HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-03-25, Page 3Thursday, March 25 th, 1937 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
Say good-bye to the headaches,
the low spirits, the sleeplessness
that often follow common constipa
tion, Just read this letter;
“In 1926, I started using All-
Bran. And now, after ten years,
during which I have put Kellogg’s
All-Bran to a long, hard test, I
am writing you this letter, It is
better to eat this food and be in con
dition, than to resort to laxatives.”
’—Bernard Altman (address on
Kellogg’s All-Bran will help
you too. Its “bulk” absorbs mois
ture within the body, forms a soft
mass, gently cleanses the system.
Tests prove it is safe and effective.
All-Bran is guaranteed. Try it
a week. If not satisfactory, your
money will be refunded by the
Kellogg Company.
Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily.
Either as a cereal, or in recipes.
How much better to use this food
than to take patent medicines. Buy
All-Bran at your grocer's. Made
by Kellogg in London,
of Windsor was cleared when a
charge of “collusion” was dismissed
by the president of the divorce court.
Sir Boyd Merriam, president of the
court, directed the charge stricken
from the record after the King’s
proctor informed the court that, treat
ing the case “as any other," he had
made a careful investigation and had
failed to find any grounds to prevent
the absolute divorce of Mrs. Smip-
son and Ernest Aldrich Simpson,
Charge Ethiopians to Help Rebels
London—A charge that two ship
loads of Ethiopian warriors, whose
country is now part of the Italian
Empire, are en route to Spain to fight
for the insurgents was made in an
official Spanish News Agency dis
patch from Valencia.
Roberts Inquiry Postponed
Toronto—Inquiry by a Legislature
committee into charges touching the
integrity of Dr. A. Duncan Roberts,
member of Sault Ste. Marie, was
postponed indefinitely over the stren
uous objections of Dr. Roberts and
Conservative members of the commit
tee in privileges and elections. Hon.
David Croll, minister of municipal af
fairs, said the Government wanted the
inquiry postponed until Sir James
Dunn returned from England.
ry's conduct “disgraceful.”
Acted.Promptly on Madden’s Report
Moving promptly to implement re
commendations arising out of Judge
Madden’s Royal Commission inquiry
into the Guelph Reformatory riots,
Provincial Secretary Nixon announc
1. Abolition to a large extern of
the old system of “trusting prisoners"
2. Construction of single cells for
prisoners instead of the present dor
mitory system,,
3. Institution of more drastic cus
todial regulations than now obtains;
4, Erection of a new cell block, and
the fencing of a large area surround
ing the institutional buildings.
Priest Agrees with, Darwin
Philadelphia—Father Teilhard De
Chardin, Jesuit scholar, one of the
most eminent geologists in the world
presented an international gathering
of scientists with evidence which he
said showed that man must be con
sidered as descending from apes.
“But,” he said, “in these discoveries
there need be no difficulty for Christ
Letters Patent Found Invalid
Ottawa—The Supreme Court of
Canada today declared invalid 'and
cancelled a Canadian letters patent
granted to the Samuel B. Smith In
cubator Company of Cleveland, O.,
which enabled incubators to be con
structed capable of hatching 10,000 to
60,000 eggs at one time.
Commititee Aproves 50-Mile
Speed Limit
Approval was given by Municipal
Committee of the Legislature to a bill
increasing the motoring speed limit in
this Province from 35 to 50 miles an
hour on the open hiyhway. A limit of
30 miles per- hour is to apply in
cities, towns and built-up areas. It is
understood that when it comes before
the House proper for third reading,
it will be strenuously opposed by
Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Minister of
The following are a few reasons why many
individuals, institutions and legal firms pre
fer the Guaranteed Investment Certificates
1 — Amount, Term, Interest Rate—
We accept amounts from $100 up for terms of from 5 to 10
years at 3%^ per annum, payable half yearly by coupon or
by cheque, or if you prefer the interest may be automatically
deposited to youf savings account.
These Guaranteed Investment Certificates are secured by
approved first mortgages, Government and Municipal
bonds, which are held in trust for the investor, and in ad
dition are guaranteed unconditionally by this 48 year old
3—Legal for Trust Funds—
These investments are authorized by law for the investment
of .^trust funds.
