HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-04-22, Page 7>* GORRIE •when plans evening. A benedictionand the Mizpah the meeting. Wroxeter News and Gorrie Vidette Woman’s Association Held Quilting The regular meeting of the Wo­ lman’s Association of Gorrie United Church was held at Miss Maguire’s home. The President, Mrs. Kaine, presided. Program opened with hymn “Blessed assurance, Jesus is Mine,” ■followed by the Lord’s Prayer in uni­ son, Mrs. Fydell read the Scripture selection, Matt. 5:1-20. Minutes of previous meeting were approved as read, Letters of thanks and apprec­ iation were read from several in the congregation who had received boxes of fruit etc. during their illness. Oth- -er items of business were discussed. Hymn “Blest be the tie that binds” was sung after which the meeting •closed With the Mizpah benediction. The remainder of the afternoon was spent piecing a quilt. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Kaine, Mrs. W. •G. Strong and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood, Mr. James King and Mr. Walter King spent Friday last at London and vis­ ited Mrs, Delbert Clegg. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and ■children, Edith and Bobbie, spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Toronto, Mrs. A. Miles, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. •and Mrs. Isaac Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Edwards', Lon­ don, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bol­ t-on, on Sunday. Preached on Auxiliary Text A very helpful and pleasing service was held in St. Stephen’s Church 'on Sunday last at the usual hour, espec­ ially to members of the Women’s Auxiliary, when Rev. O’Neil gave a suitable sermon based on the 'text, ■2nd Cor. 5:14 “For the love of Christ constraineth us.” which is the motto of the Women’s Auxiliary.. Special Missionary hymns were sung and a suitable solo was rendered by Mrs. Holmes. ' St. Stephen’s Auxiliary Met The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Ste­ phen’s Church held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred C. Taylor on Thursday afternoon last, when a quilt was quilted during the afternoon. Mrs. Holmes opened the meeting with prayer, and Roll Call was answered by a verS'e from a Psalm. Miss Ivy Lawrence read the 27th Psalm and Mrs. Wilford King gave the paper which was on Psalms. Rev. O’Neil led in the closing pray­ ers and members’ prayer in unison, after which a dainty lunch was serv­ ed by the hostess. Miss Alma Hastie, of Kitchener, spent' the week-end with her father, Mr. James Hastie. Mrs., Gordon Barton spent a few days during the past week in 1 or- onto. Mrs. Pratt, Miss Alma Shier and Mr. Smillie, of Teeswater, spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradnock. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Miss Mary Maguire, who re­ turned to the city with them. INSTITUTE HELD ANNUAL MEETING Mrs. Victor Shera Named President The annual meeting of the Gorrie Women’s Institute was held on Wed­ nesday, April 14th, at the home of Mrs. L. F. Ashton with a good at­ tendance. The Ode and Lord’s Pray­ er was rendered in unison and min­ utes read and adopted. During lengthy business transac­ tions it was decided to pay the board of two girls, Bernice Day and Nellie Dinsmore if they go to the Girls Co nfereilce at the Ontario Agricultur­ al College,- May 5th, 6th and 7th. Committees were arranged for the District executive meeting to be held here, and other matters of business. The nominating committee were called upon to give their appo ficers, which were voted on 'nted of- and ac- Vice President—Mrs. W. C. King. Secretary—Mrs. E. Sparling. Treasurer—Bernice Day. Dist. Representative—Mrs. Kaine. . Directors—Mrs. Gregg, Mrs. McIn­ tyre, Mrs. Hilton Ashton and Mrs. Kaine. Pianist—Bernice Day. Auditors — Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. Ritchie. Miss Nellie Dinsmore then favored with a couple of piano instrumentals and a contest was enjoyed. The Roll Call was answered by “A “Garden Hint” and an exchange of seeds and plants. A • presentation of Institute pins was made by Mrs. V. Shera and an address given by Mr^. W. King to Mrs. L. F. Ashton and Mrs. Hilton Ashton (who was unable to be pres­ ent) on the occasion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary, which they celebrated recently. The meeting closed by singing “God Save the King” followed by a dainty lunch. AMATEUR CONTEST WENT OVER BIG The Gorrie United Church Choir Amateur Contest drew a list of 31 entries here last Thursday evening and provided a wealth of entertain­ ment for the