The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-04-15, Page 2PAGE TWO Winsham Advawe-Times will agree with this. Published at 4 . . * * * .4 Vi Al’ WINGHAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by The Advance-Times Fubkslreg .ited foat THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ‘fceb.eve ©ven. tltos© who oppt'se him vision of the Canadian Weekly News- Subscription Rare — One Year Six months, in. advance. To U. S. A., per yw- Foreign rate. $3 vO per jear. Advertising rates cm agyrcabcn. papers” Association in London on Fri- w , day. The Fergus Kews-Recard is ■’! It swrely is a wonderful thing to'iknewn far and wide for its “Inside 'iawaken these mornings and hear th©|Page”” vf the birds. * 8fc '* ■| Many from Canada will view the ] v» r<. nation pntcession. i f?T' ^6*? iKd scat’ $ * 5fc steel bridge m nright'd several tons was stedeu Xo b'tarie appears t '> halt the thief of WORRIED BY PIMPLES AND ECZEMA All scats in j | kamda House and all cover-1j allotted to Canadian* have»= «z tear Hamilt >n which ‘ s NEWS Thursday, April 15th, 1937 has developed. Few things lower the resistance of the afternoon wthout an opportunity for a change. Absolute insistence upon warm dry ieet always pays. With rapidly grow­ ing boys and girls rubbers and over- “Is she pretty?” “Pretty? Say, when she gets on the street car the advertising is a total loss.” j! T5SCT5S! 5^n»«r a delegation of General Motors «trik PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMELS / FOR INSIDE OR OUTSIDE-WOOD OR CEMENT fe? Ws liflger- m was broken off because of the re"?’S * ref05” “ ■“ town. Harry Stewart, past mayor and chairman of the committee, outlined the Scheme which was gone into from all angles by those present. Complexion Unblemished after I Six Weeks of Kruse hen i “For the past two years/’ writes a | woman, *my face was covered with | hard pimples and red blotches, ands I also had eczema on my neck and» fore-arms. I tried lotions, .creams and;; ointments, without the slightest ef-' r . t • j r*1 , , T Goderich Building Leased for Armouries Word has been received in Goder­ ich from the Federal Government that by an order-imcouncil the offer of the Town of Goderich to lease a por­ tion of the National Shipbuilding Co. feet. I was worried. Fortunately I {’ plant, on Newgate street for use as decided io give Kruschen a trial, and.! an armouries for the training of without any exaggeration, within six’{company of the Middlesex-Huron weeks my face -was without a Mem-(i Regiment has been accepted. The ish, and I have not had a sign, of j east wing of the building will be con- ©raema since. I take Kraschen reg-1 verted into an armory, the lease to ularly every morning, and would not {be taken for five years at §600 per be without it.”—(Mrs.) J.A. J year. Pimple and eczema are frequently!! -------- due to impurities in the blood—irrit-1 Plan 'Extension to Listowel Hospital | - ant poisons which sluggish body cr-!1' gans are failing to expel from the system. Kruschen Salts help to keep the body organs functioning normally and healthily, thus preventing the ac­ cumulation of impurities in th© blood. of the DISTRICT I I I Mitchell W.C.T.U. Disbanded Fifty years ago or more a branch of the Woman’s Christian Temper- * : has definitely ® il be no general ? ance Union was organised in Mitchell —fois year.^ Tne fend after all these years, it was de- -bably be satisfied foacided to disband at the fest meeting Eiecttons havefoyfefeh was he’d at the home of the I president, Mrs. William Stoneman.' fo I During the past year there were only . ij seventeen members and the majority ”fe/jjof these were up in years and not jjfote atfead. fo~ .-.■„_‘2.sgs, so it was Hepburn ; there w5* ; Ontario 1 pro’...... next year. g jnfnence ©n business ii FOR SALE b WINCHAM By BUCHANAN HARDWARE ;p"U:c will turbine we can well do without at present. * =$: A Since the present government to-ok Mrice at, Ottawa there have been 93^ble to attend the meeting., ... ... ..... commissions. During the five y^at’S ji th^ght that the best thing to do was •;i :be Bennett Government there wereil cease foncti-jning.