopping
mill. The fire starting from the over
heated exhaust of an oil-driven mill
engine, spread to fuel oil spilled about
the floor and the flames quickly filled
the room.
New Low Price each
For Sale at McKibbon’s Drug Store
Ontario House in London Sold
The Sale of Ontario House in Lon
don, Eng., for $150,000, was announc
ed. by Hon. Duncan Marshall, Min
ister of Agriculture. It is believed
this price represents a substantial
loss. The Government attempted to
sell the property shortly after taking
Office, but refused to accept the low
prices offered by several agents. On
tario House was opened, in the heart
of the Empire to aid! in the sale of
Ontario-grown and manufactured
goods. But, with the extension of
activities in Canada House, which is
maintained and operated by the Can
adian Government, it was felt that the
Provincial establishment was unnec
essary and should be abolished.
Hepburn Says No Election
Premier Hepburn emphatically de-
neid the truth of a newspaper report
that June 22nd had been set as the
date for a Provincial general election.
“The Government hasn’t given any
thought to a general election for this
year,” said Mr. Hepburn. “There isn’t
a tittle of truth, in any report that
we are going to have an election
soon. We haven’t even considered
such a thing.”
building auth-
He said the
to offer poss-
best tracks in
of the
Three New Projects for Lucknow
Three projects — a new race track,
an arena and a post office — are un
der consideration for Lucknow. The
Lucknow Agricultural Society dis
cussed details of the race track with
a surveyor and track
ority from Guelph.
Lucknow site seemed
ibilities as one of the
Canada. He placed the cost of the
completed half-mile track, fencing,
drainage, etc., at $1,500. A commit
tee was named to further investigate.
The skating rink proposal is also be
ing considered locally. The post of
fice seems assured this year as $15,000
was appropriated in the federal esti
mates for this project. Word is ex
pected to commence soon. Property
at Campbell and Ingles streets is sug
gested as the likely site for the build
Safety Deposit Boxes are maintained by this
Bank at all its principal Branches. Here for a
small annual rental, wills, title deeds, mort
gages, insurance policies, bonds and stock
certificates, and other valuables, may be
stored under the protection of the most
modern devices for the prevention of burg
lary or loss by fire. 444
From all Stations In Eastern Canada
GOING DAILY—MAY 21-31 Inclusive
Return Limit i 45 dayd , ,
tickets good in -
• COACHES at fares approximately leper mile.
• TOURIST SLEEPING Cars at fares approximately lKopermUA.
• STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately lHeper miMi
• BAGGAGE Checked Stopoverfl at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago
Montreal Plans $42,000,000
Work Program
Motreal—Five Montreal Aidermen
left for Ottawa where they will con
fer with Government officials over
the city’s proposed $42,000,000 public
works program. The public works
scheme is aimed! to end the* dole by
providing jobless with work. The Ai
dermen hope to have the Federal
Government bear 2-5 the cost of the
undertaking, with the Provincial Gov
ernment underwriting another 2-5, and
the city itself taking care of the re
maining .1-5.
3 =
Kids Shooting Robins
One of our readers informs us that
of late he has found a number of
dead robins in his yard, which to all
appearances were the victims of boys
who used them for targets while out
shooting with sling-shots or air-rifles.
Molesting robins or other protected
birds is a very serious offence and,
parents should warn thei^ children
against this practice.—Milverton Sun.
Goderich May Get New Factory
Negotiations for the establishment
of a branch of a shoe manufacturing
company, nationally known, in God
erich, are said to be nearing comple
tion. The Town Council held a spec
ial session in conference with com
pany representatives who wish to
take over the former Art Craft fac
tory, owned by the town . The nego
tiations will continue this week.
Chinese to Have School for Brides
Shanghai—Preparations were being
made for construction of a “school
for brides” at Kiangwan village, a
Shanghai suburb, made possible by
donation of $80,000 from a wealthy
Chinese woman whose name has not
been revealed. The institution will
be operated by Mrs. Herman C. E.
Lilt, a Chinese woman writer, wife of
a leading Shanghai educationist, and
now General Secretary of the Wo
men’s Christian Temperance Union.
She already has charge of two schools
for former slave-girls.
Suffers Strange Accidient
Mr. Andrew Rowland jwas the vic
tim of a very painful accident Mon
day morning when he suffered the
fracture of several small bones in his
neck when in the act of jumping-down
from the haymow in his barn, an act
he' had performed daily without in
jury for many years. Mr. Rowland
is at present receiving medical treat-
■ment in Owen Sound Hospital.—Port
Elgin Times.
Sheriff of Frontenac
Fred R. Davies, publisher of the
Review-Reporter until its acquisition
by the Kincardine News on April 1st,
has been- appointed sheriff of the
county of Frontenac. Announcement
of the appointment was made by Hon.
Paul Leduc, attorney-general.
Davies had resided in Kingston
some time and is familiar with
Just Kids, But Quit—
In broad daylight, in our stores,
children of tender age, are swiping
goods and think they are getting away
with'; it. They are not! The eyes of
the merchants are open to their tricks
and arrests will be made shortly. The
children are known; but the parents
are being considered. Now is the
time for the parents to have them
warned, and it will keep themselves,
and also their offsprings, out of
trouble. A, word to the wise is
ficient.—Teeswater News.
