HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-04-29, Page 8^AGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, April 29th, 1937 ", Show Starts at 8 p.m In “PEPPER” Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 29, 30, May 1st JANE WITHERS IRVIN S. COBB — SLIM SUMMERVILLE A Picture Full of Comedy ------Also------- Mickey Mouse — Musical Revue and News. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 3rd, 4th, 5th “That Girl from Paris” ------With------- LILY PONS — JACK OAKIE GENE RAYMOND A Musical Romance. Comedy and Pathe Topics. I Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 6th, 7th, 8th “Loyds of London” WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer, of Culross, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Luck­ now, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Welwood,’ of Caledon, who had been visiting with friends in Blyth, called on her bro­ thers, and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer on Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held last Wednesday in the Church with Mrs. G. Gillespie in charge. The Scripture lessons were read, by Miss Genevieve Watt and Miss Agnes Gil­ lespie. Mrs. McBrien gave a reading and Miss Laidlaw had charge of the chapter in the Study Book. It was decided that Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Mrs. Victor Emerson and Mrs. Gillespie and Agnes should attend the W.M.S. Presbytery meeting in Goderi,ch on Tuesday. Miss Christena Inglis, of Toronto, •and Mr. Alec Inglis, of Nova Scotia, spent the week-end at, the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Inglis, and on Tuesday evening they •entertained a number of their friends •and neighbors before the young cou- finished modern all day considerable pie returned to their work on Wed­ nesday. Their many friends rejoice with them that they have their new home, with all the improvements. The little gale that blew Wednesday last did damage to the roofs of barns and houses in this district. Mr. Weaver had difficulty in saving his barn. Mr. Jack Johnston and Mr. Thos. O’Mal­ ley had the heads of their windmills taken off. Telephone poles were blown over, disrupting the service. Mr. Su­ therland had a large tree in the cor­ ner of his garden blown down, and very few ventured out on the roads in the heavy wind. . Born—On Wednesday, April 21st, in Mountain Avenue Private Hospit­ al, .Hamilton, to Mr .and Mrs. Fred Newman, a daughter, Elizabeth Jane. On account of the serious condi­ tion of Mrs. Newman, Mr. Newman was called to Hamilton on Saturday, returning on Sunday. He was accom­ panied by Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Far­ rier, who spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Sherriff there. ' Rev. J. Pollock and Mr. James Laidlaw left on Monday to attend the meeting of the Synod at Sarnia for three days. On account of the serious illness of Mrs. James McGee, her son, Rob­ ert, was called from Windsor last Tuesday; Mrs. Simpson, her niece, from London, was also called, and her family, Misses Della, Jean, Olive and John, and Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe and little son, have also- been here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. McLean and dau­ ghter, Marilyn, of Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. Cross and children, Walk­ erton, also visited with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. McLean. Rev. and Mrs. J. Pollock, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Robert Mowbray and Mrs. A. Emerson motored to London last Wednesday to attend the meet­ ing of the Provincial Presbytery. • Mr. and Mrs. Neil Robb and son, Orville, of Stratford, and her cousin, Mrs. W. J. Young and son of God­ erich, visited on Sunday with the for­ mer’s mother, Mrs. Robb, at the home of Mr. Thos. Gaunt. Mr. Joseph St. Marie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. St. Marie, left last week to commence his duties on the freighter, Birchton, for the second season. During the wind storm of last Wednesday, they were anchored all day on Lake Erie. Mr. J. G. Gillespie accompanied Mr. Thos. Moore and his daughter, Mrs. Harold Sparling and children, to her home in Collingwood on Sunday. The regular weekly meeting of the Young People’s Society of the Pres­ byterian Church was held on Monday evening with the President, Mr, Tom Wilson, in charge of the meeting, the program being provided by the Lit­ erary Committee. After the opening exercises, the Apostles’ Creed was re­ peated in unison, and Miss Agnes Robertson led in prayer. The roll call was answered by Bible verses on the subject of Work, which was the thought running through the program. Miss Freda Rintoul gave an interest­ ing reading on the Story of April, and Miss Velma Scott gave a reading, An April Morning. Messrs. James and Tom Wilson sang a duet, and Mrs. J. Pollock gave an instructive talk on, The Work of Our Life. Mrs. Robt. Mowbray gave a reading on Work. After the closing hymn, Mr. Tom Wilson dismissed the meeting -with prayer. Mr. George Ross returned last week from London hospital and already finds his elbow much improved. .Mrs. Donald Cameron of Rochest­ er, N.Y., spent a few,days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison, A very pleasant evening was spent in the United Church on Moriclay ev­ ening when the young folks from St. 