—Mitchell Advo- •a’ inns. Yet we elect 247 foe co miry's business. & sjr * . drehled that it will not eve scrip. This funny lasts teng. Orillia tried crickly threw it over- St sfc sfc ■dered cne ©f the strang­ le ccunty. John D. Mac- n d.-naM. ci Kinuril, has passed on. ''T?.?s rerrir.ted us e: an epitaph we -J saw in the cemetery at heme: “Be-„ ^.Iware the weak, here Kes the strong, rhe victim -rf his « 15&3 p.’tmds and. cate. | Plans for a wing to be added to _ Few jndeed the the simple health the Listowel Memorial Hospital, call-1 j^ies, the observance of which pays l ln5Z®r Sn outlty_®f approximately such high dividends. | In a climate like ours where rains « come frequently and where soft snow | and slush are encountered many times a spring and fall, it is not always easy I to keep the feet dry. Rubbers and lovershoes are a nuisance and it is jt very tempting to go out without them. ; .Before one realizes it the feet get | wet. It max* be hours before a change j is feasible and during that time the J feet get chilled, the heat regulating .{] mechanism of rhe body becomes de- ranged and before we know it anoth- ;j er cold ’’seem to "body to mfection as quickly as wet h feet Children particularly require careful watching. They will slip off to school s without rubbers and mittens, they will tarry en route to test out each stretch ©f “rubbing" ice and go out of their | way to trudge through a mudpuddle; $40,000, were submitted to members of Perth County Council by members of a deputation from the Listowel Memorial Hospital Board. The cap­ acity of the Listowel institution is taxed to the limit and there is not proper accommodation for more pat- shoes quickly become outgrown, but it is cheaper to buy a new pair than to pay for the costs of an illness. Shoes should have thick soles in win­ ter or*in wet weather. Half-soling when required is not a luxury; one cannot risk putting it off. In winter, sportswear and other boots should be kept waterproofed. Heavy wool socks and sockees are to be recommended. When driving or motoring long dis­ tances in cold weather, the feet should be kept warm always. One essential point to keep in mind is that most danger comes, not from getting the feet wet, but in letting them remain that way. There is very little danger if one can change at once into warm dry footwear. If the feet are chilled as well as wet, they should be rubbed until circulation has been restored, and, if necessary, a warm footbath taken as well. Questions concerning Health, ad­ dressed to the Canadian Medical As­ sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. I Seaforth Discussed Home Plan | The home improvement plan re-"; ceived a big boost to Seaforth when 9 ients, the council was told. Members representatives of the building trades, s of the council motored -to Listowel together with the local advisory com-1 to inspect the hospital and were the mittee and members of the Town guests of the board at dinner. In Council thoroughly discussed the plan ' ‘ and the benefit it would be to the ii t.O iUjJJC'L* i-i*v uyapiMXi ctaiui >yv:*** **4v i) ■guests of the board at dinner. Inii ■i asking for financial assistance, mem-1 bers of the deputation said they have about $10,000 on hand as the start of a building fund. I ■erva- he 'Kes rested sses linger us A HEALTH SSaVCCE VHC CAXXS^A’i MEOSCAL ASSOC3A7SOM AW LIFE TMSORASICE cgwpav'es 8Ji COT AOS I! SERVICE GN ALL .MAKES ( OF CAR'S* j gwamg} .....■ —.............• ................................. 30 Miles of Rural Hydro Additional c • mracts. signed by dis- m.«w assure rural hydro m Kincardine fe- more ices. It is expected work .