4—Renew Without Expense—
When your investment becomes due your money is repaid
to you upon the surrender of the certificate, or you may re
new for a further period without trouble or expense.
If it is inconvenient' for you to call at our office and make
personal application you may use this application form.
fore the Liberal-Conservative Busi
ness Men’s Club at the Royal York
Hotel, Toronto.
Bennett Suggests Settlers
Establishment of a “vast system of
settlement’’ for the British Domin
ions, which today needed more peo
ple in their development as a power
ful association of free nations that
ensured world peace through co-op
eration, was urged by Right Hon. R.
B. Bennett in a luncheon address be-
Way Clear for Simpson Absolute
London—The last apparent barrier
to Mrs. Wallis Simpson’s absolute
divorce and her marriage to the Duke
are qQu sure ?
Nothing gives so much for the little it costs as
the telephone, and it keeps on giving all the
time. It keeps you in touch with markets and
buyers; it ends isolation; it is an ever-present
sentinel in times of illness or danger. Many a
valuable animal has been saved by a timely call
to the vet. Many a pleasant social evening is
arranged the same way. The value of telephone
service grows as you continually find new uses
for it.
so much
For what it costs as the
Pope Condemns Communism
Vatican City—Pope Pius XI
demned Communism as “the ruin of
family and society” in a lengthy en
cyclical. The Holy Father, in a vig
orous attack on the forces he has
fought even through his recent ill
ness, declared only the Roman Cath
olic Church would effectively oppose
the disintegrating effect of Commun
Men Found Safe, Gave no
Distress Signal I
Tobermory — Ending 18 hours
nerve-wracking struggle against ice *
and seas to reach mist-enshrouded .
Yeo Island, 15 miles north of here,
the tug John and Alex pulled into
the cove here to report its “rescue”
trip unnecessary, because there was
nothing wrong with five men suppos
edly in trouble on the island.
The five on the island could offer
no explanation of the fires
brought two boats’ crews
The Grey and
Dear Sirs:-
I enclose
that had
to their
of a 31-
Bruce Trust and Savings Company,
Sound, Ontario.
herewith cheque for a Five Year Guaranteed Investment Certificate
to be issued in the name of ..
for ...............................................................................................................
bearing interest at the rate of per annum payable half-yearly.
Signature Address
425 Children and Teachers
Killed in Blast
New London, Texas—A state of
shock upon the entire community, re
sulting from an explosion disaster
which killed 425 children and teach
ers, is beginning to wear off. Five
hundred roustabouts finished clearing
away the wreckage of the New Lon-
I don Consolidated School and an
nounced that the last of the bodies
had been taken out. The explosion,
believed to be caused by gas which
seeped through from the oil field,
wrecked the school a few minutes be
fore the school would have closed for
the day on Thursday last. 700 pupils
and 40 teachers were in the building.
Acquitted of 31-Year-Old
Murder Charge
New Castle, Pa.—Freed
year-old murder charge and his fam
ily’s faith in him vindicated, Roccc. j
Esposito waited in county jail here '
for authorities to complete arrange- ;
.merits for his return to Canada, his
wife and their children. The 56-year-
old Kirland Lake, Ont., resident who
became a naturalized Canadian under
the name of Rocco Strange and won
a reputation in the northland for aid-
The Grey and Bruce Trust
and Savings Co.
Owen Sound
ing in capture of criminals, was ac
quitted of shooting Francesco Romeo
here in 1906 after a jury deliberated
21 hours.
Says Baldwin Will Quit May 22
London—The Havas News Agency
said it was learned that Prime Min
ister Baldwin has purchased a home
in London’s Eaton Square in antici
pation of his retirement from public
life following the coronation. Accord
ing to the agency he will submit his
resignation May 22.
New Stock Exchange Opened
Toronto—Behind a modernistic buff
and pink stone facade, the fastest op
erating stock market in the world
started pulsating Saturday to Canada’s
financial heartbeat.