'Helens were present and provided the program for the occasion. Miss Isabel Miller was in the chair, and the meet­ ing opened with quiet music played by Mrs. Rice. After an opening song­ service, Mr. Gordon Miller read the Scripture reading, and Mr. Rice led in Prayer. Miss Lorene Miller gave the Bible Character story, and Miss Vera and Mr. Murray Taylor sang, “Some day He’ll make it plain to me”. The topic, on Missions, from the study book, was taken by Rev. H. M. Wright,■ and was followed by an in­ teresting discussion, and Mr. Fred Hoare and Mr. Gordon Miller sang “Have Thine Owne Way, Lord,” Af- ter the closing of the meeting all re­ paired to the basement where all took part in the games and contests. Lunch was served and a social half hour was much closed the meeting with prayer and the benediction. It is earnestly re­ quested that more of the women make an effort to be present at the mission­ ary meetings. glad to know that his improved con­ dition is even greater than was anti­ cipated. BELGRAVE ^Walker Stores, Limited enjoyed by all. BLUEVALE Final Meeting of Y. P. S. Rev. J. R- Greig was a Sarnia visi­ tor the first three days of the week, attending the meeting of the synod of Hamilton and Rondon of the Presby­ terian Church in Canada. Mrs. Lillow and Bernard spent a few days in Toronto this week, Ber­ nard was at the clinic, for examina­ tion, following the operation of a few weeks ago. His many friends will be WE HAVE THE ONLY TIRE IN THE WORLD WITH GOLDEN PLY. BLOW-OUT PROJECTION ...... Institute Elected Officers The members of the Women’s In­ stitute met at the home of Mrs, Carl Procter on Tuesday afternoon last week with a good attendance present, The president, Mrs. N, Keating con­ ducted the meeting, which was open­ ed with the singing of the Ode and the Lord’s prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer's re­ port. was also given, Notice of the executive meeting was received, Let­ ters of thanks for letters of sympathy were also read, Laura Hopper was.appointed dele­ gate to the girls’ conference at Guelph in May. As this was the annual meeting, Edith Procter took charge of the elec­ tion of officers, which resulted as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. N. A. Wheeler, Pres., Mrs. N. Keating; 1st vice Pres., Edith Procter; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs, H. Wheeler; Sec., Mrs. R. Procter Jr.; Press Reporter, Mrs. C. R. Coultes; Treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Coultes; Assist. ■Sec., Miss N. VanCamp; District Director; Mrs. C. R. Coultes; Branch Directors, Mrs. G. Higgins, Mrs. S. Procter, Martha Armstrong; Outlook Committee, Mrs. R. J. McKenzie, Mrs. W. Pocock, Helen Yuill, Laura Hop­ per; Auditors, Mrs. G. Higgins and Laura Hopper; Pianists, Mrs. J. C. Procter and Mrs. J. Taylor. Convenors for the different stand­ ing committees were also appointed, and homes for the meetings arranged. Mrs. Jas. Michie gave a very in­ teresting reading on the subject of Sunday visitors. Martha Armstrong had a splendid paper on Community Activities which had many helpful ideas. The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem. Lunch was served by -the hostess as­ sisted by Mrs. R. Procter Sr., Mrs. R. J. McKenzie and Nora VanCamp. The May meeting will be held the home of Mrs. J. M. Coultes. at ST. HELENS Girls’ Every Department Featured We have planned them as Money Saving Days, as you) will notice on reading our section of the Triple Dollar Days bill delivered to your home. We ask you to read every item as each is priced to save you money on Spring requirements. A Store-Wide Sale, with $ Day Price Cards to Point Out the Special Values . Miss Gladys Weir, of Wroxeter, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael spent Sunday afternoon with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ca-. thers, of the B. Line, Howick. Mrs. Cathers is at present very sick, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Porter have moved to their new home near Wing­ ham. Although! sorry to lose them from our midst we wish them every success in their new home. Mr.. Henry Merkley, who was re­ ported as being very sick last week, passed to the Great Beyond on Wed­ nesday morning of last week after a wc’ek’s illness. He was a patient suf­ ferer and the home here. He the choir As announced last week the Triple V of Wingham will be present in the church here next Sunday evening at 7.30. The afternoon service will be withdrawn, The Epworth League will be held on Thursday night at 8 o’clock after hold a a S. S. and of- will be greatly missed in as well as in the church, was a valued member of and held other offices. ft vention of the United Church at God­ erich on Tuesday. Mr. Leslie Hilborn is confined to his home with an attack of