crowd who paid, to see them strive for fame and fortune. Voting was by ballot and when the results were announced, the two little Tuck sisters, aged seven and five years, headed the list. The program was held in the Township Hall which Mr. M. D. Irvine had tastefully dec­ orated in the coronation colors. Mr. Elmer Bell, of Brussels, acted as Major Bowes. The Brussels Or­ chestra gave several numbers while the final preparations were made, and Jack Thynne, “The. Kansas Farmer” Was also on hand to help fill in with his amusing songs. The prize-winners were: 1st, The Tuck Sisters, Palmerston; 2nd, Faye Hickson, Goderich; 3rd, Gorrie Sex­ tette; 4th, Ilcen and Grant Danbrook, Atwood; 5th, Miss Jean Sparling; 6th Misses Higgins, Stocks and .Sangster, Wroxeter;-7th, Mr. L. Taylor, Clif­ ford. OBITUARY Mrs. James Bell The funeral of Margaret Mclllwain widow of the late James Bell, a well known, highly respected resident of Gorrie, passed away at her home ear­ ly Sunday morning, April 11th. She was borh in Manvers, June 19th, 1854. She was in her 83rd year and was married to the late James Bell, who passed away five years ago. Ten children survive, seven daugh­ ters and three sons, (Mary) Mrs. Wil­ lis of Kitchener, (Jane) Mrs. Will Knight of Lakelet, (Eliza) Mrs. Ed. Blackwell of Howard, Sask., (Mai- garet) Mrs. Frank Wright of Howick, (Martha) Mrs. Chester Cook of Clif­ ford, (Etta) Mrs, Jas. Hubbard of Harriston, (Florence) Mrs. Lindsay Thursday, April 22nd, 1937 DOMINIONS’ CONTINGENTS ARRIVE IN LONDON FOR CORONATION Ip O ■ ' ( Preparations for the coronation in May are being rushed in London as contingents from the various domin- ipns are arriving to take part in the celebrations. The pictures here show: Clegg of Harriston, William of Kurtz- ville, Robert -of Creelman, Sask., and John of Kitchener. One brother, Charles Mclllwain, Fordwich, and two sisters, Mrs. Martha Warden and Mrs, Eliza Fullford, both of Jackson, Mich. Also 22 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, April 13th, at 2.30, from the United Church, Gorrie, and’ was conducted by her pastor, Rev. F. J. Fydell. Pall-bearers were six grand­ children, Clarence and Mo'rley Wright of Lakelet, Harvey Wright of Flow- ick, Norman Bell of Kurtzvillc, Clar­ ence and Nelson Willis of Kitchener. Flower-bearers were: Kenneth Wright and John Mclllwain. The family ex­ cept those in the West, attended their mother’s funeral. Friends from Kitchener, Shallow Lake, Palmerston, Harriston, Clifford and Kurtzvillc also attended. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. WROXETER Mrs. Wm. Westlake ai Saltford, spent Sundi J. Wade. nd ay .11 d with Mrs. Jlihs, Mr. and family, of with Mrs, T Mr. and Mrs .Lloyd McMichael Toronto were week-end visitors the- former’s parents, Mr. and Robt.. McMichael. Our new station agent, Mr. G still continues in very poor health, and at present Mr. J. Revel is taking over the duties at the C.P.R., relieving Mr. Welling who left last week after hav­ ing spent the past three months here. Miss Dorothy Edwards of Gorrie was a recent guest of her friend, Miss Jean Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington of Toronto spent the week-end here, afid the latter’s mother, Mrs. M, Sell­ ers, who has been in Toronto for the (1) Australian troops parading in London on their arrival. (2) A par- are of the troops of the Southern Rhodesia contingent in London. (3) The new British army uniforms which are to be worn by troops for the onation. (4) Thirty-five men of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who are going to London to take part in the coronation parade. cor- White read the Scripture lesson and I Edith Ritchie lead in prayer. Mrs. S. MacNaughton gave a topic on “Why Missions?” In the absence of the president, Clifford Denny took charge of the business session were made for a social hymn closed Fourth Line Circle ladies of the Fourth Line Cir­ cle met on Wednesday of last week at the home of Miss B. Kirton, and spent the afternoon quilting. During the business session plans were made for a Pot Luck Supper to be held in the basement of the church at Blue­ vale on May 24th. Fourteen ladies were in attendance and tea was serv­ ed at the close by the hostess. ity, than straightforward and s.imple integrity in another.”—Colton.* * ♦ “The man of integrity is one who- makes it his constant rule to follow the road of duty, according as Truth and the voice of his conscience point it out to him.”