Inside thg new $800,000 Toronto
Stock Exchange, something approach
ing a streamlined Valhalla of the Bull
and Bear is realized. Captains and
shock troops of finance will transact
their affairs aided by the latest de
vices of electrical and mechanical
wizardry, in surroundings reflecting
the precision and economy of a ma
chine age,
Hepburn Charges Blackmail
Affidavits alleging that Premier
Hepburn and J. J. Glass, Liberal
member for St. Andrew’s ,interfered
with the administration of the Liquor
Control Board and obtained a beer
authority for a hotel which had al
ready been refused the permit,
brought indignant denials in the Leg
islature. The Prime' Minister, who
charged the Osbornes were "a couple
of blackmailers,” refuted the truth of
the? statements, and termed Mr. Hen-
For sort throat,
gargle with 8
"Aapinn” ttblrts
The modem way to treat a cold is
this: Two “Aspirin” tablets the
moment you feel a cold coming on.
Repeat, if necessary, in two hours. If
you have a sore throat with the cold,
dissolve 3 “Aspirin” tablets in H
glass of water and gargle with this
twice. The “Aspirin” you take in
ternally will act to combat fever,
aches, pains and the cold itself. The
gargle will provide almost instant
relief from soreness and rawness of
your throat. Your doctor, we feel
sure, will approve this modem way
of treating a bold.
• “Aspirin’* tablets are made In
Canada by the Bayer Company,
Limited,of Wind
eor, Ontario.
and Get-
Bayer Company,
Western Treasury Bills Cancelled
Ottawa—Cancellation of $18,764,503
of Treasury bills of the Provinces of
Saskatchewan and Manitoba, as the
Dominion’s contribution to a program
of adjusting indebtedness of farmers
in the drought areas was the largest
item of the further supplementary es
timates for the fiscal year ended
March 31.
Senate Defeats Transport Bill
Ottawa—The Senate defeated third
reading of the transport bill 30-1'8,
leaving the Government’s action on
the measure uncertain. The vote
came after Right Hon. Arthur Meigh-
en, Opposition Leader in the upper
House, told the Chamber he believed
the measure should not be allowed to
pass and that it was “not in the pub
lic interest" that it do so.
Bishop Stops Keno Party
Stratford—Right Rev. Jno. T. Kidd,
Roman Catholic Bishop of London,
instructed Rev. Father W. T. Cor
coran not to proceed with his plans
to hold a keno-rafflc in the parish
hall of the Church of the Immaculate
Conception here. The bishop advised
Father Corcoran not to conduct such
games “until permitted by local legal
authority,” the priest said.
Half Day French Strike Etided
Paris—‘Fear of turmoil over the
bloody Clichy riots was allayed as
2,000,000 workers peacefully ended a
half-day .general strike, and the Pop
ular Front Government emerged from
what was regarded as a crisis with its
Support intact.
Teacher: “When do the leaves be
gin to turn?”
Johnny: “The night before exams.”
Sent for Trial
Electing trial by judge and jury,
Caswell Hackett, of Lucknow, charg
ed with the theft of beef hides from
a Lucknow butcher with whom he
had been employed until early in Jan
uary, was sent to higher court after
preliminary evidence had been taken
in Magistrate F. W. Walker’s weekly
police court at Walkerton. The ac
cused was arrested several weeks ago
following investigations by police,
and has been at liberty on bail, which
was renewed until his trial. '
Aged Auburn Man Passes
After an illness of several months
Robert McGee, one of the oldest res
idents of Auburn district, died at his
home on the Blyth road Wednesday
afternoon. He was born on the farm
on which he died in a log house put
up by his father on the farm. For
15 years Mr. McGee was in the liv
ery business in Kincardine. Mr. Mc
Gee was a Mason, belonging to
Blyth Lodge, and for many years
been on the managing board of
Presbtyerian church. Surviving
his wife, and one son, Harvey. The
funeral was held on Friday.
Free Water
The Wiarton Public Utilities Com
mission is in such good shape that it
will supply water to users free for
the next three months.
Professor: “Now, at what speed
does light travel?”
Student: “Pretty fast, sir. Anyway
it gets here far too soon in the morn
ing.” *
Custom Hatching
Day Old Chicks Started Chicks
Mixed and Sexed Young Cockerels
Pullets of All Ages.
S. C. White Leghorns Barred P. Rocks
There’may be a difference of 3 - 4 cents between early
and late Chicks, but there’s a big difference between Early and
Late Pullets, as will be very noticeable again next Fall.
Descriptive list and prices on request.
Write or Phone
Phone 774 Brussels, Ont