pleurisy. Among those who attended the fun­ eral of the late Mrs. Carr were Miss Miss Muriel Wilford of Toronto Un­ iversity.. Miss Lillie Carr, Deasoness at Bloor St. United Church, Toronto. Mr. Frank Carr of Ingersol, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culburlr, Dungannon, Mr. Lome Tyndal of Carlow, Mr. J. A. Brandon, Belgrave. JAMESTOWN Charlie Johnston returned The Y.P.S. of Knox Presbyterian church held the final meeting for the season in the school room on Friday evening with a good attendance. The president, Jack 'McTavish presided. Donald Robertson read the scripture lesson from 2 Timothy, 2nd chapter and Mrs. J. R. Greig offered prayer. Eldon Kirton presented the treasur­ er’s statement, showing a substantial balance. Plans were made for the banquet, and a committee appointed to look after some, necessary repairs. Miss Jean McBurney was appointed a delegate to Kintail summer camp. Jack McTavish or Miss Lois Elliott as substitutes if necessary. Miss Jean Robertson gave a most interesting talk on the missionary topic “Mis­ sionary Books and their Uses.” Former Resident Passes Mr. David Ramsay, 1st concession of Morris received word of the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. James Pugh at Delisle, Sask., from pneumonia. Mr. Pugh spent the greater part of his life a resident of Bluevale and liv­ ed for a time in Wingham before moving with his wife and family to the Canadian West. The late Mr, Joseph . Pugh of Wingham was a bro­ ther. United Church W.M.S. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the vestlry of the United Church on Tuesday, April 20. Mrs. W. J. Johnston presiding. The meeting-opened with the call to wor­ ship and hymn “Jesus calls us o’er the tumult,” after which Mrs. J. Fell read the devotional leaflet, “Jesus and the Joy of Service.” Mrs. W. J. John­ ston read a poem by Catherine man, followed by prayfer for our sionarios by Mrs. A. V. Robb. Jos. Breckenridge and Mrs. G. read the scripture lesson. The utes and business followed the respon. sive reading and singing of hymn “O, Master, let me walk with Thee.” Mrs. A. V. Robb, the Christian Steward­ ship gave a reading, “A Christian and his money,” and Mrs. Breckenridge gave one on Temperance. Mrs. A, Shaw gave the synopsis of the Study Book the story being about the Arabs. Mrs. G. Snell will have the Study Book for the next meeting. Mrs. A. Shaw was appointed delegate to the Presbyterial at Goderich. After the offering, and singing “Creation’s J.ord we give Thee tlianks,” the president Cui- mis- Mrs. Snell ltlih- FREE PROTECTION • As experts on motoring safety we want to state a few simple facts every motorist should know about the tires he rides on. Remember this, the next time you are driving along at 40, SO, 60 miles an hour. The heat generated inside your tires at these speeds is terrific- causing rubber and fabric to separate. A tiny blister forms —grows bigger and BIGGER until sooner or later, BANG! It’s a blow-out. But an amazing new inven­ tion, the Life-Saver Golden Ply, resists this heat so that mbber and fabric do not separate— blisters do not form—thus this unseen cause of high speed blow-outs is checked before it even gets started. The only tire in the world that has Golden Ply blow out protec­ tion is the ■ Goodrich Silvertown —yet it costs no more thah other standard tires. When thousands are killed or injured ’every year in blow-out accidents don’t you want this kind of protection? I I. Goodrich _ SAFETY Silvertown WITH LIFE-SAVER COLDEH PLY C. N. Merkley SERVICE ON ALL ' MAKES OF CARS PHONE 84 WINGHAM ONTARIO Don’t Take Chances on getting your smokes stale and spoiling your smoke. Make sure you get them fresh by buy­ ing at Omar Haselgroves SMOKE SHOPPE ’ The first meeting of the Homemaking" Club, of which Mrs. T. J. Salkeld is local leader and Miss' Laurine Miller, assistant, was- held at "the latter’s home on Tuesday evening with ten girls enrolled. The follow­ ing ..officers were elected:' President, Mrs. Pharis Mathers; Vice President, Miss Sadie MacCharles; Secretary, Miss Annie Watson; Treasurer, Miss Mildred McQuillin. Mrs. Salkeld ex­ plained the project which is “Clothes Closets up-to-date” and Laurine Mil­ ler demonstrated the making of a hat stanard. An enjoyable time was spent by a large crowd in the Community Hall on Friday evening when the Lang­ sides Dramati'c Society presented, their play “His Uncle’s Niece” under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. The play proved highly' entertaining. Between acts, quartettes by four col­ ored gentlemen and Scotch songs by Mr. Orville Tiffin were much enjoy- e,d. Music for the dance was furnish­ ed by Mr. Jambs of Langsidc. Rev. Chas. Cumming, of Walton, called on. friends here recently. Mr. Helmuth Schlenker of Strat­ ford and Miss Irene Woods, of Wat­ erloo, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Sunday evening with the president, Miss Isobel Miller, in the chair. Gordon Miller.read the Scrip­ ture lesson and Laurine Miller gave the Bible Character on “Cain and Abel.” Ted Hoare and Gordon