Injured Eye Removed
Fred W. Harper, who had his
injured recently while repairing
fence at the Evangelical cemetery,
found that the other eye was being
affected, by the injury, and he was
hurried to the Toronto General Hos
pital on Monday to have the injured
optic removed. The operation was
successfully performed, and the pat
ient expects to be able to return home
in about two weeks.—Mildmay* Gaz
Won Bargaining Rights
Detroit—The United Automobile
Workers of America won exclusive
bargaining rights in the Packard Mo
tor Cat Company’s plants by polling
81% of the votes cast in the indus
try’s first labor election under the re
cently-validated Wagner Act. Frank
H. Bowen, Regional Director of the
National Labor Relations
which supervised the election, ah'
nounCed that 11,588 Packard employ*
ees voted “yes” artd 2,655 voted' “no’
on the question.
Clifford Agent to Goderich
J. L. Taylor, Clifford C.N.R. agent,
has been transferred to Goderich and
.takes up his duties there May 4th. Mr.
Taylor has held the position of sta
tion agent at Clifford for 34 years.
Nazis Hold 1,000 Priests
Berlift—More than 1,000 Catholic
priests are now in Gorman prisons
awaiting trial on immorality charges,
Dungannon Considers
Fire Equipment
A Dungannon committee is investi
gating s'uitable fire protection for the
village, following a public meeting.
Subscriptions were raised at the ga
thering to pay the firemen who came
from 'district points to battle the out
break four weeks ago. Heber J. L.
Eedy was elected chairman and G.
C. Trcleaven secretary-treasurer of
the meeting. H. J. L. Hedy, Lome
Rivet t and L J- Ry&h wcre appointed!
N/fOST everyone realizes that it is their duty to
1 make a will, but it is also a privilege. If yon
do not take advantage of the opportunity, the law
arranges the disposition of your estate according
to a set rule, It gives no special consideration to
those who have shared your difficulties during
your life time, nor does it make provision for some
one who may be specially dependent upon you for
their livelihood
If there is no will, and the distribution of
your estate is not in accordance with your wishes,
it is not the fault of the law, but yours, and it is
then too late for you to do anything about it.
Send for our free Booklet entitled
“'Alv Duty and Privilege”.
The Grey & Bruce Trust & Savings
Owen Sound, Ont.
O. E. Manning, W. M. Telford,
Gen. Manager. Sec’y-Treas.
at the wedding. She is
J. Campbell, of Aylmer.
Copeland performed the
Following the marriage
flower girl
now Mrs,
Rev. Mr,
the young couple took up farming on
lot 33, East Wawanosh, where they
still reside. This union was blessed
with four of a family, Mrs. Sidney
McClinchey, Auburn; Mrs. Reginald
ennings, Windsor; Madeline and
Lloyd, at home.
Hanover Has First Market
Though sue h a move has been
rnpoted on different occasions during
recent years, a start was made last
Saturday in having a farmer’s market
in Hanover, when about a dozen far
mers brought stuff in here and dispos
ed of practically all of it. The mar
ket was held in the fall fair building.
—Hanover Post.
Seaforth Stores Entered
Thieves gained entry to ’ the store
of Isaac Hudson on Main Street
some time Saturday morning and af
ter forcing open a desk drawer, took
some ten dollars in silver. Entry was
also made in the McGavin store next
door, but nothing apparently was tak
en. Provincial police are investigat
ing. —-Seaforth Huron Expositor.
Individual Chicken Pies
Cook, medium size chicken (3% to
4 lbs.) until it falls off the bones.
Add 1 teaspoon minced onion to
chicken while cooking. Shred chick
en and add to stock which has been
cooked down. If necessary thicken
with a little flour as for creamed
For Crust (rich pie crust)
( 2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder, sifte’d
with flour
4 tablespoons shortening
Yz cup cold water
Roll bottom crust and line ’pattie
pans. Fill with chicken mixture and
put on top crust. Bake 12 to 15 min
utes in moderate oven.
Pat: “A fellow can’t get a job in-
this town till he’s worked here for a
Gets 35 Eggs One Day from 38 Hens
Mrs. Milton Hood is naturally
proud of a flock of 38 hens. Recently
She received 35 eggs from the 38 hens
in one day, They have laid well all
winter, she said.—Palmerston Observ
Westfield Couple 33 Years Married
Mr. and Mrs. William Walden, of
Westfieldj quietly celebrated their
33rd wedding anniversary at their
home Tuesday last week. Mrs. Wal
den was formerly Clara McDowell,
daughter of thd late Mr. and Mrs,
John McDowell, pioneer resident of
East Wawanosh, where Mrs. Walden
spent her early girlhood. On April 27,
1304, she was married to William
Walden of Hullett. Ella Taylor was
Ind remember, Only Quality Rainf
can PROTECT Your Home!
It pays to use a quality paint—and quality is guaranteed'
in writing when you buy Martin-Senour 100% Pure:
Paint. No useless adulterants are used in the prepara
tion of this sterling product. The pure white lead and'
zinc oxide base gives you protection that lasts, Cover
age that saves you money—beauty that does not fade.
Smooth flowing-—quick drying—high gloss
enamel. Good for inside and outside. 26
glorious colors, plus the revolutionary
“Crystal Clear” finish.
Donald Rae & Son