-Ti-ng M3 extending rhe h will bring hydro to farm reagkout Kincardine and Huron s'Cwmships. During the present i weesc tar highway 9 tave con , whirii will hway as far a distance ©>f 12 s csntoagpfet- . ;e north aud g known as the | ce. Ail these | to be sent along K-rrit and s-outh jj u ci'atcssstent 71 -Kin car dine WtNGHAM A THS BONUS FOR VETERANS Since the United - veterans of the Great VUn last year there has been c.t: talk that the veterans ,ri Canada arc desirous that rise same :dta be .* tuted here. Alhougn are v..: position to speak tfric’ahy f. r th. •cal Legk-n or the begi.m as a vri we are certain ths: this <Tsarzxa is not in favor >-f such a mrve. The Legfon as a s<rrice organ ■tfou and their efforts are always sn the direcricn :i assisting thrir foacw veterans. It is fully re.ri*cad the cost of a beaus such as the American veterans were given w.md U: tv great a burden -an the c.'entry’s fm- anccs. The b:nus idea was probably the Owng that wrecked foe GW.V.A and foe Lcrisn uifo its nut:a ~f "Serwce” and with tire wise di-ecricn it reiehres form foe hifoer c.remands 'will nor aU-w fo’s sr'erdri rpanira- rir-n to suffer form u srirish "dem There is a great am re: vf w?rk for the ILegion tr dr for foe vet’ a,ns. Each year foere is sn ir.creas* ■number of forse vfoa t:. k part in t Great War. were disebarred Al, w ■due to no t of foeir own. reeju assistance.. These men must be ’ r rk-.{ after and it is foe rbfoctive cf foe '' Legion to see font they are. * BENNETT MAY QUIT \ Sperfal insirucrire. ©n how Since Octfosr 1935 rarnrrs have ' ?tand aed wstls. will be giver persisted foat. Mr. R. B. Benrett willj students ci London public ■ retire as Dc-minfon Leader -rf the Cm- .'• 2". b. x, ..< v* -a©/“"'ll *?_ serrarive Party. Many were . f the s-mc-e .... da*s- .. ...e ire. 'Cpraion font these ranters were an- _ ri fesnded bat Mr. Bennett inrimated to J a caucus of Senators and members : of Fariiament last week that he may xjuit. Mr. Bennett was chcsen Crra rive leader at a Xarirnal Crnv; at Mdnnipeg in 1927 and Ms gc xaent came into power in 193L . iag defeat in 1S35. This period 19-30 to 1935 was a most diiwcult rime in foe history of cur country. During foaS period Mr. Bennettt as prime minister .gave his utmost in foe serv­ ice ©f ©nr country. Even fosse vfor do not agree pslirically with him know that be spared himself art al all d sng his terra of office, number ©f years Mr. 1 served in parliament. He Iris energy and Ms brill: decides to nuit his wise his long experience will b ■t-jQ H'^use - f C*rmm I An Ingenious Ruse j Some children hardly old enough to go to school have been discovered j pulling a racket that has at least one ij' merchant growing a crop ©f wrinkles las he recalls the frequency with ;i which he had been victimised bv these 3 mancfel sprouts while the campaign ywas on. i Giving the Leys a cent for every * fruit basket returned, a local grocer found himself getting in on a. buying campaign that rather astounded him at the unlimited supply of the basket ij market. Becoming suspicious of the j never-failing stream of youthful bas- jiket vendors, he made bold one dav *’ it to en<qmre suto their methods -of ga- J thering rhe empties and one less so- x.-veiul'w jj phis&ated than the others let him , .xw we r.nve r-r- 1 s-.e secret -|;ey were recruit- days c-r the birch gad. q -Kg sappjy fr^ni the stock con- >> (j tasned in his back warehouse, or in Ckaurelliw Schusmgg says toe pre- ^tfeer words he was buying the same ■ni wcrid reartnameut is preparing k baskets over and ©ver again. It 'was the vray for disarmament. Mere ©fja ease of going “round and round” us were ©r the cpmfon that toe pr©s-|like the musical melody. The buying 1 ent rearmament program will lead to j campaign stopped with the abrapt- Jan.yther great war. Sness of a sit-down strike in an wm- s& 5j: ’'musiriow factory during a bombing A Leafiine says Reich choice ©s ■' raid.—-Walkerton Herald-Times. ■ CoEap.se z~ War. In ©ther wrrds Ger- s many will either blew up ©r bust. . 