Mill­ er favored with a duet. The topic “Whither? The Modern Task of Mis­ sions?” was taken by Rev. Wright who also led the discussion. Miss Mary M-urray has returned from London where she attended the Provincial meeting of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. W. Jansen left on Monday for Toronto from where he will work on 'the hghway. Mr, Joe Hyde, of Underwood, Was a recent visitor with his brother, Mr. Jas. Hyde. Members of the Y.P.U. were guests of the Whitechurch Society on Mon­ day evening when they were in charge of the program. With the addition of a duet by Murray and Vera Tay­ lor, the program followed was thttt used for the regular meeting here on Sunday evening. At the conclusion an enjoyable- times was spent in games after which a delicious lunch was served. which the church board will meeting. There will also be meeting to organize teachers fleers. the to se- are f 6 SALEM ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs. John MacKinnon and little daughter near Tiveraton spent Sunday, Mrs. MacKinnon and daugh­ ter remaining for a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter, 12th con. Miss Milda /.Lane, teacher near Coldwater, motored home for the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton and little child spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per will be next Sunday in Haskett’s United Church, May 2nd at 11 o’clock a.m. Blake’s and Zion circuits will unite. ■ The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the Hackett’s circuit met at the home of Mrs. John Mullin Tuesday afternoon, 20th and quilted a-quilt and attended to other business. A carload of ladies were appointed to attend t,he conference branch meeting to be held in Goderich on Tuesday all day the 27th. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Alton spent the week end with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. P^rcy Graham, near. Sheppard- lon- ’ _______> . blythZ . Mrs. from Listowel hospital feeling much improved. Mr. John Staples has been laid up for a few weeks with the flu and is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy and family from Holyrood have moved to McDougal farm. Mr. Stanley Grainger motored Sudbury last week,where he has cured work in the mines. The pupils of S.S. No. 4 Grey enjoying the piano which has been purchased for the school. Miss Irene Grainger, R.N., Toronto is spending a few days at her home here. -< Mrs. Wm.Grainger is in bed suf­ fering from pleurisy. Miss Laura Savage and Ruth Mc- Kercher spent the yveek end at Mie home of W. Savage. Arthur Ruttan has moved to his new home, the Stokes farm. bought this old car yesterday.“I Guess what I paid for it?” “Too much.”—Fliegende Blatter, Mun.ch A little girl, who had watched with / ..great interest the natives painting rings of tar round her uncle’s fruit / ' trees, and. had been told that it Was to keep the ants from crawling into the trees, saw for the first time some days later a man with a crepe mourn­ ing band round his left arm. “Mum- mie,’ ’she asked, “what’s to keep them, from crawling up his other arm?” Mrs. Babb and daughters of Tees- water visited. Mrs. R. M. McKay on Saturday. . • McElroy Brothers held a very suc­ cessful sale of household effects on Saturday. Mr. George Elliott of Clin­ ton was the auctioneer. C.G.I.T. girls in training held a coronation tea Saturday evening in Mie United Church. The tea room was gaily decorated in coronation colors, conveners were'Mrs. C. E. Toll and Mrs. .Franklin Bainton. A number of ladies from this vis- inity attended the Presbyterial con- Ships Broke Through Blockade London-British seamen toasted the officers and crews of the freight­ ers Hamsterley and Stanbrook for breaking the insurgent blockade of Bilbao. Shipping circles saw in the entry of the tl^ree ships into Bilbao Harbor a solution of the Govern­ ment’s decision nofe-to protect mer­ chant ships in Spanish waters. The action of the battle cruiser Hood in ■standing by the freighters up to the three-mile limit, where the ships passed under the protection of Span­ ish Government warships and coastal batteries, reduced risks to an absolute minimum, it was declared. . ■ Miss Iva Gallaher, of London, is at present spendin gher vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gal­ laher. Mr, George Mines of Niagara Falls is at present visiting his parents, Mr. 4ind Mrs, W. A. Mines. DISTINCTIVE GLASSES Properly fitted and guaran­ teed Satisfactory, are fitted at MODERATE PRICES by an expert Optometrist here. Phone 5 for Appointment, r Headaches So much has been written, about headaches that /the public are well aware of the fact that the great majority of them are caused by EYESTRAIN. Reid’s glasses, fitted after a thor­ ough Eye Examination, will give relief plus good vision. Don’t go bn suffering from headaches, hef- vousness and eyestrain—have your Eyes Examined and proper glasses fitted here. REID <a * __ Stratford’s Leading Optometrist for Nearly 20 Years. Wingham Office At Williams1 Jewelry Store, Every Wednes­ day Morning 9.00 to Noon.