—Mary Baker Eddy. * * * “A man of integrity will never lis­ ten to any plea against conscience.” —Home. past couple of weeks, returned home. A number from here attended the Amateur Night held in Gorrie Thurs­ day night last week, when some of our local talent, including Misses Elva Stocks, Jean Sangster and Minerva Higgins, as a trio, and Miss Vera Wright who gave a reading, took part in the programme. The members of St. James A.Y.P.A. are serving a hot supper in the school room of the church on Wednesday evening of this week. On Sunday evening next Rev. Mr. Roberts, of St. Paul’s Church, Wing­ ham, will conduct the special Lay­ men’s service being held here in St. Janfcs Anglican Church. Missionary Speaks At the evening service in the Unit­ ed Church on Sunday Rev. Mr. Ennis, missionary on furlough from Africa, gave an interesting talk on the work of the African Inland Mission, includ­ ing sonic of his own experiences dur­ ing his thirty-seven years the the ell, win on. Africa. re, and also told of death of the late Mi a former resident o served faithfully fi .the mission field in Kenya C the ss r of ir n of work work and essie Wro: lany Lov- scter, years >lony, Dr. J. and Mrs. Munro of Copper' Cliff spent a few days recently with his mother, Mrs, Janet Munro, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munro. Dr. I. P. Campbell, Miss Goodfel­ low and Mrs. A, McLeod, motored to Toronto on Sunday and the latter re­ mained to spend a few days with friends there. Mr, and Mrs. G. Muir entertained a few friends at their home on Satur­ day evening. Rev. Mr. Moyer, of Preston, ad­ dressed the congregation at the Unit- cd Church on Sunday morning on the subject of Temperance. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.. Wade were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. We arc pleased to know Miss Ev­ elyn Sharpin is improving nicely from a serious illness. Mr. Henry Merkley, gravel road, is seriously ill at hfs home here tyith pneumonia. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Rev. Mr. Innis, who had charge of the morning service at Gorrie United Church and the evening service at Wroxeter United Church, was a guest at the home of Mrs. Win. McKercher and Mr, and Mrs. J. Lovell while in the village. Miss Beatrice and Mr. Thomas Shearer, also Mrs. D. S. MacNaugh­ ton, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Bell at Gorrie on Tuesday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wheeler were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cam­ eron Inglis, Atwood. We regret very muc’ Arnold Brown, < which occurred following a shot monia. The late husband of Joan ter of Mr. John Yomv .land to her is expressed the sympathy of many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gci from London ed Mr. Mr. visited Women’s Institute The April meeting of the W. I. will be held on Thursday, April 29th, at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. J. Lovell. The motto—A Laugh is worth a hund­ red groans in any market. Roll Call —Paying fees. Reports of nominat­ ing committee will be given. Miss Mae Davidson will demonstrate Ital­ ian cut work. Refreshment Com., Mrs. R. Rae, Mrs. Wm. MacLean. * .* ♦ “Integrity is the first step to true greatness. To maintain it in high places costs self-denial; in all places it is liable to opposition, but its end is glorious, and the universe will yet do it homage.”—C .Simmons. ♦ * * “Give us the man of integrity, on whom we know we can depend; who will stand firm when others fail; the friend, faithful and true, the adviser, honest and fearless; the adversary, just and chivalrous. Such a one is a fragment of the Rock of Ages.”— J. P. Stanley. GEM’S FROM LIFE’S SCRAP-BOOK INTEGRITY MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe­ cution of high-class work, we ask you to see the largest display of monu­ ments of any retail factory in Ontario. All finished by sand blast machines. We import all our granites from the Old Country quarries direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal­ ers’, agents’ and middleman profits by seeing us. E. J. Skelton & Son at West End Bridge—WALKERTON ill the death o if near Moles worth on Sunday morning t illness with pneu- Mr. Brown was the Young, only dattgh- Wroxcter, Allen returned n Friday, having visit- and Mrs.» Mac Allen there, and Mrs. Archie McMichael Brussels friends on Sunday. Young People’s Union Miss Alma Brown had charge of the Y.P.U. on Monday evening last and opened with the hymn “What a Friend we have in Jesus” followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Maxine “Nothing more completely baffles one who is full of tricks a”nd duplic- Maitland Creamery Buyers Of THE UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. Whigham, - * Ontario. Phone 271