5>£ =£ The Eranrial warid sure has the . grid wemd 5fop and stacks tesk a Preridesl Ri^csevelt said grid •ar at the A35 an cunce price came tsaOK fi© nor- Bruce County Musical Festival Plans are being completed for the Brace County Musical Festival which will be held May 2D, 2L Mr. J. Campbell M-cInaes, distinguished bar- , atone and lecturer in English diction 'jand Speech ©f the University of T©r- bonte', has been secured as. adjucator. foe h of K del ill BIOW-«T CAR CAUSE PLAY SAFE COME IN TODAY f 4,- MUb XW*Z <1 Goodyicli SAFETY Silvertown WITH UFFSATEI WHO PIT Former Strong Man Passes Once rated the strongest man in jj I Huron. County, winner of the chain-1 pionship in caber throwing at the once ’ J] famous Caledonian Games at Luck- ii -■j now, nearly half a century ago, John | ij D. MacDonald, of Kintail, died sud-1 denlv of acute indigestion. Ill sinceii --- ' jbe fell and broke a leg at Kricardinel‘Idl “!l. 1“ ? last fall, he was but a shadow of his ij former self at death. He was in his ’{71st year. Mr. MacDonald lived all jhis life in Ashfield, farming on the j 11th concession. He never married. I , ----- ’ New Homes for Walkerton ij Considerable building activity Is ex- ? pected in "Walkerton this- summer, es- | pecially in the erection of new homes, j| I as several have already been planned {! ’{and lots purchased. Mired in Field for Two Hours , Mired m deep mud while he was | j walking across S&lds to buy" somej i maple syrup, Peter Stewart, of Hen-;j x sail, who has been in. poor health, fell | r and was unable to rise. He lay m | the mud for hours, until neighbors | ; heard his calls for assistance. Mr.j »Stewart was cn his way to the farm | ;i of John E. McEwan and was cross- j ;? ing some very wet and soft ground. ’J !! Neighbors going to his assistance se- j cared a stretcher and carried him to ■ his hcune where he received medical i! ' attention and is improving slowly. s ? . Ii fl Accident Victim' Burred J The funeral l©e»k place Friday af- jtera©c>® of Mrs. A. John Little, Ex- !©ter, who ©a Tuesday morning fest week, test her life when her fcegne • caught, fire as she tended the kitchen stove. Befere marriage she was Luel- ■ la Elizabsth Dean. Sas is survived by '■ three daughters and three sons, Earl i| H and Craries, wh© barely escaped from | -1 the burning building, and Arthur, y is whci was absent at the rime. Fifteen years ago her husband diet an a Lon-! i(d?n hospital from, injuries received in . an accident while teggmg. Her grand- f son, nerbsrf, v*k© was removed in !'his rugb* *'“*—- through a window on 'Tuesday rgt was struck March 13th, 19 a track and .' consegu: "ford hif Killed by Track try stere aged four years ji :.uDgest son cf Mr. J, cluLul 3x5 \a n*-5> J '' killed stated :n>tantuy when he rauj i.fete rihe stds a track loaded with <i weed and drives by j©ha Msrisw. Mt. auri-Mss. £L <CL Mac>d.a-to£td ttodji TkT Ik At U H Ct“-L. IM. Merkleyity w&ere Mr.. Maodssiafdl' has tow- * |> Brussels Cc-upJe Honored I, r - m »s®as* . _________ _____ fefoy w&eje Mr. 'has gtw- cbased a genera! stese. Tfee lMk£3s->)l foea and tMr iriv friends made a, J : smprise ca*5 en them and presented | • Mr, aad Mrs- Mac.icmajd with a pair | c.f beauiitul bender lamp*. ’ WITH A PRESTON FERTILATOR Modernize your old seed drill and save money. Merely by attaching an efficient Preston Fertilator—you can make it a combination seed andfertilizer drill.The Fertilator is all steel, and can be attached easily to standard makes of seed drills. It sows any grade of fertilizer, is positive in action, and places the fertilizer down the spouts with the grain! Write for complete details. THE JAMESWAY OIL-BURNING BROODER Reliable, economical,-well-made. It’s Jamesway all through. The Jamesway Ou Burning Brooder will save you money and time, gives you stronger, healthier chicks. Eastern Steel Products 370 Guelph Street / J mi ted Factories ateo at THOMPSON PICKS HIS NAILS KEEPING ONE’S FEET DRY It is surprising how important to- swat 'Wij.ll twin- -gate some ef Ute ap-, patently trivial details of Cffty-ft' day life- .For toUute, consider tbes _ ....... _ simple rale to keep one’s feet dry J conference between the premier and *